Crisis In Punjab:
Groping In Dark
By Jatinder Preet
31 March, 2006
exhilaration of green revolution has given way to the despair of suicides.
The Indian state of Punjab, which reaped the benefits of the Green Revolution
in the 80s has come to fight a failing battle with farmer suicides.
It has been conclusively proven that there is no direct relationship
between progress in agriculture and economic lot of those practicing
The Punjabi farmer hailed as saviour, once is being pushed to fringes
in the overall economic scenario. Never a master of his own destiny,
the control is being increasingly taken away from him.
The crisis of Punjab agriculture
is also peculiar as the interests of Punjab clash with that of the rest
of the nation. While in the rest of India farmer is more or less in
lower economic class, the Punjabi farmer is not poor at least not by
the national standards. Further while experts suggest diversification
of Punjab agriculture from rice wheat rotation to cash rich crops, at
the national level this idea is discouraged for this may endanger the
national food security. Amidst all this debate and discussions it is
the farmer of Punjab who is at loss.
It’s a crisis in the true sense of the term. The Complexity of
the problem besetting the agriculture sector has everybody in knots.
Trying to understand the problem with help of traditional idiom and
vocabulary is not helping. But we have nothing but the same terminology
to discuss the problem.
One common way to look at
it could be to trace the journey from green revolution to the present
times when we see the crisis unfolding before us.
From Green Revolution….
Green revolution has been
an important milestone in the story leading to the present crisis. The
initial reaping of benefits of the green revolution saw Punjab agriculture
doing remarkably well up to early nineties. Intensive use of inputs
and simultaneous development of support services and public infrastructure
led to spectacular increase in food grain production.
We came to a situation where around two-third of the food grains procured
annually in the country started coming from the state of Punjab. This
is especially remarkable as the state occupies only 1.5 per cent of
the geographical area of the country.
The turnaround in production
brought riches to the average rural household on a scale that was bedazzling.
Yet to come to terms with the resultant blinding of the vision, the
proponents of the green revolution are groping in the dark to find their
way out of the quagmire.
The Punjabi farmer today leads the country in rural indebtedness. We
have come to a situation where the total annual rural debt of the state—Rs
24,000 crore in 2003-04—is more than its gross annual earnings
from agriculture. According to a recent report of the National Sample
Survey Organization (NSSO), each Punjab farmer has a debt of Rs 41,576,
against the national average of Rs 12,505.
No wonder we have had a spate
of farmers suicides in recent years that has confounded everybody. With
the state in denial mode there have been no definitive figures yet of
suicides in the state. Independent studies have, however, brought out
the dismalness of the situation. According to Movement Against State
Repression (MASR) there have been more than 750 suicides in two blocks
Jajjal and Andana of Sangrur district alone since 1988.
While it’s easier to
see suicides as a symptom of the crisis, there are more tell tale signs
of the crisis manifested in increased drug use in countryside, more
and more farmers being forced out of agriculture, increased vulnerability
to pests, soil erosion, water shortages, reduced soil fertility, micronutrient
deficiencies, soil contamination, reduced availability of nutritious
food crops for the local population, the displacement of vast numbers
of small farmers from their land, rural impoverishment and increased
tensions and conflicts. What do our experts have to offer by way of
The Second Green Revolution
The discourse on the continuing
crisis in agriculture has traveled from ‘Diversification’
to ‘second green revolution’ with no consensus yet.
The committee led by Dr.
S.S. Johl, chairman of Punjab Planning Board, came up with ‘Crop
Adjustment Programme’ asking for compensating the farmers for
not sowing wheat and paddy. The scheme envisaged that area with paddy
and wheat cultivation would be replaced by alternative crops and the
farmers will be paid in cash for opting for this. Experts picked holes
in the scheme. It’s impossible to implement for the sheer size
being targeted besides other reasons, countered Dr. S.S. Shergill from
Panjab University, Chandigarh. According to Dr. S.S. Rangi, currently
consultant to State Farmers Commission, “at present, the diversification
options are limited and mostly uneconomical for the farmers to adopt.”
Punjab should stick to wheat and paddy, Dr. Shergill went on to suggest.
“The salvation of Punjabi farmers lies in further improving their
efficiency and competitive advantage in wheat and rice production,”
according to him.
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan
Singh reminded in a brain storming meeting on farmers and farming in
Punjab organized at PAU in 1998 that the diversification alternatives
are capital intensive, risk prone and sensitive to market fluctuations.
“It is therefore, important to conduct sensitivity analysis by
using modern analytical techniques including probability analysis”
he warned at that time.
Incidentally, it is the same
Dr. Manmohan Singh, now in his avatar of Prime Minister of India, who
is credited with the propagation of the term ‘second green revolution’
in Indian context. When M.S. Swaminathan, considered the father of the
Green Revolution in India and now unabashed promoter of GM crops, called
his international conference held in August 2004 in New Delhi, second
green revolution, some of the contours of this were made clear. The
conference was organized by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in
partnership with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(FICCI) and the biotech industry-backed International Service for the
Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Application.
We don’t have all specifics
of what this second green revolution would be, yet, but suddenly everybody
is talking about it.
