You Were Here (a small sampling)
By Mickey Z.
13 November, 2007
vary, but roughly 50,000 animal and plant species become extinct each
year. That¹s over 130 per day, about 6 per hour.
Here¹s a fun game to
improve your math and reading skills (both come in handy when taking
tests like the SATs): Time yourself as you read the list below and calculate
how many species that were still around when you began reading have
since become history. (Liberals are advised to read quickly so less
species are gone by the time they¹re done.)
Sea Mink, Rodrigues Pigeon, Panay Giant Fruit Bat, Poko Noctuid Moth,
Procellaris Grotis Noctuid Moth, Great Auk, Bubal Hartebeest, Mauritius
Blue Pigeon, Egyptian Barbary Sheep, Amesterdam Island Duck, Cuban Red
Macaw, Ascension Flightless Crake, Eastern Bettong. Réunion Flightless
Ibis, Desert Rat-kangaroo, Eastern Elk, Longjaw Cisco, Deepwater Cisco,
Lake Ontario Kiyi, Blackfin Cisco, Yellowfin Cutthroat Trout, Alvord
Cutthroat Trout, Maravillas Red Shiner, Independence Valley Tui Chub,
Pahranagat Spinedace, Phantom Shiner, Bluntnose Shiner, Las Vegas Dace,
Grass Valley Speckled Dace, Clear Lake Splittail, Snake River Sucker,
Harelip Sucker, Tecopa Pupfish. Schomburgk's Deer. Kona Grosbeak, Ryukyu
Pigeon, Bonin Wood Pigeon, Big Thicket Hog-nosed Skunk, Rabbit-eared
Tree-rat, White-footed Tree-rat, Carolina Parakeet, New Zealand Quail,
Raiatea Parakeet, Black-fronted Parakeet, Chatham Island Swan, Western
quoll, Brawny Great Moa, Philippine Bare-backed Fruit Bat, King Island
Emu, Falkland Island Wolf, Passenger Pigeon, Puerto Rican Shrew, Guam
Flying Fox, Penasco Chipmunk, Pallid Beach Mouse, Atlantic Gray Whale,
Kenai Peninsula Wolf, Newfoundland Wolf, Banks Island Wolf, Cascade
Mountains Wolf, Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf, Mogollon Mountain Wolf,
Texas Gray Wolf, Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf, Florida Red Wolf, Texas
Red Wolf, California Grizzly Bear, Tacoma Pocket Gopher, Round combshell
(clam), Tennessee Riffleshell (mussel), Sampson's Pearlymussel (Wabash
Riffleshell), Syrian Wild Ass, Burly Lesser Moa, Arabian Gazelle, Red
Gazelle, Saudi Gazelle, Goff's Southeastern Pocket Gopher, Confused
Moth, Steller's Sea Cow, Lesser Stick-nest Rat, Mauritius Grey Parrot,
Bavarian Vole, Indian Seal, Black-footed Ferret, Lanai Thrush, New Zealand
Greater Short-tailed Bat, Long-tailed Hopping-mouse, Nelson's Rice Rat,
Chadwick Beach Cotton Mouse, Pemberton's Deer Mouse, Cape Warthog, Scioto
Pigtoe (clam), Barbados Raccoon, Tahitian Sandpiper, Okinawa Flying
Fox, Slender-billed Grackle, Dodo, Lesser Koa Finch, Greater Koa Finch,
Mauritian Owl, White-faced Owl, Arizona Cotton Rat, Blue Pike, Kansas
Bog Lemming, Mexican Grizzly Bear, Japanese Sea Lion, and West African
Black Rhino (declared extinct in July 2006).
Kurt Vonnegut sez: "Humans are a mistake. We have destroyed our
entire planet."
List of extinctions: http://extinctanimals.petermaas.nl
Mickey Z. can be found on the Web at http://www.mickeyz.net.
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