29 February, 2012
Our Great Hope For The Future
By Tom Murphy
If we elect to abandon growth as a central tenet of our existence, we would immediately veer from our collision course. We would still likely need to reduce our physical throughput of natural resources and services, but adopting a steady state economic platform would be a vital first step
Occupy London Camp Cleared By Police From St Paul’s Cathedral
By Paul Stuart
Riot police moved in at midnight February 28 to clear the Occupy protest camp established outside St Paul’s Cathedral last October. Twenty arrests were made as a small group of protesters peacefully resisted. The majority packed away their equipment under threat of large-scale police repression
Unsettled, Unlawful, Unresolved: Israeli Settlers In A Foreign Land
By Graham Peebles
Around half a million ‘settlers', more accurately, colonisers, now squat upon Palestinian soil, huddled within walled encampments upon stolen land, branded blue and white. Noisily perching upon hilltops, rooms with a view, or flourishing in verdant valleys, these settlements creep shamefully throughout the West Bank and the sacred city Jerusalem, East, West North South; The City of Peace
On Regaining A Spirit Of Defiance: 'I'm Worried Now But I Won't Be Worried Long'
By Phil Rockstroh
The course of action taken by the present day U.S. political class in addressing the era's rising tide of economic hardship and ecological peril has proven as helpful as tossing an anvil to a drowning man
G8, These Are Our Demands
By Paul Buchheit
G8 members, these are our demands: a Financial Transaction Tax and a commitment to Alternative Energy. They complement each other
Regime Change In Malaysia?
By Chandra Muzaffar
In his widely read blog the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, criticises the politics of regime change pursued by the United States of America. He is concerned that Malaysia may also be a target for regime change. And the US candidate to head the new regime which will be in full, complete support of US policies, he says, is none other than the Leader of the Opposition, Anwar Ibrahim
Apology For Nuclear Weapons And Nuclear Weapons Honesty
By Mary Hamer
This essay is a Theoretical Speech that I, Mary Hamer would give to the United Nations, If I were President Obama and If he was to Apologize to the world for Nuclear Weapons
Bill Is Being Paid In Spain
By Farooque Chowdhury
The broader society is paying bill for the speculators’ gamble in the Kingdom of Spain. The desolate days are harsh for the people. The kingdom’s capitalist prosperity crash has created the context, severe and difficult
Craving 'Middleness'
By Maryam Sakeenah
Pakistan education system is torn between modernity and religious obscurantism. The author craves Middleness in a society pulled taught at the seams
Manmohan Singh Must Stop Nuking Our Democracy
By Dr. E.A.S.Sarma & Prof. T. Shivaji Rao
Response to Dr. Manmohan Singh’s statement on 23-2-2012 on NGOs’ protests against genetic crops and Kudankulam nuclear power project
How ‘Foreign’ Is The Anti-Nuclear Movement In India?
By P K Sundaram
The anti-nuclear movement today is a pointer to the huge crisis that India and the world is facing. It’s a call from beyond the profit-driven political-economy that is destroying people, nature and the entire fabric of our society. It is time we hear these urgent voices, coming from a space that belongs to us, that we have left behind our greed, that should be our future if we have to sustain. Our future lies in this other India that we have dangerously made ‘foreign’ to our consciousness today
JNUSU Election: No place For Jeetus And Salims?
By Mahtab Alam
Under Lyngdoh committee's recommendations on students' union elections in educational institutions many students belonging to socially backward communities are denied the right to contest elections in JNU
28 February, 2012
US, Britain Gear Up For War On Iran
By Bill Van Auken
The military commands in both the US and Britain have sought increased funding and stepped up deployments of arms and personnel to the Persian Gulf in preparation for an anticipated war against Iran
Why Oil Prices Are So High: Production Shortfall, Iran Concerns, And Low Interest Rates
By Gail Tverberg
Rising oil and gasoline prices are of concern to many people today. I see three basic issues involved: 1. “Stalled out” growth in world oil supply 2. Concerns about Iran 3. Artificially low interest rates
Can You Pass The US Christian Right Quiz?
By Jeffrey Rudolph
This quiz seeks to explore the political influence of the Christian Right, and to highlight the threat its radical fundamentalists pose to the majority of Americans who value pluralism and tolerance. To paraphrase the philosopher Karl Popper, liberal tolerance should not be an excuse for passivity in the face of intolerant fundamentalists pursuing an illiberal America
Occupy Our Food Supply!
By Vandana Shiva
We have alternatives that protect the Earth, protect our farmers, and protect our health and nutrition. To occupy the food system means simultaneously resisting corporate control and building sustainable and just alternatives, from the seed to the table. One seed at a time, one farm at a time, one meal at a time — we must break out of corporate food dictatorship and create a vibrant and robust food democracy
The End In Afghanistan?
By Tom Engelhardt & Nick Turse
The end game in Afghanistan has, it seems, come into view, and after all these fruitless, bloody years, it couldn’t be sadder. Saddest of all, so much of the blood spilled has been for purposes, if they ever made any sense, that have long since disappeared into the fog of history
A Letter To Other Occupiers
By Staughton Lynd
I have a particular concern about the impending confrontation in Chicago in May between the forces of Occupy and capitalist globalization. My fears are rooted in a history that may seem to many of you irrelevant. If so, stroke my fevered brow and assure me that you have no intention of letting Occupy crash and burn in the way that both the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) did at the end of the Sixties
Reconsidering Violence And Nonviolence In The Era Of Occupy
By Katherine M Acosta
What I am advocating is thoughtful consideration of critiques of nonviolence as the only permissible strategy – and of what it is that we mean by “nonviolence”. (For example, is self-defense “violent”?) Such consideration is consistent with the values of a movement dedicated to inclusiveness and that has as a central institution the general assembly where all voices are allowed a chance to be heard
A Vision Of Harmony In Palestine
By Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon outlines a vision of Palestinian-Jewish reconciliation in Palestine where Jews, freed of their Zionist state and its ideology of oppression, exclusiveness, exceptionalism, and racial supremacy and segregation, live side by side with Palestinians as citizens of one state with equal rights and responsibilities
War With Iran: Will They or Won't They?
By Jack A. Smith
A main reason for the Obama Administration's ever-tightening economic sanctions is to bring about regime-change in Iran to situate a client regime in Tehran. If this doesn't work, the threat of military action is obviously implicit in President Obama's mantra about "No option is off the table."
Namaste, The Middle East And Nuclear Weapons
By Mary Hamer
The purpose of this essay is to appeal to President Obama, Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Ahmadinejad & the Ayatollah Khomenei -- To offer each other a gesture of Namaste – in the context of the mutual fears & the risk of nuclear war in the Middle East
How Social Isolation Kills
By Billy Wharton
The next great radical movement in US history will be one with a unquenchable desire to reverse the damage done by neoliberal capitalism. In other words to take on the necessary task of re-connecting humanity
Colombia’s Quest For Peace And Justice: The International And National Context
By James Petras
Above all over 4 million displaced Colombians, forcibly dispossessed by the Uribe regime, must be mobilized to repossess their lands and provided with credit, loans and an opportunity to escape their current misery and squalor
US- , Zionist- And Corporate-Perverted Australian Labor Vilifies And Rejects
Australia-First Ex-PM Kevin Rudd
By Dr Gideon Polya
Australia has just witnessed a week of political high drama in which ex-PM Kevin Rudd, deposed in a pro-Zionist-led 24-hour Coup in favor of pro-Zionist Julia Gillard on 23-24 June 2010, challenged PM Gillard for the top job but failed to win the support of the Caucus of Federal Labor MPs by a margin of 71 to 31
No Public Education, No Democracy!
By Simone Harris
Speech delivered on Feb. 25 at the Day of Action for Education, initiated by the Santa Rosa Teachers Association and supported by various groups, including Occupy Santa Rosa
Release Abhay Sahoo: Free India
By K. P. Sasi
Abhay Sahoo of anti-POSCO movement of Orissa is in prison today with 50 fabricated false cases, four of which cannot be bailed. But he is not alone. There are over 200 fabricated false cases on over 800 activists of the anti-POSCO movement, whose freedom is restricted without being jailed. But they were attacked by the police and the goons of the company for defending their lands
27 February, 2012
WikiLeaks Begins Publishing Five Million Emails From STRATFOR
By WikiLekas
Today WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency
Court Martial Opens Against Bradley Manning
By Naomi Spencer
Accused US Army whistleblower Bradley Manning entered no plea in the brief opening hearing of military court martial February 23. The 24-year-old Army private also deferred a choice of whether to be tried by military judge or jury
Syrian Conflict Destabilizes Lebanon
By Niall Green
The campaign by the Obama administration for regime change in Syria is part of the deepening confrontation between US imperialism and its main target in the region, Iran. The removal of the Assad government and the imposition of a regime led by the US-backed Syrian “rebels,” largely drawn from Sunni Islamist groups, would further isolate Tehran, both politically and militarily
By Gary S. Corseri
A poem in memory of Garda Ghista, Countercurrents.org contributing writer and editor of http://www.worldproutassembly.org/ who succumbed to breast cancer in Germany recently. She was also the founder of http://www.heartshealinghunger.org/ feeding thousands of poor people in India.
