28 February, 2011
As Libyan Rebels Close In On Gaddafi,
US And Europe Ramp Up Intervention
By Barry Grey
With dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s control over the country ebbing, the United States and its European allies are stepping up their intervention into the Libyan crisis. Their aim is to ensure that any new regime will be equally subservient to their economic and geostrategic interests
Tunisia Prime Minister Resigns
Amid Mass Demonstrations
By Patrick Martin
The prime minister of Tunisia, Mohammed Ghannouchi, a holdover from the hated dictatorship of ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, announced his resignation Sunday in an address on national television. He stepped down after more than a week of mass demonstrations against his government, culminating in two days of rioting in which police killed five protesters
Three Killed In Police Firing On People
Protesting Against Thermal Power Project
In Andhra Pradesh
The inevitable has happened, police opened fire on the peacefully protesting villagers in Vadditandra village and killed three villagers and critically injured atleast 25 people today afternoon in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Wisconsin Capitol Protesters Avoid Eviction,
Win GOP Lawmaker To Their Side
By Micah Uetricht
Two major victories for cross-class crowd opposing Gov. Walker's proposed unionbusting bill
No Other Way Out
By Chris Hedges
We will not stop the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, we will not end this slaughter of innocents, unless we are willing to rise up as have state workers in Wisconsin and citizens on the streets of Arab capitals. Repeated and sustained acts of civil disobedience are the only weapons that remain to us
War Über Alles
By Paul Craig Roberts
The United States government cannot get enough of war. With Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s regime falling to a rebelling population, CNN reports that a Pentagon spokesman said that the U.S. is looking at all options from the military side
Cairo In Wisconsin
By Andy Kroll
For this brief moment at least, people here in Madison are bound together by a single cause, as other protesters were not so long ago, and may be again, in the ancient cities of Egypt
The American Civil War Redux:
A Middle Class Divided
By Robert Weitzel
If the obscenely rich can break the unions, the only bulwark between a nominally democratic form of government and an outright plutocratic oligarchy, the middle class will become the serf class. We will become little more than “sharecroppers” with no hope of succor or redress other than what the obscenely rich think necessary to keep us on our feet and behind the plow
Spreading Activism For Change
By Stephen Lendman
Fascism landed in Wisconsin under Walker and his cronies, aiming to turn the whole state into Guatemala in the worst sense of its meaning. More than ever, exposing and stopping him is crucial. It's no exaggeration saying, as Wisconsin goes, perhaps also America, a possibility too grim to allow
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
By Mary Shaw
there is no guarantee that the protests in Wisconsin will prevent Governor Walker from eventually getting his way. But it is a start. And it is the only way that true democracy can be born
Profit Pathology And Disposable Planet
By Michael Parenti
We have to get up from our seats, quickly place them under adult supervision, rush the front of the bus, yank the driver away, grab hold of the wheel, slow the bus down, and turn it around. Not easy but maybe still possible. With me it’s a recurrent dream
The Un-Sustainability Of Modern Capitalism
By Anthony Wile
An interview with John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"
CNN's War
By Dave Fryett
The deepening coarseness of the reportage one hears from CNN and the rest of the media wolfpack is a measure of how alarmed the Lords of Capital are with the groundswell of rebellion sweeping across the Maghreb. There are revolts all over the Islamic world, but it is upon oil-laden Libya and its embattled "Brother-leader", Colonel Moammar Gaddafi, that the media has compressed the world's attention
Bahrain Bleeds For Liberty
By Mamoon Alabbasi
In Bahrain, a persecuted majority has literally been bleeding for equality and now, after days of anti-regime protests, dare dream of democracy. Unfortunately, many mainstream media outlets and so called analysts have failed to report the protests in Bahrain as a people's struggle for democracy and equal rights. Instead, they sought to stress the sectarian divides of the country, even though the protesters were calling for Sunni-Shiite unity against dictatorship
Why Our Media Betrays Us: The Guardian
And The Benevolence Of The West
By Jonathan Cook
Last week the Guardian, Britain’s main liberal newspaper, ran an exclusive report on the belated confessions of an Iraqi exile, Rafeed al-Janabi, codenamed “Curveball” by the CIA. Why did the Guardian miss the main point in its own exclusive? The reason is that all our mainstream media, however liberal, take as their starting point the idea both that the West’s political culture is inherently benevolent and that it is morally superior to all existing, or conceivable, alternative systems
Quit Gaddafi, Quit
By Chandra Muzaffar
It is obvious that it is not Libyan lives that the likes of McCain, Lieberman and Wolfowitz want to save. If military action is being contemplated, it is mainly because the centres of power in the West are fixated upon Libya’s oil
India, Pakistan And The Kashmiri Struggle
By Dr Shabir Choudhry
Why I criticize Pakistan's Kashmir policy
Dylcia And Cisco On Panthers And Independistas --
SF8 Hearing On March 2
By Kiilu Nyasha & Angola 3 News
An interview with Puerto Rican Independista and former political prisoner Dylcia Pagan, as well as former Black Panther Francisco (Cisco) Torres, the last of the San Francisco Eight co-defendants still facing charges
Drinking As An ‘Ally’ Of Training
By Raj Nandy
Some questions about the opening of a bar in the probationer’s mess in the IAS Academy at Mussoorie
27 February, 2011
Thousands Feared Dead In Gaddafi’s
Crackdown On Libyan Uprising
By Anjali Kamat
The United Nations is warning thousands of people may have been killed in Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s assault on the growing popular uprising across Libya. The United Nations is also warning Libya’s food supply network is on the brink of collapse. Deadly clashes are ongoing as anti-government forces close in on the capital city of Tripoli. We get a report from Democracy Now!’s Anjali Kamat in Libya
The Price Of Food Is At The Heart Of
This Wave Of Revolutions
By Peter Popham
No one saw the uprisings coming, but their deeper cause isn't hard to fathom
Behind The Arab Revolt Is A Word
We Dare Not Speak
By John Pilger
The people’s triumph in Cairo was the first blow against what Benito Mussolini called corporatism, a word that appears in his definition of fascism
Lessons And Signs Of Hope Amidst
The Carnage In Libya
By Stephen Zunes
Gaddafi’s violence is backfiring as many of those who work for his regime—from pilots to soldiers to diplomats—are refusing to continue
Middle East Protests Continue For Unmet Demands
By Stephen Lendman
So far, weeks of regional protests achieved nothing. Despite ousting Egypt's Mubarak and Tunisia's Ben Ali, their regimes remain in place, offering nothing but unfulfilled promises
Labor Protests Draw Tens Of Thousands Across US
By Michelle Nichols
Tens of thousands of people protested in Wisconsin on Saturday against a state government push to curb the power of public sector unions, sparking solidarity rallies for labor rights around the United States
‘Mad As Hell’ In Madison
By Ralph Nader
The large demonstrations at the state Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin are driven by a middle class awakening to the spectre of its destruction by the corporate reactionaries and their toady Governor Scott Walker
Bigger Than Unions, Bigger Than Wisconsin
By Micah Uetricht
How Americans across professions, religions, and states are uniting in opposition to Wisconsin's anti-union bill—and cultivating a movement that reaches far beyond the state border
Hidden Provisions In Wisconsin Bill
By Stephen Lendman
Wisconsin is ground zero. As it goes, so goes America, so it's crucially important to resist, stay resolute, stand fast, and refuse to surrender rights too important to lose. It's their call and our obligation to support them
Why All Workers Should Support Unions
By Shamus Cooke
It's official: Republicans have declared war on organized labor. Unclear to millions of unorganized workers is whether or not they should care
The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle
By Uri Avnery
If Israeli political and intellectual leaders were to stand up today and openly declare their solidarity with the Arab masses in their struggle for freedom, justice and dignity, they could plant a seed that would bear fruit in coming years
In Re Barak, “Bullahs,” Blackwater, Bounties
And The Special Tribunal For Lebanon (STL)
By Franklin Lamb
If the STL does decide to hire Blackwater USA to execute any arrest warrants in Lebanon or if Israel decides to hire ”seek and kill” Blackwater units during its predicted coming invasion, whatever that does for Xe’s Stock prices, its BW’s stock of mercenaries that will be eagarly anticipated in Lebanon
Sykes-Picot Regime Is Falling Down
By Zafarul-Islam Khan
The current revolution which started in Tunisia and soon spread to Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Iraq, Algeria, Bahrain and Mauritania etc., is the second popular attempt to dislodge and break free of the Sykes-Picot shackles
The Godhra Verdict: The Conspiracy Theory
By Ashish Khetan
If there was a “conspiracy” in Godhra, it was not by the Muslims. Ashish Khetan picks apart Judge Patel’s verdict and shows how a devious lie was constructed
Interview With Bill McKibben And Gregory Vickrey
By Mickey Z
Interview With Bill McKibben, Winner of Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship and Gregory Vickrey, Winner of International Peanut Butter Subsistence Prize
Sheikhs Not Stirred: Arab Sandstorm
Through The UAE Prism
By Farzana Versey
While the Arab world is experiencing the snowballing effect, people are chucking snow balls at each other in Dubai’s malls. Just when the Jasmine Revolution overthrew Ben Ali in Tunisia, pulse points were touched with the fragrance of jasmine in the stores of the United Arab Emirates that have no inclination for any other kind of flower power
Berlusconi: The Man Of Scandals
By Kourosh Ziabari
As the Italian parliament has recently abolished the law of immunity for the Prime Minister, it can be expected that Silvio Berlusconi may stand trial and be held responsible over his countless crimes and wrongdoings
Waterborne Diseases Likely To Erupt
In The Mediterranean
By Perdana Global Peace Foundation
The escalating critical water problem in Gaza can give rise to a major outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera which would inevitably spread to the surrounding areas, the Mediterranean coasts and straight into Europe
America's Total Surveillance Society
By Stephen Lendman
Big Brother now watches everyone, including with growing numbers of digital cameras monitoring streets, commercial areas, airports, highways, public and private transportation, government and office buildings, and shopping malls - virtually everywhere people congregate, work, reside, recreate, or inhabit for any reason
Meet Maulana Binayak Sen
By Mahtab Alam
Binayak isn’t only concerned about the tribals but much-more than that. His concern about religious minorities in India can hardly be underestimated. The very idea of growing a beard is an instructive one. Thanks to Minnie Vaid for writing a book on Binayak, that uncovers many other aspects of his life which are either untold or lesser known
Libya Payback: The Price Of Colonialism
By Gaither Stewart
Of all the uprisings in the Maghreb, the case of Libya is perhaps the most opaque. Is the country a locus of true spontaneous insurrection or simply the target of an opportunistic maneuver by the West?
To Call A Spade A Spade
By Silvia Cattori
An interview with Gilad Atzmon
First Egypt, Next Venezuela?
By Kiraz Janicke & Federico Fuentes
As the wave of popular uprisings has spread across the Arab world, a flurry of articles have appeared suggesting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez could be the next “dictator” to be overthrown. Such arguments follow a pattern in the corporate media of slandering the Chavez government and the revolutionary process it leads
Microcredit Critics Say Debt
Doesn't Equal Emancipation
By Kanya D'Almeida
In response to a pelting critique from academics, economists and grassroots organisers worldwide, the 2011 State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report plans to address the controversies surrounding a development scheme that many believe to have failed
Green Revolution: Toxic Flows The tears
By Devinder Sharma
Green Revolution has already played havoc with the intensively farmed regions in India. The use and abuse of chemical inputs have already taken a heavy toll. Soils are poisoned, environment is contaminated, aquifers have gone dry, and the resulting the food chain has become unhealthy. The devastation wrought by the NPK model of agriculture, and the unwanted application of chemical pesticides, have in many ways caused a kind of a Holocaust that remains hidden from public glare
The Dirty Media War: The Fall Of
Corporate Media In India
By Prabhat Sharan
The Sunday Times of London recently carried a story of the sway of pelf in the Indian news world. Inspite of the fact that the sting was done by a Murdoch owned paper, the report raises several questions about the Indian media establishment
25 February, 2011
Libyan Forces Shoot Protesters
By Al Jazeera
'As demonstrators in Tripoli took to the street, security forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, reportedly began firing on them. At least six had been killed, according to the Associated Press news agency. There was heavy gun fire in various Tripoli districts including Fashloum, Ashour, Jumhouria and Souq Al, sources told Al Jazeera
Friday Protests Grip Middle East
By Al Jazeera
Opposing political camps rally in Yemeni cities while protesters vent anger after prayers in Egypt, Jordan and Iraq
"Everywhere There Is Graffiti Saying,
'Welcome To The New Free Libya'"
By Anjali Kamat
Democracy Now! Correspondent Anjali Kamat Reports from Libya
Libya And Beyond: What’s Next For Democracy?
By Phyllis Bennis
Phyllis Bennis on why Libya differs from other pro-democracy uprisings in the region
Western Media Ignore Iraqi Demand For Freedom
By Dr Gideon Polya
While Western media and politicians laudably support the courageous protests for democracy in Arab countries, there is extraordinary silence in relation to the demands for democracy in Occupied Palestine and Occupied Iraq
Wisconsin Passes Contentious Bill
By Al Jazeera
An assembly in the US state of Wisconsin has passed a bill that is said to strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights
Dear Glenn Beck: It’s Not Conspiracy, It’s Courage
By Sarah van Gelder
Glenn Beck thinks the spread of protests is a little too convenient. But this is what happens when ordinary people discover their power
Wisconsin's Spirit: Courage For Other
States To Emulate
By Stephen Lendman
What we see is not solely a Wisconsin issue. All public and private workers across America are affected, their futures on the line against destructive dark forces essential to recognize, confront and defeat. The moment of truth is now
Consciousness Rising, World Fading
By Robert Jensen
Robert Jensen reflects on the rising of his own political consciousness and wonders whether it would really matter in a fast fading world
The Oil-Fired, Grain-Fed Global Food Crisis
By Paul Chefurka
The loss of 1 billion tonnes of oil a year (about half the current oil market flow) could result in the loss of 600 million tonnes of grain per year, give or take – a full quarter of the world’s food supply. Do we have enough time to make the changes we need? If my scenario is even close to being valid, we may have just five years left before food price spikes and shortages become a world-wide epidemic
Till September: The PA’s Meaningless Deadlines
By Ramzy Baroud
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his supporters in the Fatah party want us to believe that dramatic changes are underway in the occupied Palestinian territories. The PA hopes the ‘news’ will create enough distraction to help it survive the current climate of major public-regime showdowns engulfing the Middle East
24 February, 2011
Gaddafi Blames Unrest On Al-Qaeda
By Al Jazeera
Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, has said in a speech on Libyan state television that al-Qaeda is responsible for the uprising in Libya. Gaddafi is struggling to maintain his authority in the country, as major swathes of territory in the east of the vast North African country now appear to be under the control of pro-democracy protesters
Judge Approves Assange Extradition
By Al Jazeera
An English court has ordered Julian Assange, the founder of whistle blowing website WikiLeaks, to be extradited to Sweden over sex crimes claims
“We’re Witnessing The Violent Lashings Of
A Dying Beast”
By Hisham Matar
Libyan Novelist Hisham Matar on Gaddafi’s Brutal Crackdown in Libya
Oil – Democracy’s Black Straightjacket
By Kjell Aleklett
The world and the democracy movement in Egypt waited for support from the USA but the White House was quite silent. The EU and Sweden’s foreign minister were not much better. They were restrained by oil’s black straightjacket
Oil-Rich Saudis Try To Stave Off
Revolution With Cash
By Tarek El-Tablawy
As Saudi Arabia's 86-year-old monarch returned home from back surgery, his government tried to get ahead of potential unrest in the oil-rich country Wednesday by announcing an unprecedented economic package that will provide Saudis interest-free home loans, unemployment assistance and sweeping debt forgiveness. The total cost was estimated at 135 billion Saudi riyals ($36 billion)
Thousands Of Workers Strike In Saudi Arabia
By Socialistworker
Saudi Arabia is now being rocked by strikes as the mood of resistance spreads across the region. A socialist in Saudi Arabia reports on how struggles in the Middle East are even spreading to the most vicious dictatorship, which is sponsored by the US
We Are Wisconsin - Video
By Finn Ryan & David Nevala
Meet the people making history in Wisconsin
From Afghanistan: We Support
The People Of Wisconsin And The World
By Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers
At last Wisconsin, and many other Middle Eastern places are stirring for themselves, so ‘Go for it, People of Wisconsin, People of Tunisia & Egypt, People of Bahrain, People of Libya, we ordinary Afghans share your moral rage.’
