29 July , 2011
The Economy Must Function
Within Nature’s Limits
By Lionel Anet
Our primary consideration should be to manage the economy in a way we can maintain life as long as the solar system allows us. Presently we disregard the damage we are doing to the planet and the biosphere, because our leaders have to give priority to the economy, that’s for the wealthy to increase their wealth and power
The Great American Guilt Trip
By Mary Pitt
In the new America, the elderly has become a burden. Don't they deserve some dignity?
Organized Political Terrorism: The Norwegian Massacre, The State , The Media And Israel
By James Petras
The Norway attacks raises fundamental questions about the growing links between the legal Far-Right, the ‘mainstream media’, the Norwegian police, Israel and rightwing terrorism
Terror Attack Hits Norway:
United Colors Of Fundamentalisms
By Ram Puniyani
The tragedy is, one fundamentalism feeds another. Promotion of Al Qaeda and accompanying radical version of Islam is used as a pretext by other fundamentalist tendencies to strengthen them. The Norway tragedy should wake up the World to the reality of this dastardly economic-political reason of terrorism
Breivik’s Agenda: Did Hindu or Islamic
Fundamentalism Inspire Oslo’s Terrorist?
By Farzana Versey
India’s rightwing parties have been caught unawares. A part of them would really like to take a bow over the 100 odd pages that Anders Breivik has dedicated to them, but they are aware that this is not quite the right time
Bomb Target Norway(PDF)
By Holger Terp
Norwegian political history in a tragic background. The background to the Norwegian fascism Militarism and nationalism are the prerequisites for fascism.
The FBI Recommended New Recruits
To Read Anti-Islam Books
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
The FBI was teaching new recruits about Muslims with a power point presentation that recommended they read anti-Islam books, according to a grainy copy of the PowerPoint obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union’s Northern California chapter and the Asian Law Caucus, a San Francisco-based civil rights group
Why Nandan Nilekani Could Lose His Job
By Gopal Krishna
If the powers that be read the writing on the wall and decode the emergence of a bitter opposition to the UID scheme, Nilekani might well lose the job. Will sovereign citizens of India permit the emergence of a 'database state', which intends to unfold a surveillance regime by converging government plans?
Another Custodial Killing In Kashmir
By Fahad Shah
After two civilian killings by unidentified gunmen in a week, in Sopore, another civilian, Nazim Rashid alias Anjum died in police custody after he was arrested by police yesterday
29 July , 2011
Arctic Scientist Who Exposed Climate Threat To Polar Bear Is Suspended
By Suzanne Goldenberg
US government conducts 'integrity inquiry' on federal biologist amid lobbying by oil firms for Arctic permits
Where Have The Birds Gone?
By Ananda Banerjee
The disappearance of commons and wetlands affects immediately the number of bird species recorded in a region. Delhi boasts a checklist of 500 species of birds, the second highest in the world in a city (after Nairobi), but in recent years, even during peak birding season, birders record a maximum of 271 species—the number was recorded during a bird count in March 2005—a whopping nearly 50% decline. It’s the same story in other cities
Raising Children In Changing Times
By Dianne Monroe
We have received a tremendous gift – to be alive at the edge of these changing times. It’s not an easy gift, if we look open-eyed into possible futures. Yet within this gift lies the tremendous opportunity (and yes, responsibility) of crafting tools to place in the hands of those who come after, to enable them to shape the world in which they live through their own vision
Arguing Libya
By William Blum
This time there were about 100 taking part in the protest. I don't know if any were Libyans, but there was a new element — almost half of the protesters were black, marching with signs saying: "Stop Bombing Africa"
Peter King Continues Anti-Muslims Witch Hunt
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
Republican Rep. Peter King continued his anti-Muslim witch hunt Wednesday with his congressional hearing on the so-called "radicalization" of American Muslims. This time the focus of his hearing was the Somali community
Women Empowerment In India :
A Case of Political Reservations
By Dr.K.Vidyasagar Reddy
Access to education and employment are only the enabling factors to their political empowerment. Perhaps, political empowerment would contribute to their overall empowerment. To do so would require us legislate over the issue that has been kept in abeyance for so long, lest half of our society would retaliate and teach us a lesson!
Hindutva And Dalits—Perspectives For
Understanding Communal Praxis
Book Review By Yoginder Sikand
Review of Anand Teltumbde's book
28 July , 2011
The UID Aadhaar Project Will Make
Constitution Of India A Dead Document
By S.G.Vombatkere
The Aadhaar project is an unconscionably expensive, unaccountable and virtually secret program that can hold the key to a total-surveillance-State, making the Constitution of India a dead document. From system design and security considerations, the Aadhaar scheme deserves to be blocked with immediate effect and reviewed from scratch in the national best interest
Arab Awakening And Western Media:
Time For A New Revolutionary Discourse
By Ramzy Baroud
Arab revolutions are attempting to examine larger issues that have tremendous impact on all aspects of life. Western media and intellectuals, however, continue to seek only easy answers to intricate, multifaceted questions. In doing so, they follow the path of the same superficial, stereotypical and predictable discourse
Tragedy In Oslo : Islam Has
Nothing To Do With Terrorism
By Ghali Hassan
The recent act of terrorism in Norway that killed many innocent civilians has been twisted and used as an opportunity by the capitalist media and politicians to demonise Islam and Muslims, to justify ongoing Western terrorism. The aim is to enforce a distorted view that Islam is associated with terrorism
Rapes In Kashmir
By Abdul Majid Zargar
It is unfortunate that trouble should rock Kashmir shortly before the Pakistan and Indian foreign ministers meet in New Delhi after an agonizing one-year wait. Once again, Indian army personnel have allegedly dishonored a Kashmiri woman, leading to anti-India demonstrations by thousands of people, mostly youth, in the Manzagam village on Friday. And while the protests are in progress, there comes another molestation attempt by an Indian Soldier in Hyderbeg area of Pattan in North Kashmir
The Hina Factor: Pakistan’s Wicked Ploy
By Farzana Versey
This is Asif Ali Zardari’s shrewdest move. Sending Hina Rabbani Khar on what amounts to be the equivalent of cricket diplomacy. This is not meant to be a sexist comment. She pretty much sailed through the India test by fire even as Pakistani intellectuals and the media have been rubbishing her ever since she was appointed to the post
27 July , 2011
I Do Not Want Mercy, I Want You To Join Me
By Tim DeChristopher
Tim DeChristopher, who was sentenced today to two years in federal prison for disrupting a Bureau of Land Management auction in 2008, had an opportunity to address the court and the judge today immediately before his sentence was announced. This is what he said
The Courage To Stop Pretending:
Tim DeChristopher Sentenced
By Brooke Jarvis
After being found guilty in March (of making a false statement and violating the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act), activist Tim DeChristopher was sentenced today in federal court to two years in prison and ordered to pay a $10,000 fine. He was taken into custody immediately
The Scourge Of 'Peak Oil'
By Dahr Jamail
As consumption continues to increase in such major users as China, India, and the US, existing oil fields are being depleted and new discoveries are not keeping apace in order to offset growing demand
Galactic Scale Energy Part 2:
Can Economic Growth Last?
By Tom Murphy
There are well-developed steady-state economic models, pioneered by Herman Daly and others. There are even stepwise plans to transition our economy into a steady-state. But not one of those steps will be taken if people (who elect politicians) do not crave this result. The only way people will crave this result is if they understand (or experience) the impossibility of continued growth and the consequences of not acting soon enough. I hope we can collectively be smart enough to make this transition
Every Great Social Movement
By David Korten
The biggest shifts of our time have been sparked by ordinary people rejecting the cultural stories that dominated them
Growing Water Deficit Threatening Grain Harvests
By Lester Brown
The shrinkage of irrigation water supplies in the big three grain-producing countries—the United States, India, and China—is of particular concern. Thus far, these countries have managed to avoid falling harvests at the national level, but continued overexploitation of aquifers could soon catch up with them
Terrorism Hits Humanism of Norway
By Sadanand Patwardhan
A lot of commentary has already appeared from various quarters. Instead of adding to the bytes, I have collected some relevant material at one place for anybody to make an informed judgement. The presentation below has following 7 sections: (i) Introductory Observations (ii) Norway's Middle East Initiative (iii) Humanistic Norwegian Official Response (iv) Media Spin on the Terrorist Attack (v) Key Investigation Areas (vi) Views of Terrorist Anders Behring Breivik (vii) Defenders of Anders Behring Breivik
World Food Program's Nasty History In Somalia
By Thomas C. Mountain
While some 10 million Somalis living in the Ogaden in Ethiopia are the victims of a drought and food aid blockade the WFP remains silent, complicit in genocide. World Food Program, angle of mercy or angel of death? You be the judge
Love Comes More Naturally
To The Human Heart: Nelson Mandela
By Diane V. McLoughlin
The dark clouds of racism and war swell ominously on the horizon today. Nelson Mandela's heartening message is more timely than ever, and it is his lived experience; from oppressed political prisoner, to president of a nation that aspires to be a rainbow nation of many colors, free from oppression, discrimination and fear
NATO of Terror
By Ghali Hassan
As the U.S. and its Western allies become more addicted to war and terror, there will be far more innocent people killed by U.S.-NATO forces in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. People should not fall into media manipulation and distortion. Only resistance by people worldwide will stop NATO terror and force Western leaders to choose the path of peace
The Role Of Jews In The Palestinian
Solidarity Movement
By Henry Herskovitz & Michelle J. Kinnucan
Sincere Jews should not play leading roles in the Palestinian solidarity movement, but should instead expose and challenge the racism that exists in their own Jewish communities. So what are Jewish-led and Jewish-identified groups and leaders doing? Certainly, they criticize atrocities committed by Israel in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, but are they clearly defining their positions? Do they oppose Jewish supremacism?