Media-Ignored US, Corporate And Zionist Subversion Of Australian Democracy
In Ex-PM Rudd-PM Gillard Battle
By Dr Gideon Polya
In June 2010 popularly elected Australian PM Kevin Rudd was deposed in a US- , Zionist- and foreign mining company-backed Coup that was led by the extreme pro-Zionist faction of Labor. Today that coup was reenacted with Julia Gillard’s re-election as leader of the ruling Labor party
The Emperor's Messenger Has No Clothes: Belén Fernández Dresses Down Thomas Friedman
By Robert Jensen
A review of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work by Belén Fernández
Nobel Committee Should Consider Suspending Peace Award To Obama
By Yasmeen Ali
No one has ever been stripped of the Nobel Prize once awarded. This is expressly been forbidden by the organization. Can it be declared “suspended”? If yes, the Nobel Committee must think about it
Gujarat Genocide: The State, Law And Subversion
By R B Sreekumar
Media, NGOs, Human Right activists and vibrant citizens have to further redouble their labors to exorcise black sheeps and criminals in the Indian Establishment, who are debilitating the system from within, for their unholy selfish interests
The Visible Foreign Hand
By Madhuresh Kumar
The allegations of foreign hand behind non-violent movements have been a known strategy to demotivate them to discredit, as noted in the above mentioned judgement. This time, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has alleged that the American and Scandinavian NGOs are behind these agitations
Growing Impunity In Police Raj To Enable Loot of Resources
By People's Union For Democratic Rights
PUDR urges democratic minded people to see how a war against our own people to enable corporate loot of resources is ushering us into a police raj where crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity are a recurring feature and against which there is no relief. On the contrary, the perpetrators of these crimes are publicly lauded and police officials like Ankit Garg, facing criminal charges, are given gallantry awards
25 February, 2012
Obama, “Friends of Syria” Press For Military Intervention Against Damascus
By Alex Lantier
US President Barack Obama and international diplomats gathered at the “Friends of Syria” meeting in Tunis issued statements yesterday pressing for military intervention in Syria. They cited as a pretext escalating warfare between US-backed Syrian “rebel” forces and the regime of President Bashar al-Assad
US Pressures India To Back Sanctions Against Iran
By Deepal Jayasekera
Two weeks after supporting the United States-backed resolution against Syria in the United Nations Security Council, India is now under intense pressure to comply with US and European Union sanctions against Iran
InfiltrationTo Disrupt, Divide And Mis-direct Are Widespread In Occupy - Part I
By Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers
This is Part I of a two part series on infiltration of Occupy and what the movement can do about limiting the damage of those who seek to destroy us from within. This first article describes public reports of infiltration as well as results of a survey and discussions with occupiers about this important issue
Defined By Her Humanity….. Marie Colvin (1956-2012)
By Franklin Lamb
Remembering Marie Colvin, who was killed recently in Syria
Anthony Shadid : 'Most Gifted Foreign Correspondent In A Generation"
By Ralph Nader
A tribute to Anthony Shadid
A Conversation With Herman Daly
By Contraposition
We are grateful to Herman Daly for chatting with us on a range of topics from ecology to economics, policy to politics, relocalization to religion. He is Emeritus Professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, pioneered work on Steady-State and Ecological Economics, and has received more accolades and written more books than we can mention
Houses In The Post-Peak World
By Peter Goodchild
What are some practical responses to house-building in a world where petroleum and other natural resource declines to a small fraction of their present annual production?
Peak Energy And Resources, Climate Change, And The Preservation Of Knowledge
By Alice Friedemann
We need government plans or strategies at all levels to let the air out of the tires of civilization as slowly as possible to prevent panic and sudden discontinuities
A Decade Of Gujarat Carnage 2002
By Ram Puniyani
A look back at Gujarat pogrom 10 years later
24 February, 2012
European Economy Contracting
By Stefan Steinberg
A number of recent reports confirm that the European economy is contracting. Years of austerity have pushed a number of countries into prolonged recession, depressing incomes and consumer spending across the continent. Now Europe as a whole confronts negative growth
Global Extinction: Gradual Doom As Bad As Abrupt
By National Science Foundation
Thomas Algeo, a geologist at the University of Cincinnati, and 13 colleagues have produced a high-resolution look at the geology of a Permian-Triassic boundary section on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic. The world revealed by their research is a devastated landscape, barren of vegetation and scarred by erosion from showers of acid rain, huge “dead zones” in the oceans, and runaway greenhouse warming leading to sizzling temperatures
Is Holocaust II (shorthand for another great turning against the Jews) Inevitable?
By Alan Hart
Is Holocaust II (shorthand for another great turning against the Jews) inevitable? Yes unless the Jews of Europe and America distance themselves from the Zionist monster before it’s too late to do so
Gateway To A Global War
By Judy Bello
I’ve long thought that the red line that would indicate an intolerable assault on Asia and her assets runs through Iran. However, at the moment I’m not so sure. What I mean is, that a war with Iran, once initiated, would eventually draw in all of the Middle East, and then China and Russia
Tunisia: Moderate Political Islam Eschews Violence
By Thomas Riggins
The world of journalism and that of the broader reading public suffered a major loss last week with the death of Anthony Shadid in Syria. Shadid one of the most daring, and daringly honest, journalists in the world succumbed to an asthma attack at the age of 43 last Thursday while on assignment for the New York Times. Before he died he sent this story ["Exile Over, Tunisian Sets Task: Building a Democracy"] which appeared in the NYT 2-18-2012 two days after his death. It is important to discuss and evaluate the story as it reveals the complexity of modern political Islam and upends many current false and bigoted notions being spread in the US and Europe
India-EU FTA: Where Is The Europe's Trade Agenda Headed?
By Kavaljit Singh
The internal documents of the European Commission reveal the disgraceful attempts to push for higher levels of commitments in trade in industrial goods and agricultural products, services and investment liberalisation, geographical indications and government procurement under the proposed India-EU free trade agreement
23 February, 2012
Earth Is Losing Half A Trillion Tons Of Ice A Year
NASA Press Release
The total global ice mass lost from Greenland, Antarctica and Earth’s glaciers and ice caps during the study period was about 4.3 trillion tons (1,000 cubic miles), adding about 0.5 inches (12 millimeters) to global sea level. That’s enough ice to cover the United States 1.5 feet (0.5 meters) deep
Oil Will Decline Shortly After 2015, Says Former Oil Expert Of
International Energy Agency
By Matthieu Auzanneau
Olivier Rech developed petroleum scenarios for the International Energy Agency over a three year period, up until 2009. His forecasts for future petroleum production are now much more pessimistic than those published by the IEA. He expects stronger tensions as of 2013, and an inevitable overall decline of oil production "somewhere between 2015 and 2020"
US, Egyptian Junta Seek To Arm Syrian Opposition
By Johannes Stern
On Monday the Republican US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham met for talks with generals of the US backed Egyptian military junta and leading members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo. Both Senators are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee and call for arming the Syrian opposition and regime change in Damascus
Look At The Facts: Who Is The REAL Nuclear Threat In The Middle East ?
By Larry Everest
Nuclear weapons in anyone's hands are dangerous. And Iran 's Islamic Republic is a repressive and reactionary theocracy driven by its own interests to increase its influence and standing (even while those aspirations are well within the operation of the current oppressive world order). But since the U.S. and Israel have raised the issue of nuclear weapons, it's only fair to look at what the facts actually show about just who is the biggest nuclear threat to the planet by far
Bradley Manning, Solitary Confinement And Occupy 4 Prisoners
By Bill Quigley
Today US Army Private Bradley Manning is to be formally charged with numerous crimes at Fort Meade, Maryland. The Manning prosecution is a tragic miscarriage of justice. US officials are highly embarrassed by what Manning exposed and are shooting the messenger
How The New Mexico Anti–Nuclear Campaign Achieved A Major Victory
By Subhankar Banerjee
On February 13, the President released his proposed fiscal year 2013 budget. On page 26 of the document “Cuts, Consolidations, and Savings: Budget of the U.S. Government” we find, “The Administration proposes deferring the construction of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement facility... for at least five years.”Abandoned or postponed—either way, this is a major victory for the New Mexico anti–nuclear activists and community members who have been fighting this issue since 2003.
The “Global Crises of Capitalism”; Whose Crises, Who Profits?
