100 Reasons Why Australians Must Reject Gillard Labor
By Dr Gideon Polya
24 June, 2013
Australia has a very unpopular minority Labor Government headed by PM Julia Gillard and surviving courtesy of the support of 1 Green MP and several Independent MPs. Both the Australian Labor Party and its leader Julia Gillard are deeply unpopular and facing an election on 14 September 2013 in which, according to a succession of polls, neoliberal, pro-war, pro-Zionist, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment, anti-science, US lackey Labor (the Labs) will be decimated and replaced by the neoliberal, pro-war, pro-Zionist, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment, anti-science, US lackey Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (the Libs).
The neoliberal Australian Labor Party (ALP) has lurched to the right, like the British Labour Party under warmonger Tony Blair, to become an Alternative Liberal Party, Another Liberal Party, an American Lackey Party, an Apartheid Labor Party, an Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party and an Australian Lying Party. Set out below is an alphabetically organized summary of how pro-war, anti-environment, anti-equity, human rights-abusing Gillard Labor has utterly betrayed traditionally anti-war, pro-environment, pro-equity, and pro-human rights Labor voters.
1. ABC. Despite repeated complaints about lying by omission, lying by commission, defamatory anti-Arab anti-Semitism, defamatory anti-Jewish anti-Semitism, censorship (notably of anti-racist Jewish opinion), genocide ignoring, holocaust ignoring, genocide denial and holocaust denial by an egregiously politically correct racist (PC racist), Orwellian and Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-subverted and-perverted ABC (Australia's equivalent of the UK BBC), Labor has ignored the complaints and increased the ABC budget to over $1 billion per annum. Indeed most Australians are unaware of most of the serious matters outlined below because of cowardly, unethical and egregiously dishonest ABC lying and ABC censorship (e.g. see “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”). Indeed for ready documentation of the Elephant-in-the-room, Mainstream media-ignored matters below simple Google the relevant term e.g. “Aboriginal Genocide”, “Iraqi Genocide”, “Afghan Genocide', “Palestinian Genocide”, “Climate Genocide”, “Preventable deaths” , “Avoidable deaths”, “Educational Apartheid” etc with or without the word polya.
2. Aboriginal ethnocide, Aboriginal genocide, Aboriginal rights. Under Labor 9,000 Indigenous Australians die avoidably every year, Northern Territory (NT) Aborigines are excluded from the protection of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act, Aboriginal ethnocide proceeds apace (50 languages surviving out of an original 250 in 1788) and 80% of NT Aboriginal children fail basic literacy and numeracy standards. The Aboriginal avoidable mortality rate of 1.8% is the highest for any group in the world and nearly twice that of non-Arab Africa . – yet this is happening in one of the richest countries in the world.
3. Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide, Afghan War. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, Islamophobic, US lackey Labor is complicit in a post-2001 Afghan Holocaust involving 4.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, possibly 1.3 million violent deaths (based on Iraq War comparisons) and 3.0 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due Labor–complicit US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.
4. Alcohol abuse. Under neoliberal, pro-corporate Labor alcohol continues to kill 3,000 Australians every year and blight the lives of millions through violence, domestic violence against women, child sexual abuse, foetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-related morbidity.
5. Anti-Arab anti-Semitism. Anti-Arab anti-Semitism is verbal or physical abuse of 300 million Arab Semitic people who are ethnically Arab or 1,500 Muslims who are ethnically and/or culturally Arab Semitic. Under Labor Australian public life is characterized by egregious, false defamation of Muslims that would elicit national and international outcry if applied in the same way to Jews. Under Labor Australia has been involved in 2 genocidal wars against Muslims (the Iraq War and the Afghan War) and has been a part of the Zionist-backed post-1990 US War on Muslims that has been associated, so far, with Muslim deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation totalling 12 million and Muslim refugees that now total over 20 million.
6. Anti-education. Notwithstanding false Labor rhetoric about an “Education Revolution”, under Labor Australia's Education Apartheid system ensures that the majority of Australian children attending state schools are disproportionately excluded from a decent education, university, top universities, and top courses such as medicine and law; that 80% of NT Aboriginal children fail basic literacy and numeracy standards; and that children attending taxpayer-funded private schools are subject to religious brainwashing (intellectual child abuse) that variously teaches them to accept sexism, misogyny, sexual guilt, unsafe sex, creationism, intelligent design, anti-science miracles and the right to invade, occupy, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries. Gillard Labor has ripped $4 billion from university funding while enabling increased enrolment of weaker students at dumbing-down universities. Labor has also emplaced a draconian threat to the academic freedom of university scientists through the US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill (see “Science” and “Universities” below). .
7. Anti-environment. Despite egregiously false rhetoric to the contrary, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-oil, pro-logging, pro-highways Labor has an appalling anti-environment record. Australia's Carbon Tax scandal means that Labor has made fossil fuel producers virtually tax free through huge circa $12 billion per annum subsidies for fossil fuel use and underestimating the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of gas fugitive missions by a factor of about 140-330. Labor's commitment to unlimited fossil fuel extraction and export means that Australia is set to exceed by a factor of three (3) the whole world's terminal GHG pollution budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise.
8. Anti-Jewish anti-Semitism. Pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid Israel, US lackey Labor is egregiously anti-Jewish anti-Semitic by falsely conflating the criminal activities of Apartheid Israel and genocidally racist Zionists with all Jews and thus horribly defaming decent, patriotic, anti-racist Jewish Australians who believe in “never again” to anyone (including Palestinians) and human rights for everyone (including Palestinians) and agree with outstanding anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond who in his best-selling book "Collapse” (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) enunciated the "moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people" – an injunction grossly violated by racist Zionist (RZ)-run Apartheid Israel and its racist, genocide-committing and genocide-ignoring US Alliance backers. Labor has ignored anti-Jewish anti-Semitism directed at anti-racist Jews through censorship and defamation by the taxpayer-funded ABC and the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed web magazine The Conversation and has responded to repeated complaints by increasing the ABC budget to over $1 billion per year.
9. Anti-racist Jews. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor has ignored the sideling, defamation and censorship applied to anti-racist Jewish opinion by the taxpayer-funded ABC and the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed web magazine The Conversation and has responded to repeated complaints by increasing the ABC budget to over $1 billion per year. Indeed the Jewish Zionist Labor Attorney General who has refused to discuss the torturing to death of Australian Israeli spy and traitor Ben Zygier by Apartheid Israelis, represents the electorate of Isaacs which is named after Australia's most eminent Jewish figure, Sir Isaac Isaacs, Australia's first Australian-born Governor General and who was resolutely opposed to Zionism, stating (1946): “The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism” (see also “Anti-Jewish anti-Semitism”).
10. Anti-science. Labor is profoundly anti-science by massively supporting anti-science private schools with taxpayer funds; by ignoring the demands of its own Climate Commission for cessation of fossil fuel extraction and burning (Labor is committed to unlimited fossil fuel extraction, export and burning); by ignoring the advice of Australia's top water experts over the threatened, iconic Murray-Darling River system; by ignoring Australia's top climate scientists and coral experts over the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef due to CO2 pollution, global warming and ocean acidification; by slashing university funding by $4 billion and slashing university research funding by $0.5 billion; and by threatening university science academics with 10 years in prison via the US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill if they mention any of thousands of things to overseas students without a permit from the Australian Defence Force or the Australian Public Service.