US Needs To Replace Pentagon's Approach
With Peace Corps
By Sherwood Ross
We have a clear choice between continuing to fight on the Pentagon's endless battlefields of war or working in the vineyards of peace
US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side
By Stephen Lendman
Two June reports discussed hellish conditions in Jordanian garment factories, where workers are ruthlessly exploited and abused
A Reaper Drone Called Ghulam Nabi Fai
By Sadanand Patwardhan
Ghulam Nabi Fai, Executive Director- Kashmir American Council and/ or Kashmiri Centre, shot into the limelight with the news of his arrest on Tuesday, 19 th July 2011 in Virginia, USA. Why is this news so important that it is playing out in Indian media like an unending symphony?
POSCO Protesters Are Determined
By PUCL-Bangalore
Visit by PUCL-Bangalore to POSCO Affected Areas 22-24 July, 2011
Assault By University Security
On Woman In Delhi University
The Security staff of the university physically and verbally assaulted a woman and her male colleague, in order to prevent them from distributing pamphlets
25 July , 2011
A Future Without Coal
By Mariel Nanasi
It’s time we secure a future without coal in New Mexico, across America, and around the world. It won’t be easy. Along the way, we will need a lot of help, creativity and inspiration
Conservation: There Is No Alternative
By Richard Heinberg
Energy conservation is our best strategy for pre-adapting to an inevitably energy-constrained future. And it may be our only significant option for averting economic, social, and environmental ruin
If Bush or Giuliani Had Been Stoltenberg
By David Swanson
The murder spree in Norway was apparently the work of a Norwegian, not a group of foreigners, and for various other reasons the comparison is not exact. Nonetheless, it's tempting to wonder how many people would still be alive today if George W. Bush or Rudy Giuliani had spoken after the 9-11 attacks as Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg just did
Oslo Massacre Exposes The Nexus of
Islamophobia And Right-Wing Extremism
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
While much remains to be learned about the attacks in Norway, it has exposed the dangerous nexus of Islamophobia, neoconservatism and right-wing Zionism, and what could happen when the wrong person subscribes to those toxic beliefs, Mondoweiss concludes
They Don’t Have Terrorists in Norway?
By Farzana Versey
He is not called a terrorist, no blanket judgement yet. Even as radical, he has his reasons – he is anti-Islam. He wreaked this terrorist attack to draw world attention to the end of multiculturalism
How To Heal The Wounds Of
Mumbai And Oslo Killings
By Syed Ali Mujtaba
This brings to the fundamental point, why the media is in a hurry to do the postmortem of such events. They seem to blame on what ever comes handy and are easy targets. It’s a dangerous trend and not good for the consumption of civilized societies. In all humbleness there should be a protest to stop the muck that’s thrown around in the name responsible journalism
The Israeli ‘Democracy' – An Oxymoron Concept
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
A J Street poll published last Thursday shows that 57% of U.S. Jews back a Middle East peace plan based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed-upon land swaps, while 43% oppose such a move. According to the poll, 83% of the American Jews support a U.S.-brokered solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Suffice it to say that the tides are changing, hopefully, for the right reason
Brutally Isolating Detainees in Israeli Prisons
By Stephen Lendman
The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Adalah and Physicians for Human Rights/Israel (called Mezan et al below) June 2011 report headlined, "Solitary Confinement of Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Prisons" explains harsh and abusive conditions they endure
Fai And His Guest List: Much Ado About Nothing
By Anuradha Bhasin Jamwal
By indulging into an entire debate and hair-splitting about who went to which conference is pointless. The Fai phenomenon reveals only two things that need to be focused on. First, the question of why America has acted now. Second, indeed is the business of conferences and how they are funded but this must involve all high profiled conferences, without a prejudice
Mistrust of US Runs Deep in Pakistan
By Rahil Yasin
Although the US Congress has rejected a bill to cut all aid to Pakistan but still mistrust runs deep in the relations between the two countries
As The U.S Empire Spread Abroad
It Becomes A Police State At Home
By Sherwood Ross
As America's empire spreads abroad, it becomes ever more the police state at home. The methods used for the suppression of foreigners by military force and violence are eventually mirrored in the “homeland.”
Nepal And Philippines: Connecting
The Dots ......With India
By Trevor Selvam
Nepal and Philippines are thus two completely different examples of successful Maoist movements. The key factor in both Nepal and Philippines has been the intelligent independence of mass organizations, the detailed understanding of when to negotiate, when to withdraw and above all the tremendous ability to undermine the propaganda of the mainstream media and take the debate for revolutionary change into a national platform
Hockey…The National Game of India
And The Market
By M.Mohibul Haque
Hockey is the national game of India . However, like the national animal, the national game is also in danger
24 July , 2011
Audit Of The Federal Reserve Reveals
$16 Trillion In Secret Bailouts
By Unelected.org
The first ever GAO(Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve has revealed that a startling $16 Trillion had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments
The Fix Is In: Washington's Planned
Social Contract Destruction
By Stephen Lendman
The new audit figures show that Bernanke's Fed gave Wall Street and European banksters at least $16.1 trillion (called emergency loans) from December 1, 2007 - July 21, 2010, besides unknown amounts earlier and in the past year. Moreover, it's well known that trillions of dollars are stolen, handed to corporate interests and never returned, as well as gotten in other illegal ways. As a result, taxpayers get stuck with the bill, the nation with unsustainable mounting debt, heading it eventually for ruin
The Oslo Attacks: Unanswered Questions
By Stephen Lendman
Friday's attack may relate to Norway's support for Palestinian sovereignty. Perhaps it was planned and initiated to influence its policy on granting full Palestinian UN membership in September, and may also be part of Washington's Global War on Terror. Moreover, the notion of a lone bomber/gunman is very suspect, especially one able to kill 91 people, an unprecedented nearly impossible feat singlehanded. Were there others involved? These and other questions demand answers
People's Struggles In Egypt Continuing:
Replay or New Phase?
By Dr. Peter Custers
Half a year after the successful overthrow of the country´s hated dictator Mubarak, the country has witnessed another peak of protests. Is this a replay of the Egyptian people´s aversion against repressive state rule? Or are we witnessing something new?
Surely They’re Joking, Mr. Fai!
Kashmir’s American Counsel?
By Farzana Versey
The allegation is that Mr. Fai’s Kashmir American Council (KAC) was illegally funded by the ISI to exert influence on the US Congress to swing the Kashmir debate in Pakistan’s favour. Did the ISI do it? Possible. Did Mr. Fai use this money? Possible. Was the FBI unaware about it all these years? Not possible
India: Supreme Court – 'Salwa Judum'
Is Unconstitutional
By Rolly Shivhare
The recent judgment of the Supreme Court of India in Dr. Nandini Sundar and others Vs State of Chhattisgarh and Union Government indicates that the country's judicial system is alive, and a citizen can hope for justice from it
Buddhists Denied Justice: The Law
And The Mahabodhi Temple At Bodh Gaya
By Sanjay Kumar Chaudhary
The historical and internationally famous Mahabodhi Temple has been under virtual control of Brahminical Hindus for centuries. The legal mechanism for this unacceptable cultural domination has been provided under the Bodh Gaya Temple Act, 1949 (hereafter BGT Act), which violates the principles of secularism, a basic pillar of the Indian Constitution, and the fundamental rights of religious communities as enshrined in the Constitution
US Supported Dictator Cao Ky Dead
By Jay Janson
Gen. Cao Ky who again made it into the news this week passing at age 81. Peace advocate King was silenced at age 39
23 July , 2011
Bombing, Mass Shooting Kill At Least 87 In Norway
By Mike Head
A bombing and mass shooting in Norway on Friday have left at least 87 people dead. Following a large explosion directed against government buildings in the capital, Oslo, a right-wing anti-Islamic extremist opened fire with automatic weapons on youth at a camp run by the ruling Labour Party on nearby Utoya Island
Student Questions From Tripoli
By Franklin Lamb
An interaction with university students in Tripoli, Libya
Life Rules: Why So Much Is Going Wrong Everywhere At Once And How Life
Teaches Us To Fix It
By Olga Bonfiglio
A review of Countercurrents writer Ellen LaConte's book "Life Rules"
America: Why Aren’t You Protesting?
By Andrew Smolski
The odd occurrence is the ostensibly quiet population of the United States who are in many cases having the same economic problems and austerity based government solutions. This is a place where the media does want to ask the public the question, “Why aren’t you protesting?”