The People Of Wisconsin Should Trust Their Governor And The Federal Government
By Timothy V. Gatto
A hard hitting satirical piece
Union Busting In America
By Stephen Lendman
Despite Wisconsin heroics, national actions are sorely lacking, largely because union bosses collude with management and political leaders against their own rank and file
Beyond Affluenza And Into The “New Normal”
By Carolyn Baker
Carolyn Baker Interviews David Wann, author of The New Normal: An Agenda For Responsible Living, Simple Prosperity and Affluenza
The Peak Oil Crisis: Inflection Point
By Tom Whipple
The question of the day, however, is whether or not the current political upheavals will come to be recognized as a major turning point in the history of the oil age. There is no question that the loss of Libyan production, if prolonged, will accelerate the day when global oil production begins its final decline towards the end of the oil age
Kerala Passes Law Allowing Compensation
From Coca-Cola
By IndiaResource.org
In an unprecedented move, the state legislature of Kerala in India passed legislation today allowing individuals negatively affected by Coca-Cola’s bottling operations in Plachimada to seek compensation from the company
Kerala's Bill To Penalise Coke
By Devinder Sharma
The Communist Party Of India (Marxist) -CPI (M) -led Kerala government's decision to bring in a bill: Plachimada Coca-Cola Victims — Relief and Compensation Claims Special Tribunal —2011 Bill in the State Assembly yesterday is certainly an epic decision. 'The Bill proposes to get compensation from the company and to form a tribunal to provide time-bound compensation'
‘Green Economy’ Can Lead To Faster
Poverty Eradication Says UNEP Paper
By Marianne de Nazareth
The report, compiled by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), in collaboration with economists and experts worldwide, takes meeting and sustaining the UN’s Millennium Development Goals
Zimbabweans Face Possible Death Sentence
For Discussing Egyptian Revolution
By Yuri Prasad
A group of socialists in Zimbabwe face a possible death sentence for watching a video about the Egyptian Revolution. Some 52 activists were charged with treason and “subverting a constitutionally elected government” in a Harare court yesterday
23 February, 2011
Gaddafi Loses More Libyan Cities
By Al Jazeera
Protesters wrest control of more cities as unrest sweeps African nation despite Muammar Gaddafi's threat of crackdown
Wisconsin: Ground Zero To Save
Public Worker Rights
By Stephen Lendman
Mass protests in Wisconsin continue. Tuesday was day eight. Involved are over 200,000 state workers and supporters, including students and teachers. Key is preserving collective bargaining rights without which no others are safe. Neither side so far is budging, Walker ordered by Republican leaders to hold fast. Other states are watching, governors there to grab all Walker gets, or more like in Ohio where Governor Kasich's bill is even more draconian
Corporate Environmentalism:
The Race To The Bottom
By Cory Morningstar
Cory Morningstar raises disturbing questions about the partnership of our influential environmental NGOs with the big transnational coporations
Climate Change And Agriculture
By Dr. Vandana Shiva
Biodiverse ecological farming is the answer, not genetic engineering
The Lid Is Off: Killer’s CIA Link
And Media’s Subservience Exposed
By B.R.P. Bhaskar
The US media’s suppression of information about the CIA connection of Raymond Davis, who shot and killed two Pakistanis on a Lahore street on January 26, for several days is the latest instance of compliance with official directives
The United States Stands Alone With Israel
In The UN Security Council [or How (Dis)honest
is the Honest Broker?]
By Richard Falk
In many ways, the failed Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity is a rather trivial event in the broader setting of the underlying conflict. At the same time it is a significant show of the play of forces that are operative in Washington and Ramallah, and above all, it is an unseemly display of the influence Israel wields with respect to the Obama Administration. Is it not time that the United States revisited its Declaration of Independence or began to treat the 4th of July as a day of mourning?
Post-Mubarak Revolutionary Chances
By Richard Falk
Egypt's revolutionaries must guard against the army, and the west, adding a veneer of democracy to a military regime
Israeli Media 'Fears' The New Egypt
By Neve Gordon
Israel's media presents Egyptian democracy as a threat, with one commentator lamenting the end of colonialism
Democratic Churning In The Arab World
By Asad Bin Saif
The call for the end of the dictatorial regimes has gathered momentum heralding for the building of the political evolution in the region and elsewhere. It is indeed a source of rejuvenation for all the democracy loving people of the world. This is the dawn (democracy) what the Arab People anxiously waited for!
Egyptian Perseverance Needed
To Free Dr Binayak Sen
By Agrotosh Mookerjee
Our sisters and brothers in North Africa and the Middle-East have demonstrated that nothing, not even the most parasitic and tyrannical dictator can survive the torrents of intense, powerful public opinion. It may be the case that the only hope for Dr Binayak Sen, for the people of violence ravaged Chhattisgarh, for the displaced millions, for hundreds of human rights activists and journalists who are being hounded by the Indian State
World Cup Cricket, Indian Ruling Class
And Neglect Of Sports For People
By Vidyadhar Date
Let everyone enjoy the world cup but I want to raise a few points
22 February, 2011
Defiant Gaddafi Vows To Fight On As Violence Rages In Libya
By Al Jazeera
Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, has vowed to fight on and die a "martyr", calling on his supporters to take back the streets from protesters demanding his ouster, shouting and pounding his fist in a furious speech on state TV. Nearly 300 people are reported to have been killed in continuing violence in the capital and across the North African country as demonstrations enter their second week
Bahrain: People’s Revolution Heralds New History
By Bahrain Freedom Movement
Now the scene is set for more bloodshed by an increasingly isolated regime as the people become more emboldened to continue their demand that was raised from the beginning of the revolution; the downfall of the Al Khalifa hereditary dictatorship
The Shia Seek Justice : Bahrain Faces Its Faceless
By Dan Lieberman
A Bahrain that evolves into a non-sectarian and independent democracy initiates a hopeful path to stabilization of the entire Middle East. This task will fail if the western world does not recognize its role in aggravating the problems of the Arab world
Bahrain Riots Alarm Oil-Rich Persian Gulf States
With Restive Shiite Minorities
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
The key problem is that Shiites defying the powers in Bahrain would seduce all other minority Gulf Arab Shiites, from Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates to Saudi Arabia itself
Why Saudi Is Now In Play
By Steve LeVine
The chink in the Saudi armor is its oil-saturated, Shia-dominated Eastern Province. Here is Dharan, the headquarters of Saudi Aramco; the humongous 5-million-barrel-a-day Ghawar oilfield; the 800,000-barrel-a-day Qatif and Abu Safa oilfields; the gigantic Ras Tanura oil port; and the Abqiaq processing center
From Tahrir Square To Shatila Camp:
“Cry Hurriya!” (Freedom!)
By Franklin Lamb
Like the streets of Cairo, Lebanon’s camps are starting to cry “Hurriya!” The camps here have birthed new leadership, aided by the old, that will anticipate that the new government will respect the words of the Resistance and enact in Parliament the full Right to Work and repeal the discriminatory 2001 law that criminalizes Palestinian home ownership
Israeli Army Will Cash In On Egypt’s Upheavals
By Jonathan Cook
Israel has been indulging in a sustained bout of fear-mongering since the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was toppled earlier this month. The ostensible aim has been to warn the international community that the lengthy “cold peace” between the two countries is on the verge of collapse
Egyptian Uprising Overthrows Its Zionist Master
By Bob Finch
What was so marvelous about Egyptians' uprising was not merely the overthrow of a tyrant, but the overthrow of a zionist puppet who'd been imposed upon them by the Zionist state and its gigantic American satellite. It was also the western public's refusal to be manipulated by zionists' propaganda onslaught against the uprising
Blind Human Rights Lawyer Beaten
And Isolated In Chinese Crackdown
By Bill Quigley
Chen Guangcheng, a blind, 39-year-old, self-taught, human rights lawyer in China who was recently released after years in prison has been put in home detention, isolated and beaten by authorities
The Great War Machine Rolls On Under Obama
By Sherwood Ross
Under President Barack Obama's new budget for fiscal year 2012, the Great American War Machine just rolls on and on
The Godhra Verdict And Selective Amnesia
By Farzana Versey
The man who was all along considered the mastermind behind the burning train has been acquitted. This should tell us just how justice is being dished out in this case
Myth Of Vibrant Gujarat
By Ram Puniyani
Nearly nine years after the carnage of Gujarat (Feb 2011), a perception has been created that Gujarat is developing with rapid strides, there is all peace and harmony and minorities are happy. Like ‘Shining India’ a word has been coined, ‘Vibrant Gujarat’. Nothing can be farther from truth
Maoist Kidnappings: Who Gains
By The Blame Game?
By S.G.Vombatkere
The real and obvious agony of the families of these two officials (and the families of others killed in Maoist attacks and ambushes) is brought out by the electronic media, but it ignores the agony of families of thousands of adivasi people who have been victims of governments' economic violence and police depredations over the decades. Is the electronic media being impartial or partisan?
A Million Workers To March In Delhi
By Communist Ghadar Party of India
Over 1 million workers from all accross India are expected to participate in a massive rally in front of the parliament of India on February 23, 2011. Here is a call to action from Communist Ghadar Party of India
Waging War on Chicago Workers
By Stephen Lendman
For decades, Chicago's business community profited handsomely under father and son Daley and other city mayors in between. No matter who next heads city government, they're comfortable knowing nothing ahead will change, except Chicago workers facing harder than ever hard times ahead, the city's broad shoulders affording them no space
National Seminar Rejects UID Number Project
By Dr Anuja
Participants Endorsed the Statement of Concern on UID Number Seeking Stoppage of the Scheme
The Collaborator By Mirza Waheed
By Abhijit Dutta
A review of the recently published book The Collaborator by Mirza Waheed
The Great Financial Crisis:
The Infallible Mainstream - Part I
By Farooque Chowdhury
The Great Financial Crisis has shown “higher” level of knowledge, wisdom and infallibility of the mainstream. Its democratic practices, accountability, etc. that it strives to teach the poor countries have also been confirmed by the crisis. These are the reasons behind its arrogance and feeling proud, its moral standing to sermon leaders of poor countries. Generous reference of the mainstream is enough to stay informed of its business
21 February, 2011
Permafrost Melt Soon Irreversible
Without Major Fossil Fuel Cuts
By Stephen Leahy
Thawing permafrost is threatening to overwhelm attempts to keep the planet from getting too hot for human survival. Without major reductions in the use of fossil fuels, as much as two-thirds of the world's gigantic storehouse of frozen carbon could be released, a new study reported. That would push global temperatures several degrees higher, making large parts of the planet uninhabitable
Libya Protests Spread And Intensify
By Al Jazeera
Dozens have been reported dead after more violence in the Libyan capital as angry protests against embattled leader Muammar Gaddafi's 40-year rule escalate across the country
Gaddafi's Son Warns Of Civil War
By Al Jazeera
Appearing on Libyan state television, Seif al-Islam Gaddafi says his father is in the country and has support of army, while Human Rights Watch put the number of dead at 174 through Saturday, and doctors in the eastern city of Benghazi said more than 200 have died since the protests began
Earth Activism: What We Don’t Want
By Subhankar Banerjee
The EPA is under attack from the Republicans, and we must fight to protect the very agency that works to protect public and ecological health in America. Is this a private fight or can anyone get in it? That was the title of Bill Moyers’ keynote speech at the 2011 History Makers conference. Earth activism is a public fight. Please join in and say what you don’t want in your community
The Transition Movement In The United States (And "Deep Transition")
By Alex Smith
Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock interviews Michael Brownlee
Continued Middle East Uprisings And Violence
By Stephen Lendman
What began in Tunisia spread to Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Bahrain, and now Libya, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The entire region is erupting in protests, mischaracterized as revolutions
The Veto And The Case For Impeaching
President Obama
By Alan Hart
Never before has an American President’s fear of offending the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress been so exposed as it was by Obama’s decision to veto the Security Council resolution condemning continued, illegal Israeli settlement activities on the occupied West Bank and demanding that Israel “immediately and completely cease” all such activities. In a different America – an informed America – some might think, I do, that Obama should be impeached. The charge? TREASON
“We The Forgotten People Of The United States ...”
By William A. Cook
Let's admit it, the country has been stolen. We thought we had used the democratic process to rid our country of George W. Bush by the peaceful election of a man who told Americans he would right the wrongs of that Zionist Cabal. Instead we have a houseboy doing the chores of his Mars, Netanyahu. How far can he fall?
U.S. Veto: Speaking With Forked-tongue
By Jim Miles
The U.S. has continually used its forked tongue for its own benefit in any “negotiations” it has carried out. This originated from the first negotiated treaties with the indigenous people of North America - at least those that were not simply outlawed and made subject to massacres and murder without recourse to any law of any kind. It continues today with its UN rhetoric and with its rhetoric about its concerns for Palestine and Israel
The Myth Of The U.N. Creation Of Israel
By Jeremy R. Hammond
Many of the historical beliefs, which have percolated down to us, are based on half-truths or on no truths at all. According to independent political analyst Jerry R. Hammond, the predominant view regarding the creation of Israel, which lies at the core of the so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is no exception. He renders a detailed account of a manipulation, injustice and UN failure to abide by its own rules, which have wreaked political turmoil and humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East region for more than sixty years
How To Win In Wisconsin And Beyond
By Shamus Cooke
The eruption of protests in Madison, Wisconsin against a rabidly anti-union Governor and legislature has become "ground zero" in a fight that, on the surface, appears to be labor unions vs. Republicans
Revolution Handbook For Americans
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Those Americans who like me thirst for reforms that restore American democracy should download the free Sharp handbook and study its findings. Sharp has said “If people are not afraid of the dictatorship, that dictatorship is in big trouble.” Add this: If people are not aware of the dictatorship, that dictatorship is in great shape
Tea Party Stooges Join Wisconsin Protests
By Stephen Lendman
Anger is spreading and may erupt anywhere at a time workers are struggling to save hard-won labor rights, targeted for elimination. As Wisconsin goes, so goes America perhaps
The Wisconsin Protest And A Few Questions
By Farooque Chowdhury
The symptom appears grave if the incidents are put on the backdrop of widening inequality, increasing poverty, and reckless gambling by significant part of capital. These may show first signs of rising tide of protest
State of Chhattisgarh Versus Dr. Binayak Sen
By Radha Surya
The rejection of Dr. Binayak Sen’s bail application by the Chattisgarh High Court on February 10 is the most recent in the series of blows that have been dealt by a vindictive state apparatus
I Try To Hope That I Will Live Again
With Binayak In My Lifetime: Ilina Sen
By M Suchitra
Dr Ilina Sen, well-known social activist and feminist scholar, who currently heads the Department of Women’s Studies in Mahatma Gandhi University, Wardha, Maharshtra speaks in detail to M Suchitra about her husband's trial and her appeal to the Chhatisgarh High Court
Silvio Berlusconi Underneath
The Arches Of Rubygate
By Gaither Stewart
Rubygate it’s called. The final act of the Berlusconi saga. Over fifteen years of comedy for the outside world. A comedy played out against a background of non-government and misery for many Italians
Unmistakable Link Between Security Concerns
And Climate Change States UNFCCC Head
By Marianne de Nazareth
In a clearly enunciated address made by Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to the Congress of Deputies of Spain at the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional in Madrid, on Tuesday, she warned the world about the “Link between security concerns and Climate Change.”
