April, 2004
With A Mujahideen
By Dahr Jamail
This is not a rebellion, this is a resistance
against the occupation. An interview with a resistance fighter
Ahmed Chalabi
And The Liberation Of Iraq
By Rick Kelly
The fraudulent nature of this independence
and freedom is embodied in the figure of Ahmed Chalabi,
one of the nine rotating presidents on the so-called Iraqi Governing
29 April, 2004
The Slaughter In Iraq
Before the eyes of millions of people around the
world, the US military has begun a systematic and deliberate slaughter
in the Iraqi city of Fallujah. President Bush publicly lifted all restraints
on the conduct of the US troops. American forces, Bush declared, will
take whatever action is necessary to subjugate the city
Heavy Handed
Raid Backfires
By Dahr Jamail
The 26 April explosions at a chemical warehouse
being raided by the U.S. military constitute yet another example of
heavy-handed tactics gone awry
Military-Academic Complex
By Nicholas Turse
In 2003 Pentagon's prime contract awards to just
two schools, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Johns Hopkins
University which, together, raked in a combined total of $842,437,294
Demolishing Lives
And Livelihoods In Delhi
By Nagraj Adve
Even as India goes to the polls, over 50,000 people
have been effectively disenfranchised in the heart of the nation's capital,
Delhi. This has happened following the destruction of over 15,000 jhuggis
(slum dwellings) since mid-February
28 April, 2004
Procuring The World's Oil
By Michael Klare
In its pursuit of petroleum, the US is intruding
in the affairs of the oil-supplying nations.This reality has already
influenced US relations with the major oil-producing nations and is
sure to have an even greater impact in the future
Riches Should Help the Poor
By Desmond Tutu and Jody Williams
It is a cruel irony that countries around the world
that suffer from some of the highest rates of poverty, disease, corruption,
violent conflict and human rights troubles are also - at least on paper
- some of the richest
The Nation-builder
By Vivek Kumar
It is beyond doubt that Ambedkar has been a victim
of the process of "reductionism". He has either been reduced
to the status of a Dalit leader or, at the most, as the chief architect
of the Constitution
People's War in Nepal
By Li Onesto
The USA is training the Nepalese army and providing
arms and ammunitions in plenty. Even those who do not support or have
questions about the People's War in Nepal should oppose U.S. intervention--and
cannot allow attacks on those who do
27 April, 2004
Halt Rebuilding Of Iraq
By Jamie Wilson
Essential work on the electricity network will
not be complete before the extreme heat of the summer arrives, raising
the prospect of months of power cuts similar to those that led to riots
and widespread discontent last year
Beware The Fossil Fools
By George Monbiot
The dismissal of climate change by journalistic
nincompoops is a danger to us all
The End of Oil Mean The End of America?
By Robert Freeman
When oil is gone, civilization will be stupendously
different. The onset of rapid depletion will trigger convulsions on
a global scale, including, likely, global pandemics and die-offs of
significant portions of the worlds human population
Monsanto's Biopiracy
By Vandana Shiva
Millennia of breeding by millions of Indian farmers
is being hijacked by Monsanto which is claiming to have "invented"
the unique low-elasticity, low gluten properties of an indigenous Indian
wheat, rice lines derived from such wheat and all flours, batters, biscuits
and edible products made from such wheat
The Responsibility
Of The Voters
By Ganesh S. Iyer
Elections 2004 are going to be a defining moment
for Indian democracy. This election perhaps may decide whether this
country remains secular or it turns theocratic under the Hindutwa fundamentalists.
The responsibility of the voters is tremendous
25 April, 2004
How Deep
Shall We Dig?
By Arundhati Roy
"There is a new kind of secessionist movement
taking place in India. It is the kind of secession in which a relatively
small section of people become immensely wealthy by appropriating everything."
