Warming: The Great Equaliser
By Adam Parsons
25 September,2007
the latest summit to discuss a post-Kyoto treaty continues in New York
this week, the single most revealing statement has already been spoken:
“We need to climate-proof economic growth”. These few words,
told to reporters by the UN’s top climate official, Yvo de Boer,
during the recent Vienna round of talks, define the blinded establishment
approach to tackling climate change.[1] Only if continued trade liberalisation
and corporate profits are kept sacrosanct, remains the assumption, is
it possible to consider even a broad agreement on future cuts in greenhouse-gas
With dire weather events
and studies being reported on an almost daily basis, fewer sceptics
are able to dismiss the reality of dangerous climate change. In the
same week as around 1,000 diplomats, scientists, business leaders and
environmental activists from 158 countries attended the U.N.’s
Vienna Climate Change Talks, a
top security think-tank stated that climate change could
have global security implications “on a par with nuclear war unless
urgent action is taken”,[2] whilst leading scientists warned of
a looming “global
food crisis” that will require more food to be produced
over the next 50 years than has been produced during the past 10,000
years combined.[3]
The rapidity of these dystopian
predictions has grown to Faustian proportions; the year 2007 already
has the dubious accolade of witnessing the most extreme weather events
on record,[4] as characterised by the millions of Africans just hit
by some of the worst floods in a generation in which villagers were
“wiped off the map”.[5] This summer, the collapse of the
Arctic ice cap (losing a third of its ice since measurements began 30
years ago and “stunning” experts)[6] was topped off by the
latest UN study from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
who now believe that the tipping point for widespread catastrophe –
involving a two degrees rise in global temperatures - is “very
unlikely” to be avoided.[7]
Common sense
Common sense would presume
that the resulting questions for policymakers, long since removed from
a debate on mans culpability, must inevitably focus on how to achieve
a wholesale reorganisation of society to drastically decrease fossil
fuel use, curb excessive consumption, and reform the global economic
framework to ensure that all countries can live sustainably within ecological
limits. The collective government response to date, however, makes it
seem like the countless thousands of lives being destroyed by flash
floods, famines and desertification are living in a parallel world to
the business-as-usual dealings of multinational corporations.
The stalemate reached during
the Vienna talks reiterates the ongoing blindness to climate change
reality demonstrated by government leaders. China, which continues to
open up two coal-fired power plants a week, refuses to cut emissions
if it means sacrificing economic growth, compared with the US senior
climate negotiator who said that the E.U.’s goal of slashing emissions
to half of 1990 levels by 2050 would “be a very tough target to
meet”[8] – even though the IPCC determine that an 80 percent
reduction in ‘global’ greenhouse-gas emissions is needed
before 2050.
At the same time as Japan,
Switzerland, New Zealand, Canada and Russia all argued that the level
of emissions cuts required should “be kept open”,[9] a Worldwatch
Institute report was released that showed more wood was
removed from forests in 2005 than ever before, more steel and aluminium
was produced in 2006 than in previous world records, and inconceivable
billions of tonnes of fossil fuels and oil are increasingly being consumed.[10]
The more urgent and fundamental question, therefore, is what factors
continue to drive this one way ticket towards ecological disaster, and
what social measures really need to be taken if cataclysmic global warming
is to be forestalled?
Limits to Growth
The framing of this basic
enquiry into environmental sustainability can be traced back to a report
published in 1972 that forecast the imminent collapse of life on earth
and resulted in an outrage amongst economic thinkers. Limits to Growth,
written by leading scientists from the then unknown Club of Rome, used
crude mathematical models to project future resource depletion that
have long since been discredited, even if it’s essential repudiation
of the modern belief in economic growth as “a kind of law of nature”
is more relevant today than when it was first published.[11] The observational
problem, outlined the report, is that the planet has limited resources
and a finite carrying capacity, while the demands placed on it by a
growth-dependent economy and the grossly materialistic lifestyles it
engenders are insatiable. For this reason, the belief that free trade
will lead “to a natural order of things” is catastrophically
mistaken, it argued, as there are in fact “no laws of economic
ordination” because economics “is not really a science but
a set of theories,” and because the ‘Invisible Hand’
of the market does not actually exist.[12]
This challenge to orthodox
thinking on development was further underlined by the respected economist
E. F. Schumacher who penned the classic discourse, Small is Beautiful,
a year later in 1973. As the world economy began to reel from oil price
shocks, Schumacher’s eloquent and prophetic writings scorned the
materialist assumption that ‘growth is good’ and ‘bigger
is better’, and instead argued that natural resources like fossil
fuels should not be treated as expendable ‘income’ but rather
as capital owing to their non-renewability and eventual depletion.
