30 September, 2009
Could Food Shortages
Bring Down Civilisation?
By Lester R. Brown
We are in a race between political tipping points and natural tipping points. Can we cut carbon emissions fast enough to save the Greenland ice sheet and avoid the resulting rise in sea level? Can we close coal-fired power plants fast enough to save at least the larger glaciers in the Himalayas and on the Tibetan Plateau? Can we stabilise population by lowering fertility before nature takes over and halts population growth by raising mortality?
The Population Myth
By George Monbiot
People who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor
More Human Rights Violations In Gujarat
Press Release
In a pattern which has become increasingly familiar in many parts of India, but particularly in Gujarat, once again in the run-up to the assembly by elections in Gujarat, a number of Muslim youth were picked up by police officials in plain clothes, illegally detained and severely tortured, before they were sent to judicial custody
Countering Benjamin Netanyahou's
Orwellian Spin At The UN
By Eileen Fleming
In defense of freedom of the press, conscience and speech; I have seized the liberty to counter Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's spinning at the UN on September 24, 2009
Gaza Peace Protester Is Prisoner In Own Home
By Jonathan Cook
Nine months after he helped to organise protests against Israel’s attack on Gaza, Samih Jabareen is a prisoner in his home in Jaffa, near Tel Aviv, an electronic bracelet around his ankle to alert the police should he step outside his front door
The Goldstone Report: Fierce But Toothless
By Yacov Ben Efrat
As things look now, the Goldstone Report will go to the shelf, the Occupation will continue, and so will Palestinian suffering. To cope with the present reality is more complex than putting people on the stand for war crimes. The reality is that Israel is ruled by the Right, which is nowadays attracting part of the Left. On the Palestinian side, the reality is a war between two rival factions that care more for power than for their people
Israel's Ofra Settlement On
Unauthorized Palestinian Land
By Stephen Lendman
Under international and local laws, Ofra's settlement is illegal. No jurisdictional area was set for it. It doesn't have a valid outline plan, and at least 58% of its land is lawfully registered under Palestinian names in the Land Registry
Palestine, Yes We Can
By Sonja Karkar
A letter to President Obama
Casting Runes On The Floor Of
The New York Stock Exchange
By Case Wagenvoord
The reason we need high priests is that we simply don’t know what the f-- is happening. It’s all so confusing. This is especially true for our financial managers who are like little boys who love building intricate structure out of blocks just so they can watch them tumble to the ground
India Needs An Independent Minded News
And Analysis Channel
By Trevor Selvam
If there is any news and analysis channel that stands out for putting out sober, dignified and reflective journalism, it is Al Jazeera. And Indian journalists are not looking at Al Jazeera for inspiration, for sure
Communalizing History: Shivaji And Afzal Khan
By Ram Puniyani
The assembly elections have been declared in Maharashtra, and with this the atmosphere is heating up politically. In this state there have been substantial number of farmer’s suicides, all over there are serious issues related to rising prices, unemployment and other problems of daily life. But it seems that some political parties in Maharashtra are not much concerned about these core issues of society and seem to be more interested in the identity issues emerging from the past
Forgotten Hero: Dasharath Majhi
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
A legends family languishes in Hunger
28 September, 2009
Is Democracy Melting?
By Arundhati Roy
While we're still arguing about whether there's life after death, can we add another question to the cart? Is there life after democracy? What sort of life will it be? By "democracy" I don't mean democracy as an ideal or an aspiration. I mean the working model: Western liberal democracy, and its variants, such as they are. So, is there life after democracy?
The U.S. Creeps Closer To A Police State
By Shamus Cooke
Why does the destruction of democratic rights that accelerated under Bush continue with Obama? With every political "why" question one must first answer: who benefits?
Police State Raids Against Immigrants
By Stephen Lendman
Along with Muslims, Latinos are its prime targets, often using militarized unconstitutional tactics against vulnerable, defenseless people. Post-9/11, the Bush administration initiated them, and they continue under Obama
The Darkening Of Our Black Hole
By Case Wagenvoord
Black holes are formed when a star collapses and their gravitational pull is so great that no matter can resist it. The star that collapsed in America was democracy, and the void left by its destruction is pulling all that once was into its darkness
Obama Stuck Between Wars On Iraq, Afghanistan
By Nicola Nasser
Nine months in office, Obama is still wondering: "Are we doing the right thing?" "Are we pursuing the right strategy?" If Obama has yet to decide on a strategy on Afghanistan, in hindsight, one might ask: why did he send there seventeen thousand additional troops earlier this year!
