29 September, 2007
Troops Gun Down Protestors
By Sujeewa Amaranath & Peter Symonds
Over the past two days, the Burmese military regime
has brutally suppressed large anti-junta protests in the major cities
of Rangoon and Mandalay, breaking up crowds with tear gas, batons, rubber
bullets and live rounds. The state media reported that nine people died
in clashes on Thursday, but reports from activists, diplomats and a
handful of foreign journalists suggest the figure could be considerably
Means Anti-Fascism
By Cindy Sheehan
Watching the pro-democracy marches in Burma both
inspires and sickens me. I am inspired by seeing thousands of red-robed
monks leading the demonstrations and sickened by the violence they are
being met with by the military
Arctic Thaw May
Be At ‘Tipping Point’
By Alister Doyle
A record melt of Arctic summer sea ice this month
may be a sign that global warming is reaching a critical trigger point
that could accelerate the northern thaw, some scientists say
Iraq: A Bush
Family Jihad?
By Felicity Arbuthnot
Thomas Nagy is a Member of the Association of Genocide
Scholars, who concluded that the deliberate destruction of Iraq's water
system in 1991 was genocide. It seems they have a lot more work ahead.
Oh, and the invasion of Iraq was sold to the American public, by their
Administration linking Saddam Hussein to 11th September 2001 and Osama
bin Laden. It was not Saddam, but the Bush family who were in business
with the Bin Ladens.What wickedness
Defending The
Cuban Revolution:
With Love Or Venom?
By James Petras
Defending the Cuban revolution demands unconditional
defense against imperialism and proposals to rectify its problems. These
are acts of love. Polemical invective and personal attacks against life-long
defenders of the revolution and revolutionary movements will further
isolate Cuba and opportunists like Gonzalez Casanova from reality and
the coming social transformations in Latin America and social changes
in Cuba
The Justice
That Jena Demands
By Xochitl Bervera
Up to 50,000 people marched in the streets of Jena
the other day — the majority of them Black, many were from the
South. All were outraged by the blatant racism evidenced by the criminal
justice system. This could be the beginning of the end for a system
that should have been dismantled years ago
The Quality Of Mercy Revisited
By Sonja Karkar
In these days of warmongering, peace and justice
are tossed about like hot potatoes with no end to the suffering in sight.
But, where is the compassion for the children, women and men who are
being subjected to the excesses of power in all its guises? Right now,
some mercy for the Palestinians in Gaza is desperately needed before
it is too late
The Forgotten
By Timothy Seidel
Our convictions should compel us to listen to the
voices of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, voices too often silenced.
As we learn from Jesus' experience of "God-forsakenness" we
should also learn from Palestinians who share their lives with us --
their despair and their hopes -- what it means to participate in God's
reign of peace and justice
More Teeth
To Police, Not Victims
By Colin Gonsalves
In a critique of "The Communal Violence (Prevention,
Control and Rehabilitation of Victims) Bill, 2005", Colin Gonsalves
opines that the Act simply relegates victims to a footnote. For instance,
when it comes to sexual violence, it does not recognise the fact that
the nature of atrocities committed against women during riots is radically
different from those committed during 'normal' times
28 September, 2007
Ready For A Plebiscite
By Khalid Mish’al & Zafarul-Islam Khan
In an exclusive interview Hamas supremo Khalid
Mish’al says that Hamas is ready to accept anything accepted by
Palestinians in a plebiscite
Did Israel Attack Syria?
By Jonathan Cook
Israel’s air strike on northern Syria earlier
this month should be understood in the context of events unfolding since
its assault last summer on neighbouring Lebanon. Although little more
than rumours have been offered about what took place, one strategic
forecasting group, Stratfor, still concluded: "Something important
Road To Pieces
By Dan Lieberman
Failure to understand the driving forces in the
Middle East violence will lead to disaster
The State of
the American Empire –
How the USA Shapes the World
By Jim Miles
Book Review: The State of the American Empire –
How the USA Shapes the World By Stephen Burman. University of California
Press, Myriad Editions,2007
Getting Lost
In Translation:
Ahmadinejad And The Media
By Ali Quli Qarai
First I want to make some remarks about that now
world-famous statement of President Ahmadinejad at Columbia: “We
do not have homosexuals in Iran of the kind you have in your country.”
The American media conveniently ignored the second, and crucial, part
of his sentence as something redundant
Rhetoric And
Tactics In British Foreign Policy
By Sukant Chandan
This weeks annual national Labour Party conference
is witnessing the party’s leadership doing all that they can to
distance themselves from the Blair years which are synonymous with Islamophobia,
war, lies and deceit, known as ‘spin’ in modern British
political parlance, all of which has alienated wide sections of the
electorate from Labour
Ball Is In Your
By Amjad Malik
Its up to the politicians to close the gap of constitutionally
improper accommodation of any individual ultra constitutionally against
the letter and spirit of the Constitution of Pakistan wherever it is
with unity by sheer intelligence, reconciliation and consultation in
the wider interest of the state and in order to promote democratic process
Do Intercessory
Prayers Work?
By Mansur Hallaj Sindhi
As a child, the author learnt that self help, rather
than prayers or dua would help. The result of a recent comprehensive
study about intercessory prayers, which is common in Christianity and
Islam, showed that it does not work. Similarly, having people pray for
rain as often done by our leaders is futile
Myth, History
And Politics
By K.N.Panikkar
Now that Ayodhya is no more a potent force, Ram
Sethu has emerged as a possible alternative
27 September, 2007
Military Cracks Down On
Escalating Protests
By Sujeewa Amaranath
The military in Burma (Myanmar) unleashed its troops
yesterday on unarmed demonstrators in a bid to stamp out mounting protests
against the junta’s stifling rule, and price rises that have made
life for broad layers of working people unbearable
The Siege On Hamas
By Ahmed Yousef
Policies whose aim is the isolation or marginalization
of Hamas will not only fail but will also set the stage for the spread
of extremist thinking in occupied Palestine. Allowing Hamas to participate
in the Palestinian political process will encourage the growth and development
of pragmatic ideas and instruments of political action. It will also
allow tolerance and respect for pluralism and diversity to strike root
in Palestinian political culture. The West should ask itself whether
it wants the moderation and realism of Hamas or the dogmatism of radical
groups that subscribe to the clash of civilizations theory
How The Bush Administration’s
Oil Grab Went Awry
By Dilip Hiro
The Bush administration’s failure to achieve
its short-term objectives does not detract from the overarching fact
— established by the copious evidence marshaled in this article
— that gaining privileged access to Iraqi oil for American companies
was a primary objective of the Pentagon’s invasion of Iraq
David And Goliath:
Palestinian Artist Spreads Hope
By Ramzy Baroud
"David and Goliath" reflects a symphony
of emotions. Rana Ghassan masterfully brings together elements of accurate
drawing, mood coloration, and phenomenal composition, capturing subtle
emotions sometimes hidden within a live scene or photograph, and expresses
the struggle of life under oppression in an inspiring light of courage
and struggle
Bush Makes
Mockery Of UN Declaration Of
Human Rights In NY Speech
By Matthew Rothschild
At his speech to the UN, Bush had the audacity
to invoke the Universal Declaration of Human Rights several times, despite
the fact that he’s been violating it over and over again
Bush At The UN:
A War Criminal Lectures
The World On “Human Rights”
By Bill Van Auken
Bush’s appearance before the UN General Assembly
was an entirely predictable exercise in imperialist arrogance, rank
hypocrisy and double-talk in service of American big business. In the
final analysis, his speech was probably more significant for what it
omitted than for the American president’s absurd posturing as
a crusader for human rights and universal liberation. Behind the virtual
silence on Iraq and Iran, new and more terrible crimes are being prepared
Full Text Of
Ahmadinejad's Remarks
At Columbia University
By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Speech at Columbia University
were almost entirely boycotted by western and specially US media; while
he spoke of such crucial issues as Iran's nuclear program and the Holocaust
which have always been at the center of western media's attention, almost
the only point the US press mentioned about Ahmadinejad's address at
Columbia university pertained to a few seconds of his answer to a question
about the rights of homosexuals in Iran
Candidates Diverge
By David Swanson
There are now two types of Democratic presidential
candidates, the ones who promise to end the occupation of Iraq, and
the ones who say they may very well keep it going for another four years
Fear of Freedom:
On The Left And The Right
By Jorge Majfud
Is it that we Uruguayans, who are so proud of our
democratic tradition, are still not able to overcome the mental parameters
of the dictatorship? Why such fear of freedom?
