Nasrin vs MF Hussein
Syed Ali Mujtaba
29 November,
current episode of Taslima Nasreen once again has brought out the hypocritical
attitude of many Indians. I am amused about the hullabaloos made by
the BJP the Sangh Privar and some others for this Bangladeshi writer.
when it comes to dealing with the economic migrant from our neighbouring
court, the same set of people wear the Hindu nationalist cloak and demand
‘operation push back’ for those poor and hungry people who
want to feed their belly on the Indian soil. To them such people would
turn India a Muslim Rashtra.
The other
hypocrisy that comes out very clearly from this episode is while the
Sangh Privar and others welcome Taslima Nasrin, a foreigner with open
arms to live any where in India, they have booted out MF Hussein, the
living Picasso of India from his own country.
It seems
the ninety-year- old living legend is heading to become another Bahadur
Shah Zafar who may bemoan for not getting two meters of land for his
burial in his own motherland.
I tried to
search a person in the field of painting that can match the greatness
of luminaries like Dadu, Nanank, Kabir, Pipa, Aryabhtta and many others
who have left an impression on the Indian civilisation but could not
stumbled upon even a single name. I think I need to be educated whether
any painter existed in Indian history that can be equated with such
My idea is
not to equate M F Hussein with many of the Indian greats but just to
say the undoubtedly he is one of the celebrities in the field of painting
that India has produced in the modern times.
irony that even after being acknowledged so Hussein has to live in exile
for his alleged attempt to draw the Hindu goddess that many have hurt
some Hindus brethrens sentiments.
The big question
is was Hussein the first person in India to indulge in such an activity?
Well we just
need to flip through the pages of Indian history books to draw our own
conclusion. Such books are littered with much worst kind of painting
than what Hussein has drawn.
Then why
this aged Indian has being singled out by its own citizen? Perhaps because
Hussein bears a Muslim sounding name or he is an iconoclast!
Well such
hypocritical attitude and many others do not portray that incredible
India is shining and marching on.
Ali Mujtaba is a journalist based in Chennai. He can be contacted
at [email protected]
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