Israel’s Palestinian Soldiers
By Jonathan Cook
Demands from Israel’s chief commander this month that all Israeli citizens should be required to perform national service has turned the spotlight on a rarely discussed group of soldiers: members of Israel’s Palestinian minority
Systemic Collapse: The Basics
By Peter Goodchild
Systemic collapse has one overwhelming cause: world overpopulation. All of the flash-in-the-pan ideas that are presented as solutions to the modern dilemma — solar power, ethanol, hybrid cars, desalination, permaculture — have value only as desperate attempts to solve an underlying problem that has never been addressed in a more direct manner
Balance Is For Buddhists
By Guy R McPherson
Instead of extracting an easy life from fossil fuels and human slaves, while taking our life-support system down into the bowels of hell with us, let's try living as our predecessors did on this land. Never mind abandoning our beloved cars: In North and South America, we'll need to give up the wheel
Italy's Fallen Soldiers
By Stephanie Westbrook
The best way to honor the fallen is to stop making more of them
Max Boot: Vulgar Propagandist
And Apologist For War Crimes
By Max Kantar
The recent publication of the UNHRC's report on Israel's December-January assault on the Gaza Strip, also known as the Goldstone Report, has elicited some rather hysterical reactions from Israel's leading apologists. Perhaps among the most desperate of the attempts to deflect legitimate criticism of Israeli war crimes is an article entitled, “The Goldstone Report,” written by Max Boot
23 September, 2009
The Era Of Xtreme Energy
By Michael T. Klare
We are going to enter an age of Xtreme energy and the last-ditch efforts to keep our world on its normal course are likely to devastate the environment, accelerate climate change, inflict widespread pain, and create global conflict. It's not a pretty picture
No Agreement Between Major Powers
On Carbon Emissions
By Tom Eley
On Tuesday, government leaders representing about 100 nations gathered at the United Nations in New York to discuss global warming. The meeting was billed as an attempt to jump-start negotiations in advance of a December summit in Copenhagen at which a global treaty governing greenhouse gas emissions is to be produced
Mobilizing The Masses In Defense Of The Planet:
Change You Can Act For
By Frank Joseph Smecker
Next weekend marks the beginning of something big – the incipient fight to restore a planet back to health. Because the ruling elites of the world’s twenty most influential industrial nations are coming together and, because industry is irrefutably responsible for systematically dismantling the planet’s ecological infrastructure, it makes perfect sense that our actions in defense of the planet begin in Pittsburgh
Climate Change And The 2010 Olympics
By Bill Henderson
But if climate change is really the humanity threatening emergency requiring urgent action that he knows, Gordon Campbell. the premier of British Columbia has a very special, unique opportunity to send a signal now, at this singularly crucial time in the run up to Copenhagen BY cancelling the winter Olympics
300.org Message To World – Act Urgently Over
Climate Emergency And Climate Genocide
By Dr Gideon Polya
The World must urgently take the advice of top climate scientists and analysts who are advocating “100% renewable energy by 2020”, “cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020” and a rapid return of atmospheric CO2 to about 300 ppm for a planet that is safe and sustainable for all peoples and species
Why I Threw The Shoe
By Muntazer al-Zaidi
I am no hero. I just acted as an Iraqi who witnessed the pain and bloodshed of too many innocents
Meet The Afghan Army
By Ann Jones
The big Afghanistan debate in Washington is not over whether more troops are needed, but just who they should be: Americans or Afghans -- Us or Them. Having just spent time in Afghanistan seeing how things stand, I wouldn't bet on Them
Goldstone Commission Gaza Conflict Findings
And Reactions
By Stephen Lendman
A UN September 15 press release stated that the Mission concluded that "there is evidence indicating serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law were committed by Israel during the Gaza conflict, and that Israel committed actions amounting to war crimes, and possibly crimes against humanity."
Ishrat Jahan: Murder In Cold Blood
By Ram Puniyani
The Modi-Vanjara duo, which is becoming a law unto them, is the symptom of deeper malaise of Gujarat
Whether Human Rights Of Prisoners
Stand Suspended?
