29 November, 2006
Emissions Show Sharp Rise
By Richard Black
The rise in humanity's emissions of carbon dioxide
has accelerated sharply, according to a new analysis.The Global Carbon
Project says that emissions were rising by less than 1% annually up
to the year 2000, but are now rising at 2.5% per year
The Methane
By Cameron Hunt
One of the more obscure outcomes of any large-scale
switch to LNG use in transport, might just be that the downtrodden peoples
of the Middle East get to witness the final exorcism of the ‘oil
curse’, and its associated foreign occupations. I can see them
now, at their celebrations, nodding sagely as Australia’s rulers
boast to the world of its vast uranium reserves
Making Sense
Of A Mad World
By Gabriel Kolko
We are right to fear anything, particularly a war
with Iran, that would immediately reel out of control and have catastrophic
consequences not only to the region but globally
Of Massacred Armenians Could Haunt
Turkey’s Chances To Join European Union
By Sherwood Ross
Turkey’s bid to join the European Union could
suffer by its refusal to admit the genocide of its Armenian Christian
population nearly a century ago
Nominee For
US Defense Secretary
Advocated Bombing Of Nicaragua
By Joe Kay
In December 1984, Robert Gates, the Bush administration’s
nominee to replace Donald Rumsfeld as defense secretary, advocated military
strikes against Nicaragua in response to what he considered to be a
growing threat to US interests in Central and South America. Gates was
then deputy director of intelligence at the CIA
War Chic
By Lucinda Marshall
The November issue of the magazine Marie Clare
did an outstanding job of in remedying the media’s woeful lack
of coverage of the impact of war on fashion. With several hard-hitting
articles and a photo spread, MC gives this aspect of war reporting it’s
proper due
Lawyers File
War Crimes Charges Against
Rumsfeld And Others In German Court
By Michael Ratner
Revolution Interview with Attorney Michael Ratner
on the Case vs Rumsfeld
Irom's Iron
In The Soul
By Kavita Joshi
A rare interview with Irom Sharmila, the iron lady
of Manipur, who is on a fast-to-death for over six years now. Six years
without food, without a drop of water touching her lips. Six years of
being held under arrest repeatedly on charges of “attempted suicide”
by the government, and being forcibly nose-fed
28 November, 2006
House Iraq
By Patrick Cockburn
Iraq is rending itself apart. The signs of collapse
are everywhere. In Baghdad, the police often pick up more than 100 tortured
and mutilated bodies in a single day. Government ministries make war
on each other
Cut And
Run, The Only Brave Thing To Do ...
By Michael Moore
We demand the Democrats listen to us and get out
of Iraq now
Them! Kill Everyone! All Of Them!"
By Uri Avnery
There is only one way to win a war in Lebanon--and
that is to avoid it
Between Rhetoric And Reality Over Iran
By Abid Mustafa
The recent American overtures to induct Iran in
any political settlement over Iraq have immensely troubled the Israel.
So perturbed has been the government in Tel Aviv that she has mounted
a concerted campaign in America to keep alive the notion that Iran poses
a grave danger to the US and must be thwarted at any cost
Hearings For Bush & Co.?
How About War Crimes Tribunals
By Heatherwokusch
The administration has taken pre-emptive action
against future war crimes charges, including pushing through the scandalous
Military Commissions Act, which provides them retroactive domestic protection
from prosecution regarding prisoner abuse cases
Consumption Comes Out Of The Closet
By Mickey Z.
"Today's consumption is undermining the environmental
resource base. It is exacerbating inequalities," United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) declared in 1998. "If the trends continue
without change ... today's problems of consumption and human development
will worsen." The UNDP concludes: "Runaway growth in consumption
in the past 50 years is putting strains on the environment never before
seen." So...what's in your closet?
The Pill
By Peter Rost
Just sit back for a moment and think . . . do you
think any man would risk any of this? And do you think he would feel
comfortable having his sperms destroyed by a pill?
Hugo Chavez
Gains An Ecuadoran Ally
By Stephen Lendman
The people have spoken, and the Washington-directed
election-riggers failed for the second time this month to arrange for
their man to steal what the people of Ecuador voted en masse to deny
them - the same way it turned out on November 7 when Nicaraguans reelected
Daniel Ortega despite strong opposition to his candidacy from Washington
A Nazi
in the United States Senate
By David Truskoff
Almost the entire country voted against the war
in Iraq, but Connecticut sent the leading warmonger and blind faith
Israel supporter back to the senate. They knew who and what he was.
They voted for him anyway just as they did in 1952 for Prescot Bush,the
grandfather of our President. Most people the world over are only what
the media makes them and the media in Connecticut supported Prescot
Bush and recently. Lieberman
Time In Washington
By Kevin B. Zeese
The Democrats reaped the benefit of voter anger
at the Iraq war and occupation on November 7 and regained control of
both chambers of Congress. Will the Democrats satisfy the desire to
end the Iraq War? Sadly, the initial signs are that voters are likely
to get a lot of razzle-dazzle in Washington, but not much change in
The Guru Of Hate
By Ramachandra Guha
Golwalkar's book disparages democracy as alien
to the Hindu ethos and extols the code of Manu
27 November, 2006
Cheers For Nepal's New Democracy
By Praful Bidwai
This past Tuesday, a guerrilla movement in Nepal
did something unprecedented: it signed a comprehensive peace agreement
with the government, and pledged to disarm itself and join the democratic
Holds Commanding Lead
Eight Days Before Election
By Stephen Lendman
Hugo Chavez holds an insurmountable lead in two
late November polls - one by Ipsos Venezuela/the AP-Ipsos Poll and the
other by Zogby International-University of Miami. Both were released
on November 24 and are the most current and reliable data available
and are consistent with most independent poll results for months
Some Things
You Need To Know
Before The World Ends
By William Blum
The good news is that the Republicans lost.The
bad news is that the Democrats won.The burning issue -- US withdrawal
from Iraq -- remains as far from resolution as before
Blind Obedience
To The Canons Of Capitalism:
Of Sick Societies, American Dalits, and a Nation of Lady Macbeths
By Jason Miller
While millions of children are starving to death,
we in the United States grapple with afflictions born of over-indulgence.
Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions as we wantonly indulge our
edacity. As a result, the United States is facing an alarming rise in
cases of Type-2 diabetes and a significant decline in life expectancy
The Lives
And Deaths Of Iraqi Gays
By Peter Tatchell
Another five gay men were abducted at gun-point
by Iraqi police in Baghdad on 9 November. Nothing has been heard of
them since then. It is feared that they may have been murdered.These
disappearances are the latest "sexual cleansing" operation
mounted by Islamist death squads who have infiltrated the police. They
are systematically targeting gays and lesbians for extra-judicial execution,
as part of their so-called moral purification campaign
The American
Thanksgiving: Rejoicing
In Genocide And White Supremacy
By Glen Ford
No Halloween of the imagination can rival the
exterminationist reality that was the genesis, and remains the legacy,
of the American Thanksgiving. It is the most loathsome, humanity-insulting
day of the year – a pure glorification of racist barbarity
Is Jain Minority
Right In India
Receiving A Fair Deal?
By Bal Patil
In view of the unimpeacheable constitutional, judicial
evidence and the views of the most illustrious leaders and the sitting
members of the Government of India I submit that the Government of India
should take an expeditious decision on issuing a Notification declaring
Jains as a national minority on par with Muslims, Christians, Sikhs,
Buddhists and Zoroastrians
Is someone
Holding India Hostage?
By Jawed Naqvi
Why did the most crucial file on Rajiv Gandhi's
assassination disappear from Prime Minister Rao's office? Is it outlandish
to suspect that India's lurch to the right was plotted with the help
of key assassinations?