Western Hypocrisy With Pro-Democracy Movement
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Many in the western world are surprised to see the lack of support for the democracy movement in the Middle East from their respective governments
Raigad’s Victory Is Inspiring And
A Warning To Greedy Corporates
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
With the Maharastra government denotifying the land acquired for Raigad SEZ of Mukesh Ambani led group Reliance Industries come an end to a historic protest movement of Raigad farmers who had deep faith in the democratic structure of the country despite its all weaknesses
19 February, 2011
84 Killed In Libya Protests
By Al Jazeera
Security forces in Libya have killed scores of pro-democracy protesters in a crackdown on demonstrations against Muammar Gaddafi, the country's long time ruler. Human Rights Watch said on Saturday that 84 people had died over the past three days, and the latest reports indicate Libyan forces have killed at least 15 mourners at a funeral for protesters killed in the eastern city of Benghazi
Protesters Back In Bahrain Centre
By Al Jazeera
Thousands of protesters have reoccupied the Pearl roundabout in the capital, Manama, after troops and riot police retreated from the symbolic centre of their anti-government uprising
Protesters Keep Up Pressure At Wisconsin Capitol
Thousands of union members and supporters have amassed in Wisconsin for a fourth day to keep up the pressure on a Republican-backed bill that would curb union rights. Public sector workers and supporters crowded into the state capitol
Egypt's Spirit Lands In Wisconsin
By Stephen Lendman
It landed, but it's too soon to know where it's going or how committed workers are to stay the course and spread it to other US states
Madison Protests May Spark A New Era Of
Protest Politics In USA
By Billy Wharton
Let Madison be a sign – Americans are about to join the global wave of people power protests demanding democratic rights in the face of governments organized to protect the wealth of elites
Is This The Beginning Of The Second
American Revolution?
By Timothy V. Gatto
What’s happening in Wisconsin is only a prelude to what is eventually going to happen all over the country
US Workers: Resurgent Or
Waging A Rearguard Action?
By Stephen Lendman
Building on Middle East and Wisconsin momentum, over 1,000 people rallied in Ohio's Columbus Statehouse on February 15, opposing Senate Bill 5 (SB5). Similar anti-worker schemes are proceeding in other states, including California, New York, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Tennessee, and eventually perhaps most, if not all, unless sustained Wisconsin momentum intervenes everywhere
The Peak Oil Crisis: The 3rd Transition
By Tom Whipple
The decline and eventual near cessation of fossil fuel production and that of many other minerals, disruption in global weather patterns, and the growing food and water scarcity will constitute the third great transition. Unlike the previous transitions in which life arguably got better for some, if not most, of the world's peoples, any upside to this transition seems to pale in the face of what is to come
With Oil And Food Costs Rising,
It Looks Like 2008 All Over Again
By Matthew Wild
History repeats itself: food riots are breaking out across the poorer nations, the Middle East is in turmoil and Brent crude has passed the $100 mark – 2011 is opening just like 2008 did
Don’t Count On Natural Gas To Solve
US Energy Problems
By Gail Tverberg
While there is the possibility that shale gas will allow US natural gas supplies to increase for a few years (or even 10 or 15 years), natural gas is only about one-fourth of US fossil fuel use, so it would be very difficult to ramp it up enough to meet all of these needs
“Localization Is The Economics Of Happiness”
By Brooke Jarvis
An interview with Helena Norberg-Hodge
Doing The Right Thing
By Steve Salmony
The hungry among us in the human community must, absolutely must be fed now here because we can do so and we are bound to care for them. But how do we begin to move toward the achievement of this goal?
What About The Women? – The Politicization Of
The Assault On Lara Logan
By Akanksha Mehta
The burial of women in politicized and imperialist discourses built around their bodies and veils, sidelines what actually matters (and should matter) - the rights and agency of the women themselves
Vetoes, Leaders And Gaza
By Eileen Fleming
As expected, the US has vetoed the Arab resolution at the UN Security Council that condemned the ILLEGAL Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories citing them as obstacles to peace. All 14 other members of the Security Council backed the resolution, which had also been endorsed by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). It was also Obama's first veto!
Tawtin Or Return: Divergent Views From Lebanon,
But One Common Goal
By Franklin Lamb
There exists in Lebanon near unanimity among the 18 sects and various Palestinian factions. Tawtin is not a desirable option. Only justice for Palestine, including the right of return as restated in the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative will resolve the dilemma of tawtin or return for Lebanon and her Palestinian refugees
‘From The Gulf To The Ocean’:
The Middle East Is Changing
By Ramzy Baroud
The Egyptian revolution has finally restored the power back to the people, a collective experience that many of us will always remember, with pride, and some will always fear, for good reason
Rebranding Egypt's Revolution
By Mamoon Alabbasi
Those who have failed to suppress the Egyptian revolution now seek to derail it or rebrand it to keep the status quo of division and mistrust among the people. But Egyptians of all walks of life need to remember their moments of unity in Tahrir Square and across Egypt: do they want this spirit to continue or will they let their ill-wishers divide (and rule) them once more
Arabs Are Back To History
By Salim Nazzal
Arabs are back to history in the most creative way paving the way towards the emerging of new Arabs
They Only Lock Up Heroes At Quantico
By David Swanson
If Bradley Manning turns out to be the hero he appears to be, he will not be the first "detained" at Quantico
Honourable High Court Decides
Criminal Appeal No. 20 & No. 54/2011
By Sadanand Patwardhan
There are insurmountable hurdles to reasonably concur with the Honourable High Court’s judgement in denying relief to Binayak Sen and Piyush Guha by granting bail during the pendency of main appeal against the conviction by competent trial court. Had the High Court granted relief to Sen, then it would have been left with no choice but to grant same relief to Guha. Because Binayak Sen was “prosecution’s only link” between Narayan Sanyal and Piyush Guha
Problems In Trade Talks With EU
By Kavaljit Singh
Several countries are tightening existing investment rules or enacting new rules to protect “strategic sectors” from foreign investors. Therefore, it would unwise for New Delhi to accept such provisions that would legally bind it to serve the private interests of investors, while constricting the policy space to intervene in the public interest
Wake Up Singh: An Open Letter
To A Sleepy Statesman
By Farzana Versey
Dear Mr. Prime Minister: If you are not as big a culprit as you are made out to be, then would you enlighten us as to how small you are? What exactly was the reason that prompted you to meet with this huddled group of television channel editors to clear the air when some of the scams have to do with the media’s tacit involvement?
PUDR Asks The Maoists To Release
The Two Hostages Taken By Them Unconditionally
PUDR asks the Maoists to release the two hostages taken by them unconditionally and call upon the authorities to address the specific instances cited by the Maoists so that Adivasis suffering is mitigated and incidence of hostage taking becomes redundant
Is Egypt Revolution Parallel To Kashmir Protests?
By Fahad Shah
To draw parallels between the Egypt revolution and Kashmir freedom movement is inevitable but; is Valley ready for something alike. No doubt the last summer protests in Valley were wholly led by zealous pro-freedom public. Leaders from all groups were left aside; they just followed the public lines. The current situation of Valley so far seems to be peaceful but mere a small incident can spark off a yearlong unrest
17 February, 2011
Police Attack Bahrain Protest Site
By Al Jazeera
At least two pro-reform protesters have been killed and dozens more injured after hundreds of Bahraini riot police, armed with tear gas, rubber bullets and clubs, stormed their makeshift encampment in the main traffic circle in the capital, Manama, while they slept
Middle East Protests Continue
By Stephen Lendman
They continue in Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, and most recently in Iran and Bahrain
Dying Education In The “Blossoming”
Iraqi Democracy
By Dirk Adriaensens
One of the best means of bringing closer an end to their suffering is to participate in efforts to propose, map, plan and outline the steps necessary for rehabilitating Iraq’s educational system. Saving Iraqi academics is a keystone in stemming any further destruction of Iraq and its people, and to rebuilding what remains
Samir Amin Speaking About
The Egyptian Revolution
By Samir Amin
The military as well as the Muslim Brotherhood accept the hegemony of the United States in the region and peace with Israel as it is. They all continue to show the kind of complacency that allows Israel to continue the colonization of what remains of Palestine
Backward Arabs Or Navel Gazing
Empire Loyalists?
By Trevor Selvam
This was really MORE of a revolt against the twenty or more years of the post Berlin wall era of pompous neo-liberalism, that spawned joblessness, hunger, environmental cataclysms---it was a revolt against tin-pot dictators aided and abetted by Washington DC who siphoned off the wealth of nations, food chains that disappeared, wars that were started on spurious grounds and police states who upheld the West’s cynical notions of stability, while protecting their geo-political strategies
How To End US Reliance On Dictators
By Steve Breyman
Might the crack opened by young Arabs in their decades-old American-backed regimes open a crack in public understanding of US foreign policy? Stranger things have happened lately
Learning To Live With Food Crisis,
Not Overcoming It
By Devinder Sharma
The food crisis continues to grow, and with each passing month it is in fact getting worse. Perhaps you will hear about it again when some major newspaper has a lead story of the food prices spiralling somewhere where it makes more political sense
Science And Equality Dictate Eco-Socialism,
Climate Socialism And Green Socialism
To Save Humanity And Biosphere
By Dr Gideon Polya
Equality and Science in the face of a worsening Climate Emergency and Climate Genocide dictate Eco-Socialism, Climate Socialism and Green Socialism to save Humanity and the Biosphere. Unaddressed man-made climate change is set to kill 10 billion people this century
Palestinian September 2011 Deadline Doomed
By Nicola Nasser
The international Quartet of the US, EU, UN and Russia on Middle East peace and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) seem set on an agenda that perceives September 2011 as an historical political watershed deadline
Obama's Anti-Populist Budget
By Stephen Lendman
That's Obama's real agenda - soaking working households and the poor, transferring greater wealth to America's super-rich already with too much, and continuing lawless imperial rampaging for unchallengeable global dominance
CIA And Pentagon Officials Knew Their
Interrogation Methods Were "Torture"
By Sherwood Ross
The CIA and Pentagon used “enhanced interrogation techniques”(EIT) on Middle East prisoners knowing they were illegal and considered to be torture by the United Nations, according to an article published in the January issue of the American magazine “Science
A Raja, Nandan Nilekani And Sam Pitroda
Undermine Parliament And Citizens Rights
By Gopal Krishna
If tagging of Indian students with Radio Collar in US is deemed an assault on human rights and is deemed offensive, which it indeed it is, how are proposals of Sam Pitroda, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure & Innovations and Nandan Nilekani's UID Number/Aadhaar project that intends to tag all Indian residents acceptable? Both Pitroda and Nilekani work from the premises of Planning Commission of India
Mr Bhagwat, It's Time For An Apology
By Subhash Gatade
How RSS dreads the terror tag
India Waits For Its Mubarak Moment
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
There is everything for a revolution here but there are so many Mubaraks in our society that it looks difficult that India will have its ‘Mubarak’ day soon as it would the elimination of varnashram dharma and none seems to be interested in its annihilation as those we believe fighting against it have got their own world in it and therefore denying us the Mubarak day
Boost To Farming: Agriculture Budget
By Devinder Sharma
Karnataka has announced a separate budget for agriculture. Considering that agriculture continues to be the largest employer, and with a terrible agrarian crisis sweeping the state, agriculture does merit special focus
15 February, 2011
Bahrain Erupts
By Al Jazeera
At least one person has been killed and several others injured after riot police in Bahrain opened fire at protesters holding a funeral service for a man killed during protests in the kingdom a day earlier
Egypt's Military Declares Martial Law
By Stephen Lendman
So far, little in Egypt changed. Its military remains in charge, governing by martial and emergency law rule. Curfews are still enforced, shortened from 10 to six hours nightly. Diktats are being issued. No permanent Gaza border opening is planned
Civic Institutions Essential For Egypt’s Revolution
By Ralph Nader
Now comes the hard part. Three “cultures” are presently the best organized—the military, commercial and religious groups. Least established is the civic culture that is now, in its revelry and formative stage, the toast of the nation
The Toxic Residue Of Colonialism
By Richard Falk
The overt age of grand empires gave way to the age of covert imperial hegemony, but now the edifice is crumbling
Peak Oil, Climate Change, Political Turmoil:
The Lesson From Egypt
By Matthew Wild
Were the Egyptian people that bravely took to the streets to overthrow a tyrannical regime taking part in the world’s first peak oil revolution?
Why Mubarak Fell
By Michael Schwartz
Tyrants be aware that nonviolent protest has the potential to strangle even the most brutal regime, if it can definitively threaten the viability of its core industries. A mass movement equipped with fearsome weapons of mass disruption can topple a tyrant equipped with fearsome weapons of mass destruction
The Pharaohs Of India
By Satya Sagar
When will the Indian public rise up by the millions against its corrupt rulers a la Egypt or Tunisia? When will the Indian sub-continent witness a mass upsurge against exploitation of the majority by a decadent minority elite? How long will the Indian people continue to put up with rising prices, grinding poverty, rampant disease and loot of the country by its leaders?
Arab Revolutions : A March From
WikiProtests To WikiConsciouness?
By Sadanand Patwardhan
Egypt will not be same again. Yet dangers lurk, and they will be overcome only through raising the consciousness of the people about the true nature of things. WikiProtests now sorely need WikiConsciousness
Arab Street Celebrates Mubarak's Ouster
By Stephen Lendman
Over the weekend, Egyptians and others globally celebrated. Today they awakened to the cold reality of a new dawn
The Coming Misery That Big Oil Discusses
Behind Closed Doors
By Steve LeVine
Three years ago, we got a glimpse into the room when Royal Dutch/Shell issued a scenario forecasting the world in 2020. Shell said that energy supplies will be so tight that they will tip the world into a full-blown crisis in which governments will force their populations to reduce driving, use less electricity, and pay an extremely steep increase for what they do consume. There will be a massive, decade-long economic slowdown, and geopolitical power will shift dramatically to energy-producing nations, the company said.Today, Shell returned with an update
Earth’s Limits: Why Growth Won’t Return
By Richard Heinberg
This article is the first excerpt from Chapter 3 of Richard's new book 'The End of Growth', which is set for publication by New Society Publishers in July 2011
Climate: Putting People Over Money
By Dahr Jamail
Facing climate change, a social movement in El Salvador fights mass flooding and the toxic burning of cane fields
Always Do The Right Thing (Because 99 Is Not 100)
By Mickey Z.
Individual lifestyle changes won't do anything to "save the planet," so why bother? "Because 99 is not 100."