Semantic Propaganda Feeds Stupidity
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
We would already have had a much needed American revolution in response to the tyranny of the money-fed two-party plutocracy that is destroying the middle class except for one big problem: so much of the American population is just plain stupid. Too stupid to behave like angry Greeks and rise up in the streets to rebel against the dysfunctional government
Agelessness, Ageism, And Aging In America Today:
The Myths And The Facts On The Ground
By Mary Lynn Cramer
I want to kick off these reminiscences on Agelessness, Ageism and Aging by looking at a few of the myths and facts about Aging in America
Dr. Fai’s Arrest And US- Pakistan Relations
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
US-Pakistan relations took a new twist Tuesday when Washington arrested the Kashmiri leader, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, on charges of working for the Pakistani spy agency, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) which purportedly gave $4 million to Dr. Fai for years to lobby for the Kashmir issue
Divisive Communal Politics In India
By Shahidur Rashid Talukdar
Recently, Mr. Vishweshwara Hegde Kageri, the education minister of Karnataka, a south Indian state, referring to Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and the secular Indians has remarked that all those opposing the one-hour compulsory reading of the Bhagvad Geeta, a Hindu scripture, in schools proposed by his ministry, are foreigners and should leave the country
Indian Constitution Violates Itself
By Madhu Chandra
Article 15 of the Indian Constitution gives fundamental rights to all Indian citizens against any form of discrimination either by the state or any citizen on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them. Every Indian is proud about this guarantee without much knowing that the same constitution violets itself on the basis of religion. The Scheduled Caste, known untouchable or Dalits suffer under this violation for sixty one years
Burning Patriotism’: Et Tu?
By Farzana Versey
Justice V R Krishna Iyer has said that currently the greatest enemy of India is not so much Pakistan but terrorism
22 July , 2011
Historic Judgement By Indian Supreme Court Against Arming Civilians
By Justice B. Sudershan Reddy &
Justice Surinder Singh Nijjar
Full text of the Supreme Court judgement by Justice Sudershan Reddy and Justice Surinder Singh Nijjar declaring the use and arming of SPOs as well as state support for Salwa Judum in Chattisgarh state of India unconstitutional and directing the state to disarm SPOs, stop using them in counterinsurgency operations, as well as file FIRs and prosecute them vigorously
Blowing Children Into Body Parts
By Jay Janson
This article is about the author’s two sons, who weren't blown to pieces as toddlers. The article is also about President Barack Obama's two daughters which Obama never had to bury with closed casket for their remains being incomplete and unrecognizable
Ground Your Warplanes, Save The Horn of Africa
By Ramzy Baroud
UN officials from the World Food Programme (WFP) are not asking for much: $500 million to stave off the effects of what is believed to be the worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 60 years. This is not an impossible feat, especially when one considers the geographic extent of the drought and creeping famine. Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya are all affected, and terribly so. Sudan and Eretria are also not far from the center of this encroaching disaster
Libya War Lies Worse Than Iraq
By Thomas C. Mountain
The lies used to justify the NATO war against Libya have surpassed those created to justify the invasion of Iraq. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both had honest observers on the ground for months following the rebellion in eastern Libya and both have repudiated every major charge used to justify the NATO war on Libya
British Obama-Bashing And The Urge
To Intervene In Libya
By Nu'man Abd al-Wahid
The current war on Libya largely led by Britain and France once again highlights the shortcomings of the British anti-war movement
Corporatism or Survival on Earth?
By Siv O'Neall
The Corpocrats are so totally deluded by their illusion of infinite power that they also believe that the earth offers the means for infinite growth. What they do not seem to understand at all is the fact that man can never, never dominate nature
Green Is The New Red:
An Interview With Will Potter
By Robert Jensen
An interview with Will Potter, author of "Green Is the New Red: An Insider's Account of a Social Movement under Siege"
Peak Research
By Ugo Bardi
I couldn't find data about the worldwide situation, but these data from the US do suggest that we may have peaked in terms of resources available for scientific research or, at least, we are plateauing
The Death of Democracy
By William A. Cook
Contrary to Fox News and Benjamin Netanyahu, Democracy is neither alive nor well in the United States or Israel; indeed it is dying a slow, agonizing death as each nation writhes in pain in adjoining beds unaware that the intravenous feeding tubes controlled by their respective Knessets drip poison into their life sustaining veins
There And Back Again: Sobering Thoughts
About The Nuclear Madness We All Face
By Vincent L. Guarisco
When I go down the beaten path of memory lane and revisit all the hurdles my family went through in our life-long participation with the anti-nuclear movement, my breath become fast and quick. But when I think about the future in terms of where we're headed today, I feel like I have no breath left in me
American (Real) Exceptionalism
By Ghali Hassan
A majority of Americans believe America is an “exceptional” nation and “a shining beacon of democracy and hope to a dark world”. But, reliable and unbiased evidence shows that real America is an unequal society, oppressive, undemocratic and a violent imperialist power
Explaining Obama: It’s The Re-election, Stupid
By Steve Breyman
Some pundits still suffer from “Obama as Savior” complex. Why does he roll over so easily? Why won’t he fight for progressive values or policies? Why does he ignore his base? Why doesn’t he end rather than start wars? How come he let Wall Street off the hook? Why does he leave Main Street to suffer? These questions all have the same answer: to do otherwise might—he and his advisors think—place his political future in jeopardy
Wanted: One Revolution
By Paul Buchheit
It's time once again for a revolution
The Case Against Cash Transfers
In Public Distribution System
By A Group of Researchers
A group of research scholars and student volunteers who spent three weeks surveying the Public Distribution System (PDS) around the country has found out that there is strong public sentiment against a transition from food entitlements to cash transfers
Karnataka Government plans To Impose
Gita On Students
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
When Karnataka’s education minister asked all the educational institutions to teach Bhagwad Gita in the schools, he was not only violating the secular principals of the state but also creating disharmony among different sections of our population
POSCO Needs Immediate Rethink Or Recall
By Mahtab Alam
The agitators have proposed two alternative sites, Ambili village and Budha Garia. In case the government chooses not to opt for the above, it would only further the perception of the locals that the government has some vested interests in the project. So it is high time for the government to rethink about its plan for land acquisition for the project before it is too late
Impeach Obama
By Sherwood Ross
We tolerate President Obama, the war-maker and tyrant, at our peril. He is a menace to America and humankind, the palpable, living symbol of the military-industrial complex run amok. He should be impeached
Bahraini Unrest Stirs Unease in Washington
By Stephen Lendman
After months of ruling Al Khalifa family crackdowns against nonviolent protesters, political opponents, human rights activists, medical professionals, independent journalists, and others wanting democratic change, reports suggest Washington may move its Fifth Fleet elsewhere
21 July , 2011
Plugging Fukushima Reactors
No Longer Stated Goal for Tepco
By Kazuaki Nagata
To substantially reduce the amount of radioactive materials released from the plant, Tepco needs to plug holes or cracks in the reactors' containment vessels that are allowing contaminated water to flood on-site facilities, including the reactor buildings and turbine buildings, experts said. The updated road map, however, includes no reference to this critical work
Feltman Visits Brandishing The Dahiyeh Doctrine
And Neocon “Realities”
By Franklin Lamb
Jeffrey Feltman might want to visit some of Libya’s universities, including Al Fatah which was bombed by NATO on 6/17/11, as students were inside classrooms sitting for their final exams. He will find a growing culture of resistance to NATO bombing their families but also support for a ceasefire and dialogue to end this ill-conceived criminal enterprise
The Peak Oil Crisis: Reality On Hold
By Tom Whipple
At last count there were at least a dozen mega dangers looming on the horizon all of which have the potential to change the nature of global civilization in profound ways. Yet the body politic seems to take little or no notice and concerns itself largely with issues that will soon be swept away by change. These dangers range from the depletion of our fossil fuel and mineral resources, to shrinking food and water supplies, to rising oceans, to political upheavals
Salvaging Resilience
By John Michael Greer
In recent discussions in the peak oil blogosphere, the term "resilience" has taken over much of the space once occupied by "sustainability." Both these words have implications that conflict sharply with the conventional wisdom of our time, but resilience in particular points toward a strategy that, though unwelcome, offers one of the few effective responses to the crisis of our time
Getting Out of Dodge: A Choice of Routes
By Peter Goodchild
One must consider the options about town and country life as industrial society creaks to a halt
The Indian Supreme Court Condemns
The Injustices Of Globalization
As An Amoral Paradigm Of Developlement
By Niloufer Bhagwat
The importance of this judgment lies in the recognition by the Supreme Court , that there is a breakdown of the ‘social contract ' between the government and people in these regions, as a consequence of the distorted policies of globalization implemented, pursuant to which illegal and unconstitutional measures were adopted by the State
Ethics In Science And Technology:
Dimensions of public discourse
By S.G.Vombatkere
An attempt to view the role of science and scientists in a political and social sense, in a world that is essentially ruled by sciences and the technologies that flow out from them
Mumbai Serial Terror 13/7: A Political Analysis
By Feroze Mithiborwala
Once again the city of Mumbai has been rocked with a series of blast, with more than 20 dead & over a hundred seriously injured. Mumbai is now on par with Karachi & Kabul in the list of terror ravaged cities
Terror Visits Mumbai Yet Again
By Ram Puniyani
The tragedy was followed by the great resilience of Mumbai citizens to rehabilitate the victims to line up for blood donations and help in many more ways, the efforts which make us salute Mumbai citizens yet again
Treasure Of Faith: Hoards Of Wealth
In Padmnabh Temple
By Ram Puniyani
Shree Padmanabhswamy temple of Tiruvananthpuram’s lockers have incalculable wealth. Does the God, deity, need so much wealth? And can this vast ocean of riches be of any good to the society at large in the material sense
Destination? GAZA!
