Global Warming -
The New Ecoterrorist Menace
By Bill Henderson
19 December, 2006
(After nine
op-eds trying
to explore the dangers of runaway climate change, here is a tenth
trying to model how those who are now resolutely opposed to the idea
of global warming will react as RCC moves onto the public radar. I have
postulated that there is no solution within our current market based
economy and that governance innovation, something like Lester Brown's
PLAN B, is needed so that necessary change becomes possible - in this
op-ed I try to present how this perspective can be mis-perceived. I
don't mean to belittle opposition but only to model impediments to needed
change and to introduce a meme about RCC in previously uninformed circles.)
I'm writing to warn you that ecoterrorists are organizing to subvert
the lawfully elected US government using global warming as the pretext.
These radical environmentalists have begun arguing on left wing websites
that only the complete end of our market economy and it's replacement
with tyrannical central government planning will stop global warming.
They believe that only this complete repudiation of the American way
of life will stop something they call 'runaway global warming' or 'runaway
climate change'. With a fanatical disregard for all of our personal
freedoms and our businesses, they want to turn America into a socialist
state in total ignorance of central plannings failure in the old Soviet
Global warming is a losers,
doomsters conjecture. There is no reasonable cause and effect evidence
that the world is getting any warmer (outside of normal temperature
fluctuations caused by normally occurring changes in factors like the
Earth's orbit or sunspots, etc.). In fact, we should hope that the world
is getting a little warmer because in the reoccurring global climate
pattern over the past hundred thousand years we are headed for the next
ice age. A slightly warmer world would also increase agricultural productivity
as well and generally open up presently inhospitable areas for human
Radical environmentalists
state that emissions from fossil fuels are allegedly to blame for global
warming because they hate America's success and because they do not
recognize God's plan for human redemption and His love and infinite
power. These radicals believe in a godless, hopeless creation where
we are just one species amongst many; where all species will eventually
become extinct. They believe in the possibility of a 'dieoff' of what
they call our 'overpopulation' caused by lack of resources or catastrophe.
Their latest strategy is
something called 'runaway global warming' which they say will 'create
a different world' from the one we know. 'Human caused global warming
will get so bad that we will all die'. Global temperatures will increase
by tens of degrees abruptly. ('Abrupt climate change' is another pseudonym
for this junk science.)
But the kicker is that according
to these radical environmentalists and the few scientists that have
come out on these leftwing websites in support, we must completely change
our economy so that all emissions are stopped within just one decade.
And since this is impossible, ludicrously impossible, they are agitating
for the US Federal government to declare war against global warming
and put the country on a war footing such as we did against Hitler in
order to completely shut down our present market economy in favor of
a centralized state with no cars, planes, no shopping, etc.
There are newly elected Democrats
in the House and maybe even in the Senate who believe the global warming
junk science and who are sympathetic to such socialist government powers.
The radical environmentalists will try and spread fear of 'the end of
civilization because of runaway global warming' and the big government
politicians will try and use this excuse to seize government to wreck
total havoc on our economy and our freedoms. Many well meaning citizens
and legislators panicked by 'the need for change within a decade' will
be tricked into co-operating and every business, every investment, and
all our homes and possessions will be endangered by this godless hysteria.
What to do about it? Friends,
trust in God and in America. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Find out more about this new conspiracy - check out how widespread this
strategy is already. Write your representatives today alerting them
to this ecoterrorist strategy. Talk to your pastor and your fellow congregationalists
about this conspiracy and organize a counter education campaign in your
I'm trying to get a website
up explaining this danger to our country and I will write again with
an address and more information on how we can organize to fight back
with the truth, real science, and faith in God and country. Global warming
was always just a scare story told by those with ideological agendas.
Runaway global warming is just more scary nonsense - but if we don't
mobilize and fight back now we might lose our freedoms and our country.
( Finally, in my tenth
op-ed I would be negligent in not informing readers about the reasonable
scientific overview critical of runaway climate change at the Realclimate
tipping points of no return
warming, climate crisis in 10 years?
sensitivity: Plus ça change ...
2°C warming be avoided?
Given the many possible
positive feedback mechanisms possible and underestimation of climate
change possibilities in the past, I still think that precautionary action
is a necessity with a complete risk assessment a priority. But divergence
of opinion is definitely good and useful.- in Stephen
Schneider's worldview, when it comes to possible climate change
probabilities: "“End of the world” and “good
for the Earth” are, in my experience, the two lowest probability
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