An Open Letter To Sarah Palin (Past And Present)
By Gregory Vickrey
I know your real character - the one that still exists behind the cartoons and the cut-outs. I have witnessed your hands dirty with the earth of a dying community in Southeast Alaska. I have watched you manipulate with knowledge a massive budget so the imperative mitigation and adaptation could begin. But then, What happened?
Americans Are Being Lied To
By Timothy V. Gatto
So celebrate the victory of the Egyptians. Just remember that we have our own variation of dictatorship at home in America. It’s going to take a mass education program to educate the average American to where our nation is headed
Generations Of Resistance To War
By William T. Hathaway
A Granny for Peace told of finding young allies in the struggle against military recruiting. Due to the Patriot Act, she wishes to remain nameless
Abir's Extra-Judicial Killing: Police In Paradox
By William Gomes
Kazi Imtiaz Hossain Abir was a student of higher secondary level at the Northern College at Mohammadpur was killed in so called “Cross Fire” in the capital.There were flows of news in news media on the issue. They had raised question why Abir was killed? But when I go for an in-depth investigation. I found a different queue. The question is not only why, but it’s where Abir was killed?
Notion Of Freedom And Reality Of Unfreedom
By Anand Teltumbde
In sum, the Indian people suffer extreme unfreedom, both in structure and processes of the State as well as civil society. All that is spoken of freedoms is reserved for a handful of elites, the people in the Constitution, who have made all others as non-people
Immediate Prosecution Of Policemen
For Fabrication of Case
By Peoples Union for Democratic Rights
The Delhi Police should immediately register the FIR and proceed against the accused policemen in order to send a strong message to erring police officers given to the practice of staging false encounters and framing people in false cases
14 February, 2011
Army Urges Egyptians To End Strikes
By Al Jazeera
Egypt's military council has renewed a call to workers to end a wave of strikes and play their role in reviving the economy after nearly three weeks of mass protests that led to the ousting of president Hosni Mubarak
Egypt's Revolution And Israel: "Bad For The Jews"
By Ilan Pappe
The view from Israel is that if they indeed succeed, the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions are bad, very bad. Educated Arabs -- not all of them dressed as "Islamists," quite a few of them speaking perfect English whose wish for democracy is articulated without resorting to "anti-Western" rhetoric -- are bad for Israel
Will Democracy In Egypt Benefit The Palestinians?
By Alan Hart
Best politics would be for the government of Egypt to frame the referendum question to give it the authority to say to Israel something like: “We wish to remain committed to our peace treaty with you, but we will be unable to do so without a commitment from you to end your occupation of all Arab land taken in 1967.” Unless a majority of Israelis are beyond reason, that could be a game changer which would benefit the region and the whole world, not only the Palestinians
The Revolution Continues After Mubarak's Fall
By Ali Abunimah
In whatever form the revolution continues, the people are saying to their rulers: our countries, our futures, don't belong to you any more. They belong to us
Tourism Boycott For Egyptian Reforms
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
A global tourism boycott of Egypt is appropriate until it is absolutely clear that the revolution has actually and fully succeeded and economic reforms achieved. The enormous amounts of money stolen by Mubarak and others must be sought
From An Israeli Prison To Tahrir Square
By Jen Marlowe
One Palestinian’s Odyssey in a Middle East Ablaze
Egypt At Dawn's Early Light
By Stephen Lendman
What's unfolding looks different than what protesters demand. World headlines partly reflect it, mostly outside America, especially on US television reporting an illusion of change, when, in fact, coup d'etat rule is in charge, headed by authoritarian generals used to giving, not taking orders
Will US, Zionist And Egyptian Neocons
Destroy Egyptian Revolution?
By Dr Gideon Polya
The US , Apartheid Israel , Egyptian torturer Omar Suleiman and the traitorous Egyptian Establishment may yet pervert the Egyptian Revolution and continue the Egyptian Holocaust that has passively killed 22 million Egyptians through imposed poverty since 1950
A Great Victory For The Egyptian People
By Mazdoor Ekta Lehar
The people of India have longstanding ties of friendship with the people of Egypt dating back thousands of years. We share the same hatred of colonialism and Anglo-American imperialism. We hail the victory of our brothers and sisters in Egypt and will always be with them in their struggle for democracy and the right to decide their own destiny
I Have Never Seen The Sun And I Never Will
By Mary Hamer, M.D.
I am a Baby calf. I was born on an industrialized factory farm in August 2010. I have never seen the Sun. I have never heard the birds sing in the morning that greet the new day. I have never seen the wind blow. I want to be intimate with the Sun, the wind & the sky. But, I will never see this Sun that I so deeply yearn for
Paul Erhlich Interview- Humanity On A Tightrope
By Alex Smith
In this wide-ranging interview, after 40 books, thousands of scientific papers, and 40 years after "The Population Bomb" - Dr. Paul Ehrlich talks about our dependence of fossil fuels, climate change, toxic disruption, and food
Spreading The Wealth In A Post-Oil World
By Peter Goodchild
In a post oil world, even if arable farmland is evenly distributed, Peter Goodchild argues that there will not be enough food to feed the world
The Future Of Food (1 of 2)
By Andrew Curry
The recent UK Government Foresight report on the future of the global food and farming system can’t be faulted for a lack of ambition. It takes on the whole of the global food system, and looks out to 2050. Much of what it says is valuable. But there are some telling gaps
How Expensive Is Food, Really?
By Sharon Astyk
The price of food here is only a small part of the massive retrofitting of our economy required to pay the real price of our agriculture - and receive the real value
An Oil Shock In 2012?
By Steven R. Kopits
By the middle of 2012, spare capacity could be as low as 1 million b/d, or even less, if the Saudis decide to limit production at 10 million b/d. When surplus capacity falls below one million b/d, an oil shock cannot be precluded. Thus, in the better case, the world is facing tight oil markets in 2012
Excessive Optimism Is Our Enemy,
With Coal-To-Liquids As A Case Study
By Fabius Maximus
Confidence provides strengths for a society, but only when coupled with clear vision. Unfortunately modern America too-often too often sees the future only in terms of doomsters’ pessimism and advocates’ optimism. Here we have a case study of the latter
Fight For A World Without Coal
By Chris Hedges
Coal, like oil and natural gas, is in an inexorable decline. There will be major shortages in as little as two decades. The continued extraction and burning of coal at these levels make any alternative energy policy, including carbon credits, a joke. We must begin to prepare for a world without coal. If we continue to wait passively we will be faced with a crisis that will make basic energy consumption unaffordable and create widespread human misery and suffering as increasing parts of the country and the globe become uninhabitable
The Week Of The Game Changer In Oil,
Or Was It?
By Kurt Cobb
This past week was supposedly the week of the game changer in the world of oil. Leaked U.S. diplomatic cables from Saudi Arabia called into question the ability of the globe's largest oil exporter to raise production to satisfy a world increasingly thirsty for petroleum. In the United States a technique called hydraulic fracturing--which has seemingly unlocked vast natural gas resources--will now be applied to oil trapped in shale deposits. Are these two developments really the so-called game changers they are claimed to be?
If We’re Serious About Localisation,
“All Of Us Have To Go To Business School”
By Transition Culture
An Interview With Michael Shuman, author of Going Local and Small Mart Revolution
The Two Roads Out Of Recession
By Shamus Cooke
The President's recent speech to the Chamber implied many dangers, which neither labor federation-- AFL-CIO and Change to Win -- bothered to point out. In fact, the AFL-CIO applauded sections of the speech, rather than condemning its sinister motives. If labor unions align themselves with the President's and the Chamber's pro-corporate path out of the recession, a workers’ road to recovery will be bypassed
'Nandan Nilekani Is Subverting The Constitution'
By Prasanna D Zore
Human rights activist Gopal Krishna who is in the forefront of thd opposition to UID. And he has solid reasons to oppose this numbering of people, which he says has a precedent in Nazi Germany and South Africa, which Mahatma Gandhi vehemently opposed. Here is a Rediff interview with Gopal Krishna
Cloning Cairo: A New Map For Kashmir?
By Farzana Versey
Kashmir does not need to be a Cairo and cannot be. From whom or what will its people get liberated when they are pulled in several directions by a hydra-headed monster called political opportunism?
13 February, 2011
Egypt's Army Dissolves Parliament
By Al Jazeera
Military rulers say they will remain in charge for six months until elections are held as some protesters vow to remain
Lessons Learned In The Streets Of Cairo
By William A. Cook
If the streets of Cairo have taught us anything, they have demonstrated that vigilance against those who would control out of arrogance, oppress with indifference, deceive with impunity, and humiliate without feeling, have abandoned all natural sympathies and become , in fact, non-human and must be exposed for all to see. Such vigilance unfortunately can never end
No One Curious What CIA Is Working On
At The Moment In Egypt?
By Jay Janson
What does the CIA have in store for Egypt? What chores will it assign its agents both American and Egyptian? American socialists and progressives are overly cooperative with mainstream media and Congress in hardly ever asking after our secret CIA shadow government
Egypt 2011: Millions Have Heroically Stood Up...
The Future Remains To Be Written
By Bob Avakian
A Statement By Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Counterrevolution 101
By Dave Fryett
The wretched of the Earth have seen what is possible. Power has been shown to be powerless in the face of determined mass opposition. And in every corner of our world the immiserated rejoice, because they know the day of liberation draws near
Egypt’s Silenced Subaltern
By Dr Ipshita Basu
Free and fair elections in Egypt and whatever outcome it may bring forth will be one step in a much longer learning process for the Egyptians. Neither did Western states arrive at democratic foundations without their share of conflict and violence nor have they arrived at a final perfect state. The Egyptians too should be allowed to define their own path for democracy
Hold The Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began
By Stephen Lendman
Hopefully beneath celebratory euphoria, Egyptians know ousting Mubarak was simple, especially since Washington long wanted him out. Covertly with Egypt's military, it facilitated long-planned regime purging for with new faces under old policies. In other words, have everything change but stay the same, a common imperial bait and switch con
The Middle East’s Sand Castles
By Ali Quli Qarai
Revolution is a new and unprecedented historic experience for the people of Tunisia and Egypt. Self-determination, independence and freedom will not be offered to them on a golden platter. Their struggle is against entrenched oligarchies and intelligence agencies of Europe and America, who, in collusion with the leaders of the big corporations, are experienced players at the game of enslaving nations
The Fall Of The Egyptian Tyrant
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
The Egyptian people should not forget the betrayal of 1952 when their dreams to live freely in a dignified way were soiled in the months following the ouster of King Farouq, a corrupt British puppet, when the Free Officers Movement took full control of the country while the Brothers and many of those nationalists who had actively participated in the revolution were put behind the prison walls. Since that time, all of Egypt’s post-1952 leaders have been military officers, and both serving and retired generals are sprinkled throughout the various arms of government
What Is True Sustainability?
By Matthew Stein
If we are to develop an effective plan and roadmap for creating a sustainable world, we must first have a clear idea of what it truly means to be “sustainable”!
Paradox: Linchpin Of The Long Emergency
By Carolyn Baker
When people ask me, “Will the Long Emergency happen quickly or slowly?” I answer, “Yes.” When they ask, “Will it be like rolling down a bumpy hill or falling off a cliff?” my answer is “Yes.” I try to explain what I mean in this article
Oil ‘Demand Has Met Supply’ –
Saudi Arabia (via Wikileaks)
By Matthew Wild
The question of Saudi Oil reserves, even if we think we know the answers, remains central to our own economies. It’s more than just the physical size of reserves, as the matter includes how fast the Saudis can bring oil to market, and whether they even do – oil set aside for home consumption never makes it that far, for example. It is also linked to the cost of food, and with it, the security of governments across the globe
Market Gets Ready For Camel Milk
By Devinder Sharma
So finally, European Union has approved the import of first major brand of camel milk from Dubai. With camel milk now being sold in health food shops and upmarket shopping malls, a huge untapped potential market opens up for India. It is expected that by 2012, ordinary popular retail supermarkets in Europe will start carrying camel milk on its shelves
Gilgit Baltistan, The Emergence Of China
By Dr Shabir Choudhry
Presentation of Dr Shabir Choudhry in House of Lords on 11 Feb 2011
12 February, 2011
The Emerging Counter-Revolutions In
Tunisia And Egypt
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
An arrogant pharaoh has fallen. Egyptians may be chanting that their country is free, but their struggle is far from over. The United Arab Republic of Egypt is not free yet. The old regime and its apparatus are still very much in place and waiting for the dust to settle. The Egyptian military is officially in control of Egypt and the counter-revolution is emerging. A new phase of the struggle for liberty has started
Effects Of Ultimate Revolution In Egypt:
Freedom Or Army Rule?
By Prof. Bhim Singh
The Ultimate Revolution in Egypt has proved that a revolution can be brought by a popular, peaceful and disciplined movement of the people. In Spain people threw out the king and instead of freedom got a dictator who ruthlessly ruled for quarter of a century. The entire world shall be waiting for the advent of democracy and liberation from the army rule in Egypt. Only time shall tell
The Egyptian Revolution:
The Triumph Of Human Dignity
By Chandra Muzaffar
We do not know how the Egyptian Revolution will unfold in the coming days and months. But for the time being, the people of Egypt, and indeed the people of the world, have every right and reason to celebrate. We have just witnessed the liberation of the soul of a nation. We have just embraced the triumph of human dignity
Is This A 'Young Turks' Moment All Over Again?
By William Bowles
Without direct interference from the West, I think we can be assured that Egyptian people will choose the right direction for them, however it pans out. But with so much at stake for the US and its allies it will stop at nothing to make sure the status quo is maintained. It's all down to the Egyptians now
Mubarak's Failed Bait And Switch
By Stephen Lendman
For the moment, however, huge Tahrir Square crowds erupted in celebratory euphoria, perhaps forgetting their liberating struggle just began. It didn't end with Mubarak's resignation. That was a baby step, removing an aging dinosaur Washington and Egypt's military wanted out. Now he's gone. Focus must follow through on what's next, requiring sustained popular protests. Otherwise, everything gained will be lost
The End Of The Dictatorships And
The Retreat Of The US-Israeli Empire
By Feroze Mithiborwala
The fall of Egypt & the end of the Westertn backed brutal dictatorial regime of Hosni Mubarak, also marks the defeat of the US-Israeli project for the control of the Middle East & North Africa. The popular People’s Revolution currently sweeping the Arab & Muslim nations is committed to the end of dictators & monarchies. The revolution is also a movement against the hegemony & tyranny of Imperialism & Zionism
Popular Anger Boils Over In Iraq :
Further Protests In Algeria, Tunisia And Yemen
By David Walsh
Protest over social conditions spread to Iraq this week, as demonstrations broke out in numerous cities. Meanwhile, a mass rally has been scheduled in Algiers for Saturday. In Tunisia itself, the population continues to simmer, with the same autocratic power structures still in place despite the flight of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Jordan, Yemen and Morocco are also witnessing protests
Egypt’s Warning: Are You Listening?
By Chris Martenson
" With water shortages and oil running out, governments may be able to hold back the tide of change for a short while but not for long" - Hillary Clinton. She may as well have been speaking about the United States, Japan, or any number of countries across the globe
Rising Food Prices And The Egyptian Tinderbox:
How Banks And Investors Are Starving
The Third World
By Ellen Brown
Underlying the sudden, volatile uprising in Egypt and Tunisia is a growing global crisis sparked by soaring food prices and unemployment. Analysts estimate that food price inflation in Egypt is currently at an unsustainable 17 percent yearly
Food Crisis 2011? 14 Disturbing Facts
That Make You Wonder If The Coming
Global Food Shortage Has Already Begun
By Endoftheamericandream.com
The following are 14 facts that make you wonder if the coming global food shortage has already begun....