An essay on a country that is caught in the cross-currents of neo-liberalism
and Hindu nationalism
Equality In
By Barbara Victor
When Wafa Idris blew herself up in Jerusalem two
years ago, she immediately gained iconic status as the intifada's first
female martyr. But Palestine's shahidas are often victims of their own
Report From
By Dahr Jamail
Estimates of total refugees vary, but most reports
suggest at least 60,000 Fallujans -- or about a quarter of the citys
population -- have fled Fallujah for Baghdad and other cities
Two More Bullets
By Donna Mulhearn
"I had been shot at, not once, but twice by
American soldiers after politely asking permission to transport aid
to a hospital." Personal account of an Australian peace activist
who was in Fallujah to deliver aid to hospitals
Caste In Yemen
By Marguerite Abadjian
In Yemen, lowest of the low Caste are the Akhdam,
street sweepers and beggars, held down by prejudice and despair
BJP's Overtures
To Minorities
By Ram Puniyani
This election (April2004) is very crucial to survival
of Indian democracy. Its also crucial for those who want to bring in
Hindu Rashtra, as having been in the seat of power from last six years,
the victory in this election will give them a lever to push forward
their agenda at a higher speed
Fiscal Responsibility
Act: Issues and Concerns
By Siba Sankar Mohanty
The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
Bill, 2000, has been enacted in Indian Parliament. The Act is based
on the presumption that the fiscal deficit is the key parameter adversely
affecting all other macroeconomic variables
24 April, 2004
Target Arafat
By Conal Urquhart
Ariel Sharon issued an ominous warning that Yasser
Arafat could be the next Palestinian leader to be in Israel's line of
Dad ... What's
A Terrorist?
By David Campbell
A child's definition of a terrorist
Uneasy Truce
In Falluja
By Rory McCarthy
Rory McCarthy talks to survivors of the US forces'
assault on Falluja, the bloodiest battle of the uprising, which doctors
say killed up to 600 Iraqis
The image
Turning America Against Bush
By Andrew Buncombe
The photographs that President George Bush does
not want the American public to see show the flag-draped coffins containing
the bodies of American servicemen and women
22 April, 2004
Warming Floods Threaten 4million Britons
By Paul Brown
Risks of flooding are growing to "unacceptable
levels" because of climate change with up to 4 million Britons
facing the prospect of their homes being inundated
Iraq Power Handover
'A Fraud'
By Robert Fisk & Tony Jones
When you build a war on illusions and fantasies
and you don't get international mandate to run it, then your occupation
will fail
Power, Reality &
Dream Merchants
By Aman Namra
Dream merchants have again arrayed pawns &
pieces of dreams and promises on the chessboard of Indian election.
Common masses are being lured and beguiled by the major parties
21 April, 2004
Cannot Even Bury Its Dead
By Aaron Glantz
So many Fallujahans have been killed by the U.S.
marines that residents have had to dig mass graves. The city's football
stadium now holds more than 200 bodies
'Living In A Grave'
By Mordechai Vanunu
Today, after spending 18 years in prison for exposing
Israel's clandestine nuclear weapons programme, the whistle-blower Mordechai
Vanunu will finally walk free. For much of his time in jail he corresponded
with the actor Susannah York, a member of the campaign to release him.
Here, in a selection of his letters, he talks about censorship, solitary
confinement and the struggle to maintain his sanity
For The Apocalypse
By George Monbiot
US policy towards the Middle East is driven by
a rarefied form of madness. Its time we took it seriously
India Shining
Lies, And The PR Firms That Sell Them
By Raja Swamy
The BJP-NDAs India Shining PR
campaign is a project of the global PR giant Grey Global Group.