11. Anti-terrorism. Obviously all terrorist lunatics need to be detected but under Labor Muslims are targeted by draconian anti-terrorism laws that grossly violate human rights in Australia . Thus an Australian complaining publicly about the imprisonment without charge of his/her spouse by the Australian secret police faces 5 years in prison. A Muslim observing the duty of zakkat (alms-giving) and making a donation towards a Gaza orphanage could face life imprisonment for unwittingly making a donation to an assertedly “terrorist” organization. In contrast, Australian donations to the Jewish National Fund and hence towards the Palestinian Genocide (the ethnic cleansing of Palestine ) are tax deductible. It is estimated that the accrual cost to Australia of the War on Terror is now $125 billion, a huge fiscal perversion that is linked to the annual preventable deaths of 66,000 Australians and the preventable deaths of Australians since 11 September 2011 totaling about 780,000.
12. Apartheid Australia . Under Labor there is an Educational Apartheid system that disproportionately favors children of the wealthy. Further, Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory continue to be subject to discrimination including race-based exclusion from the protection of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act. The avoidable death rate of Indigenous Australians is 1.8%, nearly twice that of non-Arab Africa and the highest avoidable death rate for any group in the world but occurring in one of the richest countries in the world. Apartheid Australia indeed.
13. Apartheid Israel . Apart from the US Government, the Australian Labor Government is perhaps the strongest supporter of Apartheid Israel just as a succession of racist Australian Governments were supporters of Apartheid Israel-backed Apartheid South Africa . Of course racism and Apartheid are utterly abhorrent to decent Labor voters and to all decent humanity.
14. Assange. Julian Assange, the world journalism hero and celebrated founder of WikiLeaks, has been incarcerated in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for over 1 year because the US lackey Gillard Labor Government refuses to protect him. Australian PM Julia Gillard notoriously and falsely accused him of breaking the law over WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks has revealed how 2 key pro-Zionist supporters of Julia Gillard in the 2010 pro-Zionist–led Coup against former Labor PM Kevin Rudd acted as US “assets” who reported Labor caucus deliberations to the US Embassy. WikiLeaks has also revealed how PM Kevin Rudd suggested war against China to the Americans as an option and how former Labor Opposition leader and now Ambassador to Washington Kim Beazley offered Australian forces in that eventuality (see also “Julian Assange”).
15. Australia Post. It had to eventually happen under the pro-war, pro-Zionist Gillard Labor Government - Australia Post has issued a commemorative stamp in collaboration with Apartheid Israel and with text in Hebrew celebrating the defeat of the Ottoman Turks by the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba , Palestine , on 31 October 1917. This stamp is highly offensive to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, anti-racist Jews and indeed to all anti-racists, including anti-racist Australians, by proclaiming Australian involvement in the foundation of the genocidal Zionist colonization of Palestine . One notes that the notoriously racist Anglo--French Sykes-Picot Agreement that divided up the Arab world between the UK and France was signed on 16 May 1916, and the Balfour Declaration that dishonestly offered the Zionists Palestine as a Jewish Homeland (albeit with no detriment to Jews or to Indigenous Palestinians) was sent to Lord Rothschild on 2 November 1917 in an unsuccessful effort to get Russian Zionist traitors to keep Russia in World War 1. There is no mention in this obscene commemoration of the 10 December 1918 Surafend Massacre in which members of the Australian Light Horse massacred up to about 100 Palestinian villagers as a reprisal for the death of a New Zealand soldier at the hands of a thief trying to avoid apprehension. Palestinian deaths in the post-1936 Palestinian Genocide from violence (0.1 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) now total about 2.0 million (see also “ Palestine ” and “Palestinian Genocide”).
16. Bullying. Under pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor the bullying of Muslims is so entrenched that Australian Muslims are too intimidated to object to the ongoing US War on Muslims in which 12 million Muslims have died from violence or from violently-imposed deprivation since 1990 and as a result of which Muslim refugees now total over 20 million. Muslims are singled out for draconian interpretation of anti-terror laws that make agent provocateur-encouraged intemperate utterances in private or the accidentally reading of certain things off the Web potentially subject to decades in prison.
17. Carbon Tax and Emissions Trading Scheme. The Labor Minority Government introduced a Carbon Tax and Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in return for parliamentary support from the pro-environment Greens. Whereas overseas a Carbon Tax means a tax on fossil fuels at the mine gate, under Labor it is confined to a tax on fossil fuel transport (outweighed by huge subsidies), a tax on gas fugitive emissions (scandalously under-estimated by a factor of 140-330, i.e. making fugitive emissions essentially tax-free), and taxation of domestic and industrial fossil fuel end-users with 90% of the receipts being returned to the end-users in a pathetic futile cycle designed to fool the public into believing that something is actually being done. The Carbon Tax fraud is exceeded by the ETS fraud. The ETS approach is empirically unsuccessful, is accordingly counterproductive, and is utterly fraudulent in that the Gillard Labor Government will (if re-elected) fraudulently sell licences to pollute the one common atmosphere of all countries on Earth (see “Climate change inaction”, “Lying” and “Spin and slies (spin-based untruths”).
18. Censorship. Under Labor there is massive self-censorship, lying by omission and censorship of humane, science-based and progressive views (e.g. those of anti-racist Jews) by Mainstream media including taxpayer-funded media such as the ABC, SBS (the multicultural Special Broadcasting Service) and the universities-backed web magazine The Conversation. University science academics are threatened with 10 years in prison via the US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill if they mention any of thousands of things specified in a huge Defence and Strategic Goods List to overseas students without a permit from the Australian Defence Force or the Australian Public Service. Of course, under Labor academics in general are highly intimidated by massive job cuts, the massive casualization of academic teaching, and codes of conduct policed by an ever-increasing university bureaucracy that interprets the will of government and the corporate establishment. Of course Muslims are subject to draconian interpretation of anti-terror laws that make agent-encouraged intemperate utterances in private or accidentally reading certain things off the Web subject to decades in prison.
19. Child rights. Under Gillard Labor about 2,000 refugee children are highly abusively imprisoned without charge or trial in gross violation of the Rights of the Child; most Australian children are disadvantaged by Educational Apartheid; and, as discussed in “Anti-education” above, children attending taxpayer-subsidized private schools are subject to appalling child intellectual abuse. Labor-complicit under-5 infant deaths in the post-1990 Iraqi Holocaust and the post-2001 Afghan Holocaust total 2.0 million and 3.0 million, respectively, 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance and Australia. The right of NT Indigenous children to a decent childhood and a decent education is denied by PC racist Labor.
20. Child sexual abuse. Labor instituted a Royal Commission that is confined to investigating horrendous institutional child sexual abuse (up to 40,000 cases over the last 40 years by Catholic Church personnel). However Labor ignored the awful reality that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men – 4.4 million Australians in all - have been subject to child sexual abuse i.e. Labor has ignored the huge non-institutional child sexual abuse.
21. Climate change inaction, climate crisis, climate emergency, climate genocide, climate injustice. Labor utterly falsely claims that it is “tackling climate change for a clean energy future”. However “tackling climate change” means reducing Greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and Australian Treasury modeling indicates that under Labor Carbon Tax and ETS policies Australia's Domestic GHG pollution will increase from 578 Mt CO2-e in 2010 to 621 Mt CO2-e by 2020. Labor's climate criminal policy of unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports means that Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution will increase from 1,512 Mt CO2-e in 2009 to 2,578 Mt CO2-e in 2020 and that Australia will exceed by a factor of three (3) the whole world's terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution budget that must not be exceeded if the world is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. It is estimated that climate change inaction may result in the avoidable deaths of 10 billion people this century.