President A P J Abdul Kalam
in his address to the nation on the eve of the 54th Republic Day said
"... It is the right time for India to embark upon the Second Green
Revolution, which will enable it to increase its productivity in the
agricultural sector.” The second green revolution is indeed graduating
from grain production to food processing and marketing, he said. Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh called for private-public sector partnership
for ushering in a second green revolution in the country at a different
A report by a government-appointed
task force headed by Professor M. S. Swaminathan, says: “India’s
nearly 110 million rural families – mostly peasant farmers owning
up to two hectares of land – will have to be provided with the
“best available technologies such as biotechnology and information,
space, nuclear, renewable energy, and precision farming technologies
and scientific organic farming methods.”
Science & Technology
Minister Kapil Sibal goes a step further, anointing transgenic research
the “most crucial component of Indian agriculture.”
With our mainstream media
echoing what the government and our scientific establishment have to
say, it is important to make out what this actually translates to. According
to Peter Rosset, the executive director of Food First/The Institute
for Food and Development Policy, calls it “green revolution myth”
and asserts that for those who remember the original "Green Revolution"
promise to end hunger through miracle seeds, this call for "Green
Revolution II" should ring hollow. Yet, Monsanto, Novartis, AgrEvo,
DuPont, and other chemical companies who are reinventing themselves
as biotechnology companies, together with the World Bank and other international
agencies, would have the world's anti-hunger energies aimed down the
path of more agrochemicals and genetically modified crops. This second
Green Revolution, they tell us, will save the world from hunger and
starvation if we just allow these various companies, spurred by the
free market, to do their magic.
Dr. Vandana Shiva had a warning
as far back as 1991, that second green revolution cannot succeed where
first has failed. The Green Revolution has been a failure, according
to Dr. Shiva. It has led to reduced genetic diversity, increased vulnerability
to pests, soil erosion, water shortages, reduced soil fertility, micronutrient
deficiencies, soil contamination, reduced availability of nutritious
food crops for the local population, the displacement of vast numbers
of small farmers from their land, rural impoverishment and increased
tensions and conflicts, she says and the beneficiaries have been the
agrochemical industry, large petrochemical companies, manufacturers
of agricultural machinery, dam builders and large landowners.
Normal Borlaug, eminent scientist
and Nobel laureate credited with ushering in the green revolution in
Mexico that led the way to it being replicated in Indian sub-continent,
never ever seriously joined the issue with the critics on specific concerns
raised by them. While admitting that his work had not transformed the
world into utopia, however, he maintained that it was a change in the
right direction. On the criticism all he has to offer is that the critics
have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger doing their
lobbying from comfortable office suites. “If they lived just one
month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years,
they'd be crying out for tractors and fertilizer and irrigation canals
and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny
them these things,” according to Borlaugh.
Players in Food Business
Where does all this place
the farmer? The establishment would have us believe that the farmer
is a player in the international trade in agriculture produce so that
agriculture can contribute to India’s economic growth. This is
the line being pursued by our PM, an economist by training. The big
picture scenario, impressive as it sounds, may dwarf the farmer also
in the process, is the fear.
The food business is international
business and an important business at that, at the core of all human
activity. Being played by big players the rules of this business game
are decided by those very players.
Devender Sharma, agricultural
scientist and food policy analyst, says the agricultural policies are
being launched at the behest of the United States. Sharma warns that
in the U.S., which is marketing the second Green Revolution, the industrial-farming
systems survive on massive farm subsidies. Despite more than $75 billion
being provided every year in farm support, farmers have preferred to
exit agriculture. Remove these subsidies, and American agriculture will
most likely collapse like the proverbial house of cards. In any case,
American farmers too are abandoning agriculture. In 2002, there were
some 900,000 farmers. By 2004, in two years time, the number had come
down to 700,000.
Devender Sharma calls it
a “faulty model” which is being replicated here. In the
European Union, too such an alarming situation exists despite the availability
of direct subsidies to farmers. With rural infrastructure in place and
the supply chain system linked to retail business in operation, there
is no reason why agriculture should still be a losing proposition. Without
even questioning the merit and economics of an agribusiness model that
displaces farmers, India is aggressively adopting it.
The plan has actually been
put to paper and named, ‘Indo-U.S. Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture
Research and Education’. Rs 1000 crore project will set the agenda
for collaborative farm research with Indian laboratories and agricultural
universities. Completing the picture of Indian agricultural research
yoked to the US private bandwagon is the fact that the US-based multinationals,
Wal-Mart and Monsanto, are on the board of the project. The US side
has made clear that any funding that comes to this initiative from the
US side will be from the private sector.
How is the American private
sector going to influence the Indian agricultural scene should not be
difficult to fathom. Wal-Mart food chain and the Monsanto Seed Corporation
are keen on using the Initiative for retailing in agriculture and on
trade aspects. Transgenic research in crops, animals and fisheries would
be a substantial part of the collaboration in biotechnology, requiring
India to pledge huge funds.