Metaphor For Pakistan's
Problems And Their Solution
By Isa Daudpota
The park and its surroundings gives numerous examples
of what's wrong with our society and those who manipulate its laws and
institutions. Only the intervention of the Supreme Court can correct
the injustices and ills in and around the park, and help create a model
for change in the country. That would truly honor the person after which
it is named
Land After Thirty
Years Of 'Entitlement'
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Story of Land Reclamation of Dalits in village
26 September, 2007
Respect Our Mother Earth
By Evo Morales
Letter from President Evo Morales to the member
representatives of the United Nations on the issue of the environment
Earth Calls For
Radical Social Change
And Spiritual Transformation
By Dr Glen Barry
The population bomb has burst, the climate and
biosphere are in tatters, and tyrannical, militaristic governments rule;
yet there remains a path to global ecological sustainability
American Vampire
In New York
By Adam Engel
For some, the living, this war is about oil. I
won’t dispute that. But for me and my kind it is a harvest of
blood, a bounty of blood—wasted, discarded, like a sour coleslaw
at a bitter family picnic. “Why?” I ask. Why can’t
they fill their canteens with blood or capture it in containers and
freeze it and send it to the clinic and disperse it, without charge,
so I can live and work and be sociable with my countrymen who relish
the blood almost as much as I?
A Culture Of
By Stephen Lendman
What kind of country glorifies mass killing, assaults
and abuse; one that looks down on pacifist non-violence as sissy or
unpatriotic, yet claims to be peace loving. It's not in the third world,
under dictatorship or controlled by religious extremists. It's the "land
of the free and home of the brave, America the Beautiful" where
human rights, civil liberties, common dignity and personal safety are
more illusion than fact
Observing Our
Government Through Blackwater
By David Swanson
The Pentagon is useless to politicians because
it doesn't make campaign "contributions". But when you take
a big chunk of that enormous military budget and give it to private
companies, you free it up to come back (some portion of it) to politicians
every campaign season
Up The Gun"(Fishing for evildoers)
By Mickey Z.
As reported in the New York Times, US snipers in
Iraq are "using fake weapons and bomb-making material as bait and
then killing anyone who picks them up."
5 Minutes Over
By A.H Amin
Bagram , Khost,Jalalabad and Kandahar airfields
are being developed not against the Taliban or against the Al Qaeda
but for 5 minutes over Islamabad !
Nomi Klein
On "Disaster Capitalism"
By Thomas Riggins
This article is a review of Naomi Klein’s
important article in the October 2007 issue of Harper’s Magazine
(“Disaster Capitalism: The new economy of catastrophe”)
based on her new book, The Shock Doctrine
Tale Told By An Idiot"
By Stan Moody
"Evil" becomes a moving target. First,
it safely retreats to the mountains of Pakistan, emerging in another
forum at another time. Then it is hanged in Baghdad. It appears in places
like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and Fallujah. It is imprisoned behind
the "Wall of Separation" on the West Bank or the bank of the
Rio Grande. As the "good" eradicate the "evil,"
a strange phenomenon occurs. The world becomes more unstable, requiring
a renewed advance by the "good."
Chak De Tamilnadu!
By Arasu Balraj
The vast apolitical masses of India, especially
in North India are euphoric today with the Indian win in the T20 world
cup and we hear 'Chak De India' everywhere from overjoyed News Channels
to streets. At the same time, the political scenario of the country
is facing a crucial challenge of North-south divide. It would be simplistic
to say it as North-South divide as it is more than that. It is the fight
between Brahminic cultural hegemony and the undying Dravidian cultural
25 September, 2007
In The Palace
By Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy examines the efficacy of the Contempt
of Court law in India, in the light of the imprisonment handed out to
four journalists for publishing reports against former chief justice
of India, Justice (retd) Y K Sabharwal
Of Far-Reaching
Dilemmas And Provisional Remedies
By Emily Spence & Jean-Louis Robert Turcot
If we start to change our ideology in needed ways
to support ourselves collectively, we can begin to put into motion the
plans necessary to wean off of fossil fuels, stop our warring over resources
and find a way to cooperate for mutual benefit
Now Is Time For
Non-Violent Earth Revolution
By Glen Barry
There are times in human history where obligations
to truth, humanity and being take precedent over personal safety, consumption
and comfort. Now is one such moment. The time has come for non-violent,
direct societal and personal revolutionary action to save the Earth
Global Warming:
The Great Equaliser
By Adam Parsons
As the latest summit to discuss a post-Kyoto treaty
continues in New York this week, the single most revealing statement
has already been spoken: “We need to climate-proof economic growth”.
These few words, told to reporters by the UN’s top climate official,
Yvo de Boer, during the recent Vienna round of talks, define the blinded
establishment approach to tackling climate change
To Compare - Israel
By Ghali Hassan
Few days ago, I had a long e-mail message from
someone with the “Jews for Peace” group. The message starts:
“I am very annoyed by your comparison of Israel with Nazi Germany
… There is no Auschwitz in Palestine, and the Palestinians have
not experienced a holocaust. Palestinians are free to leave any time
they wish.” I do not know anything about the group, but a response
is in order
Can Sri Lanka Speak?
By Dr. T T Sreekumar
One of the important issues in the Sethusamudram
debates is the near total obliteration of the Sri Lankan perspective(s)
by the Indian Media. Understanding the Sri Lankan perspective(s) is
The Political
Stand Off In Nepal
By Harsh Dobhal
This week, Maoists have resigned from the government
after most governing parties opposed their demand that the monarchy
be abolished before the elections scheduled in November. They have clearly
accused PM Koirala and his Nepali Congress of trying to protect King
Gyanendra and have warned to start a new "people's revolt"
for the abolition of monarchy
Is Blackwater
A Black Hole?
