31 Otober, 2011
November 2: General Strike In Oakland
By Farooque Chowdhury
The decision for city-wide general strike was passed by Occupy Oakland General Assembly by a 96.9% majority. The OO has urged other groups nationwide to organize similar events
Occupy Demands: Let's Radicalize Our Analysis Of
Empire, Economics, Ecology
By Robert Jensen
We demand that you stop demanding a list of demands. The demand for demands is an attempt to shoehorn the Occupy gatherings into conventional politics, to force the energy of these gatherings into a form that people in power recognize, so that they can roll out strategies to divert, co-opt, buy off, or -- if those tactics fail -- squash any challenge to business as usual
OWS Movement: A Down To Earth View
By Fred Magdoff
We demand that you stop demanding a list of demands. The demand for demands is an attempt to shoehorn the Occupy gatherings into conventional politics, to force the energy of these gatherings into a form that people in power recognize, so that they can roll out strategies to divert, co-opt, buy off, or -- if those tactics fail -- squash any challenge to business as usual
Occupying Public Space Is Just The Beginning
By Kevin Zeese
The Occupy Movement is not only resulting in the occupation of public space, but also in political space. We are already shifting the dialogue and the movement has just begun
A Master Class In Occupation
By Chris Hedges
The Occupy movement’s war of attrition will be long and difficult, that it will face reverses and setbacks, but will, if successful, ultimately tear down the decayed edifices of the corporate state
Imploring OWS To Protect Themselves By Hailing
Rev. King's Condemnation of Wall Street's Wars
By Jay Janson
OWS Oakland, anti-war demonstrating Iraq veteran head bashed in during police attack.If protesters had been holding photos of revered US national hero Reverend Dr. King and banners quoting King condemning Wall Street creating wars for "unjust overseas predatory investments while withholding investing in America at home," police would not have had the stomach or nerve to beat and attack with dangerous crowd control weapons
What’s Causing The Environmental Crisis:
7 Billion Or 1%?
By Ian Angus & Simon Butler
Ironically, while populationist groups focus attention on the 7 billion, protestors in the worldwide Occupy movement have identified the real source of environmental destruction: not the 7 billion, but the 1%
Amnesty International's Flawed
Syrian Hospitals “Investigation”
By Franklin Lamb
Amnesty International's conclusion from its “research” in Syria, which consisted significantly of collecting Al Jazeera and Al Arabia type media accounts including the dubious reports on the same subject by CNN’s Arwa Damon, and sundry anonymous U-tube clips is virtually identical to what it concluded from its investigation in Libya on the same subject
American Racism: The Giant
White Elephant in the Room
By Bill Noxid
It's time to face this country's and this planet's foundations in primitive religious racism, and evolve past an ignorance based global society. Until then, don't insult the reality of truth and intelligence by daring to call this delusion ‘Civilization.'
14 Pro-Israel Nations Boycott 2011
UN Durban III Anti-racism Conference
By Dr Gideon Polya
In September 2011 the UN held the Durban III meeting on racism (World Conference on Racism) at UN Headquarters in New York . 179 countries attended Durban III but 14 boycotted in support of genocidal, race-based Apartheid Israel
Say What? A Response To P. Ngigi Njoroge
"The Destruction Of Libya
And The Murder Of Muammar Gaddafi"
By Dave Fryett
A critique of P. Ngigi Njoroge's article published on Countercurrents
Argentina : Why President Fernandez Wins
And Obama Loses
By James Petras
What accounts for the monumental difference in voter preferences of incumbent presidents? A comparative historical discussion of socio-economic and foreign policies as well as responses to profound economic crises is at the center of any explanation of the divergent results
Cleanup Indian Politics Of Criminal MPs
By Syed Ali Mujtaba
One out of four MP in India face criminal charges. There are 162 MPs in the current Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament that has criminal records. Out of these, there are 76 MPs having serious charges against them
30 October, 2011
Why We Need A Financial Transaction Tax:
A Proposal For The G20
By Kavaljit Singh
Apart from revenue potential, there are several other justifications for the adoption of a global transaction tax. Such a tax could facilitate the monitoring of international financial flows by providing a centralized database on such flows, which is the need of the hour. This could be particularly valuable to the poor and developing countries where large information gaps exist
7 Billion Is Many Too Many: Time To Humanely
Limit Population Growth Is Now
By Steven Earl Salmony
Much more intellectual honesty, moral courage and humanistic action is needed. Tomorrow we will become a species of 7 billion overconsumers, overproducers and overpopulaters on a finite and frangible planet where resources are dissipating and environs degrading rapidly
Occupy The World.. And The Values Revolution
By Gary Corseri
There are four great reasons why the Occupy movement will not go away, why it will grow stronger as we advance into winter and next spring: 1. It is inter-generational. 2. It is international. 3. It is technologized. 4. It is life-saving and essential
Learning To Shine Through The Ruins
By Vincent Di Stefano
The Occupy Movement reflects a growing realisation that the processes of democracy that nominally serve to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals have been usurped by a corporate Behemoth that holds the invisible reins of governments everywhere. It also reflects the growth of an integral consciousness that is mindful of the need for freedom and autonomy for oneself and others
This Time It's For Real
By Timothy V. Gatto
The occupy movement is not just a passing fancy. People are pissed. When interviewed for the mainstream news they give relatively mild answers to why they are there. Out of the camera view, there is real anger toward the 1% that controls everything
The Syria Imperative
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Syria 's presence in Lebanon and the 1991 Lebanese-Syrian Treaty of Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination, was a challenge to Israel and its diversion of water. When Syria replaced Israel as the dominant power in southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israeli fears grew that Syrian success in controlling the Golan and by extension, Lake Kinneret , would have a devastating effect on Israel
The Destruction Of Libya And
The Murder Of Muammar Gaddafi
By P. Ngigi Njoroge
The lesson for us self-respecting Africans? We can expect more horrors from these people who wield enormous military power. But we have a mighty weapon against them: building awareness about their intentions, crying out loudly against their grotesqueness and unfitness to claim the right to lead the world
The Opaque Brussels Deal Shows
Germany’s Upper Hand
By Farooque Chowdhury
German capital’s bold face and private bankers’ negotiating power are evident in the Brussels deal the euro-leaders have made on October 27
“Assange (Wikileaks) Condemns Australian Threat
To Free Speech: Falsehood Must Be Repudiated
Not Punished”
By Dr Gideon Polya
In a world of lies the truth must out and that requires untrammeled freedom of speech and authoritative, public repudiation of falsehood
The Scandal Of Formula 1 Motor Racing
By Vidyadhar Date
There are no footpaths for pedestrians in most parts of India and the roads are full of potholes even in Mumbai, the financial capital of India. Yet, the Indian elite is patting itself on the back for creating a sophisticated track for the much hyped Formula 1 car racing at Noida near Delhi
Killing Pallars To Propitiate Thevars
By Anand Teltumbde
A fact Finding Report on Police Firing at Paramakudi
Unravelling The Truth
By Ram Puniyani
Book Review- Godse’s Children- Hindutva Terror in India by Subhash Gatade
27 October, 2011
Occupy Earth: Nature Is The 99%, Too
By Chip Ward
Degrading the planet’s operating systems to bolster the bottom line is foolish and reckless. It hurts us all. No less important, it’s unfair. The 1% profit, while the rest of us cough and cope. After Occupy Wall Street, isn’t it time for Occupy Earth?