Ladakh: Is There Light In Sight
Towards The Tunnel?
By Meha Dixit
For decades, Ladakhis, especially from Kargil, have been demanding the construction of Zojila tunnel but merely empty promises have been made by the successive governments. It is hoped this time the work on Zojila tunnel is taken up very seriously, its been almost four years since the Zojila tunnel project was approved yet not much has been done while the Ladakhis continue to bear the brunt of the politics of tunnel construction at Zojila
11 February, 2011
Hosni Mubarak Steps Down
By Al Jazeera
Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down as president of Egypt. In an announcement on state TV, Vice-President Omar Suleiman said Mr Mubarak had handed power to the military
Gandhi On The Nile
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Egyptian people have enacted a revolution that would have made Gandhi proud. But their victory is all their own. Many challenges lie ahead of them. But today the sun is shining. Gloriously
The Egyptian People's Revolt: Demise Of
US Hegemony In The Middle East?
By Peter Custers
The Egyptian people and people in other Middle Eastern states know they are not just up against Mubarak, or against domestic dictatorships. Hence, it is quite well possible that today’s revolt in the Arab world will mark an important chapter in the demise of US hegemony
Israeli And PA Forces Suppress
Solidarity With Egyptians
By Stephen Lendman
Despite Palestinian Authority (PA) officials banning anti-Mubarak demonstrations, hundreds rallied in support
Dignity, Bread And Liberty; The Start Of
Peak Food Revolutions
By Mike Small
The western media may be obsessing with social media but believe me this isn't the thing you are focusing on if you don't have enough to eat. Egypt, as the world's largest wheat importer, is reliant on countries like Russia and Pakistan for its food supply
Food Bubble Collapse Threatens Survival Of
Human Civilization
By Mike Adams
Frankly, we don't deserve this planet, and Mother Nature is about to take it away from us. It's time for us to either grow up, or perish
Can The Earth Survive "Overshoot-And-Collapse"?
By Wendy Moyer
Like those reindeer of St. Matthew Island, the worldwide growth of population is over consuming the Earth's natural resources
Power And Powerlessness In Global Cities
By Sophie Body-Gendrot
How does today’s globalization transform our perceptions of urban inequality and how do we respond to it? Inequality is a powerful social divider but also, in some circumstances, a unifier
Or Die Trying
By Guy R. McPherson
I’ll inject empathy, therefore resistance, into a sociopathic culture largely devoid of people willing to stand in opposition to the mainstream. I’ll move individuals beyond dark thoughts and into the light of a new world. I’ll move them beyond inaction. I’ll move them beyond the oppression of civilization and into the brave new world of a life that gives as well as taking. Or die trying
Where Are The Peace Laureates?
By Maj Gen S.G.Vombatkere
It is heartening to read about 40 Nobel Laureates backing Dr.Binayak Sen by demanding his immediate release. However, I am distressed to note that of all the Nobel Laureates in science and humanities named in the news item, there is not a single Nobel Laureate who has received the Nobel Peace Prize!
Aristide Given Diplomatic Passport To Go Home
By Stephen Lendman
Haitians now await his return. For them, millions of global supporters, and President Aristide and his wife Mildred, it can't come a moment too soon
10 February, 2011
Hosni Mubarak Refuses To Step Down
By Countercurrents.org
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will not step down immediately. In his address to the nation on television, he reiterated his stand that he will not run for another presidential term. He also said, he will hand over some power to the Vice President Omar Suleiman. But he did not specify which of the powers are being transferred to the Vice President
Hypocrisy Is Exposed By The Wind Of Change
By Robert Fisk
So when the Arabs cry out for the very future that Obama outlined, we show them disrespect
Hurriya Is Arabic For Freedom:
Just Listen To Egypt Roar
By Ramzy Baroud
Just when we were told that a religious strife was about to engulf Egypt, and that the people were subdued to the point that there was no hope, millions of brave Egyptians declared a revolution that brought Muslims and Christians together. The courage and the bravery they displayed is enough to restore our faith in the world - in the human race, and in ourselves
The Fascination Of The Mediterranean World:
A Personal Testimony
By Gaither Stewart
For thirty years Mubarak has deceived and deluded everyone—Europe, USA, Israel and Egyptians themselves—with the dilemma: Either I, Mubarak, or the Moslem Brotherhood. The dictator has performed in true dictator style, offering rewards to Western friends who in turn have granted him the title of “moderate” and his regime as a moderate one. The millions of Egyptians on the streets today do not agree
Egypt's Focus Largely Ignores Palestine
By Stephen Lendman
Whether or not Egyptians prevail, besieged Gazans face increasing hardships heading toward crisis conditions if essential supplies and services remain spotty or unaffordable. Yet media reports largely ignore them. Even Al Jazeera offers only occasional accounts
How Minorities, Poor, Are Kept Out Of
US Law Schools
By Lawrence Velvel, Michael Coyne & Sherwood Ross
If law school enrollment today is made up largely of the white and the wealthy, it is because the American Bar Association, the chief accreditor of the nation’s law schools, has designed the rules that produce this outcome. It’s not that minorities and students from low-income households don’t want to attend law school; it’s that they are being priced out by soaring tuition costs, up 267 percent since 1990, and shut out by the culturally biased Law School Admissions Test
Nobel Winners Appeal For Dr Binayak Sen’s Release
By Nobel Laureates
We, the 38 undersigned Nobel Laureates, respectfully express our astonishment and dismay at the unjust life sentence handed down last month in India to a fellow scientist and human rights advocate, 61-year-old Dr. Binayak Sen
Peak oil: We Are Asleep At The Wheel
By Jeremy Leggett
Revelations that the Saudis have overstated their oil reserves are a timely reminder of the huge threat to the global economy
Why Bradley Manning Is A Patriot, Not A Criminal
By Chase Madar
An opening statement for the defense of private Manning
From Toilet To Planet: A Brief Journey Of Survival
By Subhankar Banerjee
Today Representative Darrell Issa (R–California), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is starting a series of hearings to deregulate the US. Issa, Upton and their newly–elected tea–drinking GOP colleagues with their corporation–friendly agendas are planning to make the rich richer, poor poorer, and while doing so endanger public health in America and destroy a bit more of our biodiversity
War And Missiles: Obama’s Requiem
For The Dead And Dying
By Larry Pinkney
Educate, organize, agitate! Speak truth to power! It is the corporate / military Democratic and Republican Party foxes and wolves, to whom the wars and missiles and the ‘requiem for the dead’ belong. Ours however, is yet to be penned, and it will be a new kind of composition - one for Mother Earth and for the living and those yet unborn! One done for and by the determined actions of everyday people!
America Is No Example Of Democracy
By Timothy V. Gatto
So what gives us the right to interfere in the politics of another nation? The fact of the matter is that when we intervene in any nation’s affairs, it’s for our own interests. This is one reason why the world hates America. Our government should understand this: until we get it right in the United States, we should stay out of the affairs of other nations
Baltasar Garzón: El Juez Indomable (PDF)
By George Venturini
Judge Baltasar Garzón, of the Spanish Audiencia National, Fifth Chamber of the Central Criminal Court, was indicted in April 2010 for knowingly and willfully exceeding his competence when investigating crimes committed by the Franco regime which were said to be covered by an amnesty. He had - as charged in March 2010 - twisted the limits of his jurisdiction to by-pass the amnesty law enacted by the Spanish Parliament in 1977, two years after the death of the Caudillo, and thus to be able to engineer a case when there was none
No Multiculturalism Please, We’re British
By Farzana Versey
It’s failed and all because of Islamic terrorism. Soon after British Prime Minister David Cameron pronounced the defeat of multiculturalism, it was but a matter of time before commentators would go on their ‘let’s separate the wheat from the chaff’ binge
U.P. Tops In Atrocities Against Dalits
By S.R.Darapuri
Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) has earned the dubious distinction of being a state where the highest numbers of atrocities have been committed against the Dalits (Scheduled Castes) for the last many years. It is in spite of the fact that this state is being ruled by a Dalit Chief Minister for the fourth time who is going to complete her fourth year in office. U.P. has the largest Dalit population in India numbering about 35.1 million and nearly 21.5% of total state population
Judiciary And Its Brahmanical Prejudices In India
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Two Judges of Supreme court recently, for the first time in our judicial history, had the courage to challenge the religious text of the Brahmanical order. In an order favoring tribal women’s land right violating which the powerful in the village termed her as witch and paraded her in the village
Remembering Shahid Azmi, The Shaheed
By Mahtab Alam
It is true that Shahid is not amongst us, and his untimely and violent death foreclosed rich possibilities that lay before all of us interested in justice
09 February, 2011
Saudi Arabia Cannot Pump Enough Oil
To Keep A Lid On Prices
By John Vidal
The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating, confidential cables from its embassy in Riyadh show
Labour Unions Boost Egypt Protests
By Al Jazeera
Egyptian labour unions have gone on a nationwide strike, adding momentum to pro-democracy demonstrations in Cairo and other cities
After Record-Level Turnout In Tahrir, Egyptian
Protests Spread To Parliament, Cabinet Buildings;
Labor Unions Launch Strikes Nationwide
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Democracy Now! senior producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous interviews a demonstrator outside the Egyptian parliament building
Egypt's Berlin Wall Moment
By Richard Falk
The recent uprisings do not exist merely in a historical vacuum, but must be considered within a geopolitical context
People Power v. Duplicity In Egypt And Washington
By Stephen Lendman
Odds always favor the powerful, including the possibility that popular passion will tire, subside and fade, leaving entrenched forces in place. However, some observers believe Egypt's uprising is different, giving it a better chance than others. Time will tell. So far, its resilience has been breathtaking
Egypt: Straight From The Heart
By Yoginder Sikand
Mubarak certainly deserves to go, of that there was no doubt, but as to whether those who will now replace him, including, possibly, the Islamists, will prove to be any better I am not so sure.
Droughts, Floods And Food
By Paul Krugman
What we’re getting now is a first taste of the disruption, economic and political, that we’ll face in a warming world. And given our failure to act on greenhouse gases, there will be much more, and much worse, to come
Environmentalism Of The Poor:
What Democracy Is Teaching Us
By Sunita Narain
In India, where I live and work, the environmental issue is at an important juncture, which has important lessons for the world, if we care to listen
Yes We Can; Yes We Must Abolish
Nuclear Weapons NOW!
By Eileen Fleming
America possesses 11,000 nuclear weapons with many in excess of 20,000,000 tons of TNT [the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 12,000 tons] yet claims to be based on Judeo-Christian ethics, but “How can you kill people, when it is written in God’s commandment: ‘Thou shalt not murder’?”
Workers Win Union At Bend Oregon Hospital
By Mark Vorpahl
In a campaign that lasted months, the majority of 600 service workers at St. Charles Hospital in Bend, Oregon, voted to join SEIU Local 49. This is the biggest organizing victory in Oregon for 30 years, and the biggest election the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been involved in since 1996, where a union vote was lost at Precision Cast Parts
Grassroots Support For Aristide's Return
By Stephen Lendman
Haitians want him badly, mainly for his powerful inspirational presence. It's why so far Washington denied him, wanting no one interfering with its imperial agenda
Mayawati’s Shoes And Dalit Empowerment
By Farzana Versey
Mayawati’s chief security officer and the state’s Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Padam Singh bent down to clean her shoes with his handkerchief when the chief minister was on an inspection tour
“Dismantling Impunity” Campaign To Help
Palestinian Victims Of Israeli Army Terror
By Popular Struggle Coordination Committee
The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee is proud to announce a new campaign, the “Dismantling Impunity Fund”. This fund will directly challenge Israel’s culture of impunity surrounding the murder and maiming of Palestinians
The Mulnivasi Thesis Of The Supreme Court
By Dr Anand Teltumbde
The judgement that was pronounced on 5th January 2011 by its bench comprising judges Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra came as a pleasant surprise to scores of activists. The case was an appeal by Kailas and others against the punishment awarded to them by the High Court for having paraded a Bhil (tribal) woman naked through village. The honourable court dismissed the appeal and upheld the punishment
08 February, 2011
Mass Protests Continue In Egypt
By Al Jazeera
Protesters in Egypt have pressed for more mass demonstrations, with a new wave of optimism reaching the pro-democracy camp following the release of the detained cyber activist, Wael Ghonim. As demonstrations seeking an immediate end to Hosni Mubarak's rule enter their 15th day, protesters - set up in makeshift tents in central Cairo's Tahrir [Liberation] Square - are refusing to leave until their demands are met
Israel's Secret Hotline To The Man
Tipped To Replace Mubarak
By Tim Ross, Christopher Hope,
Steven Swinford & Adrian Blomfield
The new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel's who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret "hotline" to Cairo, leaked documents disclose
Omar Suleiman: The CIA's Man In Cairo
By Lisa Hajjar
Omar Suleiman, a friend to the US and reported torturer, has long been touted as a presidential successor
US Envoy's Business Link To Egypt
By Robert Fisk
Frank Wisner, President Barack Obama's envoy to Cairo who infuriated the White House this weekend by urging Hosni Mubarak to remain President of Egypt, works for a New York and Washington law firm which works for the dictator's own Egyptian government
The Egyptian Revolution :The Distance
Between Democracy And Social Justice
By Yacov Ben Efrat
The winds of change which began with the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia will not bypass Israel which is desperately in need of change and real peace
Palestine Is The Key To Arab Democracy
By Sam Bahour
Until the people of the Middle East take reforms seriously and transform their mass demonstrations into sustained, organized efforts that address all aspects of society – political, legislative, economic and social – then the blood and tears invested in this latest round of civil outcry will be wasted
Washington Faces The Arab Revolts:
Sacrificing Dictators To Save The State
By James Petras
To understand the Obama regime’s policy toward Egypt, the Mubarak dictatorship and the popular uprising it is essential to locate it in an historical context
Mubarak's Thirty-Year Dictatorship
By Stephen Lendman
Throughout decades of brutal rule, Mubarak remained a steadfast US ally. As a result, Washington rewarded him generously. US administrations also ignored his crimes, corruption, and lawlessness, as late January released WikiLeaks cables reveal, showing Obama knew he kept power through ruthless state terror
2011: A New Beginning?
By Javier Sethness
Constituted power is quite clearly mobilizing to stifle the expression of the revolutionary dreams of the subordinated and oppressed, both in Egypt and elsewhere. It is to be hoped that the efforts of the Tunisian masses and the Tahrir Commune can succeed in deposing tyrants together with the life-negating systems they represent
The USA Puts Its Arab "Alliances" On Sale
By Salim Nazzal
As with all bankrupt companies their owners resort to selling off their contents at cheap prices in order to alleviate the losses and damage. The USA is doing this now with it’s so called Arab Allies. The USA stated recently that it wants a peaceful transition of power; this is a clear message to Mubarak to go
The 11-Year Old American Girl Who Knows
More About Guantánamo Than Most US Lawmakers
By Andy Worthington
Here is an essay about Guantánamo, written as a school project by Sammie Killmer, a sixth-grade schoolgirl in Denver, Colorado, who understands more about Guantánamo and the men held there than most adults in a position of influence in the United States
Why Did The President Cross The Road?
