29 December, 2007
A Global Warming
Message For Christmas 2008
By Dan Bloom
Santa, I have a question for you. About this global warming thing. I keep hearing my mom and dad talk about it. So I want to know: will there be a North Pole for my great-grandchildren in 2100 or will you have moved your operations to maybe somewhere along the Arctic Circle d-o-t-t-e-d l-i-n-e at latitude 66°33'?
28 December, 2007
Christmas Present -
Something You Can Do For Your Kids
By Bill Henderson
Christmas is for kids. Give your kids the present they really need this year: Promise them you will do whatever you can to help turn the corner on climate change. It's life and death for your kids, for your grandchildren. Promise them you will work hard so that they will have a safe future
21 December, 2007
Change, National Security And Ethics
By Dr. John James
Calculations show that dangerous levels of global warming cannot now be avoided. The life-style changes needed internationally are so wide-reaching that effective and immediate action is unlikely. As Australia is one of the few countries that can survive, we should prepare now for the inevitable. Ethical issues will distort our responses for years to come if we fail to address them now
18 December, 2007
Bali Deal Is Worse Than Kyoto
By George Monbiot
America will keep on wrecking climate talks as long as those with vested interests in oil and gas fund its political system
Exposes US, Canada And Australian
Climate Racism, Climate Terrorism,
Climate Criminals And Climate Genocide
By Dr Gideon Polya
The world must urgently act now by applying Sanctions, Boycotts, Green Tariffs and Reparations Demands against the chief climate racist, climate criminal, climate terrorist, climate genocidal countries Australia, US, and Canada that are acutely threatening the world with ecosystem collapse, climate genocide and indeed an all-encompassing Terracide
17 December, 2007
Climate Conference Ends In Farce
By Patrick O’Connor
The UN-sponsored climate change conference held on the Indonesian island of Bali ended on the weekend without any agreement on combatting global warming other than vague generalities. A last-minute, face-saving communiqué was issued but, at the insistence of the Bush administration and its allies, it made no mention of specific carbon emission reduction targets
11 December, 2007
Bali Forecast - Low Expectations
By Eric Lemus
The multitudinous United Nations Conference on Climate Change under way since Dec. 3 on the tropical Indonesian island of Bali has oscillated between optimism and quiet reserve.The 12-day event is a thermometer of the success or failure of a strategic anti-global warming treaty that should emerge in two years. But the forecast is confidential
Prize Acceptance Speech
By Al Gore
Speech by Al Gore on the acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize
Should Pilot Spaceship Earth?
By Gunther Ostermann
Would anybody go on an airplane trip where the passengers will hold a vote as to who shall be the captain, co-pilot, and navigator, without any experience? Who would go on such a trip? Why then is Spaceship Earth in the hands of unqualified politicians, just because they’re given a portfolio, or vote?
10 December, 2007
Could Cool or Cook The Planet
By Stephen Leahy
A two-degree Celsius rise in global temperatures could flip the Amazon forest from being the Earth's vital air conditioner to a flamethrower that cooks the planet, warns a new report released at the climate talks in Bali, Indonesia Friday
Biggest Environmental Crime In History'
By Cahal Milmo
BP, the British oil giant that pledged to move "Beyond Petroleum" by finding cleaner ways to produce fossil fuels, is being accused of abandoning its "green sheen" by investing nearly £1.5bn to extract oil from the Canadian wilderness using methods which environmentalists say are part of the "biggest global warming crime" in history
07 December, 2007
GhGs Or Face Extreme Events - Scientists
By Imelda Abano
Scientists attending a major United Nations conference on climate change on the Indonesian resort island, Bali, warn that unless greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions are contained extreme geo-climatic events are only expectable
05 December, 2007
And Climate Change: National Interests
Versus Global Emergency
By Abdul Basit
This is an appeal to World Leaders and Scientific Community, who have gathered in Bali, Indonesia for the United Nations Climate Change Conference
04 December, 2007
What Is Progress?
By George Monbiot
The numbers show that this should be the real question at the Bali talks
Change: Bangladesh
Takes Its Trauma To Bali
By Farid Ahmed
Bangladesh sees in the United Nations climate change conference, currently underway on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, an opportunity to remind the world of its special vulnerability
03 December, 2007
Tropics 'A Threat To Millions'
By Steve Connor
The tropical belt that girdles the Earth is expanding north and south, which could have dire consequences for large regions of the world where the climate is likely to become more arid or more stormy, scientists have warned in a seminal study published today
02 December, 2007
Sucks, The Earth And The Soul
By Dr. Glen Barry
To avoid run-away abrupt climate change, all nations must embrace equitable, ambitious and urgent emission cuts in Bali
28 November, 2007
change: How Poorest Suffer Most
By Paul Vallely
Global warming is not a future apocalypse, but a present reality for many of the world's poorest people, according to the most hard-hitting United Nations report yet on climate change, published yesterday.A catalogue of the "climate shocks" that have already hit the world is set out in the Human Development Report 2007/08. Fewer than two per cent of these have affected rich countries. Europe had its most intense heatwave for 50 years and Japan its greatest number of tropical cyclones in a single year. But far more intense drought, floods and storms than usual have plagued the developing world
19 November, 2007
World Dying, But Can We Unite To Save It?
By Geoffrey Lean
Pollution in the seas is now speeding global warming, says a devastating new climate report
16 November, 2007
Great American Water Crisis
By Leonard Doyle
The US drought is now so acute that, in some southern communities, the water supply is cut off for 21 hours a day. In Chattanooga, Tennessee, a once-lush region where the American dream has been reduced to a single four-letter word: rain
06 November, 2007
Change Leadership
By Bill Henderson
Politicians in America don't lead - they are pushed. There is less than a year left to build such a robust consensus on climate change to free up the electoral process, to push aside the vested interests that do not want change, to create an opportunity for a climate change mandate so that needed emission reduction is possible. Those that recognize the danger must get much more innovative in making state of the art risk and mitigation science impossible to ignore
01 November, 2007
Losing The Ability To
Absorb Man-Made Carbon
By Steve Connor
The sprawling forests of the northern hemisphere which extend from China and Siberia to Canada and Alaska are in danger of becoming a gigantic source of carbon dioxide rather than being a major "sink" that helps to offset man-made emissions of the greenhouse gas
29 October, 2007
Prophet Of Climate Change: James Lovelock
By Jeff Goodell
One of the most eminent scientists of our time says that global warming is irreversible — and that more than 6 billion people will perish by the end of the century
Global Warming Will Create
Famine And Drought, Lovelock Warns
By Steve Connor
Climate change is happening faster than anyone predicted and its consequences could be dire for the survival of civilisation in the 21st century because of the chaos it will cause in terms of famine, drought and mass migration
26 October, 2007
Future Is At Risk
By Steve Connor
A landmark assessment by the UN of the state of the world's environment paints the bleakest picture yet of our planet's well-being. The warning is stark: humanity's future is at risk unless urgent action is taken. Over the past 20 years, almost every index of the planet's health has worsened. At the same time, personal wealth in the richest countries has grown by a third
Our Own Hell On Earth
By Tom Turnipseed
To save this planet we must each do our part and we must demand that our leaders lead. As we watch the fires in the west, can’t we see that we are destroying our beautiful country by our own hand and creating a fiery hell on earth?
22 October, 2007
That Seas Soak Up Less Greenhouse Gas
By Andrew Woodcock
The oceans’ ability to act as a “carbon sink” soaking up greenhouse gases appears to be decreasing, research shows, leading to new fears about global warming
16 October, 2007
Change Threatens The Fight To End Poverty
By Rajendra Pachauri
The possibility of large numbers of people becoming environmental refugees is not only a humanitarian problem of serious proportions but also has the potential for social disruption that needs to be avoided
BAU - 450ppm, 2 Degrees C, Change Now
By Bill Henderson
Last week Tim Flannery revealed that the next IPCC report will reveal that greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere have passed the 450( E)ppm level a full decade ahead of earlier IPCC prediction. 450ppm is the precautionary ceiling to keep temperature rise below a 2 degree C increase above the pre-industrial mean. Limiting the temperature rise to less than 2 degrees has long been considered the bottom line for avoiding dangerous climate change: for avoiding possible latent positive feedback that could lead to runaway climate change, for avoiding an apocalyptic situation where climate change was no longer within our control
13 October, 2007
Pain Of Caring Too Much
About The Earth's Death
By Dr. Glen Barry
I am unwilling and unable to sit by stoically and impassively as the Earth, her creatures and humanity suffer and die; no matter how much it hurts emotionally, and you should not either
12 October, 2007
PPM And Counting...
