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Water Activists Need To Get Main Space
In Policy making For A Better 'Waer Policy'

By Ravi Nitesh

22 March, 2013

On the world water day, again governments and organizations celebrated the day , seminars and screenings were organized, schemes and policies were announced and path for the sustainable future became somewhat populous with the right approach and concerned people. Though all these efforts were made the day an opportunity to join hands for the growth of human community and the ‘life’ as a whole. Life cannot be imagined without water and that is why ‘water is life’ has become a popular phrase. Since the time of surplus water availability at almost all places , human community witnessed the scarcity in ground water findings and became worried from the continuous decreasing ground water. It is actually ground water that is to be used for drinking purpose. In spite of major part of water in total proportion of earth (2/3rd) , water available for drinking purpose is very less (about 1% only) out of this proportion.

We all know about the facts and ‘some’ of us also try to save water as much as we can. In Indian context, many things vary with latitude and longitude of the sub continent. Due to different geographical conditions, we must have to think about some region specific plans also. For example, water recycling may be a useful tool for over populous regions and with cities of high population density where ground water availability is less. Attention should be more towards the cities where pollutants have much chance to interact with water and in turn any probability to contaminate the water. For other cities and hilly areas and valleys, more attention should be towards protection of natural resources, water sources , trees and to maintain and protect overall flora and fauna.

On the primary level (and root level) Burning issues is increasing number of dams on rivers that in turn become responsible in reduction of water flow, on the other hand improper availability and functioning of STPs installed to treat the raw materials collected from a city drain.

Though there is a need to look upon the policies , functioning and implementation, there are also various things that must get attention. For example, increase of real estate companies. During a TV session, an urban planner once told about Delhi that after a small rain, Delhi stuck in traffic jam as water overflows from drains on many roads and it is because all low lying areas where in past days water get accumulated from drains and roads, get occupied with high rise buildings, offices etc.

During my another experience at a meeting at SPWD (Society for watershed promotion and development) , New Delhi , I came to know that total actual waste quantity is higher than the STP capacity of Delhi and even after quality is not monitored on 24x7 pattern. Water experts there suggested the only solution of decentralized water recycling system. It is also unfortunate that these voices are not getting enough space in terms of policy making in spite of the quality that these voices are towards community welfare and therefore in turn only to benefit the governance and effective implementation of policies. Government must look towards suggestions given by water activists and experts who are working for community welfare and not for revenue.

Ravi Niteshis founder of www.missionbharatiyam.org




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