By Ram Puniyani
Issues In Secular
03 January, 2004
year 2003 had many a disturbing events. These are portents for the polity
of India as a secular democracy. The backdrop of Gujarat carnage was
too heavy in the social conscience to be overcome. The tragedy of Gujarat
violence was followed by the massive victory of the 'butcher of Gujarat',
due to
whose acts of commission and omission the carnage took
the honorific scale unprecedented in the post independence India. The
nation was stunned to watch the gross abuse of the human and democratic
with the active connivance of the state machinery. The connivance of
state apparatus was so gross that it will be better to call it a state
sponsored anti
Muslim pogrom. Apart from its many firsts, the violation of the women
of minority community, the state hostility to those who tried to provide
relief to the riot victims was unimaginable in any society in the current
times. The face of a frightened Muslim pleading for mercy stated the
nature of
violence and the state of mind of minorities in Gujarat. The slitting
open the womb of Kausar Bano to burn her unborn baby underlined the
scale of hatred,
which by now has become the part of social psyche all over and more
so in Gujarat.
Muslims in Godhra
were presented as the culprits and the whole genocide was presented
as a reaction to the burning of the train. Interestingly the Godhra
tragedy again highlights the state of the affairs and the manipulation
of events. There was no room to question the Modi's spot investigation
that Muslims have burnt the train, there was no place for introspecting
the reasons for the train burning, who did it, as the aggressive propaganda
dished out the theory that 'they' have burnt the train in collaboration
with the ISI and international terrorism, 'we' the Hindus are under
threat and so lets retaliate. By a sleight of hand the active violence
was presented as a reaction of the unfortunate event, which could have
been investigated properly and guilty of the crime punished in an impartial
manner. This bogus theory exposed itself, but not in the popular psyche,
and the well-planned pogrom unleashed itself. The question was that
if it was a reaction, than why the neighboring Hindu of Madhya Pradesh
or Rajasthan are not taking revenge? The questions it raised were innumerable.
But the popular psyche did accept the Modi thesis and a
section of people unleashed the first major anti-Minority pogrom of
21st century, well coordinated by different wings of RSS and its affiliates,
Parivar (SP).
How come that the
one who presided over the biggest genocide, of course with due protection
from the fellow swaymsevaks in the central govt., the Prime minister
and Home minister, could come back to power in such a massive majority?
This was simple enough to explain as the polarization brought about
due to pogrom was highlighted continuously and majority
community was given the signal that defeat of Mr. Modi is equivalent
to victory of Pakistan, the country with our permanent enemy status,
and of international terrorism. Also the inroads which BJPs affiliate,
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashsram (VKA) has made in the adivisi areas did the rest,
by winning over a large to section of Adiviais to the politics of Hate.
Emerging as a Hero
from the electoral battles, Mr. Modi's arrogance reached sky high. The
process of giving justice to the Gujarat victims is being obstructed
in all possible ways. To begin with Justice Shah-Nanvati commission,
which has been appointed to investigate the Gujarat riots, has been
giving the signals that it is going to play to the tunes of RSS and
its affiliates. Mr. Shah is a known RSS sympathizer. Supreme Court had
quashed his judgments in TADA cases against Muslims. Mr. Nanavati also
once a while drops a line, which shows as do where do his sympathies
lie. The FIR's have not been filed in innumerable cases and in few cases,
which have come up, the witnesses have been intimidated by the state
authorities and the sundry politicians who were involved in the riots.
The case of Best Bakery said it all.
Zahira Sheikh, whose
twelve relatives were burnt alive, initially gave the evidence against
the culprits. Later under the threats and pressures, most of the witnesses
along with her turned hostile and retracted their statements and in
the court denied that she had seen any of the accused. Many a civil
liberties groups helped her and in the case filed in the Supreme court,
the court reprimanded Modi for his governments failure to book the culprits
of the riots and to provide due protection to the victims and those
deposing in the courts. Since it is perceived that situation in Gujarat
is totally hostile to the
minorities and those seeking justice, it is being argued that hearing
of riot related cases be shifted out of Gujarat since the atmosphere
there is not conducive to the proper conduct of the riot related cases
so they should be shifted out.
Many a social activists
have started perceiving that the menacing grip of the state is strangulating
the civil liberties in general and those of minorities in
particular. the same is exemplified times and over again. Mallika Sarabhai,
one of the most respected names in Gujarat is being hounded for raising
voice against the atrocities of the state. She has been one of petitioners
in the public interest litigation in the case file in the Supreme Court.
She had also raised her voice against the carnage in Gujarat. The state
Govt. managed to put up one of the ex-applicants to Sarabhai's dance
troupe, and cooked
up a false case. The matter went to the extent of putting hear behind
bars, for trafficking, violation of visa laws and for fraud. Sarabhai's
Darshana Academy had duly returned the deposit to the applicant, there
was no violation of any of the norms of the land. She had to appeal
to courts to avoid her arrest and to ensure that the Modi Govt. does
not victimize her. After the genocide, it is a different Gujarat, one
feel the Big Brother Modi breathing down one's neck all the time. A
prelude to a Fascist state?