By John Blair
Recent reports from Australia saying that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) final Assessment due out Nov. 7 will show that we have already eclipsed the CO2 concentration of 450 PPM CO2, that we had previously hoped to remain under. The report will show that we have played the waiting game for too long. It will show that the politicians introducing mediocre measures for hopeful mitigation that will take decades to accomplish is simply too little too late
The Century
By Chris Goodall
At its root, climate change is not a scientific or technical problem, but an issue of the use of power
11 October, 2007
Drinkable Water Supply Is Vanishing
By Tara Lohan
Thanks to global warming, pollution, population growth, and privatization, we are teetering on the edge of a global crisis
10 October, 2007
Not About The Carbon
By Jim Miles
It is now recognized that global warming is happening, that it is happening faster than expected, that in order to reduce carbon output we need to make changes to our usage of carbon consuming compounds. I have argued here that carbon is not the cause, it is simply the scapegoat. The real cause, the real culprit is you and I, those of us within the huge consumptive and unsustainable free market economy that obsessively quests for growth in a finite world. The changes that need to be made need to occur at all levels of society, from personal actions broadening out to civic, federal and international actions that create a radically less consumptive world with significantly more freedom and societal health for all humanity
07 October, 2007
Change And Entire Landscapes On The Move
By Stephen Leahy
The hot breath of global warming has now touched some of the coldest northern regions of world, turning the frozen landscape into mush as temperatures soar 15 degrees C. above normal. Entire hillsides, sometimes more than a kilometre long, simply let go and slid like a vast green carpet into valleys and rivers on Melville Island in Canada’s northwest Arctic region of Nunavut this summer, says Scott Lamoureux of Queens University in Canada and leader of one the of International Polar Year projects
05 October, 2007
Climate Change: Threat To
Nature And Human Society
By Sanjeev Ghotge & Ashwin Gambhir
Kyoto II will probably represent the most important collective negotiations in world history, though too few citizens of the world recognize it as such. These negotiations will probably be more important to the future of both humanity and nature than all the previous treaties on security, trade, finance, terrorism or disarmament
Ants And Humans
By Jean-Louis Turcot & Emily Spence
We may not be as smart as ants, one might conclude. Nonetheless (if we can wisely imitate them to at least some degree), the longevity of our species may yet far outstretch the time span of the infamous Dodo birds
02 October, 2007
Folly, Egoism And Dangers Of
Climate Geo-Engineering
By Glen Barry
Is humanity so resistant to change that we will tamper with the biosphere's workings to construct a "Frankensphere"; rather than reducing population, consumption and emissions?
29 September, 2007
Thaw May Be At ‘Tipping Point’
By Alister Doyle
A record melt of Arctic summer sea ice this month may be a sign that global warming is reaching a critical trigger point that could accelerate the northern thaw, some scientists say
26 September, 2007
Calls For Radical Social Change
And Spiritual Transformation
By Dr Glen Barry
The population bomb has burst, the climate and biosphere are in tatters, and tyrannical, militaristic governments rule; yet there remains a path to global ecological sustainability
25 September, 2007
Far-Reaching Dilemmas And Provisional Remedies
By Emily Spence & Jean-Louis Robert Turcot
If we start to change our ideology in needed ways to support ourselves collectively, we can begin to put into motion the plans necessary to wean off of fossil fuels, stop our warring over resources and find a way to cooperate for mutual benefit
Is Time For Non-Violent Earth Revolution
By Glen Barry
There are times in human history where obligations to truth, humanity and being take precedent over personal safety, consumption and comfort. Now is one such moment. The time has come for non-violent, direct societal and personal revolutionary action to save the Earth
Warming: The Great Equaliser
By Adam Parsons
As the latest summit to discuss a post-Kyoto treaty continues in New York this week, the single most revealing statement has already been spoken: “We need to climate-proof economic growth”. These few words, told to reporters by the UN’s top climate official, Yvo de Boer, during the recent Vienna round of talks, define the blinded establishment approach to tackling climate change
22 September, 2007
Withdrawal 'Shatters Record'
Arctic sea ice shrank to the smallest area on record this year, US scientists have confirmed. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said the minimum extent of 4.13 million sq km (1.59 million sq miles) was reached on 16 September
19 September, 2007
Late To Avoid Global Warming'
By Cahal Milmo
The latest study from the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) put the inevitability of drastic global warming in the starkest terms yet, stating that major impacts on parts of the world – in particular Africa, Asian river deltas, low-lying islands and the Arctic – are unavoidable and the focus must be on adapting life to survive the most devastating changes
15 September, 2007
'Opens Northwest Passage'
The most direct shipping route from Europe to Asia is fully clear of ice for the first time since records began, the European Space Agency (Esa) says. Historically, the Northwest Passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans has been ice-bound through the year.But the agency says ice cover has been steadily shrinking, and this summer's reduction has made the route navigable
13 September, 2007
Warming Impact Like ‘Nuclear War’
By Jeremy Lovell
Climate change could have global security implications on a par with nuclear war unless urgent action is taken, a report said on Wednesday. The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) security think-tank said global warming would hit crop yields and water availability everywhere, causing great human suffering and leading to regional strife
11 September, 2007
Essential Paradigm Shift's Needed ASAP!
By Emily Spence
All in all, we have to realize far more than we currently do that the only salvation for humankind and the Earth as a whole will come at a price. That cost is our absolute recognition that global welfare is inter-reliant. Therefore, we need each other. Therefore, we, all together, must protect, uplift and cherish life as a general rule
08 September, 2007
From Melting Icecaps
Are Triggering Earthquakes
By Daniel Howden,
High up inside the Arctic circle the melting of Greenland's ice sheet has accelerated so dramatically that it is triggering earthquakes for the first time. Scientists monitoring the glaciers have revealed that movements of gigantic pieces of ice are creating shockwaves that register up to three on the Richter scale
Change Solutions: Beyond Science
And Above Confines
By Abdul Basit
The present crisis we are facing due to climate change is one of the rare moments in the history of mankind in which the survival of whole humanity is at stake. Many civilizations and cultures were destroyed earlier, but never on a global scale. In this hour of crisis, let us unite as one human community and face the challenges together. Let the leaders of all the communities, scientists, artists, academics, intellectuals, philosophers, poets, musicians, sportsmen along with world populace come together and save the humanity
01 September, 2007
Crisis And Despair
By Bill Fletcher
I heard about the conversation a few months ago. It took place between my 18 year old daughter and some of her friends. Her friends had concluded that they would not permit THEIR children to have children because they believed that by that time the world would be coming to an end
28 August, 2007
Happening To Our Weather?
By Michael McCarthy
The pattern of increasing heat and wet weather has been visible all around the globe, with temperature and rainfall records broken in many other countries, from Australia (record drought) and India (record monsoon rains) to Greece (record forest fires)
26 August, 2007
To Counter Global Warming
And Climate Change
By Abdul Basit
If we postpone and continue to debate, we will reach a stage were the only viable topic to debate will be whether we are headed for the end of the modern civilization or we are passing through sunset of human existence on the face of the earth
24 August, 2007
Climate Change Wiki
By Bill Henderson
Building a wiki could be the democratic innovation we need to finally adequately address the climate change problem - a wiki could at least put us all on the same page - and may be a very useful tool in managing man so that a sustainable future is possible
20 August, 2007
Lessons From An Antarctic Summer
By Meredith Hooper
What can dying penguins tell us about the future of the planet? Meredith Hooper spent a 'ferocious' summer in Antarctica and discovered a living experiment going horribly wrong
Climate Change : 20 Attempts
To Model The Emergency
By Bill Henderson
I'm no expert and this modeling of possible reaction to the emergency is by no means definitive - just an attempt to get past denial to action
15 August, 2007
To Counter Global Warming
And Climate Change
By Abdul Basit
As we move recklessly forward with the so called economic progress ignoring the signs of nature and the writing on the wall, its time to address some basic questions about the goals and objectives set by ourselves as individuals and nations. We must also reconsider whether the present way of economic growth and development will lead to our true progress or to the total destruction
14 August, 2007
Sea Ice Set To Hit New Low
By Mark Kinver
Arctic sea ice is expected to retreat to a record low by the end of this summer, scientists have predicted. Measurements made by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) showed the extent of sea ice on 8 August was almost 30% below the long-term average
10 August, 2007
On Carbon 'Missing The Point'
By Eamon O'Hara
Focusing on the need to reduce CO2 emissions has reduced the problem to one of carbon dioxide rather than on the unsustainable ways we live. Is it not time to recognise that climate change is yet another symptom of our unsustainable lifestyles, which must now become the focus our efforts?
Perspective On Global Warming
By Jean-Louis Robert Turcot & Emily Spence
The solution might be, in the end, quite simple It just may be that 'The more we take care of each other, the more the Earth will take care of us,' or, to put it more succinctly, the more that we allow more life to live with a reasonable prospect for survival, the more Gaia may tolerate our presence and work with us to continue our individual species, a species that is just one of ever so many currently at peril from our all too human inhumane actions
09 August, 2007
Weather A Taste Of Things To Come
By Marc Kaufman
The year still has almost five months to go, but it has already experienced a range of weather extremes that the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation says is well outside the historical norm and is a precursor to much greater weather variability as global warming transforms the planet
07 August, 2007
Catastrophes And Cooperation
By Emily Spence
In the end, we, all of us, have to ask ourselves whether we wish to have more of everything (manufactured goods, vacation homes, holidays in far away locations and so on) in the short term or do we want to stretch out our use of resources to give the Earth a break to heal and to try to help ensure that future generations can more easily survive
04 August, 2007
End Of Cheap Food
By John James
It looks like the era of cheap food is over. The price of maize has doubled in a year, and wheat futures are at their highest in a decade. The food price index in India has risen 11%, and in Mexico in January there were riots after the price of corn flour went up fourfold. The floods in England and India have devastated crops. In nearly every country food prices are going up, and they are probably not going to come down again
Would The World Be Like At 2°C?
By John James
That's when the biosphere begins to absorb less of the CO2 that we produce, and that is a point beyond which we can't do anything more about it. 2°C global warming leads automatically to 3°, because of positive feedbacks. 3° leads automatically to 4°. Once we get to that point, we wash our hands of it. There's nothing more we can do. So we must not get to that point. That is critical. We can't allow 2°C of warming to happen
02 August, 2007
Criminals And Climate Genocide
By Gideon Polya
The Western world is dominated by lying, racist, Bush-ite media who are still giving the climate criminals a free run to pollute the planet at the expense of the Developing World. The words of the world’s most eminent scientists, technologists and economists are failing under the weight of corporate Mainstream media lies and spin
30 July, 2007
Boost 'Due To Warm Sea'
By Matt McGrath
A new analysis of Atlantic hurricanes says their numbers have doubled over the last century. The study says that warmer sea surface temperatures and changes in wind patterns caused by climate change are fuelling much of the increase
Out Fossil Fuels: A Cause For Glee?
