Global Temperature Management
By Prof. Chaim Scheff
27 October, 2005
If planet Earth were an enterprise, then Global Warming would be (is) a symptom of bad management. Petro-technologies (waste product intense) are causing this dangerous climate shift. To save the Quality of Human Life on this planet, our urgent question is: "What should good management do?" Bad management lets market forces regulate environmental toxicity; until we retrograde shift into some high-tech Stone Age. Good management's paradigm is to modify the global biosphere to recycle more of the surplus atmospheric CO2. Lets look at the simple science, straightforward engineering, and down-home economics of this global eco-management procedure.
Science: In Nature, solar powered chlorophyll reactions bind atmospheric Carbon (Dioxide) to water – to build plant material ( e.g. grasses, trees, algae). These chlorophyll-based plants absorb light around a few very narrow optical frequency bands – violet & blue (430, 453) and orange & red (644, 663). Exposing many of these plants to a "shot" of this light (during the night) will cause them to grow "as if" there had been an extra day. (Note: This is a well-known technique – used in Temperate/Sub-Arctic commercial green houses; to accelerate produce delivery schedules.)
Carefully altering the lunar spectrum is a rational paradigm for halting global warming. Taking sunlight that bounces off the lunar surface Earthward, and "improving" its spectrum will shift the biosphere's Carbon equilibrium. This provides petro-technology continuity and decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels – because artificially stimulating additional plant growth is actually binding surplus Carbon (Dioxide). Most plants will do this correctly, others will remain unchanged, and a few will develop imbalances. In the robust biosphere ecology, large scale shifting of ratios of plants in countless ecosystems will in turn respectively increase other species ( e.g. molds, insects, birds, mammals, etc.). Classically, this is called Abundance.
Engineering: First, catalogue inert inorganic materials that return sunlight in the chlorophyll color bands; a reasonable task for an ordinary spectroscopic physicist. Next, eliminate materials that are unstable under the temperature, radiation, lunar surface contact, and vacuum conditions of the lunar surface; a reasonable task for an ordinary inorganic chemist. After that, eliminate materials that are difficult to make or to keep in a fine powdered form; a reasonable task for an ordinary chemical engineer. Of course, simply select the cheapest of the materials that qualify; a reasonable task for any prudent consumer.
Next, simulate the powder dispersal/deposition process – to understand how to apply it in small steps, so that the planet equilibrium is not overshot. Then, develop a delivery system for these materials; bringing the qualified materials to a location above the center of the visible lunar surface and dispersing them – probably in the form of a dry aerosol; perhaps from a lunar-tethered vehicle. Finally, even with super computers simulating this procedure, prudently introduce this phenomena in gradual steps over the course of 15-25 years – so that there is enough time to monitor the effects on global weather, ecosystems, atmospheric CO2, agriculture, fish stocks, etc.
Economics: Needing to deliver only a few tons of powder to 20% cover the lunar surface with a coating of 20-micron dust surely costs less than any of the hot space-exploration projects of the last few decades. Like more ordinary space missions, this project requires the supervision of cost conscious space-science engineers and other systems-oriented mission specialists. While this is not something that has ever been done, neither exotic science nor not-yet-invented engineering are needed. Simply stated: "It's time to take another small step for mankind."
*Prof. Chaim Scheff
Patent Attorney & Licensed Engineer
Mobile Phone : +972-547-401-802
[email protected]
Member: Association of Israeli Patent Attorneys
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Israel)
Intellectual Property Rights Consultant - Business Ethics Center of Jerusalem
*(Hochstein School of Industrial Management - Jerusalem College of Technology)
© 1985-2005 Chaim Scheff
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