Often called the ‘philosophy
of enoughness’, Schumacher was one of the first economists to
question if Gross National Product could sufficiently measure human
well-being, concluding with the damning verdict that “modern man
has built a system of production that ravishes nature and a type of
society that mutilates man. If only there were more and more wealth,
everything else, it is thought, would fall into place.”[13] Upon
his advice that governments must respect natures “tolerance margins”
and first prioritise sustainable development, the only answer to solving
“the problem of production”, he said, is to first “thoroughly
understand the problem and begin to see the possibility of evolving
a new life-style, with new methods of production and new patterns of
consumption: a life-style designed for permanence.”[14]
These questions of ‘green’
or ‘ecological economics’ may not be anything new, as furthered
by other important studies contradicting the blind reliance on economic
growth such as For the Common Good (1989) by Daly and Cobb, but the
sheer simplicity and common sense of the sustainability conundrum demands
constant repetition. The established economic system steadfastly refuses
to acknowledge planetary limits, flatly ignores the inevitability of
an eventual end to the growth cycle, and fails to recognise that a system
based on the amoral concerns of resource allocation has created a world
of such unimaginable inequalities that millions of people over-consume
to the point of obesity, whilst millions of others are left to die without
access to adequate food.
Market Contradictions
Government leaders, far from
contemplating the prognostic warnings of Limits to Growth, have charged
in the opposite direction by unleashing a “veritable crusade of
economic expansionism” with the prevailing neo-liberal policies
followed since the 1980s.[15] The result is a contradiction at the heart
of the market economy that literally threatens human life; by maximising
trade for its own sake, without questioning the greenhouse-gas emissions
brought about by the phenomenal rise in transport that free trade demands,
we are placed on a collision course with the limits of social and environmental
As set out in a report by
the New
Economics Foundation during the early years of the Kyoto
Protocol, the simple logic of growth and trade liberalisation conflicts
with attempts to control climate change.[16] At a time when leading
scientists estimated that a 90 percent cut in greenhouse-gas emissions
is required from the rich nations by 203, international trade was forecasted
to grow exponentially by 70 percent during the period of the Kyoto Protocol
until 2012, yet the agreement failed to include any emissions from freight
in its ‘right to pollute’ measures of cap-and-trade.[17]
According to recent
studies, CO2 emissions from shipping – which are
twice as much as airlines and not even covered by the Kyoto accord –
are not only far higher than previously thought, but could rise by as
much as 75 percent in the next 15 to 20 years if world trade continues
to grow and no action is taken.[18]
This ‘blind spot’
about freight, argued the NEF report, has led to a double failure; firstly
in appreciating the real environmental impacts of rising freight movements,
and secondly in the failure to remotely introduce the necessary policies
to shift freight onto a sustainable path.[19] When the World Bank published
a report in 2000 called The
Quality of Growth, nowhere did they explain how ‘clean
growth’ could be achieved globally while simultaneously reducing
greenhouse-gas emissions by the drastic amount recommended by the IPCC.
It constitutes an underlying conflict of interest that has yet to be
debated at the highest levels of government, let alone resolved; do
we prioritise the relentless opening of a country’s borders to
international competition and the unrestrained movement of goods and
services, or do we cooperatively manage the global economy to reduce
greenhouse-gas emissions?
