05 June, 2003
To Lay Off 500,000 In Iraq
By Warren Vieth
U.S. reconstruction officials will soon lay off
nearly half a million Iraqi military and civilian personnel
The Story Of
By Oren Medicks
A palestinian farmer's efforts to cling on to his
olive grove which is to be confiscated by the Israeli authorities to
build the separation wall
Strike Brings Peru To A Standstill
By Elizabeth Schulte
Thousands of Peruvians defied a state of emergency
to take to the streets last week in strikes and protests that have spread
like wildfire across the country
04 June, 2003
Was About Oil
By George Wright
The US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz
has now gone further by claiming the real motive for the war on Iraq
- Iraq is "swimming" in oil
Another Fiasco
At Evian
By John Lichfield in Evian
Evian was another choreographed summit of fixed
smiles that evaded all the most contentious issues, from the plunge
of the dollar to the explosion of Aids in Africa
Solidarity Declaration
In Support Of Activists At The G8
And The Truth
The Victors Refuse To See
By Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk Suggests George Bush who visits Iraq
next week an Itinerary That Would Open his eyes to Whats Really
Going on in Iraq
03 June, 2003
By Andrew Marshall
Leave Iraq, Tribesmen and Sacked Troops Tell U.S.
The Usa Intend To Dominate
The Whole World By Force?
By Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky interviewed on the Amesterdam Forum
Day Of The Jackals
By Arundhati Roy
speech at US anti war teach in
02 June, 2003
Weapons In Iraq? We'll Find Them In Iran
By Neil Mackay
They told us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction,
but they've found none. Were they lying?
The State Sharon
Is Talking About
By Amira Hass
The "state" will apparently be comprised
of three enclaves cut off from one another inside the West Bank - in
addition to the Gazan enclave, and with no guarantee the settlements
inside the enclave will be dismantled
The Troops Are
Afraid To Go Out At Night
By Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk in the Shia Muslim Iraqi city of Nasiriyah
Reading In Iraq
By Amitava Kumar
Nishkam Gupta, an Indian who went to fight with
the us forces in Iraq " to fight the larger war against terrorism,
a war that would directly benefit Hinduism and its cause."
01 June, 2003
Wall of Water
By Jasper Becker
Today heralds the climax of a massive engineering
feat to dam the world's third longest river. Todya Yangtze river starts
to rise by 400ft to create the Great Wall of Water. While China's leaders
celebrate, many of the 700,000 people displaced by the work are bitter.
And fears remain that the scheme could spell disaster for the environment
And The Corporate Media
By Arundhati Roy and Amy Goodman
Interview with Arundhati Roy on Democracy Now!
co-hosts Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez
The lies that
led us into war ...
By Glen Rangwala
How the UK and the US manipulated UN reports -
and conjured an anthrax dump from thin air
Covering The Middle
An Interview With Robert Fisk
dowry for a six
By Kalpana Sharma
So has young Nisha Sharma of Noida sparked off
a new anti-dowry movement? One would like to think that this could happen
Who Are The
By Dilip D'souza
Phase Pardhis are one of India's denotified tribes
but the authorities and society in general continue to think of them
as criminals. So who are the criminals?
31 May, 2003
And Huwaida - A Love Under Fire
By Nicholas Blincoe
He's Jewish. She's Palestinian. They're
married. And together they're trying to change the face of the Middle
Used U.S. Government To Bully
India And Other Nations
By Emad Mekay
Enron used the U.S. government to coerce the World
Bank and poor nations to grant concessions and resolve its investment
Fascist Future
Of The Past
By K.N.Panikker
The history of India is being retold in a way to
mould the future generations in a communal way
The Marad massacre
By V.R. Krishna Iyer
The Marad massacre proves that minority Islamic
communalism is as militantly blood-thirsty as majority communalism...