By James Petras
Introduction: From the Financial Times to the far left, tons of ink has been spilt writing about some variant of the “Crises of Global Capitalism”. While writers differ in the causes, consequences and cures, according to their ideological lights, there is a common agreement that “the crises” threatens to end the capitalist system as we know it
Remotely Piloted War
By Tom Engelhardt
How drone war became the American way of life
Cold War In Warm Waters: US-China's Dangerous Contest For Asia-Pacific
By Ramzy Baroud
The race for supremacy over Asia is being renewed, this time with China more forceful than ever. The South China Sea is likely to emerge as major point of contention in coming years. Leaders of adjacent countries might find themselves being forced to choose sides in a foreseeable conflict over resources and military presence
The Unmaking Of Israel
By Jim Miles
Many recent works are reflecting an internal crisis within Israel, part of which is the increased power of the ultra-Orthodox Jews within the educational, military, and political systems of Israel. Gershom Gorenberg’s “The Unmaking of Israel” presents clear and well argued points concerning this aspect of current Israeli life and politics
Two More Starvation Deaths In Assam
By Waliullah Ahmed Laskar
Two more people died of starvation in the Bhuvan valley tea garden of Assam state of India, a tea estate owned by a Kolkata based private company, raising the toll of starvation deaths to 12
Sri Lanka : Vox Papuli, Vox Del
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
Sri Lanka is not only a country where crimes have become part of daily life but has become one of the countries where custodians of the law are undermining themselves to gain personal benefits to the family or group of people who in power and no one there would dare to question this kind of breakdown of the law and take a serious interest in the country
Interfaith Coalition Urges Politicians To Stop Playing The Religion Card
By Mary Shaw
A diverse coalition of national religious organizations has issued an Interfaith Statement of Principles, calling on all candidates for public office to honor our nation's religious freedom and avoid stirring up religious controversy
22 February, 2012
International Tensions Mount Over Syria Conflict
By Patrick Martin
The United States and other imperialist powers are pushing ahead with plans for military intervention and the overthrow of the Syrian government, convening a meeting Friday in the Tunisian capital, Tunis, of so-called “Friends of Syria.”
Real Cowards Go To Tehran
By Pepe Escobar
Let's review some of the latest evidence. Tehran has just sent two of its warships through the Suez Canal towards the Mediterranean; they docked at the Syrian port of Tartus - no less. Not so long ago, disgraced dictator and close House of Saud pal Hosni Mubarak would have probably bombed them. Tehran cut off oil exports to the top European war poodles, Britain and France. That's only 1% of British imports and 4% of France's imports - but the message was clear; if the depressed Club Med countries insist on following Anglo-French warmongering, they're next
Mass Extinction Of Species And Climate Change (PDF)
By Andrew Glikson
The combustion by humans of fossil fuels, representing photo-synthetically stored solar energy, increases entropy in nature by many orders of magnitude, at a greenhouse gas rise rate which exceeds that of the 55 million years-old Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, some 55 million years ago, driving the current mass extinction event
Cash Of The Titans: Against The Noxious Fantasy Of Limitless Growth
By Phil Rockstroh
The concept of endless economic growth, accepted as sacrosanct by both U.S. mainstream political parties, and internalized as the dominant mode of mind by the general population of the corporate/consumer state is mirrored in the exponential mathematics of a malignancy. Cancer, if given voice, would proclaim itself to be a believer in "free market values"…devoted to the principle of endless growth…until, of course, it would silence its own voice by killing its host
The Peak Oil Crisis: Technology Update
By Tom Whipple
While waiting to see how the latest settlement of the EU's debt crisis or any of the ongoing Middle East confrontations turn out, it seems like a good time to review a few of the hundreds of announcements of new energy technology that have made in the last few months
The Way Is Shut
By Tom Murphy
When I first approached the topic of societal energy in 2004, I became aware for the first time that our energy future was not in the bag, and proceeded to explore alternative after alternative to judge the viability and potential pitfalls of various options. I have retraced my steps in Do the Math posts, exposing the scales at which different energy sources might contribute, and the practical complexities involved. My spooky campfire version of the story, a la Tolkien: The Way is Shut
A Zionist House Of Ghosts In Jerusalem
By Dr Salim Nazzal
Why did the Zionist occupational authorities decided to remove great parts of an historic Muslim cemetery located just to the west of the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem that date back 1500 years
Counter-Terrorism And Northern Border Drug Strategy Tied To Perimeter Security Deal
By Dana Gabriel
In a move that went largely unnoticed, the U.S. government unveiled a new counter-narcotics strategy for the northern border which will work towards closer cooperation with Canada in the war on drugs. This includes both countries strengthening integrated cross-border intelligence sharing and law enforcement operations. Canada has also released a comprehensive counter-terrorism plan aimed at combating the threats of domestic and international violent extremism. The separate U.S.-Canada undertakings are both tied to the Beyond the Border deal and efforts to establish a North American security perimeter
Whitney's Thrilling Lovely Voice Intensified Abhorrence Of
Media Promoted Genocide For Investor Opportunities
By Jay Janson
The more the lady's charm in sound penetrates and touches the soul, the more intense the despairing of one's helplessness to prevent lives of fellow human beings from being taken for the incomprehensible stupidity of investor opportunities for profit. We mourn her passing and reflect how her wonderful musical talent came to be used to promote war and her life destroyed by desperate commercialization. Corresponding songs and wars are noted
Urging Political Reform In India
By Nava Thakuria
Report on a seminar on ‘Urgency of Reform in the Indian Political System: Revisiting the Constitution’
Central Government Illegally Grabbing Forest Land And Displacing Forest Dwellers
Joint Statement of Adivasi and Forest Dwellers' Organisations
Central government's illegal land grabbing of forest land has resulted in tens of thousands of people losing everything - their forests, grazing areas, farmlands and sometimes their homes - despite having rights that are protected by law
21 February, 2012
'Perpetual Growth Myth' Leading World To Meltdown
By Common Dreams Staff
The perpetual growth myth ... promotes the impossible idea that indiscriminate economic growth is the cure for all the world's problems, while it is actually the disease that is at the root cause of our unsustainable global practices
As Arctic Sea Ice Declines, Polar Bear Patrol Gets Busy
By Ed Struzik
Polar bears have long come ashore in Churchill, Manitoba, the self-styled ‘Polar Bear Capital of the World.’ But as summer sea ice steadily disappears in Hudson Bay, bears are being marooned on land for longer periods of time — and that is generating a lot of work for the Polar Bear Alert Team
Why Do Political And Economic Leaders Deny Peak Oil And Climate Change?