The 7th largest PR firm in the world, Grey Globals operations
have earned notoriety in the United States on account of the activities
20 April, 2004
Admits It Misled Investors
By Terry Macalister
'I am becoming sick and tired of lying...' The
internal email that lifted the lid on one of Britain's biggest companies
Hospitals Are
Closing Down In Iraq
By Rahul Mahajan
The occupation forces are targeting hospitals and
ambulances across Iraq and fearing for the safety of the staff and patients
the hospitals are being closed down
Dahr Jamail
Blog From Baghdad
By Dahr Jamail
For those of us here, it has, needless to say,
travel has become increasing difficult because of the deteriorating
security situation
The Social Consequences
European Union Expansion
By Markus Salzmann
The accession of 10 Eastern European states to
the European Union from May 1 will intensify the social crisis in these
countries as well as in the rest of the EU
The Shadow
By Bhaswati Chakravorty
Orissas migrant labourers are always away
from home during elections
The Bizarre World
Of Realpolitik
BY N C Gundu Rao
Intimidatory tactics now adopted in the run-up
to the polls veers on the edge of fascism and bodes ill for a democracy
19 April, 2004
Of A New Resistance In Gaza
By Conal Urquhart
As the whole of Palestine gather to bury the Hamas
leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi we may be witnessing the birth of a new
Sharon's Skin
And Bush's Spots
By Uri Avnery
Sharon is prepared to evacuate the 7,000 Jewish
settlers who are living in Gaza strip, in return for the consolidation
of the West Bank settlements, where 250,000 Jewish settlers live
By Nick Pretzlik
The world is too terrible a place to live
in, not because of the bad things that happen, but because of the good
people who stand by and do nothing. -- Albert Einstein
Development Journalism
Envelopment Journalism
By Aman Namra
The chasm between what is being told by the mainstream
newspapers and what is being felt by people , particularly by indigenous
populations is increasingly widening everyday
Politics And
By Acharya Ramamurty
The politics that we have developed during more
than the last fifty years has affected both the state and the nation.
If politicians are cancerous the roots of the cancer are there in our
politics and that cancer has affected both the state and nation
18 April, 2004
Hamas Leader assassinated
By Donald Macintyre
Israel assassinated the Hamas leader, Abdel Aziz
Rantisi, in a missile attack on his car only three weeks after killing
the man he replaced as the leader of the militant faction in Gaza, Sheikh
Ahmed Yassin
George Bush Has Legitimised
By Robert Fisk
What better recruiting sergeant could Bin Laden
have than the President of the United States?
Muslim Dilemma In
Atal Times
By Zafar Agha
Election-2004 is surely a difficult election for
Indian Muslims.Vajpayee's image-makers are recasting the BJP as another
liberal party.The Congress's attitude towards Muslims has been and is
still, "vote us but don't expect anything from us"
And Electoral Choices
By Ram Puniyani
What ever be his stated motives the likes of Arif
Mohammad Khan are joining BJP, is it that a sheep, outraged by the inefficiency
of the shepherd deciding to befriend the wolf himself?
17 April, 2004
Scandal Points To Peak
By Ed Blanche
The oil industry has been gripped by scandal since
Royal Dutch/Shell twice this year downgraded its proven oil reserves
by 20 percent, or nearly 4 billion barrels
Is A War Of National Liberation
By John Pilger
A nationalist uprising has been under way in Iraq
for more than a year, uniting at least 15 major groups, most of them
opposed to the old regime
For A Dignified
By Lila Rajiva
There is a sanctity to death as surely there is
to its counterpart, life and that sanctity is violated when the body
is forced to live in painful, humiliating weakness and dependency
Voting For Your
Favourite Millionaire
By P. Sainath
It is quite likely that most if not all
of those elected could be worth, on an average, between Rs. 50
lakhs and Rs.1 crore. How representative will they be of voters whose
annual average income does not exceed Rs.12,000?
Adivasis And
The Politics Of South Gujarat
By Dionne Bunsha
It is because political parties have deflected
attention from development that many voters may not turn up to vote.
Not in disgust. But simply because many villages such as Kadvali are
empty. Migrants cannot afford to vote
Who Cares For
Supreme Court In Gandhi's Gujarat?
By Digant Oza
Shameless defense of the Modi government continues
16 April, 2004
And Gunmen Rule Najaf
By Rory McCarthy
Najaf is a city at the centre of a stand-off that
could define the future of Iraq. If US troops carry out their threat
to launch an offensive against Mr Sadr's militia, the fight would be
bloody and could unleash an unprecedented wave of violence and uprisings
across the south that could imperil the American occupation
Bush Backs Sharons
West Bank Land Grab
By Bill Van Auken
With his endorsement of Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharons disengagement plan Wednesday, President
George W. Bush broke with nearly four decades of official US diplomacy,
dropping even the pretense that Washington is committed to a negotiated
settlement of the Middle East conflict
Darkness And
Light In Modern India
By Harsh Mander
The agony of Gujarat, its blood-drenched humanity
soaked in ideologies of hatred and divide, has hurtled the people of
our vast country into a defining crossroads. The manner in which they
respond today will determine the kind of country and world that we leave
behind for our children