By Emily Spence
John James, one of the writers for Crisis Coalition, suggests, "It may be that declining oil may save us from climate change. 1.5 degrees is inevitable, and in another four years -- two degrees. Were oil to decline in that time span, we may yet survive
28July, 2007
The Benefits And The Deficits Of Advancements
By Emily Spence
As an acquaintance recently wrote, "The Earth [is] spinning inexorably without caring who inhabits her. We need a new species of individuals, without religion, hatred or borders if this is possible. In the meantime, enjoy yourself. It's later than you think."
24 July, 2007
Under Water: Scientists
Confirm Global Warming Link
By Michael McCarthy
It's official: the heavier rainfall in Britain is being caused by climate change, a major new scientific study will reveal this week, as the country reels from summer downpours of unprecedented ferocity
Gore - Non-Linear Climate Change Politics
By Bill Henderson
A Gore run for president will only happen and be successful when this true appreciation of danger from climate change pushes far ahead of more immediate economic and security electoral concerns. And, in all probability, this more accurate appreciation of the climate change danger won't happen in time for 08 so Mr. Gore is probably not electable as climate change president and is probably more effective still as an outsider
16 July, 2007
Sounds The Alarm
By Kathy Marks
For Tuvalu, a string of nine picturesque atolls and coral islands, global warming is not an abstract danger; it is a daily reality. The tiny South Pacific nation, only four metres above sea level at its highest point, may not exist in a few decades. Its people are already in flight; more than 4,000 live in New Zealand, and many of the remaining 10,500 are planning to join the exodus. Others, though, are determined to stay and try to fight the advancing waves
13 July, 2007
Warming Is A Human Rights Issue
By Mary Shaw
If action isn't taken immediately worldwide to reduce carbon emissions, the consequences could be catastrophic. This isn't just about polar bears and glaciers. It's about humanity. It's about the right to protection from the deliberate and careless destruction of people's homelands, property, and livelihoods. It's about the right to observe one's native culture. It's about the basic human right to physical integrity. All of these things are on the line for millions of people if this problem isn't stopped now. In other words, global warming a human rights issue
11 July, 2007
Activity 'Not The Cause Of Global Warming'
By Steve Connor
Claims that increased solar activity is the cause of global warming - rather than man-made greenhouse gases - have been comprehensively disproved by a detailed study of the Sun
06 July, 2007
Message From The Melting Slopes Of Everest
By Cahal Milmo & Sam Relph
Fifty-four years after Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first men to scale Everest, their sons have said the mountain is now so ravaged by climate change that they would no longer recognise it
04 July, 2007
Warming: A Sudden Change Of State
By George Monbiot
The IPCC predicts that sea levels could rise by as much as 59cm this century. James Hansen’s paper argues that the slow melting of ice sheets the panel expects doesn’t fit the data. The geological record suggests that ice at the poles does not melt in a gradual and linear fashion, but flips suddenly from one state to another. When temperatures increased to 2-3 degrees above today’s level 3.5 million years ago, sea levels rose not by 59 centimeters but by 25 meters. The ice responded immediately to changes in temperature
26 June, 2007
Proof Of climate Change
And The Inevitability Of 2 C
By Dr John James
Were we to instantly stop all emissions, stop everything today, average global temperature would continue to rise as follows: Current temp + latent heat + dimming = 0.78 + 0.45 + 20% = 1.5 C. This is double the increase of the past two centuries
19 June, 2007
Earth Today Stands In Imminent Peril
By Steve Connor
Six scientists from some of the leading scientific institutions in the United States have issued what amounts to an unambiguous warning to the world: civilisation itself is threatened by global warming. Instead of sea levels rising by about 40 centimetres, as the IPCC predicts in one of its computer forecasts, the true rise might be as great as several metres by 2100. That is why, they say, planet Earth today is in "imminent peril"
Warming To Multiply
World’s Refugee Burden
By Allistair Lyon
If rising sea levels force the people of the Maldive Islands to seek new homes, who will look after them in a world already turning warier of refugees? The daunting prospect of mass population movements set off by climate change and environmental disasters poses an imminent new challenge that no one has yet figured out how to meet
09 June, 2007
Compromise Masks Mounting Conflicts
By Peter Schwarz
On a closer look the alleged breakthrough on the climate question proves to be nothing other than a hollow compromise. The G8 have agreed to aim for a “substantial reduction” of greenhouse gas emissions. Concrete goals, however, have not been determined—not to speak of binding obligations
Nearing Climate’s Tipping Point
By P. H. Liotta
With the continuing failure of decision makers to deal with climate change and its impact, we are entering a future from which we may not be able to turn back. Indeed, the last time in history carbon dioxide (CO{-2}) levels were at levels similar to today’s was during the time of the mid-Pliocene “warm” period — some 3.5 million years ago
07 June, 2007
Antarctica, Proof That Action On
climate Change Is More Urgent Than Ever
By Steve Connor
Fears that global sea levels this century may rise faster and further than expected are supported by a study showing that 300 glaciers in Antarctica have begun to move more quickly into the ocean
05 June, 2007
The Fightback To Save Our Planet
By Frank Field
Protecting the rainforests offers the world one last crucial breathing space
03 June, 2007
Warming 'Is Three Times Faster
Than Worst Predictions'
By Geoffrey Lean
Global warming is accelerating three times more quickly than feared, a series of startling, authoritative studies has revealed. They have found that emissions of carbon dioxide have been rising at thrice the rate in the 1990s. The Arctic ice cap is melting three times as fast - and the seas are rising twice as rapidly - as had been predicted
01 June, 2007
Problem With The Global Warming Skeptics
By Joshua Frank
Alexander Cockburn has been making waves with his recent series on global warming, which has been published in The Nation and online at CounterPunch.org where he serves as co-editor. In them, Cockburn attacks the logic of those fear-mongering scientists and all of us uneducated “Greenhousers” who believe humans, and our industrialized economy, are negatively impacting the planet’s climate
30 May, 2007
Warming: Who’s To Blame?
By Nicole Colson
In any rational society, the threat of global warming would have gotten attention a long time ago, with every possible resource devoted to measures to slow climate change and alleviate its effects. But under capitalism, greed and profits come first--even at the risk of far-reaching global devastation
Climate Change: An Obesity Analogy
By Bill Henderson
Sea-level rise in 2100. An increasing risk of hurricanes, weird weather and heat waves. Risks to farming and forestry; drought and famine leading to failed states and refugees. Corroding ecosystems; species extinction; disease migration and bug infestations. Predicted increasing but adaptable - not terminal - risks as the temperature rises
21 May, 2007
Working Less Is Better For The Globe
By Dara Colwell
Americans are working harder than ever before. The dogged pursuit of the paycheck coupled with a 24/7 economy has thrust many of us onto a never-ending treadmill. But of workaholism's growing wounded, its greatest casualty has been practically ignored -- the planet
Dangerous Climate Change This Week
By Bill Henderson
The turn it around within a decade, 2 degrees imperative seems to be sinking in, but, for the moment, at the government level, only as a lofty European goal to be rejected by the White House and sycophants
20 May, 2007
Dams Largest Methane Emitters
Among The World's Dams
By Himanshu Thakkar
Latest scientific estimates show that Large dams in India are responsible for about a fifth of the countries' total global warming impact. The estimates also reveal that Indian dams are the largest global warming contributors compared to all other nations
19 May, 2007
Natural Defenses Against
Climate Change ‘Beginning To Fail’
By Michael McCarthy
The earth’s ability to soak up the gases causing global warming is beginning to fail because of rising temperatures, in a long-feared sign of “positive feedback,” new research reveals today
15 May, 2007
Billion To Be Displaced By 2050
By Agence France Presse
At least one billion people risk fleeing their homes over the next four decades because of conflicts and natural disasters that will worsen with global warming, a relief agency warned Monday
14 May, 2007
The Hidden Cause Of Global Warming
By Daniel Howden
The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around the Earth's equator, is now being recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. Carbon emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories
Climate Change: Eco-Fascism
By Bill Henderson
Eco-fascism - is it possible that soon a government will introduce Draconian regulations in an effort to avert dangerous (runaway or abrupt) climate change against the wishes of the majority of the population?