By Subhash Gatade
The letter sent by an undertrial Mukesh Kumar, as present lodged in Karnal Jail (Haryana) through his counsel to the Chief Justice of India makes depressing reading. The letter talks about the manner in which he was brutalised by the Jail staff for disobeying their orders. It is learnt that the Jail wardens compelled him to clean the toilets calling him names and 'reminding' him of his 'caste profession'. His refusal to continue the dehumanising work led to his public thrashing and tonsuring/shaving of his head and moustache
18 September, 2009
One Billion Of The World’s People Going Hungry
By Jerry White
For the first time in history, more than one billion people, or nearly one in every 6 inhabitants of the planet, are going hungry this year, according to a new report from the United Nations’ World Food Program
Pause In Arctic's Melting Trend
By Richard Black
This summer's melt of Arctic sea ice has not been as profound as in the last two years, scientists said as the ice began its annual Autumn recovery. At its smallest extent this summer, on 12 September, the ice covered 5.10 million sq km (1.97 million sq miles)
The Politics Of ‘Austerity’ – Covering Up
The Policies And Priorities Of
The Congress Government
By Kavita Krishnan
The Congress leaders’ song and dance of ‘austerity’ is a danger signal of the Government’s plans to intensify its liberalization offensive in the name of ‘austerity’
US Troops In Afghanistan:
For The Sake Of My Friends?
By Ramtanu Maitra
Washington is under increasing pressure because the way the war in Afghanistan is progressing. President Obama wants to avoid the issue as long he will be allowed to do so. But, there is no question that pressure is mounting and the White House cannot obfuscate the issue for too long
Boycott Derails Jerusalem’s Transit System
By Jonathan Cook
Rail firm pays price for link to settlements
Doctors Aiding Torture
By Stephen Lendman
In April 2009, a confidential February 2007 ICRC torture report was publicly released. Titled, "ICRC Report on the Treatment of Fourteen 'High Value Detainees' in CIA Custody," it detailed harsh and abusive treatment from their time of arrest, detention, transfer, and incarceration at Guantanamo where ICRC professionals interviewed them
Israel/America: A Rambling Poem
By Remi Kanazi
Remi Kanazi recently appeared on GRITtv with Laura Flanders to perform a spoken word poem entitled Israel/America: A Rambling Poem
U.S. Military Buildup In Colombia, Is The U.S.
Preparing For War With Venezuela?
By Mark Vorpahl
The U.S. State Department has just wrapped up a deal with Colombia’s President Uribe that will lead to a massive buildup of U.S. military personnel across seven bases in Colombia
17 September, 2009
Iraq: Massive Fraud And Corruption
In Higher Education
By Dirk Adriaensens
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told a group of educators in Washington on 25 July that his country plans to send over 50.000 students abroad over the next 5 years. A noble initiative at first sight, until you look further behind the official smokescreen
War Is Peace
By Tom Engelhardt
Most of us are peaceably watching our TV sets or computer screens or iPhones, we Americans are also -- always -- marching as to war. We may not all bother to attend the church of our new religion, but we all tithe. We all partake. In this sense, we live peaceably in a state of war
Holocaust: The Glory Of The Well Adjusted
By Case Wagenvoord
Holocaust was not an aberration; the mindset that made it possible is permeates Western society
Global Warming - Can Self-interest
And Science Save Australia, US And The Planet?
