Must Be Subjected To
A Global Rule Of Law
By Hanan
09 August, 2003
hard line Israelis and their American apologists decide to discredit
and discount Palestinian suffering while exonerating the abuses and
oppressive measures of the Israeli occupation, the first charge levied
against Palestinian spokespersons is that of "whining."
How often have Palestinians
seen Israeli and American officials alike sigh in obvious exasperation,
roll their eyes in sheer ennui, and indulge in an obvious stage whisper:
"The Palestinians are whining again."
Hence the people under occupation
are not only supposed to "grin and bear it," but also made
to feel guilty and undeserving for seeking to give voice to their suffering.
The opposite, however, is
true of the Israeli occupation.
As Israeli tanks roll through
Palestinian villages, towns, and refugee camps; as Apache gunships shell
homes and assassinate their human targets; as Palestinian land is stolen
and Israeli settlements are expanding; as Israeli prisons swell with
abducted Palestinians and the apartheid wall turns all Palestinian areas
into prisons and isolation cells; Sharon whines incessantly.
He pleads "self-defense"
and runs to Washington with more demands: Iran after Iraq, Syria (and
Libya, if possible) at any time, the Palestinian factions at all times,
and more money, more settlements, more walls, more facts on the ground.
When Sharon complains of
Palestinian violence ("terrorism"), it is presented as an
act of will and gratuitous cruelty, entirely unprovoked and totally
unrelated to the fact and brutal policies of the Israeli occupation.
When he addresses the requirements
of the Roadmap, Israeli "security" becomes the sole objective
and rationale of any initiative, while conditionality and forced sequencing
are imposed on the Palestinians who are constantly on probation, constantly
made to demonstrate "good behavior," and constantly denied
as worthy of any form of "security" or even human consideration.
Yet nobody tells Sharon to
"stop whining," and nobody rolls his/her eyes in exasperation
and exclaims in disgust: "here we go again!"
On the contrary, even with
the American presidency trying to maintain minimal compliance with the
Roadmap, some "holier than thou" American voices rush to Israel
and attempt to outdo Sharon and his extremists.
The Fifth Horseman of the
Armed with more zeal than
common sense, with more messianic fervor than political wisdom, with
more millenarianism than moral values, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
gallops to Israel on his high horse and threatens more fire and brimstone
should any Israeli dare to contemplate pursuing the path of peace and
Heaven forbid! The only roadmap
recognized by born-again Christians and other heirs to the absolute
truth and divine dictates is the Old Testament (in particular the Book
of Revelations and other apocalyptic texts).
Palestinians (be they Christian,
Muslim, Jewish, atheists, or agnostics) are dispensable since they stand
in the way of the fulfillment of the prophecies.
Peace, however devoutly wished
for or sought by both Israelis and Palestinians, is not to be condoned
since it does not meet the requirements of Armageddon and other doomsday
Such a spirit of generosity_a
willingness to sacrifice the lives of countless Palestinians and Israelis
for the sake of a unique brand of Christian fundamentalism_is one we
can do without.
The most appropriate joint
Palestinian-Israeli response to the fanaticism of DeLay and his ilk
is in a greater commitment to a just peace and the requirements of inclusion
and tolerance.
Palestine has always been
a pluralistic land with a multiplicity of faiths and cultures and yet
with an authenticity of identity that never denied the other.
The solution to the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict must emanate from a spirit of tolerance and sharing, not one
of blind hatred and exclusion.
The doctrinal dictates of
extremist evangelicals and their brand of apocalyptic solutions do not
belong to the three monotheistic religions that saw the light in this
part of the world.
Rampant Racism
Exclusion and a unique type
of racism were recently exhibited by the Israeli Knesset in its mad
drive to create a "Palestinian-free" society in Israel.
The Bill preventing Palestinians
who marry Israeli citizens (mainly Arabs) from acquiring Israeli citizenship
or permanent residency was passed by a majority of 53 votes to 25.
The tragic humanitarian consequences
of such legislation would tear apart whole families and lead to tremendous
hardships of displacement and loss of domicile.
More significantly, the mentality
of racism and outright discrimination (the law does not apply to Israelis
who marry non-Palestinians) is quite ominous for Israel as a state and
for future relations between the two states: Israel and Palestine.
Along with the snaking path
of the apartheid wall, the sinister plans of Effie Eitam, the Israeli
minister of housing from the National Religious Party, to increase settlements
in East Jerusalem and achieve a "demographic" shift in the
occupied city complete the racist circle.
Had these phenomena taken
place elsewhere, and had the "marriage bill" been passed by
any other country to exclude a specific minority, the world would have
been in an uproar.
It is time that Israel is
treated like any other state, made subject to a global rule of law,
and its actions scrutinized for such outrageous policies and practices.