09 May, 2007
By Rand Clifford
Instead of sitting in this luxurious blue lifeboat and arguing over the size of the hole in the hull, or arguing about how to slow the leaking—rather than risking a sinking, perhaps it’s time we started bailing. Tweaking emission levels at this point are just so much arguing about that hole, because carbon dioxide we’ve already emitted tends to persist in the atmosphere about a century. And major systems we’ve already sent into positive feedback increasingly threaten to make anything we do or don’t do now virtually irrelevant
08 May, 2007
Accused Of Falsifying Data In
Documentary On Climate Change
By Steve Connor
The makers of a Channel 4 documentary which claimed that global warming is a swindle have been accused of fabricating data by one of the scientists who participated in the film
Up On Two Degrees
By John James
The rich nations seeking to cut climate change have this in common: they lie. You won’t find this statement in the draft of the new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was leaked to the Guardian last week. But as soon as you understand the numbers, the words form before your eyes. The governments making genuine efforts to tackle global warming are using figures they know to be false
05 May, 2007
Change Can Be Halted, UN Concludes
By Michael McCarthy
Global warming is solvable, United Nations climate change experts said yesterday, in a landmark judgement running counter to increasing pessimism about the most serious threat facing the world. The greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, whose emissions growth is causing the atmosphere to warm, can be brought under control, said the economists of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - but only if governments act decisively
04 May, 2007
Fear As Global Warming Increases
By Colin Brown
Global warming could lead to a return of insect-borne diseases in Britain such as malaria, and increased incidence of skin cancer caused by exposure to the sun, a government report warns today
To Cockburn
By George Monbiot
Cockburn's article cannot be taken seriously until we have seen his list of references, and affirmed that the key claims he makes have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This would not mean they are correct, though it does mean that they are worth discussing
02 May, 2007
Sea Ice 'Vanishing At
Faster Rate Than Expected'
By Steve Connor
Scientists may have seriously underestimated the speed at which Arctic sea ice will melt in the coming decades, caused by global warming, according to a study published today
30 April, 2007
450ppm, 2 Degrees, Change Now Imperative
By Bill Henderson
450ppm; 2 degrees; change now is as yet a minority opinion amongst climate change specialists but do the deep reading and thinking and you'll realize that there is nothing more important and that this bottom line must now impact everything we do
28 April, 2007
Versus Climate
By Rand Clifford
Part One of the series: Perspectives On Our Changing Climate
25 April, 2007
Offer Frightening Forecast
By Ker Than & Andrea Thompson
Our planet's prospects for environmental stability are bleaker than ever.Here is a timeline which paints the big picture and details Earth's future based on several recent studies and the longer scientific version of the IPCC report
Island Made By Global Warming
By Michael McCarthy
The map of Greenland will have to be redrawn. A new island has appeared off its coast, suddenly separated from the mainland by the melting of Greenland's enormous ice sheet, a development that is being seen as the most alarming sign of global warming
23 April, 2007
La-la Land
By Emily Spence
Another Earth Day will come and go. Yet during its twenty-four hours, people around the globe will join together in a tremendous effort to address a host of varied woes facing planet. Some will pick up trash along highways and beaches. A few will build bat and bird houses for their neighborhoods. Others will pitch in to do a greater job in recycling. However and despite their good intentions, the stark backdrop surrounding these special events will not go away
21 April, 2007
Epic Drought
By Kathy Marks
Australia has warned that it will have to switch off the water supply to the continent's food bowl unless heavy rains break an epic drought - heralding what could be the first climate change-driven disaster to strike a developed nation
Needs To Axe Greenhouse Gases By 80 Pct
By Alister Doyle
The world will have to axe greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050, more deeply than planned, to have an even chance of curbing global warming in line with European Union goals, researchers said on Thursday
18 April, 2007
Change Will Devastate South Asia
By Daphne Wysham & Smitu Kothari
In South Asia, millions of people will find their lands and homes inundated, according to a draft report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Close Are We To Irreversible Damage?
What Can We Still Do About It?
By Dr John James
How close are we to a 2 degree rise, and when will we get there? This report will show that this critical threshold is much closer than most are prepared to admit
12 April, 2007
Is Climate Change Censorship -
And It’s The Deniers Who Dish It Out
By George Monbiot
Global Warming scientists are under intense pressure to water down findings, and are then accused of silencing their critics
11 April, 2007
As Usual
By Emily Spence
The future for the whole Earth looks horribly bleak. If worst case scenarios transpire, an inordinate number of people will die, during this century, due to the effects of global warming. In addition, up to one fourth of all species, in the same time span, will become extinct for identical reasons
10 April, 2007
Warming Report Too Soft, Scientists Say
By Alan Zarembo & Thomas H. Maugh II
A new global warming report issued Friday by the United Nations paints a near-apocalyptic vision of Earth’s future: hundreds of millions of people short of water, extreme food shortages in Africa, a landscape ravaged by floods and millions of species sentenced to extinction.Despite its harsh vision, the report was quickly criticized by some scientists who said its findings were watered down at the last minute by governments seeking to deflect calls for action
03 April, 2007
Report Maps Out ‘Highway To Extinction’
By Seth Borenstein
A key element of the second major report on climate change being released Friday in Belgium is a chart that maps out the effects of global warming, most of them bad, with every degree of temperature rise.There’s one bright spot: A minimal heat rise means more food production in northern regions of the world.However, the number of species going extinct rises with the heat, as does the number of people who may starve, or face water shortages, or floods, according to the projections in the draft report obtained by The Associated Press
30 March, 2007
Himalayan Icefields
Threatening Drought In Bangladesh
By Justin Huggler
Notorious for its annual floods, Bangladesh may seem the last place in the world to worry about a drying up of the rivers that flow from the Himalayas. But the country is as much at risk from drought as it is from flooding. Already farmers who used to grow rice have turned to farming prawns because the water in their fields has turned so salty nothing will grow there
Mega-Cities In For A Bumpy Ride
By Srabani Roy
About 643 million people, or one-tenth of the world’s population, who live in low lying coastal areas are at great risk of oceans-related impacts of climate change, according to a global research study to be released next month
26 March, 2007
Melting May Be Speeding Up
By Michael Byrnes
“I feel that we’re getting uncomfortably close to threshold,” said Church, of Australia’s CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research said. Past this level, parts of the Antarctic and Greenland would approach a virtually irreversible melting that would produce sea level rises of meters, he said
24 March, 2007
Ocean Current Faces Slowdown Threat
By Michael Byrnes
The impact of global warming on the vast Southern Ocean around Antarctica is starting to pose a threat to ocean currents that distribute heat around the world, Australian scientists say, citing new deep-water data
23 March, 2007
Most Important Crops Hit
By Global Warming Effects
By Steve Connor
Global warming over the past quarter century has led to a fall in the yield of some of the most important food crops in the world, according to one of the first scientific studies of how climate change has affected cereal crops
17 March, 2007
Of Arctic Sea Ice
'Has Reached Tipping-Point'
By Steve Connor
A catastrophic collapse of the Arctic sea ice could lead to radical climate changes in the northern hemisphere according to scientists who warn that the rapid melting is at a "tipping point" beyond which it may not recover. The scientists attribute the loss of some 38,000 square miles of sea ice - an area the size of Alaska - to rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as to natural variability in Arctic ice
14 March, 2007
To Lead World In Climate Change Fight
By Joe Churcher
Britain will lead the world towards combating climate change, Tony Blair vowed today. He unveiled a "revolutionary step" in the Government's blueprint for reducing harmful emissions, binding the UK to a 60-per-cent cut by 2050
Expensive To Ignore Global Warming
By Bruce Barnbaum
Some leaders -- notably President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney -- have stated they will do nothing to stem global warming if it will harm our economy. Let's examine two examples of what would happen to our economy if we follow their advice and do nothing
13 March, 2007
last - Let Us All Do Something!
"Step It Up!" April 14th
By Kerry Martin
I would like your help with two things... One is to make "Step It Up!" into a successful Global Day of Gathering - not just a parochial American thing! .Second is to step up the idea of Step It Up! and introduce the concept that April 14th is only the beginning of a Global Gathering Movement that is going to gather momentum and evolve as needs be over the coming months and years.
By Somnath Mukherji
There still are many societies in Asia, Africa and Latin America living closer to nature with capacities to evaluate the costs in their entirety; societies that have defined progress and pursue happiness in more benign and sustainable ways. Instead of pushing them to the margins, the “developed” world should be learning from them
11 March, 2007
Church Of Business
By Bill Henderson
Isn't the first necessary step in protecting against the worst dangers of climate change the destruction of The Church of Business?
08 March, 2007
Change Disrupting Life Cycles
With Fatal Results
By Terry Kirby
The behaviour of Britain's wildlife is raising alarm about the seriousness of climate change as animals' breeding patterns are thrown into confusion. The second mildest winter on record has resulted in mammals, reptiles, birds and insects emerging from shelter far too early.They are getting caught out by cold snaps or wet weather and the young of many species are dying. Baby hedgehogs, baby squirrels, even baby grass snakes are being found in distress in many places
The Planet, And Hurry
By Lawrence Smith Jr.
When even tomorrow's weather forecast often enough turns out to be inaccurate, it is fair to question projections of the world's climate 100 years from now. But if the best scientific evidence available overwhelmingly concludes that global warming is an "unequivocal fact," prudence, if nothing else, suggests that we act with all deliberate speed to protect and preserve a planet that we do not own, but for which we have been granted temporary stewardship
03 March, 2007
Is La Niña, And Will It Cause
Serious Climate Disruption?