By Alice Friedemann
Since there’s nothing that can be done about climate change, because there’s no scalable alternative to fossil fuels, I’ve always wondered why politicians and other leaders, who clearly know better, feel compelled to deny it. I think it’s for exactly the same reasons you don’t hear them talking about preparing for Peak Oil
Climate And The Psyche
By Ro Randall & Alex Doherty
It might be best to hope, not to be happy, but to hope to develop the strength to face what the future brings and to anticipate finding in that future times of love, joy, generosity and exuberance, as well as times of struggle and hardship
Toward Purpose And Meaning In A Too-Late World
By Douglas Carhart
There can be no rebirth without the requisite death that precedes it, so a “Great Turning”, yes, but A Great Death, also. This is all the more reason why we need each other during this changing of worlds. As in all healthy ecosystems, the wider a person’s web of supportive interrelationships, the greater their chance of survival
Fidel And 540 minutes :Fight, Don’t Let Pessimism Win, It’s Our Duty
By Farooque Chowdhury
“We have to fight. We can’t let pessimism win. It’s our duty”, said Fidel Castro during a discussion with intellectuals in Havana
The Ooooby Local Economic Model
By Pete Russell
Ooooby began in December 2008 on Waiheke Island, Auckland, as an online social network of food gardeners. An evolving project, it now also facilitates the distribution of locally grown food. Ooooby has (in May 2011) 3,600 members, 10,000 monthly visitors, 50 local suppliers and 150 weekly customers. Each month an Oooobyversity evening is hosted in Grey Lynn, Auckland, to share knowledge about food-growing and ways to enhance local production
IAEA Inspection Team Intensifies Pressure On Iran
By Peter Symonds
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors arrived in Iran yesterday for a critical two-day visit. If Iran fails to satisfy the inspectors over its nuclear programs, the way is open for a negative IAEA report, due later this month, and escalating sanctions and military threats by the US and its allies
The 10 Most Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran
By David Swanson
War is good for the U.S. economy, and the Iranian economy too. Troops stationed in Iran would buy stuff. And women who survived the war would have more rights. Like in Virginia. We owe Iranians this after that little mishap in 1953
Syrian Resolution: Shows World's Nations With A Backbone
By Sean Fenley
Not much reported in the MSM was that Bolivia, Belarus, Ecuador, Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, the DPRK, and Cuba, joined with Russia and China in voting against the Saudi penned UN General Assembly resolution
Mad, Passionate Love -- And Violence
By Rebecca Solnit
For the Occupy movement, the honeymoon is over. What happens now depends on vigorous participation, including yours, in thinking aloud together about who we are, what we want, and how we get there, and then acting upon it. Go occupy the possibilities and don’t stop pedaling. And remember, it started with mad, passionate love
Why PM Julia Gillard Must Go: 66,000 Preventable Australian Deaths Annually
By Dr Gideon Polya
Catalogued here are documented details of 66,000 preventable Australian deaths occurring each year under the Gillard Labor Government in Australia , one of the World's richest countries.. It follows that PM Julia Gillard has failed and should be urgently replaced as PM of Australia
The Blochistan Imbroglio And Balkanization Of Pakistan
By Javed I. Chaudry
The recently held US congressional committee hearing on Balochistan should leave no doubt for speculation that severing Balochistan from Pakistan would be a desirable step for the US imperial design in support of The Great Game
Online Campaign For Zojila Tunnel
By Javed Naqi
Zojila Watch, a youth group formed to struggle for greater accessibility to Ladakh region, started the petition on Change.org, and in just 10 days received hundreds of concerned individuals to support the campaign. Members of Zojila Watch team, Javed Naqi and Shahnawaz met the Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Dr. C. P. Joshi, at his residence and presented a copy of the petition
20 February, 2012
US Sends Drones Over Syria As Fighting Spreads
By Alex Lantier
US military officials confirmed Saturday that US drones are flying over Syria, as fighting spreads inside the country and US officials discuss military or “humanitarian” intervention to topple Syrian President Bashar al Assad
The Syrian Conundrum In The Backdrop Of American Lies And Duplicities
By Taj Hashmi
The American and Arab-League sponsored rebellions in Homs and some other parts of Syria could be the precursors to a) long-drawn wars between pro-Western and anti-Western / Sunni and Shiite states in the region; b) protracted civil wars on sectarian and tribal lines in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain and other Gulf states; and last but not least, c) the Syrian crisis – which could be the prelude to a full-fledged invasion of Iran by America or Israel – has all the potentials to signal the end of the so-called unipolarity, to the detriment of the dying hegemon, America
Limits To Growth And Fractional Reserve Banking
By John Scales Avery
We are approaching the moment in history where industrial growth will no longer be possible. If no changes have been made in our economic system when this happens, we will be faced with massive unemployment. We have to make urgent policy changes to counter this. To carry out these reforms will require the dedicated and courageous efforts of civil society - the 99 percent
On The Road Back To Rio, Green Direction Has Been Lost
By Fred Pearce
Twenty years ago, an historic environmental summit in Rio de Janeiro produced groundbreaking treaties and high hopes that pressing issues would be addressed. But as organizers prepare for the Rio+20 conference in June, there is little on the agenda to suggest any substantive action will be taken
How You Can Tell That The Peak Oil Debate Is (Almost) Over
By Kurt Cobb
A quote commonly attributed to Gandhi may shed light on where we are in the peak oil debate: "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win." So, it appears that we are now in stage three of a four-stage process. Now we have come to the point where there are open attacks in the mainstream media
Cynthia McKinney Tells It Like It Is
A Conversation with Gary S. Corseri
An interview with Cynthia McKinney
Uncle Sam, Global Gangster
By Andrew Bacevich
With the United States now well into the second decade of what the Pentagon has styled an “era of persistent conflict,” the war formerly known as the global war on terrorism (unofficial acronym WFKATGWOT) appears increasingly fragmented and diffuse. Without achieving victory, yet unwilling to acknowledge failure, the United States military has withdrawn from Iraq. It is trying to leave Afghanistan, where events seem equally unlikely to yield a happy outcome
India's Dilemma: How To Pay For Iranian Oil
By Vijay Prashad
False Flag: Why would Iran attack an Israeli diplomat in India, when India is negotiating to buy Iranian oil? India's dilemma: How to pay for Iranian oil
India: Time To Focus On Electoral Reforms
By Pradeep Baisakh
Time has come for the people and concerned citizen to raise the pitch for these electoral reforms which will go a long way in brining the electoral system to the control of people and drive out the elements illegitimately funding elections and shape government policies in their favour. It will also reduce the scope of accruing black money by the corporate, politicians, bureaucrats, criminals so on and so forth
Bolivia: Challenges Along Path Of 'Governing By Obeying The People'
By Federico Fuentes
A new twist in the turbulent saga surrounding a proposed roadway through indigenous land has reignited a debate raging throughout Bolivia since the middle of last year. The controversial highway ― which would cut through the Isiboro-Secure National Park and Indigenous Territory (TIPNIS) ― has been at the centre of protests and counter-protests. It has polarised Bolivian society and divided indigenous groups that are the heart of the Evo Morales government’s social base
500 U.S. Deaths From Police Tasers; Amnesty Calls For Strict Guidelines
By Mary Shaw
On February 13, Johnnie Kamahi Warren died after a police officer used a Taser on him at least twice outside an Alabama bar. The police had been called when Warren became disorderly and combative at the bar. Warren's death raises the Taser-related death toll in the U.S. to at least 500
Director Of The National Counter Terrorism Centre Notified Designated Authority Under UATA
People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) condemns Home Ministry notification to appoint Director of the National Counter Terrorism Centre
18 February, 2012
UN Vote: A Stepping Stone Toward Military Intervention In Syria
By Chris Marsden
The support by the United Nations General Assembly for the Arab League call for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down on “humanitarian” grounds brings military intervention one step closer. The 137-12 vote, with 17 abstentions, is non-binding, but it gives a UN imprimatur to the Arab League proposal for regime-change that was blocked on the Security Council by Russia and China
Occupy Sanity
By Frank Scott
Surrounded by American and NATO military bases, without nuclear weapons and no history of invading any nation in modern times, Iran is a threat. Israel, with hundreds of nukes and a record of assaulting its neighbors, and the U.S, with hundreds of military bases all over the world and the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons, are guardians of the peace. If you believe that, you need to take a sedative and see a mental health professional. The rest of us need to further investigate our supposed democratic reality before we allow it to be imposed on other nations
One Million Americans Die Preventably Annually In USA
By Dr Gideon Polya
The US is the richest country on earth but an estimated 1 million Americans die preventable deaths each year due to gross fiscal perversion whereby trillions of dollars are spent on the military, wars and killing people abroad rather than on keeping Americans alive at home
Climate Science And The Rule Of Law: Connecting The Dots
By Bill Henderson
Dr. James Hansen is part of a panel discussion at the AAAS meeting in Vancouver on Saturday. But PM Harper and Premier Clark needn't fear the logic of a humble scientist
US-Backed Bahraini Regime Continues Repression
By Niall Green
The government crackdown on protests in Bahrain continued this week, with the violent dispersal of Monday’s mass demonstration followed by days of reprisals against working class youth and opposition figures
Romney, Severely Awful
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
If there is any part of Mitt Romney’s life that he should be able to speak honestly about it is his religious beliefs. So go ahead Mitt, tell Americans exactly what you believe about this Mormon proxy baptizing practice. Be severely honest just as you have been severely conservative
You Will Comply or Else
By Ron Forthofer
Instead of the U.S. approach that relies heavily on the threat of the use of its military, real negotiations without preconditions are the key to resolving conflicts, including those with Syria and Iran
The Criminalization Of The Localized Economy
By Peter Goodchild
Localized agriculture, as I learned first-hand a few years ago in Ontario, is increasingly plagued by pointless rules related to processing, packaging, labeling, and similar issues, to the extent that small-scale farmers are simply forced out of business. Much of this is done in the name of "health"
What Iran Can Do For Lebanon’s Palestinians
By Franklin Lamb
During this 33 Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the 30th anniversary of the 1982 Massacre at Sabra-Shatila, for the Iranian government to give solid achievement to its words and to facilitate the right to work and to own a home for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon would require only the cost of one phone call or email from Tehran to Dahiyeh
Fukushima: What The Children Have To Say
By Ruthie Iida
I am actually a mild-mannered English teacher. As a rule, I do not provoke children to tear their hair out over moral dilemmas, but for one week, I had decided to conduct interviews with my older students to see what they thought of the situation in Fukushima and how they felt about nuclear energy. Here’s what I learned from the twenty-three children who participated: ten boys and thirteen girls. The interviews were done in Japanese, and I’ll try to put their words into natural-sounding Jr. High School English
17 February, 2012
US, Israel Invoke Terror To Ratchet Up War Threats Against Iran
By Bill Van Auken
Both Washington and Israel have seized upon a string of abortive bomb plots in India, Georgia and Thailand to escalate war threats against Iran
The Fight Of The Century
By Richard Heinberg
As economies contract, a global popular uprising confronts power elites over access to the essentials of human existence. What are the underlying dynamics of the conflict, and how is it likely to play out?