25 November, 2006
d'État In Venezuela: Made In The USA
By Chris Carlson
The U.S. has already set up camp in Venezuela,
and all the original cast members are here. We've got NED, USAID, and
yes, once again, Penn, Schoen & Berland. Just like in Serbia, or
Ukraine, the objective of the U.S. forces is to remove Chavez from power.Two
weeks from now, we'll see how all of this plays out. Will the popular
Chavez continue to rule as the president of the masses?
US Could Bomb
Iran Nuclear Sites In 2007: Analysts
President George W. Bush could choose military
action over diplomacy and bomb Iran's nuclear facilities next year,
political analysts in Washington agree
Empire's Ally:
Canadian Foreign Policy
By Greg Albo
The Bush doctrine and the imperial interventions
across the Middle East, supported by Canada and the other Western powers,
is the most visible symbol of this geo-political strategy. One of capitalism's
most powerful fictions is - not for the first time - being laid bare
for what it is: naked self-interest
America: Democrats Must
Truly Change Course
By Ramzy Baroud
To prevent the exodus of Empire-driven neo-conservative
ideologues from being replaced by self-deceiving, Israel-comes-first
Democrats, the American public must not be satisfied with its democratic
revolution of early November. Americans must continue to push for a
truly equitable, sensible and revolutionary foreign policy
Dragons Of
Lebanon's Past Emerge
For Gemayel Funeral
By Robert Fisk
Old political enemies embraced each other beside
priests and sweating paramilitary police while the huge crowds applauded
and roared their approval of Messrs Jumblatt and Hariri and, especially,
Dr Geagea, but booed with derision Ali Hassan Khalil of the Shia Amal
party and a sinister Christian ex-militiaman who once hurled his equally
Christian civil war prisoners into the Mediterranean with concrete tied
to their legs
UN Report
Documents Huge
October Death Toll In Iraq
By James Cogan
The human rights report released on Wednesday by
the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) describes a nation
that has been plunged into barbarism since the US-led invasion in March
2003. The Bush administration’s illegal war for oil and world
power, cynically code-named “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” has
turned Iraq into a slaughterhouse and mass graveyard
Veneer Of Religious Integration
By Praful Bidwai
Media stories based on official data being gathered
by a government-appointed committee have shockingly disclosed that Muslims,
India's largest religious minority, face systematic exclusion and serious
discrimination at multiple levels
Are The Minorities In Pakistan
By Amit Chakraborty
" Unhe Chiro Maat, Hindu Hai, Larr Padenge."
– 'don't ridicule him, he is a Hindu, will start fighting'. Who
said this? She is a lady teacher in an English medium school at Lahore,
Pakistan. Let's not name the school or the teacher for obvious reasons
Death Penalty:
Night Editors Word Of Caution
By Jawed Naqvi
Contemporary Indian media is uncritical and prejudiced
and cares two hoots for professional standards of yesteryears. A cursory
look at the coverage of a few sensitive issues of recent times, including
those of Afzal Guru and the Mumbai blasts
24 November, 2006
Toll Rises And Rises
By Mohammed A. Salih
More than 150 people died in the Shia Sadr area
of Baghdad in a spate of car bombings and mortar attacks Thursday morning
System Becomes Sickening
By Dahr Jamail & Ali Al-Fadhily
After three and a half years of occupation, Iraq's
medical system has sunk to levels lower than seen during the economic
sanctions imposed after the first Gulf war in 1990
Fate Hanging On A New Axis
By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
While the US is actively exploring alternative
options to salvage its intervention in Iraq, regional realities are
dictating their own dynamic, not necessarily in tune with the United
States' objectives. Slowly but surely, a new realignment is shaping
up that is making Washington nervous - a Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus axis
Fasten Your
Seat Belts For Global Warming
By Mickey Z.
"It's not just down the road somewhere. It
is just hurtling toward us. Anyone who is 10 years old right now is
going to be facing a very different and frightening world by the time
that they are 50 or 60."
Syria Is A
Convenient Fallguy
For Gemayel's Death
By Jonathan Cook
Unlike my colleagues, I do not claim to know who
killed Gemayel. Maybe Syria was behind the shooting. Maybe, in Lebanon's
notoriously intrigue-ridden and fractious political system, someone
with a grudge against Gemayel -- even from within his own party -- pulled
the trigger. Or maybe, Israel once again flexed the muscles of its long
arm in Lebanon
Behind The
Governments Veil Of Deceit
By Ridwan Sheikh
Never before has such a small percentage, of an
estimated 1.6 million Muslims living in the U.K, seen to be the root
cause for the failures in integration. Yet, Muslim women wearing the
veil, (niqab), are increasingly blamed for the apparent social dysfunction
in society. But is this really about community ‘separation’?
Is the niqab responsible for the ‘difficulty’ in fostering
positive community relations? Or is there a real danger for the nation
to fall in line with the vision of a secular ‘apartheid’
A Beacon
Of Hope In NYC
By Farzana Hassan-Shahid
Is there room for women's equality within Islam's
ideological framework? Is secularism the answer to the rights of minorities
so often violated in Muslim countries? Would Sufi Islam and its colorful
manifestations occupy a genuine place within Islam?
India's Roads
Becoming Killing
Fields For The Homeless
By Vidyadhar Date
The media is full of reports of promotion of new
car brands glorifying speed, how a car picks up speed of over a hundred
km in just a few seconds and so on. But the elite is totally unconcerned
with the immobility of the vast majority of people who are crammed like
sardines in overcrowded trains
Viewer Or
By Amrita Nandy-Joshi
Welcome to Indian Schadenfreude telly, where, as
per the channel’s webpage, “The celebrities have to entertain
themselves for 100 days whilst the public take pleasure in their pains
23 November, 2006
Rifts In Iraqi Government Intensify
By James Cogan
The kidnapping on November 14 of dozens of Sunni
Arab employees at Iraq’s higher education ministry and government
threats to arrest a leading Sunni cleric have sparked another bloody
escalation in sectarian violence across the country. Sunni political
parties are under pressure to walk out of the “national unity”
cabinet of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad
Mourners Know That In Lebanon
Nothing Is What It Seems
By Robert Fisk
If only the Lebanese stopped putting their faith
in foreigners - the Americans, the Israelis, the British, the Iranians,
the French, the United Nations - and trusted each other instead, they
would banish the nightmares of civil war sealed inside Pierre Gemayel's
The National Day Of Mourning
By Wampsutta
Text of 1970 speech by Wampsutta an Aquinnah Wampanoag
elder and Native American activist
Has Left The Building:
An Open Missive Of Anger And Hope
By Phil Rockstroh
I want you to realize this: There are hidden reservoirs
of hope within us: reservoirs as boundless as the reach of your ruthlessness.
These waters are as deep and potent as you are, at present, shallow
and shameless. Yet, they're inaccessible to you -- as long as you insist
your drink of choice will continue to be oil and blood, mixed with the
runoff of melting Arctic glaciers
Pimping Mike
By Dave Zirin
Young Tyson, despite all the menace, also showed
a real compassion for the people he knocked out. He exhibited smarts,
charisma, and concern. Now he is just an exhibit
Eva Golinger's
New Book - Bush vs. Chavez
By Stephen Lendman
In her new book, Golinger picks up from her first
one chronicling the Bush adminstration's focused efforts at illegal
intervention in Venezuelan affairs attempting to destabilize the Chavez
government leading up to another scheme to overthrow it that may be
only days away following the December 3 presidential election Chavez
is virtually certain to win impressively. The book documents the usual
kinds of mischief directed out of Washington
To P.C. Roberts
On The Death
And Legacy Of Milton Friedman
By Jeff Berg
So yes I understand how Paul Craig Roberts could
admire the work of Milton Friedman. I understand how a mind as fine
as his became trapped inside an ideological framework utterly disconnected
from physical reality. I understand it but I can no longer forgive it
and we can no longer afford it
22 November, 2006
war In Lebanon
By Robert Fisk
Civil war - the words on all our lips yesterday.