By Steve Connor
One of the greatest concerns is that La Niña is associated with an increase in Atlantic hurricanes. It can also cause drier-than-usual conditions in the southern United States, which experienced a serious drought during the last La Niña some seven years ago
01 March, 2007
A Bit Anti-Climatic
By Michael Major
If we attempt to make climate braking profitable for corporations then we greatly delay the date at which any real reversal may begin. Like peak oil we will see the occasion of reversal only in the rear view mirror. The climate is not broken. We cannot usefully act directly on the climate. Climate change is not a discrete illness but a valuable symptom reflecting a lethal underlying global disease
28 February, 2007
Ice Gives Birth To A Strange New World
By Steve Connor
Marine biologists made a unique inventory of lifeforms on a part of the seabed that had been sealed off for thousands of years by massive ice shelves before they suddenly broke up. Waves of colonising plants and animals quickly moved in to exploit the new habitat which had opened up after a region of ice a third of the size of Belgium had disappeared and let in daylight and oxygen
25 February, 2007
Woman, Fighting To Save Her
People From Extinction
By Andrew Gumbel
If Nobel Peace Prizes could refreeze the polar ice caps, then Sheila Watt-Cloutier would be a very happy woman indeed because her people are, "defending the right to be cold"
24 February, 2007
Risks Of Climate Change Are Unacceptable
By John James
In many scenarios based on recent research there is an approximate ten percent risk that we will pass an irreversible tipping point in the next five years. While debate circles around the costs of climate change, the risks of sudden and catastrophic change grow
Change, Peak Oil And Nuclear War
By Bill Henderson
The Bush Admin appears to want to play double or nothing with war in Iran to try again at enforcing their neocon vision for the Middle East. Valuable time is wasting as we drift along down to energy shortage and, at the same time, increasing greenhouse gas emissions
22 February, 2007
Is Very Repugnant To Some
By Bill Henderson
Runaway climate change is an increasingly probable risk of self-extinction. A 90% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 is the prudent risk averse self-governance required but so far necessary change of this scale is very repugnant to some
18 February, 2007
Sound Alarm Over
Melting Antarctic Ice Sheets
By Steve Connor
The long-term stability of the massive ice sheets of Antarctica, which have the potential to raise sea levels by hundreds of meters, has been called into question with the discovery of fast-moving rivers of water sliding beneath their base
Gases Hit New High,Rise Accelerates
By Alister Doyle
Concentrations of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas emitted largely by burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and cars, had risen to 390 parts per million (ppm) from 388 a year ago
17 February, 2007
Warming: It’s All About Energy
By Michael T. Klare
Global warming is an energy problem, and we cannot have both an increase in conventional fossil fuel use and a habitable planet. It’s one or the other. We must devise a future energy path that will meet our basic (not profligate) energy needs and also rescue the climate while there’s still time. The technology to do so is potentially available to us, but only if we make the decision to develop it swiftly and on a very large scale
12 February, 2007
Conclude Global Warming Is “Unequivocal”
By Mark Rainer
The IPCC report predicts a greater frequency of heat waves, more intense tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes), the possible disappearance of summer Arctic sea ice, increasing acidification of the ocean, and changing patterns of precipitation that will cause an increasing number of draughts for some portions of the world
Vault' To Resist Global Warming Effects
By Penny MacRae
An Arctic "doomsday vault" aimed at providing mankind with food in case of a global catastrophe will be designed to sustain the effects of climate change, the project's builders said as they unveiled the architectural plans
09 February, 2007
conspiracy Of Silence On Climate Change
By Ashwin Gambhir
A review of George Monbiot's book - Heat: How to stop the planet burning
07 February, 2007
Dioxide Rate Is At Highest Level
For 650,000 Years
By Steve Connor
Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are at their highest levels for at least 650,000 years and this rise began with the birth of the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
03 February, 2007
Blamed For Climate Change
By Richard Black
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said temperatures were probably going to increase by 1.8-4C by the end of the century. It also projected that sea levels were most likely to rise by 28-43cm, and global warming was likely to influence the intensity of tropical storms
Offered Cash To Dispute Climate Study
By Ian Sample
Letters sent by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered the payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Warming Is Being
Seriously Underestimated
By John James
A number of simply gigantic reserves of greenhouse gasses that nature has stored for our benefit are now beginning to flood back into the atmosphere
Energy Experts Announce Way
To Freeze Global Warming
By Brad Collins
As scientists sound daily alarms about the dire consequences of global warming, Americans are asking one question: What can we do about it? The American Solar Energy Society (ASES) has an answer: Deploy clean energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies now!
31 January, 2007
Climate Report Too Rosy, Experts Say
By Seth Borenstein
Later this week in Paris, climate scientists will issue a dire forecast for the planet that warns of slowly rising sea levels and higher temperatures. But that may be the sugarcoated version
High Water, And Corporate Profit
By Mickey Z.
From the World Glacier Monitoring
Service comes the latest in a long line of dire warnings. Thanks to
climate change, mountain glaciers are shrinking three times faster
than they were in the 1980s. Across America, two distinct sounds are
heard: a collective yawn and the clacking of keyboards as another
million words are written to cast global warming as a tree-hugger
30 January, 2007
Warming: The Vicious Circle
By Steve Connor
The effects of man-made emissions of carbon dioxide are being felt on every inhabited continent in the world with very different parts of the climate now visibly responding to human activity. These are among the main findings of the most intensive study of climate change by 2,000 of the world's leading climate scientists. They conclude that there is now little doubt that human activity is changing the face of the planet
25 January, 2007
A Letter In Answer To A Cynic…
By Kerry Martin
My soul LOVES being clothed in physical matter, and utterly enjoys being immersed in the wonders of Nature, and this soul has been mourning for thirty years over the devastation our species has ignorantly inflicted on our Living Earth, and this soul has long ago reduced her physical footprint to the smallest possible - by doing without
23 January, 2007
Climate Change, Not Our Enemies
By Robert Fisk
How casually these warnings come to us. How casually we treat them. I suspect that most people feel so detached from political power - so hopeless when faced with a world tragedy - they can do nothing but watch in growing anger and distress. Water levels in the world's oceans may rise 20 feet higher, we are told. And I calculate that in Beirut, the Mediterranean - in rough weather -- will be splashing over my second-floor balcony wall
Of Doomsday: Stephen Hawking, Eco-Warrior
By Geoffrey Lean
'In a world that is in chaos, politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?' So asked the most famous scientist on the planet, the newest recruit to the mission to save the Earth
18 January, 2007
Resets 'Doomsday Clock'
By Molly Bentley
Experts assessing the dangers posed to civilisation have added climate change to the prospect of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind. As a result, the group has moved the minute hand on its famous "Doomsday Clock" two minutes closer to midnight
Need To Act Now To Save The Environment
By Martin Rees
Humankind's collective impacts on the biosphere, climate and oceans are unprecedented. These environmentally driven threats - "threats without enemies" - should loom as large in the political perspective as did the East/West political divide during the Cold War era.Unless they rise higher on international agendas, remedial action may come too late to prevent "runaway" climatic or environmental devastation
Towards The Big Melt
By Stephen Leahy
The world collectively overshot the Earth's capacity to support us in 1984, the World Wildlife Fund's Living Planet Report notes. In the 22 years since reaching that crucial tipping point, rates of consumption of resources have accelerated. Not just in North America and Europe but China and India, not to mention other parts of Asia and Latin America
13 January, 2007
You Were Here (a small sampling)
By Mickey Z.
Estimates vary, but roughly 50,000 animal and plant species become extinct each year. That¹s over 130 per day, about 6 per hour
12 January, 2007
Law Of Life And The Law Of Death
Apocalypse No! part 3
By Juan Santos
Facing the reality of our times, facing the apocalypse, means stripping down. As bare as you can get. The truth about the condition of the world, if you can take it in – even in part - will lay you flat, for days, or weeks
11 January, 2007
Change Will Transform The Face Of Europe
By Michael McCarthy & Stephen Castle
The ecosystems that have underpinned all European societies from Ancient Greece and Rome to present-day Britain and France, and which helped European civilisation gain global pre-eminence, will be disabled by remorselessly rising temperatures, EU scientists forecast in a remarkable report which is as ominous as it is detailed
01 January, 2007
Christian 07
By Bill Henderson
Given climate change time lags, path dependence/inertia, and necessary lead time, is the window of opportunity closing for any effective remedial action to save us from severe climate change or even humanity threatening runaway climate change
31 December, 2006
Ice Shelf Collapses In The Arctic
By Michael McCarthy
A vast ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic has broken up, a further sign of the astonishing rate at which polar ice is now melting because of global warming
30 December, 2006
Warnings From China's First
Climate Change Report
Temperatures in China will rise significantly in coming decades and water shortages will worsen, state media has reported, citing the government's first national assessment of global climate change
24 December, 2006
Warming And Rising
By Julio Godoy
Ocean levels will rise faster than expected if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, a leading German researcher warns
22 December, 2006
Change vs Mother Nature
By Geneviève Roberts
Bears have stopped hibernating in the mountains of northern Spain, scientists revealed yesterday, in what may be one of the strongest signals yet of how much climate change is affecting the natural world
shock To The Ancient Rhythms
Of The Natural World
By Michael McCarthy
Animals that hibernate in winter abandoning hibernation: yet another signal that something momentous is happening to the rhythms of the natural world, in the way in which we have always understood them
20 December, 2006
Climate Change Tipping Point?
By Stephen Leahy
This was the year that most people in the U.S. and Canada began to take climate change seriously and express hope that their governments would take action to reduce emissions -- but it is unclear if they will take action themselves
19 December, 2006
Global Warming -
The New Ecoterrorist Menace
By Bill Henderson
A spoof
17 December, 2006
Where Has All The Snow Gone?
By Geoffrey Lean
Right across Europe's highest mountain chain, says the World Meteorological Organisation, only a third as much snow as usual has fallen so far this winter. Temperatures are up to three degrees centigrade higher than normal, and in some resorts the weather is so warm that even artificial snowmaking machines will not work
08 December, 2006
More War
By Ed O’Rourke
The terrorists are an insignificant challenge to mankind’s survival. Without nuclear weapons, they may be able to kill a few thousand people at a time. On the other hand, nuclear war, global warming or environmental degradation will wipe out civilization
04 December, 2006
Capitalism And The Third Maroon War
By John Maxwell
We are all Maroons now, whether we know it or not, wherever we are on the face of the Earth, whoever we are, black, white or in-between, male or female, human, as long as we are alive, animal or vegetable, on land or in the sea or the air, our very existence is under attack.If we want to survive we have to take action. We need to resist the destruction of our own and our planet’s integrity, resist degradation and deformity and protect ourselves from extinction
03 December, 2006
Ice Shelf 'May Collapse without Warning'
By New Zealand Herald
The Ross Ice Shelf, a massive piece of ice the size of France, could break off without warning causing a dramatic rise in sea levels, warn New Zealand scientists working in Antarctica
02 December, 2006
Supreme Court Divided on Warming
By Zachary Coile
The U.S. Supreme Court, tackling its first case on climate change, appeared divided and somewhat baffled Wednesday over how the government should respond to the warming of the planet
29 November, 2006
Emissions Show Sharp Rise
By Richard Black
The rise in humanity's emissions of carbon dioxide has accelerated sharply, according to a new analysis.The Global Carbon Project says that emissions were rising by less than 1% annually up to the year 2000, but are now rising at 2.5% per year
Methane Curse
By Cameron Hunt
One of the more obscure outcomes of any large-scale switch to LNG use in transport, might just be that the downtrodden peoples of the Middle East get to witness the final exorcism of the ‘oil curse’, and its associated foreign occupations. I can see them now, at their celebrations, nodding sagely as Australia’s rulers boast to the world of its vast uranium reserves
24 November, 2006
Your Seat Belts For Global Warming
By Mickey Z.
