Million Iraq Deaths,
Eight Million Bush Asian Holocaust Deaths And Media Holocaust Denial
By Dr Gideon Polya
07 October, 2007
Countercurrents published an expert analysis by outstanding US medical
epidemiologists Professor Burnham (Johns Hopkins University ) and Professor
Roberts (Columbia University) in which they commented trenchantly on
the Mainstream media NON-reportage of the latest UK ORB survey indicating
over 1 million violent post-invasion Iraqi deaths (see Countercurrents:
) . These world’s top medical epidemiologists concluded that,
QUOTE: “Ignorance of Iraq death toll [is] no longer an option
… Established methods for estimating deaths exist, even in times
of war. Discussion of trends and policy effects based on meaningful
and validated measures such as median income and death rates would make
our leaders more accountable and leave us better informed. Deliberately
ignoring the numbers of dead Iraqis is not an option worthy of the United
States , or in our enlightened self-interest.”
The following analysis reveals
that the total VIOLENT and NON-VIOLENT post-invasion Iraqi excess deaths
now total 1.5-2.0 million and that the total excess deaths in the Bush
I and Bush II Asian Wars now total 8 MILLION. Mainstream media ignoring
of this horrendous, ongoing mass murdering of ethnically or culturally
SEMITIC Indigenous peoples amounts to near-comprehensive anti-Semitic
Holocaust Denial. However, as pointed out by Professors Burnham and
Roberts, such DENIAL is very dangerous both for the victims and the
Rational Risk Management
involves successive processes of (a) data acquisition (b) scientific
analysis and (c) systemic change to minimize risk - however spin-based
Holocaust Denial simply substitutes (a) lying by omission and commission),
(b) anti-science spin and (c) hysteria- and ignorance-driven “blame
and shame” instead of risk-minimizing systemic change.
The top UK market research
company ORB has recently reported 1.2 million post-invasion VIOLENT
DEATHS in Occupied Iraq, this being consonant with an estimate of 0.8
million VIOLENT DEATHS (as of October 2007) from top American medical
epidemiologists from Johns Hopkins and Columbia, published in the top
medical journal The Lancet and endorsed in a public letter by 27 top
medical experts.
However UN agency data also
indicate 0.7-0.8 million NON-VIOLENT post-invasion Iraqi excess deaths
yielding a total death toll of 1.5-2.0 million post-invasion excess
deaths - vastly greater than the "Iraq Body Count" estimate
(currently of circa 80,000 MEDIA REPORTED VIOLENT DEATHS) (see: 75,000-81,000)
that is INCORRECTLY used by Mainstream media, Bush-ite politicians,
and neo-Bush-ite politicians such as Australia’s extreme right
wing Opposition Labor leader Kevin Rudd (aka Religious Right Rudd, R3
) as a measure of post-invasion civilian deaths.
The bottom-line quantitative
measure of the human cost of human actions is EXCESS MORTALITY (avoidable
mortality, avoidable death, excess death, excess mortality, deaths that
did not have to happen but DID as a result of human ACTION or indeed
INACTION) (see “Global avoidable mortality”:
). I have just published a huge, scholarly book on this subject: "Body
Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", G.M. Polya. Melbourne,
Post-invasion excess deaths
in Occupied Iraq include VIOLENT DEATHS estimated to be 0.8 million
(world’s top medical epidemiologists published in The Lancet)
to 1.2 million (the recent estimate of the top UK ORB market analysis
and polling organization). The post-invasion NON-VIOLENT DEATHS total
0.7 million (as estimated from UN Population Division data) to 0.8 million
(as estimated from UNICEF under-5 infant mortality data as per “Layperson’s
Guide to Counting Iraq Deaths”:
). The TOTAL post-invasion excess deaths amount to 1.5 million to
2.0 million (see “Iraq: Genocide by all Definition. Bush’s
Iraq war. 2 million excess deaths”:
Use of the Iraq Body Count
estimate of “81,000 deaths” for post-invasion Iraqi civilians
deaths (e.g. by, of all people,
) is instantly discredited by a simple inspection of the UNICEF
website (see:
) that indicates 122,000 under-5 year old Iraqi infant s deaths ANNUALLY
- 90% avoidable and due to Occupier war crimes, specifically the non-provision
of life-sustaining requisites unequivocally demanded of Occupiers by
the Geneva Convention.
The Iraq Body Count estimate
of (currently) “81,000” Iraqi deaths (MIS-used by Mainstream
media and by extreme right-wing Bush-ite and neo-Bush-ite politicians
AND by (a) IGNORES NON-VIOLENT DEATHS, (b) is about 7-10%
of the independent estimates of the world’s top medical epidemiologists
and a top UK poling company and (c) its reliance on media reports and
releases is notoriously unreliable as testified by world’s experts
on the matter e.g. Professors Burnham (Johns Hopkins) and Roberts (Columbia)
QUOTE: “News report
tallies suggest some 75,000 Iraqis have died since the US-led invasion.
