Boost 'Due To Warm Sea'
By Matt McGrath
30 July, 2007
new analysis of Atlantic hurricanes says their numbers have doubled
over the last century. The study says that warmer sea surface temperatures
and changes in wind patterns caused by climate change are fuelling much
of the increase.
Some researchers say hurricanes
are cyclical and the increase is just a reflection of a natural pattern.
But the authors of this study
say it is not just nature - they say the frequency has risen across
the century.
Two-decade rise
Hurricanes are a spinning
vortex of winds that swirl around an eye of low pressure.
Thunder clouds surround the
edges of these storms and they can wreak devastation on people and property
when they hit land - most famously in the case of Hurricane Katrina
in New Orleans in 2005.
Scientific analyses in recent
years suggest hurricane numbers have increased since the mid-1980s.
This new study, published
in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in London, looks
at the frequency of these storms from 1900 to the present and it says
about twice as many form each year now compared to 100 years ago.
The authors say that man-made
climate change, which has increased the temperature of the sea surface,
is the major factor behind the increase in numbers.
"Over the period we've
had natural variability in the frequency of storms, which has contributed
less than 50% of the actual increase in our view," said Dr Greg
Holland from the United States National Centre for Atmospheric Research
in Colorado, who authored the report.
"Approximately 60%,
and possibly even 70% of what we are seeing in the last decade can be
attributed directly to greenhouse warming," he said.
Experts say that 2007 will
be a very active season with nine hurricanes forecast, of which five
are expected to be intense.
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