Online Exhibition On Kandamal By Dalit Artists
By Orissa Concerns
16 August, 2010
Dear friends,
Perhaps you are aware that even after two years, the Christian adivasi and dalit survivors of the Kandhamal violence are still struggling for justice.
Thousands of people cannot go back to their own lands and many are still living in tents in Kandhamal. Education of children is disrupted and their trauma is still continuing. The culprits of communal violence are getting acquitted without any punishment from the courts.
In this context, the National Solidarity Forum , a coalition of over 50 organisations from different parts of the country have given a call for protests, public meetings or any other civil society action on August 25, 2010 as ` Kandhamal Day '. Since the attacks on Christians have taken place in over 10 states in India, the local issues may also be taken up along with the event.
As part of the call for protest on August 25th two dalit artists, Shashi Memuri and Venkatesh have completed a series of paintings and sketches for an exhibition on the situation in Kandhamal after visiting more than 50 villages in the area recently. These can be downloaded from the and print outs can be taken in A/3 size.
We request all secular groups and organizations to make use of this exhibition before, during or after Kandhamal Day , in colleges, schools, institutions and public places. If the exhibition is organized in your area before Kandhamal Day it may also be contribute to the public action on August 25th.
We plan to cover your solidarity actions/protest reports and news in Please send reports and photographs of your actions to [email protected] and [email protected] so that other groups will also be informed and inspired by your action.
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Tune for Updates from Kandhamal & from Peoples Tribunal happening in Delhi
Details about National People's Tribunal on Kandhamal, 22-24 August 2010
In Solidarity
Dhirendra Panda
National Solidarity Forum
Anivar Aravind (Editor ,
Moving Republic