A study of 13 war affected countries presented at a recent Harvard conference
found over 80% of violent deaths in conflicts go unreported by the press
and governments.”
IT GETS WORSE. The total
death toll in the Bush I and Bush II Asian Wars (Iraq, Afghanistan,
Palestine, Lebanon) now totals 8 million (EIGHT MILLION as summarized
below (for a detailed and documented breakdown see “United State
Terrorism. 8 million Deaths & Media Holocaust Denial:
1. US-backed Apartheid Israeli
occupation of Lebanon (much of the 1978-2006 period) [0.07 million]
– 1978-2000 excess deaths in Lebanon totalled 60,000; about 10,000
violent killings by Israelis or Israeli surrogates occurred in the period
2. US-backed Apartheid Israeli
occupation of the West Bank and Gaza (1967-2007) [0.31 million] –
1957-2007 excess deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory totalled
about 0.3 million; about 10,000 Palestinians were violently killed (5,000
in the 2000-2007 Second Intifada period alone).
3. US Gulf War (1990-1991)
[0.2 million] – an estimated 0.2 million violent Iraqi deaths
due to the Bush I Gulf War.
4. US Sanctions War (1990-2003)
[1.7 million] – an estimated 1.7 million Iraqi excess deaths occurred
in the period 1990-2003 under the Bush I-Clinton I-Bush II Sanctions;
the number of under-5 infant deaths in this period totalled 1.2 million
(roughly 90% of these deaths were avoidable).
5. US Afghanistan War (2001-2007)
[3.2 million] - excess deaths from UN Population Division data total
2.5 million; however excess deaths determined from under-5 infant deaths
and dividing by 0.7 total 3.2 million (see “Layperson’s
Guide to Counting Iraq Deaths” on MWC News:
6. US Iraq War (2003-2007)
[2.0 million] – 1.2 million post-invasion violent deaths (from
the latest UK ORB survey) plus 0.8 million post-invasion non-violent
excess deaths (from UNICEFunder-5 year old infant mortality data; see
#5 above).
7. Global opiate drug-related
deaths due to US actions [0.5 million] - 0.1 million people die each
year around the world (0.6 million over 6 years) from opiate drug-related
causes. Accordingly, about 0.5 million have died avoidably since 9/11
from opiate drug-related causes due to the UK-US restoration of the
Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from about 5% of world market
share in 2001 to a current 93% (see UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC,
2007 World Drug Report).
We can thus assess the human
cost of the Bush I and Bush II Asian Wars at 0.06 + 0.31 + 0.2 + 1.7
+ 3.2 + 2.0 + 0.5 million = 8 million.
A major contributor to the
carnage in Occupied Palestine, Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan
is the war criminal failure of the Occupiers to supply life-sustaining
requisites as demanded unequivocally by the Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Thus, according
the World Health Organization (WHO), the “annual total per capita
medical expenditure” permitted in Occupied Iraq by the US Coalition
is $135 (2004) as compared to $19 (Occupied Afghanistan), $2,560 (UK),
$3,123 (Australia) and $6,096 (the US).
The Bush Asian Holocaust
death toll of 8 MILLION EXCEEDS that of the Jewish Holocaust, the WW2
Nazi German-inflicted Jewish Genocide (6 million deaths, 5 million murdered
and 1 million dying from deprivation) and that of the largely UN-REPORTED,
“forgotten”, man-made, British-inflicted Bengali Holocaust
(Bengal Famine, Bengali Genocide) of World War 2 British India (4 million
excess deaths).
Quantitative or qualitative
denial of the Jewish Holocaust (6 million deaths comprising 5 million
murdered and 1 million deprivation-related deaths) is punished in Austria
by 10 years in prison and in other countries by lengthy custodial sentences.
The Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians are overwhelmingly SEMITES by
ETHNICITY and the Afghans have a Semitic-origin, Islamic CULTURE. What
we are seeing is racist, ANTI-SEMITIC, Islamophobic Holocaust Denial
driven by lying, racist, Bush-ite Mainstream media.
However, as outlined at the
beginning of this article, Mainstream media and politician IGNORING
of horrendous realities in the Bush War on Terror and indeed, more generally
in the Bush Asian Holocaust, endangers not only the security of the
victim Indigenous Asian peoples but also that of the West and the World.
Dr Gideon Polya published
some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge
pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive
Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London,
2003). He has just published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality
since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007:
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