Pierre Gemayel's murder - in broad daylight, in a Christian suburb of
Beirut, his car blocked mafia-style by another vehicle while his killer
fired through the driver's window into the head of Lebanon's minister
of industry - was a message for all of us who live in this tragic land
Nepal Peace
Accord Signed
By Press Trust Of India
Nepal's Government and Maoist rebels on Tuesday
signed the landmark peace accord to end the decade-old insurgency that
has claimed over 15,000 lives and bring about lasting peace
Peace, No Place For Palestine
By Sheila Samples
The last Palestinian standing will be waiting for
Israel's bombs and tanks and bulldozers. And he'll have a rock clenched
in each hand
War And War Crimes
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
With U.S. laws protecting its government officials
that are at variance with international laws, Rumsfeld’s war crimes
case may eventually go to the UNSC. But there, the USA will veto such
resolutions further isolating herself from the rest of the civilized
Iraq: “At
A Minimum Negligence In
The Commission Of A Fraud”
By Kevin Zeese
Interview with Michael Isikoff co-author of Hubris
Big Pharma
Hits On Pregnant Women
By Evelyn Pringle
If Big Pharma cared one iota about the unborn fetus,
at a bare minimum, it would call off its hired-guns traveling around
the country peddling SSRI antidepressants to pregnant women by convincing
doctors to prescribed the drugs and ignore the studies and FDA warnings
that say SSRIs are associated with serious birth defects
Family Planning For The Poor
By Gene Gerard
Last week President Bush appointed Dr. Eric Keroack
to serve as the Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for
Population Affairs. But Dr. Keroack has a long-standing opposition to
contraception and abortion. Through this appointment, President Bush
will severely limit contraceptive information and choices to many of
America’s poorest women
And Poverty
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Dalit women suffer from double disability in our
society. The first disability of being woman is doubled with the caste
tag over head. Women remain the most 'sought after' 'object' in our
society and 'honour' of our families. Her honour is a subject of contention
between warring brothers, avenging communities and destroying civilization.
From Gujarat to Kashmir, the honour of women became the major issue
in our uncivilized world
By Ram Puniyani
Rajinder Sachar Committee, on the basis of thorough
inquiry has not only confirmed what Gopal Singh Commission found but
also that trends are in the direction of further worsening of the socio-political
indices of Muslim minorities. The data shows that Muslim community is
at the bottom of economic indices, being worse than even the SCs, STs.
They are worse off in education, and are far behind OBCs in employment.
Their representation in judiciary, bureaucracy is very poor compared
to their percentage in population, and more so in class I and II jobs,
they are very low down in landholdings, and much worse in employment
in private sector
21 November, 2006
Trial Fundamentally Flawed: HRW
By Human Rights Watch
The trial of Saddam Hussein and seven other defendants
before the Iraqi High Tribunal for crimes against humanity was marred
by so many procedural and substantive flaws that the verdict is unsound,
Human Rights Watch said in a 97-page report
Gathers For Sunni Leader
By Dahr Jamail & Ali Al-Fadhily
The arrest warrant issued last week by the Iraqi
government for Sunni leader Dr. Harith al-Dhari has sent shockwaves
through the government, and galvanised much of the Sunni population
Of Nepal Faces 'Punishment'
By Justin Huggler
Nepal took a step closer to democracy yesterday
when, for the first time, a government inquiry said the King should
be punished. A government commission found King Gyanendra responsible
for the brutal crackdown on massive protests which forced him to give
up absolute power this year
Should Be Indicted
By Mahmood Khattak
Most of the people defending Rumsfeld would take
the alibi that he was not personally torturing those people. Saddam
Hussein was sentenced to death for killing 182 people, even though he
did not pull the trigger himself. Hitler did not kill all the six million
Jews in Holocaust himself
Democrats Seek
Accommodation With Bush
Administration To Continue Iraq Occupation
By Joe Kay
Over the weekend, leading Democrats pledged their
eagerness to work closely with the Bush administration in forging a
bipartisan policy to continue the occupation of Iraq, and voiced their
support for a substantial increase in the military budget and the recruitment
of more Army troops
Parties Fight For American Democracy
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
A great democracy offers citizens sharp political
choices. That’s what gives political freedom meaning. With two-party
control of America’s political system, political options and discourse
are stifled. We badly need more visible third-parties that can fully
participate and reach the public with information about their platforms
and candidates. In a nation that so worships competition it is hypocritical
that there is so little political competition
Milton Friedman
On Liberty And Drugs
By Kevin Zeese
Milton Friedman’s view of the harms from
drugs was not only the wasted money – now about $1 billion per
week – but more so the destruction of inner cities, racially unfair
incarceration, corruption of the police, wars in Colombia, Mexico and
other countries that cost thousands of lives and the corruption of foreign
economies as well as our own
The Concept Of ‘Nationalism’
By Arnab Roy Chowdhury
Singing ‘Vande-Mataram’ may be an exhilarating
experience for many of us, but it can’t be the scale to gauge
‘Nationalism’. The saffron Brigade has time and again come
up with various ploys and designs to put various questions framed in
‘game-theoretical’ situations to the minorities, which are
infact done to rejuvenate their waning influence in their heartlands
20 November, 2006
Of Warming Continue In The Arctic
By Randolph Schmid
Signs of warming continue in the Arctic with a
decline in sea ice, an increase in shrubs growing on the tundra and
rising concerns about the Greenland ice sheet
Climate Change - A Frightening
Lack Of Leadership
By Bill Henderson
We need leaders to free us from the present unsustainable
economy and motivate and empower us today to make the changes necessary
to save us from extinction
Iran: The
Next Act
By Seymour M. Hersh
Is a damaged Administration less likely to attack
Iran, or more?
The Outsmarting
Of Karl Rove
By Ralph Nader
Bush's Brain, Karl Rove, outsmarted himself and
lost a chance to keep control of the Senate in Republican hands. It
started and ended in the Connecticut Senate race with Democratic Senator
Joseph Lieberman as his "fatal attraction."
Under Siege
By Dahr Jamail & Ali Al-Fadhily
The recent kidnapping of scores of academics in
Baghdad highlights the desperate situation of the educational system
in occupied Iraq
Milton Lost:
Can We Regain Paradise?
By Jason Miller
This article is dedicated to the untold millions
who suffered as a result of Milton Friedman’s creation of an intellectual
bulwark for economic brutality. On 11/16/06, Friedman died of heart
failure, an ironic cause of death for a heartless individual
Fast Food Nation
Makes Headlines
By Mickey Z.
If you were to release a movie that directly addressed
the standard American diet and animal consumption, every wiseass writer
would be poised and ready to get glib and trivialize the message. It's
all part of the subtle, daily conditioning we endure. If you don't believe
me, check out some of the headlines for Fast Food Nation² reviews
What About
Women’s Lib?
