30 March, 2003
In Baghdad, Blood
And Bandages For The Innocent
By Robert Fisk in the Baghdad suburb of Shu'ale
At least 62 civilians had died by yesterday afternoon
by a missile attack in the Baghdad suburb of shu'ale. While the Americans
and the British are trying to put the blame on Iraq, the coding on the
piece of metal retrieved from the site contains the identity of the
Looming Monetary Collision:
Oil, The Dollar and The Euro
By Arjun Makhijani
Currency turbulence and a de facto competition
between the euro and the dollar compounded by war and oil supply uncertainties
could produce military and financial chaos
Tells the Truth About War
By Faisal Bodi
My station is a threat to American media control - and they know it
says Faisal Bodi, senior editor for aljazeera.net
Iraq As Trial
By Noam Chomsky and V.K.Ramachandran
Interview with Noam Chomsky conducted on March
21 ."This should be seen as a trial run. They will then go on to
the harder cases that will follow. The next case could be the Andean
region, it could be Iran, it could be others. "
Starting A Ruckus
Was The Right Thing To Do
By Michael Moore
Oscar winner Michale Moore recounts the reasons
behind his antiwar acceptance speech
29 March, 2003
Bombing of phone
system, another little degradation
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
As the relentless bombing campaign in Bagdad continues,
the telecommunications system is shattered
Head-To-Head On
World Economic Dominance
By Geoffrey Heard
Dollar Vs Euro.The war in Iraq is actually the
US and Europe going head to head on economic leadership of the world.
Eliminating Truth:
The Development Of
War Propaganda
By David Miller
The attack on Iraq looks set to be the most censored
conflict of modern times. Media coverage in mainstream media will be
controlled as never before.
28 March, 2003
Raw, Painful, Devastating
By Robert Fisk
The unedited al-Jazeera videotape -- filmed over
the past 36 hours and newly arrived here -- is raw, painful, devastating.It
is also proof that Basra is indeed under the control of Saddam's forces.
War Over Profit-
Britain and US at Odds
Over Port Rebuilding Project
By Donald Macintyre in Qatar
The first signs of tension between Britain and
America over the rebuilding and running of post-war Iraq have emerged
with the award of a $4.8m contract to manage the captured port of Umm
Qasr to the US company Stevedoring Services
Al Jazeera's
web site - DDoSed or unplugged?
By John Lettice
The launch of Arab satellite TV network Al Jazeera's
new Web site on Monday drew immediate hack attacks, but this has been
swiftly followed up by the disappearance of the site's DNS records
27 March, 2003
'It Was An Outrage,
An Obscenity'
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
At Abu Taleb Street more than 20 Iraqi civilians,
torn to pieces by two missiles from an American jet , before they could
be 'liberated' by the nation that destroyed their lives.
Iraq Diaries:
Following the Bombs
By Doug Johnson, Iraq Peace Team
These bombings ! Its funny, but you actually
get used to it. The only affect it has on the Iraqis is that it pisses
them off and they cant wait for the US soldiers to arrive on the
ground so that they can put up the fight of their lives.
Jubilation Turns
To Hate As Aid Arrives
Burhan Wazir in Zubayr, Iraq
The first attempt to deliver aid to the Iraqi people
was, in all respects, a practical and logistical disaster.
McCarthy's ghost
By Gary Younge
Democracy is under threat in the United States;
anyone who objects to the conflict in Iraq is not allowed to say so
26 March, 2003
Iraq Rebuilding
Contracts Awarded
By Mark Gongloff
The first contracts for rebuilding post-war Iraq
have been awarded, and vice-president Dick Cheney's old employer, Halliburton
Co., is one of the early winners.
Six Days Of Shame
By John Pilger
Today is a day of shame for the British military
as it declares the Iraqi city of Basra, with a stricken population of
600,000, a "military target".
Live From Iraq,
an Un-Embedded Journalist
By Robert Fisk, Amy Goodman and Jeremy Scahill
Robert Fisk on Washingtons Quagmire
in Iraq, Civilian Deaths and the Fallacy of Bushs War of
Iraq TV Raid May
Break Geneva Convention
By Reuters
"We have every reason to believe this is an
act of censorship against media that U.S. politicians and military strategists
don't like"
A War Of Deception
By Angana Chatterji
This war is not about freedom. It is about a superpower
asserting itself in a unilateral world.
