15 May, 2003
The Target
By Marian Wilkinson
The bloody attacks in Riyadh are telling because
of their targets, in particular the Vinnell Corporation which has close
links with the Bush family and the administration
Clearance For
Raising Narmada Dam Height
By Gargi Parsai
The Narmada Control Authority gave its clearance
for raising the height of Sardar Sarovar Project in Gujarat from the
present 95 metres to 100 metres enlarging the area and habitations under
submergence this monsoon season
NHRC Seeks
Details On Missing Kashmiris
By Anjali Mody
The National Human Rights Commission has asked
the Jammu and Kashmir Government for a report with regard to the "disappeared''
persons in the Kashmir valley
Bechtel And Blood
For Water
By Vandana Shiva
In Iraq blood was not just shed for oil, but also
for control over water and other vital services
Interlinking Rivers
-The Millennial Folly
By Shailendra Nath Ghosh
The Vajpayee governments resolve to link
up all major rivers of the country, if acted upon, will go down in history
as the millennial folly
So, Mr Straw,
Why Did You Go To War?
By Ben Russell
The legal and political basis for the war in Iraq
was thrown into doubt when Jack Straw declared that uncovering Saddam
Hussein's weapons of mass destruction was "not crucially important"
14 May, 2003
Backlash In The Desert
The car-bomb attacks on expatriate housing complexes
in Riyadh, reflect
the first response to the month-long American occupation of Iraq
Friends Of Israel Should See Gaza
By David Aaronovitch
If ordinary Israelis and their friends in other
countries were to spend even a few hours in Gaza, or talking to people
on the West Bank, then it is difficult to imagine them supporting the
policies of the present Israeli government
Khatami Insists
Tehran Still Supports Hizbollah
By Robert Fisk
President Mohammad Khatami of Iran insisted that
Tehran's support for the Lebanese Hizbollah would remain firm and Israel
must leave the last square miles of Lebanese territory
The Two Faces Of
By Jonathan Cook
Dont be fooled by the liberal face of the English
edition of, Haaretz, Israel's leading newspaper. The Hebrew edition
has drifted rightwards, in line with the rest of Israeli society
Does Defeat
Always Have To Be So Humiliating?
By Ramzy Baroud
Anti war activists, intellectuals and educators
must move one step forward, to escape preaching and problem-digenesis,
into offering solutions, mechanisms, guidelines, and to-do lists, so
that the passionate millions know what to do with their passion, to
effect change and to foster a more promising vision for the future
Gun Rule In
By Judit Neurink
Weeks after the battle for Basra ended, the city
remains paralysed by lack of security
Allah Baksh
Versus Savarkar
By Anil Nauriya
Since many of the contrary voices, like those of
Allah Baksh,
represented the unifying tendency within India, their muffling has fed
13 May, 2003
Kill 3 Palestinians in Rafah, Khan Younis
Israel Seals Off Gaza Strip One Day After Powells
Visit and kill 3 palestinians
injured' As Bombs HitWestern Targets In Riyadh
By Paul Peachey
A series of bomb attacks on Western targets in
Saudi Arabia killed a number of people and injured at least 50,hours
before Colin Powel was due to visit the country
By K.N. Panikkar
A transition from the communitarian to the communal
has been taking place in Kerala, slowly but steadily
Cold War to Holy War
By Henry C K Liu
The war was about eliminating the will of any state
to defy US global intentions, which neo-conservatives define as faith-based
benign hegemony
Iraq In Danger
Of Starvation, Says UN
By Helena Smith, Nicosia and Ed Vulliamy in Baghdad
Iraqi agriculture is on the brink of collapse,
with fears that many of its 24.5 million people will go hungry this
Bhopal Activists
End Hunger Strike
Two women survivors ended their 12-day hunger strike
in Washington and launched Global Relay Fast
12 May, 2003
Have The Right To Kill You
By Nigel Parry and Ali Abunimah
Israel's We have the right to kill you' visa for
vs. Democracy In Argentina
By Naomi Klein
How did a movement that was building a whole new
kind of democracy--direct, decentralized, accountable--give up the national
stage to a pair of discredited has-beens?