By Stan Moody
As private security force, Blackwater, breaks into
the news with the recent killing of 11 Iraqi civilians and accusations
of illegal arms smuggling, a little-anticipated feature of the War on
Terror surfaces. Refer to this feature as "collateral damage"
if you will, but the bottom line is that engagement in war produces
effects that ripple down through the innocents for generations
A Pitiless
Plan A: Denying Plan B Emergency
Contraception To Victims Of Rape
By Robert Weitzel
Only nine states have statutes providing victims
of rape with timely access to Plan B emergency contraception. Considering
the current fragile state of Roe v. Wade, strong state and federal compassionate
care laws may be a rape victim’s only hope of having her right
to choose the rest of her life supercede the rapist’s “right”
to impregnate her. If the likes of Rep. Gundrum or Pro-Life Wisconsin
or Focus on the Family prevail, the man who chooses to rape will win
hands down
23 September, 2007
Of Iraqi Death Toll
No Longer An Option
By Les Roberts & Gilbert Burnham
Not wanting to think about civilian deaths in Iraq
has become almost universal. The average American believed approximately
9,900 Iraqis had died as a result of the war according to a February
2007 AP poll. Unfortunately, recent evidence suggests that things in
Iraq may be one-hundred times worse than Americans realize
War On Gaza's Children
By Saree Makdisi
Israel's sanctions are leaving a generation of
Palestinian children poorly educated and hungry
Collective Punishment Of Gaza
By Chris Marsden
Declaring the Gaza Strip as a “hostile entity”
and limiting its supply of fuel and electricity is an act of collective
punishment by Israel. The Kadima-led coalition government has also said
it will further restrict the transfer of goods and people in and out
of Gaza. The moves are part of an escalating offensive against Gaza’s
one-and-a-half million residents that could culminate in an armed attack
Who Allies With
Whom Against Iran?
By Umur Talu
USA (and Israel) who want to use "Turkey (at
least its territory, bases and airspace) for attacking Iran" are
also using the "PKK for attacking Iran "
We Have Nothing
But Fear Itself
By David Swanson
Most Americans appear paralyzed by fear. And that
includes many Americans with the power to put a halt to our slide into
martial law. We have an opposition political party afraid to oppose
anything. We have grassroots groups that swear obedience to the opposition
party, even as the useless unopposing party condemns the activists.
Those with the power to end national crimes are afraid to do so
Next Step
To 9/11 Justice
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Everyone thinks of terrorism and homeland security
for lessons learned from 9/11. There is another opportunity. Make our
government trustworthy and truthful
A Conservative's
Garden Of False Narratives
By Phil Rockstroh
What has an era of conservatism wrought? Answer:
a culture that has all the value, integrity, sustainability and safety
as a toy manufactured in China. Apropos, contemporary life, as conceived
and manufactured by conservative "values", is shoddily made,
toxic and not a lot of fun
Nail Biting
By David Truskoff
The Fed cut the interest rates. Newspapers clear
across the USA had front page Headlines such as, "Rate drops, Dow
leaps. The New York stock exchange gained more than three hundred points.
All that it means to the average American is that the rich will get
more rich and the poor will get poorer
Response From
An Ordinary
Indian Citizen To Mr. Vishwaranjan
By Anoop Saha
If there are serious questions regarding police's
conduct, it is the moral responsibility of the DGP to own them, and
to find out ways to correct the institutional maladies
Police Torture
And Good Governance
By Gladson Dungdung
Though a bit of good governance is being seen in
Bihar in the regime of the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. But the way
cases of police torture and Dalit atrocities are increasing is a big
question mark to the existence of good governance in Bihar
22 September, 2007
Withdrawal 'Shatters Record'
Arctic sea ice shrank to the smallest area on record
this year, US scientists have confirmed. The National Snow and Ice Data
Center (NSIDC) said the minimum extent of 4.13 million sq km (1.59 million
sq miles) was reached on 16 September
In A Post-Oil Economy
By Peter Goodchild
The future will be just like today, only tougher.
Oil depletion is basically just a matter of overpopulation — too
many people and not enough resources. The most serious consequence will
be a lack of food. The problem of oil therefore leads, in an apparently
mundane fashion, to the problem of farming
Recession Too
Mild A Word
By Pablo Ouziel
The same group of people who lied to the world
about the war in Iraq are doing the same about the state of the global
economy, and again the public is sleepwalking listening to their lullabies.
We could be witnessing the collapse of capitalist model of society as
we know it. According to President Bush, however, we are seeing a "thriving"
U.S. economy
Racism And War:
Overcoming Us And Them
By Ramzy Baroud
Even when it doesn't pertain to race, most people
seem to slide easily into greater tribal memberships that divide the
world into "us" and "them", often using words of
negation and often utilising religion. The "non" factor becomes
very useful here: "non-Muslim", "non-Jew", "non-Christian",
and so on. Such negations are never well intended and always produce
negative results
Never Land
By Roni Ben Efrat
Soon Israel will celebrate its sixtieth year. These
have been sixty years of short-sighted bullying. Its lack of willingness
to reach a territorial compromise—to pay the price that Arab recognition
requires—leads the region each time into deeper strife. The failure
of Oslo brought Hamas to power. Now Hamas has become a significant factor.
The political arena has become more complicated and more dangerous.
The price remains what it has always been
A Truly Inconvenient
By Ira Glunts
Review of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux,
U.S. On The
Warpath With The IAEA
By Dr. Shireen M. Mazari
Now we have begun to see a spate of articles targeting
ElBaradai in the U.S. and U.S.-controlled print media. Some have been
downright abusive with the Washington Post labeling him a "rogue"
regulator. Ah that word which has become so central to the Bush era
in the U.S. If one is not falling in line with the U.S., then one is
a "rogue" of one form or another
Leftists Should
Take Care Of Peace
And True Democracy
By Hasan Tarique Chowdhury
It is the high time for the Nepali Maoists to win
over the peoples mind and prove themselves as true peace lover and to
achieve their ultimate goal in a democratic manner.Because the there
are conspiracies from imperialist forces to portray the leftists of
Nepal as undemocratic
Seeds Of Distress:
Story Of Cotton Seed
Growers In AP
By K.Jayaram
We met many farmers and all of them explained their
problems in detail. All of them expressed their desire to withdraw from
the seed production. Some farmers are not able to with draw from seed
production due to their debt trap. It is very clear from the study that
there is an urgent need for shift to farmer centric seed production
from company centric seed production
Trumped By A
Religious Myth
By Praful Bidwai
Each time the Indian state bends to fundamentalist
pressure, it compromises itself, and allows public reason to be trumped
by religious belief or private prejudice. This isn't the mark of a society
that aspires to modernity, tolerance and pluralism
19 September, 2007
Late To Avoid Global Warming'
By Cahal Milmo
The latest study from the United Nation's Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) put the inevitability of drastic global
warming in the starkest terms yet, stating that major impacts on parts
of the world – in particular Africa, Asian river deltas, low-lying
islands and the Arctic – are unavoidable and the focus must be
on adapting life to survive the most devastating changes
Air Raid On Syria: Another Threat To Iran
By Peter Symonds
Further details have leaked out about Israel’s
unprovoked air raid on Syria on September 6, underscoring its primary
purpose as a menacing warning not only to Syria, but also Iran
America Is
No More
By Paul Craig Roberts
Naïve Americans who think they live in a free
society should watch the video filmed by students at a John Kerry speech
September 17, Constitution Day, at the University of Florida in Gainesville
Apathy Is Our
Greatest Enemy
By Linda S. Heard
What does it take us to shock us into action these
days? An Opinion Business Research (ORB) survey of Iraqi families indicates
as many as 1.2 million Iraqi civilians may have died as a result of
the war. That's five times more than the death toll wrought by Fat Man
and Little Boy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
ORB Survey And
1.2 Million Iraq Deaths Ignored
By Australian And Anglo-American Media
By Dr Gideon Polya
Decent people are obliged to (a) inform others
about horrendous human rights abuses (such as the Iraqi Holocaust, the
Iraqi Genocide) and (b) to act ethically in all their dealings with
individuals, corporations and countries complicit in such atrocities
(e.g. through individual and collective, inter-national and intra-national
Sanctions and Boycotts)
Why Not A
Peace Symposium?
