And Climate Change: National Interests Versus Global Emergency
Abdul Basit
05 December,
This is an appeal to World Leaders and Scientific Community, who
have gathered in Bali, Indonesia for the United Nations Climate Change
global community in general and certain scientists in particular are
greatly concerned about the consequences of global warming and climate
change in relation to on the existence of humanity and habitability
of earth, a few nations, like USA, Israel and some other countries are
pursuing the war agenda and preparing for a new round of encounters.
As the world nations and UN are seriously considering new regulations
and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are preparing comprehensive
measures to counter climate change in the UN Climate Change Summit being
held in Bali, the world's sole superpower and its allies are pondering
about enforcing new sanctions against Iran and are openly discussing
the prospects of World War III.
What we see
in the International arena are the two extremes. On the one hand, we
see the ever-increasing signs of climate change like floods, hurricanes,
forest fires, inundation of coastal areas due to rising sea-levels,
melting glaciers, growing poverty due to mounting climate refugees and
reduced agricultural output, threat to extinction of species and bio
diversity: all of which are proving a serious challenge to existence.
On the other hand, as if these problems and crises are not enough, the
major discussions in the international forums and among the media are
about the methods to counter the threats of Iran from attaining nuclear
These countries
consider Iran's nuclear crises as a priority over the serious existential
crises which mankind as a whole is facing. This lack of priority and
confusion is prevalent in all international venues. The UN General Assembly,
held last September, was where most of the media attention focused on
Ahmednejad's address to Colombia University rather than the conference
on Climate Change. This proves that too much attention is focused on
war and not enough on climate matters.
As such,
the basic dilemma that we have to address concerns the extent that the
earth has the capacity to face another war that will involve nuclear
weapons and how will it impact this planet and the future of its inhabitants.
And Global Warming
When we try
to address the above matter and try to make sense about this confusion
that are evident in the International forums, we have to address certain
fundamental issues. Although history of wars and battles between nations
dates back to the origination of existences of humankind, the affects
of earlier wars were confined to the immediate vicinity of the regions
of confrontation. But, due to the advancement in technology of the weaponry
(especially on account of the invention of nuclear weapons and WMDs),
most wars fought during the 20th and 21st century (especially the First
and the Second World Wars), not only caused unimaginable casualties
to the countries involved, but also caused irreparable damage to humanity
as a whole and the environment for generations to come. The atomic bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War, the chemical
weapons used in the Vietnam War, and the depleted uranium and WMD's
used in Gulf Wars are some of the examples that caused havoc and utter
misery. These wars and pursuit by nation states for dominance by attaining
latest weapons of mass destruction played a major role in damaging the
environment, which in turn became one of the major causes in instigating
climate change.
States Versus Global Emergency
For centuries,
the earth has been bearing the brunt of conflicts between nation states,
whether these situations were based on racial, ideological, cultural,
geographical, nationalistic or religious foundation. The boundaries
of these nation states were drawn and redrawn depending on the course
of these wars and conflicts. The earth was able to sustain these scribbling
of borders and coped with the impact of these nation states to conquer
and dominate other nations throughout many centuries, which along with
humanitarian and psychological consequences, severely damaged the environment
and negatively affected its habitability. The shortsighted leaders and
dictators played a major role in igniting these unwarranted wars and
the results of these wars was devastation for not only conquerors and
the conquered, but for humanity as a whole.
At the same
time, we also have to realize that these nation states have also played
a major role in the welfare and well being of its citizens, as well
as for the social and economic development of the societies within its
boundaries. However at the same time, the main reason for these disastrous
wars was the dominance of interests of the nation states over well being
of humanity as a whole that includes humanitarian, environmental and
existential interests.
So, now we
have reached a situation were the existence of humanity as a whole is
at stake and their destiny is tied together and, if we have to overcome
this crisis of climate change, we have to think beyond the confines
of manmade boundaries of nation states. So along with being patriotic
to our respective nations, which have sometimes supported its citizens
generously, we also have to give due consideration to the protection
and safety of the earth and the environment, which has been supporting
all these nation states.
So, the world
leaders and policy makers have to ensure that national interests do
not in any way become detrimental to the environment and negatively
affect habitability of earth. In other words, we have to overcome the
"We" and "They" mentality since the challenges faced
by humankind requires unity above all confines. Here we only have "WE"
as mankind in fight for survival and existence. So, along with maintaining
our national identity, we also have to emphasize that we are inhabitants
of the planet earth (or "Earthies") and consider it as our
absolute moral obligation to rescue this planet from the devastation
created by our lifestyle and other excesses, including war.
and Materialism
In fact,
these wars and their repercussions are only part of the wider malady,
which has infected the global community. As in the case of nation states,
the fragmentation and egocentricity are prevalent in individual, family
and social relationships. The consumerist culture, extravagant lifestyles
and the unwarranted materialistic competition have caused fragmentation
in family and social relationships. They also provide some of the reasons
for over-exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of the
environment. The career oriented education system has also played a
major role in creating this way of life by conditioning the younger
generations towards consumerism and materialism.
