29 April, 2005
Rise Of Legitimate Resistance
By Ghali Hassan
The rise of the Iraqi Resistance took the Western
world by surprise, not only because of its effectiveness against a militaristic
'superpower', but also because the West distorted and fabricated image
of the Iraqi people
Arrogant Nation
By Doug Soderstrom
A psycho-social analysis of United States
27 April, 2005
Refused Licence
By Karthika Thampan
The Perumatty grama panchayath (local council)
yesterday refused to renew the licence of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverage
Limited at Plachimada, in the Indian state of Kerala
More Evidence
Of US Militarys
Culture Of Torture In Iraq
By James Cogan
Material obtained by the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU), under Freedom of Information, provides further evidence
of the culture of torture and abuse that has prevailed among US military
personnel involved in the interrogation of Iraqi prisoners
When Che Became A
Market God
By V.B.Rawat
None of us would have thought that Che would become
a Christian God in his village. He could never have dreamt that the
western market led forces would make use of his name for helping
the native people
The Question
Of Dalit Human Rights
By Goldy M. George
The question of Dalit Human Right is not just a
matter of addressing the atrocities, but at large it corroborates to
the affirmation of land rights of Dalits, resisting the forces of globalisation,
communalism, casteism, patriarchy and so on. This paves the way for
collective action
The River Interlinking
Another Disaster Waiting To Happen
By Kuldip Nayar
A still bigger disaster is awaiting us on the river
interlinking project. I thought it was only at the concept stage, but
apparently it has become a project without any discussion in the country.
The very idea of a surplus or a deficit basin
needs another look
26 April, 2005
Oil: The Twilight Zone
By Jeremy Leggett
We've been warned about 'peak oil'- the day that
heralds the end of cheap energy. It's the biggest threat to our lives
and livelihoods, but no one is listening. Former industry insider Jeremy
Leggett outlines the six reasons why we need to act now
Indo - US Military
To Military Relations:
Who Will Benefit?
By Admiral vishnu Bhagwat
We now have a situation where the US Armed forces
, a hitherto highly professional institution has turned itself deliberately
and openly into a killing machine to impress the world with diabolical
cruelty. What must be squarely faced , is whether military to military
relations, will generate a similar psyche in the Indian Armed Forces?
Fear: A Political
By Ghali Hassan
The rise of the politics of fear has become central
to US imperial agenda.In order to sell its "war on terror"
and the war on Iraq, the Bush administration turned to fear to manipulate
the public
Abbas Kiarostami-
Not A Martyr
By Stuart Jeffries
Jean-Luc Godard has said: "Film begins with
DW Griffith and ends with Abbas Kiarostami." According to Martin
Scorsese, "Kiarostami represents the highest level of artistry
in the cinema." But in Iran, at least in official circles, Kiarostami
worship is not on the agenda
Hindutva Undivided
By Ram Puniyani
Recent statement of K. Sudarshan that Vajpayee
and Advani should retire created a lot of storm in the tea cup. As matters
shaped up, in due course the storm was brought under control and the
storm in the tea cup is showing the signs of subsiding
23 April, 2005
Change! Britain To Go Nuclear
By Marie Woolf and Andrew Grice
The British government is drawing up secret plans
to create a new generation of nuclear power stations as the centrepiece
of the Government's drive to combat climate change
Antarctic Glaciers
In Retreat
Scientists have issued a fresh warning about the
effect of climate change on Antarctica, saying that more than 200 coastal
glaciers are in retreat because of higher temperatures
Our People's
War Is A Totally
New 21st Century War
By Prachanda & Alex Perry
An interview with Prachanda,Chairman of Communist
Party of Nepal (Maoist)
The Secret Of Islamic
By Tariq Ali
Islamic film-makers have always had to subvert
the rules of clerics and censors. It's what makes them some of the world's
best directors
The Dumbing
Down Of The American Mind
By Doug Soderstrom
There is a very dangerous phenomenon that seems
to be occurring in the United States of America; something that I refer
to as the dumbing-down of the American mind, a nearly willful
tendency for Americans to forgo reality in favor of believing what they
want to believe
From Grand
InquisitorTo Pope
By Peter Schwarz
With the selection of Josef Ratzinger as the new pope, the Roman Catholic
hierarchy has placed at its head a hard-line enforcer of Church dogma,
and one of the Vaticans fiercest opponents of not only Marxism,
but liberalism, secularism, science and virtually all things modern
Pope Benedict XVIs
Political Resume:
Theocracy And Social Reaction
By Joseph Kay
The selection of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the
new pope is a clear sign that the Vatican will seek to use its influence
to promote the most reactionary political forces within the ruling elites
of countries around the world, particularly in Europe
A President
To Be Proud Of
By Mari Marcel Thekaekara
Interviewing the former President of India, K.R.