"It's not just down the road somewhere. It is just hurtling toward us. Anyone who is 10 years old right now is going to be facing a very different and frightening world by the time that they are 50 or 60."
20 November, 2006
Of Warming Continue In The Arctic
By Randolph Schmid
Signs of warming continue in the Arctic with a decline in sea ice, an increase in shrubs growing on the tundra and rising concerns about the Greenland ice sheet
Climate Change - A Frightening
Lack Of Leadership
By Bill Henderson
We need leaders to free us from the present unsustainable economy and motivate and empower us today to make the changes necessary to save us from extinction
16 November, 2006
Worm And The Special Committee
On Sustainable Aquaculture
By Bill Henderson
Two new reports - one by an economist looking at climate change and the other by fisheries scientists looking at declining biodiversity in the world's oceans - have both captured the world's attention predicting humanity threatening disaster by mid-century without an immediate change of human behavior
Warming: Don't Ignore The Risks
By Joseph Stiglitz
We have but one planet, and should treasure it. Global warming is a risk that we simply cannot afford to ignore anymore
08 November, 2006
Value Carbon Offsets?
By John James
Even if we stop emitting now many forests will quite soon begin to emit more CO2 than they absorb. We have to go beyond the comforts of Kyoto to full governmental regulation that will penalise poluters (including car owners and airlines) and reward low impact technology
05 November, 2006
Wild Seafood Will Disappear In 50 Years
By Steve Connor
All wild seafood will have disappeared from the world's menus within 50 years if current trends in overfishing continue according to one of the most comprehensive studies of marine life
02 November, 2006
Action On Climate Change Is
Needed Now - And Here's The Plan
By George Monbiot
So how do we do it without bringing civilisation crashing down? Here is a plan for drastic but affordable action that the government could take
01 November, 2006
Day That Changed The Climate
By Colin Brown & Rupert Cornwell
Future generations may come to regard the apocalyptic report by Sir Nicholas Stern, a former chief economist at the World Bank, as the turning point in combating global warming, or as the missed opportunity
What Does The Stern Report
Mean For The world?
By Michael McCarthy
We've heard a thousand calls to action, to stop global warming happening. But what would that cost the world? And what would doing nothing cost us? Hitherto, no one had any real idea. But now Sir Nicholas Stern and his team have come up with concrete numbers
31 October, 2006
Of Greenland's Ice Sheet
'Is The Turning Point'
By Michael McCarthy
The world's target for stopping global warming should be based on the point at which the melting of the great Greenland ice sheet becomes irreversible
30 October, 2006
Apocalypse: The Continent
Burning Into A Desert
By Geoffrey Lean
Nowhere is the effect of global warming more dangerous than in Somalia, where the worst drought in 40 years is affecting the lives of 1.8 million people
27 October, 2006
Warming Threatens Pacific Island States
By Kathy Marks
While rich nations tinker with policies that may shave their carbon dioxide emissions, low-lying South Pacific nations such as Kiribati are sinking beneath the waves
21 October, 2006
Change 'Will Cause Refugee Crisis'
By Michael McCarthy
Mass movements of people across the world are likely to be one of the most dramatic effects of climate change in the coming century
Ice Sheet Shrinking Fast
By Reuters
The vast sheet of ice that covers Greenland is shrinking fast, but still not as fast as previous research indicated
Says Number Of Ocean "Dead Zones" Rising Fast
By Daniel Wallis
The number of "dead zones" in the world's oceans may have increased by a third in just two years, threatening fish stocks and the people who depend on them
11 October, 2006
Seas Could Leave Millions Homeless In Asia
By Michael Perry
Millions of people could become homeless in the Asia-Pacific region by 2070 due to rising sea levels, with Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, China and Pacific islands most at risk
10 October, 2006
Ecological Debt Crisis
By Martin Hickman
Today is a bleak day for the environment, the day of the year when mankind over-exploits the world's resources - the day when we start living beyond our ecological means
04 October, 2006
Century Of Drought
By Michael McCarthy
One third of the planet will be desert by the year 2100, say climate experts in the most dire warning yet of the effects of global warming
Warming Devastates Sea Ice In Arctic Circle
By Steve Connor
Sea ice in the Arctic last month melted to its second lowest monthly minimum in the 29-year record of satellite measurements
30 September, 2006
Global Heating
By Bill Henderson
The big global warming story isn't Americans finally accepting an inconvenient truth. Al Gore makes a brilliant presentation, but the big story is the undeniable impact of a severe, early onset, global heating which only paid deniers now refuse to accept
26 September, 2006
Who Contest Climate Change
Should Tell Us Who Is Paying Them
By George Monbiot
Covert lobbying, in the UK as well as the US, has severely set back efforts to combat the world's biggest problem
21 September, 2006
Levels Are Rising Faster Than Predicted
By Michael McCarthy
The global sea level rise caused by climate change, severely threatening many of the world's coastal and low-lying areas from Bangladesh to East Anglia, is proceeding faster than UN scientists predicted only five years ago
Trading Scheme A Sop To King Coal
By Zoe Kenny
In one of the first major tests of carbon trading, the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme which began on January 1, 2005, was labelled a “major disappointment” in an April 2006 assessment by the Climate Action Network-Europe as a result of member governments setting lax national emission targets
15 September, 2006
Have 10 Years To Save The Planet
By Michael McCarthy & David Usborne
The melting of the sea ice in the Arctic, the clearest sign so far of global warming, has taken a sudden and enormous leap forward, in one of the most ominous developments yet in the onset of climate change
Climate Disaster Is Upon Us - Now
By Michael McCarthy
Doesn't matter you're not bothered about it. Doesn't matter you're thinking about your next holiday, or the state of your marriage or the next Big Brother. This vast phenomenon that is going to change the world unthinkably is coming right to your doorstep. A lot sooner than you think
08 September, 2006
Find New Global Warming 'Time Bomb’
By Seth Borenstein
Global warming gases trapped in the soil are bubbling out of the thawing permafrost in amounts far higher than previously thought and may trigger what researchers warn is a climate time bomb
06 September, 2006
Adapting To Climate Change
By Frances Cairncross
Almost all the discussion of climate change up to now has been about "mitigation" - in other words, how to prevent it from happening. But prevention, although important, is not enough. Climate change is going to happen, and we need to think more about adapting to it
05 September, 2006
Bubbles Reveal Biggest Rise
In CO2 For 800,000 Years
By Steve Connor
The rapid rise in greenhouse gases over the past century is unprecedented in at least 800,000 years, according to a study of the oldest Antarctic ice core which highlights the reality of climate change
02 September, 2006
Extinction Will Quell Your
Moral And Intellectual Confusion
By Jason Miller
Remember that the human species has already caused the premature extinction of many of Earth’s inhabitants. If we humans do not collectively change our values, we humans could be the next species to disappear
01 September, 2006
Sets Global Example With
Historic Deal To Reduce Emissions
By Andrew Gumbel
The state of California is embarking on a ground-breaking effort to curb global warming, following an agreement between Arnold Schwarzenegger, the state's movie star Republican Governor, and the Democrat-dominated state legislature, to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 per cent by 2020
American Cities Have
Bypassed Bush On Kyoto
By Andrew Gumbel
The mayors of more than 300 cities across the country have signed a Climate Protection Agreement in which they have pledged to meet the emissions-cutting timetable laid down by the Kyoto Protocol - regardless of what the Bush administration decides
Effect' May Cause Global Warming
To Reach Crisis Point In 2050
By Sarah Cassidy
The world faces a catastrophic rise in global warming in 2050 unless urgent action is taken to cut human-induced carbon emissions
25 August, 2006
Fired Up Over Global Warming
By Bill McKibben
You've seen or heard of Al Gore's movie. The pictures of Hurricane Katrina remain in the back of your mind. You've sweated through this record summer. You sense -- with just a bit of panic -- that there's really no problem more important in the long run than global warming. So what do you do?
19 August, 2006
Sea Levels Worry Floridians
By Mark Weisenmiller
A dramatic rise in sea levels predicted by researchers at a major U.S. government agency has renewed concerns among scientists and community planners about the fate of Florida's coastlines
Global Warming - Denial
By Bill Henderson
The scientific debate about human induced global warming is over but policy makers - let alone the happily shopping general public - still seem to not understand the scope of the impending tragedy
18 August, 2006
Suffers World's First Climate Change Exodus
By Jitendra Joshi
The first mass exodus of people fleeing the disastrous effects of climate change is not happening in low-lying Pacific islands but in the world's richest country.A quarter of a million people who fled the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina a year ago must now be classed as "refugees"
11 August, 2006
Ice Cap Is Melting
At A Frighteningly Fast Rate
By David Perlman
The vast ice cap that covers Greenland nearly three miles thick is melting faster than ever before on record, and the pace is speeding year by year
10 August, 2006
Thawed In Prehistoric Global Warming
By Steve Connor
The last time massive amounts of greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere, the North Pole was an ice-free expanse of open ocean that was teeming with tropical organisms, a study has found
07 August, 2006
Ecological Crises:
Are We Up To The Challenges?