By Gunther Ostermann
In view of a possible (unjustifiable) attack against
Iran, which could escalate into the much talked about and wished for
WW 3 by ‘rapturists’, may I suggest a meeting of the minds
with President George W Bush and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, future
wannabe Presidents, and some citizens of the world?
Propaganda Prize For Israel
By Nicola Nasser
The inter-Palestinian war of words and the mutual
violations of the freedom of press and expression by the Hamas - led
government of Ismael Haniyyeh in the Gaza Strip and the Fatah –
led government of Salam Fayyad in the West Bank have presented Israel
with its biggest propaganda prize that is overshadowing the violations
of human rights committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories
A Double Standard
On Academic Freedom
In the Middle East
By George Bisharat
Two hundred thousand Palestinian children began
school in the Gaza Strip this month without a full complement of textbooks.
Why? Because Israel, which maintains a stranglehold over this small
strip of land along the Mediterranean even after withdrawing its settlers
from there in 2005, considers paper, ink and binding materials not to
be "fundamental humanitarian needs."
The Fed's Cut
And Run Strategy
By Jeff Berg
If however everything goes according to the Fed's
cut, run and pray dreams the plus side will be that this delay may be
long enough to give those who see what’s coming a little more
room for maneuver. But it will do so at the cost of two very unfortunate
things. 1) It will make Bush and Cheney's getaway all but complete.
I.e. The worst of the economic effects will not take place until the
next President takes over. Which is of course the very strongest reason
why the Fed's "consequences be damned" strategy is the most
likely scenario to unfold
Depleted Uranium
- A Way Out?
By Felicity Arbuthnot
"All that needs to be done is for anti-DU
citizens, activists and NGO's in every country to pressure their Foreign
Minister to write to their French counterpart, drawing attention to
the "Protocol for the Prohibition of the use in War of Asphyxiating,
Poisonous or Other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare",
of 17th June 1925, prohibiting uses as above
Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"
By Stephen Lendman
Naomi Klein's newest book just out is "The
Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" that explores
the myth of "free market" democracy. It shows how neoliberal
Washington Consensus fundamentalism dominates the world with America
its lead exponent exploiting security threats, terror attacks, economic
meltdowns, competing ideologies, tectonic political or economic shifts,
and natural disasters to impose its will everywhere
Aligarh Muslim
University Paralyzed Again
By Mirza A. Beg
On the 12th of September the news of rape of a
student in the Abdullah Girls Collage hit the news. On September 16th
another student was murdered in the heart of the campus by unknown assailants.
These two events are unspeakably horrible. All efforts should be made
to bring the culprits to the bar of justice. Instead, they trigger a
mass violent protest and the university is closed for indefinite period
(Sine die). Slide back to nightmarish yesterday again
17 September, 2007
Deafening Silence On Report Of
One Million Iraqis Killed
By Patrick Martin
The reaction to the ORB report in the US political
and media establishment was virtual silence. After scattered newspaper
reports Friday, there was no coverage on the Friday evening television
newscasts or on the cable television news stations. There was no comment
from the Bush White House, the Pentagon, or the State Department, and
not a single Republican or Democratic presidential candidate or congressional
leader made an issue of it. On the Sunday morning talk shows on all
four broadcast networks the subject was not raised
It Is The Death
Of History
By Robert Fisk
The near total destruction of Iraq's historic past
– the very cradle of human civilisation – has emerged as
one of the most shameful symbols of our disastrous occupation
When George
Bush Smiles People Die
By Robert Weitzel
In a recent Associated Press photograph, President
Bush flashes his “what-me-worry?” smile at the camera while
shaking the hand of Sheik Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha. Abu Risha is not smiling,
by the way. He is deadly earnest . . . or worried . . . or scared. Abu
Risha, a Sunni Arab tribal leader and one of the Bush/Cheney administration’s
highest profile allies, was killed by a roadside car bomb planted 150
feet from his home ten days after Bush smiled for the camera and shook
his hand
Tail Between
By Sukant Chandan
Britain seems intent on continuing its course of
military confrontation with the Islamic world. Is it any surprise that
there are people from Basra to Helmand who feel that it is only the
language of armed resistance that can enable them to knock any sense
into the British?
Raising Progressive
By Emily Spence
One's living in a proactively progressive family
is not easy from a number of standpoints. Especially as a youngster,
one can feel torn between wanting to fit in with contemporaries and
standing up for an altogether different viewpoint and lifestyle -- an
alternative that could cause one to be ostracized and shunned by peers
Is Peace or
Impeachment Possible?
By David Swanson
The purpose of impeachment is not just to take
back control of our government, not just to end an occupation, not just
to prevent an attack on Iran. The purpose of impeachment is to inform
future presidents that they must obey laws. But this is not something
that concerns many Congress members. Their chief concern tends to be
whether the next president will belong to their party
Bolivia Needs
Our Solidarity
By Federico Fuentes
Now is the time for all intellectuals, union militants,
solidarity activists, political parties and progressive minded individuals
who believe in real justice and equality to raise their voices in defence
of Bolivia and its government, which is leading an important process
of change providing hope and inspiration to millions of indigenous and
oppressed people around the world, to ensure that the US and its lackeys
cannot get away with crushing this movement for social liberation
Canada - Time
To Exit NATO
By Jim Miles
Canada should get out of Afghanistan. Canada should
get out of NATO. If the countries involved wished to truly be independent
actors and thinkers, then NATO itself should be disbanded – it
has long outlived its original purpose and is now being used as another
force for American empire
By Sukant Chandan
Review of M.I.A's new album 'KALA'
15 September, 2007
'Opens Northwest Passage'
The most direct shipping route from Europe to Asia
is fully clear of ice for the first time since records began, the European
Space Agency (Esa) says. Historically, the Northwest Passage linking
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans has been ice-bound through the year.But
the agency says ice cover has been steadily shrinking, and this summer's
reduction has made the route navigable
More Than One
Million Iraqi Deaths
Since US Invasion
By Patrick Martin
The British polling agency ORB reported Thursday
that the death toll in Iraq since the 2003 US invasion has passed the
one million mark.According to ORB, US-occupied Iraq, with an estimated
1.2 million violent deaths, has “a murder rate that now exceeds
the Rwanda genocide from 1994 (800,000 murdered),” with another
one million wounded and millions more driven from their homes into internal
or external exile
Education Iraq:
Back To School,Back To Horror
By Ali al-Fadhily
As another school year begins in Iraq, parents
approach it with dread, fearing for the safety of their children.With
the security situation grimmer than ever all over the country, just
stepping out of one's house means a serious threat to life
Dollar, Credit Crunch...
By Mike Whitney
The days of the dollar as the world’s “reserve
currency” may be drawing to a close. In August, foreign central
banks and governments dumped a whopping 3.8 per cent of their holdings
of US debt
Economic Crisis:
The U.S.
Political Leadership Has Failed
By Richard C. Cook
As the 2007 economic collapse picks up speed, it’s
time to take a hard look at the performance of the U.S. national political
leadership in meeting some of their most fundamental responsibilities.
It’s time to face the fact of serious failure over the last quarter
Diaspora: With
or Against Collaboration?
By Laith Marouf
In the past few months, Palestinians in the Diaspora
have watched with horror the latest developments in their homeland.
There has been a flurry of articles about what to do, but overall there
is a feeling that they are helpless to affect the situation on the ground.
