Hussein And Liberal Ethos
By Ram Puniyani
22 August, 2007
reaction to the attack on Taslima Nasreen in Hyderabad, where she came
for release of Telugu version of her book Lajja, (9th August 2007),
led by three MLAs of MIM party of Owaisi came as a jolt to the liberal
human values, to the values which Koran preaches and to the democratic
liberal values which we cherish.
A section of Urdu media glorified
the attack and chided the attackers for not going further than just
throwing flowers and bouquets at her. The moderate and liberal section
of Muslims strongly condemned the attack as reflected in the letters
to the editors of major national dailies, the statements issued by various
Muslim groups and the articles of prominent Muslim thinkers. From amongst
the Hindu groups not much was heard. BJP, which has been 'defending'
the rights of Taslima with great amount of zeal, as witnessed earlier
at the time of ban of her books by Bangla Desh Government and West Bengal
Government did not come out with any statement. One presumes the BJP,
in tune with its political contingency would have been strongly defending
her. For parties like BJP the matters are simple, if someone is criticizing
Islam and Muslims, defend them loudly and if the same thing is happening
to the artists, who use Hindu motifs, imprison them as in the case of
Baroda arts student Chandra Mohan or hound them out of the country as
in the case of M.F. Hussein. The double standards driven by political
goals are so clear that they do not call for any discussion.
The problem comes with the
liberal secularists, who are the favorite whipping boys/girls of right
wingers as well as those pretending to be liberal but are getting slowing
bitten by sting of communal thinking in the face of global ascendance
of anti Muslim and anti Islam feeling. Leading columnists are questioning
as to where are these banner wielding groups and where is there writing
condemning the attack on Taslima. Factually speaking this observation
is only partly true. One witnessed that in one of the less publicized
morcha the democratic groups and individuals marched in Hyderabad itself
condemning the attack on Taslima. Also by now enough statements are
already out criticizing the fanatic elements who insulted the brave
Bangladeshi writer. Also some liberal groups are not only demanding
the arrest of those MLAs, who tried to attack her, but also that they
should be disqualified from the legislature. As such there is a deliberate
ploy to project that those struggling for secular values are partial
to Muslims and that they criticize only the Hindus While the Hindutva
elements go to any length to abuse them and to assert that they are
anti Hindus, even the liberal sounding voices are very critical of their
efforts. This is even used as explanation for the anti minority pogroms
by the followers of RSS ideology. Atal Bihari Vajpayee explained the
Gujarat genocide by stating that since the secular elements and minorities
did not condemn enough the incident of Godhra the Hindu anger came out
in the form of this carnage.
This was a lie of highest order. Within hours of train burning the well
planned pogrom was unleashed. In the mayhem created by the violence,
the statements, the protests condemning Godhra were subdued and 'under
projected'. Why this impression, that secularists are soft towards the
Muslims and are anti-Hindus? The major question here is how do you quantify
the condemnation? By the protest marches, statements, articles and letters
to the editors. Now the social activists have always a problem that
their events are not covered properly, the peace making efforts do not
have much news value, while violence and sensationalism takes all the
banner headlines. If one does a serious media exercise and adds up the
unpublished articles, how does one trace them, statements and letters
one should not be surprised that reaction is quite close to equal. But
here what is visible is what is reported, and in this the secularists
are on the receiving end as far as projection of their events is concerned.
One also recalls that the
right wing is always harsh to those taking secular stance. The Muslim
right wingers were extremely harsh on the Muslims toeing secular line,
and also on Gandhi, who was a secular to the core. Same way Hindu right
wing criticized him for being soft to Muslims. Not only that one of
them, Nathuam Godse killed Gandhi as Godse felt that Gandhi is soft
to Muslims and so anti Hindu.
One realizes that there is
growing intolerance within the society and probably most of the sections
are affected by it. The major example of that comes from comrades of
West Bengal. Even they went on to ban Taslima's Dwikhandito, on the
grounds of hurting of Bengali sentiments. This example apart as such
the intolerance grows more amongst the threatened communities. This
feeling of insecurity leads to conservative values and forms the base
for the orthodoxy and right wing intolerant politics. The insecurity
can be real or constructed, and both of them give rise to the retrograde
narrow thinking. In Germany the insecurity amongst Jews was there for
real. The success of Hitler was in the fact that he could make the majority
feel that the miniscule minority of Jews, and than others, is a threat
to them. So the German majority fell to most intolerant views and norms
due to projected fear of the Jews.
In today's India, RSS-BJP's
biggest success is that it has been able to manufacture insecurity amongst
the majority, that the minorities, the Muslims, the Christians are posing
a threat to Hindu religion. Mumbai pogrom could be unleashed by Bal
Thackeray as he succeeded in projecting that the Muslims are on the
offensive and are a threat to Hindus. In Gujarat Modi succeeded in creating
a sense of fear of Muslims amongst a section of Hindus, who than legitimized
the carnage also. The violence does not take place in the vacuum it
is the crystallization of Hate other ideas, precipitated due to some
incidents presented in a particular way. So the aggressive intolerance
exhibited in cases dealing with Hussein, Chandra Mohan, Deepa Mehta's
attempt to make Water, attack on newspaper offices of Mahanagar and
now on Outlook.
On the other hand the minority
is gripped by the defensive intolerance, the intolerance which comes
up due to their being bigger victims of the riots, due to their being
sidetracked from the social and economic facilities in the society,
due to their post carnage ghettoisation and all this resulting in relegating
them to the status of second class citizens, by and by.
At no cost can any act of
vandalism against our democratic freedom be exonerated. But the real
fertile ground of minority fanaticism is created due to their feeling
of insecurity. The real problem is the ascendance of politics deriving
its legitimacy in the name of religion, this politics targeting the
minorities and in turn creating responses which are deplorable to the
highest order. In the face of the 'online auditing' by the liberal sounding
voices, should the secularists put forward the balancing act? While
major sections amongst secularists do hold that the fanaticism breeds
fanaticism, all fanaticism are dangerous, the impact of this varies
from place to place. It is also true that Islamic fanaticism has eaten
up democracy in Pakistan, and that it is a bigger threat in liberal
values in Pakistan. Hindu bigotry, the politics of Hindutva is the threat
to Indian democracy.
It is also true that fanaticism
constructed by the political streams rooting in the majority are the
one's who matter more and need to be engaged seriously while the minority
groups indulging in such insane, acts should be condemned equally, while
trying to provide that community a physical security, the lack of which
causes the closing in of minds, rising support for fanatic elements
and the consequent acts like attacking Taslima.
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