The New Peasants
By Katherine Ainger
All of us, affected by trends in the global economy,
in the most intimate and fundamental way possible - through our food
`It's A Terrible
Thing, Living With The Knowledge
That You Crushed Our Daughter'
By Nathan Guttman
Rachel Corrie's parents remember their daughter
Jews Consume
50% More Water Than Arab Citizens
By Yair Ettinger
According to a study, every Jew consumes an average
of 90 cubic meters of water each year, while for Arabs, average consumption
is only 57 cubic meters
Roadmap To A Concentration
By Mahir Ali
With an electrified fence cordoning off all "autonomous"
areas, the "independent" Palestine that the roadmap is supposed
to lead to by 2005 couldn't possibly be anything other than a glorified
concentration camp
11 May, 2003
in Ali Baba! It´s all yours"
By Walter Sommerfeld
American soldiers literally opened the gates and
the doors to looters of Iraqi museums. Plundered articles were often
sold off openly on the streets the very same day
The Systemic Disease
That Destroys Civilization"
By Ken Reiner
Huge corporations now control America's body politic
by reason of their bald-faced purchases of the three branches of the
American government and America's major media
"Axis of Evil" as China Sees It
Victory for China does not lie in killing and plundering
the enemy. Disgracing an enemy in front of a wide audience is a goal
in itself
10 May, 2003
Inc: A Joint Venture Built On Broken Promises
By David Usborne, Rupert Cornwell and Phil Reeves
America and Britain declared themselves yesterday
to be the "occupying powers" in Iraq and produced a blueprint
for the administration of the country that confined the United Nations
to a co-ordinating role
Cholera Threat
In Basra
By Ewen MacAskill
Conditions in hospitals throughout Iraq have descended
to new levels of squalor
And Britain Seek To limit UN Role In Iraq
America and Britain are seeking UN approval to
run Iraq for at least a year
Iran Be Next?
By Mark Gaffne
In the coming months the United States and its
ally Israel will either accede to the existence of an Iranian nuclear
power program, or take steps to prevent it
Targets Iran
By Paul Koring
U.S. President George W. Bush shifted targets yesterday,
saying that Iran must be stopped from developing nuclear warheads
Autopsy Indicates
Cameraman Was Killed By Israelis
By Justin Huggler in Jerusalem
The findings of an Israeli autopsy released yesterday
indicate that British television cameraman, James Miller, killed last
week was shot dead by Israeli soldiers
U.S. to Propose
Broader Control Of Iraqi Oil, Funds
By Colum Lynch
The Bush administration circulated a draft resolution
among key Security Council members today calling for the elimination
sanctions and granting the United States broad control over the country's
oil industry and revenue
Chaos, Crime
Reign In Baghdad
By Mitch Potter In Baghdad
One shot to the throat. One dead American. One
more body bag weighing against the triumph of liberation
Gaza Visitors
Must Sign Waiver In Case
Army Shoots Them
By Chris McGreal
Foreigners entering the Gaza Strip must sign waivers
absolving the army from responsibility if it shoots them. Visitors must
also declare that they are not peace activists
09 May, 2003
Toddler Gunned Down
A Palestinian toddler was killed Wednesday when
Israeli tanks opened fire at residential neighborhoods in Khan Younis
Settlers Begin
Enlarging Illegal Colonies
With Roadmap Only Days Old, Settlers
Begin Enlarging Illegal Colonies
One Month On
By Phil Reeves in Baghdad
Chaos on the streets, cholera in the city and killings
in broad daylight
Two Faces Of Rumsfeld
By Randeep Ramesh
2000: director of a company which wins $200m contract
to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea
2002: declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil
and a target for regime change
Trouble in Bush's
By Bob Herbert
More than 1 in 10 New Yorkers who would like to
work cannot find a job
Stop Demolishing
Palestinian Homes
By César Chelala
Since the start of Israel's occupation of Palestinian
lands in 1967, more than 10,000 Palestinian civilian homes have been
The Nowhere
By Ranabir Samaddar
On the historical pattern of migration,South Asia
have added another factor: that of communal politics predicating the
movements of populations
I Am A Mumbaikar
By Pamela Raghunath
Shiv Sena steps up campaign against Mumbai migrants
08 May, 2003
Deal Includes Operating Iraq Oil Fields
The US Army has revealed for the first time that
a subsidiary of Halliburton Co. has a contract encompassing the operation
of Iraqi oil fields
Real Goal In Iraq
By Jay Bookman
The war in Iraq was intended to mark the official
emergence of the United States as a full-fledged global empire, seizing
sole responsibility and authority as planetary policeman
Eye -- Dark Passage
By Chris Floyd
Not since "Mein Kampf" has a geopolitical
punch been so blatantly telegraphed, years ahead of the blow
The Evil Wall
By Uri Avnery
The wall twists like a snake according to a simple
principle: most of the settlements must remain on the western side of
the wall, i.e. eventually to be absorbed into Israel
Ten Lessons
Of The Iraq War
By David Krieger
There are always lessons to be learned after a
The Beacon Of Hypocrisy
By Ra Ravishankar
Anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant hysteria has skyrocketed
in America since September 11
Reviving Traditional
Water Harvesting in Bihar
By Savita Gokhale
The traditional water harvesting system which is
thousands of years old in the Indian state of Bihar is amazingly relevant
Thailand Human
Rights Commission-
A Promise Not Kept
Two years into its existence, theThe National Human
Rights Commission of Thailand has yet to develop the capacity to address
the human rights situation in Thailand
07 May, 2003
Print For US Global Hegemony
By Bette Stockbauer
Some people have compared the blueprint of the
PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony to Hitler's publication of Mein Kampf,
which was ignored until after the war was over
Target: Iran?