22. Coal. Climate criminal Labor is committed to unlimited black coal exports, approved brown coal exports, provided huge subsidies to coal burning power plants and has permitted huge coal exporting developments in coastal Queensland that provide a huge threat to the iconic Great Barrier Reef in addition to that posed by man-made global warming.
23. Corruption. Labor is in receipt of financial support from the proceeds of crime of a Zionist who was Australia's biggest white collar criminal and one of Australia's biggest donors toward the Palestinian Genocide. Australia 's Carbon Tax scandal means that Labor has ensured that the Carbon Tax on fugitive methane (CH4) emissions is negligible. Neoliberal, corporatist Labor similarly ensured that receipts from the post-Coup version of the Kevin Rudd-initiated Mining Tax were negligible.
24. Defamation of Muslims and anti-racist Jews. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor has gone along with the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist demonization of Muslims that was violently expressed in the horrendous realities of the post-1990 War on Muslims (12 million Muslim deaths from violence or from violently-imposed deprivation since 1990 and Muslim refugees now totalling over 20 million). Labor ignores the defamation of anti-racist Jews opposing the Palestinian Genocide.
25. Deforestation. Labor continues to permit logging of South East Australian forests, resources that are the best forest carbon sinks in the world. Climate criminal Labor's policy of unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports is compounded by its policy of logging the best forest carbon sinks in the world.
26. Democracy. Fundamental to democracy is one-man-one-vote but pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor ignores the racist, undemocratic realities of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel - only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians and only 14% of the 5.8 million Palestinians actually living in Palestine under Jewish Israeli rule (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine and 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even step foot in their own country. Labor also ignores the reality of massive disenfranchisement of adult African-American men e.g. about 80% of adult male African-Americans in Chicago are forbidden the vote under Illinois felony laws. For most Australians Julia Gillard and her cronies egregiously offended against democracy when they dismissed one of Australia's most popular elected PMs, PM Kevin Rudd, in the 24 June 2010 pro-Zionist-led Coup.
27. Drugs. Under Labor smoking kills about 16,000 Australians annually and alcohol kills about 3,000 Australians annually whereas illicit drugs kill about 1,000 Australians each year. Labor introduced plain packaging for cigarettes but smoking and alcohol remain legal and associated with the deaths of nearly 20,000 Australians annually. Pro-war US lackey Labor is enthusiastically involved in the Afghan War that has been associated with the collateral damage of over 1 million opiate drug-related deaths world-wide since 2001 linked to the US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, the breakdown of this carnage including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians.
28. Economic incompetence, economic mismanagement. Labor has an appalling record of economic incompetence and economic mismanagement. Under Labor Australia has seen a succession of budget deficits. Labor's profligate stimulus policies that it asserts enabled Australia to avoid disastrous consequences of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), involved chucking scores of billions of dollars at the problem (e.g. building school halls) without thought for useful outcomes. Thus a massive implementation of wind power would have had immense long-term as well as rapid short-term benefits. Labor's economic policy has been based on utterly unsustainable, climate criminal policy of unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports. It is estimated that for every $1 paid for coal, future generations will have to spend $2-$3 in today's dollars on requisite generation of biochar to reduce atmospheric CO2 (for every $1 for gas there will be a similar debt of $0.6-$1.0 for subsequent requisite biochar production) – a huge burden of intergenerational inequity.
29. Education, Educational Apartheid, educational crisis, educational reform. Under Labor Australia's Educational Apartheid system the majority of Australian children attending state schools are disproportionately excluded from a decent education, university, top universities, and top courses such as medicine and law; that 80% of NT Aboriginal children fail to meet basic literacy and numeracy standards; that 47% of Australians are functionally illiterate and 53% are functionally innumerate; and that children attending taxpayer-funded private schools are subject to religious brainwashing (Intellectual child abuse) that variously teaches them to accept sexism, misogyny, sexual guilt, unsafe sex, creationism, intelligent design, anti-science miracles and the right to invade, occupy, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries. Labor's last-minute commitment to “Gonski reforms” after nearly 6 years of inaction can be seen as cynical political spin of promising huge amounts of money they don't have and won't get to spend. There are dozens of educational procedural innovations that cost nothing or very little and that can and should be introduced to address the educational crisis.
30. Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Labor is committed to an ETS approach which is empirically unsuccessful, accordingly counterproductive, and is utterly fraudulent in that the Gillard Labor Government will (if re-elected) fraudulently sell licences to pollute the one common atmosphere of all countries on Earth.
31. Environmental destruction, environmental vandalism. Labor is committed to unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports that in terms of annual per capita Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution (74 t per person per year) make Australia one of the world's worst GHG polluters. Labor has approved Queensland mining and port developments that threaten the Great Barrier Reef which at current rates of global GHG pollution will be doomed within 20 years. Labor has approved continued deforestation of the world's best forest carbon sinks, the export of brown coal from Victoria, a counterproductive coal to gas transition for power generation (depending upon the gas leakage, gas bring can be dirtier GHG-wise than coal burning), and a fraudulent Carbon Tax-ETS package that will delay climate change action.
32. Falsehood, false witness. Labor politicians are involved in endless spin and falsehood. Thus PM Julia Gillard notoriously promised before the 2010 election that “There will be no carbon tax by a government I lead” and then promptly introduced a Carbon Tax-ETS when re-elected. The PM Julia Gillard, the FM Bob Carr and other Labor MPs endlessly proclaim that democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel is a “democracy” whereas the Awful Truth is that only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians and only 14% of the 5.8 million Palestinians actually living in Palestine (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine, and that 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even step foot in their own country. The most serious lie is the Labor assertion that “we are tackling climate change for a clean energy future” whereas the reality is the opposite.
33. Fiji . Labor has a policy of offensive hostility to the unfortunately unelected government of Fiji which has nevertheless provided a good example of advancing democracy by demanding that Fiji media should be owned by Fiji citizens (this resulting in the Murdoch-owned Fiji Times being sold to Indian Fijian Mahendra Patel). Conversely, in Australia the US Murdoch media empire has 70% of Australian newspaper readership and Australia is a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, votes and political power. Australia is insistent in isolating Fiji but adopts a contrary policy to Sri Lanka 's Tamil Genocide. While pro-Zionist, US lackey Canada will boycott the forthcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in Sri Lanka, Australia ignores the evidence of horrendous Sri Lankan atrocities, supports the war criminal Sri Lankans authorities and will attend CHOGM (see “Tamil Genocide”).
34. Gas. Labor supports unlimited gas extraction (conventional, coal seam gas, and fracking-derived gas), gas export and gas burning whereas Australia had already in 2011 exceeded its “fair share” of the world's terminal GHG pollution budget that must not be exceeded if the world is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. Labor has repeatedly supported a coal to gas transition for power whereas the reality is that, depending upon the degree of gas leakage, gas burning for power can be dirtier GHG-wise than coal burning. Even if gas burning were clean-er than coal burning, the Labor-approved building of gas-fired power plants with lifetimes of circa 40 years simply blocks the urgently needed progress to 100% renewable energy. The Carbon Tax on gas fugitive emissions is scandalously under-estimated by Gillard Labor by a factor of 140-330, this making fugitive emissions essentially tax-free (see “Carbon Tax and Emissions Trading Scheme”).
35. Gay rights, gay marriage. Despite the Australian Labor Party being in favor of same sex marriage, PM Gillard is opposed and Gillard Labor has effectively blocked this reform in the Federal parliament. Labor provides huge taxpayer subsidy for private schools that impose sexist, sexual guilt, homophobic and misogynist views on children in a process of intellectual child abuse.