In this age
of climate change, we have to make some fundamental transformation about
the concepts of life in order to overcome the challenges to our very
survival. We have to replace fragmentation, selfishness, competition
and antagonism that are prevalent nowadays with noble values of unity,
cooperation, compassion and mutual understanding.
and Climate Change
While the
world leaders and scientists thrash it all out at the United Nations
Climate Conference in Bali, Indonesia to discuss about new measures
to counter Global warming and climate change, they should realize that
peace is the most important component in the fight against climate change.
In the year when Nobel peace prize has been conferred on Mr. Al Gore
and IPCC as recognition for their positive role in bringing awareness
about the man made Climate Change, we have to emphasize that, without
peace, all the measures and policies to counter climate change will
prove futile.
Hence, before
we draw plans to reduce carbon emissions, search for alternative sources
of energy, and change lifestyles, we have to ensure that our attempts
to prevent climate change does not go in vain, by ascertaining that
we take necessary steps to prevent future wars that will nullify all
the prospective measures.
So for ensuring
world peace and justice, I propose the following steps to the governmental,
business and scientific leaders, who have gathered in Bali for the United
Nations Climate Conference:
1. The world
leaders must prepare a policy framework to prevent future wars including
the upcoming Iran war for the benefit of the humanity as whole. This
should be based on the realization that there will be no clear winners
or losers in the future wars and humanity, as whole, will have to face
the consequences of any future and currently ongoing wars since these
assaults will further aggravate the already complicated climate change
2. We must
establish a framework in which all the pending issues between nations,
including the long-standing Palestinian crises, can be settled peacefully
through dialogues and involvement of all the concerned parties. To ensure
the success of these negotiations, unlike the Annapolis summit where
some parties were not included; we have to guarantee that all parties
(including the so-called extremists from both sides of political spectrum)
participate in this process.
3. Since
injustice and subjugation breed wars, we have to prepare a framework
to ensure that justice, security and fundamental rights of all nations,
including the vulnerable countries, are guaranteed.
4. The war
on terrorism has already caused millions of lives around the world,
especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Moreover, enormous damage to the
environment in these countries has transpired and the amount of damage
is still inconclusive due to further perpetuation of war in this region.
we have to realize that, during these years of war on terrorism, many
nations and societies have been greatly affected by natural disasters
like floods, hurricanes, forest fires, tsunamis, droughts, earthquakes
and other weather related problems, which resulted in enormous casualties.
Hurricane Kathrina, assorted tsunamis, forest fires in Europe and US,
cyclone in Bangladesh, floods in quite a few nations (including Mexico,
Nicaragua and Africa), and earthquakes in different parts of the world
have all caused havoc and suffering.
The reality
is that the greatest danger the humanity is facing is from natural disasters
than terrorism. Moreover, the war on terrorism has only complicated
the matters and diverted our attention from dealing with the burning
issue of climate change and natural disasters. All considered, it's
about time that humanity as a whole join hands and gathered all our
resources to jointly prepare for a "Battle For Survival."
This battle is not only for defending the continued existence of humankind,
but also for preserving all the cultures and contributions that humanity
has offered throughout its thousands of years of history in its existence
on this planet.
5. As the
most organized force created by nation states, the military and armed
forces can play positive role in the "Battle for Survival".
At the same time, the role of military will be contrary to that for
which it was, originally, created. Instead of the destruction that they
were hitherto involved, they will have to play an innovative fresh role
in this new battle for survival. The leaders and scientific community
must also tackle the issue of vast amounts of dangerous weapons that
are at the disposal of the different countries and are not needed anymore
in this age of volatile climate alteration.
6. As members
of the human community, we have to encourage understanding and cooperation
between different nations and religions by stressing human unity that
is essential for our survival.
To conclude, I remind the world leaders and researchers, who are attending
the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, that they have
a huge responsibility on their shoulders. The decisions of this conference
will not only decide the future of existence of humankind, but also
for preserving all the past cultures and contributions humanity has
offered throughout its thousands of years history of existence on this
beautiful planet.
So, on behalf
of the human race, I appeal to the world leaders to set aside their
narrow national interests and play the historical and highly moral responsibility
in saving this planet and its inhabitants. The very future for all of
life, human and otherwise, depends on their meeting this obligation
with nothing short of total resolve!
Please send your opinions and feed back to the following email:
[email protected]
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