Rx For Greece: A Dose Of Thanatos
By Dan Bednarz
In this essay Dan Bednarz argues that the distal cause of the deterioration of Greece’s health system lies in reaching the earth’s physical limits to perpetual economic growth. Therefore, attempting to restart growth –the taken-for-granted panacea- is not working and the case of Greece demonstrates that “austerity” has pernicious costs
The Alternative Energy Matrix
By Tom Murphy
When I first approached the subject of energy in our society, I expected to develop a picture in my mind of our grandiose future, full of alternative energy sources like solar, wind, nuclear, biofuels, geothermal, tidal, etc. What I got instead was something like this matrix: full of inadequacies, difficulties, and show-stoppers. Our success at managing the transition away from fossil fuels while maintaining our current standard of living is far from guaranteed. If such success is our goal, we should realize the scale of the challenge and buckle down now while we still have the resources to develop a costly new infrastructure. Otherwise we get behind the curve, possibly facing unfamiliar chaos, loss of economic confidence, resource wars, and the unforgiving Energy Trap
Fossil Fuels: I’m Not Dead Yet
By Tom Murphy
My cynical prediction is that concerns over climate change are unlikely to hold sway over energy scarcity. Heck, climate change has had little influence over our current energy mix even when energy is cheap and abundant. In some sense, this track record only highlights the difficulty we have in finding suitable alternatives to fossil fuels. Maybe declining fossil fuels will provide the impetus that climate change has not succeeded in delivering: for us to finally embark in earnest in a deliberate departure from our old friends
Soft-Pedaling Systemic Collapse
By Peter Goodchild
If the rest of the world knew what goes on in half of Africa right now, they'd be dumping their TV sets at the end of the drive for the garbage collectors to pick up. Even spending the evenings alone without Facebook and Twitter wouldn't induce them to head to the garbage dump and try retrieving those TVs
Saving Khader Adnan's Life Is Saving Our Own Soul
By Richard Falk
The world watches as tragedy unfolds beneath its gaze. Khader Asnan is entering his 61st day as a hunger striker in an Israeli prison, being held under an administrative detention order without trial, charges, or any indication of the evidence against him
Fact-finding Report On Caste-Violence In Balangir, Odisha
By Fact Finding Team
A nine member team of students from JNU, Jamia Milia Islamia and Delhi University rvisited Balangir, Odisha where the entire Gandapara of Lathore village was gutted down to ashes on the 22nd January by a mob of more than 500 people
“Heerath”It Was Ours
By Hakim Iqbal
Time changed so much in Kashmir . We have lost everything but hope. We still wait for the day when Muslim neighbour would take a Pandit elderly on his shoulders to hospital; when a Pandit well off family would marry off a Muslim girl in their neighbourhood; we still wait for that joyous atmosphere when Azaan is called in Masjids by Muslims and tintinnabulation of temples resound the ears simultaneously; we wait for the time when believers offer Namaz for their sick Hindu friend, we wait, we wait , and we will wait
A Voice Of Dissent Register Through Jashn-eAzadi In Delhi University
By Tahiba Khan
The police kept pressurising the organisers to cancel it before the screening of Jashn-e-Azadi directed by Sanjay Kak in Delhi Univeristy instead of providing protection in the face of threat from right wing student organisations
Facebook Collisions: Notes On The State via Tthe BSF Torture Video Spam
And The Freedom Of Expression Debate
By Shaunak Sen
A note on the State, spaces of dissent and the freedom of expression debate (around Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen and Balbir Krishen) via the lens of this BSF torture video
Fox News Cancels Freedom Watch
By Wilson Blair
One of the last and only remaining leaks in the mainstream media machine was plugged this week as Freedom Watch was cancelled by Fox Business Channel. This signals a major blow to truth seekers and people of a generally open and less sheep-like persuasion
16 February, 2012
Shocking News Of Human Sacrifice
By Narabail Virodi Vedike
A 17 year old dalit boy , Basavaraja Kadimani was sacrificed to set right Vastu Dosha (Inauspicious faults and shortcomings in a building) of a house at Thirumaladevara Koppa in Ranebennuru taluk of Haveri district of Karnataka State, India
Israeli Embassies Attacked: Whose Vengeance And Unholy Wars Are These?
By Farzana Versey
The question is not whether global terror is being fought on Indian soil but how much of it is being arranged here. If it is legitimate to ask about the role of local handlers, then why has there been no concern about the incident of a planned vengeance by Israelis?
Exposing The Irsraeli-Mossad False Flag Terror Attacks In New Delhi, Tbilisi And Bangkok
By Feroze Mithiborwala
A war is on the horizon . . .we are heading towards WWIII & now India is being prepared to fight that war on the side of the Imperial-Zionist powers
The Secret, Corporate-Funded Plan To Teach Children That Climate Change Is A Hoax
By Brad Johnson
Heartland Institute, a right-wing think tank funded by the Koch brothers, Microsoft, and other top corporations, is planning to develop a “global warming curriculum” for elementary schoolchildren that presents climate science as “a major scientific controversy.” This effort, at a cost of $100,000 a year, will be developed by Dr. David E. Wojick, a coal-industry consultant
American Decline In Perspective
By Noam Chomsky
While the principles of imperial domination have undergone little change, the capacity to implement them has markedly declined as power has become more broadly distributed in a diversifying world. Consequences are many. It is, however, very important to bear in mind that -- unfortunately -- none lifts the two dark clouds that hover over all consideration of global order: nuclear war and environmental catastrophe, both literally threatening the decent survival of the species
The Nature Of Empire
By John Michael Greer
The twilight of cheap abundant energy is in many ways the dominant theme of global politics in our time, but another factor is coming to play an important role as well -- the waning of America's global empire
BDS: Power Of The People At Work
By Ramzy Baroud
The outpouring of support for BDS initiatives was hardly done at the behest of any individual or group. Rather it was a response to a call made by 171 Palestinian civil society organizations in July 2005
The Struggle For Leadership Within "Leaderless" Occupy
By Mark Vorpahl
It is without doubt that the capitalist crisis is creating the conditions for a great social movement to emerge. What is at stake for Occupy is whether it will spearhead this development or be left as a predecessor of it that veered off into a dead end before realizing its promise
The Most Colossal Failure of Nerve in Human History
By Steven Earl Salmony
By 'kicking all cans down the road' and confronting no present dangers, perhaps the human community is about to come face to face with the worst of two worlds: the results of a human population explosion and a human population crash
Off-the-Grid vs. Tighter Grid
By Peter Goodchild
Whether you believe in "off-the-grid" or "tighter grid," to use Michael Braun's terms -- raising chickens in the country vs. finding a room in a downtown core -- depends on your view of Collapse
Zionist Invaders Celebrate Other Invaders of Palestine
By Salim Nazzal
Of course Zionists can do what they like as they have the power to impose facts on the ground, but it is extremely doubtful whether this would make them any better than other invaders of Palestine
Sri Lankan Diaspora Cosmetic Failure Is Actually A Cosmic Failure
By Janani Paramsothy
It is the ‘Sri Lankan’ Diaspora who is now walking forwards into potentially dangerous territory with blindfolds stubbornly on. They, like the make-up artist in our battered woman example, have a responsibility to highlight to the world what is actually happening. Not what they wish would be happening if we were all living in a utopian fairy-tale world. This whole thing is a doomed to fail exercise from the start. Time they learnt that hard truth and started living up to their responsibility for the on-going devastation in the Tamil Homeland
On SIT’s Clean Chit
By R B Sreekumar
Riot victims feel that SIT had used tools of skill, discernment and caution, available to them for collection, collation, analysis and submission of evidence to the Court in favour of the perpetrators of various crimes in 2002 riots. Will Judiciary be able to sift through the materials before it and adjudicate to deliver long-delayed justice to “the wretched of the earth”, who bore the brunt of 2002 man-made communal holocaust? World at large is waiting for the D day
14 February, 2012
Arctic Sea Ice Loss: Spectacular And Ominous
By Neven Acropolis
Novaya Zemlya, the large Russian island that divides the Barents and Kara seas, is completely ice-free. The same almost goes for Svalbard. It’s safe to safe that this is unprecedented ever since satellites started monitoring Arctic sea ice in 1979. Has the melt season started in the Barents and Kara Seas two months earlier than normal?