By Peter Rost
It is only sad that in 2006 so many men still feel
emasculated by a relationship with a smart woman and so many women still
feel they have to submit to a man to survive
Farmers Suicide In Ladakh
By Stanzin Dawa
The Government while advocating in the WTO to protect
the due interest of the Indian farmers also need to act locally by reforming
its own distorting policies and programmes, so that farmers in Ladakh
can also be pride of their own production, their own wisdom, their own
economy which is based on organic, cooperation and compassion. This
way we can avoid 'Farmers Suicide' in Ladakh
18 November, 2006
In Ramadi
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
U.S. military tank fire killed scores of civilians
in Ramadi, capital of Al-Anbar province, late Monday night, according
to witnesses and doctors. Anger and frustration were evident at the
hospitals and during the funerals in the following days
In Dire Straights
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
Despite the Iraqi prime minister's optimism for
the agricultural sector, the farmers who are struggling to survive tell
another story
Hope In Beit Hanoun
By Ramzy Baroud
“God is greater than Israel and America,”
was the echoing cry of tens of thousands of Palestinians, who descended
into the graveyard in grief stricken Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza
Strip. They congregated in yet another familiar scene to bury their
loved ones, killed by Israel’s brutal war against the Palestinians
Peace Will
Need More Than
David Grossman -- Or Uri Avnery
By Jonathan Cook
But fortunately, whatever Avnery claims, his peace
camp is not the only alternative to the sham agonising of Peace Now.
Avnery is no more standing at the very edge of the abyss than Grossman.
The only abyss Avnery is looking into is the demise of his Jewish state
Banking On Indian
Umbilical Cords
By Scott Carney
An Indian blood bank plans to take advantage of
the country's booming birth rate by opening a repository for blood taken
from umbilical cords
A Prescription
For Peace
Teaching Tommy During an Era of Fascism
By Doug Soderstrom
In looking back at that of my own education, I
have come to the conclusion that much of what I learned was a matter
of propaganda.Then, after having spent forty years as a psychologist
teaching at the college level, my sentiments have not changed; we, as
teachers, have done a terrible thing. We have chosen to mislead our
students. We have led them to believe things that are simply not true
Saving Condi's
By Mickey Z.
Let's say I'm on such a corner as a pedestrian
pushes past me-too harried to realize that she is stepping directly
into the path of an oncoming SUV. I reach out, grab hold of her jacket,
and yank her back to safety...only to realize it was none other than
Condoleezza Rice. I wonder: How might that make me feel?
: All Nero's Brethren
By Subhash Gatade
Looking at the fact that a militant mass movement
has arisen to protest the killings, one can surmise that the legal wranglings
in the Kherlanji massacre would not lead us to a blind alley and the
perpetrators of the massacre would receive exemplary punishment. But
there is no guarantee that it would be the case
17 November, 2006
Price Of Imperial Arrogance
By Stephen Lendman
Hitler just called for the people to support him
and used his anointing to unleash a reign of terror across the continent.
It now remains to be seen how much more damage George Bush will do with
his power and what the newly elected Democrat congress will do about
it that early-on doesn't look like much of anything. Dare we imagine
the price to be paid for more of the same ugly business as usual and
a president given the power of a dictator to act as he pleases without
restraint and a willingness to use it
Must Offer A New Blueprint For Iraq
By Scott Ritter
It is imperative that the Democratic Party stake
out a position on Iraq before the Iraq Study Group publicly announces
its findings and recommendations
Of The U.S.-Indian Nuclear Deal On India's
Fissile Production Capacity For Weapons
By Daryl G. Kimball
One of the central issues about the proposal is
how the supply of U.S. and other foreign nuclear fuel to safeguarded
Indian nuclear power reactors would allow India to use more of its existing
domestic supply of uranium to produce fissile material (plutonium and
highly enriched uranium) for nuclear weapons
Meat The
By Mickey Z.
For at least five years, I've been writing a media
column for Veg News magazine. A media column? In a veggie mag? Well,
while reading Derrick Jensen's latest book, "Endgame," I came
across a passage that effectively explains this curious arrangement
Bolivia: The
Indomestizo Victory
By Andres Soliz Rada
In Bolivia MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) is
a reality, but it is also a hope that could be frustrated. For that
not to occur, it needs to learn from the errors of others, that is to
say, it must not abandon a staunch anti-imperialist line, it must be
firm in the struggle against corruption and not forget that it is the
head of an oppressed nation
Bush Is
No Lame Duck For Moscow
By M K Bhadrakumar
The mainstream opinion of Russian analysts, experts
and influential public personalities is that downstream of the victory
of the Democrats, negative consequences are in store for Russian-US
relations. What dramatizes the drift of thoughts is that a triple entendre
is in play
Irom Sharmila
Chanu's Epic Satyagraha
By Harsh Dobhal
Six years of satyagraha. Sharmila continues her
fast, in custody, confined to a room in AIIMS,New Dehli writing poetry,
reading books, doing yoga. The struggle against AFSPA continues. In
Manipur and in Delhi
Will India-Pak
Peace Process Bring
Peace To Indian Muslims?
By Aleem Faizee
Tired of the harassment, trauma and shock, the
Muslims in India are now banking on Indo-Pak peace initiatives. But
the question that remains to be answered is, will India-Pak peace process
bring peace to the Indian Muslims as well?
16 November, 2006
Uranium, Another Gift From The Imperialists
By Pauline Paulinson
With now over 10 trillion doses of DU in Iraq and
Afghanistan, it comes as no surprise that widespread field studies in
Afghanistan point to the existence of a large scale public health disaster.
UMRC is the first independent research organization to find DU in the
bodies of US, UK and Canadian Gulf War I veterans and following ‘Operation
Iraqi Freedom’, they found DU in the water, soils and atmosphere
of Iraq as well as in Iraqi civilians
Worm And The Special Committee
On Sustainable Aquaculture
By Bill Henderson
Two new reports - one by an economist looking at
climate change and the other by fisheries scientists looking at declining
biodiversity in the world's oceans - have both captured the world's
attention predicting humanity threatening disaster by mid-century without
an immediate change of human behavior
Warming: Don't Ignore The Risks
By Joseph Stiglitz
We have but one planet, and should treasure it.
Global warming is a risk that we simply cannot afford to ignore anymore
To Hell
With Centrism: We Must
Reclaim The Inspired Edge
By Phil Rockstroh
Rumsfeld is gone. Mehlman is gone. Delay is gone.
Yet -- let's not have our progressives' version of a strutting on the
flight deck of an aircraft carrier moment. Because mission has not been
Death Sentence ForMohammed Afzal Guru
And The Future Of Barbarism
By Aseem Shrivastava
Even if Afzal’s guilt is established, the
Indian state must find the maturity to learn from countries like South
Africa – which abolished capital punishment 11 years ago –
rather than the US, where so many states, including Texas, send criminals
to the gallows every year
Break Through Agreement
Full Text Of Agreement Between Communist
Party Of Nepal (Maoist ) And SPA Led Government Of Nepal
The Republicans Could Win It All Back in 2008
By Heather Wokusch
So what would help the Democrats in 2008? Serious
investigations into the US electoral system, for one. Victory doesn't
mean the voting was free or fair - to think otherwise is both hubris
and a trap. The systematic disenfranchisement of African-Americans and
Hispanics, the lack of integrity of voting machines and the multiple
dirty tricks demand justice between now and 2008
Tariq Ali
By Talat Ahmed
'The history of the development of Islamic civilisation
is one of adaption and intermingling. It is one of both influencing
the non-Islamic world and being influenced by it.' Tariq Ali challenges
the myth that Islam is incompatible with the West in his four novels
about the Muslim world and Europe.
