For Oil Control
By Paul Street
17 April, 2007
Empire and Inequality Report, No. 16
The ongoing national political
debate over the majority Democratic Congress’s vote FOR the supplemental
funding of the illegal United States (U.S.) occupation of Iraq reminds
me of Noam Chomsky’s analysis of the uses of the word “socialism”
in relation to the Soviet Union during the Cold War. As Chomsky explained
in his 1992 book What Uncle Sam Really Wants (Berkeley, CA: Odonian,
1992), the Soviet Union from its inception was an authoritarian regime
that moved quickly to dismantle incipient socialist institutions of
popular control and workers’ self-management. In crushing popular
and democratic forces, the Russian Revolution and decisively violated
essential principles of socialism, including democratic control of production
by the working class.
Nonetheless, it became useful
for elites on both side of the Cold War to refer to the Soviet Union
as the epitome and center of “socialism.” “The Bolsheviks
called their system socialist,” Chomsky notes, “so as to
exploit the moral prestige of socialism.” ‘ The leading
propagandists of the capitalist, business-dominated West “adopted
the same usage for the opposite reason: to defame the feared libertarian
ideals [of democratic socialism with workers- control and popular governance]
by associating them with the Bolshevik dungeon, to undermine the popular
belief that there might really be progress toward a more just society
with democratic control over its basic institutions and concern for
human needs and rights” (Noam Chomsky, What Uncle Sam Really Wants
[Berkeley, CA: Odonian, 1992], pp. 91-92).
Just as both sides of the
Cold War possessed their own very different interests in incorrectly
calling the Soviet Union “socialist,” both sides in the
current U.S. war-funding and timetable debate have an interest in falsely
describing the Congressional votes as “antiwar.”
George W. Bush and his allies
are eager to paint the Democrats out as recklessly indifferent to American
“national security” and the needs of “our troops.”
The right naturally wants to blame the failures of Washington’s
incompetent oil invasion on “liberal” and even “left
wing” Democrats who are “giving aid and comfort to the enemies
of freedom.” The Republicans want to rev up their proto-fascist
messianic militarist base by using the “peacenik” votes
to advance their disturbing dichotomy between noble “generals”
and “heroic soldiers” on the ground and evil “politicians
in Washington.”
For their part, the Democrats
wish to exploit the moral prestige of antiwar sentiment. Sixty percent
of U.S. citizens oppose the increase of U.S. troop levels in Iraq. The
occupation is now opposed by two-thirds of Americans. Nearly three fourths
(72 percent) of Americans polled last year said that all U.S. in Iraq
should come home by the end of 2006. Democrats rode this antiwar sentiment
into Congressional majority power last November.
For these and other reasons,
it is hardly surprising that Congressional Democrats and leading Democratic
presidential candidates are trying to identify themselves with antiwar
opinion and claiming to be involved in efforts to end the occupation.
But just as the Soviet Union
wasn’t really “socialist,” the congressional war-funding
and “timetable” votes aren’t really anti-war or, much
less, anti-imperial. The Democratic Congress has not exercised its power
to end the war. It has not passed an antiwar bill.
In the March 23rd House vote,
all but eight of the Democrats (Dennis Kucinich, John Lewis, Barbara
Lee, Maxine Waters, Diane Watson, Lynn Woolsey, Mike McNulty and Mike
Michaud) basically gave Bush the money he needs to continue and expand
the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and possibly to initiate an assault
on Iran.
If the Congressional bill
was enacted tomorrow, without a Bush veto, it would fund Bush’s
audacious, democracy-defying Surge (escalation) to the supplemental
tune of $124 billion – considerably more than the White House
actually requested.
The distant troop withdrawal
proposed by the House bill is hitched to the same Iraqi government “benchmarks”
that Bush announced in his nationally televised escalation speech of
January 10, 2007.
The benchmarks for “withdrawal”
include the passage by the Iraqi parliament of an imperialist, neoliberal
petroleum law. Hidden beneath largely diversionary language about “revenue-sharing”
across Iraq’s regions, this law will try to help subject Iraq’s
stupendous oil reserves to domination by Western capital and the American
The “withdrawal”
envisioned by Congress would only remove combat troops and only on the
eve of the 2008 elections. In the names of “diplomatic protection,”
“counter-terrorism,” and the “training and advising
of Iraqi Security Forces” (translation: OIL protection), it would
leave U.S bases and forces in Iraq for an indefinite period. However
much they claim to oppose permanent military bases in Iraq, leading
Democrats within and beyond Congress imagine an American military presence
in Iraq for decades to come.
