Quick Rise And Fall Of
Mahmoud Abbas
Hasan Abu Nimah
11 September 2003
resignation of the first Palestinian prime minister should surprise
no one. The whole scheme was no more than an artificial arrangement
intended to serve far more hidden, dangerous purposes than those sanctimoniously
declared. It was artificial because Mahmoud Abbas was neither the choice
of the Palestinian people nor that of the Palestinian Authority president.
Instead, Abbas was imposed by the Americans and the Israelis to implement
a plan, the elements of which were harmful to the cause of peace, harmful
to Palestinian interests, and contradictory to any of the patrons' claims
of introducing democracy and reform to the Palestinian institutions.
Under intense American
and Arab pressure, even threats, the Palestinian leadership succumbed
and offered a tepid welcome. But with the exception of the tiny and
opportunistic minority who stood to make petty personal gains, most
Palestinians were neither happy nor convinced. They were more cautious
and fearful of the outcome of another alarming attempt to circumvent
their rights.
Abbas' duties were
specially packaged for him, mainly by the Israelis and the Americans,
as his choice for the job was specifically made, by the same, because
he was expected to be the most suitable for such an assignment. The
missed reality in all this was that the assigned duties were as bizarre
as they were impossible to achieve; and the man chosen to discharge
them had neither the strength nor the necessary means, or even the opportunity,
to advance a step on that heavily mined path. The inevitable outcome
was, therefore, the quick collapse of an intrinsically flawed plan.
Three built-in factors
were fundamentally responsible for the fast demise of the Abbas Cabinet.
One was the "sponsors"
of the Abbas project, whose intention was to have him gradually marginalise
and eventually replace Arafat. Arafat was declared "irrelevant"
by Israel and the U.S. in summber 2002, even though he is the legitimately
elected Palestinian leader. President George Bush, in a major foreign
policy statement on the Middle East in June last year stated that "peace
requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a Palestinian
state can be born. I call on the Palestinian people to elect new leaders,
leaders not compromised by terror".
Arafat, who was
accused by the Israelis and the Americans of supporting terrorism or
doing enough to stop it, was totally embargoed and all contacts with
him severed by the Americans and Israelis since then. When the Palestinian
elections, which were meant to take place at the beginning of last year
to elect the new prime minister required by America's leaders, could
not be held on time due to the circumstances of the occupation and had
to be indefinitely postponed, Washington had to impose its own choice
of leader, and that was Abbas.
It may not be fair
to take for granted the notion that Abbas himself entertained the ambition
of replacing Arafat, and that he accepted the tricky assignment on that
basis. As a matter of fact, and to avoid any possibility of others seeing
his appointment that way, he took every possible precaution and spared
no gesture to emphasise his correct and respectful dealing with Arafat.
It is hard to believe that Abbas whose limited influence, political
power or national standing depended entirely on Arafat's support, would
knowingly take any step that would be misconstrued as defiance of the
Arafat's authority. Yet, it was Abbas' acceptance to occupy this position,
at a very sensitive and critical time, that created a state of confrontation,
contradiction and hostility between the two top leaders.
Increasing complications
on the ground intensified, rather than reduced the tensions which broke
into the open just before Abbas' resignation. Seeing Abbas not only
as his rival but, worse, as his replacement made it clear that Arafat
would not make his prime minister's job any easier, and indeed it was
The second destructive
factor was the sponsor's assumption that Abbas would rush to meet one
of their primary demands, commencing his mission with a decisive confrontation
with the resistance groups, disarming them, dismantling their infrastructure
and ending their existence before any meaningful promise of change in
the grave situation of the Palestinians would be made. And that was
only one initial phase of a larger security plan to end the Intifada
in all its forms, physically and verbally, as any verbal calls for emphasising
Palestinian rights or for ending the occupation are considered "incitement."
Abbas, who clearly
committed himself to ending the Intifada, did not do any of that. His
very inaction made things worse for him; it put him in trouble with
the Israelis and the Americans, who accused him of being unable to deliver,
and, due to his previous commitments and campaigning against the Intifada,
coupled with the hesitant measures his government had taken to appease
the Israelis, he was further distanced from his people and his meagre
credibility collapsed.
This was an undertaking
which Abbas could never have fulfilled because it was not part of an
integral, authentic peace plan based on ending the occupation. Throughout
Abbas' brief tenure the Israeli occupation forces pressed relentlessly
their campaign of oppression and assassination against the Palestinians
and made no reciprocal gesture towards the Palestinian ceasefire that
virtually ended violence against Israel.
It was madness to
expect any Palestinian leadership to do the dirty work on behalf of
the Israelis against its own occupied people who are constantly under
attack by a powerful force intent on confiscating and colonizing the
very land they exist on.
The third factor
was the suspicious environment that the unprecedented Israeli and American
support for Abbas created. It was hard to believe that such support
was not based on the expectation, and probably the promise, that Abbas
would concede to the Israelis more than any previous Palestinian leader
had ever done.
With the Palestinians
already appalled by the erosion of their rights as a result of their
leaders' continuous concessions to the Israelis and their leaders' vulnerability
to external pressure, they could not tolerate further descent along
this dangerous path.
The fear that Abbas
would accept a humiliating settlement dictated by the Israelis, scrapping
Jerusalem (which he had already agreed to exchange for the small neighbouring
village of Abu Dis), abandoning the rights of the refugees, accepting
the settlements and perhaps accepting a chopped-up, mini-state under
Israeli control, was a real fear which Palestinians did not want to
deal with anymore.
In such a stormy
and rough environment, the Abbas ship was bound to sink, and it did.
Many, including myself, saw this happening right from the beginning,
as from the beginning everything was clear and the chances of success
for such a foolhardy scheme were zero. It is strange that anyone could
have seen it differently, including Abbas himself.
The chances of Ahmed
Qureia are not going to be any better. He will be served with the same
impossible-to-fulfill demands (without the guarantees of success he
is asking for) of turning against his people to solve the Israeli security
problems. His expected failure to act will turn the Americans and the
Israelis against him, while his well-known preparedness to make concessions
at the expense of the inalienable Palestinian rights to save his new
position will distance him from his people. It is the same failed formula.
Qureia is the chief
architect of the disastrous Oslo deal, the source of all the troubles
that followed since. In that respect, he is not very different from
his predecessor. He will probably make one full turn in the cycle before
he will find himself on the same cliff from which Abbas recently jumped.
Many voices in the
West have been claiming that the fall of Abbas marks the end of the
roadmap. While it is hard to imagine how a totally powerless leader
of an occupied, powerless "authority" could determine the
destiny of the roadmap, and of the region, this, in an adverse sense,
may still be true. The roadmap, which the Israeli amendments rendered
completely useless, could have been saved by Abbas by reducing legitimate
Palestinian rights to match the little the gutted roadmap had to offer.
This certainly is no recipe for peace. It is, on the contrary, the very
prescription for more injustice, more instablity and bloody, endless
The writer is former ambassador of Jordan to the United Nations and
a regular contributor to EI.