‘Ships Passing
in the Night'
According to the logic of
neo-liberal economics, it is perfectly acceptable for thousands of lorries
and ships to be ‘passing in the night’, carrying almost
identical goods or with produce that could be produced locally, without
consideration of the environmental impact of needlessly burning fuel.
The UK, to give a small example, exports one-and-a-half thousand tonnes
of fresh potatoes to Germany each year, and imports practically the
same amount from the same country,[20] a practice of ecologically wasteful
trade that is not only repeated with every material product made, but
is endlessly encouraged by the values of a purely capitalistic financial
Similar pernicious examples
could be repeated ad infinitum, as in recent studies that show how deforestation
– which added 5,000 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere between 1989 and 1995 without even mentioning the profoundly
deleterious effect on essential oxygen production from trees –
is perversely encouraged by the values of economic globalisation and
now threatens to annihilate some 60
percent of all species.[21] As succinctly concluded by
the NEF; “To build the global economy on the foundations of fuel-intensive
international trade and consumption is to build a castle on shifting
and treacherous sand.”[22]
The predominant market-based
approaches to tackling climate change, not least the carbon cap-and-trade
schemes endorsed by the Kyoto Protocol, are equally a part of the central
problem owing to their implicit approval of unlimited economic expansion.
As argued extensively by alternative and green economists, it is markets
that “got us into this crisis in the first place”[23] and
now it is markets, somewhat sardonically, that are touted as the only
solution, as reflected in the conclusion of the Stern Review that climate
change is the “greatest market failure the world has seen”.
Free-market proposals like
carbon-trading, advocated by a growing list of prominent economists,
high-profile politicians and ‘green NGOs’ (including Sir
Nicholas Stern, World Bank chief economist Larry Summers, Governors
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Richardson, Eliot Spitzer, and not least
Bill Clinton and Al Gore who both quipped that “the invisible
hand has a green thumb”)[24] are not only deficient measures that
give the illusion that suitable action is being taken, but are also
prolonging the environmental crisis by creating new market opportunities
for corporate profits and by delaying investment into renewable energies.
Commodification and
“The act of commodification
at the heart of offset schemes assigns a financial value to the impetus
that someone may feel to take climate action,” reports the Carbon
Trade Watch, “and neatly transforms this potential to bring about
change into another market transaction. There is then no urgent need
for people to question the underlying assumptions about the nature of
the social and economic structures that brought about climate change
in the first place.”[25] By turning nature into a ‘market’,
in other words, attention is temporarily diverted from the reality that
“today’s ecological problems are related to a system of
global inequality that demands ecological destruction as a necessary
condition of its existence.”[26]
The clearly sane response
to the emergency of global warming is for all developed nations to considerably
reduce their levels of consumption, but this platitude will remain a
fantasy until the inherent inequities of the world economy are first
addressed. Only then, coupled with an international acceptance of the
need to drastically limit the quantity of fossil fuels being extracted
and burnt from the earth, can a workable framework for climate change
mitigation be meaningfully discussed.
The evidence so far, judged
in the context of a continuing “great global coal rush”,
is that such an admittance is still critically ignored; China, who remains
reluctant to cut any CO2 emissions if it means sacrificing economic
growth, has doubled its annual coal production in six years; India will
construct more than 100 coal-fired plants over the next decade; US power
corporations are frantically pushing ahead with plans to construct around
150 new coal-fired stations; and the UK Labour government is quietly
resurrecting two deep coal mines in Wales with furtive plans to reopen
several more.[27] “Unaware of the causes of our good fortune,
blissfully detached from their likely termination,” says the eco-activist
George Monbiot, “we drift into catastrophe.”[28]
It is possible to feel an
acute sense of foreboding when comparing the basic threats of global
warming with government inertia and denial, but climate change as the
“moral question of the 21st century” also holds the potential
to initiate global justice on a scale never seen throughout history.[29]
This is best illustrated through a key concept promoted by many environmental
campaigners as a guide for agreeing a solution to CO2 emissions: carbon
debt. If the wealthiest countries first acknowledge that their unequal
use of the global commons has run up an enormous and unpaid ecological
‘debt’ to the world, runs the argument, then the stage is
set for a new kind of dialogue between rich and poor countries. Any
future negotiations on emissions reductions or the sharing of reductions,
therefore, must also focus on just recompense for the damage already
done to the atmosphere.
