USA Celebrates Profitable Genocide Enslaving Africans To Destroying 6 Muslim Nations!
By Jay Janson
04 July, 2015
Independence Holiday in the USA becomes a time when citizens tend to reflect on the nations 238 year history. It is a history typical of six European empires in the areas of genocide and plunder. Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. plural: genocides; review of USA's; update on present and future prosecution thereof.
The USA, like its parent colonial power the British Empire, before it, has had its undeservedly wealthy elite through their private speculative investment banks continually investing in genocide inorder to both maintain its power over society and accumulate capital extend its power wherever and whenever regardless of laws, including regardless of common law.
If genocide means killing people of a group, race or nation until a desired profitable arrangement is accepted by them, then US banks have invested in profitable genocide non-stop over the entire life of the nation up to today and have their CIA and Pentagon laying plans for more genocide as we read.
-USA's AFRICAN genocide 1776-1864: New England banks financed deadly but lucrative slave trade, forced labor in the North, before massive forced labor in South; millions died during seizure and transport from Africa and millions died in forced labor. (For the first time in recorded history of slavery, inhumanity toward slaves as practiced in the USA and Colonial Powers, eventually became based on having inculcating society with fear-fostered ignorance and a preposterous insistence of racial superiority, sanding on its head white feelings of inferiority in the face of the far more accomplished cultures pale-skinned Europeans had conquered. [5]
-NATIVE AMERICAN 1776-onward: Genocidal theft of habitats of a thousand Native American nations instigated by banks speculating in land; forced captive marches, broken treaties, wars, deaths from malnutrition certainly reached more than one million deaths already long ago.
-CHINA 1900 murderous sacking of Beijing, orgy of killing and stripping away all the cultural treasures for sale that the American and British could load into a few boxcars of a train.
-SOVIET UNION 1917-20: Two US Armies invade along with armies of thirteen other capitalist nations, participate in, aid, foster and support of8civil war; seven to nine million new Soviet citizens die, three million just from typhoid.
-GERMANY 1933-37: US investments and joint-ventures of 50 largest US corporations build the Nazi Wehrmacht up to world's #1, facilitating WW II and Holocaust, the magna return on investment making USA the single superpower, the investments and joint-venturing done in full knowledge of Hitler's continually announced plans for ridding Germany of Jews and communists uand to fulfill Germany's historic 'Drang nach Osten' [Push to the East] into the Soviet Union; circa 40 million die, just in Europe./ 1945 US makes sure Nuremberg Trials do not indict Nazi industrialists and bankers with whom American corporations, investors and banks had partnered.
-CHINA 1944-49: US funding and military aid draws out civil war. CIA incursions; many millions starve.
-JAPAN 1945: Two cities of civilians Atom-Bombed, sixty fire-bombed, nearly one million civilian lives taken. At Tokyo Trials of Japanese War Criminals, a US general of highest rank, commented off the record, "If the Japanese had won the war they would have tried us."
PALESTINE: 1947-2014 US forces through with threats a UN approval of a farcical and outrageously thieving plan to partition the Holy Land, a colonial crime against humanity against the residents of the Palestine, in full knowledge that permanent civil war would result and obviously intended to create deadly conflict, permanent hostilities, destabilization and facilitate Western imperialist penetration. The financial establishment in the US has its colony in the heart of Middle East oil reserves at the cost of tens of thousands of lives, some of which from families of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust denied US refuge before, during and after the Holocaust which itself would have been impossible without the heavy US investment and joint venturing in Nazi Germany. [US Economic Facilitation of Holocaust and Middle East Destabilizing Partition
click here ]
-USA ITSELF 1947 onward: Operation MOCKINGBIRD -- CIA recruits news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. Washington Post becomes a major CIA player. Eventually CIA's media assets include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more.
-GUATEMALA 1954 President 'Ike' Eisenhower ordered CIA overthrow bombing of first elected democracy; years of mass murders follow. [1964 Author performing and learning, read Noble laureate Asturias' horribly descriptive "El Señor Presidente".]
-ETHIOPIA 1960s: US huge military arms sales build up for Emperor Selassie /1977 US switches and backs and arms Somalia invasion of People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia/Late 1980s US Heritage Foundation involvement ending in bloodbath civil war; for using Ethiopia and Somalia as pawns in Cold War a million est. starve to death.
July 4 Weekend Reality-Check Chronology of US Speculative Investment Banking Instigated Genocide
Before and after July 4, 2015, genocide for profit (In speculative investment driven Western Colonialism never was a different reason for it) is taking place thanks to participating and cooperating Americans in uniform and CIA in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and surely further lives are being planned to be taken in the Ukraine and Venezuela and elsewhere as profits therefrom appear sure.
This article closes with a reminder that all the above mentioned are prosecutable crimes against humanity under Nuremberg Principles law and US economic power wanes in the world economy, lawsuits for indemnity, reparations and compensation by survivors can be expected to be so enormous in number as to make American investment in genocide unprofitable and thus inoperable.
The reader is invited to check out the website of a strong lawsuit against American citizens by an Iraqi mother that is being assisted by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark at the lawsuits website below and spate of articles:
- Aug 20, 2013 - Why an Iraqi single mom and a tech lawyer think they can prove the Iraq War was a "crime of aggression" under U.S. law.
Aug 20, 2013 - 9 posts - "5 authorsWhy an Iraqi Single Mom Is Suing George W. Bush for War Crimes by ... a long- time Iraq activist who cofounded the conference, told Truthout.
Jun 18, 2015 - "Ramsey Clark leads lawsuit against US Iraq War Officials" ... Attorney General Ramsey Clark told Truthout that Saleh's case represents a crucial struggle ... The team was assembled by Sundus Saleh, an Iraqi single mother.
- Francisco ChronicleDec 25, 2014 - An Iraqi woman's suit against former President George W. Bush and other ... 19 ruling, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar of San Francisco said the suit had ... Her suit, filed last year as a proposed class action on behalf of other ...
RTJun 18, 2015 - Former US Attorney General brings legal challenge against Iraq War officials ... Benjamin Ferencz, the last living prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials and advocate for ... Saleh's suit was dismissed in December 2014 by the United StatesDistrict .... How about, "men, women, and children", as God defines us?
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