Israeli Pilots
Refuse To Fly Assassination Missions
By Conal Urquhart
in Jerusalem
The Guardian
25 September, 2003
group of Israeli airforce pilots declared yesterday that they would
refuse to fly missions which could endanger civilians in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip.
The declaration was aimed at Israel's policy of assassinating activists
of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade.
The 27 pilots sent
a letter to the commander of Israel's airforce refusing to carry out
duties, which include track and kill operations, in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip. One of the pilots told Israeli television that the letter
said: "We, veteran pilots and active pilots alike...are opposed
to carrying out illegal and immoral attacks, of the type carried out
by Israel in the territories.
"We, who have
been educated to love the state of Israel refuse to take part in airforce
attacks in civilian population centres. We refuse to continue harming
innocent civilians."
It was unclear how
many of the pilots were still active in the airforce, but reserve pilots
are regularly called upon for missions.
A spokesman for
the Israeli army said they never discussed the numbers of military personnel
in any sector but said that the 27 pilots were "a drop in the ocean".
Brigadier General
Ido Nehushtn of the Israeli airforce said the pilots were a "marginal,
small group" of retired and reserve pilots. Israel's chief of army
staff, Moshe Ya'alon, said the pilots could be punished for their "illegitimate"
and "forbidden" statement.
Since August 19,
Israel's airforce has killed 12 Hamas members and four bystanders. Over
the past two years Israel's "targeted assassinations" have
killed dozens of bystanders by using bombs wieghing up to one tonne
in densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip.
Last month an attempt
to kill Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, failed because
the Israelis used a 113kg (250Ib) bomb rather than a one-tonne bomb
on the building where he was expected to attend a meeting.
Israeli intelligence
believed that Sheikh Yassin was meeting associates on the third floor
of the building, which the bomb destroyed, but as the meeting took place
on the first floor he was uninjured.
The week before
an attempt on Mahmoud Zahar, another Hamas leader, failed because he
was sitting in his garden when a bomb hit his house in Gaza City.
His son and a bodyguard
were killed in the attack and his wife was injured.