Amidst Police Crackdown, Widespread
Public Support For Occupy Movement
By Joseph Kishore
Recent polls show widespread popular support for the Occupy Wall Street movement and its basic aims, centered on opposition to inequality and corporate domination of politics. The growth of support comes as local governments, implicitly backed by the Obama administration, are moving to shut down demonstrations in some cases, violently
Marine Down In Police Attack On Occupy Oakland
By Shepherd Bliss
Marine Scott Olsen made it through two tours in Iraq without an injury, but back home in the United States he was critically wounded by a police riot. Heavily-armed police injured Olsen and other unarmed citizens on Oct. 25 when they attacked the non-violent Occupy Oakland
We Shall Not Be Moved: Police Repression,
Official Mendacity And Why OWS
Has Already Overcome
By Phil Rockstroh
Officers, your guns, rubber bullets, nightsticks, pepper spray--the looming wall of blue intimidation that you brandish merely creates the illusion of strength. If you truly want to grow strong, meet us on these sidewalks, sans the display of empty power
Occupiers, Take Back Our Government --
Rein In The Robots
By Robert Wise
The first priority of the occupy movement should to eliminate corporate personhood, by federal statute. It would be a giant step towards getting money out of politics
U.S. Army Assaults Its Biggest Fan
By David Swanson
Aristine is now on her own, but has joined together with a growing crowd of activists opposing the entire direction in which our war economy is dragging our nation and the world. Many people are finding the strength to tell their stories, and finding power in joining them together with others'
Numbers Justify Occupy Movement
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Delusional democracy breeds delusional prosperity. This is what the Occupy movement is all about. Help make it a success by supporting the petition at getmoneyout.com
Obama Supports Lynching Africans In Libya
By Thomas C. Mountain
The lynching of Africans in Libya has been so bad that African leaders across the continent have been forced to raise their voices in protest. When the President of Nigeria, the USA’s unofficial enforcer in West Africa leads an African wide outcry against the lynching of his citizens in Libya one would assume that it was heard in the Obama White House
Revulsion, Resistance And Angry Words
From Tripoli University
By Franklin Lamb
Watch what the Gadhafi tribe and my Waffala tribe do together in the coming weeks—but also starting today. Maybe NATO can be said in some ways to have won round one. But let’s see what happens in the many rounds to come
Iraq War Declared Over, But War Party Persists
By Ramzy Baroud
“The tide of war is receding,” said Obama. One has serious doubts
NGOs, Kiran Bedi, The Media:
Who’s The ‘Farest Of Them All?
By Farzana Versey
Kiran Bedi is indeed wrong, but when media persons sit to judge her it is a bit of a laugh. Clearly, they do not look in the mirror
24 October, 2011
Obama Announces US Troop
Withdrawal From Iraq
By Patrick Martin
US President Barack Obama announced Friday that the remaining US troops in Iraq would be withdrawn from the country before the end of December, following the collapse of talks with the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on extending the US presence into 2012
A Change In War Policy?
By Mark Vorpahl
After the destruction of Iraq's once strong infrastructure, the killing of an estimated million and a half Iraqis, the deaths of 4,400 Americans, and the squandering of nearly $1 trillion during a time of economic crisis, President Obama's announcement is more bitter than sweet
Afghan War Remains Endless,
While Obama's Iraq Plan Fails
By Jack A. Smith
This article will first discuss the situation in Afghanistan after 10 years, then take up the Iraq question and what the U.S. may do to compensate for a humiliating and disruptive rebuff
Taking Down The Curtain
By George Capaccio
As self-appointed defenders of humanity against the predations of corrupt rulers, they would do well to recall that Old Testament saying: As ye sow, so shall ye reap
Occupy Wall Street And The Celebrity Economists
By Michael Yates
Occupy Wall Street has opened up new possibilities for discussing and debating what is going on in the world and what we should do about it. We shouldn’t be complaining that the occupiers haven’t come up with a specific set of demands or developed a full-blown theory of social change. It is up to us, my friend says, to place our own ideas in the mix, organize around specific demands in our own locales, form our own political organizations
On Playing By The Rules –
The Strange Success Of #OccupyWallStreet
By David Graeber
If Occupy Wall Street has spread to every city in America, it’s because our financial overlords have brought us to such a pass that anarchists, pagan priestesses, and tree-sitters are about the only Americans left still holding out for the idea that a genuinely democratic society might be possible
Occupiers Have To Convince The Other 99 Percent
By Chris Hedges
The occupation movement’s greatest challenge will be overcoming the deep distrust of white liberals by the poor and the working class, especially people of color
Questions Relating To The Future Of Humankind
By Jason G. Brent
This essay is not intended discuss or debate the advantages/disadvantages, or the problems/benefits of coercive population control. Rather, the purpose of this essay is to show that humanity must consider and evaluate coercive population control because there is a substantial, but undefined, risk that voluntary action will lead to the horrific deaths of a substantial number of human beings in the very near future----probably before the year 2050 and almost certainly before the year 2100
Australian Immigration Illegally Imprisons
Indian Student For 509 Days
By Dr Gideon Polya
An Indian student who paid thousands of dollars to study in Australia was illegally detained at the Villawood detention centre, Sydney , for 18 months because of mistakes by immigration officers. The Australian Human Rights Commissioner Catherine Branson found that Prashant Cherkupalli, 31, should be paid $597,000 in compensation for the 509 days he was illegally detained between November 2004 and April 2006
Will Rick Perry Kill Another Innocent Man?
By Mary Shaw
Texas governor and Republican presidential contender Rick Perry has faced criticism from the left (and applause from the right) for his heavy-handed use of the death penalty. And Perry has said that he loses no sleep over the possibility that he may have executed an innocent man. This is despite the fact that it appears that Perry has done just that - and could very likely do it again very soon
Challenging The Old Boys Network In The Vatican
By Bill Quigley
Challenging the established order in Vatican
Weak Position Limits Cannot Tackle
Speculation In Commodities
By Kavaljit Singh
After months of delay, the US commodity regulator – Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) – finally approved new rules to limit traders’ positions on 28 physical commodity futures (and swaps) contracts
23 October, 2011
Gaddafi Captured And Killed
By Humanrightsinvestigations.org
Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi was reportedly captured and shot dead 20 October. As the evidence here shows the Libyan leader and his son Mutassim were summarily executed by the rebels, sharing the fate of so many Libyans in this conflict
Moving From A War Economy To A Peace Economy
By Mary Beth Sullivan
It behooves the peace movement to create a vision that the populace can get excited about – a vision that will capture people's imagination. A vision that sees skills and talents of our engineers and scientists creating the renewable energy infrastructure that is critical to surviving the 21 st Century; a vision that engages peace activists, environmentalists, labor, students, artists, food security folks in creating plans for how we will heat homes, feed people, transport people in the year 2040. This is the true security need for the U.S., and the world
Science Says World Must Stop
Coal Seam Gas Exploitation
By Dr Gideon Polya
Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is threatening Humanaity and the Biosphere. In particular a huge threat is posed by the increasing exploitation of natural gas from coal seams (coal seam gas) as an energy source. Gas is dirty energy and set out below are 3 major reasons why the World must stop coal seam gas (CSG) exploitation
A Look At The Occupy Movement
In A Manner Neither Forceful Nor Foolish
By Ron Jacobs
Occupying is in itself a radical statement. Yet, as a veteran of numerous occupations/liberations I can honestly say that the fact of occupying can often become the raisin d'etre of a movement , thereby preventing further political action beyond that involved in maintaining the liberated space. Those of us with an anti-capitalist analysis would do well to involve ourselves in a manner that is neither forceful nor foolish
Imperialism And Democracy:
White House Or Liberty Square?