By Dr. G.F. Hartman
There is a very substantial volume of highly credible writing, for anyone that wants to see it, that warns us that humankind has only a few decades left in which to ‘get it right’
25 July, 2006
'On Verge Of Major Biodiversity Crisis'
By Haider Rizvi
Mindful that life on Earth is seriously threatened by the continued loss of thousands of plant and animal species, an international group of scientists is calling for the creation of a global forum to help officials craft plans to preserve biodiversity on the planet
Warming:Signed, Sealed, And Delivered
By Naomi Oreskes
Climate-change deniers can imagine all the hypotheses they like, but it will not change the facts nor "the general induction from the phenomena."
Dying Planet
By Chris Flavin
Weather-related disasters like Hurricane Katrina—or the intense heat wave now hitting the United States—are on the rise. The toll of these catastrophes is exacerbated by growing ecological stresses and the future health of the global economy. The stability of nations will be shaped by our ability to address the huge imbalances in natural systems that now exist
17 July, 2006
The Kyoto Protocol Was Gored
By Joshua Frank
Seems as if Al Gore's part-documentary part-campaign flick is reaching quite a few people this summer. Environmentalists and skeptics alike. Perhaps the ol’ VP is repenting for some of the dirty deeds he supported during his compliant years in Washington
14 July, 2006
Warming 'Will Cancel Out Western Aid
And Devastate Africa'
By Andrew Grice
Climate change could have a devastating impact on Africa, wiping out all the benefits from the measures to help the continent agreed by the world's richest nations last year
10 July, 2006
Our Oceans
By Ralph Nader
Just a few days ago, another foreboding peril was documented connecting global warming with the accelerating deterioration of coral reefs around the world
08 July, 2006
Inconvenient Principle
By Jules and Maxwell Boykoff
With Al Gore's recently released book and film on global warming - "An Inconvenient Truth" - the former vice president has managed to deliver a one-two punch that is both staggering and, well, chilling
08 May, 2006
Roof Of World Turns To Desert
By Geoffrey Lean
Scientists warn of ecological
catastrophe across Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers
dry up
04 May, 2006
Warming Fastest For 20,000 Years
By Steve Connor
Global warming is made worse by man-made pollution and the scale of the problem is unprecedented in at least 20,000 years, according to a draft report by the world's leading climate scientists
29 April, 2006
a BLOCKBUSTER!!, Mr. Scorsese"
By Bill Henderson
A letter to Scorses
20 April, 2006
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hit Record Level
By Steve Connor
The United States emitted more greenhouse gases in 2004 than at any time in history, confirming its status as the world's biggest polluter. Latest figures on the US contribution to global warming show that its carbon emissions have risen sharply despite international concerns over climate change
Warming Hits Canada's
Remotest Arctic Lands
By David Ljunggren
Even in one of the remotest, coldest and most inhospitable parts of Canada's High Arctic, you cannot escape the signs of global warming
10 April, 2006
To Save The World
By Dave Eriqat
Responding to my essay titled “The End of Civilization” , some people suggested I should write about the solutions I referred to in passing. The foregoing fiction is meant to introduce readers of this essay to what I see as one solution to the many crises facing humanity and our planet
Darwin Award For Self-Extinction Goes To:
By Bill Henderson
Darwin Awards to all and every
person who chooses to remain willfully ignorant of who we are on this
planet, our precarious position, and our responsibilities
06 April, 2006
Big Melt Coming Faster Than Expected
By Stephen Leahy
Many of the world's major cities, including Bangkok, London, Miami and New York, could be flooded by the end of the century, according to a new analysis of current temperatures in the Arctic region published in the journal Science
04 April, 2006
It Too Late To Stop Global Warming?
By Seth Borenstein
Many scientists are not so sure that the oncoming train of global warming can be avoided. Temperatures are going to rise for decades to come because the chief gas that causes global warming lingers in the atmosphere for about a century
03 April, 2006
Ways To Help Save The planet
By Terry Kirby and Lucy Phillips
Last week, following the launch of an all-party inquiry into climate change, The Independent of UK asked its readers to send in suggestions for saving the planet. The response was huge. Here is a summary of the most popular ideas which, if put into practice, would be potent weapons in the fight against global warming
Growth-Our Common Foe
By Neil K. Dawe
There seems to be recognition that economic growth is the root cause of climate change along with a host of other environmental problems
25 March, 2006
Pollution Gap
By Andy McSmith
Over 70 million Africans and an even greater number of farmers in the Indian sub-continent will suffer catastrophic floods, disease and famine if the rich countries of the world fail to change their habits and radically cut their carbon emissions
As The Earth Burns
By Captain Paul Watson
This week the United Nations issued a 92 page Biodiversity Outlook Report. Like every other U.N. previously released report, this warning will be predictably filed and ignored. The report states that humans are responsible for the worst spate of extinctions since the dinosaurs and urges nations to make unprecedented extra efforts to reach a goal of slowing losses by 2010
24 March, 2006
Earthquakes' Warn Of Global Warming
By Steve Connor
Dramatic new evidence has emerged of the speed of climate change in the polar regions which scientists fear is causing huge volumes of ice to melt far faster than predicted
14 March, 2006
Sea Ice Fails To Re-form
By Steve Connor
Sea ice in the Arctic has failed to re-form for the second consecutive winter, raising fears that global warming may have tipped the polar regions in to irreversible climate change far sooner than predicted
01 March, 2006
Water Wars
By Ben Russell and Nigel Morris
Across the world, they are coming: the water wars. From Israel to India, from Turkey to Botswana, arguments are going on over disputed water supplies that may soon burst into open conflict
27 February, 2006
The Problem Weather, Or Is It War?
By Robert Fisk
Something more serious is happening to our planet which we are not being told about
24 February, 2006
To Bury Global Warming
By Froma Harrop
Wallace Broecker,one of the planet's top Earth scientists, says he likes windmills and fuel-efficient cars to the extent that they can buy time against global warming. But the ultimate solution has to be technology that can actually extract carbon dioxide from the air and power plants, and bury it
Faster, Worser
By John Atcheson
Over the past several months, the normally restrained voice of science has taken on a distinct note of panic when it comes to global warming
17 February, 2006
change: On The Edge
By Jim Hansen
Greenland ice cap breaking up at twice the rate it was five years ago, says scientist Bush tried to gag
Levels Likely To Rise Much Faster
Than Was Predicted
By Steve connor
Global warming is causing the Greenland ice cap to disintegrate far faster than anyone predicted. A study of the region's massive ice sheet warns that sea levels may - as a consequence - rise more dramatically than expected
14 February, 2006
The Arctic Ice Retreats,
The Old Great Game Begins
By Ben Macintyre
Climate is changing the world’s economy as well as the environment, and the thawing of the polar ice is opening up the Arctic as never before, creating shipping routes and fishing grounds, promising tourism opportunities and, most lucratively, the exploitation of new oil and gas fields
13 February, 2006
Evangelicals Do A 180
By Saul Rosenthal
We may be destined, sooner rather than later, to follow into extinction the thousands of failed species that have preceded us. And not necessarily out of inexorable entropy, evolutionary fatigue or decay, but out of a failed character, a moral failure, a failure to surmount the beast in us, the hate, the bigotry, the envy, the greed, the egomania, the vindictiveness, the hubris, the lust for power and profit, the drive for exploitation, for dominion over our fellow creatures
11 February, 2006
Warming: Passing The 'Tipping Point'
By Michael McCarthy
Research commissioned by The Independent reveals that the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has now crossed a threshold, set down by scientists from around the world at a conference in Britain last year, beyond which really dangerous climate change is likely to be unstoppable
10 February, 2006
Is At Its Warmest For A Millennium
By Steve Connor
The entire northern hemisphere is experiencing a sustained period of warming that is unprecedented in the past millennium. A review of a range of temperature records, from tree rings and ice cores to historical documents, has found that at no time since the 9th century have temperatures been so consistently high
09 February, 2006
Leaders Call For
Government Action On Warming
By Jim Lobe
Breaking with some of their colleagues in the Christian Right, a group of more than 85 U.S. evangelical Christian leaders called on Congress Wednesday to enact legislation that would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases
03 February, 2006
Or A Habitable Planet -
You Can't Have Both
By Robert Newman
Our economic system is unsustainable by its very nature. The only response to climate chaos and peak oil is major social change
30 January, 2006
Poses Increased Threat, Admits Blair
By Michael McCarthy
Tony Blair has admitted that the risks of climate change may be more serious than previously thought
Warming Hits Japan's Fisheries
By Suvendrini Kakuchi
Japan, a voracious consumer of marine resources, is now discovering that the drastic depletion of its own fish stocks is linked to the loss of underwater seaweed colonies -- caused, in turn, by rising sea temperatures
27 January, 2006
Was Warmest Year On Record: NASA
By Deborah Zabarenko
Last year was the warmest recorded on Earth's surface, and it was unusually hot in the Arctic
25 January, 2006
Hot Does It Have To Get
By Lucinda Marshall
It is time to make peace with our planet, to apologize for the damage done and to humbly ask for a chance to tend our hearth with mercy, even if we can no longer make amends
20 January, 2006
Are Past The Point Of No Return'
By Michael McCarthy
The world has already passed the point of no return for climate change, and civilisation as we know it is now unlikely to survive, according to James Lovelock, the scientist and green guru who conceived the idea of Gaia - the Earth which keeps itself fit for life
Earth Is About To Catch A Morbid Fever
By James Lovelock
The climate centres around the world, which are the equivalent of the pathology lab of a hospital, have reported the Earth's physical condition, and the climate specialists see it as seriously ill, and soon to pass into a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years
Seas Will Wipe Out Plankton
By Steve Connor
The microscopic plants that underpin all life in the oceans are likely to be destroyed by global warming, a study has found
19 January, 2006
Could Be Ignoring The Biggest
Story In Our History
By David Ignatius
"It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing."