Narayanan, was an experience. One wanted his personal story to be incorporated
into the school syllabus, for Dalit children to have a role model. So
that they would be able to dream dreams beyond buckets and brooms...
Narmada: Where
Terror And Hope Collide
By Angana Chatterji
At least 65 people died in Dharaji village, near
Bhopal, and many remain missing from flash floods as waters were released
on April 7 from the Indira Sagar mega-dam on the Narmada river
19 April, 2005
Is Ibrahim al-Jaafari?
By James Cogan
The history of Daawa, and the past two years in
particular, underscores the venality of the Shiite elite represented
by Jaafari. At every turn its political manoeuvring has been guided
by an ambition for a greater share of Iraqs resources and wealth,
at the expense of the needs and aspirations of ordinary Iraqis
The Senseless
Death Of Marla Ruzicka
By Patrick Cockburn and Andrew Buncombe
Marla Ruzicka, who had been working tirelessly
in Iraq to help the victims of the Bush war has been killed in a suicide
car bomb attack
The Hostage
By Baghdad Burning
We have an Iraqi government that bans news channels
and newspapers because they *insist* on reporting about such routine
things as civilian casualties and raids, yet the Puppets barely flinch
over media sources spreading a rumor as dangerous and provocative as
Madain hostage taking
To Torturers
By John Pilger
Simon Wilson, the correspondent who did an important
and long overdue interview with nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu
was made to apologize to a regime Nelson Mandela described as the
greatest moral issue of the age
World Markets
Expecting Further Falls
By Nick Beams
World stock markets are bracing themselves for
further turbulence following the sharp decline on Wall Street last week
which saw the Dow Jones index close at its lowest level for the year.The
sell-off was sparked by adverse reports from some of Americas
biggest companies, coupled with fears that the US economy could be sliding
into a recession
Display Dalit
By Chandrabhan Prasad
Compared to the American Blacks, the Dalits have
nothing but small grocery shops or manufacturing units here and there
which don't find any mention even in the community's media
The Tale Of Two Mothers
By Sorit
The tale of two courageous mothers who decided
to take on the establishment
Decoded At Last:
The 'Classical Holy Grail'
By David Keys and Nicholas Pyke
Scientists begin to unlock the secrets of papyrus
scraps bearing long-lost words by the literary giants of Greece and
18 April, 2005
Planet On The Brink
By Rowan Williams
The Archbishop of Canterbury warns that the price
of our continued failure to protect the earth will be violence and social
Tarmiya: The
Silent Agony
For security reasons the name of the writer
of this article can not be revealed
"The other one kicked me, threw me to the
ground and put his boot on my neck. The arteries were cut and dropping.