By James Petras
A war on Iran would shatter the US Treasury. Deficits would spiral out of control. Unemployment would double. This likely sequence of events would trigger a massive democratic movement and a decisive struggle between an emerging republic struggling to give birth and a decaying empire threatening to drag the world into the inferno of its own demise
Throw Them Out With The Trash
By Barbara Ehrenreich
Why Homelessness Is Becoming an Occupy Wall Street Issue
A World United For Human Rights
By William A. Cook
Should Americans join with their brothers and sisters around the world to force their governments to meet the ideals enunciated by Roosevelt in his second Bill of Rights, marking the need to address them first as necessities and second as responsive to the unique cultures of each nation, then the last three articles of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be met and the ultimate goal of a world at peace might be possible
Why The Far Right “Supports”
The Occupy Movement
By Shamus Cooke
Placing the Occupy Movement firmly on the Left with working class-specific demands will strengthen the movement while expelling fake populist intruders who would love to derail this movement
Outside The Box: Occupy Wall Street
By Rand Clifford
Change we can believe in? It will only come from outside the system, outside the box. And the dream is alive. Corporatocracy does their worst to kill the dream; but again, how do you kill an idea? Surely, they are working overtime on that problem. The rest is up to us
A Rebuttal To S.Anand's Critque Of Periyar
By Dr. Iniyan Elango
A rebuttal to S.Anand's 2004 article on Periyar, "Iconoclast, Or Lost Idol?"
21 October, 2011
Gaddafi Was Captured Alive And Murdered
By Al Jazeera
On Friday, as videos continued to surface showing the fugitive deposed leader being captured alive by a crowd of NTC fighters, the United Nations' human rights office called for an investigation into how he died
The End Of History
By Paul Craig Roberts
With Libya conquered, AFRICOM will start on the other African countries where China has energy and mineral investments. Obama has already sent US troops to Central Africa under the guise of defeating the Lord’s Resistance Army, a small insurgency against the ruling dictator-for-life
Will Seif al Islam Gaddafi Survive
To Have His Day In Court?
By Franklin Lamb
The next few days will be a major test for the international community and whether the application of international law will be applied to Libya. The outcome will also likely signal whether Libya descends more deeply into civil war involving as many as six African countries who are reportedly organizing troop units to be sent into Libya to help protect civilians from NATO forces
Gaddafi And Western Hypocrisy
By Reza Pankhurst
The best lesson that the common man may draw from these events is to never trust a Western politician, and that the only way to alter the status quo is through radical change
How To Frame Yourself: A Framing Memo
For Occupy Wall Street
By George Lakoff
The Tea Party solidified the power of the conservative worldview via elections. OWS will have no long-term effect unless it too brings its moral focus to the 2012 elections. Insist on supporting candidates that have your overall moral views, no matter what the local issues are
Tea Party And Occupy Wall Street Don't Fight! Unite!
By Irving Wesley Hall
This is a full presentation of personal appeals to the author's fellow Tea Party members that appeared in Central New York newspapers in mid-October 2011
7 billion: Understanding
The Demographic Transition
By Sharon Astyk
On the 31st of October we will officially reach 7 billion people on the earth. Over the next week or two we'll be talking a lot about population issues, and I wanted to start by doing a light revision of an article I wrote some years ago about a concept a lot of people don't grasp very well - the idea of demographic transition and what it means
The Mass Extinction Of The Human Species
By William Kotke
Heroines, what is it worth to you to save our species? Will you take the chance? Happily, the beginnings of a new culture has already been created that intuitively responds to that question. We have guidance and resources. Thousands of ecovillages exist around the planet. Permaculture can produce more food per acre than the industrial system while building soil and increasing species diversity
The Energy Trap
By Tom Murphy
Our reaction to a diminishing flow of fossil fuel energy in the short-term will determine whether we transition to a sustainable but technological existence or allow ourselves to collapse. One stumbling block in particular has me worried. I call it The Energy Trap
Everybody’s Son
By Uri Avnery
The most sensible – I almost wrote “the only sensible” – sentence uttered this week sprang from the lips of a 5-year old boy. After the prisoner swap, one of those smart-aleck TV reporters asked him: “Why did we release 1027 Arabs for one Israeli soldier?” He expected, of course, the usual answer: because one Israeli is worth a thousand Arabs. The little boy replied: “Because we caught many of them and they caught only one.”
Celebrations In Middle East, But For How Long?
By Ershad Abubacker
The Egyptian brokered prisoner swap deal between Hamas and Israel meant that the world would witness an extremely rare moment in the history of Middle East when the people in Israel and Gaza celebrate for the same cause at the same time
Kashmir, Ultra Nationalists And
Path To Peaceful Solution
By Ram Puniyani
The condemnable attack on Supreme Court Lawyer and ‘team Anna’ member Prashant Bhushan on 12th October 2011, threw up many a questions. To begin with the attackers were congratulated by ‘ultra Nationalists’ like Bal Thackeray of Shiv Sena, showing the gross intolerance around certain issues in our society, more particularly those related to Kashmir
20 October, 2011
Gaddafi Killed
By Al Jazeera
Footage obtained by Al Jazeera shows the body of the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi following his death in Sirte
The Son Of Africa Claims
A Continent’s Crown Jewels
By John Pilger
With Libya secured, an American invasion of the African continent is under way
"This One Could Take Them All Down"
By Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges on #OccupyWallStreet movement
Occupy Wall Street Visited
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Much of the information about the Occupy movement in downtown Manhattan is seriously misleading. Most ludicrous are criticisms by many politicians and media pundits that specific policy proposals are missing. The clear success of the Occupy movement as evidenced by an explosion of similar groups in countless US and foreign cities is a testament to its success, not to mention endless media coverage
The Occupy Movement Builds
Democratic Learning/Action Communities
By Shepherd Bliss
A report on what is ongoing in Santa Rosa, Northern California. Oct. 15 gathering in Santa Rosa with some 3000 people was described by the New York Times as the sixth largest in the U.S.
Dispatch From Rome: Insurrection
And Invisible Powers
By Gaither Stewart
Let’s list and take a look at the background and reasons for the insurrection in Italy last October 15 and compare them to, let’s say, to socio-political events in the good old USA
Let Them Worry About Us
By Timothy V. Gatto
This isn't the Democrats time, and it sure isn't the Republican's time. This is the people's time and our voice will be heard. We really are the 99%. Let them worry about us
The Keystone XL Pipeline:
Will Humanity's Survival Interests Prevail?
By Dr. Peter Custers
The climate dangers heralding from tar sand oil extraction are twofold: a massive loss of Canadian boreal forests which presently act as a reserve of CO2; plus dramatically increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Hence, if the project be approved, Canada will surely default on the obligations it undertook under the Kyoto Protocol. And any commitments Obama has made will become meaningless
The Real ‘Theater Of The Absurd’:
Netanyahu And His Endgame In Palestine
By Ramzy Baroud
During his deliberately offensive speech on September 23, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the General Assembly as “the theater of the absurd.” Israel’s few friends at the United Nations – led by the US delegation - listened gleefully and applauded as Netanyahu heralded a steady stream of insults
India: Where Food Adulteration
Is The Most Paying Business
By Devinder Sharma
Shocking reports of adulteration and spurious sweets/dairy products is pouring in from across the country. Food adulteration certainly has become one of the biggest proliferating industry
The Children Of Ralph And Ron
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Some people’s contributions stand out. Others make their impact so deep that they are not even recognized. Two individuals in current day America can be counted in this second category: Ralph Nader and Ron Paul
18 October, 2011
US Hawks Behind Iraq War Rally For Strikes Against Iran
By Jim Lobe
Key neo-conservatives and other right-wing hawks who championed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq are calling for military strikes against Iran in retaliation for its purported murder-for-hire plot against the Saudi ambassador here
Sirte Destroyed By NTC-NATO Offensive In Libya
By Chris Marsden
The Libyan town of Sirte has been all but destroyed and its inhabitants turned into homeless refugees. This situation has gone largely unreported, but those press reports that have emerged paint a picture of a city being reduced to ruins by attacks of the National Transitional Council (NTC) “rebels” and NATO bombing raids against which it has no defense
I Was One Day Old When My Father Was Jailed
By Shahd Abusalama
A very confusing feeling passes through me after hearing about the exchange of 1,027 Palestinian detainees for the only Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, who was held captive by the Palestinian resistance fighters. I don’t know whether to feel happy or sad
Letter To A Dead Man About The Occupation Of Hope
By Rebecca Solnit
Dear young man who died on the fourth day of this turbulent 2011, dear Mohammed Bouazizi, I want to write you about an astonishing year -- with three months yet to run. I want to tell you about the power of despair and the margins of hope and the bonds of civil society
The Rome March Of Indignant Youth,
Exasperated And Furious: Two Anomalies
By Gaither Stewart
The “Black Blocs” represent a challenge to the system and the larger Occupy movement itself. And although the corporate media are already painting the violence as “reprehensible” and “unacceptable”, and many Occupy groups committed to nonviolent protest seek to distance themselves from those who choose to express their pent-up rage in more aggressive ways, “the hooded unknowns” clad in black may be simply ahead of their time
We Are 99%. We Need To Free Our Countries FromThe Occupation Of 1%,
It's Time To Change The Direction
By Anu Muhammad
It is for Bangladesh , it is for the world. We are 99%, this World is for us, we cannot let it remain occupied by thieves, thugs and killers. To come out from destruction, war, plunder, cruelty and inhuman occupation we need to reclaim and occupy our world very fast
Chris Hedges - A Man Of Our Times
By Jim Miles
Chris Hedge’s work is now in my pantheon of knowledgeable powerful voices who speak truth to power - Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, and Robert Fisk among the best known. I would urge all readers to pick up one of his books, (“The World As It Is” is most appropriate for the OWS movement) and search him out on Youtube. A brilliant down to earth writer and humanist
Victimized A Second Time: State-Sanctioned Forced Evictions Of
Haiti’s Displaced Earthquake Survivors
By Bill Quigley & Lauren Carasik
How did the survivors of Haiti’s earthquake go from being the focus of an historic outpouring of solidarity and support in the days and weeks after the earthquake, to being victimized again – this time by human actions?