The recent legislation, waiting
for Bush’s veto on the false grounds that it undermines the assault
on Iraq, contains no enforcement mechanism to compel the White House
to actually withdraw troops at any point.
The troops supposedly to
be moved out of Iraq under Congress’ legislation would not actually
“come home.” Congress’ “antiwar” plan
re-deploys troops from Iraq to other parts of southwest Asia, reflecting
the belief that U.S. forces have been over-focused on Iraq in a way
that is dysfunctional for the broader and (Democrats think) noble project
of U.S. dominance in the oil-rich Middle East.
The Congressional legislation
even removes any stipulation requiring Bush and Cheney to receive Congressional
approval before undertaking a major assault on Iran. “With the
U.S. openly threatening Iran and with war preparations at an advanced
stage, and given the Bush regime’s track record of launching pre-emptive
wars based on lies,” Larry Everest notes, “this amounts
to giving Bush a bright green light to attack Iran” (Larry Everest,
“No Good Choices in the Halls of Power: Congress Votes $100 billion
to continue the War,” ZNet, March 30, 2007, available online at
print_ article.cfm?itemID =12456§ionID=72). Antiwar and anti-imperial
sentiments have not seized the day in Congress
Alexander Cockburn puts the “antiwar vote” things in useful
perspective in a recent column titled “This Was an Antiwar Vote?”:
“When it comes to the actual war, which has led to the bloody
disintegration of Iraqi society, the deaths of up to 5,000 Iraqis a
month, the death and mutilation of US soldiers every day, nothing at
all has happened since the Democrats rode to victory in November courtesy
of popular revulsion in America against the war. Bush's reaction to
this censure at the polls was to appoint a new commander in Iraq, General
David Petraeus, to oversee the troop surge in Baghdad and Anbar province.
The Democrats voted unanimously to approve Petraeus and now they have
Okayed the money for the surge. Bush hinted that he would like to widen
the war to Iran. Nancy Pelosi, chastened by catcalls at the annual AIPAC
convention, swiftly abandoned all talk of compelling Bush to seek congressional
authorization to make war on Iran.”(Cockburn, “This Was
an Antiwar Vote?” The Nation, April 16, 2007).
Saddest of all, perhaps,
90 percent of the House’s 71 Progressive Caucus voted for the
supplemental authorization bill.
This was a truly depressing
“progressive” performance, one that speaks volumes about
the absence of anything that deserves to be considered a relevant “Left”
inside the narrow-spectrum U.S. political system.
All the Democratic congresspersons
who voted to fund Bush’s criminal War last March should be sent
the special Certificates of Iraq War Ownership that peace activists
have designed for them (see
There’s little to be
surprised about in this pathetic expression of U.S. “representative
democracy.” The Democratic Party is a conservative, corporate
dominated and broadly imperialist coalition of mostly elite interests
that includes a sizeable contingent of pro-war “Blue Dog”
Democrats and numerous dedicated Third Way “New Democrats”
like Barack Obama and the noted militarist Hillary Clinton. With their
eyes firmly fixed on the supreme electoral prize of 2008, its “realist,”
“pragmatic,” and power-obsessed leaders have a vested interest
in Bush and the Republicans being saddled with the bloody Iraq fiasco
until the next quadrennial election extravaganza. The Democrats are
walking a fine line between their need to seem responsive to majority
antiwar opinion and their fear of seeming to support Bush’s efforts
to blame them for “losing Iraq.” They are not convinced
that the antiwar movement is sufficiently organized and powerful to
make them pay any significant price for prolonging and even expanding
the war.
Deeply committed to the doctrinal
notion that the U.S is an inherently noble, benevolent and democratic
force in the world, top Democrats insist on combining their calls for
(partial and qualified) “withdrawal” with preposterous and
offensive claims that the U.S. has done everything it can “for
the Iraqis.” As leading “Blue Dog” (right-wing) Democratic
Rep. John Tanner (D-TN) told the Public Broadcasting System a few weeks
“We…need to send
a message to the Iraqis. Look, this has been four-plus years now, four
years and three days. We have lost over 3,000 people. We have lost over
25,000 wounded. The Iraqis have had Saddam Hussein taken out. They have
had two elections. They have had a government now for over a year. And
we see no progress on them….it's time for them to step up. I am
past the point of asking young military families in this country to
continue to die and the American taxpayers to spend $2.5 billion a week
in Iraq to help people who are seemingly unwilling or unable to get
along. And, while they're shooting at each other, both sides are shooting
at us.”
