By Ram Puniyani
27 March, 2007
6th Dec., it will be 15 years when Babri Mosque was demolished by the
RSS combine in a well coordinated operation. When Babri was being demolished,
it was not just demolition of a mosque and hurting the sentiments of
largest minority in the country, it was also a blow to the democratic
Indian ethos. It was a complex process and multiple factors were involved.
Who is to be blamed for the whole episode needs to be understood in
the perspective of the political factors unleashed by sectarian politics.
Rahul Gandhi recently (March 2007) stated that had Gandhi family person
been around, meaning especially Rajiv Gandhi; the Masjid could not have
been demolished. It is one of the big ifs of history.
That the then Prime Minister
Narsimha Rao aided the demolition is beyond any shadow of doubt. Some
have gone to the extent of saying that RSS and Rao were in collusion,
some have gone to the extent of saying that Rao was wearing Khaki shorts
underneath his dhoti, like many other Congressmen, who are ideologically
compromised and are in Congress mainly to enjoy the fruits of power.
They have nothing whatsoever to do with the values which were the dominant
part of Congress, the values which had lions share in leading the struggle
for India's independence. While the political phenomena have their own
logic, the values held by the leaders matter a lot. And it is here that
Rao was aiding the RSS project of deepening the politics of hate in
Let us recapitulate the events
as they unfolded in the decade of eighties in order to understand the
process of demolition. It was mainly a reflection of the rising clout
of RSS. Beginning with 1980s one witnessed the discomfort in the sections
of middle class Hindus, who saw the 'disturbing' change in the form
of dalits coming to the fore, the women coming out from the four walls
of the house and making their presence felt in the social sphere. Both
these sections of society, living as subordinate and subjugated groups
for centuries saw the possibility of striving for equality, as enshrined
in Indian constitution. This subtle but sure phenomenon of Indian society
was unacceptable to the entrenched affluent middle classes. Their discomfort
with this change came up in the form of opposition to reservations for
dalits, Gujarat anti Dalit riots 1981 and Gujarat Anti OBC/ dalit riots
of 1986, being just a manifestation of the same.
It is during this period
that communal polarization started coming up and the case of Shah Bano
acted as a trigger for consolidation of the RSS supporters. This time
Rajiv Gandhi's lack of grooming in the deeper understanding in politics,
led him to bypass the court judgment. This in turn was used as a pretext
for polarizing of Hindu upper middle classes under the leadership of
Sangh combine. This act of Rajiv Gandhi was 'successfully' propagated
as appeasement of minorities and pseudo secularism. These formulations
were lapped up by the dominant middle classes, who started responding
more and more to Yatras and other VHP initiated campaigns. After playing
this 'Muslim card' the immature Congress leadership decided to play
the Hindu card by yielding to the pressure of BJP/VHP and company for
getting the locks of Babri opened and later permitting Shilaynyas for
Ram temple. This pressure of Hindu rightwing was also discernible when
Rajiv launched the campaign for 1989 elections on the plank of Ram Rajya.
These came in handy to Hindu consolidation, which later got further
boost when V.P. Singh, for his own compulsions, decided to implement
Mandal. To bypass Mandal BJP resorted to intensify Yatras, identity
based politics. Keeping electoral compulsions in mind, BJP's politics
revolved around Ram Temple as its central agenda. Incidentally Ram temple
was no where on the agenda of BJP, which was harping on Gandhian socialism,
till then. Its discovery that Lord Ram can be of great help in garnering
votes led it to put most of its eggs in the basket of the campaign and
conspiracy to destroy the Babri Mosque.
Ram temple issue became the
symbol of assertion of affluent Hindutva politics in opposition to the
democratic values. Identity, especially religious one, came up in a
big way and waylaid the real issues of the poor and struggling majority
of Hindus as well as other sections of society. As Congress, after Nehru's
death, had already been open to heavy compromises on the issue of secularism,
a fertile ground was already there starting from Indira Gandhi to undermine
the secular values and to merely pay lip service to secularism, to use
Muslims only as vote banks. It is under these circumstances that Narsimha
Rao could enjoy his siesta when the shovels and trishuls of RSS combine
were piercing Indian constitution, when Bari was being mauled by the
saffron foot soldiers. These foot soldiers were indoctrinated by the
ideology of Hate Muslim, Babar as the invader, the Muslims as destroyers
of temples and killers of our mother cow. It was the most clever and
wily move by Brahminical politics to use the down trodden to hoist the
saffron flag atop Babri and to herald the political assertion of Manusmriti's
values in the garb of Hindu glory. While the leadership wanting to impose
Hindu Rashtra, ignited and incited, the sections of poor community acted
as the foot soldiers behaving as if under trance, under the spell of
opium of religious identity.
Coming to the events, National
Integration Council concerned with the events took the promise from
UP chief minister Kalyan Sing of BJP that he is under constitutional
obligation to protect the mosque. The same Kalyan Singh later called
it as a matter of honor for him to have supervised the demolition. It
is another matter that as a weather cock he kept changing his versions
from glory to shame, depending on the political contingencies. He was
strategically located as UP chief minister. State Government was responsible
for supervising law and order. The RSS combine mobilized crowds, which
also included some of those elements that were specially trained for
the task of demolition. It is unlikely that the intelligence agencies
would have missed it. Rao played the ideal foil to these designs and
not only during demolition but also prior to that when the heat was
building up, cleverly slept over the build up for demolition. He had
the 'ideal' home minister in the form of Shakar Rao Chavan, who had
no mean role in aiding the process of demolition.
While one does concede that
probably Rao was the worst person to be in the seat of power, one also
notes that with the rot in which Congress had been falling at ideological
level, how much any body else could have been able to protect the mosque
is not clear. Rajiv himself had blundered on various secular issues
all through. Anti Sikh pogrom in Delhi, opening the doors of Masjid
and Ram Shila pujan, all these showed that irrespective of his intentions
he had no ideological tools to protect the Babri. One may partly grant
Rahul Gandhi's point, but one must look at the deeper societal processes
and the will of the leadership to stand for values even at the cost
of power. While currently there are some encouraging signs from the
Congress top leadership on the issue of secularism, that's not only
inadequate, it can not hold the national together on the grounds of
national community. Even Rahul Gandhi's own statement betrays the lack
of political training amongst the leadership of Congress in general
and all non BJP parties in particular. While BJP has the heavy influx
of RSS trained volunteers, the one's trained in the ideology of Hate
other, in the ideology of Hindu nation disguised as nationalism.
Have the parties like Congress
tried to introspect as to what are the ideas which its cadre is having?
With the current ideological frame of its workers it cannot be trusted
to uphold the torch of values of Gandhi-Nehru i.e. freedom movement.
As such, Rahul Gandhi's statement grasps just a minor part of the problem.
For the nation, question is not just of this or that leader but of the
values of Indian Constitution. It is not just a matter of Rao versus
Rajiv, but of democracy versus Hindu Rashtra. For the nation the issue
is of undertaking political steps which should wean us away from identity
politics to the issues of people, the issue between democratic
nationalism and pseudo i.e. Hindu nationalism. The issue relates to
address the concerns related to bread butter, shelter, employment, health
and education and bypassing the agenda set by RSS, the agenda of temples
and similar emotive campaigns.
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