By David Swanson
To kneel before the corporate throne of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. And here's what he had to say there on Monday. President Obama again stressed that he wanted to freeze non-war/military spending well into the next president's tenure
Extinction Event?
By Guy R. McPherson
The Arctic is defrosting as warm Atlantic waters rush through the Fram Strait instead of skirting the southern coast of Greenland. This is an important event, regardless of the deafening silence exhibited by the mainstream media
Yet Another Binayak Sen
By Anand Teltumbde
Sudhir Dhawale is a prototype of a contemporary dalit activist: coming from a poor family, moderately educated and without any notable social acclaim. What makes them similar apart from their unflinching dedication to the oppressed humanity is the neurotic behavior of the state towards them. Binayak Sen’s case is by now world famous, tearing down the veneer of all state claims to democracy. Sudhir’s hopefully is adding to the shame of the establishment
Kleptocrats At Work
By Paul Craig Roberts
Kleptocrats on the prowl from Brunei to Washington
George Bush: Preliminary Indictment For Torture
By Stephen Lendman
No one deserves impunity, even present and past US presidents as well as others holding top administration posts. After aggressive wars and genocide, torture is the worst international crime, warranting prosecutorial justice against guilty parties
Israel Demolishes Village of El Araqib
For 12th Time
By Recognition Forum
This morning at approximately 8.15, a large army of police officers, officials of the Israeli Land Administration and the Jewish National Fund (JNF), demolition contractors and trucks invaded the village of El Araqib for the 12th time in order to yet again completely demolish it
Roger Waters, A Man And An Exceptional Artist
By Silvia Cattori
In a world where, from Palestine to Iraq via Afghanistan, so many innocent people are brutalized by barbarian armies, humiliated, bereft of hope, freedom, and human dignity, the voice of artists with the integrity to lend their talent and signature to say no to savagery, is a beacon of hope. Roger Waters, the legendary bassist, guitarist and singer of the now disbanded mythical group Pink Floyd, is one of those exceptional artists with that kind of courage
07 February, 2011
Talks Fail To End Egypt Protests
By Al Jazeera
Pro-democracy protesters are continuing their sit-in in Cairo's Tahrir (Liberation) Square for the fourteenth consecutive day, showing no signs of being appeased by talks held a day earlier between the government and opposition groups
Protests Demanding Mubarak To Resign
Grow Stronger, Despite Some
Government Concessions
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous & Hossam Bahgat
Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Hossam Bahgat, an Egyptian human rights activist speak live from Cairo
Media Crackdown In Egypt
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Democracy Now!’s Sharif Abdel Kouddous reports from Tahrir Square on the systematic targeting of journalists in Egypt
A Call From Egyptian Socialists
By Socialistworker
Revolutionary socialists in Egypt issued this statement about the Egyptian uprising and the tasks that the movement faces as the struggle continues in the coming weeks
The Arab Uprising: 12 Questions And 12 Answers
By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, Professor of Global Studies and President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), discusses the Arab Uprising in this article presented in a Q & A format
We Are All Part Of Egypt's Revolution
By Matthew Cassel
Even though I'm not Egyptian, I use the term "we," because at this point all of us in Egypt on the side of truth have become a part of the revolution. As the US-backed dictator and his forces try to repress all activists and journalists, just to be here and to type these words -- to witness the struggle of the Egyptian people -- is in itself an act of defiance and revolution
The Danger To Egypt's Revolution
Comes From Washington
By Ali Abunimah
The greatest danger to the Egyptian revolution and the prospects for a free and independent Egypt emanates not from the "baltagiyya" -- the mercenaries and thugs the regime sent to beat, stone, stab, shoot and kill protestors in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities last week -- but from Washington
Egypt Eruption: Dilemma For Democracy
By Farooque Chowdhury
Two factors are now defining the character and extent of democracy with opposing goals in Egypt: the people and the external king makers. Both of the factors are maneuvering within respective limits and with respective strengths, and array of political forces are changing fast. The moves by both the factors show respective limits of strength and weakness
Egyptian Protests: A Defining Moment
For Arab World
By Suhail Masoodi
No matter what, there are visible signs of change, but the bigger question is: Can imposition of western model of free market liberal democracy bring justice and fulfill the people’s aspirations?
Pox Americana
By Tom Engelhardt
Driving through the gates of hell and other American pastimes in the greater Middle East
Swiss Miss Bush – GWB Ducks
Geneva Criminal Torture Charges
By Bill Quigley
Justice for George W's torture violations jumped much closer this weekend. Ex-President George W Bush was supposed to fly to Switzerland to speak in Geneva February 15. But his speech was cancelled over the weekend because of concerns about protests and efforts by human rights organizations asking Swiss prosecutors to charge Bush with torture and serve him with an arrest warrant
Recognizing The Language Of Tyranny
By Chris Hedges
Empires communicate in two languages. One language is expressed in imperatives. It is the language of command and force. This militarized language disdains human life and celebrates hypermasculinity. The other language of empire is softer. It employs the vocabulary of ideals and lofty goals and insists that the power of empire is noble and benevolent
The Shift In State Of The Atmosphere (PDF)
By Andrew Glikson
The release to the atmosphere and oceans of hundreds of billions of tons of carbon from fossil biospheres, at the rate of >2 ppm CO2 per year, is unprecedented in geological history of Earth, excepting events such as asteroid impacts which excavated and vaporized carbon-rich sediments, interfering with the carbon and oxygen cycles, which led to mass extinction of species
Development And Environment Issues With
Special Reference To Gandhian Perspective
By Dr. Kavita Y. Suchak
When the basic problems of Indian economy are analyzed, the pattern of income distribution, inequality, poverty, unemployment are still existing as they were when Gandhiji advocated the spinning-wheel as a panacea for all ills. Thus, his emphasis on Khadi and village industries was not a temporary measure, but a permanent solution to overcome the root problems of poverty and unemployment from India
Fantasies Of Hyper-Globalism:
The WWF's Energy Report
By Erik Lindberg
In a report meant to be both inspiring and reassuring, the WWF ambitiously declares that the world can switch to 95% renewable energy sources by 2050. The Scenario depends largely on increased efficiency and regulated flows of energy through a great system of interconnection. People are remarkably absent. The ostensible reason is that the report is focused on what is “technically possible,” which is more about joules and btus than about human behavior
How Is An Oil Shortage Like
A Missing Cup Of Flour?
By Gail Tverberg
Liebig’s Law of the Minimum applies in situations like this. In agriculture, it says that growth is controlled not by total resources available, but by the one in scarcest supply. If a baker does not have enough of one necessary ingredient, he will have to make a smaller batch. I wonder if it isn’t a little like this with oil and the economy
Letter To The Polish Government Regarding
Israel's Apartheid Policies
By Prof. Rachel Giora ,Shir Hever, Eytan Lerner,
Ofer Neiman & Emily Schaeffer
We are a group of Israeli citizens who are deeply concerned about our government's policies of apartheid and occupation, and the European Union's complicity in these policies. . We are writing to you to ask that you resume your responsibility to uphold basic principles of international law and human rights in Israel/Palestine
The Case Of Golibar
By Chatura Rao
In Khar east, Mumbai, is a 140-acre slum called Golibar, second largest to Dharavi. Golibar’s 46 societies are slated to be demolished under the Slum Rehabilitation Act (SRA) to make way for a project called Santa City. The people of Golibar are making a heroic resistance
More Torture Unpunished
By Mary Shaw
In January, former Chicago police Cmdr. Jon Burge was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison. He had been charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. Burge, who is white, allegedly spent decades torturing black murder suspects - shocking, burning, and suffocating them - until they confessed. While I am pleased to see Burge behind bars, I am disappointed that he was convicted not for torturing the suspects but merely for lying about the torture
A North American Security Perimeter Threatens
National Sovereignty
By Dana Gabriel
Canada and the U.S. have officially launched negotiations on a trade and security agreement which would take continental integration to the next level. A declaration issued by the leaders follows months of secret preliminary talks
Homage To A Humanist At Heart:
Dr. Jallal Boussedra
By Mustapha Marrouchi
A tribute to Dr. Jallal Boussedra
Field Notes On American-Style Democracy
By Stephen Lendman
Throughout Egypt, millions courageously keep protesting for democratic freedoms, including free and open elections for candidates they choose. In contrast, old order Egyptians, imperial Washington, other Western powers, and Israel are determined to prevent it
Briana Waters: Victimized By Green Scare
State Terrorism
By Stephen Lendman
Briana Waters: An innocent woman, she's one of many victims of US state terrorism, in her case for courageous environmental activism
06 February, 2011
Top Down Takeover Of Egypt's Revolution
By Shamus Cooke
The revolution in Egypt erupted like all revolutions do, from the bottom up. It was unemployment and high food prices that propelled working and poor people into action. Now, the media reports that the "opposition” in Egypt is a group of well-to-do folks who have very little in common with the poor of Egypt. This top down takeover of the revolution is being engineered with the support of the U.S. and European nations, the same allies of the dictatorship that lasted three decades
The Wrong Mubarak Quits.
Soon The Right One Will Go
By Robert Fisk
Protesters in Tahrir Square are right to be sceptical despite the apparent shake-up in Egypt's ruling party
Tunisia, Egypt, ..... Will The U.S. Be Next?
By Paul Cienfuegos
Tunisia and Egypt are both ruled by dictators, as are many other societies in the Arab world and beyond. But is it really that different in these United States, as our corporate media and government leaders would have us believe? Is this country so democratic and free that a similar sort of uprising is not needed here?
Guantánamo Prisoner Dies After Being Held
For Nine Years Without Charge or Trial
By Andy Worthington
On Thursday the Pentagon announced that Awal Gul, a 48-year old Afghan prisoner, who had been held for nine years without charge or trial and was scheduled to be held forever, died in a shower after suffering a heart attack. Gul had never been held as a prisoner of war, and despite the US government’s assertions that he could be held forever, no one in a position of authority — neither President Bush nor President Obama — had ever adequately demonstrated that he constituted a threat to the United States
Be Inspired Out Of Your Minds!
By Garda Ghista
We should shed boundless tears of joy in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of Egypt, and due to our universal minds we are longing to join them to be a part of the most glorious revolution in 200 years!! This is a revolution for freedom, real freedom, and for dignity
We're All Egyptians Now!
By Stephen Lendman
Egyptians, Tunisians, and Yemenis, and Algerians, and Jordanians, and Lebanese, and, of course, Palestinians, suffering for over six decades after Israel stole their historic homeland, over 43 years under brutal, suffocating occupation. Their struggle is ours, and it's high time we reacted, showing spirit as courageous as theirs
Iraqis Step Up Protest In Job And Food Crisis
By Nizar Latif
Protesters who stormed government buildings and a police station in a small, poor southern Iraqi town on Thursday continued their demonstrations yesterday, despite a crackdown by security forces. Angry residents in Hamza, in Diwaniya province, 180 kilometres south of Baghdad, took to the streets for a third day yesterday after protests over shortages of power, food and jobs, as well as political corruption, turned violent
The People’s Will
By Ron Forthofer
Despite this daring uprising of the Egyptian people, President Obama still indicates support for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
Commemorate Land Day 2011 By Joining
The Global BDS Day of Action 30 March 2011
By BDS National Committee
The BDS National Committee (BNC) is calling on you to unite in your different capacities and struggles to join the Global BDS Day of Action on Land Day, 30 March 2011, in solidarity with the Palestinian people's right to self determination on their ancestral land
Haiti Update: Electoral Runoff
And Aristide's Status
By Stephen Lendman
With world attention focused on Middle East events, mainly Egypt's, Haiti's gotten little attention despite its compelling need for real change. So far, it's nowhere in sight, nor openly discussed, or demanded like visible millions are doing abroad
Honoring Reagan
By Peter Chamberlin
Reagan’s revolution was a counterfeit revolution, taking America in a direction the Founding Fathers never intended. History has been hijacked by an international cartel, intent upon creating a Fascist global government, subservient to the dictates of the cartel. Reagan and all those who come after him have merely been puppets of that international cartel. The sooner we all face that fact the sooner we begin a real resistance movement here in our homeland. Honoring Reagan or the forces he has set into motion is a disservice to the past
Democracy: Yearning of People
By Farooque Chowdhury
The great divide, the Wall Street and the Main Street, is becoming stark everyday. This affects democracy, which is not class-neutral
What's The Truth Behind Chhatisgarh's
Battle With Hunger?
By Devinder Sharma
If the rice procurement is so effective why are the paddy farmers committing suicide? I would be glad if some people who have been closely involved and have been following the revamped PDS can enlighten us more
The Insanity With Security Gadgets Must End
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
It is high time for Secretary Napolitano’s office to stop the insanity with scan machines which serve no purpose other than costing American government and its people billions of dollars. Surely, if a terrorist wants to carry out its deadly attack, the gathering places of the passengers for security check-ups are easier targets. He/she need not even go through the scan machine to commit the heinous crime. So whom are we fooling with expensive gadgets that do nothing other than fattening the coffer of the vested interest?
05 February, 2011
Protesters Put Forward A Plan For Future
By Robert Fisk
Egyptian protesters have drawn up a list of 25 political personalities to negotiate for a new political leadership and a new constitution to replace Mubarak's crumbling regime. They include Amr Moussa, the secretary general of the Arab League – himself a trusted Egyptian; the Nobel prize-winner Ahmed Zuwail, an Egyptian-American who has advised President Barack Obama; Mohamed Selim Al-Awa, a professor and author of Islamic studies who is close to the Muslim Brotherhood; and the president of the Wafd party, Said al-Badawi
Egypt Protesters Hold Their Ground
By Al Jazeera
Demonstrators are still standing their ground in Cairo hours after hundreds of thousands of people gathered to call for Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, to quit. The protests entered their twelfth day on Saturday, a day after the city's Tahrir Square, the focal point of protests in Egypt, saw demonstrators observe a "Day of Departure"
It's Not Radical Islam That Worries The US –
It's Independence
By Noam Chomsky
The nature of any regime USA backs in the Arab world is secondary to control. Subjects are ignored until they break their chains
As Tahrir Square Goes So Goes The Middle East?
By Franklin Lamb
Tahrir Square has become a name symbolizing every people’s willingness, indeed insistence, to make personal, potentially life taking, sacrifices to achieve freedom from an illegitimate, corrupt, brutal, treasonous dictatorship or from occupiers or aggressors
Dominoes Falling In The Arab world
By Hamid Golpira
The dominoes are truly falling in the Arab world, but it is not clear in which direction they are falling
Cairo Attacks On Journalists Continue;
Reporter Dies From Earlier Shooting
By The Committee to Protect Journalists
A journalist shot a week ago while filming a demonstration died today, a state newspaper reported, and Al-Jazeera reported that security agents detained the network's Cairo bureau chief along with another journalist
End Game In Egypt
By Stephen Lendman
Independent new leaders face enormous challenges, including destructive reprisals for defying Western diktats. As a result, most accede, accepting neoliberal harshness over public needs, no matter their popular mandate or desire. That's Egypt's dilemma whatever new regime emerges
With Farmlands Being Grabbed,
More Of Africa Await March Of The Millions
By Devinder Sharma
Land grab is rampant in Africa. Just as one case of self-immolation in Tunis spread the fire across the Arab world, the day is not far off when Africa too will be engulfed with a raging political fire stoked by farm landgrabs
Will Americans Hit The Street?