Writing in CPI(M)’s
mouthpiece, Prabir Purkayastha argues that corporatising agriculture
will do little to help the bulk of the rural population. With its focus
on commercial crops, bulk procurement and retail chains, such corporatisation
can only weaken the small farmer even more. Already in Punjab, corporate
interests such as Monsanto, Reliance and others are making a beeline
for agri-retail trade. With gradual withdrawal of the Government from
procurement, more and more of retail trade for agriculture is going
pass into these hands. The presence of Wal Mart on the US side also
makes clear the interest that the US has in opening India’s internal
and external trade in agriculture to US companies.
Unlike in the days of first
Green Revolution, agricultural research has now been largely privatised
in the US. The Green Revolution grew from an international public research
system that began in the 1940s and built up a chain of research centres
worldwide. These centres collaborated through the Consultative Group
on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a consortium of donors
including foundations, national governments, United Nations institutions,
etc. These centres operated in a world without Intellectual Property
Rights and distributed seeds and new varieties all over the world. The
striking improvements of yields in a number of crops, particularly wheat,
rice and maize came out of this open institutional structure of science
and research.
This is a fundamental shift
in science that has taken place, argues Purkayashtha. Earlier, all advance
stemming from publicly funded research was supposed to be in the public
domain. However, in the US, it changed with the Bayh Dole Act of 1984
that allowed knowledge created by public funding to be patented. This
has been followed in most countries with public institutions joining
the private sector in the rush for patents. The problem here is that
such patents held by public institutions are not used for public good
but in turn are licensed to private companies. The university or the
public institution may get a large revenue as a result, but the public
does not get any benefit to this public funding of such research.
Therefore, even the institutions
that helped in the first green revolution are pursuing a different agenda
today. They are so closely tied up with agribusiness in the US that
instead providing help to our agricultural research, they are more likely
to be allied with US big agribusiness.
Says Anuradha Mittal, Codirector
of the Institute for Food and Development Policy, “I wish it were
true that U.S. aid came from a generosity of spirit, but it has always
been a political tool used to control the behavior of Third World countries
….. for finding new markets for U.S. agribusiness, and now for
dumping foods containing genetically modified organisms, which are being
rejected by consumers in the West.
The policymakers led by Manmohan
Singh and Montek Ahluwalia have been talking about the need to bring
in private capital in a big way in Indian agriculture as the only solution
to the agrarian crisis in the country. With its focus on commercial
crops, bulk procurement and retail chains, how will this corporate model
of agriculture work for farmers is the question that is not being addressed,
“It’s strange
that the country has already jumped into the second phase of green revolution
without first drawing a balance sheet of the first phase of the technology
era,” laments Devender Sharma.
No Informed Choices
In the 1970s when they were
given the choice of high-yield varieties of seeds along with chemical
pesticides, they welcomed both with equal enthusiasm. Desperate enough
to try anything the farmers now are welcoming GM technology throwing
caution to winds. It has been shown just recently in the cotton belt
of the state where farmers took to Bt cotton with gusto.
The farmers don’t have a choice otherwise also. The classic case
is the debate on paddy-wheat rotation in Punjab. Paddy is a farmer guzzler,
the farmer need not be told that any longer. Then why doesn’t
he shift to other crops? Ask that any farmer and he will shoot back,
what choice do I have?
The Economics
It’s ironic that the
lack of choice does not mean that the choice availed by farmer is economically
viable also. Ask any farmers and he has his statistics ready. Nirbhay
Singh of village Ahmedgarh near Ludhiana claims he earns Rs. 10 per
acre daily from 8 acres he tills. This includes 4 acres taken on theka,
less than the labour he employs he earns. So why doesn’t he opt
out? What else do I do, is the counter question. This is the only vocation
he knows and has been doing for more than forty years now.
Things were not as bad back
then. Harbans Singh of Mahianwala in Ferozepur district tells as far
back as 1997, when he started farming after getting retired from army,
urea cost around Rs 200 which is Rs 250 now. Diesel was Rs. 15 a litre,
which has doubled now. Every input cost has increased many times but
the prices they are getting are not increasing in the same proportion,
is the simple economics of the problem. This economics gets all the
more skewed when you factor in the social costs. There has been a tremendous
increase in the household expenditure and money spent on marriages and
booming consumer goods etc. This brings in the sociological viewpoint
to the economic angle marking out the complexity of the crisis.
Political-Ideological Angle
This is the crucial angle
on which hinges the roadmap of agriculture. In continuance of the economic
policies being followed by state, agriculture model tailored to the
needs of market is the government answer to the crisis. There is clear
polarisation of views on efficacy of the view that the market that take
care of its own, will take care of agriculture too or not. However,
the government seems to be clear on which direction to go.
It remains for the non-governmental
campaigners to strike discordant notes while the state machinery sets
upon to implement its agenda for agriculture. Scepticism on this vision
of agriculture is no match for the establishment’s unbridled enthusiasm
– echoed by the mainstream media.
They have promised light
but for now it’s a long dark road ahead for the farmers.
(Jatinder Preet is a freelance
journalist working with 'Media Artists' and Editor of Punjab Panorama,
a journal brought out by 'Media Artists'
contact no. 098155 12084
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