22 March, 2005
Remember What? Remember
By Uri Avnery
Sixty years after the end of the Holocaust, it
is time to grow out of all this.The time has come to turn the memory
of the Holocaust from an exclusively Jewish property into a world-wide
human possession.The mourning, the anger and the shame must be turned
into a universal message against all forms of genocide
11 March, 2005
Bush's Guru
By Uri Avnery
When Israelis heard for the first time about Bush
citing Natan Sharansky as his guide and mentor, they gasped in disbelief.
Sharansky? Our Sharansky?
06 March, 2005
The Next Crusades
By Uri Avnery
The US government's posturings to bring democracy
and freedom to Lebanon , disregarding its complexities and history can
only push that country into civil war and with it the whole of Middle
22 February, 2004
Of The Dog!
By Uri Avnery
If Iran does not submit to the orders of the US
(and, perhaps, even if it does) Israel will attack it with American
help, much as it attacked the Iraqi nuclear reactor some 24 years ago
25 November, 2004
And Sharon After Arafat
By Uri Avnery
Let no one have any illusions: Sharon will use
every means, overt and covert, in order to destroy any "moderate"
Palestinian leadership. His natural ally is Hamas, which opposes any
negotiations with Israel. As of now, Abu-Mazen is Enemy No. 1
23 November, 2004
By Uri Avnery & Ari Shavit
Uri Avnery speaks about a world with and without
Yasser Arafat
15 November, 2004
After Arafat
By Uri Avnery
Ariel Sharon has absolutely no interest in sitting
opposite a democratically elected Palestinian leadership enjoying international
legitimacy and respect. He will do everything to prevent elections,
and, of course, blame the Palestinians
07 November, 2004
Man And His People
By Uri Avnery
Wherever Arafat may be buried when he passes away,
the day will come when his remains will be reinterred by a free Palestinian
government in the holy shrines in Jerusalem
03 November, 2004
Importance Of Being Irrelevant
By Uri Avnery
Yasser Arafat who years ago was officially declared
by the Israeli government to be irrelevant, was headline
news all over the world this week. There are very few leaders around
whose state of health would command similar attention
25 October, 2004
On The Road To
Civil War
By Uri Avnery
Everybody in Israel is talking about the Next War.
The most popular TV channel is running a whole series about it.Not another
war with the Arabs. Not the nuclear threat from Iran. Not the ongoing
bloody confrontation with the Palestinians.The talk is about the coming
civil war
18 October, 2004
Thank You, Dubby
By Uri Avnery
By now, everybody has had a go at analyzing the
interview with Dov (Dubby) Weisglass, Ariel Sharons
most intimate confidant. But there is precious little to analyze. His
statement is crystal clear: the redeployment plan was designed
to freeze the peace process for decades, to put an end to
the possibility of a Palestinian state, once and for all
17 October, 2004
Eggs In One Basket
By Uri Avnery
What would happen if Americans started to wonder
about the roots of the terrorism of Islamic fanatics? Won't there be
some who would argue that America got into the Clash of Civilizations
with the Muslim world only because of Israel?
03 October, 2004
A Nation? What
By Uri Avnery
It sounds like a joke, but it is quite serious.The
government of Israel does not recognize the Israeli nation. It says
that there is no such thing!
13 September, 2004
Wills It!
By Uri Avnery
Many of the most heinous crimes in human history
were committed in the name of religion. May God protect us from those
who would speak in His name
08 September, 2004
Are You, Non-Violence?
By Uri Avnery
As long as the Sharon government, with the active
encouragement of President Bush, goes on enlarging the settlements,
building the Wall and all the other actions of annexation, there is
no way to convince Palestinian public opinion to turn its back on violence
01 September, 2004
Officer In Court
By Uri Avnery
The Berlin wall was smashed and the debris sold
as souvenirs to foreign and local tourists. A really sharp operator
would now be applying for a concession to sell off chunks when this
walls time comes
25 August, 2004
A Very Special
Kind Of War
By Uri Avnery
What's going on in occupied territories is a very
special war, because it confers rights only on the fighters of one side.
On the other side, there is no war, no fighters, and no rights of fighters,
but only criminals, terrorists, murderers. Why?
20 August, 2004
Israel And US Elections
By Uri Avnery
Right from the beginning, the State of Israel has
been critically affected by events in the United States. If America
sneezes, Israel catches cold, is the local version of the universal
saying. This is particularly true in the run-up to American elections
09 August, 2004
Some Order In
The Mess
By Uri Avnery
Ariel Sharons disengagement plan
has already made a mess on all levels. It has sparked a continuing cabinet
crisis, an upheaval in several parties, a disorientation of public opinion,
confusion in the security establishment and armed confrontations between
Palestinian organizations
The Oligarchs
By Uri Avnery
Oligarchy and democracy are incompatible. As a
Russian commentator said about the new Russian democracy: They
have turned a virgin into a whore.