By Steve Fake
The French-flagged ship, Dignité – al Karama , was halted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) en route to the shores of Gaza this morning. The small vessel was boarded and reportedly towed to the Israeli port of Ashdod. There were 16 people on the boat, with French, Greek, Tunisian, Canadian, and Swedish passengers among them
Tim DeChristopher's Battle For Justice
Is Our Battle
By Kevin Zeese
Tim DeChristopher is facing 10 years in prison in a sentencing hearing next Tuesday. His crime -- he used civil disobedience to stop an illegal sale of oil and gas leases. After he stopped the leasing by falsely bidding on the lands, the Interior Department determined what was known before the sale -- it was illegal. Yet, the government wants a harsh sentence to send a message to those who would join him in stopping illegal government action, ironically claiming we have to uphold the rule of law
Jane Fonda And America’s Vietnam War
By Farooque Chowdhury
Jane Fonda is news again. The issue is America’s Vietnam War. Memories of the war still haunt many. The war memories are also bright in the brains of those who resisted and opposed the war
Questions About The Arab Revolution
By Salim Nazzal
The Arab Revolution is still going on after 6 months of its eruption. And most observers expect it to continue and to expand to more Arab countries in what has been considered to be the most historical moment in the Arab history since the advent of Islam which put Arabs on the stage of history. This revolution revived much of the hopes for progress after decades of Arab defeats and stagnation on various levels
Whenever The Palestinians Need It,
The Mavi Marmara Will Go : Huseyin Oruç
By Silvia Cattori
In mid June, Bülent Yıldırım, chairman of the Humanitarian Relief Foundation, declared that the “Mavi Marmara” ship, which was hard hit in the Israeli raid, could not take part in the “Freedom flotilla II” but will “definitely set sail for Gaza when it completes repair and maintenance works.” Was it a realistic decision for the flotilla organizers to set sail without the “Mavi Marmara”? Huseyin Oruç, deputy of the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation explains his position in this interview
19 July , 2011
Iran Opens Oil Bourse
By John Daly
Iran has established an international exchange for crude oil in a free trade zone on the Persian Gulf island of Kish
Crocodile Tears As Food Aid Blockade
Continues In Horn of Africa
By Thomas C. Mountain
Tony Lake appeals to the world for tens, no, hundreds of millions of dollars to save the starving people of Ethiopia and Somalia, never once telling you that the majority, some 10 million, are in the Ogaden and Oromia regions and being subjected to a western funded food aid blockade by the Ethiopian military. Another five million people, maybe more, are starving in Somalia. The heads of the western food agencies are loath to admit that a million or more of those starving are refugees created by the UN funded Ethiopian and AU armies invading and occupying Somali since 2006
Reading The World In A Loaf Of Bread
By Christian Parenti
Soaring food prices, wild weather, upheaval, and a planetful of trouble
Nuclear Delusions
By Rex Weyler
Why nuclear power is not a solution to our energy challenge
Galactic-Scale Energy
By Tom Murphy
This series takes an astrophysicist's-eye view of the predicament we face managing resource limitations, energy production, climate change, and economic growth. The approach is often playfully quantitative, with the aim of arriving at a fresh perspective on our world
How To Liberate America
By David Korten
How is it that our nation is awash in money, but too broke to provide jobs and services? David Korten introduces a landmark new report, "How to Liberate America from Wall Street Rule."
America's Disappeared
By Chris Hedges
Obama has no intention of restoring the rule of law. He not only refuses to prosecute flagrant war crimes, but has immunized those who orchestrated, led and carried out the torture. At the same time he has dramatically increased war crimes, including drone strikes in Pakistan
West Bengal: Encounter Deaths
or Cold Blooded Murders?
By Ranjit Sur
The people of Jangalmahal and rights activists across the West Bengal expect and demand that the new Government announce a thorough investigation in all the cases of Encounter Deaths in West Bengal and give examplary punishment to the culprits and due compensation to the victim families
Salwa Judum-SPO Judgement Hurts. Why?
By Sadanand Patwardhan
In a judgment that could change the face of anti-Naxal operations, the Supreme Court has held that arming civilians to take on Naxals is unconstitutional. The judgement has come under severe attack. Whay does the judgement hurt some people so much?
Hunger Strike At Pelican Bay Prison
By Li Onesto
The Humanity and Courage of the Prisoners...And the Moral Responsibility to Support Their Demands
" The Arts Of Life They Changed Into
The Arts Of Death:" Bachmann, Palin
And Robertson And The Limits Of Logic
By Phil Rockstroh
Don't defend the indefensible -- the soul-defying banality of the present system. The neo-liberal superstate is unsustainable and will bring on its own demise
Ten Lessons For Today’s Unions
From Labor’s Militant History
By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer
It is instructive to take a retrospective look back at the labor movement in its period of militancy to benefit from lessons learned during this climactic period
Rahm Emanuel: Chicago's War Criminal
/Anti-Labor Mayor
By Stephen Lendman
After two months in office, Rahm Emanuel looks likely to be Chicago's worst, based on policy initiatives he supports
Israel Terrorizing Palestinians Lawlessly
By Stephen Lendman
For nearly a week, Israeli aircraft struck Gaza preemptively. As a result, fear of a new war grows
18 July , 2011
East Africa's Drought: 11 Million Lives At Risk
By Tristan McConnell
East Africa's worst drought in 60 years is putting 11 million lives at risk, many of them in war-torn Somalia, where thousands of hungry families are making the dangerous trek across parched, violent territory to the promise of safety and food in Kenya
“Another Kind of Fukushima?”
Asks Whistleblower Robert Gilkeson
By Subhankar Banerjee
When we have more than 45 million people living below the poverty line in the U.S. and public services are being cut drastically, should the federal government be handing out $6 billion to build a new plutonium facility whose primary beneficiary would be Bechtel? It is not a New Mexico issue, it is a national and international issue, and it is your call
Israel Rules Out Non-Violence
By Jonathan Cook
The boycott law is the latest in a series of ever-more draconian laws being introduced by the far-right. The legislation's goal is to intimidate those Israeli citizens, Jews and Palestinians, who have yet to bow down before the majority-rule mob
Aftermath of Israeli Anti-Free Speech Law Passage
By Stephen Lendman
Buoyed by passage of their anti-boycott bill, Knesset Yisrael Beitenu and Likud party extremists taste blood and want more. Most worrisome is a proposed measure to investigate leftist group activities, heading for a final vote next week
The Siege Must Be Broken – Ending Gaza’s Isolation
By Steve Fake
The wave of democratic unrest sweeping aside dictators in the Middle East and North Africa is already upon Israel’s doorstep. The tentative unity deal between Fatah and Hamas and the opening of the Rafah crossing are among the first fruits of the Arab Spring for Palestinians
Crunch Time For Public Sector Unions
By Shamus Cooke
The media attack on public sector unions has reached a timely zenith, perfectly in sync with the politicians' anti-union deathblow. This coordinated campaign is happening nationwide, and includes Democratic and Republican marauders on a state-by-state basis
Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strikers:
We Are Human Beings!
By Li Onesto
On Friday, July 1, prisoners in California's infamous Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison began a courageous and determined hunger strike. This then, very quickly, turned into a display of collective outrage and solidarity among prisoners throughout the state and beyond
Australian Carbon Price Scheme Is
Deceitful Climate Change Inaction
By Dr Gideon Polya
The pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-war, neoconservative Australian Gillard Labor Government has proposed a Carbon Tax-Emissions Trading Scheme -Ignore Agriculture that has produced considerable public debate. Careful analysis of this Carbon Price plan reveals that, contrary to Labor Government propaganda, it will only reduce Australia 's disproportionately huge annual Domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution rate by 8.5% by 2020 and by 53.2% by 2050
Boycott Murdoch Media To Save Planet
By Dr Gideon Polya
The indignant global response to the phone hacking and police bribery by UK employees of Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire obscures the awful major crimes of this Evil Empire: (a) promotion of the War on Terror and genocide-ignoring non-reportage of the 12 million deaths associated with US and US Alliance wars in Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan and (b) anti-science non-reportage and false reporting about the worsening Climate Crisis
Cessation Of Growth: Voluntary And Coercive
Population Control
By Jason G. Brent
In a finite planet is it possible to maintain infinite economic and population growth?
