The Blame Of
Communal Riots
By Ram Puniyani
02 May, 2004
Issues In Secular Politics
the current elections (April-May 2004) many a Muslim leaders, or self
proclaimed representatives of the community, like Shahi Imam of Jama
Masjid, came out with Fatwas to vote for BJP, to give it a chance. The
argument was that during BJP regime only Gujarat riots have taken place
while during Congress regimes thousands of riots have taken place.
Riots, communal
violence have become a sad reality of Indias life. There are many
an observations pertaining to the riots. The major one being that after
every riot BJP in particular becomes stronger in that area. Also that
the majority of the victims of riots in India are Muslims. The data
from1961 to 1992, shows that during these four decades 80 percent of
victims of communal violence have been Muslims. During the 1984 Delhi
riots nearly 4000 Sikhs were done to death. In a similar vein another
minority; Christians
saw the ghastly burning of Pastor Graham Stains along with his two minor
Who is to be blamed
for these riots? In case of 1984 anti Sikh riots the role of Congress
was most abominable. In addition to overt role of Congress one
has to see the role of RSS also in this tragedy. In one of the articles
in a Hindi Monthly, Pratipaksha, Nanaji Deshmukh a veteran of RSS wrote
around that
time that there is a threat to the National unity, due to Sikh extremism,
and so Rajiv Gandhi should be supported to the hilt. Needless to say
it was Rajiv
Gandhi who blurted during these riots that when a big tree falls the
ground shakes. The role of RSS during 1984 riots is anybodys guess.
It was around this time that Bajarang dal, the storm troopers of RSS
was formed. The rise of Sikh militancy, rise of Bhindranwale, attack
on Golden temple, operation blue star and murder of Indira Gandhi preceded
the anti Sikh violence. The anti Sikh tragedy had different dynamics
than the two other minorities (Muslims,
Christians) who have also been under the chopping block.
The Muslims and
Christians have been targeted for slightly different reasons. The anti
Christian violence has also not assumed the form of riot as such. While
we talk of riot the major phenomenon which comes to mind is the so-called
Hindu Muslim riot. From pre-partition times, this name stuck to such
skirmishes, which went to assume more and more horrendous proportions
over a period of time. There are calls for bandh, calls for direct action
or at
times an event is given the twist to project as if the community is
under the threat of an attack so there is a need to take up arms.
This becomes possible
to begin with due to the massive hatred spread against the other
community. In pre partition times Muslim League indulged in spreading
anti Hindu poison and Hindu Mahadsabha-RSS indulged in
spreading anti Muslim venom. These sentiments of hatred against the
other community are the fertile soil in which particular
events can be given a
communal twist, or calls for attacks in a veiled language can be given.
So many an events can take place in the society but unless the inherent
for the other community is there they cannot be translated into violent
After the partition
process, those from amongst the hate spewing machines, Muslim communalism
got deflated, Hindu Mahasabha got eclipsed and RSS
proliferated as the time passed by. It went on from strength to strength,
and from organization to organization, manned by the Hate embodiments,
the RSS swayamsevaks, whose core ideology is based on the Hate other.
By now there are over 150 RSS progenies doing the job at various levels
apart from those swayamsevaks who have infiltrated in media, education
and bureaucracy.
Grounded on Hate,
certain incidents are twisted to give it a provocative interpretation,
a call for action to attack the other community. Sociologist
Dipanakar Gupta in one of his recent articles in a popular newspaper
outlined the role of ethno-preneur in giving such a twist to the events.
This soldier of
communal politics is on the look out for the chance to convert a Human
tragedy into a ladder for his political enhancement, into enhancement
of his
communal agenda, into converting it into a riot. In recent past two
such ethno-preneurs can easily be discerned. The first one amongst these
is Mr.
Balasaheb Thackeray, who gave an open call to Hindus to deal
with the rising attacks on them. The detailed analysis of the events
of Mumbai riots shows that the scattered isolated, unrelated events
of murder of Mathdi workers and the burning of Bane family was projected
as the onslaught by Muslims on Hindus. And so the call that Hindus should
become aggressive. The call was duly backed up by regular instructions.
And than one sees over 900 dead bodies. One witnesses property worth
10000 crores going up the
smoke. Most of this is well chronicled and investigated in Shirkrishna
Commission report. On the dead bodies of the riot victims Hindu
community got its first Soul Emperor (Hindu Hriday Samrat), none other
than Balasaheb Thackeray, who was the ethno-preneur
A train is burnt
in Godhra. One is not sure how and why it has happened. it needs to
be investigated and the guilty need punished. Here another ethno-preneur
is lurking in the wings. Without wasting time he declares that this
is the act of International terrorism, in association with the much-hated
Pakistani ISI and their natural associates the local Muslims.
He instructs all those concerned in controlling the riot, to sit back
and relax. Those given these instructions take the cue and duly assist
the process of revenge of Godhra. Two thousand lives down
the gutters of fire, twenty thousand worth property down the drain,
another Hindu Soul Emperor emerges, Narendra Modi.
Prior to this many
a riots had taken place. In most of the investigations of the riots,
Madon (Bhivandi), Ahamdabad (Jagmohan) Kanyakumari (Vythathil)
Bhagalpur, Meerut and others the inquiry commissions did come to the
conclusion that the role of ethno- preneur is generally played by some
scattered RSS organization, especially put together for the purpose
but drawing from the existing organization already being conducted by
a swayamsevak. Congress was ruling. Within Congress and within administration
there are elements that have been communalized. Congress did not deal
with riots in an effective manner, many a times it just looked the other
way around, when the carnage was in progress. Guilty either got promoted
(Thackeray, Modi) at worst and remains unpunished at
To look at riots
just as to under whose regime they took place is to overlook the bigger
reality. The truth of riots involves multiple factors and each of
this contributes at a different level. Pastor Stains burning took place
under a particular regime, looking at that alone does not give us the
full picture. We
have to see as to who is spreading the anti Christian venom in villages
and Adivasi areas, which organization or individual is instigating others
join in such inhuman acts a so on. Anti Muslim riots took place aplenty
under Congress regime. We have to see who has been spreading hatred
against this
community, who is instrumental in spreading the myths about them, which
by now have become a social common sense. These myths spread systematically
by different progeny of RSS, and this is the ground on which the events
are taken up by ethno preneuers and converted into the riots, which
benefit their political agenda.
Shahi imam and others
observation that more riots took place under Congress regime is a very
superficial and distorted way at looking at things. It does not help
us in apportioning the blame of riots properly. We have to delve deep
in order to understand the nature of these political formations to come
conclusions, especially which are going to have a far-reaching effect
on our political future. In that sense the worst of Congress crimes
come nowhere close to the machinations of RSS which operate at multiple
layers and which is making the life of minorities miserable in this
country. It is this, which is a big obstacle to the efforts to get the
justice for the weak sections of society.
The RSS like formations,
and their progeny are in a different league altogether. Since they do
not hold to the values of democracy, affirmative actions and human rights,
they should not be compared with potentially democratic organizations,
which under the grass root pressure can become better tailored for democratic
"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them,
but to be indifferent to them: that's the essense of inhumanity.
.......George Bernard