Is Very
Repugnant To Some
By Bill Henderson
21 February, 2007
The weather was a hobby
for the British steam engineer who gets the credit for first linking
smokestacks to warmer winters in 1938. Guy Stewart Callendar fastidiously
tracked temperatures in his spare time, and his numbers showed that
the world had been heating up for the previous four decades. His theory,
based on the research of earlier scientists who had been ignored, argued
that human CO2 production was making the temperatures rise. His claims
were pooh-poohed: "The idea that a man's actions could influence
so vast a complex," he wrote, "is very repugnant to some."
almost everybody has awoken to the reality of human induced climate
change, most inhabitants of infotainment democracies still have only
a fuzzy, linear impact, polar bears and glaciers, underappreciation
of the seriousness of climate change. Climate change as increasing probability
of human extinction doesn't ever even make the top ten Google searches
of the week.
In a message I thought at
least worthy of an
election speech several years ago I had Al Gore explain
that humanity had nearly been the victim of two different cases of accidental
self-extinction: nuclear winter and CFC caused ozone-layer depletion
. Like teenagers realizing that people die drinking and driving, in
other types of alcohol related accidents, and even more insidiously,
that people could be committing accidental self-extinction if they get
into the practice of eating Tylenol to quell binge hangovers, humanity
has to mature in self-governance because we do have the power to change
the biosphere enough to create a world where humanity and most of what
we recognize as nature could not survive.
"Further global
warming of 1 °C defines a critical threshold. Beyond that we will
likely see changes that make Earth a different planet than the one we
know." James
Runaway climate change is
an increasingly probable risk of self-extinction. A 90% reduction of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 is the prudent risk averse self-governance
required but so far necessary change of this scale is very repugnant
to some. Read George Monbiot's HEAT, chapter one, for the science explaining
the runaway climate change danger and the full quantification of this
necessary emission reduction target.
HEAT, the second and third
parts of the IPCC report, the wider science comment upon topics in these
parts of the report and more intense media coverage will, hopefully,
over the coming year alert informed publics globally about both the
possibly fatal dangers from climate change but also to the measure of
self-governance necessary to convert rapidly to post-carbon economies.
We should be mobilizing
for massive change but instead there is now a phony climate
change war of green-dressed businesses and governments with promised
marginal emission reduction within business as usual. In Canada where
I live, the next election and not climate change remains the politicians
priority, the Church of Business has restricted climate change debate
in the media to ads for new green products, and my provincial government
is winning plaudits for only promising a woefully inadequate 30%
emission reduction by 2020 while continuing car sprawl
infrastructure superprojects and subsidies to the oil and gas industry.
Isn't this how you qualify for a Darwin
Award? Isn't this a profound immaturity that we can no
longer afford?
"The continued production
of fossil fuels to sustain our existing economic system is too important
to allow the health of the planet to stand in its way. Buy into this
mode of thought, and you can say goodbye to any hope of slowing –
let alone reversing – the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."