By Dr Gideon Polya
The World is facing a Climate Emergency but you wouldn’t think so from the response by governments. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere is 390 parts per million (ppm), well outside the range of 180-300 ppm over the last 600,000 years during which Man (Homo sapiens) finally evolved
Glenn Beck's Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism,
And Racism
By Stephen Lendman
The Internet's power is real and proves when enough committed people back progressive issues, constructive change follows. If if works against Glenn Beck and Fox News, why not in a campaign to reclaim the kind of America people deserve and can have if they work hard enough for it
Lebanon’s Palestinians 27 Years After
The Sabra Shatila Massacre
By Franklin Lamb
Pressure is building this hot summer and fall in Lebanon’s refugee camps with warnings coming from Palestinian, that 27 years after the Sabra Shatila massacre, explosive conditions exist in nearly all of Lebanon’s camps
How US Tax Breaks Fund Israeli Settlers
By Jonathan Cook
Israeli peace activists are planning to ratchet up their campaign against groups in the United States that raise money for settlers by highlighting how tax exemptions are helping to fund the expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank
Perpetual Grief Over September 11th
By Ramzy Baroud
We must embrace again the anguish of what happened on 9/11, ever aware that the body count grows even today. And although the wreckage of that horrible day was cleared away years ago, the lessons of that day are still buried beneath our anger, frustration, and prejudice
Corporate Corruption Killing America
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Anyone smart and strong enough to fight delusional thinking and who pays attention to current events should clearly see that corporate corruption of the US political system is so pervasive and powerful that there will be no genuine reform of both the health care and financial sectors
Beyond Statecraft; Navigating The Collapse Of
Industrial Civilization
By Frank Joseph Smecker
An Interview With Carolyn Baker. In this interview she talks about the collapse of industrial civilization – what it may look like, reasons for its occurrence, the effects of collapse and, how to relocalize and create sustainable communities in the throes of collapse
Call Out The NIA
By Firdaus Ahmed
While the RK Raghavan led Supreme Court appointed Special Investigation Team would likely throw up more light on this angle as it culminates by end this year, the National Investigation Agency, set up with considerable fanfare in wake of 26/11, should be put to work on this case. What requires probing is the manner the intelligence bureau advisory on terror has been taken by the Gujarat police as rationale for the killings of Ishrat Jahan and three others
14 September, 2009
Fighting Rages Across Afghanistan As
US Military Buildup Continues
By Patrick Martin
Attacks by anti-occupation forces spread across Afghanistan over the weekend, with major armed clashes, bombings and other incidents in at least 10 provinces, including eight that are outside the southern region where the US and NATO forces have launched a major military offensive
Who Was The Afghan Election For: America
Or The People Of Afghanistan?
By Chad Haines
The lack of follow-up and interest in what is happening in Afghanistan reflects the reality of the election and what it was ultimately about
President Obama's Nuclear Opportunity:
Dialogue With Iran And Blow Israel's Ambiguity
By Eileen Fleming
President Obama's opportunity for dialogue and diplomacy with Iran, must include blowing Israel's ineffective nuclear ambiguity
Encounters Are Murders
By Bernard D'Mello
The title of the Tarkunde report, Encounters Are Murders, needs reiteration in the present ambience of "cultivated ignorance" in the sphere of "governance" that brushes off extra-judicial killings as mere aberrations. That encounters are murders also needs restating in the context of the pathological, persistent mendacity in public life in India and the absurd claim of po-mos that each "narrative" is as true as the other
Can Journalism Schools Be Relevant
In A World On The Brink?
By Robert Jensen
Journalism schools have much in common with the mainstream news media they traditionally serve. As the business model for conventional corporate journalism collapses and digital technologies reshape the media landscape, journalism schools struggle with parallel problems around curricula and personnel
The Media Void Lives
By Case Wagenvoord
In dishonest wars, public support is tenuous at best. So wars must be sanitized and cleansed of their gore. This means no more dead bodies, no more film clips of the grieving parents of children killed in airstrikes. In the public’s eye, war now takes place in a sterile void where there is neither blood nor death. It’s war that isn’t really war, a make-believe Noh drama in which the public quickly loses interest, especially if it’s been going on for eight years
Wall Street Under Obama: Bigger And Riskier
By Shamus Cooke
Like every other promise of substance, Obama’s pledge to “rein in” the banks has fallen by the wayside; the well-timed rhetoric smoothed over public tensions and now business is back to usual
US Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty,
Falling Incomes, And Growing Numbers Of Uninsured
By Stephen Lendman
In early September, The US Census Bureau released its new report titled, "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008" showing disturbing data that portends much worse ahead under a president and Congress doing nothing to address it
Honour Killings In Haryana
By Kavita Krishnan
Mahendra Singh Tikait’s outrageous and offensive remarks once again raise the question: why do the khaap panchayats of Haryana and Western UP which open issue ‘death sentences’ for couples who defy their caste-diktats on love and marriage, enjoy impunity?