“I don't -- I think
it's time for us not to be the policemen on the beat in the city of
Baghdad. We're not talking about leaving the area. We're not going to
leave the area. But I think that a timeline and a message to the Iraqis:
Look, it's time for you people to get along. We're not going to stay
here open-endedly, shedding our blood and our taxpayer money forever.”
“But, until the Iraqis
understand that, every time something goes wrong, the Americans are
going to be there to fight, die, and -- and, as I said, we're spending
$200,000 a minute in Iraq. I'm not willing to keep on asking our taxpayers,
and particularly these young military families, to do this forever.”
“And, at some point,
if the Iraqis are unwilling or unable to do something -- we're not talking
about leaving. We're not talking about in any way impacting the commanders'
options. In fact, this timeline is way beyond what the president himself
said the surge would do, whether it would work or not” (PBS Nightly
News, March 22 2007, available online at politics/jan-june07/wardebate_03-22.html).
This by now standard Democratic
Party rhetoric advances an interesting take on the U.S. assault on Mesopotamia
four years after world history’s most powerful military state
invaded that country, sacked its civil society, and essentially disbanded
its state. The U.S. has deliberately provoked and fueled the very internal
Iraqi factional and religious strife that leading Democrats cite as
an example of Iraqis’ hopeless division.
It’s worth noting that
Tanner felt compelled to say that “we’re not going to leave
the area” three (3) times. Gee, what’s that about? The answer
is technically “taboo,” but it’s quite simple. Top
Democrats are just as committed as the Republicans to preventing what
would amount to a geopolitical, world-systemic catastrophe for the American
Empire: the loss of U.S. control over Middle Eastern oil. The notion
of the people and/or states of that region doing whatever they wish
with the remarkable, economically and geopolitically super-strategic
oil that sits under the nominally sovereign soils – possibly even
forming production and sales agreements with the Asian Security Grid
(thereby accelerating the United States’ devolution to the status
of a second-rate world power) – is anathema to the good Men and
Women of Empire atop both wings of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Party.
The not very “left”
wing of the nation’s dominant political duopoly is just as dedicated
as its more explicitly business-dominated counterpart to keeping the
U.S. military boot on the Middle Eastern oil spigot. “Responsible”
foreign policy thinkers and makers in both parties wish to maintain
the U.S. “veto power” (George Kennan) and “critical
leverage” (Zbigniew Brzezinski) that the control of the Middle
Eastern oil “prize” gives Washington over increasingly more
advanced competitors in the world capitalist system (Noam Chomsky and
Glbert Achcar, Perilous Power: the Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy
[Paradigm, 2000), p. 54).
Iraq’s oil wealth,
by the way, is significantly greater than often assumed. Its proven
reserves of 115 barrels make it the third largest oil state in the world
(behind Saudi Arabia and Canada). But recent reports suggest that it
may possess an additional 200 million barrels, making it home to one
fourth of the world’s petroleum. Thanks to three decades of largely
U.S-imposed chaos (war, sanctions, civic collapse, government dissolution
and the like), moreover, Iraq’s spectacular oil reserves are remarkably
“underdeveloped.” They are exceptionally “virginal”
– close to the surface, and thus accessible for rapid and cheap
extraction some day (A.K. Gupta, “Oil, Neoliberalism and Sectarianism
in Iraq,” Z Magazine, April 2007)
Which brings us back to the
occupation government’s draft oil law. Next May, the Iraq National
Assembly is likely to finalize petroleum legislation worked up by the
Iraq cabinet in “consultation” with the White House, the
world’s leading petroleum corporations (the “majors”)
and the U.S.-based neoliberal consulting firm BearingPoint – the
proud recipient of a $240 million federal grant to help create “a
competitive private sector” in Iraq (Gupta, “Oil, Neoliberalism
and Sectarianism in Iraq”)
The details of the complex
draft legislation are a bit murky, but the final bill will certainly
mandate “Production Sharing Agreements” (PSAs) that could
(some day) confer astonishing profits on giant Western oil corporations
at the expense of the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government. Currently
used in relation to just 12 percent of the world’s oil reserves,
PSAs leave ultimate oil ownership with the governments under whose soil
petroleum sits. But they abolish the state’s monopoly over oil
production, something that is more than sufficient to satisfy the profit
lust of Western capital. Consistent with Standard Oil founder John D.