36. Gender politics. PM Julia Gillard made an impassioned speech against misogyny (the “Misogyny Speech”) that was well received by many women and men but she has subsequently sought to play the “gender card” in an unacceptable, unfair, dishonest and abusive fashion. Of course the ultimate in misogyny is the mass murder of women and their children and pro-war Julia Gillard has helped make most Australians complicit in the following atrocities (under-5 infant deaths in parentheses): the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (6 million), the post-1990 Iraqi Genocide (2 million) and the post-2001 Afghan Genocide (3 million).
37. Genocide. Genocide is defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Gillard Labor has helped make most Australians complicit in the following genocidal atrocities (deaths from violence and from violently-imposed deprivation in parentheses): post-1950 US Asian wars (38 million), the post-1990 Muslim Genocide (12 million), the post-1990 Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million), the post-2001 Afghan Genocide (5.5 million), the post-1936 Palestinian Genocide ( 2.0 million), and the continuing, post-1788 Aboriginal Genocide (2 million, annual; avoidable deaths 9,000 out of an Aboriginal population of 0.5 million).
38. Health. Under Labor an estimated 66,000 Australians die preventably each year, this being linked to egregious Labor dereliction and compounded by Labor's commitment to an estimated $125 billion accrual cost for Australia's part in the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-backed US War on Terror that has killed 9 million Muslims (half of them children) since 2001 through violence or violently-imposed deprivation, this moral and fiscal perversion being associated with 11.75 x 66,000 = 775,500 Australian preventable deaths and 11.75 x 9,000 = 105,750 Indigenous Australian preventable deaths since 2001.
39. Homosexuals, homosexual rights. Despite the Australian Labor Party being in favor of same sex marriage, PM Gillard is opposed and Gillard Labor has effectively blocked this reform in the Federal parliament. Labor provides huge taxpayer subsidies for religious private schools that impose sexist, sexual guilt, homophobic and misogynist views on children in a process of egregious intellectual child abuse.
40. Human rights. The Labor Government is complicit in gross human rights violations abroad as part of the US Alliance which has grossly violated the UN Charter, the UN Rights of the Child Convention and the Geneva Convention in the post-1990 Iraqi Genocide and the post-2001 Afghan Genocide. Domestically, Labor has grossly violated human rights in relation to the imprisonment without charge or trial of thousands of refugee men, women and children; the race-based exclusion of NT Indigenous Australians, Afghan refugees fleeing the Afghan Genocide and Tamil refugees fleeing the Tamil Genocide from the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act; the violation of Australian human rights by the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-inspired Australian anti-terrorism laws; and failure to protect Australians from gross human rights abuse by Apartheid Israeli state terrorism and US state terrorism (see “Apartheid Israel”, “Israel” and “Opiate drugs”).
41. Imprisonment of uncharged refugee men, women and children. Labor has a policy of highly abusively imprisoning tens of thousands of refugee men, women and children without charge or trial in remote concentration camps (see “Refugees”).
42. Inequity, intergenerational inequity, intergenerational injustice. Labor's neoliberal commitment to inequity reached a new low when it changed welfare arrangements for single mothers (and single parents in general) leaving this highly vulnerable group and their children about $100 per week worse off and thus consigning already impoverished single parents and their children to dire poverty (see “Mothers” and “Single Parents”). While traditional Labor was about equity and maximizing opportunity, neoliberal Labor's commitment to Australian Educational Apartheid cements egregious social inequity in a rich society in which the gulf between rich and poor is widening.
43. Infanticide. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor has made most Australians complicit in the passive mass murder of millions of Muslim children through violently-imposed deprivation. Thus under-5 year old infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to horrendous, Australia-complicit US Alliance war crimes) total 6 million (post-1990 US War on Muslims), 4.4 million (post-2001 US War on Terror), 2 million (post-1990 Iraqi Genocide), and 3 million (post-2001 Afghan Genocide).
44. Iraqi Genocide, Iraqi Holocaust , Iraq War. Australian forces were present in Occupied Iraq under Labor PM Kevin Rudd and only finally left Occupied Iraq in August 2011 during the second term as Labor PM of Julia Gillard. The illegal Iraq War (2003-2011) was associated with 1.5 million violent deaths, 1.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million refugees and 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to horrendous US Alliance and Australian war crimes). Labor was party to the Gulf War and Sanctions war against Iraq that was associated with 0.2 million violent deaths, 1.7 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, and 1.2 million under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to horrendous US Alliance and Australian war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention).
45. Israel (see Apartheid Israel ). While numerous anti-racist Jewish Australians are opposed to Israeli Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, pro-Zionist , US lackey Labor has spurned their advice in favor of advice from genocidally racist Israeli war criminals and their Australian supporters. Labor has comprehensively failed to protect Australians from Israeli violence that has included the shooting, torturing, tasering, kidnapping, illegal imprisonment and robbing of Australian citizens. Labor supported Apartheid Israel when it was bombing 25,000 Australians in Lebanon in 2006, and was craven in its responses to the repeated kidnapping of Australians in international waters and the large-scale forging of Australian passports for Israeli terrorism purposes. Labor is in receipt of financial support from the proceeds of crime of a Zionist who was Australia's biggest white collar criminal; opposes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel; rubbishes and defames anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish supporters of BDS; and puts Apartheid Israeli interests before those of Australia's international reputation. Labor has disgraced Australia by making it one of the world's strongest allies of Apartheid Israel and has refused to support the UN Palestinian statehood vote and the Durban I, II and III objections to Israeli Apartheid. While PM Kevin Rudd was removed because of opposition to the Mining Tax, the people who removed him were members of the pro-Zionist Gillard faction i.e. PM Kevin Rudd, one of Australia's most popular PMs, was found to be not pro-Zionist enough in objecting to the Israeli kidnapping of Australians in international waters and the forging of Australian passports, and was removed in an overnight pro- Zionist-led Coup. Labor will never achieve government again as long as it contains pro-Zionists supporting the genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide, nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel rogue state.
46. Julian Assange. As outlined under :”Assange”, US lackey Labor has betrayed this Australian who is a world hero for exposing US war crimes and subversion.
47. Knowledge nation. Labor has spouted rhetoric about the “knowledge nation” and the “education revolution” but has failed to address Australian Educational Apartheid (see “Education” and “Educational Apartheid”), has slashed funding for universities (see “Universities”), has slashed funding for university research (see “Science”), and indeed has criminalized the free speech of academic scientists (university science academics are threatened with 10 years in prison via the US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill if they mention any of thousands of things specified in a huge Defence and Strategic Goods List to overseas students without a permit from the Australian Defence Force or the Australian Public Service). Under Labor, 80% of NT Aboriginal children fail basic literacy and numeracy standards, 47% of Australians are functionally illiterate and 53% are functionally innumerate.
48. Lesbians. Despite the Australian Labor Party as a whole being in favor of same sex marriage, PM Gillard is opposed and Gillard Labor has effectively blocked this reform in the Federal parliament. Labor provides huge taxpayer subsidies for private schools that impose sexist, sexual guilt, homophobic and misogynist views on children in a process of intellectual child abuse.
49. Logging. Labor continues to permit logging of South East Australian forests, resources that are the best forest carbon sinks in the world. Climate criminal Labor's policy of unlimited coal and gas exports is compounded by its policy of logging the best forest carbon sinks in the world (see “Deforestation”).
