29 November, 2003
"I Punched
An Arab In The Face"
By Gideon Levy
An Israeli soldier's testimony
28 November, 2003
No More Ideas,
We Need Implementation
By Rifat Odeh Kassis
One wonders why the Geneva Accord has not created
any serious debate inside the Palestinian community, despite the fact
that the ink in which the Road Map was written had dried already
The Metamorphosis
Of Palestine
By Ahdaf Soueif
Three years ago, the acclaimed Egyptian novelist
Ahdaf Soueif travelled through the West Bank to write a special report
for G2. This month, she returned for the first time
27 November, 2003
How Occupation
Corrupts The Occupiers Absolutely
By Mustapha Karkouti
Decades have elapsed since Israel first occupied
Arab territories in 1967. The Jewish state seems to be reaping what
it sowed: ordinary Israeli kids join the army and become sadistic monsters,
just by complying with its rules
25 November, 2003
Hurtling Toward
The Abyss
By Hanan Ashrawi and Jon Elmer
Jon Elmer interviews Hanan Ashrawi - "there
will be an awakening, as we are witnessing, among Israeli public opinion.
And ultimately Israel will be treated like any other state: not above
the law, and not with preferential treatment."
23 November, 2003
11,400 Palestinians
Need Permits
To Live In Their Homes
According to the new directives, all Palestinians
over the age of twelve who live in the seam area will be required to
obtain a "permanent resident permit" from the Civil Administration
to enable them to continue to live in the their homes
20 November, 2003
Facility 1391- Israel's
By Jonathan Cook
Despite government attempts to impose a news blackout,
information about more than a decade of horrific events at Facility
1391 are beginning to leak out. As a newspaper described it, Facility
1391 is "Israel's Guantanamo"
Zionism As
A Racist Ideology
By Kathleen And Bill Christison
What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is not
genocide, it is not a holocaust, but it is, unmistakably, ethnicide.
It is, unmistakably, racism
18 November, 2003
Living In The Shadow
Of The Wall
By Ida Audeh
When completed,Israel's apartheid wall is expected
to be at least four times as long and in many places twice as high as
the Berlin Wall. Its impact on Palestinian economy and society is going
to be enormous. Ida Audeh conducts detailed interviews with people in
the districts affected by the completion of the first phase of the wall
12 November, 2003
Apartheid Wall
Will Harm One In
Three Palestinians
By Justin Huggler
The "separation fence" Israel is building
in the West Bank will have "severe humanitarian consequences"
for almost 700,000 Palestinians
Love And Marriage
In Israel
By Suraya Dadoo
Israel is touted as the only "democracy"
in the world that does not offer its citizens the option of civil marriage
06 November, 2003
Shadow Of Home
By Toine van Teeffelen
A Palestinian home or home town is often a prison
and is also often divided in parts closed off to each other
04 November, 2003
The Wall:
Building To Destroy
By Anwar Darkazally
The Sharon government has decided that the Palestinians
will remain stateless and cut off from each other and imprisoned in
their own houses
29 October, 2003
A Disastrous
Dead End:The Geneva Accord
By Ali Abunimah
Its creators have tried to sell the Geneva Accord
as some sort of breakthrough, it is nothing of the sort. The document
recycles the unworkable arrangements that Israel and the United States
tried to impose at Camp David in July 2000
28 October, 2003
Death Of Rafah
By Chris McGreal
With ruthless efficiency, the Israeli army has
been crushing and rocketing the Palestinian refugee town of Rafah in
a manner which rivals the destruction of Jenin last year
23 October, 2003
Turning Holy
City Into A fortress
By Chris McGreal
Despite the UN's vote of condemnation, Sharon remains
intent on redrawing Jerusalem's borders
One State: Threat
Or Promise Of Peace?
By Hasan Abu-Nimah
It is fairly right to assume that Israel would
oppose the one-state option at any cost, because it would mean the end
of the Jewish character of the state; the PNA would oppose it because
it would end its monopoly on power; and the US would oppose it because
Israel does. Why, then, should it be an option?
17 October, 2003
One State, Two
By Ali Abunimah
Peace in Palestine through territorial partition
is a doomed fantasy and the time has come to discard it. It is time
to declare the era of partition over and commit to a moral, just and
realisable vision in which Israelis and Palestinians build a future
as partners in a single state which guarantees freedom, equality and
cultural self-determination to all its citizens
16 October, 2003
US, Israel Destroying
The UN System
By Hasan Abu Nimah
The Arab group at the UN has three times in less
than a month requested Council action to deal with ongoing Israeli aggression
in the region. In no case was the Council able to properly discharge
its essential duties or offer any meaningful help
15 October, 2003
Sharon Stirs Up
Conflict In Pursuit Of
Greater Israel Policy
By Jean Shaoul
Israel has taken an unprecedented series of measures
aimed at heightening tensions with its neighbours, Syria and Lebanon,
provoking a conflict that can be used as a pretext to launch a supposedly
defensive campaign as a cover for Prime Minister Ariel Sharons
expansionist policy
Witnessing The
Rafah Atrocity
By Laura Gordon
Eyewitness account of the invasion of Rafah
14 October, 2003
Rafah: New Nakba,
More Refugees
Nine Palestinians were killed, including two children
and two teenagers, and about 80 injured, leaving 2000 homeless during
the Israeli raid on Rafah refugee camp that began on Thursday night,
October 9
Human Shield
By Uri Avnery
A personal account from Gush Shalom activist Uri
Avnery who is in the courtyard of Arafat's Mukat'ah (compound) in Ramallah
as a human shield
12 October, 2003
Why Women Turn
To Suicide Bombing
By Kevin Toolis
As the honour codes that bound Palestinian familes
unravel, Islamic Jihad has stepped up its recruitment of women. A report
on the cycle of slaughter that drove an ambitious female lawyer to become
a human bomb
09 October, 2003
Slow Motion Ethnic
By Uri Avnery
"But there are other ways to implement ethnic
cleansing: not dramatically, but slowly, daily, even routinely. Like,
for example, what's happening now in Bethlehem."
Israel's Date
With A Runaway Freight Train
By Hasan Abu Nimah and Ali Abunimah
The Haifa attacker was a young woman training to
become a lawyer. Why would a person who ought to have had everything
to live for choose, instead, to end her life in such a cruel and devastating
manner? As we learned about her victims, we also learned that she too
was a victim
08 October, 2003
Al-Sayafa: A Case
Study In Dispossession
By Jacob Pace
Al-Sayafa was home to a successful agricultural
development project during the Egyptian occupation of Gaza from 1948-1967.
The land now is dry and bare and a fence cut across the land
02 October, 2003
The Wall Grows
By Justin Huggler
The Israeli Cabinet voted yesterday to go ahead
with a particularly controversial section of its "security fence",
which Palestinians call Israel's Berlin Wall. The Cabinet approved a
new stretch of the fence east of the Jewish settlements of Ariel and
Kedumim deep inside the West Bank
Palestinian Homes:
Tears Amid The Rubble
By Kathy and Bill Christison
Eye witness account of a house demolition in the
Jerusalem suburb of Shuafat