Rockefeller’s famous managerial-capitalist maxim “own nothing,
control everything,” PSAs reserve the oil industry’s leading
profit centers – exploration and production – for private,
generally multinational firms on terms that are highly favorable to
those companies (see Antonia Juhasz, “Spoils of War: Oil, the
U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area and the Bush Agenda,” In These
Times, January 2007).
Under draft oil law provisions
leaked and disseminated over the last year, the “majors”
and a number of other giant global firms will be permitted to recoup
60 percent or more of their Iraqi oil revenues during the initial “cost
recovery” phase of militarily imposed Mesopotamian oil privatization.
Profit rates will then fall to 20 percent, still double the PSA norm,
with a special provision permitting transnational firms to “transfer
any net profits from petroleum operations to outside Iraq.” Another
part of the draft legislation requires any dispute between external
oil corporations and the Iraq government to be resolved through international
arbitration – something that will certainly favor Western (chiefly
Anglo and U.S.) capital over “sovereign” Iraq (Gupta, “Oil,
Neoliberalism and Sectarianism in Iraq”).
The draft law provides no
guarantees for Iraqi state participation, requiring the Iraqi state
oil company to compete against global firms for the right to explore
and produce new oil fields in occupied Iraq. Depending on how relevant
authorities interpret the draft law’s call for “the speedy
and efficient development of the fields discovered but partially or
entirely not yet developed,” the proportion of the Iraqi oil prize
that could be open to neoliberal “privatization lite” ranges
from two-thirds to one hundred percent. Not surprisingly, the official
U.S. position is that none of Iraq’s oil fields are fully developed,
something that will permit the big transnationals to move into any and
all of the nation’s oil field (Gupta, “Oil, Neoliberalism
and Sectarianism in Iraq”).
The draft petroleum law provisions
we know about are consistent with the well-known lust of the majors
and their White House allies to get their hands on the greatest raw
material prize of the 21st century. As the New York–based Global
Policy Forum noted last year:
“According to oil industry
experts, new exploration will probably raise Iraq’s reserves to
200+ billion barrels of high-grade crude, extraordinarily cheap to produce.
The four giant firms located in the US and the UK have been keen to
get back into Iraq, from which they were excluded with the nationalization
of 1972. During the final years of the Saddam era, they envied companies
from France, Russia, China, and elsewhere, who had obtained major contracts.
But UN sanctions (kept in place by the US and the UK) kept those contracts
inoperable. Since the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, everything
has changed. In the new setting, with Washington running the show, ‘friendly’
companies expect to gain most of the lucrative oil deals that will be
worth hundreds of billions of dollars in profits in the coming decades.
The new Iraqi constitution of 2005, greatly influenced by US advisors,
contains language that guarantees a major role for foreign companies.
Negotiators hope soon to complete deals on Production Sharing Agreements
that will give the companies control over dozens of fields, including
the fabled super-giant Majnoon. However, despite pressure from the US
government and foreign oil companies, the current Iraqi government has
not passed a national oil law” (Global Policy Forum, “Oil
and Iraq,”
The majors have yet to arrive
on a large-scale in Iraq for a simple and obvious reason: the failure
of the occupation to quell the “insurgency” and create the
stable environment that large-scale capitalist investment requires.
The occupation’s resistance has effectively sabotaged the industry’s
recovery and it is not clear when and if Western capital will be able
to really cash in on Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.).
Still, the crippling of Iraqi
oil production does not mean complete mission failure for Washington.
The Empire’s chief interest in Iraqi and Middle Eastern oil, it
is critical to remember, is imperial control, not access (Chomsky and
Achcar, Perilous Power, pp. 53-59) or immediate profits for Big Oil.
Exxon-Mobil et al. may be standing scared on the margins, but nobody
else is getting their hands on Iraq’s remarkably virgin oil either.
A devastated, strife-torn,
fractured and U.S.-occupied Iraq is an Iraq that also can’t make
supremely threatening (for Washington) oil deals with competing global
states and regions. The savage civil violence inside the occupied state
permits the U.S. government to more easily tell its angry and bewildered
citizenry that a U.S military presence is required to “guarantee
stability” and even (however Orwellian the claim) to “protect
Iraq” against “outside interference.”