Max And Missy: From The U.S. Boat To Gaza
To Syntagma Square
By Donna Nevel
Max And Missy, two extra ordinary individuals on the U.S. BoatTo Gaza
Crackdowns, Torture And Intimidation In Bahrain
By Stephen Lendman
Largely ignored by Washington, Western governments, and America's media, the ruling Al Khalifa monarchy continues cracking down brutally against nonviolent protesters since civil resistance began last February
Mumbai Blasts A Conspiracy To Derail
Pak-India Peace Talks
By Rahil Yasin
Just before a fortnight from Pakistan and India foreign minister-level talks in New Dehli, the well-coordinated attacks might be a planned conspiracy to derail the resumption of peace process but this softening tone and tenor of the politicians might have buried the dreams of Indian fanatics
Indian Media And The Recent Mumbai Attacks
By Shaik Zakeer Hussain
Even before the real perpetrators of the recent attack on Mumbai are brought into light, even before the investigation and investigators have come out with evidences against the presumed outfits behind the attack, Some sections of the media, civil society, and politicians have given their verdict; 'Islamic Terrorism.'
Redefining The Poverty Line
By Shahidur Rashid Talukdar
The ongoing debate around the poverty line has caught momentum with the government’s declaration to conduct the below poverty line (BPL) census 2011. Since the very definition of the National Poverty Line has been questioned by many, including the Supreme Court of India in April 2011, it needs to be redefined
15 July , 2011
Human-Caused Loss Of
Big Predators Disrupts Earth Ecosystem
By Tony Karumba
Large predators like sharks, lions and wolves are on the decline worldwide, a trend that is disrupting the Earth's ecosystem in all kinds of unusual ways, researchers said Thursday. The planet is currently in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, said the study by scientists from 22 different institutions in six countries
Indigenous Resistance Is The New 'Terrorism'
By Manuela Picq
In Ecuador, protesting for the rights of the Earth and trying to preserve natural resources may make you a "terrorist"
Combating Desertification
By Ranjani Kamala Murthy
Thoughts on climate change, gender and justice
The End Of Cheap Coal
By Richard Heinberg & David Fridley
World energy policy is gripped by a fallacy — the idea that coal is destined to stay cheap for decades to come. This assumption supports investment in ‘clean-coal’ technology and trumps serious efforts to increase energy conservation and develop alternative energy sources. It is an important enough assumption about our energy future that it demands closer examination
The Audacity Of Hopelessness And Betrayal
By Vincent Guarisco
As one of the cleverest political conquistadors to ever hoodwink the American public, you have to admit -- our Commander and Chief is one smooth talking peccadillo. It was seven long years ago that the skinny little guy with a funny name, Senator Barack Obama, delivered his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention
Debt Ceiling Debate Charade Masks
Planned Entitlement Cuts
By Stephen Lendman
Short of finalizing details and assuring enough bipartisan support, it's a done deal to slash Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social spending while leaving outsized military budgets and generous handouts to corporate favorites in place
Happy Bastille Day!
By Dave Fryett
Bastille Day is a time most worthy of remembrance and celebration
14 July , 2011
Wired Publishes The Full Manning-Lamo Chat Logs
By Glenn Greenwald
The concern was that Wired was concealing material to glorify and shield its source, Poulsen's long-time associate Adrian Lamo, in a way that distorted the truth and, independently, denied the public important context for what happened here. Wired's release of the full chat logs leaves no doubt that those concerns were justified, and that Wired was less than honest about what it was concealing
Salvaging Quality
By John Michael Greer
This week I’d like to talk about one of the unspoken and unspeakable realities of life in a declining industrial society: the pervasive phenomenon of stealth inflation
Murdoch Has Blood On His Hands
By David Swanson
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: "Article 20 "1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law." The Fox News Channel is endless propaganda for war, and various other deadly policies. Charge the man with selling wars!
Israel's Crackdown Grows with Boycott Bill
By Neve Gordon
Israeli legislators realise, though, that in order to quash all internal resistance, the destruction of the rights groups will not be enough. Their ultimate target is the High Court of Justice, the only institution that still has the power and authority to defend democratic practices
Confused Strategy: How The PA Sold Out Palestinian Unity
By Ramzy Baroud
While Abbas is now leading a diplomatic mission to drum up support for his UN initiative, Fayyad is trying to collect funds to prop up the PA economy for a few more months. Meanwhile, Palestinian national unity - without which Palestinians will remain hopelessly fragmented and vulnerable to external pressures and foreign priorities – remains merely ink on paper
Delusional America And 9/11
By Eric Larsen
The simple-minded clinging now, in 2011, to the absurd tenets of The Great 9/11 Lie, after the publication of Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Controlled Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 is no less nutty—or no less ignorant, or no less submissive to the dictates of crazed and oppressive masters—than would have been his clinging to the pre-Copernican, pre-Galilean, or pre-Darwinian conceptions of the world in 1543, or 1632, or 1859
Tale Of A Village's Struggle For Survival
By Thervoy youth, women and people's struggle committee
The struggle of Thervoy Kandigai villagers in Tamil Nadu, India to retain control over their grazing land, forest, livelihood and bodily integrity
War Zone In Proposed POSCO Project Area
By Pradeep Baisakh
Coming days will determine the future of industrialisation in the state that has signed more than 79 MoUs in last ten years but whose track record of following them has been poor. The intent and courage of Naveen government in reckoning and accommodating the view of the people in the process will prove to be the key in resolving issues
13 July , 2011
Killing Of Karzai’s Brother Deepens
US Crisis In Afghanistan
By Bill Van Auken
Whoever was responsible for Karzai’s killing, the attack, coming in the wake of the assault on the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul two weeks ago and the earlier high-profile assassinations of the Kandahar police chief and others, only confirms the popular perception that the government and the foreign occupation troops are incapable of protecting top officials and supporters
Has U.S. Foreign Policy Ever Been Such a Mess?
By Kevin Zeese
Multiple wars are symptoms of the need to escape the quagmire of empire
Shale Gas Gives No Emissions Edge Over Coal
By Andrew Nikiforuk
For years now, everyone thought that natural gas was cleaner than coal and more benevolent than oil. . But shale gas, methane trapped in hellishly deep rock formations, has challenged this dated perception. In fact, the very stuff that energy experts champion as North America's new energy wunderkind may be dirtier than coal, if not as extreme as Alberta's dirty bitumen
Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strikers:
We Are Human Beings!
By Li Onesto
On Friday, July 1, prisoners in California's infamous Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison began a courageous and determined hunger strike. This then, very quickly, turned into a display of collective outrage and solidarity among prisoners throughout the state and beyond
Handy Hints For Turbulent Times
By Peter Goodchild
The following is a set of principles that might make it easier to deal, on a personal or individual level, with global issues arising between about 2011 and 2030. After that date, there will be changes far more alien to our accustomed word-view: the demise of government and with it the end of money as a means of exchange
CIA Most Likely To Continue
Criminal Ways Under Petraeus
By Sherwood Ross
The real issues concerning the CIA are not the management issues about which David Ignatius writes. They are the life-and-death issues about the CIA's toxic poisoning of American values
Frederick Engels On The Historical Development Of
Modern Socialism
By Thomas Riggins
In the first chapter of Part Three of his classic work Anti-Dühring, Engels discusses the origins of the modern socialist movement
12 July , 2011
Countdown To $100 Oil: A Date With History?
By Euan Mearns
On two past occasions, the average annual oil price has hit $100 per barrel and this has been followed by recession. At time of writing (7th July) the annual average for Brent was $95.4, on course to breach $100 some time in September. Will history repeat itself? Or has the global economy grown immune to high energy prices?
Partition Of Sudan Prepares
Way For Further Conflicts
By Susan Garth
Despite the celebrations and Obama’s soothing words, there are major question still unresolved. The line of the border between the two Sudans has still not been agreed; the Abyei region remains a matter of dispute; and the division of oil revenues, which are vital to survival of both countries, is still undecided
The Power -- And Limits -- Of Social Movements
By Robert Jensen
Dissidents not only have to be willing to tell the truth about the delusions of the dominant culture, but make sure we don't fall into delusions of our own
Palestinian People Power: Could It Be
A Game-Changer?
By Alan Hart
Though it would further isolate Israel and America, I don’t think a UN General Assembly resolution recognizing a Palestinian state in 1967 borders would change the facts on the ground. But if a vote in the General Assembly was taken against the background of the demonstration of Palestinian people power as outlined above, that could be a game-changer
Playing With Political Fire
By Brenda Heard
In the very hours of forbidding the passage of the aid flotilla to Gaza, the financially strapped Greek government welcomed the approval of an €8.7 billion aid payment from the European Union. With Israel's position as an EU-groupie, even the Associated Press couldn't resist smirking at Greece's underlying ‘incentive to cozy up to its rich Mediterranean neighbor'
Israel's Knesset Passes Boycott Prohibition Bill
By Stephen Lendman
Israel's "controversial 'Boycott Bill' is expected to come up for its second and third (Knesset) votes" today, despite Netanyahu earlier wanting it delayed, expected criticism from Knesset Legal Advisor Eyal Yinon, and opponents holding a protest press conference
Sensationalism In America's Media
By Stephen Lendman
America's dominant media, especially television, produce a daily diet of fiction portrayed as fact in their role as de facto thought-control gatekeepers, substituting managed and junk food food news for the real kind
From Cheerleader To Enemy Of The State
By William T. Hathaway
"From Cheerleader to Enemy of the State" is a chapter from RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War, which presents the experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists from the USA, Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan
Liberalism vs Identity Politics In
"X-Men: First Class"
By Karthick RM
A political reading of "X-Men: First Class"
11 July , 2011
France Says NATO Bombing Has Failed
By Franklin Lamb
On Sunday France seemingly allied itself with Russia and China in calling on NATO to immediately stop its counterproductive and counterintuitive bombing, as more countries witness public demonstrations against NATO’s actions in Libya
The Climate Cartel: 1Sky, 350.org
And Rockefeller Brothers | Stronger As One
By Cory Morningstar
In April of this year, two Rockfeller funded organisations, 1Sky and 350.org announced their "official" merger. Is this a move by big business to take over the climate justice movement?