His boot went into the open wound. He began pushing very hard. The other
one, who killed B., came and stood over me. They were both over me,
and then he stabbed me here"
The Rise Of Disaster
By Naomi Klein
Colonialism is dead, or so we are told; there are
no new places to discover.There is, however, plenty of destruction--countries
smashed to rubble, whether by so-called Acts of God or by Acts of Bush
(on orders from God). And where there is destruction there is reconstruction,
a chance to grab hold of "the terrible barrenness"
War: The
Great Unknown Among Election Issues
By Jonathan Freedland
Iraq war may not be the issue on which UK election
turns, but it is having a deep impact. Labour is feeling it most keenly
- among its activists, but also among what party tacticians call its
"intelligentsia" vote, among students and among Muslims
Coca-Cola Gave Back To Plachimada
By Alexander Cockburn
An on the report of the water theft done by Coca
Cola company at Plachimada, Kerala, in India, with institutional and
judicial support
India Adopts WTO
Patent Law
With Left Front Support
By Kranti Kumara
In a move designed to make Indias patent
legislation conform with the World Trade Organizations Trade Related
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) patent regime, the United Progressive
Alliance (UPA) government has pushed a patent amendment bill through
Indias Parliament with the support of the Left Front
RSS And The
Gender Question
By Ram Puniyani
RSS Supreme leader K. Sudarshan pointed out recently
that women are barred from RSS as Indian society did not accept, and
does not accept even now, young boys and girls working together because
it could have consequences on the society. One wonders which Indian
society Mr. Sudarshan is talking about !
14 April, 2005
Top Field In Decline?
By Adam Porter
Speculation over the actual size of Saudi Arabia's
oil reserves is reaching fever pitch after the analyst of Bank of Montreal
warned that the kingdom's - and the world's - biggest field, Gharwar,
is in irreversible decline
Of Cheap Oil Is A Blessing
By Mitchell Anderson
Artificially low gas prices have long stifled conservation
efforts and alternative technologies, while fuelling a boom in vehicles
so grotesquely inefficient that I suspect our children will someday
marvel at them in a museum
Food That Changed
My Life
By Paul Tergat
Over 100 million children do not attend school
and 300 million are chronically hungry. With a collective commitment
to school feeding, the international community could help to reduce
these numbers quickly. Doesn't every child deserve the chance to achieve
his or her dreams? The world marathon record holder Paul Tergat writes
Iraq's Northern
Capital Stalked
By Suicide Bombers
By Patrick Cockburn
Anybody who believes Iraq has turned the corner
and violence is diminishing should pay a visit to its northern capital,
though they must be extremely careful when doing so
Mission To Baghdad
By Bill Van Auken
Rumsfelds intervention reveals in a nutshell
the utter hypocrisy of Washingtons democratic pretensions. It
points to the real aims and methods of the US occupation of Iraq, and
the real nature of the relationship between the sovereign
transitional government and its American overseers
The State
Of Women In Iraq
By Hanna Dahlstrom
Deteriorating politcal and economic crisis of women
in Iraq under US occupying forces - A briefing paper of international
educational development . Presented to The United Nations Commission
on Human Rights 2005
The Smoke Screen Of The Gaza Pullout
By Tanya Reinhart
Sharon travelled to the USA as a hero of peace,
as if he had already evacuated Gaza and only the follow-up remained
to be worked out. What has completely disappeared from the public agenda
is what is happening meanwhile in the West Bank
Russian Cinema
Takes On Hollywood
By Nick Paton Walsh
The phenomenal success of Nochnoi Dozor, or Night
Watch, one of a new wave of homegrown blockbusters sweeping Russian
cinemas is being touted as proof that Russian film can make money domestically
and perhaps abroad
13 April, 2005
Geopolitics, And The Coming War With Iran
By Michael T. Klare
As the United States gears up for an attack on
Iran, one thing is certain: the Bush administration will never mention
oil as a reason for going to war. As in the case of Iraq, weapons of
mass destruction (WMD) will be cited as the principal justification
for an American assault
Don't Be Fooled
By The Spin On Iraq
By Jonathan Steele
The weekend's vast protest shows that opposition
is still growing, in spite of US and British government claims to have
Iraqis' best interests at heart
12 April, 2005
Them Eat Bombs
By Terry Jones
Far from improving the quality of life for Iraqi
youngsters, the US-led military assault on Iraq has inexplicably doubled
the number of children under five suffering from malnutrition. Under
Saddam, about 4% of children under five were going hungry, whereas by
the end of last year almost 8% were suffering
More US Troops
Questioning Iraq Duty
