By Dr Gideon Polya
09 February, 2015
As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries as compared to the British 193, France, 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12. History ignored yields history repeated and look-the-other-way
In the century after the British invasion in 1788 the Australian Aboriginal population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million through dispossession, deprivation, introduced disease and violence. Since 1788 some 2 million Indigenous Australians have died untimely deaths, White Australians have destroyed 600 out of 750 distinct Australian Aboriginal groups (and associated languages and dialects) and of the remaining 150 all but 20 are endangered, this qualitatively representing the worst genocide in human history [1-3]. In the 19th century Australians were variously officially involved in British imperial wars (in China, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, and the Sudan), and were also variously unofficially involved in the violent kidnapping of Pacific island Melanesians and Polynesians (“blackbirding”) as slaves for British and Australian sugar cane plantations in Australia, Fiji and Samoa (this variously involving Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu). The Maori population of
In the 20th century Australians were involved in British imperial wars, first in
Australia's Third Iraq War (Sanctions against Iraq, RAN, 1990-2003, 1.7 million Iraqi deaths from deprivation, 1.2 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention);
Australia's Sixth Iraq War ( invasion and occupation of Iraq, 2003-2011, 1.5 million violent deaths, 1.2 million deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention);
Not included in this analysis are numerous and laudable Australian contributions to UN and other peace-keeping operations in Africa,
There are 193 UN member states [7] plus 2 UN-recognized states (Palestine and the Vatican) and 8 non-UN-recognized states (8 de facto states, namely US-backed and recognized Kosovo (ex Serbia), US-backed and recognized Taiwan (ex China), Russia-backed and recognized South Ossetia (ex Georgia), Russia-backed and recognized Abkhazia (ex Georgia), Russia-backed but unrecognized Transnistria (ex Moldova), Russia–backed but unrecognized Eastern Ukraine or Novorussiya (ex Ukraine), Nagorny Karabakh Republic (ex Azerbaijan), and Western Sahara (ex Morocco and Mauritania).
Listed below in alphabetical order are the 85 of these 203 present-day countries whose territory has been variously subject to armed Australian entry:
Australia (1788-1901, British colony; Australian Aboriginal Genocide in which the Aboriginal population declined from about 1 million to 0.1 million in the first century after invasion; Tasmanian Aboriginal Genocide in which the full-blood Aboriginal population declined from 6,000 in 1803 to zero with the death of Truganini in 1875; Australian “blackbirding” raids for slave labour, 19th century; last massacres of Aborigines in the 1920s);
Bangladesh (WW2, 1939-1945, Australians served in RAF in India; 6-7 million Indians starved to death in WW2 Bengal Famine imposed by Britain with Australian complicity, Australia withholding food from its huge wartime grain stores, 1942-1945);
Democratic People's Republic of
Eastern Ukraine or Novorussiya (ex Ukraine; Australian volunteers in British Army in Crimean War, 1853-1856; Australian contribution to the Allied Intervention in Russia 1918–19 when the Ukraine was part of Russia );
Egypt (WW1, 1914-1918; initial base for the First Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) sent to invade Turkey at Gallipoli in 1915; WW2, AIF in the Battle of El Alamein and elsewhere in Egypt, 1942-1943);
Fiji (Australian “blackbirding” in the Lau Islands for slave labour for sugar cane plantations, 1863; measles inadvertently introduced by Ratu Cakobau from Sydney, Australia, killed 40,000 out of 150,000 Fijians, 1875; Polynesian and Melanesian slave labour was associated with high mortality and thence Indian 5-year-slave indentured labour was used for Australian and other sugar cane plantations, 1879-1916, the last “slaves” being released in 1920; RAN, 1917-1918; Tasmanian and thence New Zealand SS Talune brought deadly influenza to Fiji, 1918-1919; RAN, 1918-1919);
France (WW1, AIF suffered huge losses, 1914-1918; WW2, AFC, 1917-1918; WW2, RAAF bombed Northern and Southern France targets, 1944);
Germany (WW1, Australia at war with Germany, 1914-1918 ; WW2, Australia at war with Germany, 1939-1945; Australians in RAF bombing Germany, 1940-1945; RAAF bombing Germany, 1941-1945);
India (members from British regiments stationed in Australia saw action in India and Afghanistan, pre-1901; WW2, Australians in RAF, 1939-1945; WW2, AIF and RAN transit via Bombay; by withholding food from its huge wartime grain stocks, Australia was complicit in the British-imposed Bengal Famine in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons, 1942-1945);