What To Do
With The War Criminals Of
The Myanmar’s SPDC Regime
By Habib Siddiqui
A compromise is necessary where they will be promised
to be unharmed provided they relinquish their grip of power peacefully
to the elected reps of Burma. Without that mechanism in place, I am
afraid that the junta will stick to its grip, bringing more calamities
to the people
15 November, 2006
India, The Wages Of Distrust
By Sudha Ramachandran
India's intelligence and security services adhere
to an unwritten code not to recruit Muslims on grounds that they can't
be trusted. This exclusion mirrors other sectors of professional life,
and the country is poorer for it
The Persecution
Of Muslims In Australia
By Ghali Hassan
The situation has become so bad for Australian
Muslims; it forced the Federal Police Commissioner to intervene and
speak out against the persecution and alienating of the Muslim community,
and the policing tactic of Muslims racial profiling and victimisation
Lebanon Faces
New Crisis After Walkout By Hizbollah
By Robert Fisk
The Shia, the largest community in Lebanon, are
no longer represented in the Lebanese government. It could be just part
of Lebanon's bloody-minded politics - or it could be a most dangerous
moment in the history of this tragic country
Conflict In
The Middle East Is Mission Implausible
By Robert Fisk
The UN troops claim they are in Lebanon to protect
the Shia. The Shia think they're there to protect Israel from Hizbollah.
Is this because the peacekeepers are really a Nato army in disguise?
To the Victors
Belongs Impunity
By Jason Miller
Baghdad’s kangaroo court has issued a verdict
that virtually guarantees that Saddam Hussein will launch his journey
into the hereafter from the platform of a gallows.Yet to ensure public
furor against Hussein (and to distract the hoi polloi from focusing
upon those guilty of similar crimes), the corporate media have conveniently
jettisoned several important aspects of history down the Memory Hole
And Israeli Apartheid
By Saree Makdisi
The only thing that distinguishes Avigdor Lieberman
from run of the mill politics in Israel is that he is willing to take
Israel’s vision of itself to its logical conclusion. Rather than
tolerating non-Jews as second or third class citizens, he wants them
out altogether
Sir Vidia's
By Farzana Versey
Sir Vidia has done it again. Speaking in Brussels
at the Belgian Festival of India, he took on an almost Huntington-like
language when he said about a country he has never lived in, that there
"could be a very radical kind of revolution — village against
A Year After The Quake
By Yoginder Sikand
Forgotten by the media and quickly abandoned by
the state their own fate, one year after the deadly quake that struck
this part of Kashmir last October the denizens of this region struggle
to rebuild their lives
14 November, 2006
It What It Is: A Massacre
By Uri Avnery
News from America pushed aside the terrible reports
from Beit Hanoun. Instead of making the headlines, they were relegated
to the bottom of the page
South Africa
seen As Model For Palestine
By Ali Abunimah
Palestinians and Israelis would not simply be able
to take the new South Africa as a blueprint. They would have to work
out their own distinct constitution, including mechanisms for ethnic
communities to have autonomy in matters that concern them, and to guarantee
that no one group can dominate another
Here come The
Odious Excuses
By Robert Fisk
The philosophers behind the bloodbath in Iraq are
now washing their hands
Departure Removes More Illusions
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
The decision of the giant engineering company
Bechtel to withdraw from Iraq has left many Iraqis feeling betrayed.
In its departure they see the end of remaining hopes for the reconstruction
of Iraq
New Faces,
Same Agenda
By Stephen Lendman
Pelosi made it clear the Democrat victory will
be just another betrayal of the electorate that sent her and the Democrats
a strong message it voted for a mandated populist anti-Bush, anti-war
agenda it won't get
Democracy Lost In Florida And Colorado
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
With all the hoopla about the big Democratic win,
little attention has been given to the assault on direct democracy.
Sadly, Florida voters caved in and passed Amendment 3 that requires
60 percent to pass ballot initiatives instead of the present simple
The Only Way
Out Of Iraq
By Mirza A. Beg
The failure is evident to all who can reason. As
predicted our bungling leader has not only landed the sole super power
in an un-winnable quagmire in Iraq, but now even Afghanistan is on the
skids, spiraling towards chaos
Liar Liar
Pants On Fire
By David Truskoff
In 1952 Hanson Baldwin wrote, about the war in
Vietnam, "The people of France are becoming more and more Weary
of conflict that brings them no return at a cost known to every tax
payer" In November 2006 the American taxpayers said the same thing
with their vote against the Bush War. There will be many investigations
and subpoenas that will now lead to chaos and turmoil in American politics.
but In the end greed will prevail. It always does. The liars will see
to it
Dalit Victims Want
Justice With Dignity
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
The fire of Khairlanji in Bhandara district of
Maharastra refuse to recede and has now entered in Delhi also
11 November, 2006
Carries Out Deliberate Massacre
By Chris Marsden
Israel’s November 8 massacre of 19 civilians
at Beit Hanun in Gaza has sparked angry protests throughout the Palestinian
territories and within Israel itself
We Overcame
Our Fear
By Jameela al-Shanti
Yesterday at dawn, the Israeli air force bombed
and destroyed my home. I was the target, but instead the attack killed
my sister-in-law, Nahla, a widow with eight children in her care. In
the same raid Israel's artillery shelled a residential district in the
town of Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip, leaving 19 dead and 40 injured,
many killed in their beds
Road To Oslo Begins Here
By Ramzy Baroud
The Hamas goverment in palsetine is facing a siege
from within and without, aided by occasional, but determined Israeli
onslaughts - the latest in Beit Hanun in northern Gaza that has already
killed scores, including peaceful women protestors - is pressuring the
government to desperately seek alternatives
A Beacon Of
Hope For The Rebirth Of Bolívar's Dream
By Tariq Ali
A shadow of his former self, Ortega's victory is
still an expression of the wider demand for change sweeping Latin America
The Return
Of Daniel Ortega
By Mark Engler
Despite Ortega's many flaws, the return of the
Sandinistas to power creates the possibility of change that can genuinely
benefit Nicaragua's poor
Myth Of
The Brave Soldier
By Mickey Z.
There are many who identify themselves as "anti-war"
who will vigorously defend the troops. Even when faced with documented
evidence of criminality, Americans still cannot summon the bravery to
condemn the military
And China Create Their Own Orbit
By M K Bhadrakumar
The Sino-Russian alliance is becoming a vital component
of the policies of the two great powers, based on substantive strategic,
diplomatic and economic considerations. Russian diplomatic and economic
policy that has been traditionally anchored in the West is unmistakably
turning east
Sri Lankan
Military Bombards
Refugee camp, Killing Dozens
By K. Ratnayake
Dozens of displaced civilians were killed yesterday
when the Sri Lankan military unleashed an artillery barrage on a refugee
camp at Kathiraveli near Vakarai in the eastern Batticaloa district.
Among the dead and injured were women, children and elderly
10 November, 2006
Empire Meets The Wave
By Tom Engelhardt
The wave -- and make no mistake, it's a global
one -- has just crashed on our shores, soaking our imperial masters.
It's a sight for sore eyes
A Hint Of
Possibility In The Air
By Garrison Keillor
So now we have thrown some rascals out and left
some rascals in power and sent some new folks to Washington to learn
the art of rascality, and what in the end, after all the hoopla, will
really change? Or will the town drunk continue to run the municipal
liquor store?
Election Post Mortem
By Mickey Z.
So, the Democrats have a majority in Congress.
The bad times are over. The evil ones have been vanquished. Let's go
ahead and declare world peace, an end to global warming, and O'Reilly
Factor. I mean, what could be better, right?
Anatomy Of
The Midterms: Bye-Bye Coke, Hello Pepsi
By Joshua Frank
From the Blue Dog take over of the House to the
Democratic saturation of the Senate, Election Day 2006 may have brought
change to Washington. Sadly it was only in name, not in policy
As I Lay
By John Chuckman
The greatest horror Bush has inflicted on humanity,
the suppurating body of Iraq, is unlikely to be attended by Democrats.
They want the White House in two years, and they do not want to be left
holding Bush's "tarbaby." Instead, they will scrutinize and
highlight every twist and turn of Bush's bumbling, murderous efforts
as he struggles to leave Iraq. American politics are just that brutal.