By Jim Lobe
With Iraq under U.S. occupation
and Syria shaken by a series of high-level threats, Iran is now looming
as a major target for U.S. pressure
Munitions Injure Civilians In Basra
Civilians are being wounded by abandoned ordnance
in Basra,because British forces have failed to secure weapons caches
To Be Replaced By Former Diplomat
By Donald Macintyre
Jay Garner, the former general who was appointed
Iraq's chief civil administrator is making way for Paul Bremer who is
close to neo-conservatives around the US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
The Real Terror
By William Bowles
Paul Bremer, the new Gauleiter of Iraq
Iraqi Welcome For
US Tturns To Fury
By Mark Baker
The mood is changing for the worse in Umm Qasr
where food and medicine is desperately needed
Liberation at
By Angana Chatterji
George Bush announces 'victory' in Iraq. But is
it victory?The night is a long journey of self-reflection. In the early
hours of the day, history is in mourning
IOF Fire on Diplomatic
Convoy Carrying
Parents of Injured Peace Activist
A convoy carrying British diplomats and the parents
of a peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli sniper bullet came
under fire and were held at gunpoint at a Gaza Strip roadblock
Wall Will Isolate
Thousands of Palestinians
From Their Land
According to a recent report by international donors,
the separation wall being built by Israelcould cut off 12,000 Palestinians
from their land, work and essential social services
Rich in Imagination
By George Monbiot
The figures which purport to show that the worlds
poor are emerging from poverty dont add up
Organic cotton:
At last, freedom for farmers
By Meena Menon
More and more cotton farmers in the Maharashtra
state of India are turning to organic farming
The History
And Future Of Radical Politics In Australia
By Eric Arons and Tristan Ewins
An interview with Eric Aarons, former Secretary
of the Communist Party of Australia
06 May, 2003
Commission Gives Clean Chit to VHP
VHP leaders including Praveen Togadia met the National
Commission for Minorities and to everyone's surprise, endorsed the trishul
Peace Activists
Beaten Up in Delhi
Three peace activists including the well known
Gandhian Vimal Bhai were beaten up by Bajrang Dal members while they
were protesting against "trishul" (trident) distribution ceremony.
My Experience
with Dharam Sansad
By V.K.Tripathi
An eye witness account of Dharam Sansad held in
With the Wall,
the Settlers will Have all the Olives
By Gush Shalom
"The Sharon who builds this Wall has nothing
to offer the Palestinian people, except for killing and murder and robbing
of land"
He Thinks Its All Over...
By Robert Fisk
When Iraqi civilians look into the faces of American
troops, President Bush famously told the world on Thursday, they
see strength and kindness and goodwill. Untrue, Mr Bush. They
see occupation
The Failed Experiment"
By Paul Harris
Today, it is the most powerful nation on earth
in every sense of the word, except moral. The moral authority of the
United States comes from the barrel of a gun.
The Biggest
Bomb in Bush's Arsenal
By David Morgan
Draping the Stars and Stripes over the face of
a Saddam statue in Baghdad was a photo-op created for Bush's re-election
campaign commercials
Blasts Bush's War
By Jan Barry
Ex-weapons inspector and former Marine
Scott Ritter is calling for regime change in Washington.
A Leap of
Faith in Indian Politics
By John Lancaster
Congress party Shifts Strategy as Hindu Nationalism
Dominates Discourse in Indian politics