By Jay Janson
The Wall Street conglomerate dictatorship that has long owned the U.S. government and backs dictators like Mubarak, also imprisons and exploits Americans in its economy of greed. Why shall Americans sit stupefied, watching people of the neo-colonized third world die in the street?
The Globe's Limitations: How Peak Oil
Threatens Economic Growth
By Richard Heinberg
In the second video in the series “Peak Oil and a Changing Climate” from The Nation and On The Earth productions, Richard Heinberg, senior fellow with the Post Carbon Institute, discusses how depleting oil supplies threaten the future of global economic growth
El Salvador's Sweatshop Economy
By Stephen Lendman
Workers are treated like prisoners. Under scorching heat, they report being drenched in their own sweat, constantly cursed at and humiliated. Moreover, security cameras monitor them. Illegal overtime is mandatory. They're constantly pressured. Factory water is contaminated with fecal coli, causing diarrhea, intestinal illnesses and infections. For alerting fellow workers of the problem, six were fired
Budget 2011 Will Also Bypass Farmers
By Devinder Sharma
All annual Budgets in the recent past have bypassed agriculture when it comes to making the right investments, and this year too is not going to be any exception
Show Me The Evidence, Says Judge
By Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association
Show me the evidence, says Judge. The Prosecution is able to produce none! Md. Salman discharged from the 2008 Delhi Blasts Case!
04 February, 2011
'Day Of Departure' In Egypt
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous
This post is collated from tweets from @sharifkouddous, Sharif Abdel Kouddous a Democracy Now! producer who spent last night in Tahrir Square in Cairo, who is now in and around Tahrir Square
Day Of Departure: Massive Demonstrations
Across Egypt Aim To Oust Mubarak
Sharif Abdel Kouddous Reports Live from Cairo
Hundreds of thousands of Egyptian pro-democracy protesters have returned to Cairo’s Tahrir Square in defiance of violent attacks from supporters of President Hosni Mubarak in the last two days. The New York Times reports the Obama administration has opened talks with Egyptian officials on Mubarak’s immediate resignation
A Battle For Democracy
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Reports on how anti-Government protesters are resisting the Mubarak’s regime crackdown
Was This The Video That Started
The Egyptian Revolution?
By Asma Mahfouz
Asma Mahfouz is one of the founders of the April 6 Youth Movement, a group of Internet activists credited with a leading role in organizing theRevolutionary protests calling for Mubarak's departure. Her video blog helped spark the Egyptian Revolution
Mubarak Defies A Humiliated America,
Emulating Netanyahu
By Juan Cole
Just as Netanyahu takes Washington’s billions but then pisses all over American policy objectives with regard to erecting a Palestinian State Lite, so Mubarak has stuffed tens of billions of dollars from Washington into his government’s pockets but has humiliated and endangered the United States
The Empire Struggles On…Obama Fails
By Jim Miles
The situation in Egypt remains highly unsettled and the eventual outcome is still an unknown, but two things are clear: first that Obama is a failure, in spite of all his record of fine sounding rhetoric; and secondly, the empire struggles on, with as good a chance of winning this round with the Tahrir Square democracy protestors
Middle East Dominos
By Marwan Asmar
It’s might be a special Middle East domino, pieces that fall one by one, all rigidly American and western allies, that have long been nurtured into a special relationship based on mutual interests. However, it might be too simplistic to believe that falls are inevitable but it is of no doubt, however, changes in the political map of the Middle East is imminent and 2011 could well be remembered as the year of winds of change
A Historic Moment In Egypt
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Popular revolt is against symbolic democracy and fake secularism
After Mubarak: What's Next?
By Stephen Lendman
Expect new faces continuing old policies, yielding nothing unless sustained mass outrage persists. That's today's reality, resolution still in doubt, but odds always favor the strong
Are We Running Out Of Oil?
By Bill McKibben, Noam Chomsky, Nicole Foss
& Richard Heinberg
An introduction to a video series from The Nation and On The Earth Productions. Bill McKibben, Noam Chomsky, Nicole Foss, Richard Heinberg and other scientists, researchers and writers explain the threat of Peak Oil
The Ascent?
By Thomas Robinson
While Jevons’ Paradox suggests that technological conservation of energy will be eroded by greater usage, there is an even more fundamental problem, namely that: 1) technological progress is less useful than usually thought, because of marginal returns and 2) technological advancement and innovation has slowed alarmingly over the last decades. This is why The Ascent of Man seems so timeless: mankind has not ascended much in the recent past. We are in fact witnessing a severe collapse of creativity and innovation in spite of the newest apps on your phone
Extreme Weather Report From Home:
The Thong Will Drop
By Subhankar Banerjee
People across half of the US just experienced unprecedented cold, snow and ice brought in by a record setting winter storm. Climate deniers have been wondering, we thought its gonna be warm with global warming, so why is it so cold? The climate scientists on the other hand have been pointing out that as the Arctic warms we’ll experience more frequent and severe intensity winter storms with colder temperatures and more snow—all due to human–made climate change
If Ever There Was A Time
By David Sparenberg
Nobody is spared some contact with the common diseases of human uncleanness and planetary abuse. Cancer, madness, rape of the Earth. Nobody is spared degrees of involvement with acts of crime, violence, which, always and everywhere, are eclipsing acts of beauty and reverence
A Cautionary Tale
By William Blum
The lstest Anti-Empire Report by William Blum
Arise The Heroes Of The People
By Hussein Al-alak
In this age of reality TV, parliamentary scandals and flamboyant athletes, maybe the time has come to re-examine the perspective of the hero, to wipe the slate clean of selective memory and subjectivity, so that people are no longer prevented from gaining access to those men and women, whose “distinguished courage or abilities” have truly helped to shape our everyday lives because as the British playwrite Terence Rattigan stated in his highly acclaimed drama The Deep Blue Sea, "The world is a dark enough place for even a spark to be welcome!"
Systemic Starvation In Melghat
By Shirish Khare
Endemic malnutrition of children causes thousands of deaths in Melghat a remote area in Maharashtra, even though government authorities prefer to call it as natural deaths. However, deaths that happen every year, through starvation, and have been happening since records were maintained starting in 1993
Punjab's Agriculture Is Full Of Misery
By Devinder Sharma
Punjab's Agriculture is in crisis. Green Revolution has taken a heavy toll of the food bowl. The verdant lands have now turned poisonous, aquifers have run dry, food is rich in pesticides, cancer is growing in the rural areas, and so on. Over the years, farmers have slipped into heavy debts, and the farm incomes have dwindled. No wonder, farm suicide rate remains high
Understanding The Concept Of Commons:
A Shared Responsibility
By Marianne de Nazareth
How many of us who sit in the comfort of our homes typing or surfing the net on our computers in one of the bigger metropolises in the country, are aware of the ‘commons’. What ARE the commons was the question that came to my mind when I first heard about the IASC Conference held in Hyderabad in January 2011. What did the term commons actually mean to us the common man?
The SF8 And FBI Repression
By Richard Brown
In this video, Richard Brown, of the San Francisco Eight, speaks at a protest outside the US Federal Court Building in San Francisco on January 25, 2011. Brown urges the public to support the 23 anti-war activists that were subpoenaed to testify before a Grand Jury that day. All activists refused to testify and can now be criminally charged for not testifying
Lawless FBI Intelligence Gathering Practices
By Stephen Lendman
A new Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) report titled, Patterns of Misconduct: FBI Intelligence Violations from 2001 - 2008 based its findings on nearly 2,500 FOIA-obtained document pages, revealing alarming (lawless) trends
03 February, 2011
Inside Tahrir Square The Mood Is Euphoric
By Aurora
A protester speaks from inside Tahrir Square - In spite of yesterday's violence, spirits remain extremely high, people are euphoric! The main nucleus of many thousands of protesters 'is not going anywhere' until Mubarak steps down. Each day thousands more flock to Tahrir Square to reinforce the nuclear group and bring supplies
A Vehicle Running Against Protesters In Egypt
A shocking video
Live From Egypt: The True Face Of
The Mubarak Regime
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous
While many pro-democracy demonstrators left Tahrir for the safety of their homes, a significant number remain inside, vowing not to leave until Mubarak does. It remains to be seen how the protesters will respond but Friday will undoubtedly be a decisive day
Voices Of The Egyptian Revolution
By Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Democracy Now!’s Sharif Abdel Kouddous Speaks with Demonstrators in Tahrir Square at "March of Millions"
Not Leaving Until Hosni Does
By Medea Benjamin
The Egyptian people are writing a beautiful chapter in the history of nonviolence revolutions. Let's show them we are on their side
“This Is The Most Remarkable Regional Uprising
That I Can Remember”
By Noam Chomsky
What’s happening is absolutely spectacular. The courage and determination and commitment of the demonstrators is remarkable. And whatever happens, these are moments that won’t be forgotten and are sure to have long-term consequences
Journalist Under Physical Assault In Egypt
By Committee for Protecting Journalists
Supporters of President Hosni Mubarak have begun violently attacking journalists reporting on the streets of Cairo today, a shift in tactics from recent media censorship, the Committee to Protect Journalists said. CPJ calls on the Egyptian military to provide protection for journalists
Netanyahu & Co. Must Be Proud Of
Mubarak And His Thugs
By Alan Hart
For many years I believed that Israel’s leaders have no equals in the business of saying one thing and doing another. But Mubarak has proved me wrong. He went on television to tell Egyptians that he would be staying on for some months because only he could restore stability and set the stage for it to continue after he stepped down. Hours later his thugs were leading a violent attack on the peaceful, pro-democracy protesters in Cairo’s Tahir square
Don't Fear The Future Regime In Egypt
By Harsh Dobhal
The Cairo unrest is neither motivated by religious extremism of any al-Qaeda-style Islamist group nor has the popular revolt been orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood
Alan Dershowitz Supporting Tyranny?
By Stephen Lendman
Alan Dershowitz worries that the Egyptian revolution may produce a Lebanon-type Islamic regime
Egypt Voices Ultimate Revolution
By Prof. Bhim Singh
This is the beginning of Ultimate Revolution which one can witness on the walls of Tehriq Square in Cairo today. Tomorrow we may witness it in the entire Arab world. All authoritarian and undemocratic systems shall have to go today or tomorrow
Why Washington Clings To A Failed
Middle East Strategy
By Gareth Porter
The death throes of the Mubarak regime in Egypt signal a new level of crisis for a U.S. Middle East strategy that has shown itself over and over again in recent years to be based on nothing more than the illusion of power. The incipient loss of the U.S. client regime in Egypt is an obvious moment for a fundamental adjustment in that strategy
Egyptians Ready, Americans Unready
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
As I am glued to cable stations showing the street battles in Egypt all I keep thinking about is how Egyptians have mustered the courage to fight their government’s tyranny while Americans remain unready to revolt against the peculiar American brand of tyranny
Stories From Afghanistan:
This Is Not A Place For Life
By Mike Ferner
A visit to IDP camp in Afghanistan
Why I Nominated Wikileaks
For The Nobel Peace Prize
By Snorre Valen
Liu Xiabao was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year for his struggle for human rights, democracy and freedom of speech in China. Likewise: Wikileaks have contributed to the struggle for those very values globally, by exposing (among many other things) corruption, war crimes and torture – some times even conducted by allies of Norway. And most recently: By disclosing the economic arrangements by the presidential family in Tunisia, Wikileaks have made a small contribution to bringing down a 24-year-lasting dictatorship
Food Prices Hit Record High
By Julia Kollewe
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome said its food price index averaged 230.7 points last month and was up 3.4% from December, marking the highest level since the organisation started measuring food prices in 1990. It topped the high of 224.1 hit in June 2008
Hunger For Change
By Craig K. Comstock
If people can't afford to eat, some may conclude they have little left to lose, and especially young men may take to the streets, thinking the government is not only cruel but also unfair and incompetent
Inspired By A Revolution In Our Midst,
Worried About A Revolution In Our Atmosphere
By Bill McKibben
Welcome to our planet, circa 2011--a planet that, like some unruly adolescent, has decided to test the boundaries. For two centuries now we've been burning coal and oil and gas and thus pouring carbon into the atmosphere; for two decades now we've been ignoring the increasingly impassioned pleas of scientists that this is a Bad Idea. And now we're getting pinched
WWF Energy Report: 100% Renewable Energy
By 2050
By Stephan Singer
Energy Report released by WWF claims that all the world’s energy needs could be provided cleanly, sustainably and economically by the year 2050
Remembering History (Comment To
Tim Murray And Tom Butler)
By Lisi Krall
I have no doubt the historical moment has arrived where the preservation movement needs to speak out more explicitly about the problem of economic growth in an effort to save what is wild. But it is equally important that those who speak out against economic growth bring the loss of the wild and the need for a healthy human ecology to a central and pivotal focus in their discussions of scale
Peak Oil Lessons From The Soviet Union - Video
By Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov, engineer and author, warns that the US's reliance on diminishing fuel supplies might be sending it down the same path the Soviet Union took before it collapsed
Why I Call Myself A Socialist
By Wallace Shawn
If the baby who now wears the costume of the hustler in fact had the capacity to become a biologist or a doctor, a circus performer or a poet or a scholar of ancient Greek, then the division of labor, as now practiced, is inherently immoral, and we must somehow learn a different way to share out all the work that needs to be done
Genocide In US And Canadian Residential Schools
By Stephen Lendman
The grassroots Truth Commission into Canadian Genocide reveals the 1880s through the 20th century systematic rape, torture and murder of tens of thousands of aboriginal children in church-run residential schools. According to Annett, a former United Church of Canada minister until fired and expelled for exposing these ugly truths
Mike Huckabee’s Pro-Slavery Agenda
By Stan Moody
Huckabee’s version of Manifest Destiny, ultimately intended to push Native Palestinians into the Jordan River or the Mediterranean Sea, should resonate with the average pickup owner in Arkansas!
Manufactured Democracy: Seeds Of Crisis
By Farooque Chowdhury
Signs of Nazism and racism, and signs of curtailing democratic rights are getting bolder on the political canvas in many advanced capitalist societies. These are the signs of decadence of democracy the dominant classes have established and nourished over centuries and these tell the historical limitations of the political system the world order has built up
Progressives, Unite -- War Still
The Health Of The State
By Robert S. Becker
As in 1920, the progressive task is to counter irrational worship of the State with genuine, grounded love of Country plus defense of the necessity of good Government
India And Pakistan: 63 Years Later
By Dr. Arshad M. Khan
It is now 63 years since Independence, so what have these countries achieved aside from destructive wars within and against each other and a standard of living that is by any measure about the worst in the world with the exception of certain blighted regions of Africa
Criminal Syndicates Rule Rural Maharashtra
By Prabhat Sharan
Corollary with the sudden spurt in the vehicular population and a jump in the craze to possess large vehicles, the oil pilferers both in Mumbai and in hinterlands who hitherto were considered as extremely small and non-influential group in crime hierarchy, began climbing the crime ladder at an exponential pace
Bihar Chief Minister Calls For National Ban
On Asbestos Factories
Bihar State Investment Promotion Board Must Rescind Approval Orders for Asbestos Factories
02 February, 2011
Defiant Mubarak Vows To Finish Term
By Al Jazeera
Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has announced in a televised address that he will not run for re-election but refused to step down from office - the central demand of millions of protesters who have demonstrated across Egypt over the past week
Hosni Mubarak's Speech To Egypt on February 1
By Hosni Mubarak
Full text of the speech
The Great Unraveling: Tunisia, Egypt,
And The Protracted Collapse Of
The American Empire
By Nafeez Ahmed
The American Empire, and the global political economy it has spawned, is unravelling — not because of some far-flung external danger, but under the weight of its own internal contradictions. It is unsustainable — already in overshoot of the earth’s natural systems, exhausting its own resource base, alienating the vast majority of the human and planetary population
A Worms Eye View Of Revolution
By Hussein Al-alak
The worms of the earth are finally turning across the Middle East and while the outcome of events within Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt have yet to be determined, the roots of these protests and revolutions lie in one common factor, which is the shared experiences of millions of people in an already turbulent region
Unraveling The Illusion: The Democracy
That Never Was
By William A. Cook
The Egyptian peoples’ revolution against their government forces to the fore the unfortunate reality that America’s friendship is an illusion created for its own benefit, a strategy, if you will, that creates a mirage of trust, compassion, and good will for the people while it disfranchises them from power
At The Rendez-vous Of Victory: Prosecuting
A Gangster, His Concubine, And Their Regime
By Mustapha Marrouchi
The Jasmine Revolution is home-made; it is local and global, worldly and exquisite, seductive and sensuous; is fine, good, real guud!