Iraq (WW1, Australian Flying Corps (AFC; RAAF precursor), 1915; WW2, RAN, Basra, in Anglo-Iraq War, 1941; Sanctions against Iraq, RAN, 1990-2003, 1.7 million Iraqi deaths from deprivation; Australian forces to Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991; Gulf War, RAN, 1990-1991, 0.2 million Iraqis killed; Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, 2003-2011, 1.5 million violent deaths, 1.2 million deaths from war-imposed deprivation; Australia's Pine Gap is key to targeting US drone strikes, 2008-; RAAF bombing, Iraq, 2014- );
Israel (WW1 in Palestine; Army 1916-1918; Surafend Massacre by Australian forces, 100 Palestinians killed in this revenge attack, 1918);
Italy (WW1, RAN, 1917-1918; WW2, Australia at war with Italy, 1939-1944; WW2, RAAF, 1943-1944; WW2, RAN, 1943-1944 );
Japan (WW2, Australia at war with Japan, with Japanese bombing and submarine raids on Australia, 1941-1945; post-WW2 Australian occupation of Japan, 1946-1952);
Kiribati (Australian blackbirding” raids for slave labour for sugar cane plantations and associated high mortality from introduced disease, 19th century; WW1, RAN, 1918);
Malaysia (WW2, Australian forces, 1940-1942; Australian forces taken prisoner in 1942, liberated in 1945; WW2, Borneo Campaign, 1944; Confrontation with Indonesia, 1964-1966; RAAF at Butterworth Base, 1957-);
Nauru (captured from Germans in 1914; Tasmanian and thence New Zealand SS Talune brought deadly influenza to Nauru, 1918-1919); League of Nations Mandate to Australia, New Zealand and UK, 1923-1942; re-conquered by RAN, 1945; UN trusteeship to Australia, New Zealand and UK, 1947-1966; present site of a corporation-run Australian concentration camp for refugees);
Palestine (WW1, Army 1916-1918; Surafend Massacre by Australian forces, about 100 Palestinians killed in a revenge attack over the killing of a New Zealand soldier by an escaping thief, 1918; WW2, RAN);
Papua New Guinea (Australian “blackbirding” for slave labour for Fiji, Samoa and Australian sugar cane plantations, 19th century; Papua ruled by Queensland, Australia 1883-1901; ruled by Australian 1901-1975; WW1, Australia seized German New Guinea, 1914; Papua New Guinea independent from Australia in 1975);
Samoa (Australian “blackbirding” raids for slave labour for sugar cane plantations and associated high mortality from introduced disease, 19th century; Tasmanian and thence New Zealand SS Talune brought influenza that killed 22% of Samoans, 1918-1919; RAN, 1918-1919);
Solomon Islands (Australian blackbirding” raids for slave labour for sugar cane plantations and associated high mortality from introduced disease, 19th century; WW2, 1942-1945);
South ?Sudan (Sudan War, 1886; WW2, RAN, 1941);
Timor-Leste (Australian forces, 1942-1945);
Tonga (Australian “blackbirding” “blackbirding” raids for slave labour for sugar cane plantations, 1863; Tasmanian and thence New Zealand SS Talune brought deadly influenza to Tonga, 1918-1919; RAN, 1918-1919);
Turkey (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) invasion, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, commemorated by Anzac Day; ANZAC withdrawal, 1916; RAN, 1915-1916);
Tuvalu (Australian blackbirding” raids for slave labour for sugar cane plantations and associated high mortality from introduced disease, 19th century; WW1, RAN, 1918);
Ukraine (Australian volunteers in British Army in Crimean War, 1853-1856; Australian contribution to the Allied Intervention in Russia 1918–1919 when the Ukraine was part of Russia );
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (WW1, AIF, 1914-1918; WW2, RAAF, 1942-1945);
Vanuatu (Australian blackbirding” raids for slave labour for sugar cane plantations and associated high mortality from introduced disease, 19th century; WW1, RAN, 1918; WW2, RAN, 1943-1945);
Western Sahara (ex
Countries that have not been invaded by Australia (although, for example, Australia invaded the former Russian Empire of which some of these countries were a part and the Australian RAN may have visited some maritime countries in this list when they were former British colonies):
Abkhazia (ex Georgia) ; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Barbados; Belarus; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia (Plurinational State of); Botswana; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cabo Verde; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Central African Republic; Chad; Colombia; Comoros; Congo (Brazzaville); Costa Rica; Côte D'Ivoire; Cuba; Czech Republic; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Finland; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Iceland; Ireland; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Latvia; Lesotho; Liberia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Micronesia (Federated States of); Monaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Nagorny Karabakh Republic (ex Azerbaijan); Namibia; Nepal; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Oman; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Portugal; Qatar; Republic of Moldova; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Suriname; Swaziland; Sweden; Tajikistan; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Togo; Transnistria (ex Moldova); Trinidad and Tobago; Turkmenistan; Uganda; United Arab Emirates, United States of America; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of); Zambia; Zimbabwe; Vatican.