Climate Change, Free Speech And Academic Freedom
By Rasmus E. Benestad
In a recent interview for a Norwegian magazine the IPCC chair Rajendra Kumar Pachauri told the journalist that he had received death threats in connection with his role as a head for the IPCC. There have also been recent reports of threats and harrasment of climate scientists for their stance on climate change. Focusing on the real questions and doing science means being free, critical and sceptical – and not a climate of fear
Bankers Fiddle While Athens Burns
By Farooque Chowdhury
Athens was in flames. But, stock markets felt relieved. The Greek bank-friendly elites denied to recognize people’s plight and “honorably” embraced humiliating conditions to honor debt
US Navy Prepared For War Against Iran
By Peter Symonds
The increasingly menacing character of US rhetoric toward Iran was underlined by the comments to the media on Sunday by Admiral Mark Fox, commander of the US 5th Fleet based at Bahrain in the Persian Gulf
Press Freedom Stifled In India’s Naxal Areas
By Gayatri Parameswaran
It might be the world’s largest democracy but India is struggling to defend its democratic status in the ‘red corridor’ – areas troubled by Naxalite or Maoist insurgency. Expectedly, press freedom is taking a beating. Some activists say the government is controlling information to hide its bad human rights track record
Honoring Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah
By Franklin Lamb
Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah had a widespread reputation for piety and scholarship through his teaching and the more than 40 books and treatises he wrote. He established religious schools and foundations, clinics and libraries as part of the charitable Al Marrarat Foundation
The Labor Movement And The Democrats
By Jack A. Smith
New anti-union legislation was passed by Congress earlier this month despite a Democratic majority in the Senate and Barack Obama in the White House. It's one more indication that America's unions are over a barrel
For A Fair, Free Trade Pact With Europe
By Kavaljit Singh
Since 2007, India and the European Union have been negotiating a comprehensive free trade agreement — officially known as Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) — covering trade in goods and services besides rules pertaining to cross-border investments, competition policy, government procurement and state aid. This legally binding agreement would cover almost a fifth of the world population and, therefore, it impact and implications (both positive and negative) would be significant
Social Justice Through Power Of Active Citizen
By Steven Lawrence D'Souza
The world has endured the winter of social injustice. The Arab Spring is a sign that finally the world is moving towards more involvement of the common man and the active citizen in the quest for social justice
13 February, 2012
Arab League Calls For UN Intervention In Syria
By Niall Green
The Arab League met in Cairo Sunday. They called on the United Nations Security Council to send “peacekeepers” to Syria to intervene in escalating fighting between the Syrian government and opposition forces led by the US-backed Syrian National Council (SNC). A delegation from the SNC attended the meeting at the League’s headquarters, in an effort to secure full diplomatic recognition
Greek Parliament Votes For Sweeping Cuts
By Nick Beams
The Greek parliament has voted to approve a far-reaching austerity package that will push the country deeper into recession and bring further social misery. With the parliament ringed by an estimated 4,000 police as some 80,000 people protested outside, the vote was taken after a special 10-hour session on Sunday, which ended at midnight
Three Major Journals Publish Articles On Limited World Oil Supply
By Gail Tverberg
In the past month, three major peer-reviewed journals have published articles relating to limited world oil supply: 1. In Science, Technology is Turning U. S. Oil Around But Not the World’s, by Richard A. Kerr; 2. In Nature, Climate Policy: Oil’s Tipping Point has Passed, by James Murray and David King; and 3. In Energy, Oil Supply Limits and the Continuing Financial Crisis, by Gail Tverberg
Bahrain: A Forgotten Arab Spring
By Sean Fenley
Bahrain continues to undergo an uprising against the extremely authoritarian monarchy that enduringly, and unenlightenedly continues to rule that country. It is an Arab Spring, that we probably shouldn’t forget about or negate
Afghanistan: 450 Bases And It’s Not Over Yet
By Nick Turse
Prisons, drones, and black ops in Afghanistan
My Biohazard Valentine: Love, Work, And Dissent
In A Time of Hazmat Suits And Political Hypochondria
By Phil Rockstroh
In this age of economic imprisonment and exponentially increasing environmental devastation (e.g., How can one adapt to the social and political climes of a culture that is dangerously altering the climate itself, yet denies it?)--what verities should one hold to?
Consultative Meeting To Organize A Struggle To Oppose Land Grabbing In Karnataka
By Concerned Citizens
In order to oppose Government of Karnataka's on-going schemes of using the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) to acquire farmers' land to provide it to industry, an activists Mysore called a day-long meeting of farmers, activists, artistes, intellectuals and office bearers of various movements on January 29, 2012
The Day The Music Died
By Marisa Buchheit & Paul Buchheit
Because of cuts, schoolteachers are losing their jobs, class sizes are increasing, and school weeks have been shortened. Conservative groups call for a cut in federal funding while their chosen alternatives still rely on federal funding, or on states strapped for funds because corporate state taxes remain unpaid. It is simply not fair for us, as a nation, to deprive young students of opportunities in music and the arts
12 February, 2012
Will Occupy Spring Forward Or Meltdown?
By Shamus Cooke
Numbers matter, and Occupy has been shedding numbers for months. A major reason for this is because Occupiers have swerved drastically left, leaving the broader 99% ashore. If this trend isn't corrected soon, Occupy will resemble the pre-Occupy left: small isolated groups pursuing their own issues, disconnected from the very broader population that must be involved to actually win any significant demands
A New Declaration
By Derrick Jensen
Once we’ve recognized the destructiveness of capitalism and industrial civilization—both of which are based on systematically converting a living planet into dead commodities—we’ve no choice, unless we wish to sign our own and our children’s death warrants, but to fight for all we’re worth and in every way we can to overturn it
Planning For The Rio+20 Conference: Enter The Commons?
By David Bollier
There is a realization that it is no longer enough to denounce globalization or rail against capitalism. Realistic alternatives must be set forth. For many, it would appear that the commons can provide a useful framework and vocabulary for starting a very different conversation – one that at once addresses politics, economics, culture and our individual aspirations and energies
A German Satire On A Greek Stage
By Farooque Chowdhury
Germany is staging a satire in burning Greece. While school children there go unfed and homeless increases in number bankers punish the exhausted Republic by imposing harsh, humiliating conditions to take last cents away from the bankrupt capitalist state in Europe
Towards A Policy For Proportionate Electoral System
By Campaign for Electoral Reforms in India
More than 250 delegates from 22 States of India gathered together for two full days at the Vishwa Yuvak Kendra at the National Conference of the Campaign for Electoral Reforms In India (CERI) and have arrived at the following Statement of the Conference, after due deliberation for the consideration of the Parliament and the Government of India
11 February, 2012
Teaching Climate Change To School Children
By Eugenie Scott
Imagine you’re a middle-school science teacher, and you get to the section of the course where you’re to talk about climate change. You mention the “C” words, and two students walk out of the class. Or you mention global warming and a hand shoots up. “Mrs. Brown! My dad says global warming is a hoax!” What should you do?
Growth And Free Trade: Brain-Dead Dogmas Still Kicking Hard
By Herman Daly
There are two dogmas that neoclassical economists must never publicly doubt lest they be defrocked by their professional priesthood: first, that growth in GDP is always good and is the solution to most problems; second, that free international trade is mutually beneficial thanks to the growth-promoting principle of comparative advantage. These two cracked pillars “support” nearly all the policy advice given by mainstream economists to governments
Obama Caves In To Catholic Church, Religious Right On Contraceptives
By Kate Randall
President Obama on Friday caved in to pressure from the Catholic Church and the religious right, announcing that religiously affiliated employers would not be compelled to provide access to birth control as part of medical coverage for their women employees under his federal health care overhaul
I Ran From Iraq And Now I Rack Up Iran: A Road To Suicide
By Dan Lieberman
Americans are strangely unaware of the counter-productive polices of their government, which have placed them in physical and economic jeopardy. From the Gulf of Tonkin to the Persian Gulf, they cannot see through the haze. From Vietnam to Iran, they have walked a road to suicide
The Fate Of New Truths: Peak Oil Appears On "Nature"
By Ugo Bardi
With the publication of a prominent article on "Nature" in January 2012, the concept of "Peak Oil" has made another step forward in the debate on resource depletion. This article has made me rethink of the past ten years of work that I did as a member of ASPO, the association for the study of peak oil. Were we right with our prediction of impending peak oil? In a sense, yes, but the crystal ball is always foggy and it cannot be otherwise. The ASPO predictions were basically right but, as all predictions, they were approximate
Mainstream Media Lying Hides Corporate, US And Zionist Subversion Of Australian Democracy
By Dr Gideon Polya
Australia is one of the World's oldest democracies but is now a corporate-, US- and Zionist-perverted country in which neocon, pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist, corporatist Australian Mainstream media remorselessly censor news, reader comments and foreign perversion of Australian democracy
Sophisticated Beasts?