An Open Appeal To The Chief Minister Of West Bengal
By Concerned Citizens
In the election campaigns made by you and your party, promises were made of the withdrawal of joint forces from the Jungle Mahal region, and you made the pledge to release all political prisoners unconditionally. To our dismay, we see that under your government also, state terror has been let loose on the people, people are being detained illegally, tortured, women have been humiliated and a large number of the sons of the soil have been incarcerated
Telangana: A struggle or A Movement?
By Prakash Kona
In its quest for identity, the Telangana struggle continues to be a struggle refusing to become a movement that could attract wider sections of people rather than disenchanted groups such as students and government employees
The Yatra No One Talked About
By Syed Ali Mujtaba
Much hullabaloo was made of Anna Hazare’s fast against anti corruption, so was about Narender Modi’s fast for communal harmony. LK Advani yatra too has attracted a great deal of attention, has anyone heard about the communal harmony Yatra (travel) that concluded in New Delhi on October 16, 2011. I guess very few
17 October , 2011
End-Of-Growth Uprising Goes Global
By Richard Heinberg
The only thing that could stop the uprising is a return to growth—which would generate new jobs, higher tax revenues, and solvency in the financial industry. But instead the world economy seems poised on a precipice perhaps more dangerous than the one it faced in 2008. This means the protesters likely aren’t going home anytime soon. For governments, there are only two realistic responses: repression or major reform
Next Steps For The Occupy Movement
By Shamus Cooke
The Occupy Movement represents a turning point in history. But in order to achieve its potential, it must reach out to the 99% and draw the majority into its ranks. Then it will have the power to change the agenda of this country, redraw the political map, and create a government that will operate in the interests of the vast majority, not the 1%
A Movement Too Big To Fail
By Chris Hedges
Hope in this age of bankrupt capitalism comes with the return of the language of class conflict and rebellion, language that has been purged from the lexicon of the liberal class, language that defines this new movement
Inside Occupy Wall Street's Nearly Last Night
By Olivia Rosane
On October 14, the month-old citizen occupation of New York City’s financial district faced its first major threat of eviction. Olivia Rosane sends this report of what it was like to be in Zuccotti Park during the tense night and morning reprieve
Limits To Growth – Forty More Years?
By Herman Daly
I must confess surprise that denial has endured for forty years. I think to wake up will require something like repentance and conversion, to put it in religious terms. It is idle to “predict” whether we will have the spiritual strength and rational clarity for such a conversion
Are Scientists Our New Enemies?
By Ugo Bardi
Climate scientist Hans Schellnhuber is threatened with a noose while giving a lecture. . Are scientists our new enemies, the target of a new crusade?
Can Margaret Atwood's Environmental Message
Reach A Broad Public?
By Kurt Cobb
The Year of the Flood does offer an interesting blueprint for the successful environmental/resource/climate-change story. And, for that reason it would behoove all those who are searching for ways to reach the broader public about these important issues to read this remarkable work
America’s Secret Empire Of Drone Bases
By Nick Turse
Its full extent revealed for the first time
US Deploys Special Forces Troops To Central Africa
By Eddie Haywood & Alex Lantier
US President Barack Obama has deployed roughly 100 special operations troops to central Africa, as part of an offensive targeting the leadership of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The LRA is a rebel group that has engaged in fierce battles with the Ugandan government for over two decades
U.S Can Demand Arbitration
Over Alleged Iranian Plot
By Sherwood Ross
“If the Obama administration truly believes it has credible evidence that Iran was behind this alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi diplomat on the streets of Washington D.C., then it must invoke the Protection of Diplomats Convention(PDC) and demand arbitration of this claim with Iran,” a distinguished American authority on international law says
About The Prisoners Exchange With Israel
By Dr Salim Nazzal
I am shocked that the Palestinian negotiating team has accepted the principle of deportation, knowing how this word is extremely sensitive in the Palestinian psychology. And all of us do not forget for a moment that the Russian polish defacto Zionist state is based from A to U on the question of deporting Palestinians from their homeland
Unveiling The Monument But NOT King's
Condemnation Of U.S. Wars for Wall Street
By Jay Janson
Regarding the Official Unveiling Ceremony of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington DC
Hemp Versus The Status Quo
By Rand Clifford
Hemp offers many thousands of superior products that perpetuate living systems, instead of killing them as the fossil-energy empire is doing—a whole new industry of vast scope, creating value, virtually independent of the corporate fossil empire. Only hemp has such fantastic potential to wrest power from the parasites and spread it among their victims. Hemp could turn Power to the People from a trampled cliché, into glory!