What has been missing is an understanding that Palestinians in the Diaspora
must undertake a clear assessment of their own situation if they are
to have any impact at all
September 11:
Relevant Questions
By Ramzy Baroud
September 11 should be a day on which we remember
those who died in New York, near Washington and in Pennsylvania, and
also in Kabul, Baghdad and Gaza, so that we can work together at bringing
all the culprits to account
The Power Of
The Truth And The Power Of
The People Are Synergistic
By Kevin Zeese
Recognize your power, do not fear your power, use
your power – when we use our power than power will return to the
people, the government will return to the people and war will become
an embarrassment of history
War Game South Asia
By Hasan Tarique Chowdhury
The voice has been raised by the people of Bangladesh,
India and Pakistan and the people of this region to build up the united
resistance against this aggressive conspiracy of US imperialism
Canal- Good Project, Bad Politics
By Mirza A. Beg
Unfortunately by unnecessarily questioning the
historical veracity of Lord Rama the government and the politics is
being battered on the shoals and Monkey business of religious exploitation
by the feudalistic pseudo democratic parties
Why India Should
By Stanzin Dawa
The civil societies and people living with HIV/AIDS,
TB and malaria are calling the Government of India to change the course
of history by signing UNITAID to ensure access to treatment more precisely
access to second line treatment to bolster prevention efforts and improve
overall health systems throughout the country. Comprehensive Treatment
and care of people living with HIV/AIDS and effective prevention cannot
wait. People living with HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria are demanding for
real Access for All
14 September, 2007
Assassination That Blows Apart
Bush's Hopes Of Pacifying Iraq
By Patrick Cockburn
Last week George Bush flew into Iraq to meet Abdul-Sattar
Abu Risha, leader of Anbar province.This week General David Petraeus
told the US Congress how Anbar was a model for Iraq. Yesterday Abu Risha
was assassinated by bombers in Anbar
Bush Calls For
Permanent US Military
Occupation Of Iraq
By Barry Grey
President Bush’s nationally televised speech,
delivered Thursday evening from the Oval Office, was the low point of
a week of lies and absurdities designed to justify the United States’
bloody colonial war in Iraq. The ugly farce began with the congressional
testimony Monday and Tuesday of Gen. David Petraeus, the top US commander
in Iraq, and US Ambassador Ryan Crocker
9/11 Explains
The Impotence Of
The Anti-war Movement
By Paul Craig Roberts
The anti-war movement has proven impotent to stop
the war in Iraq despite the fact that the war was initiated on the basis
of lies and deception. The anti-war movement stands helpless to prevent
President Bush from attacking Iran or any other country that he might
demonize for harboring a future 9/11 threat
11: The Epitome Of American Arrogance
By Lucinda Marshall
In what can only be called the epitome of American
arrogance, concern for the plight of the Iraqi people, particularly
the 4 million of whom are now refugees is absent from the rhetoric,
the clear implication being that that our suffering, which is the result
of our own failed policies, is far more important than the suffering
we have inflicted upon others. Missing from the national dialog is any
sense of pressing horror at the lack of electricity and potable water
in Iraq, or the trauma and malnutrition, especially among children
The Cracks In
The Façade Are Widening
By Siv O'Neall
Who are the people who call the shots in today's
world? The real leaders are the financiers who work in collusion with
governments, the transnational corporate leaders who care about nothing
except immediate gain. The big corporations swallow up the minor ones
and it's a free-for-all in this jungle where money is king. Money is
what matters and nothing else does
When Will
They Ever Learn?
By David Truskoff
The question that Pete Seeger asked (when will
they ever learn) is still not answered, but the question, when posed
back in the sixties, implied that it was the soldiers and the raving
generals and politicians that will never learn, but the question should
be asked another way; when will the American people ever learn
Put Tibet On
The World Agenda
By Harsh Dobhal
International players have by and large excluded
the Tibet issue from the list of major conflicts. While a good amount
of attention gets focussed on Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Lebonon
and other conflict ravaged regions, there appears to be little tangible
efforts for any resolution for Tibetans where China continues to hunt
down the local populace like rats in snow, without inviting any effective
political protest from any part of the world
Back To The Future
In The Guatemalan Elections
By Cyril Mychalejko
The September 9 election to replace Guatemalan
President Oscar Berger featured more body bags than tangible ideas to
improve the country. Now facing a runoff election, voters are left with
the tired choice between a military strongman and an oligarch
Iraq –
The Logic Of Withdrawal
By Jim Miles
Book Review: Iraq – The Logic of Withdrawal
By Anthony Arnove. Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, New York,
Politicians Let
Down Pakistan
By Naeem Malik
The People of Pakistan are coming to realise that
they are about to be let down by its political classes once again. Nawaz
Sharif, leader of the Muslim League, had raised people's expectations
by declaring his return from forced exile to lead the struggle for the
return of democracy and civil governance to Pakistan. His subsequent
return and docile surrender to the authorities and his subsequent flight
back to Saudi Arabia to continue the remaining period of his exile left
the people of Pakistan disillusioned with its politicians
The Myths Of Salwa
By Anoop Saha
Salwa Judum is continuing, and the violence is
showing no signs of abatement. The policy of arming civilians to counter
insurgency has never been discussed in the parliament. Proving once
again that famous Edmund Burke hypothesis, “All that is necessary
for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Under Emotive Waters
By Ram Puniyani
The leadership of Congress has apologized for the
affidavit filed in the Supreme Court in the case pertaining to the Sethusmaudram
project. This project which was set off by BJP led NDA regime, aims
to make a canal from Palk straights to gulf of Munnar. It involved dredging
of Adams Bridge, also called as Ramar Setu. The affidavit mentioned
that the said bridge is not a man made structure and also the Ram is
a mythological not historical figure. This affidavit set the emotive
political streams rolling their political chariots, and hue and cry
that this statement of the Government is an act of blasphemy
13 September, 2007
Revolution That Is Arising From The Earth
By William M. H. Kötke
As the industrial system spins toward exhaustion,
seeds of change are sprouting at the base. The people at the base are
not revolting in order to take the power that the elite have but are
revolting to take power over their own lives
Stark Warning
Of Extinction List:
'Life On Earth Is Disappearing'
By Michael McCarthy
Gorillas, vultures, corals, Asian crocodiles and
even seaweeds are joining thousands of other species on the slide towards
extinction, according to the latest edition of the Red List, the international
catalogue of threatened wildlife, published yesterday
Global Warming
Impact Like ‘Nuclear War’
By Jeremy Lovell
Climate change could have global security implications
on a par with nuclear war unless urgent action is taken, a report said
on Wednesday. The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
security think-tank said global warming would hit crop yields and water
availability everywhere, causing great human suffering and leading to
regional strife
Free The Jena
By Peter Rothberg
Sign a national petition asking the Louisiana governor
to intervene in the case
Mass Destruction
By Praful Bidwai
The only state to have ever used nuclear weapons
was the democratic U.S.. It would be tragic if our citizens look for
Washington’s recognition of India as a “responsible”
nuclear power while deadening their own moral sensibilities against
weapons of terror
China: Is High
Growth - High Risk Liberalization
The Only Alternative?