Why I Refuse To Promote Bill McKibben
By Cory Morningstar
Which road should we follow in the climate justice movement? The McKibben, 350.org/1Sky road or the road proposed by the the Cochabamba People's Agreement?
Deficit Reduction Versus Democracy
By Shamus Cooke
Listening to Congress debate deficit deduction is like listening to a den of lions discuss the welfare of zebras. In both cases the debate is very one-sided. Democrats and Republicans sound disagreeable on TV, but their arguments differ by the tiniest of degrees (like lions fighting over how best to eat a zebra.)
The "Salwa Judum" Question
By Campaign for Survival and Dignity
Last Tuesday (July 5th) the Supreme Court, in a historic and welcome judgment, disallowed the use of Special Police Officers in the "counterinsurgency" campaign against the CPI(Maoist). Sections of the media have largely focused on the supposed impact this will have on the security forces
10 July , 2011
US Jobs Report Points To Renewed Downturn
By Andre Damon
The unemployment rate rose for a third consecutive month in June, as the US economy added far fewer jobs than new workers, according to the latest jobs report released Friday by the Labor Department. The report confirms a new downturn in the labor market amid the Obama administration's campaign to cut government jobs and spending
The Great Unravelling
By Stephen Lendman
While millions rage across Middle East, North Africa, and European countries, it's hard understanding why Americans so willingly let corrupt government officials steal them blind and destroy their lives. It's long past time they got mad enough to stop it because nothing will change things otherwise
The True Cost Of America's Wars
By Jack A. Smith
But Defense Department expenses are only half the story. Double the Pentagon's $700 billion for a true estimate of the amount of money the U.S. spent on war-related issues last year. That's $1.4 trillion a year for the United States. How is this possible?
Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists And
The Disappearing Middle Class
By James Petras
The crumbling empire has depleted the US treasury. As the Congress and White House fight over raising the debt ceiling, the cost of war aggressively erodes any possibility of maintaining stable living standards for the American middle and working classes and heightens growing inequalities between the top 1% and the rest of the American people
Prisoners Protest in California
By Farooque Chowdhury
Prisoners' protest in California reiterates the old, but seldom ignored fact: in cases, there is no difference between center and periphery in terms of prison condition. And, prison, a tool to rule, mirrors ruling political arrangement
Violent Language That Kills The Human Spirit
By Mary Hamer
Violent Language annihilates, alienates, destroys, demonizes, disintegrates, mutilates, obliterates, oppresses & murders the soul of the targeted victim
Russell Hopfenberg's Science
By Steve Salmony
Hopfenberg’s apparently unforeseen, unfortunately unwelcome and still unchallenged scientific finding regarding the relationship between food supply and human population numbers is being denied by the very experts upon whom the human community relies for guidance and direction
Indian BPL Census 2011:
Its Irrelevance And Futility?
By Shahidur Rashid Talukdar
The timing of the census and preparedness of various stakeholder-agencies regarding the methodology for data collection and analysis of the enumeration puts both the relevance and efficacy of the whole exercise in question
Do We Have The Democratic Rights?
By Gladson Dungdung
On July 5, 2011, the Adivasis of Munda Khutkatti areas – Khunti, Murhu and Arki blocks of Khunti district gathered in Kachary Maidan of Khunti situated at a distance of 31 kilometres from the state capital of Jharkhand
09 July , 2011
NATO's War Against Libya's Civilians
By Franklin Lamb
Briefly noted below are five recent instances of undisputed NATO bombings on Libyan civilians selected because they still among the most frequently discussed by residents of Tripoli
NATO Using Nuclear Weapons in Libya
By Stephen Lendman
Scientists from the Surveying and Collecting Specimens and Laboratory Measuring Group confirmed "radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes) at bombed sites" from field surveys conducted. Scientific analysis was conducted at the Nuclear Energy Institution of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. It showed that "several sites contain even higher than expected doses of uranium," including holes from NATO missiles and ordnance fragments
Audaciously Sailing On, With Hope!
By Hagit Borer
As the Audacity of Hope is now negotiating its passage from the concrete to the symbolic, from the present to history, our river is flowing on, to merge with that of our most recent mentors – the initiators of the Arab Spring in Tunisia, in Egypt and in Yemen, in Libya, in Syria and in Bahrain
Peak Exploration: The Apollo Program And
The High Water Mark Of Western Civilization
By William Hicks
Has peak civilization already happened?
Collapse: The Enigma Of Town And Country
By Peter Goodchild
In these early years of systemic collapse, as population soars and petroleum and other natural resources go into decline, the question is not so much "how" to live one's life, but "where."
Corporations Greatest Fount Of
Corruption In History
By Bhaskar Menon
There is a tendency among elitist Westernized Indians to think of corruption as an obstacle to the coming of the corporate Promised Land where “People Like Us (PLU)” enjoy the benefits of the free market untroubled by government gnats. There seems to be no awareness that the joint-stock corporation has been the greatest fount of corruption in human history
The US Mounts Pressure On Pakistan Army
As Washington-Islamabad Relations Get Worse
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
Relations between Pakistan and the United States took a nosedive after the May 2 US operation in Abbottabad that purportedly killed Osama bin Laden
Siddhartha Shankar Sibal
By Mukul Dube
Minister Sibal, who has been gathering portfolios much like some people collect dead butterflies, appears to believe that he has inherited Home Affairs too from his colleague Minister Chidambaram. After the breaking up of Shri Ramdev’s “yoga camp” at the Ramlila Maidan, “Sibal said the police action should serve as a lesson to everybody”
08 July , 2011
Global Investments In Green Energy
Up Nearly A Third To US $211 Billion
By Marianne de Nazareth
According to the latest news released by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), China along with a number of developing countries are now the biggest investors in large-scale renewables while Germany surges ahead on rooftop solar. Last year, investors pumped a record US$211 billion into renewables -- about one-third more than the US$160 billion invested in 2009, and a 540% rise since 2004
Phosphate: A Critical Resource Misused
And Now Running Low
By Fred Pearce
Phosphate has been essential to feeding the world since the Green Revolution, but its excessive use as a fertilizer has led to widespread pollution and eutrophication. Now, many of the world’s remaining reserves are starting to be depleted
Salvaging Energy
By John Michael Greer
The simple act of salvaging energy by buying used goods instead of new ones – a step that Ben Franklin would have appreciated, interestingly enough – might just turn out to be a useful step in the direction of the ideals that some of us, at least, were celebrating a few nights ago
Bradley Manning, American Hero
By Chase Madar
Four Reasons Why Pfc. Bradley Manning Deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Not a Prison Cell
Greek Tragedy Goes Global
By Stephen Lendman
Expect it eventually in America, the heart of predatory capitalism, stealing from the many for the privileged few, bankers and war profiteers always first in line for handouts, as much as they want whenever they want it
The Spring Revolution: Age Of Hope
And Time For Disappointment
By Tahir M. Qazi, MD
A tide of revolutions is sweeping across the Middle East. It is the newest unfolding chapter in the history of revolutions that historians and political and social scientists alike are looking at with awe. Unfortunately, with the exception of a few peaceful revolutions in Eastern Europe, history has not seen revolutionary social changes without violence. In this article, I will try to explore the “Arab Spring” under the light of various theories of revolutions
Yemen Continues To Inspire Amid Great Odds
By Ramzy Baroud
The Yemeni people are unrelenting in their demands for democracy. Millions continue to stage rallies across their country in a display of will that is proving the most robust out of all the Arab revolutions
We Will Return To Gaza
By Richard Levy
We will return to Gaza. We will stay in the struggle until Israel stops its apartheid policies, its land and water seizures in the West Bank, its destruction of homes and olive farms, its encroachment by walls, barbed wire and check points. We will stay at it until Palestine is free
The Battle To Sail To Gaza
Is About The Freedom Of Palestine
By Salim Nazzal
Israel rapidly understood that the message behind the Freedom Flotilla was more than lifting the Israeli siege on Gaza, but rather to convey a message to the world that the silence about the Israeli occupation has given Israel a pretext to continue its war crimes
Flotilla 2 Deserves Our Applause
By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
The men and women who were part of Flotilla2 and all the others who made it possible deserve our applause for their commitment and their courage. Today, more than at any other time in the past, we have reason to be optimistic about their struggle and the valiant struggle of the Palestinian people and all those who champion their noble cause
Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked But Not Defeated
By Stephen Lendman
Most important is staying the course, ending Gaza's siege and Israel's illegal occupation. That, after all is said and done, is what this effort (is all) about, and that (this) work must continue.
Slanting Rafiq Hariri's Assassination
By Dan Lieberman
Google any of the indicted individuals and the results reveal NOTHING, no information on any of them. According to the media, they all held positions in Hezbollah and two of them had important positions. Nevertheless, there is no on-line information on any of them. Where did these "media sources" obtain their contradictory information?