Ultimately, of course, U.S.
forces are in Iraq to protect Iraq oil from the Iraqis themselves and
from the possibility that the Iraqis might act to accelerate U.S. global
decline by aligning their energy resources with the development of competing
states and sectors in the world system. Along with numerous other anomalies
for Washington’s claim to want to advance freedom and justice
in the Middle East or anywhere else – Washington’s close
alliance with the arch-reactionary oil-rich state of Saudi Arabia and
the administration’s sponsorship of an attempted coup against
the popularly elected government of oil-rich Venezuela are two excellent
examples – the Empire’s assertion that it is promoting democracy
in Iraq is coldly contradicted by the curious fact that Iraq’s
draft oil law has received input from the majors, the White House, the
International Monetary Fund and BearingPoint, but NOT the Iraqi public.
For what it’s worth (next to nothing in the bipartisan halls of
U.S. imperial power), Iraqi public opinion is against the neoliberal
privatization of their nation’s petroleum wealth. As the Global
Policy Forum notes, “most Iraqis favor continued control by a
national company and the powerful [Iraqi] oil workers union opposes
de-nationalization. Iraq's political future is very much in flux,”
GPF concludes, “but oil remains the central feature of the political
landscape” (GPF, “Oil and Iraq”).
According to a 2006 poll,
76 percent of Iraqis think the real reason for the invasion was a U.S.
desire “to control Iraqi oil.” This accurate judgment is
simply unthinkable – beyond the pale of acceptable reflection
- inside respectable Washington. Last fall a senior analyst at the Washington-based
Institute for Policy Studies told Alternet’s Joshua Holland that
“the entire topic is taboo in polite D.C. circles.” The
analyst said that “nobody in Washington wants to talk about it.
They don’t want to sound like freaks talking about blood for oil”
(Joshua Holland, “Bush’s Petro-Cartel Almost Has Iraq’s
Oil,” Alternet, October 16-17, 2006, available online at
Bush’s_ OilCartel_IraqOil.html).
Nobody who wishes to be a
member in good standing of the U.S, political class can afford to “sound
like” three fourths of the “liberated” nation’s
people, less than 1 percent of who think the U.S. invaded to “export
As Chomsky likes to say,
Orwell would be impressed.
None of which is to deny
that the Empire places some value on Iraqi lives and concerns. According
a recent New York Times report, the U.S. Army sometimes makes small
cash payments to the surviving relatives of innocent Iraqi civilians
it has senselessly slaughtered as “collateral damage” in
its inherently noble, freedom-loving assault on Mesopotamia. In one
2005 incident related by the Times, “an American solider in a
dangerous Sunni Arab area south of Baghdad killed a boy after mistaking
his book bag for a bomb satchel. The Army,” the Times reports,
“paid the boy’s uncle $500.”
There was also “the
case of the fisherman in Tikrit.” According the Times reporter
Paul von Zielbauer, the fisherman “and his companion desperately
tried to appear unthreatening to an American helicopter overhead. ‘They
held up the fish in the air and shouted “Fish! Fish!” to
show they meant no harm,’ said the Army report attached to the
claim filed by the fisherman’s family.” It didn’t
work. By von Zielbaurer’s account, “the Army refused to
compensate for the killing, ruling that it was ‘combat activity,’
but approved $3,500 for his boat, net and cellphone, which drifted upriver
and were stolen” (Paul von Zielbauer, “Files on U.S. Reparations
Give Hint of War’s Toll [Empire’s Assault P.S.] on Civilians,”
New York Times. 12 April 2007, pp. A1, A8).
Five hundred dollars for the butchering of an Iraqi boy. Thirty-five
hundred dollars for the death of a fisherman – well, for his boat,
net and cell-phone.
These are tiny prices to pay in pursuit of the great Iraqi oil prize.
Just ask BearingPoint.
Meanwhile we continue to
incredulously wonder “Why Do They Hate Us?”
Yes, after we’ve “sacrificed”
so much “blood and money,” as top Democrats like to say,
so much “for them.
Veteran radical historian,
journalist, and speaker Paul Street (paulstreet99@ is a political commentator located in Iowa City,
IA. Street is the author of Empire and Inequality: America and the World
Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2004), Segregated Schools: Educational
Apartheid in the Post-Civil Rights Era (New York, NY: Routledge, 2005),
and Still Separate, Unequal: Race, Place, and Policy in Chicago (Chicago,
2005) and The Empire and Inequality Report. Street’s next book
Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: A Living Black Chicago History
(New York, 2007) will be released next June
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