G20 Defers Decision On FTT
Despite Global Support
By Kavaljit Singh
The G20 finance ministers and central bankers have put off an immediate decision to weigh up a global financial transaction tax (FTT) proposal at the forthcoming G20 Summit
How To Push GM Crops
By Strangulating Regulations
By Devinder Sharma
Gullible Indians are already being usedas guinea pigs by international pharmaceutical industry which conducts itsclinical trials here without following the required protocol. BRAI Act will ensure we serve as guinea pigs for GM crops too
16 October , 2011
Organizing The Occupy Wall Street Movement:
An Inside View
By Fritz Tucker
The people's movement grows every week, the number of participants peaking on the weekends. At the same time, the movement’s largest organization weakens, rendering the movement vulnerable to being co-opted by those who are better organized
The Democratic Party: An Insidious Threat
To the Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Prof. Ismael Hossein-zadeh
In light of their unsavory record of undermining the revolutionary energy of social movements, projections of sympathy for the anti-Wall Street protesters by the White House, the Democratic Party officials and union leaders can be viewed only with suspicion
Jesus Blesses "Occupy Wall Street"
By Gary Corseri
Gary Corseri meets Jesus at Times Square in the middle of Occupy Wall Street movement
Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant Is Destined
To Reset The Nuclear Priorities In India
By Buddhi Kota Subbarao
Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant is destined to reset the nuclear priorities in India. Decisions on Koodankulam nuclear plant in the east coast would shape the things in the Jaitapur nuclear plant on the west coast of India in Maharashtra State
Koodankulam Struggle: Spotlights On
India's Nuclear Porgram
By Dr. Peter Custers
Because the Koodankulam project is closely intertwined with plans for expansion of the Kalpakkam complex, the struggle is bound to reverberate throughout the state of Tamil Nadu and beyond
The Real Enemy Of The Palestinians
By Dr. Elias Akleh
Successive American Administrations, since President Woodrow Wilson up to President Barak Obama, are the real enemy of the Palestinians
Despite Newfound “Friends” Lebanon’s Palestinians Require UN Action To Obtain
Civil Rights
By Franklin Lamb
It has become clear that Lebanon’s Parliament is unwilling and incapable of acting on its own and those international sanctions may be the only path to encourage Lebanon to meet its international obligations to her refugees pending their return to Palestine
The Assassination Plot & Argentina
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
News wires are abuzz with the extraordinary allegation of an Iranian “plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the US ”. In yet another bizarre twist, according to Haaretz , a few months ago prior to the “plot”, Saudi officials told Argentina about a possible plot against Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires . Curious as this seems, there is reason for this new rumor
Communal Violence (Prevention) Bill
By Ram Puniyani
The communal violence prevention bill has based itself on the observations of the past six decades. So why this opposition? The reasons can clearly be seen in the vested interests of the bjp and its supporters who want to promote their political agenda with the continuation of existing patterns. By identifying the targeted group and bypassing existing weaknesses, we will definitely be able to control communal violence in the future
Not Rational, Not Feminine:
Sexualized Narratives Of Violent Women
By Akanksha Mehta
Women who engage in violence are often depicted through sexualized narratives that view violent behavior as an aberration from normal (‘peaceful') feminine traits. These sexualized narratives deny agency to violent women, excluding them from the realm of rationality and viewing them as non-women
8th Oct, A Look Back And Its Aftermath
By Sheikh Saaliq
It was truly called the 17th deadliest earthquake witnessed ever in records. Killing almost 75,000 people, injuring people in thousands and making millions homeless, the earthquake of 8th Oct 2005 still haunts everyone who witnessed it. Muzzafarabad, Pakistan being the epicenter of this earthquake was the mostly hit area but on other side of the border, Indian Kashmir didn’t’ remain un-affected. Almost 2,500 people were killed on this side too with thousands homeless
Maruti Suzuki Employees Union Seeks Support
By Shiv Kumar
Appeal letter to all trade unions, organisations and individuals
12 October , 2011
Boston Police Arrest 100
Anti-Wall Street Protesters
By Kate Randall
Boston Police carried out an early morning raid on anti-Wall Street protesters Tuesday, arresting 100 people in a violent attack on the Occupy Boston protest. The police operation began at about 1:20 a.m., when officers in uniform and riot gear moved in to clear protesters from a section of land in the city’s financial district
How 99% Prevented Senators
From Working Yesterday
By David Swanson
We can prevent work in one congressional office building or another, day after day, without necessarily having anyone arrested. At this point I'm leaning in that direction. Unless, of course, Congress discovers the need to end the wars and tax the rich
Rumble From The People
By Ralph Nader
When the corporate and political bosses hear the rising roar from the people, they start sweating. Now is time to turn up the heat without pausing
What're You Gonna Do?
Beyond A Demanding Occupation
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Four weeks into its life, Occupy Wall Street has already confounded both its critics and its well-wishers. Far from twittering away its energies after an initial burst of enthusiasm as predicted (or feared), it appears to have touched something in average Americans in every corner of the country
Nightmare On Wall Street
By Radha Surya
No longer does it seem hopelessly naïve to think that meaningful change is coming to America. The struggle for economic justice has been launched in a decisive way
Gandhian Values For Sustainable Futures
By D. Jeevan Kumar
Gandhism challenges the basic assumptions that the Western model of development makes about the use of Nature and natural resources, the meaning of progress, the ways in which society is governed and also about how public policy is made and implemented
Liberia; Nobel For President,
No-water For Residents
By Thomas C. Mountain
The most likely ex-President of Liberia has been given a share of one of the western worlds most prestigious awards, the Nobel Peace Prize yet the residents of the capital Monrovia have not had running water for the full 6 years of her term in office
The Price Of Torching Mosques
By Jonathan Cook
Jewish far-right groups responsible for a series of arson attacks on West Bank mosques over the past year broke dangerous ground last week when they turned their attention for the first time to holy places inside Israel. A mosque was torched, followed days later by an attack on Muslim and Christian graves
New SCOTUS Decision In Abu-Jamal Case Is Good,
But Not Enough
By Mary Shaw
On October 11, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request from the Philadelphia District Attorney to overturn a federal appeals court decision declaring Mumia Abu-Jamal's death sentence unconstitutional. Abu-Jamal had been convicted and sentenced to death for the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner
Canada Pursues U.S.-Style
Security And Foreign Policy
By Dana Gabriel
Under the influence of a declining Anglo-American Empire, Canada has shed its peacekeeping image in favor of a more aggressive and militaristic doctrine. In the coming years, Canada will be expected to contribute even more to global security including participation in future U.S.-NATO military operations
Butchery Of Dalits In Paramakudi
By Dr Anand Teltumbde
Summary of fact finding report by Centre for Protection of Civil Liberties on the killing of dalits in Paramakudi
Why Turn Punjab Into A Fire Ball
By Devinder Sharma
Aware of the resulting impact on human health and environment, in a few days from now, on October 13, over 20 lakh school children will take out awareness walks in all Punjab villages to educate farmers about the destructive fallout of burning paddy stubbles in their crop fields
Global Forum On Sanitation Begins In Mumbai
By Marianne de Nazareth
From 9-14 October 2011, the Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene in Mumbai , India , will serve as a platform to discuss and advance issues of sanitation to billions of people
Remembering Prof.Iqbal Ansari
By Mahtab Alam
One of the most visible Civil Liberties' activists in India , Iqbal Ansari took up a variety issues, ranging from Communalism, Religious freedom and Communal harmony to Minority Rights
11 October , 2011
Egyptian Junta Massacres Peaceful Protesters
By Johannes Stern
On Sunday evening the Egyptian military launched a brutal attack on protesters in Cairo, killing at least 36 and injuring hundreds. The crackdown happened after a peaceful demonstration by 10,000 protesters headed from Shubra, a working class suburb of Cairo, to the state television building in Maspiro in downtown Cairo. Most of the demonstrators were Copts protesting the ruling military council and demanding religious equality for the Christian minority in Egypt
On The Cusp Of Collapse: Complexity, Energy
And The Globalised Economy
By David Korowicz
Our understanding and expectations of the world have been shaped by our experience of economic growth. The dynamic stability of that growth has habituated us to what is ‘normal’. That normal must soon shatter. Our species’ belle époque is passing and its future seems more uncertain than ever before
What Are Your Demands?
By Richard Heinberg
A movement needs one or two simple but key demands around which everyone can unite. Let me suggest these (and they are by no means original): 1. Get money out of politics. 2. Strip corporations of legal personhood
Freedom Plaza Is Now Ours
By David Swanson
And we're never giving it back. Our permit for Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., expired, we refused to leave, and the Park Police has just proposed to let us stay for four more months. We've agreed. We have not said that when the four months are over and the American Spring is here we will leave
Obama At The General Assembly:
Sacrificing Palestine For Zionist Campaign Funds
By James Petras
There are two views of Obama’s speech to the General Assembly on September 21, 2011, and his opposition to the recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state and its admission to the UN. The common opinion of foreign policy experts was that Obama led the US to an ignominious diplomatic defeat, deepening US isolation in the international system
US Must Stop Funding Israeli Crimes
An inerview with Dr. Franklin Lamb
Dr. Franklin Lamb says that the US cannot continue to supply arms or economic aid to Israel which yet again is under international pressure for its atrocities against humanity
My Presbyterian Cult
By Robert Jensen
Does a religion help connect people in loving community? Does a religion challenge our prejudices and help us face our fears so that we may love more fully? Does a religion help us recognize our limits as it also helps us reach our potential? And, most importantly, does a religion teach us to take care?