By Christian Henderson
As the tally of Americans killed and wounded in
Iraq continues to rise, so does the number of soldiers uneasy about
serving in the two-year-old war.US army figures indicate that since
the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, about 5500 military personnel have
Imperial Reach
By Michael T. Klare
Of the dozen or so locations mentioned in Pentagon
or media accounts of new basing locations, a majority--including Algeria,
Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Gabon, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Qatar, Romania,
São Tomé and Príncipe, Tunisia--either possess
oil themselves or abut major pipelines and supply routes
India Joins The
Scramble For Oil
By Parwini Zora and Daniel Woreck
Through diplomatic manoeuvres aimed at securing
transnational pipeline routes and overseas crude oil and natural gas
production deals, India is seeking to lay claim to a larger share of
the worlds energy resources
House Of Saud Re-Embraces
By John R. Bradley
In the two years following the September 11, 2001
attacks, when reformist voices were in the ascendancy and pressure from
Washington meant the al-Saud had to at least pretend to behave like
civilized rulers. But at least 40 people have been publicly beheaded
this year alone, more than during the whole of last year
Global Financial
System Faces Growing Risks
By Nick Beams
The International Monetary Funds semi-annual
assessment of the state of global financial markets is devotes considerable
space to outlining the growing dangers posed by the increasing complexity
of the entire structure
Growing Discontent
Of Adivasis In Assam
By Kirti Mishra
Across Assam, the Adivasis face multiple deprivations
which have their root in the historic exclusion and denial of tribal
status to the community
11 April, 2005
! Or Colonial Dictatorship?
By Ghali Hassan
After two months of wrangling and haggling over
the forming of the new Iraqi "government", the US got what
it wants, a US government. The Bush administration is using this farce
as a model of colonial dictatorship, in which few (Iraqi) expatriates
or natives are allowed to manage their own affairs, while the Occupation
and US control of Iraq's oil resources will continue
A Black Cat
In A Dark Room
By Malcom Lagauche
When one looks back at statements and articles
by Iraqis during the period of 1991 to 2003, it is uncanny how accurate
they were. On the other hand, much of what the U.S. put forward has
been shown to be nothing less than outright lies. Here is an op-ed written
in by Nizar Hamdoon, former Iraqi ambassador to UN for the New York
Times called "A Black Cat in a Dark Room "
John Paul II, HIV/AIDS
And Global Mass Mortality
By Gideon Polya
Pope John Paul II banned contraception and abortion,
arguing for the "right to life" of the unborn - but he evidently
failed to effectively insist on the "right to life" of "born"
infants. JPII did appeal for global humanity but failed to address First
World passive genocide in the Third World
When Catholic
Women Are Equal Partners
By Mary E. Hunt
Catholic history is measured in centuries, not
decades, and Catholic women have been an integral part from the beginning.One
would never know that from observing the funeral, conclave, and plans
for a new papacy following the death of Pope John Paul II. A visitor
from Venus would think that men gesture, genuflect, and guard, while
women pray silently under their mantillas with candles and rosaries
in hand
"The Only
Good Indian Is A Dead Indian"
By Owatica
If the human race is to survive at all, we absolutely
must understand how we, the people of the world, are being manipulated
into war by others who wish to enrich themselves through our blood.
They prey on our fears and prejudices to manipulate us
Global warming:
Nuclear Power No Solution
By Jim Green
Claims that nuclear power is greenhouse free
are nonsense. Substantial greenhouse gas generation occurs across the
nuclear fuel cycle
10 April, 2005
Marchers Say No To Occupation
By Baghdad Burning
Thousands of Iraqis were demonstrating against
the occupation yesterday. But the mainstream media turned a blind eye
to it
A Day Of Infamy
By Malcom Lagauche
"I know a day will come when I will celebrate
with the People of Iraq when the last invader leaves Iraq"
Israeli Troops
Kill Palestinian Teenagers
By Aljazeera
Israeli occupation troops have fired at a group
of Palestinian youths who were playing foot ball in the southern Gaza
Strip, killing three teenagers
The Price Of
Oil And The Bush Dollar
By Dave Lindorff
Some Wall Street oil industry analysts are now
predicting that oil could, before too long, hit $100 a barrel. What
they are saying really is that the dollar is likely to fall in value
by 50 percent
A Bridge Of Peace
By Ghazi Salahuddin
When 49 passengers of two buses crossed a bridge
in Kashmir in both directions on Thursday, the world watched the spectacle
with a great sense of relief. After all, what are bridges for if we
do not keep crossing them?