Should Arabs Copy The Tunisian Revolution?
By Salim Nazzal
I am not quite sure if the copying the Tunisian method of change could apply to other Arab countries, but iam sure that the Tunis example has become a major inspiration for the young Arab generation that it is possible to change even without the leaderships of political parties
David House Visits Bradley Manning In Prison
By Jane Hamsher
Bradley Manning's punitive psychiatric status remains, but hopeful about youth uprising in Tunisia and Egypt
Open Letter To The Australian Prime Minister
Julia Gillard Re Julian Assange
By Peter Kemp
Dear Prime Minister, The world notes again your comments on Julian Assange reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, February 2nd 2011. It is pleasing that you would welcome him back to Australia but your statement that the government cannot do anything to assist him in that regard is not strictly correct and springs from a factual error
Why Is BDS A Moral Duty Today?
A Response To Bernard-Henri Levy
By Omar Barghouti
A boycott of Israel today is a moral duty for all those who care about the rule of law and universal rights for all humans, equally
How The US Became A Police State
By Andrew Kolin
What is the future of the American police state? If history tells us anything about police states, it is that they all eventually crumble, in large part, because over time, they become dysfunctional
Pakistan: "Diplomats" - American Style
By Mir Adnan Aziz
“Technical Adviser” Raymond David (an alias - real name unknown), the Mozang Rambo who murdered two people in Lahore portrays the mindset and modus operandi of "diplomats" - American style. Armed with an unlicensed 9mm Glock and driving a car with a fake number plate was reason enough to detain him; that he murdered two people is shocking and gruesome
An Inside Story On Plight Of Tamil Fishermen
By Iqbal Selvan
From early 1980s to 2009, until the Civil war in Sri Lanka came to an end, Sri Lankan Navy killed nearly 500 fishermen. For most of the killings, Sri Lankan Navy denied the allegations, or simply turned down the accusations. None of the governments across the sea did any investigations and not punished any one
TamilNadu Fishermen : Blood In Sea Waters
By Pa. Thirumavelan
When SriLankan Navy attack TamilNadu’s Fishermen doesn’t Indian Navy has the responsibility to safeguard the fishermen? The Indian Governments have never answered these questions of Fishermen. When a Pakistani comes inside Kashmir territory and fire, it is claimed as an attack on India. It is unacceptable when SriLankan Navy entering Rameswaram kills 600 Indians and we being silent about it
Social Media Spreading The Plight Of
TN fisherman, But Not Enough Though
By Ankitha Varma
Social Media act as a successful tool in recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. Now, Tamils turned out to social media such as Twitter and Facebook to spread the message of Tamil Fishermen plight. Supporters have been using the hash tag #tnfisherman to spread the news. Fisherman continuously killed by Sri Lankan Navy. Around 515 fishermen killed by Sri Lankan Navy in the coast of Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean
Save Tamilnadu Fishermen
Petition Campaign
Please sign the petition
Swami Asimananda's Judicial Confession
And Its Implications For Indian Fascism
By Niloufer Bhagwat
In this complex political situation , where the struggle is for a more genuine democracy, with people at different levels of economic , social and cultural development , attempts by fascist parties to destroy the diversity in unity which Indian civilization is all about , is an attempt to destroy Indian society and the Indian State. The national flag represents the hopes and aspirations of the diverse people of India , whereas the Sangh Parivar accepted the flag and the Constitution of India when they faced a political ban
Speaking Out Against Hindutva Terrorism
By Yoginder Sikand
In the wake of startling media revelations about the role of Hindutva forces in acts of terror across the country, several well-known human rights groups, including ANHAD, Foundation for Civil Liberties, INSAF, and the Jamia Teacher’s Solidarity Association, held a one-day national-level meeting meet in New Delhi last week under the banner ‘Tracing Sangh Terror Links and Stories of Innocent Muslim Boys’
The Comet Of Social Revolution:
Bihar Lenin - Martyr Jagdeo Prasad
By Ashok Yadav
With every passing year the martyrdom of Jagdeo Prasad is becoming more and more solidified on the stone of time. His legacy of blending culture with politics and of uncompromising struggle against caste-based exploitation and oppression will continue to shine like lode star for the millions and millions of marginalized people of this country
Floods Australia‘s ‘Katrina’ Moment
By John Pilger
Flooding also struck in Brazil and Sri Lanka in December, but the disaster in Australia is far more revealing; for Australia is a “first world” country with advanced technology and communications; and yet tens of thousands of people received no emergency warning
Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial
Commemoration Hoopla
By Stephen Lendman
On March 17, 2010, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and GE announced their partnership in supporting a two-year centennial commemoration of his birth on February 6, 1911
The Moneystream Media: No Incentive
To Tell The Whole Truth
By Paul Buchheit
Our society allows one man to make as much money in a year as 80,000 entry-level police officers or teachers. A socialist-fearing free market system in which one's worth is based on earning power has declared a single hedge fund manager more valuable than all the public school teachers in New York City. And gives him a lower tax rate than his secretary
In Memory Of Szeto Wah
By Jens Galschiot & Lasse Galschiot Markus
Recently a number of huge public commemorations have taken place in Hong Kong. Thousands of Chinese have participated to honor and commemorate the poet, the Member of Parliament and the democracy activist Szeto Wah who died on January 2, 2011. A large number of Chinese dissidents have been trying to go to Hong Kong to attend the commemoration. But sadly, many have been rejected in the airport, as a direct consequence of Chinas growing influence in Hong Kong, despite of China's promise of regional autonomy
01 February, 2011
The Era Of Cheap Food
May Be Drawing To A Close
U.S. grain prices should stay unrelentingly high this year, according to a Reuters poll, the latest sign that the era of cheap food has come to an end. U.S. corn, soybeans and wheat prices — which surged by as much has 50 percent last year and hit their highest levels since mid-2008 — will dip by at most 5 percent by the end of 2011, according to the poll of 16 analysts
Protesters Flood Egypt Streets
By Al Jazeera
Up to two million protesters have flooded into central Cairo, turning Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital, into a sea of humanity in a massive show of protest against Hosni Mubarak, the country's president for three decades
What Lies Behind Egypt’s Problems?
How Do They Affect Others?
By Gail Tverberg
At least part of Egypt’s problem is the fact that in the past the government has threatened to reduce food subsidies. Now it is planning to hold food subsidies level and raise energy subsidies, but it is not clear that the dollar amount of subsidy will be enough. The government is taking steps to make food and energy affordable for most, but there is worry that the steps being taken will not be enough
Underneath The Egyptian Revolution:
The Politics Of Food
By Billy Wharton
Hidden beneath the spectacular street battles that aim to force Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak out of office is a trigger that exists in dozens of countries throughout the world – food. Or, more specifically, the lack of it
Why Fear The Arab Revolutionary Spirit?
By Slavoj Žižek
What cannot but strike the eye in the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt is the conspicuous absence of Muslim fundamentalism. In the best secular democratic tradition, people simply revolted against an oppressive regime, its corruption and poverty, and demanded freedom and economic hope
Crunch Time Coming For America
In The Middle East?
By Alan Hart
The right side would see America using its leverage to oblige Israel to end its occupation. This would open the door to a real peace process. The wrong side would see America continuing with the policy of support for Israel. This would open the door to the forces of violent Islamic fundamentalism and set in motion a confrontation that could go all the way to a clash of civilizations
Egypt - U.S. Intelligence Collaboration With
Omar Suleiman “Most Successful”
By Richard Smallteacher, Wikileaks staff
New cables released by Wikileaks reveal that the U.S. government has been quietly anticipating as well as cultivating Omar Suleiman, the Egyptian spy chief, as the top candidate to take over the country should anything happen to President Hosni Mubarak. On Saturday, this expectation was proved correct when Mubarak named Suleiman to the post of vice-president making him the first in line to assume power
Egypt's Revolution: Obama Backing
Regime Change?
By Stephen Lendman
Odds are Mubarak will leave, and stability will return under a new regime, very much subservient to Washington like all other global despots wanting to go along to get along, or put another way - survive long enough to enjoy power and related privileges
Prisoners In Egypt’s Tora Istiqbaal Prison
Under Attack By Security Agencies
By Cageprisoners
Cageprisoners has received news from the Tora Istiqbaal prison complex just outside Cairo, Egypt that hundreds of prisoners are being attacked by the security forces in a pre-emptive action taken against political inmates
Uprising In Egypt – Country At The Cross Roads
By Mirza A. Beg
Two years ago when I was in Cairo, I talked to Egyptians from a broad cross section of generational, educational and economic and religious background. They were friendly talkative and inquisitive. They talked about everything under the sun, but could not voice opinions on their government. Liberation is in the air and Egyptians have found their voice
Rights Groups Speak Out On Egyptian Protests
By Mary Shaw
Human rights groups have been weighing in on the protests, defending the people's right to demonstrate, and condemning what appears to be unnecessary violence against the protesters
Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village
For Eleventh Time
By Tania Kepler
The Israeli Land Authority (ILA) demolished the Bedouin village of El Araqib for the 11th time today, 31 January. The ILA along with Israeli police entered the village this morning with bulldozers and destroyed the tents and makeshift structures the villagers had erected since the last demolition, less than two weeks ago on 19 January
Abusing Palestinian Children
By Stephen Lendman
Israel is an equal opportunity abuser, treating women, old men, invalids, and children like young adults because they're Palestinians, not Jews, so they're fair game, vilified as national security threats or terrorists for wanting freedom, equality, justice and peace
On Food Crisis And Corruption
By Devinder Sharma
We need our own people to produce food for the nation. This is possible provided we throw away the American cloak and put our heads together to develop an Indian version of agriculture and farming. We can chart a sustainable path for the rest of the world to follow. We don’t need to follow the West, we need to look inwards and come up with policies and structures that are feasible given the conditions we have
Introduction To Navigating The Coming Chaos:
A Handbook For Inner Transition
By Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.
This book is a hands-on, practical toolkit. Because it is a study, it offers a cache of personal reflection exercises to which a great deal of deep thought and contemplation have been given. This is about giving—to yourself and to the people and experiences you may encounter in the collapse process, as well as to the earth community
Beyond The Economic Treadmill
And Toward True Well Being
By Michael Abrams
The materialistic treadmill that we are on–both as individuals and as societies–turns out to be a dead end. It makes us no happier, and in the process is laying waste to the natural capital upon which our real well-being ultimately depends. To the extent that civilization has a future it will depend on the transition to another mode of living, one in which our well-being–both as individuals and as societies–is the overriding goal, and not any of its economic proxies
What Right Do You Have To Be Here
On Planet Earth?
By William Kotke
We are now living out the last gasps of materialistic, industrial civilization and the dying away of the flesh of our planet, with its exploding population and dwindling resources. If there were any maturity in the human societies they would be glad to sponsor experimental communities such as ecovillages. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the death culture could push through a few surviving ecologically balanced human communities past the apocalypse to become the seeds of the new human culture based on the principles of life?
Razor Blades And The Limits Of Complexity
By Kurt Cobb
The alternative to scaling the walls of complexity continuously would be to simplify society when the returns on complexity diminish or turn negative. One of the essential inputs for increased complexity is increased energy input, according to Tainter. Thus, peaks in fossil fuels may force global society to simplify. Why not recognize now that the solution to our problems may not involve higher degrees of complexity? Why not get ready ahead of time and make the transition less painful?
Why Jews Around The World Are Praying
For The Victory Of The Egyptian Uprising
By Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine and chair of The Tikkun Community, affirmed that there is a growing upsurge of support for the Egyptian Uprising in the Jewish community
Future Weapons, Future Wars,
And The New Arms Race
By Nick Turse
In the future, the power of magnetism will be harnessed to make today’s high explosives seem feeble, “guided bullets” will put the current crop of snipers to shame, and new multi-purpose missiles will strike targets in a flash from high-flying drones. At least, that’s part of the Pentagon’s battlefield vision of tomorrow’s tomorrow
India-EU FTA: Grave Implications Of
Unrestrained Investments
By Kavaljit Singh
Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis, any prospective trade and investment agreement which restricts the ability of governments to regulate cross-border investment flows in accordance with developmental priorities of member-countries will remain highly contentious
It Is Time We Censored The Censor Board
By Leena Manimekalai
On December 31, 2010, the Censor Board of Film Certification (CBFC) watched and refused the clearance certificate to my film "Sengadal". The film captures the fragments of ordinary lives beaten by three-decade-long ethnic war in Sri Lanka. It unfolds in a fisher village at Dhanushkodi, the southernmost tip of India and talks of the travails of the fishermen risking their lives everyday in the border waters between Sri Lanka and India
Towards Dawn – A Documentary
On The Tamil Nadu Fishermen
A Film By R.N. Joe D’cruz
This Documentary Portrays the Plight of Fishermen on the Palk Strait who are suffering by the atrocities of the Sri Lankan Navy
Continuing Disaster Of Endosulfan
In Kasargod And Kannur Districts Of Kerala
By VT Padmanabhan
Between 1976 and 2000, more than 50,000 villagers of Kasargod district in Kerala, India have been exposed to endosulfan, a persistent organic pesticide, sprayed on the cashew plantations owned by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. More than 3000 people living near, downstream and downwind of the estate were affected by debilitating rare diseases like mental retardation, cerebral palsy, cancer etc
Deepening Canada-U.S. Security And Military Ties
By Dana Gabriel
A recent North American defense ministers meeting was originally scheduled to be a trilateral gathering, but Mexico’s Secretary of Defense was unable to participate in the summit. Canada-U.S. talks focused on continental, hemispheric, as well as global defense issues. The meeting went a long way to further deepen bilateral security and military ties
Unrequited Questions In
Manufactured “Democracy”
By Farooque Chowdhury
Grand goal of manufactured “democracy” does not attend to one fundamental aspect of democracy: the economic question. It efficiently deceives people by silver-tongued slogans while ignores the essential part of democracy-equation: people’s interest and role in economy
Taliban Killed 1,165 Worshippers In Past 10 Years
By Zia Ur Rehman
Lethal attacks by Taliban militants hit 54 Pakistani places of worship of various faiths in the past 10 years, killing 1,165 worshippers and injuring about 2,900, a recent report revealed
Decades In The Making: The U.S. Police State
By David Swanson
A review of Andrew Kolin's new book "State Power and Democracy: Before and During the Presidency of George W. Bush"
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