The voice of secularism cannot be soft towards either
30 May, 2003
In Evian
By Mark Engler
The French city of Evian is getting ready for a
showdown between the super rich and the antiglobalisation activists
Of Aceh
By Aboeprijadi Santoso
An East Timor should not be repeated and the worst
nightmare of Aceh should be avoided
Patents and Pharmaceutical
By Sanjay Basu
The 56th World Health Assembly held in Geneva was
alive by a controversy over a resolution mandating the WHO to advise
governments about patent rules and access to medicines
Under Siege In
The Narmada Valley
By Angana Chatterji
On May 14, 2003, the Indian government decided
to further increase the height of the Sardar Sarovar Project to 100
meters. Over 12,000 families will be drowned out. Where will the people
By Rajeev Dhavan
The dowry law needs revision... providing for victim
compensation and having a single civil and criminal court to try the
29 May, 2003
By Gideon Long
Amnesty International Anual report says that US
'War on Terror' Has Made World An Unsafe Place
So, Why Was
This War For?
By Rupert Cornwell
Rumsfeld concedes banned Iraqi weapons may not
Life Under
By Rory McCarthy
Just one town- Plight of Khalis. No electricity
means no water, means disease
Iran Be Next?
Background and history relating to US - Iran -
Israel relations.
28 May, 2003
By Jonathan Steele
How many army men died in Iraq? Nobody knows. And
nobody cares to count
For Territorial Intergiy
By Scott Burchill
Is it justifiable to slaughter the people of Aceh
for the territorial integrity of Indonesia?
A Cage For Palestinians
By Jonathan Cook
The Road Map- the Palestinians can have a state
on 42 percent of the 80 percent of the 22 percent of 100 percent of
their original homeland. And live permanently behind a concrete and
electrified fencing
Emerging Axis Of Evil
By Jim Lobe
America, India and Israel are fast emerging as
an Axis of Evil that the world should fear
Another 'Survey'
Of Christians
By Manas Dasgupta
In total disregard of the Gujarat High Court's
orders, the Patan district police have launched yet another "survey"
of the Christians and the institutions run by the community
This Witch
Couldnt Save Herself
A woman is branded a tonahi (village witch), dragged
out of her house by her hair, beaten up in public, tortured and even
forced to consume human faeces in Junwani village, Chhattisgarh
NHRC asks Modi
Govt To Explain Lax In Riot Probe
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has
asked the Gujarat government to explain why riot victims were not deposing
before the Nanavati Commission
College Girl Raped By Classmates
By Rupesh Sawant
In a shocking incident, an 18-year-old girl studying
at the College of Art in Panjim, was raped by her own classmates during
a college party
27 May, 2003
Story Of Hiba
By Sa'id Ghazali
The story of Hiba, 19, a suicide bomber.Can the
road-map put an end to all this?
All In The Timing-Indonesia
invades Aceh
By Pranjal Tiwari
Indonesia's invasion of Aceh is noted for its timing,
both internally and internationally
Summary Executions
Become Routine In Aceh
By Kathy Marks
Summary executions become routine in Aceh as the
world looks away
Dalits mobilising
By Gail Omvedt
In India, and the world as a whole... Dalits themselves
are calling for action on all fronts, a cultural-economic and political
26 May, 2003
Lukewarm Acceptance Of The Road Map
By Chris McGreal
Israel's "acceptance" of the road map
is without any commitment to its goal of a viable, independent Palestinian
state. It is an effort to buy time and pleaseAmerica which keeps the
Israeli economy and military afloat
On the Roads of Ruin
By Peter Oborne
In a remarkable journey, meeting militia leaders
and the heavily guarded President, Peter Oborne found a nation left
to fend for itself - and Taliban thugs undeterred
Marad: Untold
Story Of An RSS "Liberated Area"
By Mukundan C. Menon
Within hours of the May 2 killing. All the 500-odd
Muslim families of Marad moved away. The Muslim-free Marad is now an
"RSS liberated zone".
Death Of Criminal
Justice System?
Asian Human Rights Commission
Reforms Committee recommendations will throw the
Indian criminal justice system back into the dark ages