By James Petras
China’s drive toward economic superpower
status in the world economy has accelerated in recent years. As China’s
economy becomes globalized, fundamental changes in its financial markets
have opened opportunities for overseas expansion as well as increasing
risks of financial crisis
Greatest Story Never Told
By Stephen Lendman
No issue is more sensitive in the US than daring
to criticize Israel. It's the metaphorical "third rail" in
American politics, academia and the major media. Anyone daring to touch
it pays dearly as the few who tried learned
The World’s
Injustice, Hypocrisy, And Hope
By James Rothenberg
One part injustice. One part hypocrisy. One part
hope. Imagine this as the recipe that makes up our world, with the proportions
free to change but with no part free to vanish. Injustice is a priori
the product of a competitive world. Hypocrisy is the rational response
to injustice by the strong. Hope is the irrational response to injustice
by the weak
A Pledge
By Dr Shabir Choudhry
Both India and Pakistan also made pledges to us
Kashmiris. India pledged to protect life, property and honour of the
Kashmiri people in 1947. If Pakistani governments had fulfilled their
pledges and sincerely supported Kashmiri peoples unfettered right of
self - determination, rather than converting it to right of accession
then perhaps people of Kashmir would have been free of oppression and
independent by now
For The Poor;
Present Economic Development
A Hope Or A Hoax?
By Firdous Syed
The total number of people in India belonging to
the poor and vulnerable group having a daily per capita consumption
of less than Rs 20 in 2004-05 was 836 million, constituting about 77
percent of the population. What a person like Mukesh Ambani or somebody
else of his elk earns in a day, anybody among the marginal income group
of 836 million, constituting about 77 percent of Indian population,
will not be spending during the whole span of his life
12 September, 2007
Amongst Shias Adds To Violence
By Ali al-Fadhily
Clashes between rival Shia militas in Kerbala
have spread across southern Iraq and Baghdad, adding a new dimension
to sectarian violence
The End Of The
By William M. H. Kötke
We are all looking at the end of the world as we
know it. Our attention is focused on the holes in the ozone layer, planet
warming, peak oil, the spread of DU weapons, the collapse of the house
of credit cards, and the prospect of the planetary financial elite quickly
establishing fascist control of the planet. Below this threshold of
conscious awareness our biological survival systems are rapidly eroding
American Economy:
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US economy continues its slow death before
our eyes, but economists, policymakers, and most of the public are blind
to the tottering fabled land of opportunity
The “Surge”
In Iraq’s Atrocity
By Ghali Hassan
While world’s attention is diverted by the
U.S. flawed threat to attack Iran and replace the elected government
in Tehran with a puppet one, U.S. troop “surge” in Iraq
continues to murder, displace and imprisoned Iraqis en masse. The aim
is to manipulate public opinion at home, and divert attention away for
the Occupation and the destruction of Iraq
Palestinian Division,
Reviving A Partner
By Nicola Nasser
While all media attention is focused on Hamas in
the tightly sealed off Gaza Strip, the real battle of the inter-Palestinian
political strife is being fought in the West Bank, where Israeli and
American efforts are trying to secure the survival of the Fatah –
led Palestinian Authority (PA) and preempt the repetition of the scenario
that left Hamas in control of the besieged Mediterranean coastal strip
crisis Of Governance
By Naeem Malik
Pakistan's political crisis takes a critical turn,
as a result of the forced abduction of Nawaz Sharif from Pakistan to
Saudi Arabia. The action takes the illegality that prevails in international
affairs to a new level
Forget The Color
Oprah’s All About The Green
By Jason Miller
Oprah Winfrey ostensibly possesses the mythical
Midas Touch, a generous spirit, deep spiritual wisdom, and, in the eyes
of those blinded by their adoration, the credentials of a saint. Yet
despite appearing destined for canonization, Oprah injects heavy doses
of infectious pus into the already deeply abscessed wound of the American
What Is Being
Stolen From Us All
By Jeff Berg
We simply cannot afford to spend our scarce tax
monies, precious fossil fuel and CO2 allotments on military adventurism
when so many other projects absolutely essential to our health and wealth
not to mention survival are going begging for the necessary allocation
of resources, time, effort, capital and concentrated media and cultural
Could A Vietnamese
Court Fine The U.S.
$ Trillions For A Thousand 9/11 Equivalents?
By Jay Janson
Could a Vietnamese court order the U.S. to pay
trillions of dollars for the thousand 9/11 equivalents from 1954 to
1975, during which time it dropped more than twice the tonnage of bombs
dropped in all of World War Two by all sides? No, of course not, “Might
makes Right!” as the imperialist dictum reads
Bolivia: The
Imminent Coup
By Antonio Peredo Leigue
Together with their conspiracy to “kill the
Indian shit”, there are rumours of a coup, already prepared, and
requiring only one or two pretexts to justify its execution
Making A Meal
Of Bt cotton
By Bhaskar Goswami
In the Malwa belt of rural Punjab, mile after mile
of Bt cotton fields are under attack by the mealy bug pest. Bathinda,
Muktsar, Faridkot and Ferozepur, Punjab’s four major cotton-growing
districts, have been badly affected. The so-called ‘magic bullet’,
Bt cotton has turned into a bitter pill for farmers who were promised
profits but who are now faced with huge losses
Ram Sethu:
Man Made Or Natural
By Ram Puniyani
Different agitations are on to oppose Sethusamudram
project linking Gulf of Mannar with Palk straight. Dharam Sansad (religious
Parliament, a VHP initiative) has been mobilized around 'faith', on
the ground that this project will destroy Ramar Sethu, the one which
was built by Vanar Sena (Army of Monkeys) to help Ram cross over to
Lanka to rescue Sita
11 September, 2007
Deportation Of Nawaz Sharif,
The End Game Begins
By Brigadier (R) Usman Khalid
On September 10, 2007 (Pakistan’s 9/10) President
Musharraf carried out another demonstration of force, once again to
intimidate the judiciary. He despatched the former Prime Minister of
Pakistan – Mian Nawaz Sharif – back into exile in Saudi
Arabia despite the Supreme Court having ordered the federal and provincial
governments not to obstruct his return to the country
By Stephen Lendman
The term is Orwellian in its worst sense. How can
something real not officially exist? Around 150,000 or more (accurate
numbers are hard to come by) Palestinian Arabs today live in over 100
so-called "unrecognized villages," mainly in the Galilee and
the Negev desert. They're unrecognized because their inhabitants are
considered internal refugees who were forced to flee their original
homes during Israel's 1948 "War of Independence" and were
prevented from returning when it ended
Israel Takes
Aim At Palestinian Families
By Ida Audeh
Israel's practice of denying family reunification
permits and denying entry to foreign passport holders (many of whom
are of Palestinian origin) is part of a campaign of ridding the occupied
territories (including East Jerusalem) of Palestinians and controlling
those it is obliged to retain. The practice takes aim at Palestinian
families under occupation: it splits families apart, denies Palestinian
communities access to foreign and expatriate talent, deprives the economically
hard-hit territories of foreign currency, and further isolates the Palestinians
under occupation
Abbas' Village
By Arjan El Fassed
For as long Palestinians have resisted violent
Israeli policies against them, successive Israeli governments have tried
to undermine Palestinian unity and foment divisions. A principal strategy
has been to try to foster alternative leaders willing to abandon fundamental
Palestinian demands for justice and focus on an agenda with which Israel
is comfortable
Clerics Begin
To Take Over
By Ali al-Fadhily
Religious clerics are beginning to play an increasingly
powerful role in Iraq. Many Iraqis now fear that they are endangering
human rights and religious freedom in the once largely secular country
An Essential
Paradigm Shift's Needed ASAP!
By Emily Spence
All in all, we have to realize far more than we
currently do that the only salvation for humankind and the Earth as
a whole will come at a price. That cost is our absolute recognition
that global welfare is inter-reliant. Therefore, we need each other.