Company Secretary To Replace Inspector
By Subhash Gatade
If all goes to plan, India Inc would no longer have to deal with labour inspectors turning up at their premises to check compliance with 43 central and myriad state labour legislations. Instead, firms can submit a certificate from a company secretary that validates their compliance with the numerous employment laws
12 September, 2009
Lessons From The Sri Lankan Conflict
By Satya Sagar
The genocide of Tamils that has taken place in Sri Lanka in recent months and still continues in various ways is part of the general lack of value for human life that the ruling classes of South Asia have always displayed
The Oily Road To 9/11
By Greg Guma
As it turns out, the US war plan was in the works months before the 9/11 attacks. And, like the two Gulf Wars, the rationale was also, if not mainly, rooted in a struggle over access to oil and gas, in this case huge finds in the Caspian Sea Basin. What looked at the time like justified retaliation was, in essence, the first resource war of the 21st century
How 9/11 Should Be Remembered
By Rebecca Solnit
The extraordinary achievements of ordinary people
Memories Of The Golden Age
By Peter Goodchild
The Changing World Of Middle-Class Americans
Problems Defending Palestinians In Israeli Courts
By Stephen Lendman
Established in 1992, the Addameer (Arabic for conscience) Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association provides support for Palestinian prisoners and works to end torture, arbitrary arrests and detentions, other forms of abuse, and unjust and unequal treatment in Israel's criminal justice system that handles Jews one way and Palestinians another
The Italian Cinema And The Left
By Gaither Stewart
On Rediscovering Roberto Rossellini-Filmmaker
Extra Judicial Killings:
The Magisterial Enquiry Findings
The judicial enquiry reoport into the 2004 killing of Ishrat Jahan and three others in an encounter by Gujarat police. The magisterial report has found out that the four were gunned down in cold blood by police officers eager to get promotions and the appreciation of Chief Minister Narendra Modi
Jews, Jihad, Jinnah And Jaswant
By Dr.Shah Alam Khan
There were three words which would ignite the heart and minds of a common Muslim, pretty much globally. Words which would make them fly passenger aircrafts into buildings, words which would inspire them to blow themselves up within a group of school children. These are the three “J” words- Jews, Jihad and Jinnah. In the last few weeks or so a fourth word seems to have been added to this heartrending vocabulary, Jaswant
Partition Puzzle: Role Of British Policy
By Ram Puniyani
In partitioning India, colonialists reaped rich harvest at the cost of the people of the subcontinent, millions dead, a single entity India, divided into Pakistan, India and Bangla Desh. These countries keep on spending a major part of their budgets in investing in armaments and fattening of their armed forces, something which could have been meaningfully invested for the growth and development of the region. We need to wake up from the blame game and see the real culprit
The Malik-Chidambaram Face-off – A Satire
By Farzana Versey
A satirical peek into a fictional debate between Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik and India’s Home Minister P Chidambaram regarding the 26/11 attacks
10 September, 2009
Ethnic Tensions Flare Again In
China’s Xinjiang Region
By John Chan
Ethnic turmoil erupted again last week in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang, when thousands of Han Chinese took to the streets of the provincial capital city of Urumqi to demand the resignation of provincial Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary Wang Lequan over a series of syringe attacks, allegedly by minority Uighurs
The Right To Form A Trade Union -
The Jet Airways Strike
By Girish Menon
The result of this battle will define the future of industrial relations in 'modern and globalised' India. If Naresh Goyal wins, then it will be difficult for any economically weaker section of employees to obtain the right to form a trade union and if necessary to go on strike. If the pilots win, then it will only be a minor reprieve for this well off section of workers. What will follow will be a furore in the Indian media, led by the pink newspapers, to improve the Indian labour markets so that Indian companies can get a 'global edge' (read weakening of labour laws)
Their Kasab, Our Kasabs
By Dr. Shah Alam Khan
We justify the likes of Ajmal Kasab through the failed state theory. But can we apply the same to his Indian counterparts?
Nature Bats Last
By Guy R. McPherson
Humans have tinkered with the natural world since we appeared on the evolutionary stage. Our days may be numbered: As the home team, Nature bats last
The Jungle I Live In
By Suhail Khan
An emotionally charged monologue from a Kashmiri youth
Israel’s Arab Citizens Call General Strike
By Jonathan Cook
The increasingly harsh political climate in Israel under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government has prompted the leadership of the country’s 1.3 million Arab citizens to call the first general strike in several years
Israel Blocks Money To Gaza’s Disabled
By Jonathan Cook
Injured workers denied benefit payments
The Tangled Course To Middle East
Peace Crisis And Not Conflict
By Dan Lieberman
The Tangled Course to Middle East Peace A 180 degree rotation of the elements in the present peace process combined with Israel no longer being favored and no longer allowed to frame the process provides a direction for solving the Middle East crisis
Afghanistan: London Pushes U.S. Into New Vietnam:
Is Obama Paralyzed?
By Ramtanu Maitra
Now the question one may ask is: Would the United States have invaded Afghanistan if al-Qaeda had not been there? According to what the Americans were told at the time to justify the invasion, the answer is no. Then, why are the U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan at a time when it is being taken over by the Afghan Taliban, and al-Qaeda is no longer there?
