Next After Aqaba?
Ali Abunimah
Electronic Intifada
06 June , 2003
President Bush's two days of Middle East summitry are being hailed in
the United States as a diplomatic and political triumph. And indeed
even by bringing Arab and Israeli leaders to Sharm al-Sheikh and Aqaba,
Bush did more than many people thought was possible. But the elation
is likely to be short lived as the carefully crafted final statements
by Bush, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, and the Palestinians'
Mahmoud Abbas paper over the lop-sided concessions made by each side.
Prior to the final declarations,
the Israeli press was full of stories that Sharon would declare Israel's
non-negotiable conditions for a peace settlement, including the requirement
that Palestinians abandon the refugees' right of return. In the event,
the US seems to have imposed on both sides an embargo against stating
such preconditions explicitly. But Sharon found other ways to suggest
that his sudden appearance of flexibility is nothing more than an illusion
designed to deflect American pressure.
Sharon committed himself
in principle to a Palestinian "state" and sought to "reassure
our Palestinian partners that we understand the importance of territorial
contiguity in the West Bank for a viable Palestinian state." But
this is far from reassuring.
Above: The Gaza Strip and West Bank (which includes Jerusalem) represent
just 22% of the historic Palestinian homeland. Every day, Israel works
to consolidate its hold on Palestinian land through defacto annexation
by the Apartheid wall, the razing of homes and agricultural land, and
new Israeli settlements. This process of colonisation is the source
of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Any "solution" that does
not address and reverse this process is doomed. (EI)
What the Palestinian people
expect, and international law requires is a full Israeli withdrawal
from all of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the removal
of all the settlements. By talking about territorial contiguity "in"
the West Bank, Sharon is making it clear that Israel has no intention
of leaving completely. Obviously, if Israel were considering a full
withdrawal, territorial contiguity would not be an issue. This formula
is entirely consistent with Sharon's plan to restrict the Palestinians
to a small 'canton' within the West Bank entirely surrounded by Israeli-annexed
Let us recall that the first
phase of the road map requires an immediate cessation of all settlement
construction, and the removal of all settlements established since March
2001 - whose number is estimated by Israel's Peace Now to be sixty.
Sharon was silent about stopping ongoing construction, and pledged to
dismantle only the new settlements he considers to be "unauthorized"
- a mere handful estimated by the Israeli press to number 7-10. Ha'aretz
columnist Gideon Samet warned before the Aqaba summit against such an
Israeli fraud, and said that many of the "outposts" were "put
up just to pull them out like a goat from a crowded corral." (Ha'aretz,
4 June 2003)
Bush endorsed this Israeli
trickery by stating "I welcome Prime Minister Sharon's pledge to
improve the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian areas and to begin
removing unauthorized settlement outposts immediately."
In recent days, however,
Israel's housing minister Effie Eitam, of the pro-ethnic cleansing National
Religious Party, declared that the number of settlers would continue
to grow, and "we will build for them, and provide them roads and
infrastructure" (Ha'aretz, 2 June 2003). Israeli deputy prime minister
Ehud Olmert declared that he didn't think the Americans meant that Israel
should remove even "tens of thousands" of settlers, let alone
the hundreds of thousands that are squatting on Palestinian land. And
Israel's occupation "municipality" in Jerusalem announced
it plans to go ahead with the construction of "Kidmat Tziyon"
('Progress of Zion') a settlement in the West Bank adjacent to occupied
East Jerusalem.
Sharon's statement that "a
democratic Palestinian state fully at peace with Israel will promote
the long-term security and well-being of Israel as a Jewish state,"
is understood in Israel as code for rejecting the right of return. This
is consistent with Sharon's goal to transfer political responsibility
for the Palestinian population to someone else, while maintaining sovereignty
over their land.
For his part, the Palestinians'
Mahmoud Abbas declared, "There is no military solution to our conflict.
We repeat our denunciation and renunciation of terrorism and violence
against Israelis wherever they might be."
He also pledged, "We
will exert all of our efforts using all our resources to end the militarization
of the intifada and we will succeed. The armed intifada must end, and
we must use and resort to peaceful means in our quest to end the occupation
and the suffering of Palestinians and Israelis."
Palestinians expected Abbas
to pledge to do everything to stop all attacks on Israeli civilians.
Many Palestinians will interpret Abbas' statement to go much further,
calling for an end even to legitimate resistance against the occupation
forces. Nevertheless, Palestinians might sign on to this as long as
Israel fulfills its commitments under the road map.
But there appears to be little
chance of that. While Abbas spoke generously that Palestinians recognize
"the suffering of the Jews throughout history," the "suffering
of "Palestinians and Israelis," and pledged specifically to
"take measures to ensure that there is no incitement emanating
from Palestinians institutions," Sharon offered no reciprocal recognition
of the suffering his policies, and Israel throughout its history have
caused to the Palestinians. Although the road map requires Israel explicitly
to end all of its violence and incitement against the Palestinians,
Sharon gave only a vague commitment to " work alongside the Palestinians
and other states to fight terrorism, violence and incitement of all
kinds" with no reference to the Israeli policies and institutions
that are fuelling it.
Sharon pledged that "we
will act in a manner that respects the dignity as well as the human
rights of all people." This vague statement offers no comfort at
all, since Israel already maintains that absolutely everything it does
is in accordance with international human rights law. Therefore, Sharon
is not committing himself to any real change in Israeli practices on
the ground. Had Sharon, say, pledged to end the demolition of Palestinian
homes, then there might have been something to pay attention to.
Where next? President Bush
ordered his Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to make
pursuing the road map "the highest priority." But so much
depends on implementing the first phase. Already at this early stage,
Bush has backed away from a confrontation with Sharon on the key issue
of settlements. Sharon will go home from the summit happy, having given
the impression of flexibility and boldness while actually conceding
nothing. The usual outlet in an impasse is to pile more pressure on
the Palestinians. After what Abbas conceded, its hard to see what they
have left to give.
Expect things to get bogged
down quickly.