Carbon debt
A plethora of reports and
articles constantly reveal how developing countries, who have done comparatively
little to contribute to global warming, have become the world’s
‘climate change canaries’ and will pay the highest price
in years to come through increasing droughts, storms and vector diseases,
therefore requiring a moral ‘pay back’ of the carbon debt
accrued by industrialised nations. The impoverished living standards
of the billions of people living on less than two-dollars-a-day, in
this respect, is the immoral safeguard preventing the planet from even
worse disaster. It would not be alarmist to conjecture that if everyone
shared the same lifestyle as the average American, the “holocaust
predicted for the distant future would have already visited us.”[30]
A consensus of environmentalists
now propose that the only acceptable solution to redressing CO2 emissions
must be equity-based, thereby conceding “each individual’s
logical claim to the atmosphere”.[31] The proposed mechanism of
‘contraction and convergence’, as formulated by the Global
Commons Institute, incorporates these principles by first establishing
how much carbon dioxide can be produced each year within a safe limit,
then basically dividing that sum between each individual in the world.
On a set date, all nations would ‘converge’ to an agreed
level of emissions.
This straightforward concept,
which is already approved by the European Parliament and key government
spokesman in Africa, India and China, embodies more than just equal
rights to the atmosphere for every citizen. The implementation of contraction
and convergence, based upon an international acceptance of ecological
limits, would necessitate a sustainable world economy, an enforced reduction
in consumption levels by the wealthiest nations, and hence a vast redistribution
of resource usage between nations.
If contraction and convergence
can be imagined as a potential model for future world development as
a whole, it could also lead to a greater emphasis on sharing through
a reformed economic system that prioritises sustainability and basic
human needs. The large-scale implications for global justice would be
immense and all-encompassing, reflected in a necessary reorientation
of the values and driving forces behind the economy. Rather than the
blind pursuit of maximum instant gratification and profit, the underlying
priorities governing social development would need to focus on the collective
desire for human survival, an end to poverty and gross inequality between
countries, and the beginning of an international culture defined by
cooperation and the shared purpose of averting mass catastrophe.
Man's Ingenuity
In the present political
climate such a vision might seem like abstract idealism, but if the
alarming forecasts of the IPCC come anywhere near to fruition with the
exposure of hundreds of millions to drought, hunger and flooding, then
“the biggest economic and geo-political realignment of recent
history” will soon be unavoidable.[32] Two optimistic examples
can be cited of how capable man is at change and adaption, firstly in
a study of the Second World War economy in which England radically simplified
its lifestyles and reduced its consumption of resources,[33] and in
which America turned around its economy “on a dime” upon
entering the war in 1941.[34]
Another example of man's
ingenuity and responsiveness to potential calamity is seen in the cyclical
response by governments to financial emergencies, as witnessed recently
with the respective bailouts enacted by the Fed and the Bank of England.[35]
What is clearly missing when these examples are applied to the environmental
emergency is the same sense of a shared crisis, the necessary statesmanship
and vision distinct from the short-term concerns for economic hegemony
and profit, and the combined leadership of governments who recognise
the critical need to reverse the escalating “problem of production.”
More than three decades after
E. F. Schumacher penned his famous treatise, the global obsession with
economic growth has stretched the limits of natural resources to the
point of imminent exhaustion, an empirical conclusion that requires
no further study or mathematical modelling to confirm. The neglected
policy debate on ecological limits, increasingly obfuscated by the complex
arguments over CO2 emissions, is unable to call out the elephant of
unsustainable lifestyles without challenging the very premise of an
economic system built upon endless consumption and competition over
scarce resources. The only enduring cause for hope, despite the continued
antipathy of the international community in questioning the systemic
causes of global warming, is for climate change to become the world’s
greatest equaliser by forcing an admission of the failure of globalised
market forces.