Therefore, we, all together, must protect, uplift and cherish life as
a general rule
Changing course
On Iran
By Abbas Edalat & Mehrnaz Shahabi
If the EU again follows the US to support another
round of sanctions on Iran, then it will be complicit in preparing the
ground for a new neoconservative illegal war of aggression
What Are Muslims
Doing With 9/11?
By Mike Ghouse
The Silent majority of American Muslims feel enough
is enough. It is time to speak up while doing the right thing. For years,
they have been doing their darnedest to be positive participants and
contributors to the well being of America, thanks to a substantial majority
of Americans who understand and help in the efforts
10 September, 2007
9/11 Truth
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Many technical analyses cast doubt on the official
explanation of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings, including
those presented by an impressive new group: Architects and Engineers
for 9/11 Truth. More difficult than discovering the truth, however,
is convincing most of the public to accept the bitter truth
Will The Real
Osama Stand Up?
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
How likely is it that OBL who is a strict adherent
of fundamental Islam, would dye his beard and trim it to appear in front
of a camera in order to meet the expectations of the ‘Western
terrorist specialists’?
Osama Bin
By Rand Clifford
One major problem in all this is the fact that
Osama bin Laden has been dead for almost six years. Regardless of what
"intelligence analysts" say about authenticity of this taping
of the same impersonator as in the last tape, it’s just as phony.
And now Bush is reminding us that we must work together to battle extremists
who try to imitate our murder of the innocent in order to achieve political
objectives. Perhaps the most dangerous problem of all is that the American
herd continues to swallow outrageous and incredible bullshit as though
it were truth
War Cometh
Before A Fall
By Dan Lieberman
If the problems grow and the U.S standard of living
declines, the U.S. government will seek an obvious solution for a strong
power: capture markets, capture resources, crush competition, silence
those who impede expansion. War cometh before a fall
Who Are The
By Paul Craig Roberts
In the US it is acceptable, even obligatory in
many circles, to hate Muslims and to support violence against them
By David Truskoff
College campuses are just an extension of our society.
The anger and alienation splitting racial and ethnic groups amid the
fear and anxiety created by the Bush administration, with the help of
the Dershewitz types, can soon lead to the violent explosion that will
further accelerate the crumbling of the empire
Review:Making Globalization Work
By Jim Miles
Review of Joseph Stiglitz' book Making Globalization
Global Hegemony,
IMF And Bangladesh
By Anu Muhammad
The world is calling for a change. We must join
them; we must say a loud NO to IMF, World Bank, ADB and their local
lobbyists. If we can gain that strength, we will be able to create a
new governance, culture and environment to have a life with dignity
By Yoginder Sikand
Besides the ominous implications of the proposed
Constitutional amendment for minority rights, it is the perceived arbitrary
manner in which the Government is said to be going ahead with it that
has raised the ire of human rights and minority rights activists. Surely,
the draft of an amendment of such import must be first made public and
publicly discussed and debated before it can go ahead
Salwa Judum:Unreported
India's Hidden War
By Madhu Chandra
Deep in India’s central jungle, weaker section
of India’s tribal societies who already suffered socio-economic
and educational backwardness, remains unheard of their man made and
state sponsored crime on humanity
09 September, 2007
Accuse US Of 'Unethical Practices' At Guantanamo Bay
By Jeremy Laurance
More than 260 doctors from around the world have
launched an unprecedented attack on the American medical establishment
for its failure to condemn unethical practices by medical practitioners
at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba. In a letter to The Lancet,
the doctors from 16 countries, including Britain and America, say the
failure of the US regulatory authorities to act is "damaging the
reputation of US military medicine"
The Militarization
Of U.S. Public Service Agencies
By Laurel Federbush
Big Brother USA: surveillance via "Tagging,
Tracking, and Locating"
Straight Lines:
Real Feelings, False Expressions?
By Firdous Syed
The happy-going, pragmatic and materialistic Kashmiri
will reflect the deep desire for peace without any stomach or inclination
for any strife or conflict. The thousands of deaths, hordes of widows
and orphans, deep scars on body and mind and the festering wounds on
collective psyche amply stand witness to the real feelings of suppressed
Mickey Z. To
The "Rescue" In 2008?
By Mickey Z.
Every four years, we get Coke vs. Pepsi. McDonald's
vs. Burger King. MasterCard vs. Visa. Letterman vs. Leno. Let me put
it another way: As long as the pilot has the controls, it matters not
if you sit on the right side of the plane or the left side of the plane
. So, the next time someone tells you America has a two-party system,
I suggest you demand a recount
Book Review:
Hamas – A History From Within
By Jim Miles
Book Review: Hamas – A History From Within.
Azzam Tamimi. Olive Branch Press, Northampton, Massachusetts. 2007
Silent Victims
By Ziaur Rehman
A new report throws light on the dismal state of
children and lays bare some hidden facts
Law Of Karma
And The Israel Lobby
By Mike Ghouse
The lobby’s policies are hurting Israel and
their reluctance to repair their arrogance of being the most powerful
lobby in the world, will weaken the security of very people they are
claiming to protect
A Notch Below
The White Man,
A Touch Above The Black
By Jawed Naqvi
I am not surprised at all by the revelations in
The Guardian last week that British military scientists sent hundreds
of Indian soldiers, their colonial cannon fodder of many a foreign campaign,
into gas chambers and exposed them to mustard gas during World War II
Terror Attacks
By Ram Puniyani
Sincere efforts to control terrorism will involve,
looking at the root causes and trying to solve them. The terrorist acts
can be prevented by an unbiased investigation, getting over the biases,
and coming to identify the criminals, than their designs can be thwarted
well in time. The biased intelligence and mere superficial approach
cannot make any headway in preventing terror attacks
Aid Paid Zero
By Farah Aziz
The debate on numbers is still raging in India
that whether it is 5.7 or 2.5 million suffering from HIV/AIDS. Scholars,
activists, statisticians, and media all frenzied about the figures.
Somewhere it is missed that while we talk of HIV/AIDS, we talk of people
and not just numbers. Issues of injustice and discrimination against
these of counted and recounted people from among us are often neglected
08 September, 2007
Icecaps Are Triggering Earthquakes
By Daniel Howden
High up inside the Arctic circle the melting of
Greenland's ice sheet has accelerated so dramatically that it is triggering
earthquakes for the first time. Scientists monitoring the glaciers have
revealed that movements of gigantic pieces of ice are creating shockwaves
that register up to three on the Richter scale
Climate Change
Solutions: Beyond Science
And Above Confines
By Abdul Basit
The present crisis we are facing due to climate
change is one of the rare moments in the history of mankind in which
the survival of whole humanity is at stake. Many civilizations and cultures
were destroyed earlier, but never on a global scale. In this hour of
crisis, let us unite as one human community and face the challenges
together. Let the leaders of all the communities, scientists, artists,
academics, intellectuals, philosophers, poets, musicians, sportsmen
along with world populace come together and save the humanity
Awareness And The Larger Community
By Peter Goodchild
Is it possible to deal with peak oil on a broad
demographic scale?