In one of the other
ongoing court cases, Dara Singh the culprit involved in the murder of
Pastor Graham Stains was sentenced to death. One recalls here that Dara
Singh has nebulous links with different wings of Sangh Parivar. After
he committed this crime, the Home minister, Advani, went on to exonerate
his links with Bajrang Dal. M.M.Joshi and others went into assert that
the murder of Pastor stains is part of an international conspiracy to
destabilize the BJP led coalition. Also Dilp Sing Judeo who is the champion
of Gharvapasi, reconversion of Adivasis to Hinduism, vowed to fight
Dara Singh's case in the courts. On having been reprimanded by the RSS-BJP
top brass for this, he retracted. Incidentally, Judeo's brother took
the brief for Dara Singh.
The NRI funding
of RSS and its progeny has been brought to the surface by the human
rights groups based in US. The web site SACW and Sabrang prepared a
report on this expose. RSS sympathizers have set up IDRF, and have been
projecting it as a charity organization supporting the work in India.
The report points out that most of its funds go to the RSS affiliates
and a large chunk of this is used in the hate propaganda and in Hindutvasing
the Adivasis.
Those NRI's looking for an avenue to do charity are presented with IDRF
as a non-sectarian charity organization. These funds have played a major
role in
doctoring the psyche of the masses leading to various acts of violence
against minorities.
As per the order
of Allahabad High Court, Archeological Survey of India (ASI) undertook
the excavation at the site where Babri mosque was demolished. The report
goes on to say that a massive structure of 10 century, the one like
the temple existed at the site. This conclusion of ASI totally goes
against its own findings. It has conveniently ignored uncomfortable
findings in order to forcibly prove the existence of temple. While the
Sangh Parivar has quietly picked up on this and is going around saying
that a massive Ram Temple existed and was demolished, the discerning
archeologists have quashed
the ASI thesis in a very convincing manner. The report has not "taken
into account" certain features of the western -wall of the pre-Babri
chamber. The burnt brick wall of the pre-Babri Masjid structure had
a carved stone laid in the foundation. If this finding is analyzed it
precluded the
possibility of the structure being associated with Hindus, since they
never used carved stone in foundation. Many an outstanding archeologists-historians
have refuted the possibility of the temple being there on the ground
of the same findings.
The project undertaken
by the MHRD to saffronise the school textbooks reached it culmination
in the release of new textbooks. These new lots are a blot on the academic
standards so far achieved by Indian historiography. Not only is there
a heavy Hindutva slant in these, they are also blatant in their
anti-Minorityism, anti-weaker sections of society and these books eulogize
the fascist type of Nationalism. What shows the caliber of the writers
of the books is that have lifted paragraphs and pages from the US books
in the matters of World affairs. And on the top of this, the naked plagiarism
is being defended by the MHRD minister. One is sure that these books
will create a havoc in the times to come as the central core of these
is paying blind obeisance to the traditions, glorification of all the
obscurantist values and to spread hate against the Muslims and Christians
in blatant and subtle way.
The fact that communalization
process is not just restricted to North Indian states became clear in
various incidents in other states. In Madhya Pardesh
Uma Bharati tried to kick start her election campaign with by making
an issue around Bhojshala/mosque issue. Fortunately her ploy did not
work. The Baba Budan giri dargah in Karnatkak has been repeatedly brought
to fore and the Sangh brigade aims to convert it into Ayodhya of South.
Every year they are holding a rally to declare that it is Datta Pitham,
which has been converted by Muslims rulers into a Dargahg. In current
year's function, the peace protesters were arrested in large number
while the state Govt. silently watched
the rally by Sangh Parivar, which spewed poison against minorities.
Kerala is another state giving the danger signals. This state has large
number of RSS
shakhas. The Marad incident of clash between two groups of fishermen
was communalized and the Muslim residents of the village had to flee
and take shelter in a refugee camp. The subtle undercurrents of RSS
work are getting visible in most of the states. With BJP led coalition
coming to power at the center this has got a boost and lot of official
patronage is being showered on the organizations related to RSS, which
primarily aim at its usual agenda, which spread myths against minorities
which in turn form a fertile ground for the riots and other processes
in due course of time. Also the flood of dollars in the RSS affiliates
is another worrisome problem, adding grist to the already existing threats
posed by their activities.