Why In The World Are They Spraying?
By Michael J. Murphy
The American Association for Aerosol Research Conference Provides More Clues about Chemtrail/Geoengineering Programs
10 October , 2011
US Afghanistan Invasion 10th Anniversary:
5.6 Million War-related Deaths
By Dr Gideon Polya
As of 7 October 2011, the 10th Anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan , the human cost of the Afghan War has been estimated as about 1.4 million violent deaths and 4.2 million non-violent avoidable deaths from Occupier-imposed deprivation, a total of 5.6 million war-related deaths
Protests Building Momentum
As They Enter Fourth Week
By Kate Randall
The anti-Wall Street protests continued to spread over the weekend, with new protests being organized in cities across the US, including Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Philadelphia and many others. According to the web site Occupy Together, as of Sunday evening “meetups” to plan protests had been set in more than 1,100 cities
It’s Now, Occupy World Wide
By Farooque Chowdhury
Across oceans and covering continents people around the world are struggling. There are protest marches, demonstrations, occupations. It’s now global, a globalization of struggle for democracy, for a decent life. It is One Earth One Humanity One Loved, as a placard in the Occupy Wall Street Movement announces
Why The Elites Are In Trouble
By Chris Hedges
Even now, three weeks later, elites, and their mouthpieces in the press, continue to puzzle over what people like Ketchup want. Where is the list of demands? Why don’t they present us with specific goals? Why can’t they articulate an agenda? The goal to people like Ketchup is very, very clear. It can be articulated in one word—REBELLION
The Warning Occupy Wall Street Has
For President Obama
By Tom Engelhardt
In those hours marching and at Foley Square amid the din of so many thousands of massed people, I saw one sign that said “Obama = Bush” and another that went something like “The Barack Obama we elected would be out here with us.” That was it. Sayonara
We Danced Waiting For The Police
Who Never Came
By Kevin Zeese
Now the police are telling the media that our permit ends today at 2:00 –the time the permit allowed for clean up. But, today at noon the Constitution will still say: “Congress shall make no law abridging” . . . and the occupation will continue. Join us
Why The Occupied Wall Street Movement
Scares The Democratic Party
By Mark Vorpahl
We are witnessing the birth of a social movement that has the potential to win economic justice. Having only recently exploded onto the scene, there are many directions this movement may take. The only certainty is that, since the conditions that fueled it are not going away any time soon, it is, at the very least, a harbinger of larger struggles to come
A Little Off The Top—Some Clear Message
For Occupy Wall Street
By Rand Clifford
The following three demands offer clear initial focus: 1) End corporate personhood 2) End the Fed 3) End military adventurism
Daly's Steady-State Economics
By Barath Raghavan
A review of Herman Daly's notion of how to build a steady-state economy
The American Dream: Myth or Reality?
By Syed Roman Ahsan
Is it time to end our romance with the “American Dream”? All hope is not lost though. Many American activists are themselves exposing the lies of the US government. We just need to realize that on the one hand there is falsehood promoted by the global media which is in the hands of elite forces, on the other hand we cannot ignore truth
09 October , 2011
The Split In Europe
By Farooque Chowdhury
The sovereign debt crisis now burdened with downgraded rating of Italy and Spain, the third and fourth largest economies in the euro zone, needs financial power of the two European giants, Germany and France, to salvage it. But the giants were split on the question of salvage approach. They have unity of aspiration in rescuing interest seeking capital. But they differ on the rescue path
Borrowing The Future
By Vinay Bhat
In a world ridden with this ailment we call debt, perhaps this is the time where society must re-align itself out of necessity and not ideology. Taking a truly individualistic view as well, perhaps co-operating between neighbors is what paves the path forward. Co-operation, morality, assistance and contributing to society must abstract themselves from this extractive mechanism that capital presents
Panetta To Netanyahu:” Israel May Not Survive
The Current Arab/Islamic Awakening”
By Franklin Lamb
The CIA Report predicted the demise of Israel within 20 years, if present political trends in the region continued. The CIA intelligence analysts concluded that it was unlikely that Israeli leaders would grant even minimal concessions in order to achieve a settlement with their neighbors, which comprise increasingly disillusioned and rapidly growing dignity and justice seeking populations
Here's To Truth And Reconciliation
In Israel-Palestine
By Diane V. McLoughlin
In comments following news articles and op eds these days (for example, here), the denial that there even exists a Palestinian people at all grows more prevalent. Palestinians continue to be squashed under foot with similar contempt in the Occupied Territories by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Jewish squatters - literally, as well as figuratively
Vote 1 Socialist Or Green To Save
Humanity And Planet
By Dr Gideon Polya
Sensible, pro-environment, pro-Humanity Australians – and indeed like people worldwide - have little choice but to vote 1 Green or to vote 1 Socialist
Introspect Indian Media
By Burhan Majid
I applaud your crusade over, to name a few, Anna Hazzare movement, Arushi murder case, 2G scam and so on. But we hope you grow mature and objective and show the same attitude and fervor when it comes to Kashmir. Thus we wait
08 October , 2011
European Union Prepares For
Greek State Bankruptcy
By Peter Schwarz
The European institutions have clearly changed course in relation to Greece. Instead of the “rescue” of the country, they are now discussing its bankruptcy, and reducing the risk of contagion. The euro rescue fund, supposed to guarantee Greece’s solvency, is being used to secure the creditor banks against the consequences of state bankruptcy
Plans For Anti-Wall Street Protests
Spread Across US And Globally
By Kate Randall
Anti-Wall Street protests continued to spread yesterday to cities across the US. According to the web site Occupy Together, as of Friday evening “Meetups” to plan protests had been established in more than 900 cities
Where The 99 Percent Get Their Power
By Sarah van Gelder
Why is this protest spreading when others have fizzled?
"For A Free Nature "
By Javier Sethness-Castro
Javier Sethness-Castro's address to the 2011 Marcuse Society Critical Refusals Conference. It is a presentation of and set of reflections on the paper "Critical Theory, Social Ecology, and Post-Developmentalism: Towards a Free Nature,'" written in 2008
God Gave Them Someone Else's 'Land Of
Milk & Honey' To Conquer Twice?
By Jay Janson
We wince when Jewish celebrations through another year's high holidays have featured the retelling again of a less than candid and complete history that will undermine future efforts to expose and curb a dangerous fanaticism in favor of a Greater Israel forcibly encompassing all the lands of the bible as God given
Steve Jobs: A Visionary Who Translated
Buddhist Philosophy Into Technology
By Shura Darapuri
A visionary who translated Buddhist philosophy into technology will be remembered for generations to come
07 October , 2011
Anti-Wall Street Protests Spread Across The US
By Bill Van Auken
On Thursday, new Occupy Wall Street protests sprang up in a number of major cities, including Philadelphia, New Orleans, Washington, Tampa, Dallas, Houston and Austin. They came on the heels of the largest demonstration so far in New York City, where an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 marched through lower Manhattan Wednesday night
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing
In The World Now
By Naomi Klein
The longer, uncut version of the speech that Naomi Klein gave at Occupy Wall Street on Thursday night
Occupy Portland Is Born
With Ten Thousand Strong
By Shamus Cooke
On October 6th, in Portland, Oregon, ten thousand people assembled at noon at Waterfront Park on a workday in anticipation of the non-permitted march, which would make a pit stop before ending at its official, secret "Occupation" spot
Occupy Wall Street: "The Last Time We Saw
A Global Moment Like This Was 1968"
By Tom Engelhardt
The Wall Street demonstrators deserve a small, hopeful cheer for their efforts. They may not be the perfect size and shape for the movement of everyone’s dreams, but they’re here and, right now, that says the world
Sharing Power: Building A Solidarity Economy
By Cheyenna Weber
We all recognize that sharing is good. Sharing, lending, and borrowing help connect neighbors, encouraging isolated individuals to create community by consuming less. But most of the latest sharing projects focus on wealthy neighbors. What if I’ve never had too much? How do we address social inequity? How do we redistribute power to the majority who live without it? To transform an economic system which fails to meet community needs, we have to move from a sharing economy to a solidarity economy
Economics Is Not A Social Science
By Brian Davey
We need to create a movement that feels well informed enough about economics thinking to be able to challenge it – particularly as regards the self serving and flawed way that mainstream economists typically dismiss issues of social justice and ecological survival
The ‘Getting’ Of Assange And The Smearing Of
A Revolution
By John Pilger
It is not the Swedish judicial system that presents a "grave danger" to Assange, say his lawyers, but a legal device known as a Temporary Surrender, under which he can be sent on from Sweden to the United States secretly and quickly
Obama: The Assassination Of
Anwar Al-Awlaki By Fiat
By James Petras
Obama’s murder of Awlaki has profound, long term significance because it puts political assassinations at the center of US foreign and domestic policy
Report From Haiti: Where’s The Money?