Australia is a very wealthy and remote nation but as a UK lackey or a US lackey has invaded about 85 countries, the term invasion covering a variety of intrusions including national ground invasions, unofficial slave-trading, commerce-related spread of devastating diseases, the wartime presence of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and other Australian forces in British–occupied countries, Australian air crew in British Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing raids, RAAF bombing and the key involvement of Australia's Pine Gap facility in targeting US drone strikes from Africa to South Asia. The estimate of 85 countries invaded by Australians may be an under-estimate since, for example, there may be further countries visited by the RAN when they were British-occupied (e.g. what are now sovereign island states in the Atlantic , Indian or
In 2015
Indeed as a UK lackey or US lackey Australia has been involved in 30 genocidal atrocities but these have all been essentially ignored by Australian Mainstream media, politicians and academics (except for a few dissidents) and by the recent and ostensibly definitive Cambridge History of Australia [4].
It is very unlikely that in 2015
Qualitatively, Australia's worst genocidal atrocity has been the Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide in which 2 million Indigenous Australians have died untimely deaths, 600 out of 750 distinct Australian Aboriginal groups (and associated languages and dialects) have been destroyed, and of the remaining 150 all but 20 are endangered. Removal of government support for remote Aboriginal communities and substantial removal of instruction of Aboriginal children in their own language both threaten destruction of most of the surviving Aboriginal languages and dialects. According to a recent study (2009) : “At the end of 2008 the Northern Territory Government, supported by the Commonwealth
Government, all but closed bilingual education in remote Indigenous schools by determining that the language of instruction for the first four hours of school must be English. This decision could spell the death of the remaining endangered Indigenous languages in
Quantitatively, the worst genocidal atrocity with which
Australian forces have made it to more countries (85) than those invaded by
However it gets worse. Nuclear weapons, poverty and man-made climate change are the 3 major threats facing Humanity. However Australia is (1) intimately involved via its Pine Gap and other electronic surveillance facilities in US nuclear terrorism that threatens the survival of all Humanity ; (2) US lackey Australia's support for the American Empire helps support a world order in which 17 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year; and (3) climate criminal Australia is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution and its policy of effective climate change inaction coupled with unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports means that it will exceed by a factor of three the whole world's terminal Carbon Budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. Unaddressed man-made climate change is set to kill 10 billion people this century in a worsening Climate Genocide [23]. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity – please tell everyone you can. Climate criminal and war criminal
[1]. “Aboriginal Genocide”: .
[2]. Gideon Polya, “British Have Invaded 193 Countries: Make 26 January ( Australia Day, Invasion Day) British Invasion Day”, Countercurrents, 23 January, 2015: .
[3]. Gideon Polya, “Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide And Aboriginal Ethnocide By Politically Correct Racist Apartheid
[4]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Cambridge History Of Australia” Ignores Australian Involvement In 30 Genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October, 2013: .
[5]. (see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country from Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web : .
[6]. “Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide”: .
[7]. “Member states of the UN”: .
[8]. “
[9]. Gideon Polya, “Economist Mahima Khanna wins Cambridge Prize”, MWC News, 20 November 2011: .
[10]. Iraq Population: .
[11]. Jane Simpson, Jo Caffery and Patrick McConvell, “Gaps in
[12]. Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 1998, 2008: .
[13]. Colin Mason, “A Short History of
[14]. Thomas Keneally , “Three Famines” (Vintage, 2011).
[15]. Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: .
[16]. Geoffey Blainey, "The Great Seesaw. A new view of the Western world 1750-2000" (Macmillan, 1988).
[17]. Geoffey Blainey, “A Short History of the World” (Viking, 2000).
[18]. Geoffey Blainey, “A Very Short History of the World” (Viking, 2004).
[19]. Geoffey Blainey, “A Short History of the 20th Century” ( Penguin, 2005).
[20]. Gideon Polya, “President Hollande And French Invasion Of Privacy Versus French Invasion Of 80 Countries Since 800 AD”, Countercurrents, 15 January, 2014: .
[21]. Gideon Polya, “US has invaded 70 nations Since 1776 – make 4 July Independence From America Day”, Countercurrents, 5 July 2013: .
[22]. Phillip Dorling, “Pine Gap drives
[23]. “Climate genocide”: .
Dr Gideon Polya has been teaching science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis,
) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan,
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