The results of the
assembly elections (MP, Rajasthan, Chattisgargh) are the major worrisome
factor. Every victory of BJP leads it further to its tightening grip
on the civil and democratic institutions. By now the other opportunist
political formations have started lending a ladder to the BJP's rise
to power. The ilk of George Fernandez, who is a symbol of the opportunist
politics to the core, is rising and BJP is able to use such people to
the hilt for its agenda and the dirty work. In order to retain their
privileges and power this type of leaders are the one's to defend the
rape of women in Gujarat or to put a cover to the acts like ghastly
burning of Pastor Stains. This victory of BJP gives another signal and
that pertains to its 'success' in social engineering. By now the affiliates
of BJP have infiltrated in the remote areas through Vanvasi kalyan Ahsrams
which are not only Hinduisng Adivasis but also Hidnutvaising them.
Gujarat showed as to how cleverly RSS can use Dalits and Adivasis as
its foot soldiers in conducting the anti minority pogroms. These elections
are showing that RSS grip on Adivasi areas is risesing and now through
the medium of identity politics it can draw the adivasis to its electoral
fold. In a way BJP seems to be emerging as a core pole in the electoral
One, it is able
to negotiate coalitions, taking advantage of the power hunger of the
opportunist electoral formations. Two, it is able to give them the RSS-Hindu
identity through VKA etc. Three, by providing upwardly mobile channels
to a section of them they are able to increase their base. And lastly,
the Sanskritisation process, which ensures that this semi affluent section
of Adiviasis falls in the lap of SP, also grips a very small section
of Adivasis.
The policies in
external affairs are leading the country in the lap of the US imperialism.
One knows during the colonial period of our country, RSS was not opposed
to the British rule as such but was focusing its energies on opposing
the political stream, which trying to build India as a modern Indian
Nation state, the national stream under the leadership of Gandhi. Even
during America's aggression against Vietnam, RSS might have been one
of the few organizations in the world to blatantly support the American
policies. India, which was the leader of Non Aligned movement has been
gradually shifting its stance to become the client state of Unites states.
This became very obvious when India offered all the support to US in
its aggression against Afghanistan. The same wavelength is continuing
and US is recognizing that India under the BJP can become another reliable
ally for its global ambitions of imposing Globalization on his terms.
The impact of this
Modi type intimidation on the Muslim minorities is in the adverse direction.
The ghettoization of Muslim minorities, which increased in
the mid eighties, is rising further. This in turn is leading to the
further growth of Muslim fundamentalism in the pockets of population.
Overall the scene
is quiet dismal, especially after the results of three state assemblies.
If one analyses the electoral percentage, one is clear that the total
votes polled by BJP are not significant except in parts of the country.
But combined with the different strategies and with the coalitions,
it is able to walk
away with the cake. It is a clever Machiavellian move, which is keeping
it in the center of power. Since BJP is tied to the apron strings of
RSS and is electoral wing of Sangh Parivar, the danger becomes all the
more. If the trajectory is not checked it will aim at a majority on
its own, then subduing the allies it will manipulate the social and
political processes in such a way that over a period of time it brings
in the agenda of Hindu Rashtra.
The response of
the communities has been very divers. A sign of hope has emerged from
the Human rights groups who have undertaken the work of spreading the
values of pluralism and harmony in the communities. This being done
through various channels, though most welcome is too little too late.
Amongst the Muslim communities while on one hand there is rise of obscurantist
values, on the other various groups and trusts working amongst them
have been taking up the issues related to education and self-employment
in a serious way. Again the efforts are miniscule compared
to the problem on hand.
The efforts at political
level will fructify only if the society gets a respite at electoral
level and at social level. The need is to ensure that under no circumstance
the communal powers come to power. Every stint in power leads them to
strengthening their grip at the social level. This further erodes the
pluralistic values and its impact is on all aspects of National life.
The Nation is at the crossroads once again. The threat of communal fascism
is rising by the day and the efforts to deal with this should aim at
forming a sort of platform for egalitarian society, addressing the issues
of people at day-to-day level.
The positive alternative
of a society where the values emerging from our freedom struggle and
those enshrined in our constitution is strengthened has to be our priority.
The fragmentation of secularists at political and social level is most
detrimental. One can say with some degree of confidence that even now
the overall majority of society is fed up with the impact of communal
politics, the adverse effects of the politics of Hindutva. The majority
of Nation wants the issues to be brought back to the one's related to
bread, butter, shelter and employment. The tragedy is, the center of
gravity of our polity is gradually shifting. The challenge is not only
to hold it but also to put forth a positive alternative of secular democracy,
the one committed to not only to the people of one or other religion
but to all Indian citizens. The issue is that we all deserve the status
of equal citizens irrespective of our caste creed and gender. The issue
at stake is that the choice of those who struggled for our freedom has
to be brought back as the major concern of the nation, the concerns
related to a decent social and political existence.
Communalism is rising
by default, it is as much the success of the long work of RSS and its
progeny as much it is due to the failure of the progressive
people to understand the multiple dimensions of social, economic and
cultural life of the people inall its rich complexity.