By Maryam Sakeenah
Joyce Carol Vincent was a successful 30 year old with an active, busy social life. Her dead body was discovered three years after she quietly died all alone in her flat while watching T.V. When it was noticed she was not paying her bills, some officials checked her flat, only to find a skeleton on the couch before the T.V, which had stayed on for three years. That is the isolation, the loneliness and the distance that exists among people in our urbanized modern lifestyle. That is the soullessness of contemporary civilization
Tied Stones And Loose Dogs
By Souzeina Mushtaq
When the education system of Jammu and Kashmir state is already on a ventilator, another death blow to it came in the form of the Examgate scandal. State’s honorable Education Minister, Peerzada Mohammed Sayeed misused his official position to help his foster son, Imam Souban clear the 10th standard examination in 2009, with the help of present chairman Board of School Education, the then deputy director academics and other four officials
UGC's Dubious Manifesto On Higher Education In The 12th Five Year Plan
By Rajesh Sharma
The University Grants Commission recently published a 129-page document titled Inclusive and Qualitative Expansion of Higher Education which spells out the Commission's vision for higher education in the country for the 12 th Five Year Plan (2012-17). This is virtually a manifesto of the neoliberal profiteering ideology, inviting its wealthy corporate adherents to come and dig their fangs and claws into the body of ‘the commons'
10 February, 2012
Pentagon Plans US-Backed War Against Syria
By Chris Marsden
The Pentagon has drawn up plans for military intervention in Syria. A military strike would be coordinated with Turkey, the Gulf States and the NATO powers, according to reports that acknowledge such plans officially for the first time. The plan is described as an “internal review” by Pentagon Central Command, to allow President Barack Obama to maintain the pretense that the White House is still seeking a diplomatic solution
Western Shenanigans Against Syria, Iran
By Dr. Ismail Salami
The volatile situation in Syria generated by the Saudi-Qatar-funded Wahhabi armed group known as the Free Syrian Army and backed by the West is now an accident waiting to happen
Targeting Iran
By Ghali Hassan
The world is witnessing the emergence of a powerful U.S.-led military force aimed at dominating the world through violence and state-sponsored terrorism. It is utmost importance to support Iran's right to self-defence and oppose any U.S.-Israel aggression
Israel Vying For War: Attacking Iran Will Not Repeat History
By Ramzy Baroud
If history ever repeats itself, it does so only when we fail to learn its important lessons. Israel might be prepared to take such chances, but why should the rest of the world?
Three GOP Presidentials Commit Crime Against Peace Under Nuremberg Principles
By Jay Janson
Mitt, Newt, Rick vow to bomb a foreign nation, a crime against peace indictable under Nuremberg Principles, which, when they was signed automatically became part of the US constitution. At Nuremberg, Nazi media personalities were indicted for promoting war. They stood alongside Nazi officials who ordered the wars and generals who executed criminal orders
The Iraqi People: Criminally Neglectedby The International Community (PDF)
By Dirk Adriaensens
Open Letter to The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights NaviPillay
Genocidal Racist Charles Dickens , Indian Holocaust And UK - US Muslim Genocide
By Dr Gideon Polya
This week the English-speaking world is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of arguably the greatest Victorian era English novelist Charles Dickens. However ignored in the celebrations will be the reality that Charles Dickens, like many of his English and British contemporaries, was a genocidal racist
Egyptian Blood And “The Silent Hand” Of Omar Suleiman
By Thomas C. Mountain
When Egyptian blood flows in the streets, whether from “Ultra” football cadre or Coptic Christian, or both together, there is the silent hand of Omar Suleiman behind it all, pulling the strings needed to create just enough murder and mayhem so as to legitimize continued military rule
A Ruling Class Alliance In An Agitating Egypt: One Year After Mubarak’s Ouster
By Farooque Chowdhury
Class collaboration between the Egyptian military junta and their neo-political allies, the Muslim Brotherhood, now confront the people standing for democracy. One year ago, the matrix of collusion was not evident to many. One year ago, the actors on the Egyptian political stage had different robes
Learning From La Venezuela
By David Swanson
Cindy Sheehan has published a book. If Venezuela makes it to the top of the list for the next U.S. war, this book will be a valuable tool for confronting the propaganda. But why wait? Our government has attempted a coup and is openly funding opposition groups. Why wait to consider what it is we're paying to try to undo?
The Cycle of Civilization
By Peter Goodchild
The main difference between ours and previous civilizations is that, from now on, the cycle of “civilization” cannot be repeated. Oil is not the only mineral that will be in short supply in the coming years
Resources And Anthropocentrism
By Guy McPherson
We see finite substances and the living planet as materials to be exploited for our comfort. We treat resources as our entitlement
Why Did Palestinian Refugees Come To Lebanon?
By Franklin Lamb
In most private and public schools in Lebanon, sensitive political subjects have long been culled from textbooks by polarized confessional watchdog committees seeking a proper education for their children. UNWRA schools are forbidden to teach Palestinian history in Lebanon or even their history in Palestine lest the US Congress cut UNWRA funding
Palestine Needs A New Struggle Strategy
An Interview with Salim Nazzal
Palestine needs its own spring. Palestinian leadership needs to review its policy following the Arab Spring. They need to think of a new struggle strategy on light of these developments
U.S Apology For Nuclear Weapons And Open Disclosure Of Nuclear Weapons By Israel And Iran
By Mary Hamer
The purpose of this paper is to request the U.S. , Israeli and Iranian Governments and Military-industrial complex officials for full, open disclosure regarding their nuclear agendas. Only with honest talk can these three countries secure a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the Middle East conflict
Strengthening U.S.-Canada Security Interests In North America And Around The Globe
By Dana Gabriel
Defense Minister Peter MacKay has also indicated that if necessary, Canada's armed forces are ready to offer assistance in Syria. More than ever, the U.S, and Canada share a more common approach to advancing security interests in not only North America, but around the globe
Elliott Abrams' Dark History In Latin America And The Struggle For Justice
By Cyril Mychalejko
Elliott Abrams, a former high level State Department official during the 1980s, testified last week that the Reagan administration knew that Argentina's military junta was systematically stealing babies from murdered and jailed democracy activists and giving them to right-wing families friendly to the regime
The Framing of Kevin Cooper, On San Quentin's Death Row
By Hans Bennett, Prison Radio
In this interview, author J. Patrick O'Connor discusses his newly released book Scapegoat: The Chino Hills Murders and The Framing of Kevin Cooper , explaining why he is convinced of Kevin Cooper's innocence. O'Connor asserts that the police and prosecution orchestrated an obvious frame-up that continues to be upheld by federal appeals courts, albeit with the blatantly unfair rulings by US District Court Judge Marilyn Huff blocking critical forensics tests that had been ordered by the US Ninth Circuit Court in 2004
Trial And Terror Of The Gujarat Pogrom Verdict
By Farzana Versey
Will the Modi government and the honourable Supreme Court order a probe, for the report does mention that people were burnt alive? How did it happen? Or did it not happen? Did Gulberg Society just disappear? There has to be other “prosecutable evidence”. Whose job is it to find out – the victims, the NGOs or the intelligence agencies?
American Model Of Electoral System Detrimental For Democracy In India
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
India suffers from democratic deficit and true representation of its marginalized and minorities and an American model imitation would be suicidal for the very health of democracy with unfettering invisible powers in the hands of crony capitalists will only prove detrimental for the idea of India which stand for social justice and democratic values
Sri Lanka : The Agony Of Political Lies
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
What we are seeing today in Sri Lanka in terms of the institutional setup is the result of the cynical manipulation by the President and the members of his family. Indeed, they may be attempting to change the entire history of the Nation. Their attitude is simple. If you kneel before us then you are a patriot of the Nation; if you do not you are traitor
US Congressional Hearing On Balochistan
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
The subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing on Wednesday (2/8/2012) to discuss the target killings and human rights situation in Balochistan and termed it a matter requiring urgent attention
Kashmir: Forgive And Forget
By Burhan Majid
Ever since the third generation Abdullah rose to throne as the State’s Chief Minister, he continues to bat for the setting up of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission(TRC) which, he believes, would help to find out the truth behind the widespread atrocities perpetrated, by the Government forces, in the State of Jammu and Kashmir
Gita: Not A Religious Book?
By Ram Puniyani
The Madhya Pradesh High court has ruled that “Gita is essentially a book on Indian philosophy, not book on Indian religion”. This judgment gave a sanction on the decision of M.P. Government to continue with the teaching of Gita Sar (Essence of Gita) in the MP schools
Shahid Lives, Shahids' Never Die
By Subhash Gatade
In one of his last interview Shahid Azmi told the correspondent how he grew up seeing the police barge in night and day in their slum, terrorising and kidnapping people,which bred in him a hatred — nafrat — for the police. It was noteworthy that he gave a positive direction to this hatred and went down fighting for the people
Home Ministry, UIDAI Misleading State Govts And Citizens
By Gopal Krishna
State Govts pretend ignorance about Parliamentary Report rejecting central Govt's UID/Aadhaar
India's Affirmative Action Politics As Seen Through Tamil Nadu's Specious Quota Law (PDF)
By P Radhakrishnan
The report ‘Justification of Reservation under the Tamil Nadu Act 45 of 1994 on Quantifiable Data’ by the Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission, headed by retired high court judge, M S Janarthanam is fraudulent and farcical
07 February, 2012
US And Israel In “Lockstep” Against Iran
By Peter Symonds
The danger of a US/Israeli attack on Iran was made clear in comments by US President Barack Obama to NBC News on Sunday. Obama not only repeated the mantra that “all options are on the table,” but added that the US was working with Israel “in lockstep as we proceed to try to solve this, hopefully diplomatically.”
