The Play In Pakistan
By Holger Terp
09 March, 2011
One of the recent major plays for political power took place in early May in
Pakistan - and actually in the subsequent time there has not made any
factual information on the midnight show public. Just like a strep tease in
the dark the first impression is.
There is only one source to the magic show: the U.S. military and Obama is
the superior of this.
Information monopoly, this is in the information age. Yes, Sir. One can only
in such a situation ask what the purpose of the drama is. Who benefits of
staging? First and foremost, the unknown genius scriptwriters and actors.
This magic of the plot is a Shakespeare or Hudini-worthy. All the world's
media attention is directed towards the stage which has two parts in
Pakistan and Washington. Everything else is in the background. Unconditional
success. This is the best crime novel of the century, where nothing is as it
purports to be. The distance to the scene blurred the vision and
understanding of the public, but not the acceptance of the message from the
The American society is heading into a major economic crisis because of
government budget deficits and the military spending. Even the cost of
classifying documents is increasing to unprecedented heights. The military
actors, the soldiers, in the light of this situation must prove their
existence by protecting their commander. There are the U.S. soldiers
stationed in more than 40 countries and the public will have verve and
finally, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient Obama want's be reelected as
president and commander in chief.
The drama in Pakistan is intended principally to confuse the public. The
embedded media will (just as well as everybody else) deal so much with
details of what they think they've seen on the stages, so they completely
forget to politicize enjoying having been allowed to be selected VIP
spectators. When the audience has lost interest in the spectacle, the
president reelected and the military budget more or less unchanged the play
is staged another time somewhere else in the Third World when needed.
And future generations will learn the real story behind the play.
Holger Terp is a frequent commentator for
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