Who Are The
75,000 Body Bags For?
By Lynn Landes
16 September, 2005
mount over Hurricane Katrina's death count. Estimates are now well below
10,000 with the death toll currently standing at 648 for Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Florida. So, why did the Bush Administration order
75,000 body bags?
Along that line,
other things dont add up. For instance, why did FEMA contact a
crematorium in the local area; how could people identify their loved
ones if only ashes remain? Why did FEMA rebuff efforts of volunteer
morticians? Why did the feds try to ban reporters from covering the
body recovery effort? Why have the feds employed mercenaries in New
Orleans? Don't we have plenty of volunteers, police and military in
the U.S. to get any job done that needs doing? What's really going on?
I don't know with any certainty, but here are some theories:
Maybe the Bush Administration doesn't want us to know how many people
died because they just can't take the political heat for being completely
incompetent. That's somewhat understandable. Maybe they ordered 75,000
body bags and hired Houston-based Blackwater mercenaries as more pork
barrel projects. Nothing new there.
Or, maybe the feds want to hide bodies in an effort to grab land for
their developer friends, or deny insurance claims for their friends
in the insurance industry, as some people assert happened last year
after Hurricane Charley in Florida. The Bush Administration cant
count on the police or military to carry out their dirty work, so they
use private security firms. That's in keeping with the Bush Administration's
MO (modus operandi).
Or, maybe they don't want us to know exactly how some of these folks
died. Maybe some New Orleans police did not abandon their stations.
Maybe they were murdered while trying to protect their city. After all,
Mayor Ray Negin made public statements saying, "The CIA might take
me out". What was that all about? There are reports that there
was a shoot-out between New Orleans police and contractors. And rumors
are rampant that the 17th Street levee was bombed to protect the wealthier
parts of New Orleans. Something along those lines occurred in the Great
Flood of 1927.
Or, maybe the body bags have little to do with Katrina. Maybe the bags
are for us. On September 11th, the Bush Administration announced a new
Pentagon guideline to allow pre-emptive nuclear strikes. Most people
think that means an attack on Iran. However, some observers believe
that some place in America (perhaps off the Carolinas' coast) will be
the Bush Administration's first target.
Under the cover of Katrina, maybe the Bush Administration hopes no one
will notice an order of 75,000 body bags.