50. Lying. Labor politicians are involved in endless spin and falsehood. Thus PM Julia Gillard notoriously promised before the 2010 election that “There will be no carbon tax by a government I lead” and then promptly introduced a Carbon Tax-ETS when barely re-elected. The PM Julia Gillard, the FM Bob Carr and other Labor MPs endlessly proclaim that democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel is a “democracy” whereas the Awful Truth is that only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians and only 14% of the 5.8 million Palestinians actually living in Palestine under Apartheid Israeli rule (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine, and that 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even step foot in their own country. The most serious lie is the Labor assertion that “we are tackling climate change for a clean energy future” whereas the reality is the opposite (also see “Mendacity”.
51. Marriage equality. Despite the Australian Labor Party being in favor of same sex marriage, PM Gillard is opposed and Gillard Labor has effectively blocked this reform in the Federal parliament. Labor provides huge taxpayer subsidy for private schools that impose sexist, sexual guilt, homophobic and misogynist views on children in a process of intellectual child abuse (see “Same sex marriage”).
52. Mainstream Media, Mainstream media censorship, Mainstream media lying. Labor has been legitimately if hypocritically criticized by egregiously censoring Australian oligopoly Mainstream media for wanting to impose government controls on media freedom of speech in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia .
53. Mass infanticide. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor has made most Australians complicit in the passive mass murder of millions of Muslim children through violently-imposed deprivation. Thus under-5 year old infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to horrendous, Australia-complicit US Alliance war crimes) total 6 million (post-1990 US War on Muslims), 4.4 million (post-2001 US War on Terror), 2 million (post-1990 Iraqi Genocide), and 3 million (post-2001 Afghan Genocide).
54. Mass murder. Pro-war, US lackey Labor has been complicit in the following atrocities (deaths from violence and from violently-imposed deprivation in parentheses): the Iraq War (4.6 million) and the Afghan War (5.5 million).
55. Mendacity. Labor politicians are involved in endless spin, falsehood and mendacity. Thus PM Julia Gillard notoriously promised before the 2010 election that “There will be no carbon tax by a government I lead” and then promptly introduced a Carbon Tax-ETS when re-elected. The PM Julia Gillard, the FM Bob Carr and other Labor MPs endlessly proclaim that democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel is a “democracy” whereas the Awful Truth is that only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians and only 14% of the 5.8 million Palestinians actually living in Palestine (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine, and that 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even step foot in their own country. The most serious lie is the Labor assertion that “we are tackling climate change for a clean energy future” whereas the reality is the opposite (see “Lying”).
56. Mothers. Labor reached a new low when it changed welfare arrangements for single mothers (and single parents in general) leaving this highly vulnerable group and their children about $100 per week worse off. PM Gillard is unmarried but refuses marriage for gay people and has no children but has made the majority of Australians voting Labor or Coalition complicit in the horrendous under-5 infant mortality in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan totaling 2.0 million infant deaths since 1990 in Iraq and 3.0 million since 2001 in Afghanistan, 90% avoidable and due to horrendous US Alliance and Australian war crimes in gross contravention of Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (also see “Single parents”).
57. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is generally regarded as a positive achievement of Labor but can be viewed critically in relation to (a) why it took Labor nearly 6 years to do this; (b) payment for the scheme will come from an increase in the health care levy i.e. likely more money for improvement in quality of life at the expense of saving lives (e.g. 66,000 Australians die preventably each year); and (c) the need to ensure that the scheme is carefully managed to prevent profligacy at the expense of genuine need and health care in general.
58. Neoconservatism, neoliberalism. Labor used to have Fabian, democratic socialist or social humanist ideals of maximizing human health, happiness, dignity and opportunity. However Gillard Labor, like warmonger Tony Blair's New Labour in the UK , has opted or the prevalent Corporatism-driven neoconservatism and neoliberalism that demands maximizing the freedom of the smart and advantaged to maximize wealth at the expense of the environment and the disadvantaged. From a scientific perspective, neoliberalism has driven the world to the edge of disaster (see “Climate change inaction, climate crisis, climate emergency, climate genocide, climate injustice”).
59. Oil. For reasons of transport efficiency and overall societal energy efficiency, governments should be investing in rail mass transit rather than on highways. Pro-fossil fuels, anti-environment Labor thinks otherwise and is committed to pork-barreling highways and has been subsidizing oil-based transport to the tune of billions of dollars per year. In this area Labor is involved in crass, stupid, and ignorant political corruption.
60. Opiate drugs. Through its enthusiastic involvement in the Afghan War (Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide), Labor is complicit in the opiate drug-related deaths of 350 Australians annually (about 4,000 such Australian deaths since 2001) and 1 million such deaths globally due to the US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, the breakdown of this global carnage including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians. Iran is the world leader in the fight against opiate drugs and US-protected Afghan opiates in particular that have killed 4,000 Australian since 2001 – yet Labor leads the US lackey pack in baying for sanctions against Iran that are linked to 0.1 million avoidable deaths every year.
61. Overseas students. The education of overseas students is worth about $16 billion per year to Australia but Labor, from Dawkins and the Hawke Government onwards (the re-introduction of fees and the Dawkinization of Australian universities with the forced fusion of the vocational Colleges of Advanced Education with teaching and research universities), has been hell-bent on dismantling quality universities in Australia . Gillard Labor has continued this trend, so that universities are now deregulated to permit a flood of inferior students with consequent course dumbing-down. Gillard Labor has slashed university funding by $4 billion, cut $0.5 billion from university research, and recently slashed $2.8 billion from universities to pay for a further $2.4 billion for the intellectual child abuse of private religious schools. Half of undergraduate teaching is now done on the cheap by part-time academics. Indeed Universities Australia (the former Australian Vice Chancellors Committee) unsuccessfully pleaded with the Gillard Government over the huge threat to academic freedom and to the teaching of 250,000 overseas students posed by the draconian, US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill (10 years in prison for an academic scientist who mentions any of thousands of things to overseas students without a permit from the government).
62. Palestine , Palestinian Genocide, Palestinian Holocaust. Aside from Zionist-dominated America , Zionist-subverted Australia is arguably the strongest supporter of genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide, nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel that is responsible for a Palestinian Genocide involving 2.0 million Palestinian deaths since 1936 from violence (0.1 million) or from violently–imposed deprivation (1.9 million). The latest Gillard Labor Ministry is stacked with pro-Zionists and indeed only 1 member of this Ministry has publicly supported human rights for Palestinians. Labor continues to pay lip-service to a “2-state solution” that has been obviated by the genocidal Israeli ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine . Gillard and her cronies were opposed to UN recognition of Palestinian statehood but the Labor Caucus MPs defeated Gillard on this matter in adopting a similarly cowardly and unprincipled position of abstention from the UN vote on Palestinian statehood.
63. Passive mass murder. Labor is complicit in the post-1990, Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-backed US War on Muslims that has been associated with 12 million deaths with over half the deaths due to passive mass murder through violently-imposed deprivation.
64. Politically correct racism (PC racism). Labor eschews the explicit racism of White Australia's deeply racist past and would not dream of making derogatory remarks about any race or culture (except for deeply observant Muslims who it routinely defames in a manner that would be effectively illegal in Australia if applied to Jews). However Labor is guilty of PC racism by endlessly declaring its altruistic goals of freedom, democracy and womens' rights in Muslim countries while continuing in its support for the US War on Muslims in which 12 million Muslims have been actively or passively murdered, so far, since 1990, with half the victims being children.