Terrorist Educational System
By Dr. Elias Akleh
The first lesson an Israeli child learns is the
most racist, chauvinist, prejudiced, religiously extremist, homo-phobic
lesson of the persecuted (prejudice) God’s chosen people in God’s
Promised Land. The Israeli child discovers that he has the Jewish divine
birth right of being God’s chosen, and that this divine privilege
comes with the envy, the anti-Semitic hatred, and the persecution the
others (the Goyim; other people) inflicted on him
The Shiite Power
Hardly Good News For The US In Iraq
By Ramzy Baroud
The decision made by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr
to halt his Mahdi Army’s attacks on occupation forces and Iraqi
security is likely to be considered the single most promising breakthrough
for the US military in Iraq. Although the move comes ahead of several
reports to be presented to the US Congress later this month, the decision
was ultimately an outcome of a long-brewing intersectarian conflict
between Shiite Iraqis, which will further complicate the devastating
American failure in Iraq
APEC 2007 - World’s
#1 Terrorist And #1
War Criminal In Australia
Dr Gideon Polya
Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence
is complicity. With remote, peaceful Iran threatened as the next target
for war criminal destruction by the World’s #1 Terrorist, decent
humanity is obliged to inform others about horrendous abuses of humanity
and to act ethically in relation to those complicit in such awful crimes
Bush's False
Analogies Between Vietnam And Iraq
By Brian McAfee
With President Bush recently bringing up the killing
fields of South East Asia as justification for the US continuing the
war in Iraq , I could not help but think of John Pilger's 1991 film
"Cambodia: The Betrayal." This documentary investigates and
outlines the West's, particularly the US's, behind the scenes and ongoing
support for Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. Indeed, this backing began
during the Carter administration and it continued throughout both the
Reagan and George W. Bush administrations
By Paul Buchheit
307 peacekeepers. That’s what the U.S. contributes
to the United Nations. As of March, 2007 the U.S. ranked 43rd among
the world’s nations in providing peacekeeping support, right after
Togo and Rwanda
Malegaon One
Year After The September Blasts
By Aleem Faizee
One year after the blasts, a look at the promises
made by the Government reveals that, despite vigorous follow ups, many
of the promises are gathering the dust in Government offices
Muslims In Gujarat:
Victims Of A conspiring State
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Gujarat could be saved by a strong people's movement
involving every segment of the marginalized sections of our society
including Muslims and all those victims of Narendra Modi's rabid anti
Dalit, anti tribal and anti farmer policies. It is also time to take
these religious lunatics head on otherwise they will deny every one
a right to live with dignity and freedom to express
07 September, 2007
Girl Blogger From Baghdad Leaves Home
By Baghdad Burning
Baghdad Burning, the girl blogger from Baghdad
who so movingly chronicled the fall, destruction and deterioration of
a city leaves her home in Baghdad and becomes a refugee in Syria
Samarra Under
U.S. Attack
By Ali al-Fadhily
Residents are fleeing Samarra city in the face
of fierce fighting between U.S. forces and resistance groups
With Donkeys
For Transport,All Is Well
By Ali al-Fadhily
A brave new attempt is under way to project that
all is well now with Fallujah. Residents know better -- or worse
Bush Plans War
On Iran
By Prof. Marjorie Cohn
The Sunday Times of London is reporting that the
Pentagon has plans for three days of massive air strikes against 1,200
targets in Iran . Last week, Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and
national security at the Nixon Center , told a meeting of The National
Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal, that the military did
not intend to carry out "pinprick strikes" against Iranian
nuclear facilities. He said, "They're about taking out the entire
Iranian military."
Credit Crunch
Could Bring Recession
By Nick Beams
While global share markets appear to have stabilised—at
least for time being—it’s a different story as far credit
markets are concerned. Here there are fears that a growing crisis could
spark a major downturn in the world economy
Class Is Still
The Issue
By John Pilger
Just as elite power seeks to order other countries
according to the demands of its privilege, so class remains at the root
of our own society’s mutations and sorrows
Middle East
By Stephen Lendman
Administration rhetoric is heated and the dominant
media keep trumpeting it. It signals war with Iran of the "shock
and awe" kind - intensive, massive and maybe with nuclear weapons.
Plans are one thing, action another, and how things play out, in fact,
won't be known until the fullness of time that may not be long in coming
US Arabs And
Muslims: The Search
For Common Identity
By Ramzy Baroud
No other minority groups in the US are in as urgent
a need for collective action as Arabs and Muslims, yet many remain incessantly
inactive. While this can be explained or even justified by the very
real fear of retaliation, the truth is that the post-9/11 backlash against
US Muslims and Arabs can hardly compare with the collective punishment
endured by the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan
Olive Trees Of Palestine Weep
By Sonja Karkar
Universally regarded as the symbol of peace, the
olive tree has become the object of violence. For more than forty years,
Israel has uprooted over one million olive trees and hundreds of thousands
of fruit trees in Palestine with terrible economic and ecological consequences
for the Palestinian people
Did Larry Craig
Resign For The Wrong Reasons?
By Mary Shaw
Can we really afford to waste time worrying about
the sex lives of our politicians? Does it really matter to you? Does
it really matter for America?
The Agony Of
The Deprived Indian Muslims
By Aleem Faizee
Packages and Financial Help require lot of time,
as the normal practice in the Government is, however, one fails to know
why the Government is failing in its duty for correcting the police
attitude towards the Muslims
01 September, 2007
Predicted Financial Storm Has Arrived
By Gabriel Kolko
Contradictions now wrack the world's financial
system, and a growing consensus exists between those who endorse it
and those who argue the status quo is both crisis-prone as well as immoral.
If we are to believe the institutions and personalities who have been
in the forefront of the defense of capitalism, we are on the verge of
a serious crisis-if not now, then in the near future
The Social Toll
Of The US Home
Mortgage Crisis- Part II
By Andre Damon
A multi-millionaire like George W. Bush, a thousand
miles removed from the everyday realities of American life, can describe
the “recent disturbances in the subprime mortgage industry”
as “modest.” However, many lives are being turned upside
down by the present mortgage crisis and wave of foreclosures
Crisis And Despair
By Bill Fletcher
I heard about the conversation a few months ago.
It took place between my 18 year old daughter and some of her friends.
Her friends had concluded that they would not permit THEIR children
to have children because they believed that by that time the world would
be coming to an end
Colonial Ideology
And Aboriginal Australians
By Ghali Hassan
As the majority of Aboriginal Australians and experts
proposed, the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Bill is
a racially and ideologically motivated take-over of Aboriginal land
and should be vigorously opposed by all concerned Australians
The Forgotten
Katrina Refugees
By Elizabeth Schulte
When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast two years
ago, 79-year-old Carrie Lewis had to flee her assisted-living home in
New Orleans. Two years later, she’s still living in a trailer,
100 miles northwest of New Orleans
America Needs
A Guarantor
By Pablo Ouziel
Just like a good plan to raise venture capital
or secure a grant would require good leadership and strategy, together
with solid advise from seasoned professionals, ousting Bush and defending
the American dream, will require committed activists with a solid strategy
and the guiding hand of lucid intellectuals
Bolivia: Political
Racism In Question
By Idón Moisés Chivi Vargas
To avoid this dangerous predicament, Bolivian men
and women, indigenous and non-indigenous, brilliant and honest intellectuals,
business owners committed to their country, have the mission of carefully
protecting the results we have had until now: Nationalisation, Decolonialisation,
as the basis of the New Plurinational Bolivia
Deadly Shell
By David Truskoff
There are Zionist supporters who claim that giving
Israel the money to buy US arms means jobs for Americans so it is a
good deal for both, but it is our money in the first place. Realists
know there is little if any trickle down and the Palestinian children
that are starving on the West Bank and the poor people who have had
their houses blown up by our planes don’t give a damn about the
profits of Lockheed and neither do I
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