12 January, 2006
Shrinking Arctic Ice Could Spell Trouble
For The Rest Of the World
By Robert S. Boyd
If present trends continue, as seems
likely, the sea surrounding the North Pole will be completely free
of ice in the summertime within the lifetime of a child born today.
The loss could point the way to radical changes in the Earth's climate
and weather systems
"Unnatural Disasters"On The Horizon
By Stephen Leahy
As the new year begins, extreme weather continues to plague the United States, and experts warn this may be the "new normal" under climate change
Polluters Launch Controversial
Global Warming Talks
Some of the world's worst polluting nations have launched a controversial conference with international business chiefs here to seek high-tech solutions to global warming
11 January, 2006
Fears, Water Shortages Haunt Europe
By David Evans
France and Spain are ringing alarm bells over the climate, fearing a repeat of last year's drought that sparked deadly forest fires, costly crop failures and widespread water rationing in southern Europe
23 December, 2005
Struggle Against Ourselves
By George Monbiot
Ours are the most fortunate
generations that have ever lived. Ours are the most fortunate generations
that ever will. We inhabit the brief historical interlude between
ecological constraint and ecological catastrophe
22 December, 2005
Risk of Total Collapse
By Dylan Evans
Is it possible that global civilization might collapse within our lifetime or that of our children? Until recently, such an idea was the preserve of lunatics and cults. In the past few years, however, an increasing number of intelligent and credible people have been warning that global collapse is a genuine possibility
08 December, 2005
Costliest Year For Extreme Weather
By Jim Lobe
The world has suffered more than 200 billion dollars in economic losses as a result of weather-related natural disasters over the past year, making 2005 the costliest year on record
Havoc: Is Global Warming To Blame?
By Norm Dixon
A debate has erupted over whether world capitalism’s unprecedented emissions of industrial carbon dioxide into the atmosphere was directly responsible for Katrina, and the record-breaking number of fierce storms during this year’s Atlantic Ocean hurricane season
30 November, 2005
Europe Is Choking Itself -And The World
By Stephen Castle
Europe's claim to the moral high ground over the environment has been comprehensively challenged in a devastating report on its failings in the battle against global warming and pollution. It says Europe is devouring the world's natural resources at twice the global rate
One Is Immune From
The Effects Of Global Warming
By Steve Connor
None of us in this global village of the 21st century is going to be immune from the effects of climate change. This is the basic message of the European Environment Agency, whose latest report says that changes to the continent's climate that have been experienced to date have not been matched in the past several thousand years
25 November, 2005
Atlantis: First Climate Change Refugees
By John Vidal
For more than 30 years the 980 people living on the six minute horseshoe-shaped Carteret atolls have battled the Pacific to stop salt water destroying their coconut palms and waves crashing over their houses. They failed. Yesterday a decision was made that will make their group of low-lying islands literally go down in history
Rise In Sea Levels Blamed
On Global Warming
By Steve Connor
Sea levels are rising twice as fast as they were 150 years ago and man-made greenhouse emissions are the prime cause, a study by scientists in America has found
22 November, 2005
Warming Hits Himalayas
By Robin McKie
The roof of the world is changing. Almost 95 per cent of Himalayan glaciers are shrinking - and that kind of ice loss has profound implications, not just for Nepal and Bhutan, but for surrounding nations, including China, India and Pakistan
17 November, 2005
Change Map Reveals Countries
Most Under Threat
By Steve Connor
Scientists have compiled one of the first comprehensive pictures of what the world might be like when climate change begins to trigger a dramatic increase in epidemics, disease and death
16 November, 2005
Politics Of Climate Change
By Andrew Lam
The glaciers are melting and receding. The sea rises to swallow islands and low-lying nations. Factories spew toxic chemicals into rivers and oceans, killing fish and the livelihoods of generations. Where the forest used to be, rains cause the bare hills to slide down onto homes. And the hurricanes keep on coming and coming
30 October, 2005
Real On Climate Change
By Tony Blair
International unity on climate change is a must this time, says the British Prime Minister
28 October, 2005
Hottest October 27 Ever
By Steve Connor
Just four days before Hallowe'en, Britain was enjoying the warmest 27 October since records began in 1880
Warming Threatens
Drought For Mediterranean
By Steve Connor
The Mediterranean region is the most vulnerable in Europe to climate change because of its sensitivity to drought and rising temperatures
27 October, 2005
Warming Strengthens Hurricanes
By Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma made clear to the public there is a link between global warming and the power -- not frequency -- of hurricanes. Warm water in the Gulf of Mexico helped transform three mild tropical storms into the most powerful category of hurricanes possible
Temperature Management
By Prof. Chaim Scheff
A cost effective solution to global warming
Windmills At Risk From Climate Change
By Anna Mudeva
Windmills, one of the Netherlands' trademarks, may go idle because of less wind as a result of climate change, Dutch scientists predict
26 October, 2005
Change 'Could Ruin Drive
To Eradicate Poverty'
By Steve Connor
Britain's most senior independent scientist has warned that global warming threatens to ruin the international initiative to lift Africa out of poverty
Regions Take Centre Stage In Climate Crisis
By Jeremy Lovell
World scientists are aiming to spell out in graphic detail the threat of flooding faced by millions of people from America to Asia as global warming melts the polar ice caps
25 October, 2005
House Of Cards
By Dan Benbow
The severe weather disruptions over the past decade have come from a gain of just one degree Fahrenheit over the last century. The next century will bring an increase of one degree minimum, and probably more, as oil consumption in the United States and developing countries continues to grow. Reputable climate science predicts more of what we’ve already seen and worse
Warming Takes Toll On Africa's Coral Reefs
By Reuters
Global warming is taking a toll on coral reefs off east Africa, which will likely be killed off in a few decades if sea surface temperatures continue to rise, a leading researcher warned
17 October, 2005
Sees Warmest September On Record
By Associated Press
Worldwide, it was the warmest September on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Friday. Averaging 1.13 degrees Fahrenheit (0.63 degree Celsius) above normal for the month, it was the warmest September since the beginning of reliable records in 1880, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center
08 October, 2005
Change And Human Health
By Paul R. Epstein
Extreme weather events, we are witnessing today, reflect massive and ongoing changes in our climate to which biologic systems on all continents are reacting
The Age Of Chaos Begun?
By Mike Davis
The good parent in me, however, screams: How is it possible that we can now contemplate with scientific seriousness whether our children's children will themselves have children? Let Exxon answer that in one of their sanctimonious ads
04 October, 2005
By Andrew Buncombe & Severin Carrell
Climate change threatens the survival of thousands of species - a threat unparalleled since the last ice age, which ended some 10,000 years ago
For Global Warming
By Carl Pope
After Katrina, our country has never been more ready to embrace a new energy future to make us more secure in every way. In failing to recognize this, our leaders in Washington have exposed themselves as dangerously out of touch
30 September, 2005
Ice Melts At Record Level
By David Adam
Global warming in the Arctic could be soaring out of control, scientists warned yesterday as new figures revealed that melting of sea ice in the region has accelerated to record levels
27 September, 2005
Warming? You Better Believe It
By Derrick Z. Jackson
As the media screams about the one-two punch of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the question becomes how many more times does America need to be knocked to the canvas before we answer the bell on global warming
21 September, 2005
World Turned Upside Down
By George Monbiot
Today the climatologists at the Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado will publish the results of the latest satellite survey of Arctic sea ice. It looks as if this month's coverage will be the lowest ever recorded. The Arctic, they warn, could already have reached tipping point
10 September, 2005
Fuels Global Warming Storm
By Alister Doyle
Hurricane Katrina has spurred debate about global warming worldwide with some environmentalists sniping at President George W. Bush for pulling out of the main U.N. plan for braking climate change
26 August, 2005
States Bypass Bush To Tackle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
By Julian Borger
America's north-eastern states are on the brink of a declaration of environmental independence with the introduction of mandatory controls on greenhouse gas emissions of the kind rejected by the Bush administration
25 August, 2005
Sees Growing Melting Arctic Threat
By Randolph Schmid
The rate of ice melting in the Arctic is increasing and a panel of researchers says it sees no natural process that is likely to change that trend. Within a century the melting could lead to summertime ice-free ocean conditions not seen in the area in a million years
23 August, 2005
Wonder Of The World Melting Away
By Caren Bohan
The Ilulissat glacier in Greenland,
a UN heritage site considered one of the wonders of the world, has
shrunk by over 10 kilometers in just a few years, in one of the most
alarming examples of global warming in the Arctic region
21 August, 2005
Bogs And Peak Oil - I'm Sorry
Doubting, Mr. President
By Bill Henderson
All we're left with is war or economic collapse (or maybe Rapture?) to prevent our present economic trajectory from destroying the ecological basis for human life on Earth
20 August, 2005
Warming: Will You Listen Now, America?
By Andrew Buncombe
Two of the leading contenders to contest the next US presidential election have delivered an urgent warning to the United States on global warming, saying the evidence of climate change has become too stark to ignore and human activity is a major cause
12 August, 2005
Warming Hits 'Tipping Point'
By Ian Sample
A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming