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A Few Outrageous Lies

By Timothy V. Gatto

29 October, 2008

I am totally amazed at the way the right continues to attack the left with misinformation that exposes them for what they are, barefaced liars. They aren’t worth the time it takes to counter them, but I have saved up a collection of lies so it may be worth the effort. The really sad part of all of this is that if people don’t call them out on their lies, they will continue to lie. Even sadder is that even after they are exposed as liars, they don’t stop. A casual observer may occasionally take exception to the torrent of lies and deception that emanate from the GOP, especially from the McCain camp. But it would take a full-time writer, working full eight hour days, to counter the amount of false information coming from the “spin-masters”.

I had a conversation with my brother the other day (We don’t really have “conversations” they are more like arguments. I learned a long time ago that you don’t argue with my brother who has never heard The Fox Network utter a phrase he didn’t like). We argued about “Clean Coal”

The way the term is bandied about by the Republicans and Democrats, you may come to believe that “clean coal” actually exists. He couldn’t accept that the technology for “clean coal” hasn’t been invented yet. He tried to prove it to me by claiming that Florida had already built a clean coal plant. Just once, I would like to see a real picture of a “clean coal” plant. I don’t want to see “an artist’s rendering” or a “proposed clean coal plant”, I want to see the real thing.

This brings me to the latest lie that McCain and Palin are now telling about Obama. One point that I would like to make before I mention it, is that I consider myself as somewhat of a Socialist. Therefore, when McCain describes Obama as a Socialist, as he has in the last few appearances that he has made, I am somewhat offended by the broad brush that McCain uses to paint Obama as a Socialist. The truth is that while Obama is an infinitely better choice for President than John McCain, he doesn’t come close to qualifying as a Socialist.

I want to bring this up if and when Obama is elected President and the Republicans try to blame any shortcomings of his administration on failed Socialist policies. Do let me reiterate; Senator Barack Obama is not a Socialist. If he happened to be a socialist, I would be the first one to support him. Alas, he is not, this is why I am not endorsing him. I happen to support Ralph Nader if anyone cares. If Brian Moore had ballot access in more states or a larger following, I would support him. The real truth is that I would probably be supporting Obama if he didn’t support the FISA Bill and he didn’t go back on most of his stated positions he made during the Democratic Primaries. He still makes a better candidate than John McCain, but I promised myself in 2006 that I would never vote for a Democrat again, especially after they continued to support the war in Iraq while they used an anti-war platform to get elected.

I’ll say these things once more so that this article was worth the effort. There is no such thing as “clean coal” and Barack Obama is not a Socialist. Since I’m putting some lies that have come up recently to bed, so to speak, let me bring up a few more now that I have your attention. One of the biggest lies to be verbalized recently was the one about Russia attacking Georgia last summer. The truth is that Georgia attacked Russia with the assurance that the United States would support that tiny state.

Another big lie that both corporate parties lied to us about the corporate bail-out, the truth is that Main Street was not helped by Congress, Wall Street was. Of course, you won’t read that in the corporate-owned newspapers or see it on corporate-owned TV, or hear it on corporate-owned radio, but I’m sure you get the picture. That’s one reason that Senator Barbara Boxer had a 197-1 ratio against the bailout on her phone lines.

So let me summarize what I’ve written here.

Senator Barack Obama is not a Socialist
There is no such thing as “clean coal”.
Russia did not attack Georgia, Georgia attacked Russia.
People will believe whatever Fox says in spite of the truth.

[email protected]

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