There Are Judges
In The Hague
By Uri Avnery
The same crane that puts the blocks there can also
remove them. It happened in Germany. It will happen here. The decision
of the judges of The Hague, coming from 15 different countries, has
made a contribution to that
To Drink From
The Sea Of Gaza
By Uri Avnery
"By the end of 2005, not a single Jew will
remain in the Gaza Strip!" claims the new Gaza disengagement plan.This
reminds us of the classic Jewish joke about the Polish nobleman who
threatens his Jew with death if he does not teach his beloved horse
to read and write
Sharon's Method
By Uri Avnery
The directive for the onslaught on Rafah came from
the political leadership, in order to gratify the primitive emotions
of a part of the public. Simply put: they hurt us, so we hurt them tenfold.
Ten eyes for an eye, ten teeth for a tooth. That's how votes are won
Living In A Bubble
By Uri Avnery
Palestine and Israel each live sealed in its closed
bubble, cut off from the other, and, indeed, from the world at large.
Inside its bubble, each people cultivates their grievances, the conviction
of being the ultimate victim, the memory of the injustices done to them,
the anger at the other, cruel, murderous and detestable people
Sharon's Skin
And Bush's Spots
By Uri Avnery
Sharon is prepared to evacuate the 7,000 Jewish
settlers who are living in Gaza strip, in return for the consolidation
of the West Bank settlements, where 250,000 Jewish settlers live
Three Generals,
One Martyr
By Uri Avnery
The picture of Hamas as an inveterate enemy of
all peace and compromise is not accurate. The picture is much more complex
than meets the eye
Bravo, Amigos!
By Uri Avnery
The Spanish people reacted differently to the big
terrorist attack on their soil by throwing out their prime minister
who took them to war in Iraq. When will the Israeli publics know the
real meaning of terrorist attacks?
The Ghetto Inside
By Uri Avnery
"It is easier to get the Jews out of the ghetto
than to get the ghetto out of the Jews!" - this dictum of the early
Zionists is now assuming a new meaning. Israel is cutting itself off
from the world and enclosing itself in a ghetto, and not only physically
Anti-Semitism vs.
Anti-Zionism -A Practical Manual
By Uri Avnery
One hates someone for being a Jew, Arab, woman,
black, Indian, Muslim, Hindu. His or her personal attributes, actions,
achievements are unimportant. If he or she belongs to the abhorred race,
religion or gender, they will be hated
Israel's Conscientious
By Uri Avnery
When five 19-year old youngsters choose to go to
prison rather than enjoy the freedom of the occupiers, Kant himself
would have saluted them. The protest against an immoral regime is a
categorical imperative
Sharon's Speech
By Uri Avnery
Sharon's "Herzliyah speech" outlined
a whole, detailed - and extremely dangerous - plan. It is impossible
to decipher it without breaking the code. And it is impossible to break
the code without knowing Ariel Sharon very well indeed
Human Shield
By Uri Avnery
A personal account from Gush Shalom activist Uri
Avnery who is in the courtyard of Arafat's Mukat'ah (compound) in Ramallah
as a human shield
Slow Motion Ethnic
By Uri Avnery
"But there are other ways to implement ethnic
cleansing: not dramatically, but slowly, daily, even routinely. Like,
for example, what's happening now in Bethlehem."
The Magnificent
By Uri Avnery
The decision of the 27 Air Force pilots who refused
to fly sorties over the occupied territories is magnificent. Some day
Israel will recognize the huge debt it owes to the valiant 27
Uri Avnery To
Act As Human Shield For Arafat
"I am willing to put myself at risk and serve
as a human shield, in order to foil Prime Minster Sharon's intention
to murder the leader of the Palestinian People. So are many of my my
fellows in the Israeli peace movement"
Removing Arafat
By Uri Avnery
So now it is official: the government of Israel
has decided to assassinate Yasser Arafat
Betrayal At Camp
By Uri Avnery
Before the meeting even started, the Americans
had, without consulting the parties, prepared the full text of an agreement.
This text is very similar to the agreement that eventually emerged
Killing The Road
By Uri Avnery
The Road Map is dead, and the killing was a classic
Hero In War And
By Uri Avnery
If Sharon and the army command succeed in disrupting
the hudna (truce) and bring about the renewal of the intifada, they
will not break the Palestinians, who will refuse to submit. And after
large-scale bloodshed, Yasser Arafat will make a speech in the Knesset,
as did Sadat, the "Hero of War and Peace".
Who Will Save
By Uri Avnery
Abu-Mazen will fall before the end of October--this
conviction is gaining ground in leading Palestinian circles
Caesar's Favor
By Uri Avnery
Hail Caesar, those who are about to kill Abu Mazen
salute you
Will the Hudna
By Uri Avnery
After "Intifada" (shaking off) and "Shahid"
(martyr), another Arabic term has entered the world's vocabulary: "Hudna"
To Aqaba And Back
By Uri Avnery
What makes George Bush run? Why this sudden enthusiasm
for personal intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
The Children's
By Uri Avnery
Let there be no illusions: Sharon's final goal
is turning the whole country, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river,
into an exclusively Jewish state
The Evil Wall
By Uri Avnery
The wall twists like a snake according to a simple
principle: most of the settlements must remain on the western side of
the wall, i.e. eventually to be absorbed into Israel
Abu Against Abu
By Uri Avnery
The clash between Yasser Arafat (Abu-Amar) and
Mahmud Abbas (Abu-Mazen) is not a clash of egos but a debate about existential
Why Do They Kill Children?
by Uri Avnery
An enquiry into the psyche of a Palestine suicide