Adam W Parsons is the editor of Share the World’s
Resources (STWR), an NGO campaigning for global economic and social
justice based upon the principle of sharing. He can be reached at [email protected]
1 William J. Kole. “Climate-proofing
economic growth” (Associated Press, 28th August 2007)
2 Jeremy Lovell. “Global
warming impact like ‘nuclear war’” (Reuters,
12th September 2007)
3 Ian Sample. “Global
food crisis looms as climate change and population growth strip fertile
land” (The Guardian, 31st August 2007)
4 Agence France Presse. “World
hit by record extreme weather events in 2007: WMO” (August 7th
5 Matthew Green, Fiona Harvey
and Barney Jopson. “Global warming concerns after Africa deluge”
(Financial Times, London, 19th September 2007)
6 David Adam. “Loss
of arctic ice leaves experts stunned” (The Guardian, London, 4th
September 2007)
7 Cahal Milmo. “‘Too
late to avoid global warming,’ say scientists” (The
Independent, London, 19th September 2007)
8 John Ward. “U.N.
climate talks end in cloud of discord” (Washington
Post, September 1st 2007)
9 Agence France-Presse. “Climate
change: row mars Vienna talks on future emissions cuts” (August
31st 2007)
10 Worldwatch Institute.
“Window to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change Closing; EU Should
Press for Immediate U.S. Action” (September 13th
11 Wouter Van Dieren. Taking
nature into account: A report to the Club of Rome – Introduction
(Springer-Verlag New York Inc., June 1995) p. 3.
12 Ibid.
13 E. F. Schumacher. Small
is beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered (Blond &
Briggs, Great Britain, 1973) p. 246.
14 Ibid. p. 16.
15 Quote from Wouter Van
Dieren, ibid.
16 Andrew Simms.
“Collision course: free trade’s free ride on the global
climate” (New Economics Foundation, November 2000)
17 Ibid, p. 2.
18 John Vidal. “CO2
output from shipping twice as much as airlines” (The
Guardian, March 3rd 2007)
19 Ibid, p. 9.
20 Andrew Simms, Dan Moran
and Peter Chowla. “The
UK Interdependence Report: How the world sustains the nation's lifestyles
and the price it pays” (New Economics Foundation,
April 2006)
21 Julio Godoy. ‘Incentives
Offered to Destroy Forests’ (Inter Press Service,
September 20th 2007)
22 Andrew Simms. “Collision
course: free trade’s free ride on the global climate” (New
Economics Foundation, November 2000) p. 5.
23 See, for example, John
Cavanagh, John Feffer, Daphne Wysham. Just
Climate Policy (Foreign Policy in Focus, June 28th 2007)
24 See Mitchel Cohen.
“Listen Gore: Some Inconvenient Truths About the Politics of Environmental
Crisis” (, February 2nd 2007)
25 Kevin Smith. “The
Carbon Neutral Myth: Offset Indulgences for your Climate Sins”
(Transnational Institute report, February 20th 2007)
26 John Bellamy Foster.
“A New War on the Planet?” (MRZine, June 8th
27 John Harris. “The great global coal rush puts us on the fast
track to irreversible disaster” (The Guardian, London, August
30th 2007)
28 George Monbiot. “A
sudden change of state” (The Guardian, July 3rd 2007)
29 Quote from George Monbiot.
action on climate change is needed now – and here’s the
plan” (The Guardian, 31st October 2006)
30 C.E. Karunakaran. Dangerous
Denial (Frontline Magazine, February 2007, Vol:24 Iss:04)
31 Andrew Simms. An environmental
war economy: The lessons of ecological debt and global warming (New
Economics Foundation, July 2001) p. 2.
32 Ibid.
33 Ibid, p. 26-33
34 See George Monbiot interview
by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. "If We Don’t Deal with
Climate Change We Condemn Hundreds of Millions of People to Death"
(Democracy Now! Interview, May 18th 2007)
35 See Andrew Dobson. A climate
of crisis: Towards the eco-state (, September 19th
Copyright 2007 Share The World's Resources (
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