A Fresh Approach In Afghanistan:
An End To War?
By Ramzy Baroud
The Taliban and various groups opposing the Kabul government and their Western benefactors are gaining ground, not just in the southern and eastern parts of Afghanistan. Daring Taliban attacks are now taking place in the north as well, long seen as peaceful, thus requiring little attention
Global Climate Change Summit:
Bumpy Road To Copenhagen
By Nava Thakuria
As the Asia Pacific region is in peril of the global warming and climate change, the western (and industrialized) countries should bailout the developing countries to cope up with the devastation of sea level rise, flood and drought and salination of surface water in those populous countries. More over, a consensus among the countries, which are affected by the climate change, becomes essential for a pragmatic culmination of the negotiation process that is leading to the final round of climate change negotiation in the forthcoming Copenhagen summit
Reviewing David Swanson's "Daybreak"
By Stephen Lendman
Subtitled "Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming A More Perfect Union, Daybreak" is Swanson's first book, a timely and impressive account of presidential extremism, congressional complicity, the urgency for progressive change, and how to do it
08 September, 2009
Mr Prime Minister Will You Please Listen?
By Shabnam Hashmi
An Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India in the light of the magisterial enquiry findings into the 2004 killing of Ishrat Jahan and three others in an encounter by Gujarat police. The magisterial report has found out that the four were gunned down in cold blood by police officers eager to get promotions and the appreciation of Chief Minister Narendra Modi
Former Gujarat Minister Writes To SIT
To Probe Modi's Role Into Gujarat Pogrom
By Jaspal Singh
Jaspal Singh in the letter has urged the SIT to investigate in details the communalization of Gujarat and examine the participants (officials as well as ministers) of the crucial meeting chaired by the Chief Minister Narendra Modi on the day Godhra carnage occurred. In the letter Singh named some officers who attended the meeting, and urged the SIT to examine them
American Muslims Eight Years After 9/11
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
Many people believed that after Bush had left the White House, rampant arrogance combined with stunning hypocrisy had also gone. Events have so far proved otherwise. Although Obama is able to give a more compassionate and intelligent speech than was possible with Bush, the essence of their policies is identical. To borrow Ted Rall: “Obama doesn’t talk like Bush; he just acts like him?”
Israeli Ads Warn Against Marrying Non-Jews
By Jonathan Cook
The Israeli government has launched a television and internet advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews
Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu
By Stephen Lendman
Massachusetts may be a trial balloon for what federal authorities plan everywhere as the fall flu season approaches, to be followed by hyped reports of nationwide Swine Flu outbreaks, perhaps caused by the vaccines intended to prevent them
Palestinians 'Seriously Considering' One-state
By Jimmy Carter
A more likely alternative to the present debacle is one state, which is obviously the goal of Israeli leaders who insist on colonizing the West Bank and East Jerusalem. A majority of the Palestinian leaders with whom we met are seriously considering acceptance of one state, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. By renouncing the dream of an independent Palestine, they would become fellow citizens with their Jewish neighbors and then demand equal rights within a democracy. In this nonviolent civil rights struggle, their examples would be Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela
Human Cruelty And The Metaphysics Of
A Swear Word
By Mary Hamer
This paper is an Apology to all those Humans, Animals & the Earth who have suffered at the hands of Human cruelty
The U.S. Health Care System -
Values And Priorities
By Brian McAfee
In the ongoing battle for truth, justice and values, people should always be valued before and above lavish profits. If this orientation cannot be the foundation for human care, regardless of the form that the care takes, there is certainly much more that is wrong in the U.S.A. than just healthcare
Greed Never Sleeps
By Case Wagenvoord
Having nearly been destroyed by the securitization of mortgages, Wall Street is now casting a venal eye at bundling life insurance policies. This is like a drunk switching from vodka to scotch and expecting a better outcome
A Bum Wrap------- Burying Ted Kennedy
With The Israeli Flag
By Franklin Lamb
Being wrapped in an Israeli flag this past week has caused Madonna, our Lady of Miracles, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and AIPAC some flak
Separated At Birth? Jinnah And The Indian Muslim
By Farzana Versey
A look at Jinnah from the 'displaced' Indian Muslim perspective
06 September, 2009
When Will Obama See Afghanistan's Daughters
As His Own?
