Iraqi Holocaust And
Iraqi Genocide - 3.9 Million Deaths
By Gideon Polya
02 October, 2007
bottom-line measure of the consequences of human actions is provided
by excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that should not have happened,
excess mortality, avoidable mortality). Excess deaths can be VIOLENCE-related
(from bombs and bullets) or NON-VIOLENT (due to deprivation). For a
detailed analysis of excess deaths from violence and deprivation see
“Global avoidable mortality”:
“Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”:
Authoritative estimates of
violent and non-violent Iraqi excess deaths now show that the post-invasion
excess deaths in Occupied Iraq total 2.0 million (see: ), the 1990-1990 Gulf War
violent deaths totalled 0.2 million (see:
), and the 1990-2003 Sanctions War was associated with 1.7 million
excess deaths. The total 1990-2007 excess deaths in Iraq now (September
2007) total 3.9 MILLION (see:
The post-invasion NON-VIOLENT
deaths in Iraq (now 0.7-0.8 million) are being caused by grievous deprivation
by the US Coalition Occupiers in gross violation of the Geneva Convention
). The post-invasion VIOLENT deaths (0.8-1.2 million) are being caused
by violence from Occupiers, failure of Occupier security, Indigenous
fighters and their confrères, from directly or indirectly US-funded
sectarian militias, Government militias and death squads and by US mercenaries.
This is what Articles 55
and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian
Persons in Time of War actually says ) (see: ), QUOTE:
Article 55
To the fullest extent of
the means available to it the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring
the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular,
bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles
if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate.
The Occupying Power may not
requisition foodstuffs, articles or medical supplies available in the
occupied territory, except for use by the occupation forces and administration
personnel, and then only if the requirements of the civilian population
have been taken into account. Subject to the provisions of other international
Conventions, the Occupying Power shall make arrangements to ensure that
fair value is paid for any requisitioned goods.
The Protecting Power shall,
at any time, be at liberty to verify the state of the food and medical
supplies in occupied territories, except where temporary restrictions
are made necessary by imperative military requirements.
Article 56
To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power
has the duty of ensuring and maintaining, with the cooperation of national
and local authorities, the medical and hospital establishments and services,
public health and hygiene in the occupied territory, with particular
reference to the adoption and application of the prophylactic and preventive
measures necessary to combat the spread of contagious diseases and epidemics.
Medical personnel of all categories shall be allowed to carry out their
If new hospitals are set
up in occupied territory and if the competent organs of the occupied
State are not operating there, the occupying authorities shall, if necessary,
grant them the recognition provided for in Article 18. In similar circumstances,
the occupying authorities shall also grant recognition to hospital personnel
and transport vehicles under the provisions of Articles 20 and 21.
In adopting measures of health
and hygiene and in their implementation, the Occupying Power shall take
into consideration the moral and ethical susceptibilities of the population
of the occupied territory. END QUOTE.
Yet if you consult the World
Health Organization (WHO) you discover that the “total annual
per capita medical expenditure” permitted in Occupied Iraq by
the US Coalition is $135 (2004) as compared to $2,560 (UK), $3,123 (Australia)
and $6,096 (the US) (see WHO:
) – and as compared to a truly Auschwitz-style, genocidal
$19 in UK-US-Australia-occupied Afghanistan (post-invasion excess deaths
2.5 million and post-invasion under-5 infant deaths 2.0 million:
The US Alliance Occupier
countries are involved in both active genocide and passive genocide
in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories - see the recently published
“Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (editor. Robyn Williams,
ABC Books, Sydney 2007:
and especially “Australian Complicity in Iraq Mass Mortality”,
also web-published:
The NON-VIOLENT post-invasion
excess death estimate of 0.7 million is from UN Population Division
data (see:
) and the 0.8 million estimate is from UNICEF data: (see:
) and employing the estimate that for impoverished Third World countries
the under-5 infants deaths are approximately 0.7 of the total excess
deaths) (see “Layperson’s Guide to Counting Iraq Deaths”:
The VIOLENT post-invasion
excess death estimate of 1.2 million is from the recent report from
the expert UK ORB (Opinion Research Business) polling organization (see:
; reported by the Los Angeles Times, the UK Guardian and Observer and
even buried (with gross minimization) by the irresponsible BBC but as
reported by Wikipedia - see:
ORB_survey_of_casualties_of_the_Iraq_War - overwhelmingly IGNORED
by Mainstream media) and the 0.8 million estimate comes from top US
Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University medical epidemiologists
published in the top medical journal The Lancet, 2006 (see: see:
TOTAL post invasion excess deaths of 2.0 million + Gulf War violent
deaths of 0.2 million + Sanctions War excess deaths of 1.7 million =
3.9 million post-1990 excess deaths, an horrendous total commensurate
with those of the Jewish Holocaust, the WW2 Nazi German-inflicted Jewish
Genocide (5-6 million deaths) and of the largely UN-REPORTED, “forgotten”,
man-made, British-inflicted Bengali Holocaust (Bengal Famine, Bengali
Genocide) of WW2 British India (4 million deaths) (see “The Forgotten
Holocaust – the 1943/44 Bengal Famine”:
and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”: ).
Undoubtedly what is happening in Iraq is a continuing 2-decade HOLOCAUST
(i.e. involves a huge number of deaths).
According to the UN Genocide Convention, Article II, QUOTE: “Article
II. In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts
committed with INTENT [my emphasis] to destroy, in whole or in part,
a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members
of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of
the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e)
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”
The American phase of the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide has been
going on INTENTIONALLY since 1990; the British involvement has been
ongoing off and on since 1914 (see my book "Body Count. Global
avoidable mortality since 1950":
The Iraqis are SEMITES from the heartland of SEMITIC culture dating
back about 7,000 years.
While (contrary to lying Mainstream media reports) Iran's President
Ahmadinejad does NOT deny the Holocaust (he merely wants more scholarly
research) (see what he ACTUALLY says in his own words:
), the racist Bush-ite- and Racist Zionist-beholden, racist, lying,
Iraqi Holocaust-ignoring, Iraqi Genocide-denying Anglo-American Mainstream
media are almost COMPREHENSIVELY involved in sustained, INTENTIONAL,
anti-Semitic Holocaust Denial over the continuing ACTUALITY of the Iraqi
Holocaust, the Iraqi Genocide in which most of the victims are Women
and Children.
Anti-Semitic Denial of the Jewish Holocaust attracts a 10 year prison
term in Austria and lengthy custodial sentences elsewhere in Western
Europe. Indeed the Germans are proposing that the EU criminalize denial
of all contemporary holocausts and genocides (see:
). Would YOU buy goods or services from Nazis or Holocaust Deniers?
Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity, inaction
kills and inaction is complicity. Comprehensive, personal and collective,
International and Intra-national Sanctions and Boycotts against the
largely Anglo-American, Bush-ite, anti-Semitic mass murderers, Holocaust
Committers and Holocaust Deniers are URGENTLY required until the killing
stops, the victims are recompensed and the perpetrators arraigned, tried
and punished in war crimes trials before the International Criminal
Court (ICC).
Dr Gideon Polya published some 130 works in a 4 decade
scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text
"Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor
& Francis, New York & London, 2003). He has just published “Body
Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne,
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