25 March, 2003
Very Angry
By Kathy Kelly
From Baghdad, angry, very angry
One Rule For
By George Monbiot
Five POWs are Mistreated in Iraq and the US Cries
Foul. What About Guantanamo Bay?
Why Are We Calling
This A "War"?
By Samir Hussain
This is a clash between two psychopathic, violent,
arrogant men who find themselves in very different circumstances with
very different resources at their disposal.
Saddam Starts To
Sound More Like His Hero, Uncle Joe
By Robert Fisk In Baghdad
President Saddam Hussain in his address on Iraqi
TV sounded like his hero, Joseph Stalin.
24 March, 2003
Basra Facing Disaster
After Supplies Cut
Edinburgh Evening Herald
Water and electricity have been cut off in the
southern Iraqi city of Basra for more than two days, threatening a humanitarian
Outrage in Baghdad
By April Hurley
I wish that George Bush was here with his answers
to their outrage.
Baghdad Under The
Shadow Of War
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
"If the people of Baghdad could pretend, a
few days ago, that the war did not exist, yesterday they were living
in its shadow."
'It's More Than
Exciting, Christiane'
By Orna Coussin
Most TV correspondents reporting from Iraq are
attached to combat units and adopt the military viewpoint, so who is
giving us the other side of the war?
23 March, 2003
Ominous Signs
For Coalition In Battle For Umm Qasr
By Victor Mallet
Battle for the port of Umm Qasr ,is proving a challenge
for the US and British marines "At times it's been so frightening
it just doesn't feel real," said Sergeant Dennis Flores
Allied Forces
Jolted By Setbacks
By James Harding, Victor Mallet and Charles Clover
US and British forces in Iraq were jolted by series
of setbacks on Sunday.
Birthday in Baghdad:
"What a day to be thirteen"
By Ramzi Kysia, Iraq Peace Team
Amal Shamuri celebrates her 13 th birthday in Baghdad
as cruise missiles flies around the birthday party
'We're in a Dark,
Dark Tunnel'
By Anthony Shadid
A Baghdad Family Weathers Attacks, Prepares for
U.S. Siege
TV Avoids
Showing Deadly Side of War
By Antonia Zerbisias
This attack on Iraq is proving to be a journalistic
minefield with the TV networks just capturing the light and sound show
being enacted by the hundreds of bombs and missiles dropped on Baghdad
22 March, 2003
Minute After Minute
the Missiles Came,
With Devastating Shrieks
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
Robert Fisk on the devastating shrieks of shock
and awe
War On Iraq:
Deep Concerns
By Noam Chomsky
The world has good reason to watch what is happening
in Washington with fear and trepidation. The people who are best placed
to relieve those fears, are the citizens of the United States, who can
shape the future.
Confronting Our
Fears So We Can Confront The Empire
By Robert Jensen
This war on Iraq is the announcement of the arrival
of another empire on earth. Only the collective will of the people of
the world can confront this marauding empire.
'You Just Can't
Imagine It'
By Rachel Corrie
I have been in Palestine for two weeks and one
hour now, and I still have very few words to describe what I see. Excerpts
of an e-mail message sent by Rachel Corrie, the American woman killed
by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza, to her parents.
Why I Had to Leave
the Cabinet
By Robin Cook
"I cannot defend a war with neither international
agreement nor domestic support" - Robin Cook, former leader of
the House of Commons who resigned in protest over the Blair government's
support of a war on Iraq
Baghdad Sleepwalking
Into History
By Robert Fisk
On the eve of the imminent war, life in Baghdad
goes on as usual, like a sleep walk into history
The Emperor Has
Spoken. Let The World Take Heed
By Rahul Mahajan
Bush's twin ultimata, to Iraq and to the United Nations, constituted
the final and ultimate declaration of the new New World Order.
'Digging Won't Resolve
Ayodhya Dispute'
Talking with Professor Irfan Habeeb
As a special team of the Archaeological Survey
of India begins excavation at the disputed site in Ayodhya, Professor
Irfan Habib, speaks about the futility of the exercise.
Old Europe, New Europe
- The US illusions
By Tony Judt
As USA is counting on the support of 'New Europe'
in its war on Iraq, Tony Judt argues that the 'New Europe' is not as
new as US might think