09 April, 2005
Behind The New Iraq
By Pepe Escobar
It took more than nine weeks, fiery haggling and
backroom deals for Iraq's politicians to compose a new government. The
big question now is how the Shi'ites and Kurds will deal with marginalized
Sunni Arabs - paying close attention to their political grievances or
clobbering them with peshmergas, Badr Brigades and Iraqi security forces.
It's politics or civil war
Oil For Dollars,
And Dollars For US Deficit
By Richard Benson
As the price of oil goes up, extra money floods
into the Gulf kingdoms. With the US secretary of defense putting troops
all over the ground in the Middle East, and those nimble aircraft carriers
nearby and ready to deliver the "shock and awe of sudden democracy"
to the Gulf monarchs, it's a sure bet that America's OPEC buddies will
stash their newly found Asian lucky bucks into good old American Treasury
My Name Is Rachel
By Katharine Viner
Two years ago Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old American
protester, was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza. Since then she
has become a potent symbol for both sides of the conflict. But who was
the real Rachel? Katharine Viner has edited her writings for a new play
"My Name Is Rachel Corrie"
Youth Of The World,
By Eye Qureshi
An impassioned plea from a young student from Pakistan
to fellow youth around the world, for world peace and political action
for a world of peace and harmony where the old and the young live with
A Road To Revolution
By Li Onesto
Many tens of thousands of people are engaged in
building the Nuwagaun-Thawang-Chunwang roadway to be known as the Sahid
Marg, the Martyr's Highway in Rolpa, a district in Western Nepal where
the people hold political power, a famous revolutionary base area for
the people's war led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) that has
driven the Royal Army out of most of the countryside
Time To Commemorate
The End Of
Lebanese Civil War
By Robert Fisk
That Lebanon's war did not restart with Hariri's
murder is a sign of the people's maturity and of their wisdom, especially
the vast sea of young Lebanese who were educated abroad during the conflict
and who do not - and, I suspect, will not - tolerate another civil war
06 April, 2005
Food Is So Dependent On Oil
By Norman Church
The fuel crises of 1973 disrupted the distribution
of food and industry leaders warned that their stores would be out of
food within days. The lessons of 1973 have not been heeded.Today the
food system is even more reliant on cheap crude oil. Virtually all of
the processes in the modern food system are now dependent upon this
finite resource, which is nearing its depletion phase
The Great
Phase Transition: The Post-Oil Era
By Jorge Figueiredo
The beginning of the end of oil contributes to
exacerbating imperialist drive and underlying rivalries, to lay hands
upon the remaining oil resources of the planet
Chavez's Gambit
By Nikolas Kozloff
Even before Chavez was first elected he was explicit
in describing his views about petroleum. "Oil is a geopolitical
weapon," he declared, "and these imbeciles who govern us don't
realize the power they have, as an oil-producing country." The
evidence suggests that Chavez is now trying his best to follow through
on this rhetoric
Scandal: Washingtons
Preemptive Strike On The UN
By Peter Symonds
The stench of hypocrisy and cynicism that surrounds
the oil-for-food inquiry underscores the fact that it has little to
do with allegations of corruption against Annan and other UN officials.
Like other multilateral international institutions, the UN has become
a battleground where the US is seeking to assert its unchallenged supremacy
over its imperialist rivals
Of Dispossession
By Ghali Hassan
The practice of Palestinians dispossession is continuing
with the full support of the Israeli government and its institutions
in Israel and funded by Jewish organisations abroad, such as the Jewish
National Fund (JNF) and the World Zionist Organization (WZO)
Politics In Red
By Sidney Blumenthal
Bush's attendance at the Pope's funeral merely
masks White House exploitation of Catholic division
Burma Visit Highlights
Indias Look East Strategy
By Sarath Kumara
India's attempts to woo the Burmese generals are
based on several considerations. Not only is India keen to gain access
to Burmas oil and gas, but a land route through the country to
South East Asia is an essential component of its broader Look
East policy
Twenty Five
Years Of Bharatiya Janata Party
By Ram Puniyani
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) completes twenty five
years on sixth April, 2005. Founded in 1980 on the plank of Gandhian
Socialism it has traveled a long journey
05 April, 2005
New Homes On West Bank
By Donald Macintyre and Eric Silver
Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister, has defied
international and Palestinian objections to go ahead with a bitterly
controversial plan to expand the largest Jewish settlement on the West
Bank by 3,500 homes
Is Israel A
Safe Haven For Jews?
