Nearing Climate’s Tipping Point
By P. H. Liotta
09 June, 2007
Providence Journal
Twain once quipped that “everybody talks about the weather, but
nobody ever does anything about it.” While Twain’s remarks
were tongue-in-cheek, they took on resonance in the wake of NASA Administrator
Michael Griffin’s recent comments on National Public Radio regarding
climate change. Griffin stated: “I have no doubt that a trend
of global warming exists,” but he added that he was “not
sure that it is fair to say that is a problem we must wrestle with.”
Griffin’s remarks garnered
attention, largely negative, when he suggested that “I would ask
which human beings, where and when, are to be accorded the privilege
of deciding that this particular climate that we have right here today,
right now, is the best climate for all other human beings. I think that’s
a rather arrogant position for people to take.” Michael Oppenheimer,
professor at Princeton, claimed he found “it astounding that the
head of a major U.S. science agency could hold such attitudes —
basically ignorance — about the global warming problem. In fact,
it’s so astonishing I think he should resign.”
James Hansen, climate scientist
and director of NASA’s Goddard Institute, was equally direct in
critiquing his boss: “I almost fell off my chair. [His remarks
were] remarkably uninformed.” Notably, Hansen and other scientists
from the Goddard and Columbia University had just released a report
that stated that human-made greenhouse gases have brought the Earth’s
climate close to a critical “tipping point.” With the release
of the Fourth Assessment Report of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (of which this author is a member), the scientific
data provides irrevocable evidence that change is taking place.
It is immensely difficulty
to talk with any certainty or sense of prediction about climate change
— more commonly (and incorrectly) called just “global warming.”
The complexities of environmental change have widely different impacts
in different regions and are often interwoven with vulnerabilities such
as disease, water and natural-resource scarcities, increased storms
and flooding in some areas, with extreme temperatures and extended drought
in other areas
With the continuing failure
of decision makers to deal with climate change and its impact, we are
entering a future from which we may not be able to turn back. Indeed,
the last time in history carbon dioxide (CO{-2}) levels were at levels
similar to today’s was during the time of the mid-Pliocene “warm”
period — some 3.5 million years ago. As one NASA scientist jokingly
retorted to the science journalist Elizabeth Kolbert, “It’s
true that we’ve had higher CO{-2} levels before. But, then, of
course, we also had dinosaurs.”
Phenomenal natural disasters
— from volcanic eruptions to seismic quakes to massive tsunami
effects and giant hurricanes — should serve to remind us that
the Earth itself is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Today,
when mollusks are found growing only several hundred miles from the
North Pole, or entire species are in permanent migratory pattern change,
or butterflies throughout the Northern Hemisphere are shifting ranges
northward by up to 150 miles, or predatory insects or plants begin to
invade ecosystems or undermine biodiversity, or polar bears drown because
of the loss of surface ice, then all is not well. One has, at such point,
reached a “tipping point”: commonly described through the
visual anecdote of leaning over in a canoe to the extent that one is
no longer “rocking the boat” but flipping it — and
from which there can be no recovery.
In the 1970s James Lovelock
made an intellectual leap by suggesting the possibility the Earth’s
lands, oceans, atmosphere and living matter could be seen as a single
organism, one that regulated itself to support life. Called the “Gaia
Hypothesis” after the ancient Greeks’ Earth Goddess, it
was in many respects a new way of looking at the world. And it was an
idea that was as evocative as it was controversial. In part, it repositioned
the role of the physical scientist into that of a physiologist. Whereas
before there was the studying of processes that responded to natural
forces, now there would be the looking for functions that served a larger
While it may be trite to
suggest that “it’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature,”
it is not inaccurate to suggest that human influences such as ever increasing
greenhouse-gas emissions and subsequent effects on climate and security
could very well cause “Gaia” to seek her revenge. The time
for debate is long past. Perhaps we should pray that the time for effective
action has not passed as well.
P. H. Liotta
is executive director of the Pell Center for International Relations
and Public Policy at Salve Regina University, and the coauthor of Gaia’s
Revenge: Climate Change and Humanity’s Loss. The Pell Center hosted
an international conference on environmental change this week, with
support from NATO, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the
United Nations.
© 2007 The Providence
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