The National Education Association
Flunks A Crucial Test
By Ann Robertson & Bill Leumer
As long as the N.E.A. as well as organized labor in general remain tied to the corporate-dominated Democratic Party, public education will deteriorate, critical thinking will be undermined, wages will remain low, and the working class will continue to suffer a decline
Of Mammaries And Rippling Biceps:
State, Civil Society And The Indian Citizen
By Cynthia Stephen
Mammaries and kid gloves for the privileged, rippling biceps against the poor, the low-caste, the tribal, women, children and the aged : the ongoing reality in India
India Cannot Deal With Black Money Unilaterally
By Bhaskar Menon
The issue of “black money” is one of the focal points of the current debate about corruption in India but neither the discussion nor the proposals to deal with it show any understanding of the phenomenon. This is not surprising, for corporate mass media have done little to illuminate the issue. A brief history lesson is necessary to show its real nature and magnitude
Understanding Prophet Mohammad And Islam
By Ram Puniyani
Book review - The Prophet of Non Violence: Spirit of Peace, Compassion and Universality in Islam by Asghar Ali Engineer
06 July , 2011
Famine Threat In The Horn Of Africa
By Barry Mason
The countries comprising the Horn of Africa face the threat of famine, after a series of failed and poor rainy seasons has created the worst drought in 60 years
Global Warming Lull Down To China's Coal Growth
By Richard Black
The lull in global warming from 1998 to 2008 was mainly caused by a sharp rise in China's coal use, a study suggests
Australia Ignores 25 Huge Climate Change Realities
By Dr Gideon Polya
What is extraordinary in this Australian national debate is the near total exclusion from public discussion in Parliament and the Mainstream media of 25 science-based, Elephant in the Room matters relating to climate change action
The US Must End Its Illegal War In Libya Now
By Dennis Kucinich
President Obama has ripped up the US constitution for Nato's ill-considered Libyan adventure. Congress must restore sense
Libya: Flashpoint For Global Conflict
By Stephen Lendman
When Washington wages war, only conquest, colonization, pillaging, and domination matter - never truth, rule of law standards or democratic values. Iraqis understand. So do Afghans, Pakistanis, Somalis, Yemenis, Palestinians, and now Libyans
Is A Broader Peace Movement Here?
One That Can Really Stop U.S. Militarism?
By Kevin Zeese
A new anti-war movement has been launched, Come Home America!
The Peak Oil Crisis: At Mid-Year
By Tom Whipple
Most observers with insight into the global oil supply and demand balance, and that are free of any institutional constraints that prevent them from speaking out freely, are looking for much tighter oil markets in the next year and a half
After Fukushima: Massive Global Expansion Of
Nuclear Industry Under Way
By William Whitlow
A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit predicts a massive worldwide growth in nuclear energy production over the next decade. The impact of the Fukushima disaster, now being described as the worst industrial accident in history, is expected to be minimal
How To Save The U.S. Labor Movement
By Shamus Cooke
The first step in saving the labor movement is recognizing that it needs saving. Sadly, many union leaders -- including Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO -- refuse to accept this reality
Hemp And Peace, Freedom And Democracy
By Rand Clifford
What are America’s powerful elite afraid of most? At or near the top of the list we might find: hemp, peace, freedom, and democracy
The Farce Of Bhimshakti And Shivshakti
By Dr Anand Teltumbde
The alliance between Ambedkarite Dalits and Shivsena is simply a big farce
The 26% Trick – From ‘Mining Social Equity'
To ‘Minefield Of Inequity'
By Sadanand Patwardhan
The fairy-tale of 26% of profits to locals is about to end today , Wednesday, 06 July 2011. The Mining Ministry is all set to put before the GOM a brutally raped and mangled draft of the original bill put forward by B K Handique
05 July , 2011
Why De-Growth?
By Rex Weyler
The Degrowth movement advocates richer, more rewarding lives with less material stuff. Our economic efforts should focus on providing basic needs to everyone in the human family, rather than enriching a few, while others starve. Beyond basic necessities, happiness does not come from consuming more stuff. Happiness comes from friends, family, community, creativity, leisure, love, companionship, and time spent in nature. These things can grow without much material throughput. These are the qualities of life we should be helping to grow
UN: Only Green Technology Can Avert
'Planetary Catastrophe'
By Environment News Service
Humanity is near to breaching the sustainability of Earth, and needs a technological revolution greater and faster than the industrial revolution to avoid "a major planetary catastrophe," warns a new United Nations report
The Motives Of Bradley Manning
By Glenn Greenwald
What Fishman's article actually does is bolster the previous view of Manning's alleged leaks as motivated by noble and understandable horror at what the U.S. was doing in Iraq specifically and that region generally, and a resulting desire to take action to shed light on what he was seeing and to do what he could to stop it
Palestine’s ‘Last Village’ Faces The Bulldozers
By Jonathan Cook
Lifta to make way for Jewish vacation homes
PASOK: Pan Hellenic Socialist Kleptocrats
By James Petras
“George Papandreou is not bought, he is rented. He sells public enterprises to the multinationals. He reduces wages, pensions and employment at the behest of the IMF. He turns over the public treasury to the European banks. He supports NATO’s war against Libya. He directs the Greek Coast Guard to enforce Netanyahu’s blockade of Gaza.”
There Are Too Many Headwinds To Take To Sea
But The Struggle Continues
By Silvia Cattori & Dimitri Plionis
Under pressure from Israel and the United States, the Greek government has prohibited the Freedom Flotilla from sailing to Gaza from its ports. But for its organizers, the fight has just begun and Israel will remain under pressure by civil society who will continue to denounce the illegality of the blockade, and to fight to go to Gaza. Dimitri Plionis, one of the Greek spokesmen for the flotilla, responds here to the questions of Silvia Cattori
Fasts, Hunger And Hunger Strikes
By Anand Teltumbde
It is amusing that the country having a dubious distinction of being a home to world’s most hungry people should be shaken by the threat of hunger by a few. But that is what has been happening since Mahatma Gandhi forged them into a weapon
Chavez: Alive, Well, And Recuperating In Caracas
By Stephen Lendman
Whether well, ill or recuperating, at home or away, propagandists always find ways to misreport about him. In fact, that's precisely what they're paid to do, producing fake made up managed news, not real information and analysis only found through alternative print and broadcast sources, doing it daily as a public service
Health Care in Cuba And America
By Stephen Lendman
All Cubans get free health services. Americans must pay, including those on Medicare, and employed Medicaid recipients by payroll tax deductions plus out-of-pocket costs
American Christians, Obama et al.,
Long Defying Their Professed Savior Jesus
By Jay Janson
‘When you bombed these brothers and sisters of mine,, you bombed me,’’ says Jesus in Matthew chapter 25, (paraphrased of course). Obama, as presidents before him, follows the instructions of his promoters, the ruling investors, and disregarding the teaching and warnings of his “personal savior,” gives to the rich at home, bombs abroad to be able to take from the poor everywhere, and lies that this is necessary and good
04 July , 2011
An Actionable Plan For 9/11 Truth And Justice
By Senator Mike Gravel
As new evidence and new whistleblowers come forward seemingly every week, the import of the 9/11 truth movement multiplies in historic significance. All of this points to the urgent need for a new, independent investigation with subpoena and other grand jury powers—a citizen's commission that is truly free of partisan political interference
For July 4, Passengers On U.S. Boat To Gaza
Call ForNew U.S. Declaration Of Independence - From Israel
By Henry Norr
Two hundred and thirty-five years after the American colonies declared independence from Britain, the passengers on the U.S. Boat to Gaza call for a new American Declaration of Independence, this time from Israel
Stop Occupations: Make 4 July
Independence From America Day
By Dr Gideon Polya
Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can about the continuing US or US surrogate occupation, mass murder, mass pedocide, holocaust and genocide in the Occupied Palestinian, Somali, Haitian, Iraqi, and Afghan Territories, (b) demand Sanctions and political sidelining against the genocidal Neocon American and Zionist Imperialists (NAZIs), and (c) make 4 July Independence From America Day around the World
A Question For Reflection On The 4 th Of July:
Is The United States A Representative Democracy
Or A Mirage Democracy?