No wonder there are so many wars
Trial In Context: Episode Of Victors’ Injustice
By Nicola Nasser
American and European official and public opinion
reactions to Saddam Hussein’s guilty verdict on Sunday artificially
removed both the trial and the death sentence out of context and focused
instead on “flaws” in the legal technicalities of a fair
trial and on death penalty as a punishment
Remembering A True Humanist
By V.B. Rawat & N.G.Uke
N.G.Uke, a great Ambedkarite, a friend and guide
died on November 4th, 2006 at his Vasant Kunj residence at the age of
82. Uke Saheb, as I would fondly call him was among the rare breed of
Ambedkarite who saw Baba Saheb and was selected by him as a scholar
though he had already got the same
09 November, 2006
Real Election Winners And Losers
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Americans who thought their votes would bring much
needed change to our political system also lost. They just don’t
know or admit it yet. As usual, the third-party movement lost, because
the two-party duopoly maintained its stranglehold on our political system.
Populists and true progressives lost. Who or what was the biggest winner?
The short-term and delusional tactic of lesser-evil voting won big
Votes And The Spin Masters Wobble
By Michael J W Stickings
The realities on the ground in Iraq and in other
global hotspots like Iran and North Korea aside, the American political
landscape over the next two years is likely to be dominated by a battle
for control of the dominant political narrative in preparation for the
presidential election in 2008. Even the races within both parties for
the 2008 nomination will be battles for narrative control
Angry Voters
Punish Bush
By Tim Harper
Angry American voters have handed control of the
U.S. House of Representatives back to the Democrats for the first time
in 12 years, punishing President George W. Bush and his Republicans
over ethics scandals in Washington and a failing war in Iraq
Why Americans
Should Organize To Stop The War
By Luciana Bohne
Reading Mike Ferner's book, "Inside the Red
Zone: A Veteran for Peace Reports from Iraq" (Praeger, 2006), makes
one realize how vital it is for Americans to organize a stop-the-war/troops-out-now
movement, made more urgent by the fact that both ruling parties, Democrat
and Republican, offer Americans only one choice: support the war
Would Tom
Paine End Up
In An orange Jumpsuit Today?
By Mickey Z.
The coast-to-coast mall known as America just loves
to sing the praises of its revolutionary heroes-the land-owning white
slaveholders affectionately called "Founding Fathers." But
America, the land of denial, would rather ignore the revolutionary roots
and spirit behind its birth. In other words, if pamphleteer Tom Paine
were around today, well, he might not be around today. Can you say "enemy
Neither Facilities Nor People
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
The Facilities Protection Service (FPS) created
after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 has become the principal set of death
squads in Iraq
A Trial
Giving Kangaroos A Bad Name
By Stephen Lendman
This proceeding should only have taken place in
the sole independent venue constituted for this purpose - the International
Criminal Court. Saddam wasn't sent there because allowing him a legitimate
trial might have exposed the culpability of US administrations and the
West in his crimes and would also have denied the Bush administration
the ability to have the show trial it wanted and not a fair one according
to international laws and norms
The Bigger
Thugs To Hang The Smaller Thug
By Javed I. Chaudry
Why Saddam Hussain trial was not taken to the Hague?
The answer to the question is self evident. The proceedings of an international
court could mean the exposure of the involvement of well known, powerful
international forces. The complicity of these forces would no doubt
bring Washington to the fore front
War on Iran:
Unleashing Armageddon
In The Middle East
By Dr. Elias Akleh
The war against Iran will engulf the whole Middle
East and may overflow to its neighboring countries. Controlling Iran
is a very important strategic move to assure American global hegemony.
This war is scheduled to start between February and April of 2007, and
it seems that there is nothing to stop it
Reserved For Muslims?
By Farzana Versey
The mainstream in contemporary India is not a stagnant
pool of historical rights and wrongs. Therefore, no one community can
define it or circumscribe it for others. It is time for everyone to
get out of the ghettoes of their minds
08 November, 2006
Verdict Could Tear Iraqis Apart
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
The death sentence for former Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein could deepen a divide that threatens to tear Iraqis apart.Iraq
is being ripped apart by sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shias,
and many fear that if Saddam Hussein is executed Iraq could slide into
civil war
Unindicted Co-Conspirator:
Donald Rumsfeld
By Norman Solomon
Saddam Hussein has received a death sentence for
crimes he committed more than a year before Donald Rumsfeld shook his
hand in Baghdad. Let's reach back into history and extract these facts
Justice: The Trial Of Saddam
By Paul Wolf
The Iraqi high tribunal has just announced the
death sentence of Saddam Hussein. This should surprise no one. In fact,
no other outcome was ever possible. From the moment he was captured
in his underground hideout, Saddam's fate was sealed
Saddam Hussein
Verdict: US Politicians,
Media Applaud The Gallows And The Noose
By David Walsh
It is, in its own way, entirely fitting that a
show trial followed by a hanging should be hailed by the US media and
both major parties as symbols of Washington’s “democratic”
mission in Iraq
Inaction And Complicity As Gaza Burns
By Ali Abunimah
I wholeheartedly agree with that part of your statement
which says, "Violence will only aggravate an already grave situation
in the region." But violence will not be ended by empty condemnation
of the victims and craven appeasement of the occupier. It will end when
governments like yours take action to make Israel, as the occupying
colonial power, accountable
Conflict Cannot Wait
By Roni Ben Efrat
As long as America is paralyzed, very little can
change here. In Lebanon, to be sure, the recent war damaged Hezbollah's
autonomy. But on the major question, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
we can only see years of deep freeze ahead
The Victim
By Rima Merriman
The terrible imbalance of power between the Israelis
and Palestinians makes it impossible for Israel, regardless of which
government is in power, to deal with the Palestinians in any way except
through a lens of assumed moral, cultural, and racial superiority, as
though military prowess equates with civilization and home-made rockets
equate with savagery and a sub-human status
Dollar Poised
For A Dip
By Axel Merk
When we say the dollar may weaken after the election,
we know as little as anyone what will happen to the dollar in the days
that follow the election. But we believe that the focus will shift to
what is ahead. Given that timing currency moves is extremely difficult,
investors may want to consider taking a long-term approach by broadly
diversifying into a basket of hard currencies, that is, those currencies
backed by sound monetary policy
Give Us
The Word
By Sheila Samples
We must not allow our glorious Flag to become our
funeral shroud by cynically refusing to vote. We must not give the jackals
in the White House carte blanche to establish martial "order"
or to destroy our freedoms
What Value
Carbon Offsets?
By John James
Even if we stop emitting now many forests will
quite soon begin to emit more CO2 than they absorb. We have to go beyond
the comforts of Kyoto to full governmental regulation that will penalise
poluters (including car owners and airlines) and reward low impact technology
Sabotage In Telangana:
Some Unanswered Questions
By Dr.K.Vidyasagar
The two invisible entities, bogus bureaucrats and
political parasites seem to be responsible for manipulating the Telangana
politicians and elected representatives for the past 50 years! This
is the crux of the whole problem that delayed the process of state formation.
Thus, it is time we realise how this problem is to be solved at once,
if at all democratic demand of state formation is to be achieved in
the days to come
07 November, 2006
Death Sentence: A Note From Baghdad
By Riverbend
It’s not about the man- presidents come and
go, governments come and go. It’s the frustration of feeling like
the whole country and every single Iraqi inside and outside of Iraq
is at the mercy of American politics. It is the rage of feeling like
a mere chess piece to be moved back and forth at will
This Was
A Guilty Verdict On America As Well
By Robert Fisk
If Saddam's immorality and wickedness are to be
the yardstick against which all our iniquities are judged, what does
that say about us? We only sexually abused prisoners and killed a few
of them and murdered some suspects and carried out a few rapes and illegally
invaded a country which cost Iraq a mere 600,000 lives. We can't be
put on trial. We can't be hanged
Saddam Hussein’s
Death Sentence:
A Travesty Of Justice
By James Cogan
The entire process has been a shameless show trial.
