Christmas Present -
Something You Can Do For Your Kids
Bill Henderson
28 December,

is for kids. Give your kids the present they really need this year:
Promise them you will do whatever you can to help turn the corner on
climate change. It's life and death for your kids, for your grandchildren.
Promise them you will work hard so that they will have a safe future.
We all know
the individual actions we should be doing to reduce our carbon footprints,
the business and community actions, but realistically climate change
is a global-scale problem and turning the corner from ever increasing
greenhouse gas emissions to emission reduction of a scale needed, fast,
requires global agreement and action.
And global
agreement and action must begin in the US and be led by the US; and
the crucial 08 elections must be our window of opportunity for building
a mandate for real change, in the US first and then globally.
Promise your
kids you will use this window of opportunity to work for their future.
That you will do what you can to win a mandate for needed climate change
action. Besides your love there is nothing they need more this Christmas.
You don't
live in the US; you don't get a vote? Why don't you become an activist
for your kids future. You can be effective:
Send a picture
of your kids or your grandkids to a candidate in the States with the
message: Climate change is a life and death issue for your kids and
my kids - they need your voice; they both need your commitment to meaningful
emission reduction.
Or organize
your neighbourhood, Church, workplace or club: get together and have
your picture taken with your kids and pick a candidate, a presidential
or Congressional candidate, and together send as many messages with
pleas and information about climate change and thoughts about what they
should do in this crucial election for all our kids futures. And keep
it up until they have to pay attention.
If your group
is reasonably wealthy consider taking out ads with your message in papers
in the candidates riding: A picture of your kids with the message: We
beseech you Ms. Clinton or Mr. Obama or Ms. Congresswoman from California
or Ohio, to consider our kids and your kids and wake up and lead at
this crucial time - We need your leadership; we need you to commit to
a real climate change solution.
If enough
people worldwide commit to becoming activists for their kids in this
crucial election it could so focus climate change as THE issue, dwarfing
all of the usual but now mundane issues - IT'S OUR KIDS FUTURE, STUPID!!!
Then, hopefully, with such a mandate, American leadership could become
global solution.
With a little
spontaneous organization we could see Asians maybe focusing on the US
west coast ridings, Europeans on Atlantic contests, religious groups
targeting their compatriots in every part of both red and blue states,
etc., etc. We could have farmers reaching out to farmers, footballers
sending singing messages "our kids don't walk alone', baseball
teams worldwide sending the message: 'You don't have to be just a big
leaguer to hit a climate change home run'. Artists and moviemakers could
add their talents to make these pictures of our future undeniable, impossible
to ignore. There is no limit to the potential creativity possible in
delivering the message to voters in the States - this election has to
be about our children's future, all of our children's future; it has
to be about action to turn the corner on climate change.
Each of us
and all of us. In letters and e-mail. With hand drawn pictures and Youtube
videos; with whatever paid advertising we can organize. To each and
every candidate; to every voter. From all of us parents and grandparents
on this planet to the only nation that can lead in organizing the global
solution, the global New Deal, the global post-carbon economy we desperately
need, and a definitive action plan to get us there.
Each of us
can give this present to our kids: we can and will work for a more hopeful
future by getting serious about climate change. As families we can work
to safeguard our common future by refusing to be just victims with no
power. All you have to do is care enough about your kids to send a message
to the people of the United States: our kids, like your kids, need action
on climate change now - it's life or death for all our children.
(And young
ones: you can ring up or e-mail kids just like you in the US and spread
the message of hope in action. If you're in grade four in Nairobi or
Saskatoon or Cochin, find a grade four class somewhere in the States
and send them a big card with your climate change hopes and fears. If
you go to college why not organize a blitz of a college in the States
to get the message out for students everywhere to get active and force
climate change as THE election issue. If you can afford the time why
not help organize a colour revolution against the same old, same old,
business as usual election in the USA - why not volunteer to go as an
activist in this crucial election like white students once did for black
people and civil rights to help get voters registered and motivated
to vote. This is your future and you have to be leaders now. Use your
youthful energy and imagination in this most important window of opportunity
of your lifetime.)
Please, for
Violet and Bella, for your kids, for all our kids - circulate widely
and join in action for their future
bill (at)
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