65. Preventable deaths. Under Gillard Labor some 66,000 Australian die preventably each year with 9,000 being Indigenous Australians, this being linked to the moral and fiscal perversion of Labor commitment to a $125 billion accrual cost to Australia of the Neocon American- and Zionist-Imperialist-backed US War On Terror that since 2001 has killed 9 million Muslims, half of them children.
66. Quantitation, quantifying. British physicist Lord Kelvin, the father of thermodynamics, argued that arguments should ideally be informed by numbers. However Labor evidently accepts Big Brother's assertion in George Orwell's novel “1984” that “2 plus 2 does not equal 4”. Furthermore, Labor dishonestly ignores carefully researched numbers in relation to numerous matters set out in this document, of which the most harrowing are the 5 million under-5 year old infant deaths associated with the Labor-complicit Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide, 90% avoidable and due to horrendous war crimes by the US Alliance, including Australia, in gross violation of the Geneva Convention.
68. Racism. The ultimate in racism is the invasion, occupation and genocidal devastation of other countries. Labor is complicit in the Iraqi Genocide and the Afghan Genocide. Domestically, Labor excluded NT Aborigines, Afghan refugees fleeing the Afghan Genocide and Tamil refugees fleeing the Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka from the protection of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act (see also “Politically correct racism” and “PC racism”).
69. Rail transport. The worsening climate crisis and climate emergency means that Australia should be urgently reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and increasing energy efficiency (e.g. a tram is 50 times more energy efficient in transporting passengers than a four-wheel-drive). Labor is locked into supporting highways rather than rail and subsidizing fossil fuel use to the tune of $12 billion per year. About 10,000 Australians die each year from the effects of pollutants from carbon burning, the breakdown being 5,000 (coal burning for power), 2,000 (vehicle exhaust) and 3,000 (other carbon burning excluding bush fires).
70. Refugees. Of over 45 million refugees in the world today, over half are Muslim refugees mostly fleeing the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-promoted US War on Muslims, the breakdown being 7 million Palestinians, 5-6 million Iraqis, 3-4 million Afghans, 2 million Somalis, 1 million Libyans, 1.5 million Syrians (with a further 4 million internally displaced Syrians), 2 million Pakistanis displaced in NW Pakistan, 2.3 million internally displaced Sudanese and 1.6 million refugee or stateless Rohingyas in Myanmar. Nearly 35,000 refugees have come to Australia by boat under Labor which has adopted the harsh Coalition policy of mandatory detention of such refugees in remote concentration camps. Lib-Lab PC racism means that this gross human rights abuse is described as “stopping the people smuggler business model to prevent loss of life of refugees at sea”. Former Labor PM Kevin Rudd has described those helping desperate refugees find safe haven as “scum of the earth who should rot in hell” – but decent people can well ask how one should describe the genocidally racist Zionists, the US Alliance and their Australian confrères responsible for generating over 20 million Muslim refugees in the first place. Currently under Labor about 2,000 refugee children are imprisoned without charge under mandatory detention in remote concentrations camps within Australia or in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, with all this in gross violation of the UN Convention on Rights of the Child and of basic human decency, this alone making Labor utterly unfit for public life, let alone governing a nation.
71. Same sex marriage. Despite the Australian Labor Party as a whole being in favor of same sex marriage, PM Gillard is opposed to this and Gillard Labor has effectively blocked this reform in the Federal parliament. Labor provides huge taxpayer subsidy for private schools that impose sexist, sexual guilt, homophobic and misogynist views on children in a process of intellectual child abuse.
72. Schools. As outlined under “Education”; Labor Australia's Education Apartheid system ensures that the majority of Australian children attending state schools are disproportionately excluded from a decent education, university, top universities, and top courses such as medicine and law; that 80% of NT Aboriginal children fail basic literacy and numeracy standards; that 47% of Australians are functionally illiterate and 53% are functionally innumerate; and that children attending taxpayer-funded private schools are subject to religious brainwashing (Intellectual child abuse) that variously teaches them to accept sexism, misogyny, sexual guilt, unsafe sex, creationism, intelligent design, anti-science miracles and the right to invade, occupy, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries. The National History Curriculum properly deals with the World War 2 Jewish Holocaust but ignores the World War 2 European Holocaust of which it was apart (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed), the Chinese Holocaust (35 million Chinese killed under Japanese occupation (1937-1945) and the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons. Labor's last-minute commitment to “Gonski reforms” after nearly 6 years of inaction can be seen as cynical political spin of promising huge amounts of money they don't have and won't get to spend. There are dozens of educational procedural innovations that cost nothing or very little and that can and should be introduced to address the educational crisis.
73. Science. Labor is outrageously anti-science through ignoring climate science in its support for unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exploitation and export; the use of taxpayer funds to subsidize anti-science intellectual child abuse by religious private schools; by ignoring expert scientific advice over the water needs of the iconic Murray–Darling River system; by ignoring the acute threat posed by fossil fuel export and burning to the Great Barrier Reef; by slashing university research funding; and by grievously threatening the academic freedom of university scientists by the draconian, US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill (10 years in prison for an academic scientist who mentions any of thousands of things in a huge Defence and Strategic Goods List to non-Australians without a permit from the government) (see “Climate change inaction, climate crisis, climate emergency, climate genocide, climate injustice”, “Environmental destruction, environmental vandalism”, “Universities”).
74. Sexual abuse, sexual abuse of children. Labor instituted a Royal Commission that is confined to investigating horrendous institutional child sexual abuse (e.g. up to 40,000 such cases over the last 40 years by Catholic Church personnel). However Labor ignored the awful reality that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men – 4.4 million Australians in all - have been subject to child sexual abuse i.e. Labor has ignored this huge non-institutional child sexual abuse.
75. Single parents. Labor's commitment to inequity reached a new low when it changed welfare arrangements for single mothers (and single parents in general) leaving this highly vulnerable group and their children about $100 per week worse off and thus consigning already impoverished single parents and their children to dire poverty (see “Mothers”)..
76. Smoking. Each year under Labor smoking kills about 16,000 Australians and alcohol kills about 3,000, whereas illicit drugs kill about 1,000 Australians each year. Labor laudably introduced plain packaging for cigarettes but smoking and alcohol remain legal and linked with the deaths of nearly 20,000 Australians annually.
77. Spin and slies (spin-based untruths). Labor mendacity has been outlined above under “Lying” and “Mendacity”. However in addition to massive outright falsehood, Labor is a party to spin and slies (spin-based untruths). Indeed commentators have referred to Whitlam Labor as “reform labor” and Gillard Labor as “spin Labor”. Perhaps the most pervasive spin and slying has been the Labor assertion that it is “tackling climate change for a clean energy future” when the reality is that Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution has increased enormously under Labor policies.
78. State terrorism. Labor has been a consistent supporter of US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, noting that 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries occupied in the post-war era by the UK, France, the US and Apartheid Israel total 727 million, 142 million, 82 million and 24 million, respectively. Labor supports these US Alliance criminals even when Australians are the victims. Thus Labor supported Apartheid Israel when it was bombing 25,000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 and turns a blind eye to the large-scale theft and destruction by Apartheid Israel of the property of Australian residents and citizens. PM Kevin Rudd outraged traitorous Zionists when he objected more in sorrow than in anger to the Apartheid Israeli forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes and the tasering, shooting, kidnapping, robbing and false imprisonment of Australians associated with a Gaza Flotilla. PM Kevin Rudd was subsequently removed in a US approved, foreign Mining Corporation-backed, pro-Zionist–led Coup on 24 June 2010. Labor has passively supported US state terrorism torture of Australians Mamdouh Habib and David Hicks and the continuing gross abuse of Julian Assange.