By Sherwood Ross
The war in Afghanistan today hangs like some cloud of poison gas over Washington that won’t blow away. It sickens everything as it spreads
Lockerbie: Megrahi Was Framed
By John Pilger
The governments in England and Scotland in effect blackmailed Megrahi into dropping his appeal as a condition of his immediate release. Of course there were oil and arms deals under way with Libya; but had Megrahi proceeded with his appeal, some 600 pages of new and deliberately suppressed evidence would have set the seal on his innocence and given us more than a glimpse of how and why he was stitched up for the benefit of "strategic interests."
UN Judicial Observer Found Lockerbie Trial
A Miscarriage of Justice
By Dr. Hans Koechler
Statement by Dr. Hans Koechler, international observer of the International Progress Organization, nominated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the Lockerbie trial in the Netherlands (2000-2002), on the agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom and the Libyan Jamahiriya on the remaining issues relating to the fulfilment of all Security Council resolutions resulting from the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie
Anatomy Of American Ignorance - Part 2
By Bill Noxid
In the brief six month or so since his election, this president hasn't missed a single opportunity to sacrifice the desires of the electorate on the altar of the Corporation, and certainly this embarrassing healthcare reform debacle is yet another prime example
Why The U.S. Is Not A Democracy
By Mary Shaw
This nation was founded as a democratic republic, specifically a representative democracy. As voters, we like to believe that we play a significant role in our government's affairs by more-or-less directly choosing who will represent us in Washington
Dilemmas Of Defeat: Whither BJP?
By Ram Puniyani
The humiliating electoral defeat continues to dodge the BJP. In quick succession lot of things are happening, old pillars are crumbling, earlier cracks are on display with bigger clarity and those who joined the party in the hope of basking in the glory of power are deserting. In the process a lot of things which were slightly hidden are becoming glaringly obvious
04 September, 2009
Prof Yehuda Hiss: The Missing Link
In Palestinian Organ Theft?
By Jonathan Cook
The hyperventilating by Israel’s leaders over a story published in a Swedish newspaper last month suggesting that the Israeli army assisted in organ theft from Palestinians has distracted attention from the disturbing allegations made by Palestinian families that were the basis of the article’s central claim
Fighting For The Right To Walk
By Ramzy Baroud
Since the conclusion of Israel’s war last year, the Palestinian Ministry of Health declared that 344 Gaza patients have reportedly been added to the swelling number of casualties
The Beginning Of The End Of The Middle East Crisis:
Resolving The Displaced Persons Problem
By Dan Lieberman
The solution of the Middle East crisis starts with those who have suffered the most, continue to suffer and should be relieved of their suffering. The solution of the Middle East crisis starts with the Palestinian displaced persons
A Palestinian State Within Two Years?
By Yacov Ben Efrat
On Tuesday, August 25, 2009, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad presented his plan to establish a Palestinian state within two years. He stressed the internal changes that must be made in order to build its legal, economic and social infrastructure
Crisis And Hope: Theirs And Ours
By Noam Chomsky
Of all of the crises that afflict us, the growing democratic deficit may be the most severe. Unless it is reversed, Roy’s forecast may prove accurate. The conversion of democracy to a performance with the public as mere spectators—hardly a distant possibility—might have truly dire consequences
The Empire And The Robots
By Fidel Castro
By 2008, approximately 1.5 trillion dollars were invested in defense budgets. The US spends 42% of world expenses in this area -- 607 billion -- not including war expenses, while the number of people who go hungry in the world has reached the figure of 1 billion
Not Even Wrong
By George Monbiot
We need a radical new approach to cutting greenhouse gases, and it might have arrived
Predicting Worse Ahead From
America's Economic Crisis
By Stephen Lendman
The (US) economy has reached its debt limit and is entering its insolvency phase. We are not in a cycle but (at) the end of an era. The old world of debt pyramiding to a fraudulent degree cannot be restored, only delayed to postpone a painful day of reckoning
Growing Poverty And Despair In America
By Stephen Lendman
The macro-economy is in serious disrepair, beset by the spillovers from the bursting....housing bubble, high energy prices, and unsustainable levels of household indebtedness" causing economic collapse and the possibility of a deep, protracted depression. So far, remedial measures have been patchwork and counterproductive as growing millions face greater uncertainties with no imminent signs of relief and federal and state governments not caring or helping
N.Ramayana- A Street Play
By Satya Sagar
A street play