By Adri Nieuwhof and Jeff Handmaker
There are clear and growing signs that many Jews
do not see Israel as a "safe haven" and therefore seek refuge
The Pope Has Blood
On His Hands
By Terry Eagleton
The greatest crime of John Paul II's papacy, however,
was neither his part in this cover up nor his neanderthal attitude to
women. It was the grotesque irony by which the Vatican condemned - as
a "culture of death" - condoms, which might have saved countless
Catholics in the developing world from an agonising Aids death
A Reactionary In Shepherd's
By Barry Healy
John Paul II's preferred saintly role model was
the Spanish fascist Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, one of the
reactionary and weird Catholic secret societies that the pope has used
as weapons against progressive
It's Too Late
Now For John Paul II To Repent
By Michael Dickinson
Pope John Paul was the man who condemned 'liberation
theology' - the man who declared: "The church cannot approve of
this idea of Christ as a political figure, a revolutionary." He
was also the man who declared that the Church "has no authority
whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that all the faithful
are definitively bound by this judgment."
I'm With Wolfowitz
By George Monbiot
Liberal handwringing over the World Bank simply
reflects a failure to recognise the role it exists to fulfil
USA, Whose Hostage?
By Ghali Hassan
There is little doubt that the current US Government
and its ideologues will continue to inflict harms not only on defenceless
people outside the US, but also on the US and on the Americans people
for the next few decades. The challenge is not whether the US will decline
as an imperial power but whether the American people can prevent their
country from becoming a permanent hostage of a foreign power and slow
its decline
04 April, 2005
In Race To Unlock New Energy Source
By David Adam
Locked in mysterious crystals, the sediment beneath
the seabed holds enough natural gas to fuel America's energy-guzzling
society for decades, or to bring about sufficient climate change to
melt the planet's glaciers and cause catastrophic flooding
Taking Care Of
Ma Earth
By Tom Teepen
We cannot produce more oceans in our labs if we
poison the ones we have. We can't manufacture a new atmosphere if we
degrade today's irreparably. There's no fairy dust for bringing back
dead species. If not panic, care at least is called for
'Shoot For
By Mark Townsend
One of the biggest private security firms in Iraq
has created outrage after a memo to staff claimed it is 'fun' to shoot
Prisoners In Their
Own Fortresses
By Robert Fisk
Sitting behind that loophole in the castle at Tripoli,
I could even see new meaning in Osama bin Laden's constant reference
to the Americans as "the Crusader armies"
Superspike Report
By Adam Porter
A widely reported briefing by US investment house
Goldman Sachs alerted markets to the possibility of an oil price superspike
- a spike as high as $105 per barrel. Yet the full report, paints a
more complex and volatile picture
Don't Let The Warmonger
Off The Hook
By Scott Ritter
The voters should seize their opportunity to punish
Blair for his breach of international law, writes Scott Ritter
Towards Danger, F16s And All
By Praful Bidwai
The F-16 deal will give a fresh lease of life to
the Lockheed Martin factory in Fort Worth, Texas, which has reduced
its workforce by 800 to 5,000 over the past year
03 April, 2005
Fires In India Melt The Arctic Ice
By Geoffrey Lean
Poor women cooking family meals in India are helping
to melt the Arctic icecap, startling new studies show. Soot from their
fires gets wafted into the atmosphere to fall out on the ice thousands
of miles away, hastening its disappearance
American Media
By Baghdad Burning
Two years ago, the major part of the war in Iraq
was all about bombarding us with smart bombs and high-tech missiles.