79. Tamil Genocide. The Apartheid Israel-complicit Sri Lankan Tamil Genocide has involved the killing of about 100,000 Tamils and the highly abusive imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of Tamils in concentration camps. Labor denies Sri Lankans human rights abuses, collaborates with the war criminal Sri Lankan authorities, and returns Tamil refugees to face possible rape, torture and murder in Sri Lanka . While pro-Zionist, US lackey Canada will boycott the forthcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in Sri Lanka , Australia ignores the evidence of horrendous Sri Lankan atrocities and will attend CHOGM.
80. Terrorism. Terrorism today largely comes in 2 major varieties, Muslim-origin non-state terrorism that has evilly killed perhaps 2,000 Westerners in the last half century (this estimate excluding 3,700 genocidally racist Zionist invaders killed since 1920 and the 3,000 people killed on 9-11, almost certainly by the US Government and with likely Israeli complicity: Google “Experts: US did 9/11”) and US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism and Israeli state terrorism (that in the post-1990 War on Muslims alone have killed some 12 million Muslims through violence or through violently-imposed deprivation). Labor is complicit in horrendous US Alliance state terrorism but ignores its genocidal consequences. Conversely Labor dishonestly indulges in endless terror hysteria that since 2001 has cost 9 million Muslim lives and been associated 0.8 million preventable Australian deaths linked to the fiscal perversion of a $125 billion accrual cost to Australia of the War on Terror (see “Apartheid Israel”, “Children”, “Infanticide”, “Israel”, “Mass infanticide”, and “United States of America”). Australian anti-terrorism laws violate Australian human rights and support US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism.
81. Transport. Pro-fossil fuels, anti-environment Labor is committed to highways rather than rail and has been subsidizing fossil fuels to the tune of $12 billion per year. Labor has approved massive coal and gas transport by sea that threatens the Great Barrier Reef (see “Rail”).
82. Treason. Labor PM Kevin Rudd outraged traitorous Zionists when he objected more in sorrow than in anger at the Apartheid Israeli forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes and the tasering, shooting, kidnapping, robbing and false imprisonment of Australians associated with a Gaza Flotilla – he was subsequently removed in a US approved, foreign Mining Corporation-backed, pro-Zionist–led Coup on 24 June 2010. WikiLeaks has revealed that 2 of the key pro-Zionist plotters in the pro-Zionist-led Coup against former Labor PM Kevin Rudd that installed Julia Gillard as PM were US “assets” who reported internal Labor Government matters to the US Embassy. Labor turns a blind eye to the recruitment of Israeli soldiers and spies by taxpayer-funded private schools and the hundreds (thousands?) of Zionist Australians who violate Australian law by serving in the war criminal Israeli Defence Force. Labor has turned a blind eye to Australian Israeli traitor and spy Ben Zygier who was tortured to death by the Israelis. The Jewish Zionist Labor Attorney General declines to comment on the traitor Ben Zygier Affair or the huge violation of Australian electronic privacy by the Edward Snowden-revealed US Prism electronic surveillance system, citing the routine cop-out “we do not comment on intelligence matters”.
83. Underprivileged, unemployed. As outlined under “Aboriginal ethnocide, Aboriginal genocide, Aboriginal rights”, “Inequity”, “Mothers”, “Refugees”, and “Single Parents”, neoliberal Labor has enacted policies that grievously violate the rights and/or interests of these underprivileged groups. The circa 5.6% unemployment rate in Australia hides huge under-employment (30% of the employed) and low participation (65.2%) problems.
84. United Nations. Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor consistently supports the US and Apartheid Israel at the UN. Under Labor Australia secured a seat at the UN Security Council. While the best friend after the US of nuclear-armed Apartheid Israel, Australia heads the UN committee overseeing sanctions against non-nuclear armed Iran that are linked to 0.1 million Iranian avoidable deaths from deprivation each year. Under Gillard Labor Australia abstained from the UN vote for recognition of Palestinian statehood (pro-Zionist Gillard and her pro-Zionist cronies wanted Australia to vote against Palestinian statehood). Under Labor Australia has been grossly violating the Geneva Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Rights of the Child Convention and the UN Genocide Convention.
85. United States of America . Pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor consistently supports US foreign policy and nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel . Labor's pro-war policies have made most Australians complicit in the Iraqi Genocide, the Afghan Genocide and the post-1990 Muslim Genocide (12 million Muslim deaths). US pro-opiate drug policies in Afghanistan have killed about 4,000 Australian since 2001. Conversely, Labor utterly betrays the American people by falsely identifying US interests with the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters who determine that 1 million Americans die preventably each year while successive Administrations have committed to a $6 trillion accrual cost of the War on Terror that has killed 9 million Muslims i.e. killing millions Muslims abroad at the expense of millions of Americans dying preventably at home. The $125 billion accrual cost to Australia of the Zionist-backed US War on Terror has been associated with 0.8 million Australian preventable deaths since 2001.
86. UK state terrorism. For over 1.5 centuries Australia was a running dog of British imperialism before shifting its primary allegiance to the US in the early 1940s. Nevertheless, under Labor Australia is still intimately linked to UK state terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan and loyally supports UK state terrorism elsewhere (e.g. in Libya and Syria ). Endlessly lying Labor ensures that Australians remain largely ignorant of the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which Britain with Australian help deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons (Australia was complicit in this atrocity by withholding grain from its huge wheat stocks from starving India).
87. US state terrorism. Labor is resolutely locked in to US state terrorism whether directed at Australian citizens (e.g. via Prism-based invasion of privacy, deadly US-protected Afghan opiates or the rendition and torture of Australian citizens like Mamdouh Habib and David Hicks) and at the inhabitants of virtually all other people around the world (e.g. Google “Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today? Answer: 1,000”).
88. US subversion of Australia . The US has intervened in Australian democracy via subversion and perversion of Australian public figures, Mainstream media, universities (e.g. Google “Censorship by The Conversation”), the ABC (e.g. Google “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”) and political parties, including the US lackey Australian Labor Party (the ALP; the American Lackey Party). Cowardly Labor ignores the intervention of the US into Australian democracy via the dismissal of the reformist Whitlam Labor Government in 1975, the public US vetoing of Labor leader Mark Latham in the 2004 election, and US approval of the foreign mining corporation-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup in 2010.
89. Universities. While Labor under pro-education and pro-intellectual Whitlam removed university fees, these imposts were returned under the Hawke Labor Government which also Dawkinized Australian universities by fusing these research and teaching institutions with teaching-only vocational Colleges of Advanced Education. Under Gillard Labor universities were deregulated, this allowing a flood of academically poor students to enrol with a consequent dumbing down of standards. Gillard Labor has slashed $0.5 billion from university research funding and slashed $4 billion overall from university-related funding (diverting $2.8 billion from universities and university students to pre-university education). Gillard Labor has grievously threatened university education exports worth $16 billion annually as well as the academic freedom of university scientists by the draconian US-linked Defence Trade Controls Bill (10 years in prison for an academic scientist who mentions any of thousands of things in a huge Defence and Strategic Goods List to non-Australians such as overseas students without a permit from the government) (see “Censorship” and Science”).
90. Violence. Aboriginal deaths in custody and horrendous domestic violence against women continue under Gillard Labor which has resolutely ignored the horrible reality that 34% of Australian women and 16% of men have been subject to child sexual abuse (over 4 million such victims in all today). Overseas, Gillard Labor has made most Australians complicit in the Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, the Afghan Genocide and the post-1990 Muslim Genocide (12 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation).
