Bali Forecast - Low Expectations
Eric Lemus
11 December,
Press Service
DUA, Indonesia, Dec 11 (IPS/IFEJ) - The multitudinous United
Nations Conference on Climate Change under way since Dec. 3 on the tropical
Indonesian island of Bali has oscillated between optimism and quiet
The 12-day
event is a thermometer of the success or failure of a strategic anti-global
warming treaty that should emerge in two years. But the forecast is
The four
issues at the core of the talks are the mitigation of climate change,
adaptation to the changes caused by rising temperatures, technology
transfer from the rich countries to poor, and incentives to fight against
But other
problems, which are not on the main agenda, are simmering on the sidelines
of the Bali meet, and many of the planet's inhabitants are suffering
those problems firsthand.
There are
25 million "climate refugees" in the world who are not recognised
by an international law that only protects those who are fleeing war
or political, religious or ethnic persecution, according to Bodil Ceballos,
parliamentarian from Sweden's Green Party.
denying for so long that climate change exists, the world has not wanted
to see the consequences either. In Sweden there is talk that eventually
we will have climate refugees from Europe's Mediterranean countries
if we don't stop using fossil fuels soon," she said in an interview
for this article.
The thrashing
that the Sidr cyclone gave Bangladesh on Nov. 15 left more than 4,000
people dead and more than seven million homeless, many of whom are now
facing a food crisis.
This is a
fate that could befall the inhabitants of many places, such as islands
and coastal lowlands, which are the most vulnerable to rising sea levels.
The climate
conference host Bali is one of the 17,000 islands that make up the world's
largest archipelago, and is a popular tourist destination because of
its impressive chain of volcanoes and the uniqueness of its culture.
But Indonesia,
the fourth most populous country, with more than 220 million people,
is exposed to serious threats.
The rate
of the rising sea level, of about two millimetres per year, will accelerate
to five millimetres per year in this century. A change of that magnitude
will mean significant losses for the 80,000 kilometres of Indonesian
coastline as well as for its coral reefs, fisheries and mangroves, says
a study published Dec. 4 by the international environmental group WWF.
60 percent of Indonesia's population lives in coastal zones and in cities
located in low-lying terrain, like Jakarta and Surabaya.
The natural
beauty of Bali helps reinforce the optimistic tone accompanying the
new government in Australia as it finally ratified the Kyoto Protocol,
leaving the United States alone in its rejection of the international
treaty that requires industrialised countries to reduce emissions of
greenhouse-effect gases.
The George
W. Bush government was left even more isolated when a U.S. Senate committee
voted in favour of a bill to establish obligatory limits on emissions
of greenhouse gases.
of government delegates from more than 180 countries, as well as experts
and activists, are participating in the 13th Conference of Parties (COP13)
to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and in the third meeting
of parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
But the governmental
negotiations are taking place behind closed doors with the goal of establishing
an agenda for achieving in 2009 an obligatory agreement for curbing
greenhouse gases beyond 2012, when the Protocol signed in the Japanese
city of Kyoto in 1997 expires.
It was many
years before enough countries had ratified the Protocol to make it take
effect, in 2005. Meanwhile, the effects of warming temperatures began
to multiply. That is why it is essential that progress is made at this
meeting towards a new framework to regulate emissions of carbon dioxide,
the principal greenhouse gas, said Mike Shanahan, of the International
Institute for Environment and Development, in a press statement in Bali.
The industrialised
nations that are party to Kyoto are required to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 2012 to an average of five percent below 1990 levels. The
debate under way now follows two paths: how to reach an agreement that
includes the United States, which is responsible for more than 20 percent
of emissions, and what kind of obligations should be taken on by the
big developing countries China, India and Brazil.
Bali will not produce a signed treaty for the coming decades, many eyes
are on the "road map" to come out of the discussions of the
Ad Hoc Working Group (AWG) of the Kyoto Protocol, entrusted, among other
things, with establishing a range of emissions reductions that the wealthy
nations must adopt.
WWF and other
environmental organisations hope the AWG will uphold an informal decision
adopted earlier this year in Vienna: by 2020 the industrialised countries
should reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 25 to 40 percent below
1990 levels.
That would
be the minimum threshold for attempting to prevent global average temperatures
from rising two degrees Celsius more this century and unleashing natural
disasters, warns the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
This was
the year of the global climate. The Nobel Peace Prize went to the IPCC,
whose latest reports determined beyond any doubt that human activities
play a large role in the climate changes already occurring.
The "Bali
road map" is the focus of work to be done at the next Conference
of Parties, to meet in two years in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Yvo de Boer,
executive director of the Secretariat of the Convention on Climate Change,
urged the participants to act with responsibility.
De Boer stressed
that the world is on a "catastrophic path", and that the scientific
community has sent policy-makers a clear message: climate change can
be stopped, and by acting now we can prevent many of the disastrous
impacts of global warming.
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