Dangerous Climate Change This Week
By Bill Henderson
21 May, 2007
what's new this week in the race to dangerous
climate change?
Well quote of the week
goes to the deputy Mayor of London:
We both know that our infrastructure and the accumulated wealth of centuries
are at risk with a sea level rise of just a few meters. We are experiencing
currently the effects of greenhouse gases from the 50s, when we consumed
as much oil in a year as we now consume in 6 weeks. And we have to feel
the effects of four and a half decades. There’s a time lag and
currently we’re chucking, pushing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
as if there were literally no tomorrow. So we have about, people say,
10 years maximum, maximum 10 years, to actually prevent runaway climate
change. That’s on top of everything we have yet to experience.
The turn it around within
a decade, 2
degrees imperative seems to be sinking in, but, for the
moment, at the government level, only as a lofty European goal to be
rejected by the White House and sycophants.
feedbacks. I suppose that incrementally this understanding
of the danger from presently safely sequestered carbon bombs and other
latent sources of runaway climate change is trickling down to the general
public, but policy makers everywhere refuse to get out of the business
as usual box to recognize the most serious danger.
So even as more evidence
comes this week that Earths
present carbon sinks are filling and poised to turn into
carbon emitters, policy shapers and makers and lowly
legislators everywhere are spinning green products like
hybrids, or junk bond-style carbon neutrality and such while relentlessly
pushing domestic consumption, mega transportation infrastructure projects:
highways, airports, ports, pipelines, etc., increasing fossil fuel energy
production, and more entrapping globalization.
This week I had an informative
e-mail discussion with Brad Arnold whom most DCC(RCC, RGW)ers on the
net know for his frank description of the DCC problem. Brad is a techno-optimist
who argues for a bio-tech solution: pulling
carbon out of the air with seeded GM organisms instead
of accenting emission reduction, a reduction that has been put off for
two decades, an emission reduction now of a scale he thinks is no longer
possible. Of course there are problems with geo-engineering approaches
but could be one fruitful path to possible solution. Can't hurt to at
least explore Brad's bio-tech possibilities. But even in a society so
rich it throws billions of dollars at research and development of mundane
entertainment products there seems to be little money or organized research
into possible ways of pulling carbon out of the air.
And I just finished reading
FOSSIL FUELS a very informative worthwhile read, by Vancouver
resource economist Mark
Jaccard. Jaccard is one of the leading advocates of carbon
sequestering from power plants and other big industrial emitters. You
don't agree - read his book. But research and development of carbon
sequestering remains minimal even though several hundred new coal fired
power plants are currently in planning globally.
Jaccard has been an eloquent
critic of Canadian governments concerning the lack of meaningful emission
reduction. In a press release this week for the release of Canadian
Policies for Deep Emission Reduction Jaccard and co-author
Nic Rivers say Canada has failed to reduce greenhouse gases because
the country “relies primarily on measures that are politically
painless but ineffective.”
They say voluntary and subsidy
policies have fundamental problems and they are skeptical about the
government’s most recent proposal to control large industrial
polluter’s emissions.
But Jaccard's position on
climate change remains completely within the presently configured socio-economy
business as usual where effective climate mitigation remains as impossible
as sustainable agriculture, forestry or fisheries management.
Considering our place in
the race shouldn't we already have many mega-Manhattan Projects exploring
and developing potential
geo -engineering solutions, other biological solution paths
such as algae
CO2 scrubbers, or agrichar
/ terra
preta as a possible new carbon sequestering wedge, and
basic, workable, economically viable carbon sequestering from power
plants? Shouldn't we be effectively exploring many diverse possible
solutions and why aren't we?
How far away from these potential
paths to salvation are we this week with probably less than 500 weeks
to turn it around? Such Manhattan Project-style initiatives and the
beginning of real emission reduction both await government innovation
so that change of a needed scale is possible. This week we remain firmly
quarantined from reality by climate change denial enforced by the Church
of Business. Is your government facilitating movement in these hopeful
directions or is it firmly in denial trapped by service
sector economy path dependence? But talking the good green
talk, of course.
This week, nearing the threshold
- maybe even over, the news is no meaningful governance innovation in
bill (at)
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