The Iraq Special Tribunal was established by an edict issued by US proconsul
Paul Bremmer in 2003. Its judges and prosecutors were selected by American
officials and instructed by American advisors
Karl Rove's
Last-Minute "Robocalling" Tactic
To Steal The Election
By Bernard Weiner
On an automatic-redial system, registered Democrats
are called again and again and again and again, at any time during the
day or night, to hear what appears to be a message from the Democratic
Party in support of the local Democratic Senate or House candidate.
The object is to harass and annoy the hell out of these voters, to the
point that they'll take out their anger on the Democratic candidate
by not voting for him or her, or maybe deciding not to vote in the election
at all
Eve On
Election: Women’s Electoral Wisdom
By Lucinda Marshall
Before you go out and celebrate Tuesday night/sink
into the depths of depression depending on how this goes down, sit yourself
down and watch these films that document the work of these two courageous
women. Until we understand the extent to which our democracy has been
stolen, we will not be able to reclaim it
You Need Is Love
(...and a small, well-trained army)
By Mickey Z.
Warning: This article has not been approved by
the Department of Homeland Security. Read at your own risk
Capital Of The World (The USA)
Exports Its Poison To Venezuela
By Stephen Lendman
With the December election less than a month away,
events are building toward a climax when Washington-orchestrated fireworks
are sure to erupt. Expect them to be even uglier than the tactics used
in the previous three failed attempts to oust Hugo Chavez
the Christ Within:Last Hope
For The Moribund Soul Of A Nation?
By Jason Miller
In a collective sense, the soul of the United States
is writhing in the agony of spiritual asphyxiation. Trapped in an overflowing
cesspool of its own making, the nation’s élan vital desperately
needs freedom and an infusion of spiritual oxygen. Sans significant
change, its odds for survival equal those of an under-sized fish carelessly
tossed ashore by a heartless angler
For The Religious
Right And All Christians
By Doug Waterman
What is disturbing about the religious right is
not their certainty about their faith or the word of God, that I would
say is their asset, but what is very disturbing is the certainty with
their interpretation as to how that connects to this world, this life
and government, that is, their ideology. Faith in an infallible word
of God is one thing but to transfer that faith in the Word or faith
in God to one's political ideology can be deceptive and disastrous
Globalization From The Other Side
By Bob Wise
Here was the industry we would have seen in the
northeast and around the great lakes half a century ago. It has migrated
to the other side of the planet, while the US builds little more than
houses and weapons
Bomb Blast Trail: Whatever
Happened To The 'Fake Beard?'
By Subhash Gatade
Can it be now said that the truth is finally out
as far as Malegaon bomb blast is concerned ? And the real perpetrators
of the gory carnage have been apprehended ? Or there are still loose
ends which are to be met
Schools: Indoctrinating In Sectarianism
By Ram Puniyani
RSS run schools are coming under a scanner, with
MHRD minister contemplating action against them (Oct 2006). In last
three decades thousands of schools of different variety have mushroomed,
Ekal Vidyalaya, Sarswati Shishu Mandirs, and Vidya Bharati, run by RSS
06 November, 2006
Hussein Sentenced To Hang
By Aljazeera
Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, has
been sentenced to death by a Baghdad court after being found guilty
of crimes against humanity
International Deplores Death Sentences
In Saddam Hussein Trial
By Amnesty International
Amnesty International deplores the decision of
the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (SICT) to impose the death sentence
on Saddam Hussein and two of his seven co-accused after a trial which
was deeply flawed and unfair
No! Part II
Christian Fascism And The Nazi Legacy
By Juan Santos
If Life on Earth is to survive, if we and millions
of other species are to survive, human society will have to undergo
the deepest of transformations on a global scale. Stopping Christian
Fascism will only be the beginning
On Lieberman
By David Truskoff
It is ironic that the elections in Israel and the
elections in the US will involve two similar political characters named
Lieberman. Joe Lieberman and his namesake are similar in that they are
both blind faith right wing Zionists
Blood And
By John Pilger
If I have learned nothing else from witnessing
numerous bloody contrivances, it is never to underestimate the stamina
of rampant, rapacious empire and the dishonesty of its "humanitarian
interventions". Millions of us, who are the majority, need to raise
our voices again, more urgently now than ever
The Case
For Engagement
By Scott Ritter
The Iran that I witnessed was far removed from
the one caricatured in the US media. I left with the frustrating realization
that, as had been the case with Iraq, America was stumbling toward a
conflict, blinded by the prejudice and fear born of our collective ignorance
Fighting The Wrong Battle In Afghanistan
By M K Bhadrakumar
The pre-dawn attack on the Zia-ul-Uloom madrassa
in Pakistan's Bajour tribal region on Monday killing 80 people, mostly
students, is bound to impact on the course of the Afghan war. No matter
the repeated assertions by Islamabad to the contrary, widespread suspicions
of US involvement in the attack have arisen
The Culture, Stupid! Burying Slogans
And Honoring The Dead
By Gary Corseri
Inspired by this “funny season” of
electioneering, here are some hard truths from a self-confessed cynic
that most inculcated Americans will not like to hear
Pombo Must
By Robert Becker
A poem
Date with Terror: 9/8
By Mubasshir Ahmed
It took 40 innocent lives to highlight the sheer
governmental apathy and the neglect which has persisted for decades
in Malegaon. The bomb blasts have exposed the vulnerable underbelly
of 'two Indias' — The India of Mumbai and the India of Malegaon
My Tryst
With Right To Information Act
By Amrita Johri
The RTI has become an effective tool for our participation
and empowerment in India and the proposed amendments to the RTI Act
need to be strongly opposed by all sections of society, especially the
youth to protect this lone tool in the fight for transparency and accountability
in the way our Government works!
05 November, 2006
Wild Seafood Will Disappear In 50 Years
By Steve Connor
All wild seafood will have disappeared from the
world's menus within 50 years if current trends in overfishing continue
according to one of the most comprehensive studies of marine life
As A Foil For People’s Unconnected Dreams
By Ramzy Baroud
Thousands of people recently marched in London
to commemorate Quds Day, an annual day of solidarity with the Palestinian
people that emanated from Tehran some 26 years ago.However, the scene
in London was too surreal, and brought into question the usefulness
of such displays of solidarity with the Palestinians
Corporate Mafia Fighting Chinese
Efforts To Help Workers
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Greedy and powerful American companies not content
with using economic inequality to devastate working- and middle-class
Americans are now using their clout to fight efforts in China to combat
economic inequality there. They want to keep wages low there so they
can drive wages down here and everywhere else
Botched Or
Not, The Joke's On Us
By Mickey Z.