By Bill Quigley
Where has the money raised for Haiti gone? What about the Red Cross? What about the US government? What about the money raised in France, Canada and across the world? What about the pledges to the UN? Where is the money? The people of Haiti continue to be plagued by the earthquake of more than 20 months ago. They are our sisters and brothers. They deserve answers. They deserve help
Dance With People: A Choreographer's Creation
By Farooque Chowdhury
Narciso Medina, internationally renowned Cuban choreographer, principal dancer, considers dancing not as a performance, but as a space of coexistence
Here Is What I Am Saying To The Indian Feminists
On Conflict And Feminist Movement’s Response
By Inshah Malik
Inshah Malik's response to a discussion on her earlier article “Kashmiri women stand for peace?”
06 October , 2011
The Peak Oil Crisis: Turmoil Erupts
By Tom Whipple
There is a definite possibility, if not a likelihood, that the innumerable debt crises when coupled with high and ever increasing energy costs could evolve into a major economic depression. Such a depression would result in large declines in the GDP of many if not most countries
The Peak Oil Initiation
By John Michael Greer
All this, in turn, provides one answer to the question I posed at the end of last week’s post—whether it’s possible to shake our society out of its collective trance and get it to pay attention to the reality of the crisis looming up before us. Initiation is very much subject to readiness factors
Sustainable Means Bunkty To Me
By Tom Murphy
Only by looking at the sober possibility that we risk reverting to a low-tech existence after the fossil fuels are spent can we make honest plans for our future. Those honest plans may well involve a substantial ratcheting-down of the lifestyle to which we have become accustomed. And that same honesty suggests refraining from using the term “sustainable” until we better understand what it actually means
Memo To The #Occupied Movement
(A Post-Growth Economy)
By Richard Heinberg
You courageous people in the #occupy movement are absolutely right in saying the system is broken, greedy, and unfair. But when our discussion turns to replacing the current system, we’ve got to embrace a bigger view of reality than the one held by stock traders and politicians. It's not just our wealth they want to control, it's our vision for what is both possible and necessary
The Wall Street Occupation Wants YOU!
By Frank Rummel
Somewhere in this country there must be someone who wants to be a true agent of change, that one person who can make the critical difference between triumph and defeat and push this movement over the tipping point to epic success... Is it YOU?
King Would Be Marching On Wall St.
Where Wars Are Made - Not In Washington
By Jay Janson
Martin Luther King Jr. would have been moved by the occupation of Wall Street. He condemned Wall Street's wars maintaining "unjust overseas predatory investments"
With The Keystone Pipeline, Drawing A Line
In The Tar Sands
By Bill McKibben
For environmentalists protesting the Keystone XL pipeline, the battle is about more than just transporting tar sands oil from Alberta. It’s about whether the United States — and the rest of the world — will finally come to its senses about global warming
The Day America Died
By Paul Craig Roberts
September 30, 2011 was the day America was assassinated. On that day Obama used this asserted new power of the president and had two American citizens, Anwar Awlaki and Samir Khan murdered. Khan was a wacky character associated with Inspire Magazine and does not readily come to mind as a serious threat
US Foreign Policy: Hypocrisy At Its Most Naked
By Alan Hart
US criticism of Russia and China’s veto of the UN Security Council resolution which condemned Syria over its brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters is hypocrisy at its most naked form
The Syria Veto
By Chandra Muzaffar
The China-Russia veto was a rejection of regime change with the connivance and collusion of foreign elements. It reaffirmed the right of people everywhere to determine their own destiny, without outside interference
Angelina Jolie; Hollyweirds “Good Will” Ambassador To Africa
By Thomas C. Mountain
Angelina Jolie has been one hell of a “goodwill ambassador” for the UN in Africa. You know, demand the USA declare war and bomb Sudan and then turn a blind eye to starvation and disease in Ethiopia. All the while your colleagues in the UNHCR oversee the “humanitarian” slow starvation of a million refugees next door in Somalia and Kenya
Arrest of Sanjiv Bhatt:
Urgent Intervention Requested
By Coalition Against Genocide
Coalition Against Genocide letter demands action over the arrest of whistle-blower cop Sanjiv Bhatt
Preventing Sectarian Violence
By Ram Puniyani
Need for a bill to prevent Communal and targeted violence
Protecting Investors’ Rights: An Assessment of
EU’s New Mandate on International Investments
By Burghard Ilge & Kavaljit Singh
On 12th September 2011, the General Affairs Council of the European Union (EU) officially approved negotiating mandate for investment protection measures under the proposed free trade agreements with India, Singapore and Canada. The secretive manner in which the negotiating mandate was approved raises several legitimate questions about the entire process
In Custody: Kashmir
By Farzana Versey
Did Saeed Mohammad Yousuf's kidneys/lungs/heart fail because he had accepted a bribe and admitted to it? Or was he killed because, as his family alleges, he knew too much about the Abdullahs since he was close to them?
05 October , 2011
Unions Join 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest
By All Headline News
On Wednesday, several unions in New York endorsed "Occupy Wall Street" and plan to join the protesters on city streets. In Boston, in a protest dubbed "Occupy Boston," a citywide college walkout is scheduled. The Massachusetts Nurses Association reports that hundreds of the city's nurses will rally with the "Occupy Boston" protestors
Why I'm In Solidarity With #OccupyWallStreet
By David Korten
It is time to establish democracy in America and build a national system of Main Street economies owned and accountable to people who have an inherent interest in building healthy communities with thriving local economies and healthy natural environments for themselves and their children. By the calendar it’s autumn, but for many it is the beginning of the American Spring
Congress Looks Abroad To Distract From
Wall Street Protests
By Shamus Cooke
Working people must demand that the attention stay fixed on domestic issues, and that domestic corporate criminals be brought to justice. Taxing the top 1 percent at a 90 percent rate is a sure fire way to disarm the rich, preventing them from inflicting further damage on the economy and on working people
Occupying The Heart Of The Beast
By Phil Rockstroh
Observations, impressions and images from amid the multitudes In Liberty Plaza
US Congress Blocks Palestinian Aid
After UN Statehood Bid
By Jean Shaoul
In a provocative move, the US Congress has blocked nearly $200 million of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, intended for food, health care and development initiatives
Eyes In Gaza
By Ellen Cantarow
Review of Eyes in Gaza , by Mads Gilbert and Erik Fosse
The Syrian Uprising: US Follow A Failed Path
By Ramzy Baroud
The economically frail and militarily compromised US cannot be an effective player in shaping the political landscape in Syria - or anywhere else in the Middle East. Ultimately, the future of the Syrian people will be determined by their own fortitude
An Ode To A Muslim Traveller
By Dr. Nath Aldalala’a
A young muslims first hour in the Land-of-the-Free.