Now theres a different sort of war- or perhaps its just
another phase of the same war. Now were being assailed with American
media. Its everywhere all at once
Girl Blog From
Iraq Speaks
By Firas Al-Atraqchi
Baghdad Burning Blogger who was one of the first
to start a blog on conditions in the wake of the invasion and occupation
of Iraq, in an interview with Aljazeera speaks how life has changed
since the first bombs started falling and martial law was imposed
War Crimes
By Paul Rockwell
Aiden Delgado, an Army Reservist, was a witness
to widespread, almost daily, U.S. war crimes in Iraq. His story contains
new revelations about ongoing brutality at Abu Ghraib, information yet
to be reported in media
Middle East Democracy
That The US Fears
By Simon Assaf
A movement is growing in Egypt that will terrify
the warmongers in Washington
02 April, 2005
Children: On The Brink Of Disaster
By Ghali Hassan
Since the US invasion and occupation of Iraq every
aspect of life in Iraq has deteriorated. A new report released to the
UN Human Rights Commission found that malnutrition among Iraqi children
under the age of 5 years have doubled to nearly 8 percent since the
US invasion of Iraq as a result of lack of clean water, food, and adequate
The Gates
Of Hell Are Open In Iraq
By Jawad al-Khalisi
Public opinion in the occupying countries, such
as the US and Britain, needs to understand that the continuation of
this unjust and dangerous situation in Iraq will create the conditions
for a new and more general uprising which threatens truly to open the
gates of hell in the region and beyond
Whitewashing War
Based On Lies
By Bill Van Auken
Like those earlier investigations, the WMD panels
document serves up recommendations promoting an intensification of militarism
abroad and police-state measures at home
Adapting To Global
Warming: A Modest Proposal
By Gar Lipow
The carbon lobby (mainly the coal and oil companies)
when they don't deny that human cause global warming exists, suggest
that it would be less expensive and more humane to do nothing about
it. Here are a few modest proposals for life in a green house
By Khaled Amayreh
Settler violence against Palestinians is burgeoning
at an alarming rate
Rajiv Gandhis
By Satya Sivaraman
A heartrending story of a tsunami victim family
01 April, 2005
Oil Price Predicted
By Tom Incantalupo
Analysts at Goldman Sachs predict that there is
a good chance crude oil would nearly double in price in the next two
years, topping $100 a barrel
Dioxide Continues Its Rise
By David Shukman
The atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse
gas carbon dioxide has reached a new high
Despots, East And
By Satya Sagar
Western Despots(WDs) kill because they love people,
Eastern Despots kill (EDs) because they hate them! A comparative analysis
Life In
Falluja Is A Horror Story
By Eric Ruder & Dahr Jamail
Daily, there are many, many air missions being
flown, and huge amounts of bombs being dropped. In fact, the vast majority
of Iraqi civilians killed have died as a result of U.S. warplanes dropping
bombs. In Falluja, its pretty safe to say that a large percentage
of the estimated 3,000 people killed there were killed by U.S. warplanes
End Of A Viable Palestinian State
By Jeff Halper
American support for Sharon's settlement project
destroys forever the possibility of a viable Palestinian state, dooming
the peoples of Israel-Palestine to perpetual conflict. How this squares
with American interests in a stable Middle East is anybody's guess
New Cases
Of Bird Flu Underscore
Dangers Of A Global Pandemic
By Dragan Stankovic
The appearance of new cases of the bird flu virus
HIN5 among poultry and humans in Asia has prompted urgent warnings about
the potentially catastrophic consequences of a deadly worldwide pandemic
Move On And Get
Modi Tried
By Subhash Gatade
The US denial of Visa and the cancellation of Modi's
visit to UK is indeed a victory. But activists must move ahead and get
Modi tried in Indian and International courts
Bt Cotton In Punjab:
In Effective PR Exercise
By JatinderPreet
The sleek PR machinery of the U.S. chemicalgiant
Monsanto aided by spineless and misinformed media and the statecollusion
assured India officially joined the GM community on March 26,2002, when
it was first given the green signal for the commercial cultivation of
genetically engineered crops