By Kevin Zeese
It is a shame to have to ask whether democracy is a mirage in the United States, no doubt most Americans would rather be celebrating U.S. democracy than questioning it. But the reality of the disconnect between government and the people has become so stark it is impossible to ignore
Multi-National Corporations, Personified
By David Ruhlen
This week we learned that a leading denier of climate change has taken $1 million from the oil and coal industries over the last decade; among his many services on behalf of the skeptic crowd, Dr. Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics has sought to weaken a major assessment of global warming by the UN's leading climate science body
Climate Censorship And Climate Injustice
By Climate Criminal, Climate Racist Australia
By Dr Gideon Polya
Australia leads the First World in annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution, is the world's leading coal exporter and is among the world's top liquid natural gas exporters. However Australia, like its fellow major GHG polluters Canada and the US, wants business as usual
Britain Arrests Respected Palestinian Leader
By Jonathan Cook
The outcry in Britain against Sheikh Salah has shocked Israel’s 1.3-million Palestinian citizens. For them, he is a spiritual leader and head of a respected party, the Islamic Movement. He is also admired by the wider Palestinian public. The secular Fatah movement, including Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian Authority’s prime minister, were among those condemning his arrest
A Defiant African Union
By Farooque Chowdhury
African Union's decision to ignore International Criminal Court's arrest warrant against Libyan leader Gaddafi manifests a resistance to imperial NATO's design being imposed on Africa . The African resistance is getting generated in the background of a changing geopolitical reality with a declining trend of a section of capital. The AU defiance is actually against the world masters, especially NATO, the masters' military arm
On The Cusp Of Afghan Drawdown
And Reconciling With Taliban
By Rahil Yasin
With the announcement of Afghan drawdown plan by US President Obama, Afghan Taliban are likely to follow ‘wait and watch’ policy in which they are supposed to revitalise their energies, regroup their factions, recruit ‘new blood’ and widen their control in most of the provinces
AERB : No, Mera Joota (Nahee) Hai Japanee!
By Sadanand Patwardhan
Indian Reactors Can Keep Cool without Power for a Week , claims S K Sharma, former Chairman of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India (AERB), and head of the safety review committee appointed by AERB to study the status of Indian Nuclear plants in the wake of the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant
West Bengal Movement For Release Of
Political Prisoners
By Ranjit Sur
Its almost one and half a month since a New Government has sworn in West Bengal under the leadership of Ms Mamata Banerjee. Yet, not a single Political Prisoner is released, as promised
Where Ignorance Is A Virtue
By Dr. Murali Sivaramakrishnan
Let us also allow the Mahatma's statue in Coimbatore to stand headless—as a reminder of our blighted childishness! All we need to do is only to put a charka by the demolished statue as a remainder of our mindless acts. After all, where ignorance is a virtue it is certainly folly to be wise
Hidden Aspect Of The Ayodhya Dispute
By Yoginder Sikand
A vihar dedicated to the Buddha, the apostle of universal love, instead of a Brahminical Hindu temple or a Muslim mosque, being built on the disputed site might actually be a mutually acceptable and eminently sensible settlement for many Hindus and Muslims themselves, who are fed up of the hate-driven politics of mandir and masjid being played in their name
My ResponseTo Geert Wilders
By Habib Siddiqui
In his website, Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician, posted an article – My message to Muslims, which deserve some response. Here below is my response to him
02 July , 2011
Greek Troops Capture US Aid Ship Bound For Gaza
By Jason Ditz
Shortly after news came that the US aid ship “The Audacity of Hope” had departed from port and was attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, the vessel was attacked by heavily armed Greek commandos and forced to return to port
Restoring A Ruined Earth: The Heroic Mission Of
Thomas Berry
By Vincent Di Stefano
Those who have understood the magnitude of the environmental situation that presently confronts us are faced with a two-fold task. The first is to clearly identify the nature of those forces that have brought us to where we are. The second is to envision the changes needed - both in our thinking and in our actions. One of the most articulate and visionary allies in this task is the late Thomas Berry, theologian, mystic and cultural historian
Nero’s Fire
By Jim Rigby
There is a larger fire smoldering that threatens to take down our entire nation. Our nation’s infrastructure shimmers and crackles with heat. The rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer. The poor did not start that fire, but, like Nero, our rich elite assure us that America’s problems come from the weakest among us
Economic Growth Versus Human Development
By Prahlad Shekhawat
India has consistently achieved the second highest rates of GDP growth but moved down to 134 position in the Human Development Index in 2009, compared to 128 a year before. The 2010 report puts India far behind in terms of achievements in tackling multidimensional poverty. The report concludes that economic growth has not lead to human development or less inequality
Serpent-Songs In America
By Eric Larsen
Signs are that the battle against 911-Truth is growing desperate: Those who are interested—and all humanity should be very interested—can tell that the fight is heating up and coming to a head. How can they tell? By opening their ears and listening to the serpents singing in America
Libya's Neighborhoods Prepare For NATO's Boots
By Franklin Lamb
During the first 100 days of NATO targeting of civilians, 6121 were killed or injured. The statistical breakdown is as follows: 3093 Men were injured and 668 were killed. Women killed number 260 and 1318 injured. Children killed number 141 and 641 injured
Pack Journalism Anti-Gaddafi Propaganda
By Stephen Lendman
Western media, especially America's, mostly ignore multiple Obama wars (including against Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia), focusing mainly on promoting terror bombing Libya, slaughtering civilians to save them
Deconstruction Of Discourse On Terrorism
By M. Mohibul Haque
The undue emphasis given on non-state terrorism and almost completely ignoring the acts of terror committed by states is responsible for misleading data and statistics as well as the definitional dilemma relating to terrorism. Terrorism must be defined and determined on the basis of the acts committed rather than the actors involved
Poverty, The Biggest Polluter?
By Neerja Dasani
In a recent meeting with some news paper editors India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, “As Gandhiji said, poverty is the biggest polluter. We need to have a balance.” So far the media has faithfully reproduced this quote as being that of MK Gandhi. But it isn’t. And anyone who has made the slightest effort to acquaint themselves with Gandhi’s philosophy should have immediately caught this
Targeting Professor Terri Ginsberg's
Academic And Speech Freedoms
By Stephen Lendman
Post-9/11, anyone challenging America's war on terrorism faces possible recrimination. Moreover, anyone critical of Israel leaves them vulnerable to vilification, intimidation and persecution. Even university professors are targeted, including distinguished tenured ones - censured, suspended and/or fired unjustly
01 July , 2011
What America Stands For In Libya
By Cynthia McKinney
While in Libya, I witnessed NATO’s targeting of civilians: NATO bombs and missiles landed in residential neighborhoods, hit schools, exploded near hospitals, destroyed parts of the public broadcasting infrastructure, and narrowly missed killing students at Al Fateh University. When civilians are targeted in war, or “low kinetic” activities, crimes are committed
Libya: Unending American Hostility
By William Blum
If I could publicly ask our beloved president one question, it would be this: "Mr. President, in your short time in office you've waged war against six countries — Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and Libya. This makes me wonder something. With all due respect: What is wrong with you?"
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Reveals He Has Cancer
By Irish Times
In a speech to the Venezuelan nation broadcast last night, Mr Chavez assured his countrymen that he is doing well as he sought to cool growing questions about his health and ability to govern. He said the operation took out a growth in which there were "cancerous cells."
Onward, Commander! Chavez Is Determined
To Win His Fight
By Farooque Chowdhury
“Onward, Commander” were the words conveyed to Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President, now fighting cancer. Chavez has assured his full recovery
Las Conchas Fire Woke Us Up:
Let Us Now Stop The Plutonium Bomb Factory
By Subhankar Banerjee
The Las Conchas Fire has woken us up. It is time we learn from this deadly fire and stop a proposed plutonium bomb factory at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). I’ll tell you how your voice is crucial in this matter
United States Knesset Resolution 185 Reconsidered:To be or Not To Be American
By William A. Cook
This week the United States Senate unanimously adopted a resolution drafted by its masters, the State of Israel and AIPAC, to prevent the United Nations, of which the United States is a member, from exercising its constitutional rights to free speech to deliberate on the recognition of a Palestinian State . The resolution is an exercise in coercion
Thank-You For Not “Serving”
By Katherine M. Acosta
Before the parades begin, the flag-waving commences, and the fireworks explode this 4th of July, I want to recognize a large contingent of patriots who help to protect us from terrorism and defend what freedom and democracy we still enjoy. To the unemployed and under-employed who nevertheless reject military service as a way out of economic troubles. Thank-you for not “serving.”
Lies, Damn Lies, And Safe Nuclear Power
By Stephen Lendman
Governments, regulators, and power companies are suppressing vital truths, instead of shutting down inherently unsafe plants, making all of them ticking bombs
US Foreign Policy Invigorated
At The Expense Of Gaza
By Ramzy Baroud
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made a series of stern and fiery statements recently, giving the impression that war is somehow upon us once again. Oddly, Clinton’s sudden reappearance into the Middle East diplomacy scene was triggered by the brave attempts of peace activists to break the siege on Gaza
New York Times's Fairy Tale About Gaza
By Shaik Zakeer Hussain
Instead of telling the truth about the situation in the Gaza strip, New York Times' Ethan Bronner has brewed a fairy tale that only exists in his comatose world
Children Too Have A Right To Life With Dignity
Petition Campaign
We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned at the recent developments of accusing POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS), the organization spearheading a peaceful, democratic movement for more than five years against forceful land acquisition for the proposed POSCO project in Odisha, for ‘using’ children as shields in the movement
A Certificate Course In Racism
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
It is more than shocking to hear the circular of IIT Delhi for the Dalit-OBC students to learn etiquettes and manners. What does it mean? Do the students hailing from these categories suffer from cultural inadequacies? Can we really call it like that? What are the learned professors of our IITs going to teach to these students? Why are such classes necessary for the Dalits, tribal and OBCs only?
Lessons From India's Partition
By Nasim Yousaf
The people of Pakistan and India must learn from the errors of the past and stop endorsing partition, as it only leads to continuing hostility between the two nations; the concocted and exaggerated stories regarding the freedom movement must come to an end
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