27 April, 2003
The Men Who Would
Sell Palestine
By Ali Abunimah
The elavation of Mahmoud Abbas to Prime Minister
and his insistence that Muhammad Dahlan be placed in charge of security,
two men with dubious past, raises serious questions
MountsAfter Iraqi Arms Dump Carnage
By Peter Ford
blame the US military for the deadly barrage that rained on their village.
American to
Oversee Iraqi Oil Industry
By David Teather
The administration is planning to structure the
potentially vast Iraqi oil industry like a US corporation
The Origin Of
By Sheela Reddy
The Trishul which the Vishwa Hindu Parishad claims
as part of the legitimate Hindu heritage was better known in Greek and
Roman myths than in India.
On The March To
By Aniket Alam
Standing on their own feet. This is what Hyderabad's
Muslims are increasingly doing aided by growing prosperity and confidence.
But community leaders say the state is not helping.
26 April, 2003
SARS, Wars And
The Farce
By Satya Sagar
Is the global panic of the SARS just a farce?
By Ira Chernus
New Palestinian Leadership May Dim Hopes for Peace
by John Pilger
There is something deeply corrupt about journalism.
It is not a recent phenomenon. What makes the difference today is the
technology that produces an avalanche of repetitive information
Obscuring The
By Kalpana Sharma
A full two weeks after the so-called "victory"
of the "coalition" forces in Iraq, we have yet to hear about
the numbers of Iraqi civilians or soldiers killed or injured.
Are You a
By Mahesh Vijapurkar
The Shiv Sena declares that all those who came
to Mumbai prior to 1995 are Mumbaiwallahs.
Ban Trishul Distribution
Summary Report of PUCL, Rajasthan
Distribution of Trishuls in the State of Rajasthan
must be
Immediately banned to prevent the repetition of Gujarat carnage in the
By T.K. Rajalakhshmi
The arrest of Praveen Togadia has temporarily halted
the VHP's provocative trishul distribution campaign in Rajasthan, but
will the Congress(I) government deal firmly with the Hindutva forces?
Building Hatred
Around Bhojshala
By Naunidhi Kaur
The order of the Archaeological Survey of India
allowing Tuesday prayers at the Bhojshala complex in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh,
raises fresh fears about an escalation of communal tensions in the town.
Dollar Lose
By John Brinsley
Dollar Heads for Losing Week Versus Euro
Resist Bio-Imperialism
By Vandana Shiva and Ratheesh Kaliyadan
Vandana Shiva visited Plachimada of Palakad district
in Kerala to inaugurate the first anniversary and second phase of Anti
Coca-Cola agitation and to pay tribute to brave Earth warriors.
She chats with RTHEESH KALIYADAN on related issues.
25 April, 2003
Luddite Rulers
By Naomi Klein
The workers' co-operatives which continue to take
over buiseness establishments all over Argentina gives the workers fresh
lease of life in a collapsing economy
By Anand Patwardhan
The judgement on the WAR AND PEACE (JANG AUR AMAN)
Vs Censorship case is a shot in the arm for the fight for freedom of
Stop Hate Speech
Suggested FIR on Hate Speech
Not Turn Korean Peninsula Into Waste Land
By Vladimir Tikhonov
Washington's plans are aimed at pressing potential
military rivals, China and Russia, by occupying North Korea or through
launching a "preemptive strike" on China
Pilgrims Threaten
Jihad Against American Forces
By Kim Sengupta in Karbala
The Shia pilgrimage to Karbala, took on a strident
political and martial note with demands for the establishment of an
Islamic state and threats of a jihad against the "American occupiers".
Baptising In
Troubled Waters
By Andrew Gumbel
Evangelical Crusaders Prepare to Fight Islam with
Aid and a Bible
Abu Against Abu
By Uri Avnery
The clash between Yasser Arafat (Abu-Amar) and
Mahmud Abbas (Abu-Mazen) is not a clash of egos but a debate about existential
IOF Kill 2, including
Palestine Media Center
Shot Through The
By Amy Goodman and Abed Qusini
Israeli troops shoot and kill an AP cameraman in
Democracy Now! talks to a photographer who witnessed the killing