91. Water. The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) issued a draft report consonant with the science-based view that a minimum of 4,000 GL of water had to be returned to the iconic Australian Murray-Darling River system for environmental sustainability. After irrigation farmers protested and indeed publicly burned copies of the Report, Labor moved to mollify opposition. Scientists resigned en masse from the MDBA and a new report advocating return of only 2,750 GL of water was issued and accepted by anti-science and anti-environment Labor.
92. War. Under pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey Labor Australian forces were in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan and Australia remains closely linked to US nuclear terrorism via the Pine Gap and other facilities. Pro-war Gillard Labor has thus made most Australians complicit in the Iraqi Genocide and the Afghan Genocide, and deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation totaling 4.6 million in post-1990 Iraq and 5.5 million in post-2001 Afghanistan . US lackey Labor has now permitted 2,500 child-killing US Marines to be stationed on Australian soil at Darwin and has adumbrated naval facilities in Western Australia for nuclear armed US warships and the Cocos Keeling Islands for war criminal US drone espionage and bombing operations (see “Afghan Holocaust”, “Afghan Genocide”, “Afghan War”, “Iraqi Genocide”, “Iraqi Holocaust”, “Iraq War” and “Refugees”).
93. War crimes. Gillard Labor has made most Australians complicit in horrendous US Alliance war crimes associated with the post-1990 Iraqi Genocide and the post-2001 Afghan Genocide (deaths from violence or from violently -imposed deprivation totaling 4.6 million and 5.5 million, respectively). Labor has helped cover up Australian complicity in the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which Britain with Australian help deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons (Australia was complicit in this atrocity by withholding grain from its huge wheat stocks from starving India).
94. Warmongering. While most NATO countries have left, the Americans want to get out of Afghanistan ASAP and even some Coalition MPs demand a rapid exit before even more Australian soldiers get killed, the warmongering Gillard Labor Government wants Australian forces to stay after 2014. Neoliberal, US lackey Labor provides verbal support for continuing US Alliance invasions of other countries (Mali, Somalia, Libya, Syria) and is a leader in the pro-Zionist pack supporting sanctions against the non-nuclear weapons state Iran that are associated with 0.1 million avoidable Iranian deaths annually (see “Opiate drugs”).
95. Wikileaks. As outlined under ”Assange”, US lackey Labor has betrayed Australian and world hero Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks has revealed that 2 of the key plotters in the pro-Zionist-led Coup against former Labor PM Kevin Rudd were US “assets” who reported internal Labor Government matters to the US Embassy.
96. Women. Neoliberal Labor changed welfare arrangements for single mothers (and single parents in general), leaving this highly vulnerable group and their children about $100 per week worse off and thus consigning already impoverished single parents and their children to dire poverty. Labor's scheme for maternity leave is vastly less generous than that of the conservative Coalition Opposition. Labor's complicity in the Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide has made most Australian complicit in the mass murder of 2 million Iraqi infants and 3 million Afghan infants by US Alliance state terrorism. The mass murder of children is surely the worst crime against women short of the mass murder of women themselves, noting that avoidable deaths from violently-imposed deprivation in the Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide total 2.9 million and 4.2 million, respectively, 50% female and an immense war crime in gross violation of the Geneva Convention.
97. Wrong side of history. Labor asserts that the conservative Coalition Opposition is on the “wrong side of history” over man-made climate change but pro-coal, pro-gas, climate criminal Labor has essentially the same policy of climate change inaction as the pro-coal, pro-gas, climate criminal Coalition. Indeed Labor's policies are arguably worse because they deliberately set out to deceive the public into believing the falsehood that Labor is taking concrete steps to curb greenhouse gas pollution.
98. X. X stands for an unknown – how many more perversions of decent human values by neoliberal Labor? X in commercial parlance also stands for “Christ” as in Xmas rather than Christmas. Labor ignores the realities that the wonderful Jesus Christ was an Aramaic-speaking Palestinian who if born in the last century would have been subject to the horrible abuses inflicted on Palestinians by the Australian Labor-backed, genocidally racist Zionists
99. Youth. Labor has comprehensively betrayed Australia 's youth through Educational Apartheid, the intellectual child abuse in private religious schools, the crippling of our universities, illegal and racist wars, obscene neoliberalism, environmental vandalism and Gadarene support for greenhouse gas pollution. Thus for every $1 that Labor-backed, foreign coal corporations receive for coal, today's Australian children in the future will have to spend $2-$3 at current values removing the consequent CO2 from the atmosphere as biochar (carbon, charcoal generated through the anaerobic pyrolysis of cellulosic waste) - Labor has thus utterly betrayed Australian youth in this appalling example of intergenerational inequity and intergenerational injustice.
100. Zionist racism, genocide, perversion, subversion and mendacity. Pro-Zionist Gillard Labor has made most Australians complicit in the horrendous crimes of the racist Zionists – the invasion, occupation, devastation and ethnic cleaning of 90% of Palestine; the Palestinian Genocide involving 2.0 million Palestinian deaths since 1936 from violence (0.1 million) or from violently–imposed deprivation (1.9 million); Apartheid Israel's democracy-by-genocide whereby only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine, 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even step foot in their own country, and over 4 million Occupied Palestinian are deprived of all human rights and highly abusively confined to West Bank Bantustans or to what the Catholic Church has called the Gaza Concentration Camp. Traitorous Zionists have subverted and perverted both Labor and the Coalition, Australian Mainstream media, the Australian Government, the ABC and SBS. Zionism is genocidal racism in awful theory and appalling practice and the racist Zionists and their Labor supporters should be sidelined from public life as have been like racists such as the Nazis, .neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and KKK.
In summary, detailed above are 100 reasons why Australians should reject Gillard Labor. Mainstream media lying in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia ensures that most of these reasons are kept well away from the Australian public. Apprised of these matters, decent Australians will vote 1 Green and put Labor last until it reverts to decent values (the Coalition Opposition is just as bad but, unlike neoliberal Labor, has not actually betrayed decent Labor voters and values). Please tell everyone you can.
Some key references.
“2011 Climate Change Course”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2011-climate-change-course .
“Aboriginal Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ .
“Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ .
“Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed .
“Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ .
“Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by .
Gideon Polya, “ Australia 's Carbon Tax scandal”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/23026-gideonpolya-carbon-tax.html .
Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/body-count-global-avoidable-mortality_05.html .
Gideon Polya, “ Doha climate change inaction. Only 5 years left to act”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/23373-gideonpolya-climate-change.html .
Gideon Polya, “Endless war on terror. Huge cost for Australia & America ”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/22149-endless-war-on-terror.html .
Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Australian child sexual abuse”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/22859-gideonpolya-sexual-abuse.html .
Gideon Polya, “One million Americans die preventably annually in USA ”, Countercurrents: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya180212.htm .
Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, now available for free perusal on the web: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com.au/ .
Gideon Polya, "Why PM Julia Gillard Must Go: 66,000 Preventable Australian Deaths Annually", Countercurrents: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya210212.htm .
“Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ .
“Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ .
“Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide” : https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ .
“Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ .
“Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ .
William Blum, “ Rogue State ”.
Dr Gideon Polya has been teaching science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/ockham/stories/s1445960.htm ) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html ). He has published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ ) as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and others: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/history-the-arts/history/social-economic-history/listen-the-bengal-famine ). When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/gideonpolya/ .
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