Slash Top Federal Salaries
By Joel S. Hirschhhorn
Here is the insanity that should drive Americans nuts: Over 20 percent of the 2.14 million federal workforce makes over $100,000, which equates to about 500,000 people making enormous salaries in these tough economic times. Besides ludicrous job security they also have incredible fringe benefits. Is this your idea of public servants?
How To Save Punjab Agriculture
By Devinder Sharma
At a time when Punjab’sagriculture is at the cross-roads, it needs a radically different approachdrawing from the lessons of its recent past. Here is a six-pronged strategythat can sow the seeds of revival of Punjab’sagriculture
Kashmir And Good Governance
By Tahir Ibn Manzoor
One of the basic cause of Kashmir conflict is mis-governance, utterly corrupt,impotent and non-performing governments of the State for the last several decades. It is responsible for the persisting tragedy
03 October , 2011
Fuel For Occupy Wall Street's Fire
By Shamus Cooke
All movements either grow or shrink. A large Occupy Wall Street march across the Brooklyn Bridge on October 1st resulted in 700 arrests. Through such tactics the police intend to chip away at the movement until they feel strong enough to strangle it. The Occupy Wall Street movement must attract a growing number of allies or face an inevitable smothering
Labor Supports The Occupy Wall Street Movement
By Farooque Chowdhury
Labor is extending support to the Occupy Wall Street Movement. With arrest of hundreds of the protesters and their release, the protesters’ uninterrupted brave presence, increasing support to them from wider society, and spread of the movement to other parts of the US the Occupy Movement is facilitating widen public space in political life
Inspired By Wall Streeet Protests,
Boston Economic Protest Gains Steam
By Maria Sacchetti
In Boston, the protests on Friday swelled to about 1,000 in Dewey Square. Police arrested 24 people on trespassing charges when they refused to leave the Bank of America building nearby
How Did It Take This Long For Courage
To Get To Wall Street?
By Rand Clifford
Courage versus Malignancy. Life versus death. Our most courageous have given us a spark that I believe will be the last of such sparks of hope, our final chance. Whether or not enough courage exists in America to keep the spark from going out
"Drilling Down": Tainter And Patzek
Tell The Energy-Complexity Story
By Gail Tverberg
Joseph Tainter and Tadeusz Patzek are authors of a soon-to-be-released book called Drilling Down: The Gulf Oil Debacle and Our Energy Dilemma. This book is part of Charles Hall’s Briefs in Energy series with the publisher Springer. The new book, Drilling Down, is not simply the story of the Gulf oil spill (although it does tell this story, quite well). Tainter and Patzek use the story of Gulf oil spill as the background for discussing the energy-complexity spiral, and its relationship to this accident
Tough Oil: Five Public Health Challenges Of
Petroleum Scarcity
By Mike Field
The five key areas that follow illustrate the potential health fallout of petroleum scarcity. 1. Economic Instability 2. Food Scarcity 3. Clean Water Decline 4. Transportation Challenges 5. Environmental Effects
iProve: Climate Change And Post-Truth Politics
By Bill Henderson
We need a different 'common platform' for communicating our climate change predicament and it is a competition forum with 'box scores' and 'standings' that are undeniable. Proving - more practically disproving - not just explaining. This is possible
Chickening Out In Iraq
By Peter Van Buren
How Your Tax Dollars Financed “Reconstruction” Madness in the Middle East
Black America And Obama: The Cost Of Silence
By Frederick Alexander Meade
The Black masses must find the political will to place demands upon their cherished leader for it is through this enactment pieces of the dream may be realized
Dear Farmer, Your Eviction Notice
By Devinder Sharma
With 70% of the 60-crore farming population officially not required, the world's biggest environmental displacement is going to be witnessed on the farm in India in the decades to come. Not realising that what India needs is a production system by the masses , and not for the masses
The Unmarked Graves Of Kashmir
By Sheikh Saaliq
Having a look from outside these small mounds of soil may only look like buried with mere human bodies with most of them torn by bullets or mortar shells, but in fact these small pieces of land carry a long story of pain and grief for decades to narrate
Kashmiri Women Stand For ‘Peace’?
By Inshah Malik
Women visualize peace in much different way than the ones in the seminars. Peace for Zainab who lives in front of the army camp and her daughters move through the surveillance of army and have to hear sexual remarks as usual, is nothing but “AZADI”
The Causes (Events) Leading To Senkodi's Death
And The T.N Assembly Resolution
By Athithan Jayapalan
Thoughts on the mass protest in Tamil Nadu, over the hangings of Rajiv killers, and senkodis self immolation
Raid On Kavita Srivastava’s House Is A Case Of
Intimidation By State Of Chhattishgarh
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
It is shocking to hear the news of the raid by the Chhatishgarh police at the house of Kavita Srivastava, the National Secretary of People’s Union for Civil Liberties, in Jaipur. Those who have known Kavita and her work can vouch that her work goes beyond the work of PUCL and her concern for the common people and human rights in the country
02 October , 2011
A View Of The Occupy Wall Street Movement
From The inside
By Fritz Tucker
A Participant’s Critique of the Occupation of Wall Street
#OccupyTogether: The Best Among Us
By Chris Hedges
There are no excuses left. Either you join the revolt taking place on Wall Street and in the financial districts of other cities across the country or you stand on the wrong side of history
Chomsky On “Occupy Wall Street”
And Israel's Imminent Collapse
By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
In an interview with RT’s Marina Portnaya, prominent scholar Professor Noam Chomsky gives his take on some of the world’s political hot topics
Gandhi’s Lesson for Today
By Kathy Kelly
Gandhi’s solitary sunlit path, his path against the sky, was by far the less precarious. As we may learn through occupations of town squares across the U.S., truth, and only truth, can keep the balance
UK Rewrites War Crimes Law At Israel’s Request
By Richard Irvine
In response to Israeli protests the UK government chose to change its laws rather than see Israelis arrested. In a move condemned by Amnesty International, the UK government amended the law on universal jurisdiction so that in future only the Director of Public Prosecutions can authorize the arrest of a suspected war criminal
Beyond The Palestinians’ Crisis: A Larger Conflict
Is Now In Process
By Dan Lieberman
The closer the Arab nations get to achieving nationalist aspirations and political acceptance of their Muslim Brotherhoods, the more intense becomes their conflict with Israel. That trend has happened, and with it the conflict's trajectory becomes predictable
The 66 th UN General Assembly Session
Will Remember Obama's Deplorable Tactics
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
President Obama should reflect upon the fact that if the U.S. government vetoes Palestine 's bid for recognition by the U.N., it would be against America 's own declaration of independence which says that if people are denied equal rights and representative government, they have the right to resist their oppressors
Latin America: Growth, Stability And Inequalities:
Lessons For The US And EU
By James Petras
As in Latin America during the first years of this decade we need a popular rebellion: we need a profound regime change; we need to think of productive public investments not monumental loss of capital via Wall Street speculation and the waste of public resources via expenditures in weapons of destruction
Floods Exacerbate Pakistan’s Woes
By Zafar Iqbal
Trapped in decade long Taliban and Bloch insurgencies and economic and energy crisis Pakistan is facing another natural disaster caused by monsoon floods which so far has killed 434 people, destroyed or damaged 1.5 million homes and affected 8.9 million people in Southern provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan
Modi's Martyrdom Via Sanjiv Bhatt?
By Farzana Versey
While everyone was assuming that Narendra Modi will be busy fasting and watching disco dandiya during the Navratri festival, he quietly got his band of stick-wielders to arrest former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt. As we all know, Bhatt says he was present when directions were issued by Modi to let Hindus “vent out their anger” and teach Muslims a lesson
How Can You Live For 365 Days On 100 Day
s Assured Employment?
MNREGA Activists Need To Explain
By Devinder Sharma
Will the activists demonstrate the relevance of 100 days assured employment in a year? If the poor are expected to be doing other things for the remaining 265 days, we can also allow you the same benefit. But please show us if you can live for a year on just 100 days employment?
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