Hockey…The National Game of India And The Market
By M.Mohibul Haque
25 July, 2011
Hockey is the national game of India . However, like the national animal, the national game is also in danger. There are several factors responsible for the decline of Hockey in the country. Lack of proper planning and motivation, politicization of the bodies relating to promotion of the game, shrinking space for the children to play and several other factors can be mentioned here. But the most important factor for this sorry situation is often ignored. In fact, it is profit-oriented ‘the market ‘that is determining the fate of society and nations today. Hockey as a sport is not market-friendly in present circumstances. It does not serve the interests of corporate houses and therefore, the sport is disappearing from schools and colleges, and also from the television. On the other hand, the market friendly game of Cricket is becoming popular day by day.
Hockey has also failed in getting the attention of the politically-governing class of the country. The plight of the hockey players who brought laurels to the country is often reported in the media but the political masters hardly care for them. Even the groups and persons who never miss an opportunity to show their nationalism and patriotism do not bother either about the declining national game or about the appalling conditions of the hockey players who have given their lives and blood to the game and won medals and shields for the country. This is because the national game is not going to fetch money and fame for them. On the other hand, the cricketers and the film actors can provide them both. Thus we find cricketers and film actors contesting elections and defeating seasoned politicians. If they do not contest, they are hired by political parties as crowd pullers and star campaigners. The great and legendry hockey players are always conspicuous by their absence on all such occasions.
It is always pleasing to see that efforts are being made to save our national animal and the results are quite encouraging but it is unfortunate to notice that the national game is not getting the due attention of the policy makers. Hockey is a very good sport from all points of view. There are many pockets in the country where it runs in the blood of the people. The generation that saw our national team lifting champions trophies and gold medals at mega events like the world cup and Olympics is still alive. The memories of the dribbling and converting collective efforts into goals are still fresh in the minds of the people of our country. Under this situation one sees no other reasons for the decline of one of the finest games played in the country but the profit-making, market-oriented approach of the policy makers.
This is high time that we try to analyze the negative rather devastating impact of the market forces on games and sports, cinema and culture, politics and society and above all , on our collective conscience. Sincere efforts are needed to liberate all these from the sinister grip of capitalist forces disguised in the garb of globalization and developmental economy. Today it is the national game that is the victim, tomorrow it will be our sense of nationalism and patriotism or the essence of humanity i.e. sociality.
To suspend our discussion it can be observed that since hockey is the national game of India , it must be preserved and promoted by the government. For the preservation of the national game the government can issue a directive to all recognized, affiliated schools and colleges to necessarily maintain a team of hockey. We see that privatized schools and colleges are charging very handsome amount in the name of cultural and other programs. These schools must be directed to divert a poultry some of their profit to promote our national game. As a physical education teacher is compulsorily required in all schools, a trained hockey coach must be employed by every school. This small step will create job opportunities for hockey players and will add to the popularity of the game. This will also be a tribute to all hockey legends that have brought laurels to our country. Probably, it will play a vital role in reviving our national game.
M. Mohibul Haque is Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University . He may be contacted at: [email protected]
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