Every now and then, a series of events (and the
reaction to those events) converge to effectively illustrate just how
deeply the indoctrination runs in the home of the brave/land of the
free. Senator John F. Kerry was the catalyst for the most recent such
convergence. His "botched joke" laid bare the passionate cult
of the soldier, America's enduring military fetish
2004 All Over Again...
By Joshua Frank
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean
has promised there will not be a change of course in Iraq if the Democrats
take back Congress. Potential House leader Nancy Pelosi has assured
voters that impeachment is not in the cards for Bush, either. Yet the
liberal establishment is beaconing antiwar voters to clamor for the
Democratic Party next Tuesday. It seems like 2004 all over again
Jesus And George
Break Bread
By Ed Howes
A fantasy
Ohio Governor
Race -Fox Guarding Henhouse
By Evelyn Pringle
Ken Blackwell is ready to cash in on the Republican
promise of putting him in the Governor's mansion in 2006 after he proved
that he was indispensable in the successful plot to rig the 2004 Presidential
election in Ohio for George W Bush
By Preetu Nair
Women in commercial sex work are seen as agents
of HIV and their clients unwitting victims. But in the absence of any
economic rehabilitation or community based services, the HIV positive
trafficked victim, the marginalized section of the society, continues
to be commercially sexually exploited
03 November, 2006
Military Adopts Desperate Tactics
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
Increased violence is being countered by harsh
new measures across the Sunni-dominated al-Anabar province west of Baghdad
Iraq: The
Program Of Liberation And Independence
By Ibrahim Ebeid
To arrive to an honorable solution for an exit
from Iraq, as stated by the Program, the United States must accept serious,
honest and constructive negotiations with the Resistance leadership
or with any one representing the Resistance based on the rights and
the non-negotiable principles of the homeland and liberation, in order
to reach an agreement of the total liberation and independence
Between US And Iraq
Government At Breaking Point
By James Cogan & Peter Symonds
Tensions between the US and Iraqi governments further
intensified this week. In an unprecedented action, Iraqi Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki issued a press release on Tuesday afternoon stating
that he had “ordered” the US military to end the cordon
it had maintained around Sadr City for close to seven days
And The Decline Of Israeli Democracy
By Uri Avnery
Perhaps Liberman will also turn out to be a scarecrow.
But I would not bet on it, if the Israeli public does not wake up in
Left-Right Divide Unmasked As Phony
By Nicola Nasser
Avigdor Lieberman’s ascent to a strategic
executive role in Israel has unmasked the artificial divide between
left and right and revealed the mainstream ruling elite as still in
consensus on the Zionist goals
The Temporary
By Mickey Z.
America the Beautiful. The Declaration of Independence.
The Statue of Liberty. Baseball, apple pie, and internal combustion
engines built by Chevrolet. All of these are nothing more than the castles
made of sand Jimi Hendrix sang about
The Great White
Hunters Bwana Dick And Don
By Rana Bose
Do Bwana Dick and Bwana Don really think that the
people of the world outside the United States are really scurrying around
without any heads above their shoulders, waiting for justice to arrive
from the Bible belt via the Great White Hunter?
Dick Cheney
Fitted For New Halliburton
Uniform - Striped Jumpsuit
By Evelyn Pringle
The US Securities and Exchange Commission is conducting
a formal investigation into whether Halliburton made improper payments
to government officials in Nigeria in connection with the construction
and expansion by TSKJ of a natural gas liquefaction complex and facilities
at Bonny Island in Rivers State, Nigeria
Experimentation Marks Azad's Year
By Zafar Choudhary
The lasting peace though still continues to be
elusive for this restive state, one year of Ghulam Nabi Azad as Jammu
and Kashmir Chief Minister saw a vital focus on 'administrative discipline
and infrastructure development' as innovation and experimentation marked
the central theme of his action plan
Lessons from
History, Tranquil Ripples
To Convulsive Tides
By Mirza A. Beg
A Poem
02 November, 2006
Behind The Attack On Madrasa?
By Syed Saleem Shahzad
Although Pakistani officials claim that Monday's
operation was conducted by the Pakistani military, there are compelling
evidence that foreign forces were also involved, including US unmanned
Hellfire Predator aircraft
Strike On Pakistani Islamic School
Slaughters 80
By Peter Symonds
Musharraf and the Pakistani military have gone
to great lengths to deny claims that US forces carried out the attack.
Locals told the media that unmanned US Predator drones, which are capable
of firing missiles, were flying above the village before the attack
Elections 2006:It's Always Darkest,
Right Before ...It Goes Completely Black
By Phil Rockstroh
I believe, at this late hour, the second best thing
that could come to pass in our crumbling republic is for the total destruction
of the Democratic Party -- and then from its ashes to rise a party of
true progressives
An Indigenist Perspective -Part I
By Juan Santos
Science has given us until roughly 2012 to take
radical action to change the course we’re on. In the next six
years, they tell us, we will determine the fate of the Earth.With the
US and its white colonial puppet Israel on a nuclear collision course
with Iran and Syria, we may have less time than that
Action On Climate Change Is
Needed Now - And Here's The Plan
By George Monbiot
So how do we do it without bringing civilisation
crashing down? Here is a plan for drastic but affordable action that
the government could take
To Hugo Chavez As Venezuela's
December Presidential Election Approaches
By Stephen Lendman
Things are certain to heat up in Venezuela between
now and December 3 as the Bush administration tries to impose on the
Venezuelan people what's it's already done here at home, and it will
be relentless and ruthless about the way it does it. And if covert efforts
are afoot, as almost for sure they are, we'll likely see them unveiled
during the election period and they may be ugly
Is Under Siege
By Patrick Cockburn
Sunni insurgents have cut the roads linking the
city to the rest of Iraq. The country is being partitioned as militiamen
fight bloody battles for control of towns and villages north and south
of the capital
Writes To God
By Ra Ravishankar
A satire on George Bush
And Its Impact On Children – A Wake Up Call
By Loveleen
Though, one part of India is shining while India
still has large population which is below the poverty line. India still
faces a major challenge of livelihood and food security. These issues
have huge impact on malnourished children which affects their learning
abilities and development especially the ones under three years of age
01 November, 2006
Day That Changed The Climate
By Colin Brown & Rupert Cornwell
Future generations may come to regard the apocalyptic
report by Sir Nicholas Stern, a former chief economist at the World
Bank, as the turning point in combating global warming, or as the missed
So What
Does The Stern Report
Mean For The world?
By Michael McCarthy
We've heard a thousand calls to action, to stop
global warming happening. But what would that cost the world? And what
would doing nothing cost us? Hitherto, no one had any real idea. But
now Sir Nicholas Stern and his team have come up with concrete numbers
Facts Versus Myths
By Ram Puniyani
When I look
At the purple blue sky
At night,
I want to see stars,
Not bombers, circling the moonilight
The Forgiven:
Clint Eastwood's Good War
By Mickey Z.
In the midst of our current, perpetual war against
evil, America is yet again reflecting upon the "good war."
If Clint Eastwood is allowed to recycle those images in ³Flags
of Our Fathers,² as the author of an alternative history of WWII,
why shouldn't I state my case yet again?
Is Burning? Enjoy The show!
By Gabriele Zamparini
Numbers and winners of the so-called Iraq war
Sri Lankan
Peace Talks Collapse Amid
Intensifying Civil War
By K. Ratnayake
Talks between the Sri Lankan government and the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Geneva last weekend broke
up without agreement on any issue, including the convening of another
round. The collapse of talks will inevitably lead to a further expansion
of a war that has already cost thousands of lives this year
By Lee Sustar
European politicians from London to Moscow are
bashing Islam and immigrants, legitimizing politics previously limited
to the anti-immigrant extreme right
The Second Palestinian Intifada
By Remi Kanazi
A principal impediment facing the Palestinian struggle
today is the constant reaffirmation that the Palestinian people—deemed
by Israel and the US—are “terrorists,” “militants,”
or animalistic beings lesser than those of the “civilized world.”
In Ramzy Baroud’s new book, The Second Palestinian Intifada: A
Chronicle of People’s Struggle, this myth is shattered
An Independent Foreign Policy
By M.K.Bhadrakumar
Ninan Koshy's book comes in the best traditions
of the moribund Great Indian Debate on foreign policy issues. It is
refreshing to see Koshy audaciously barging into the cosy little circle
of one-dimensional men in Delhi who form the foreign affairs experts'
team within our strategic community
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