06 February, 2012
After Russia’s UN Veto, US Talks Of “Coalition Of The Willing” Against Syria
By Jean Shaoul & Chris Marsden
The veto by Russia and China of a United Nations Security Council resolution will not halt ongoing preparations for Western-backed intervention against Syria. The discussion on the resolution was a political manoeuvre from the outset, designed either to force Moscow and Beijing into agreeing to a UN cover for a Libya-style operation against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, or justify a predetermined alternative route to regime-change
Exposed: The Arab Agenda In Syria
By Pepe Escobar
There won't be another Libya-style no fly zone; after all the Assad regime is not exactly deploying Migs against civilians. Washington, Ankara, and the House of Saud-Doha duo - has a different long-term geopolitical agenda. Not to mention crucial Syrian neighbor and trading partner Iraq; Baghdad is on the record against any regime change scheme
Occupying Corporations:
How To Cut Corporate Power
By Bill Quigley
Massive corporations now rule the earth. But they are recent arrivals which can and should be dispatched. It is time for people to again take control. The legal fiction of corporate personhood and the constitutional rights taken by corporations must cease. Join the efforts to cut them down to size and restore the right of the people to govern
Is There Such A Thing As Ethical Capitalism?
By Kerry-anne Mendoza
In response to a growing realisation that neo-liberal capitalism is morally and literally bankrupt, Britain’s political leadership have provided three visions of ethical capitalism for us to aspire to. So, is there such a thing as ethical capitalism? And why is this question being asked now?
Beyond The Bubble Economy
By David Korten
We've finally learned that a growing financial sector isn't the same thing as actual economic improvement. So how can we stimulate the real economy?
Yet Another War For Israel
By William A. Cook
Given Israel's threat to attack Iran sometime in the next three months, it seems appropriate to question why the nations of the world at the UN should not immediately intervene and stop this rogue state, that creates havoc with impunity because it controls the U.S., by forcing the U.S. aside. This piece approaches this issue by providing a litany of reasons why this action is needed now
If You Want To Fight Cancer, Turn Those
Pink Ribbons Green
By Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez
If you really want to make a difference in the war against cancer, forget about those ridiculous pink ribbons. Use the power of your wallet and your ballot to insist that the government step up and do its job in regulating the industrial agriculture sector
Don't Stay Silent About Our Climate Change Crime
By Bill Henderson
Seven to ten billion people are at risk of premature death in this hell on Earth we are creating with the unintended side effects of our present use of an extremely beneficial source of energy
The Psychology Of Systemic Collapse
By Peter Goodchild
What might be called "the Pollyanna Principle" is the belief that "everything will turn out all right in the end." It might also be called "the Doll's House Principle," with reference to Ibsen's play. But closing our eyes to the grim reality does not change the facts
Behind The Scenes: The Secret
NATO Report on Afghanistan
By Thomas Riggins
We are spending 2 billion dollars a week to support the war against the Taliban and both our "ally" Pakistan and the Afghan government we set up and are "defending" are on the side of the Taliban. General Petraeus retired just in time. If he runs the CIA as well he did the war in Afghanistan the decline of US imperialism will be well underway
Electoral Mandate, Fake Encounters
And Rule of Law
By R. B. Sreekumar
The Apex Court order (25th Jan, 2012) entrusting enquiry to a retired Supreme Court judge, Justice M. B. Shah, of all 21 extra judicial killings by Gujarat Police from October 2002 to December 2006, is welcomed by all law abiding citizens. This has confirmed that the Modi Government has unabashedly subverted the Criminal Justice System, to delay and deny Justice to riot victims and carry out its false propaganda of high voltage threat from militants to Narendra Modi and Sangh Parivar leaders
SC/STs And The State
In The Indian Constitution (PDF)
By Anand Teltumbde
62nd Republic Day Special Lecture at Dr BR Ambedkar Research and Extension Center, University of Mysore, Manasgangotri, Mysore
Sri Lanka : Illusion of Freedom
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
The cruelty of abusing power has now reached a peak after the introduced of the 18 th Amendment to the Constitution by President Mahinda Rajapaksha, which allowed him to stay in power indefinitely and murdered the possibility for any balance of power while buying legislators from the opposition
02 February, 2012
Toward An Economy Of Earth
By Guy R. McPherson
We need to develop a new economy because the current version is not working. The industrial economy is destroying every aspect of the living planet. And, as it turns out, we need a living planet for our own survival
Danish Journalist Tom Heinemann
Denied Visa To India
By Neha Dixit
Tom Heinemann, award winning documentary film maker from Denmark has been denied a visa by the Indian Embassy in Copenhagen. . The reason: In 2005 he made the film "A Killer Bargain” on the working conditions at i.e. Danish companies in India
The Fallacy Of The Tragedy Of The Commons
By Marq de Villiers
If the various natural systems of the earth, especially the air, the water, the land and its minerals, and the complex life systems they sustain, are indeed “the commons,” how do we guard against the “tragedy of the commons?” If no one owns the resource and anyone can use it, how do we protect it from depletion?
The Peak Oil Crisis: Election 2012
By Tom Whipple
Although it is likely that the President and his Secretary of Energy understand that a decline in world oil production is not far away, it is simply not a topic to be raised prior to an election as the political risk is simply too great. Someday, likely within the next decade, the US and the rest of world's governments will have to acknowledge there is a problem here
The Hydrogen Dream
By Luis de Sousa
Cesare Marchetti proposed hydrogen (H2) as a large-scale energy vector almost fifty years ago. The main concern then was to find a simple way to feed transport systems with what seemed to be a fountain of energy about to come from the expanding nuclear park. The nuclear dream is largely gone, but hydrogen lives on. Is this dream about to come true as a piece in the transition puzzle to a post-fossil fuel world?
Nuclear Fusion
By Tom Murphy
Our energy future is highly uncertain. Commercial fusion may come along decades down the road—mid-century at the earliest—but even then it is yet another source of heat that we can use to make electricity. Another step (mobile storage) must accompany fusion development to replace petroleum functions, and even then at significant disadvantage in energy density using current technologies. So yeah—I hope it helps us out one day. But I’m not sure we can wait that long
Malvinas in Britain’s Imperialist Claws
By Dr. Ismail Salami
The simmering tensions over the Malvinas Islands or Falkland Islands (off the coast of Argentina in the South Atlantic) as called by the British occupiers have become a matter of great concern as the UK decided to deploy destroyer HMS Dauntless to the islands
Prophetic Politics: Charting A Healthy Role For
Religion In Public Life
By Robert Jensen
A review of Walter Brueggemann, The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipatory Word
The West Versus Iran
By Jahanzeb Hussain
What are the odds that the US will accept Iran as a free country? That depends not on the American government but on its own people, as well as the people of the Middle East. On its own, the US will not cease to be an empire. One has to look at the Arab Spring and the Occupiers at Wall Street because hope comes from what they are trying to achieve
Sonoma County Daily Attacks Occupy Movement
By Shepherd Bliss
The Sonoma County daily’s Press Democrat Feb. 1 editorial “Occupy Movement in Ashes” is wishful thinking. Our phoenix will rise during this month. You wait. You watch. You see
Jungal Mahal And Recent 'Peace' Efforts
By Dipankar Chakrabarti
The Maoists must take into cognizance the ground reality. They should ponder over the desertion of other anti-CPI(M) forces from their side as well as large number of their cadres and sympathisers . They also need to be circumspect about their gradual isolation from the civil society and the common people in the wake of their excessive dependence on armed action and autocratic control over the mass organisations
Thane Cyclone: An Indication For
Re-visioning Disaster Management
By Rajkumar
It is time that our disaster management efforts needs a radical revamping in integrating concerns and direction in preventing potential damages caused to sustainable livelihood models of the communities which are not easily understood and left un-noticed
Take It or Leave It: Hunger or NFSA?
By Sachin Kumar Jain
The National Food Security Bill, in its present form, is not adequately endowed with a vision to address the very structural causes of Food and Nutritional Insecurity in India
02 February, 2012
US, RussiaClash Over Washington’s
War Drive Against Syria
By Chris Marsden
The United States, France, Britain and the Arab League are pressing for the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution on Syria, while denying that it is intended to pave the way for Western military intervention. Debate over the Arab League resolution has stalled, with Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council, expected to veto it. Last night, diplomats at the UN leaving negotiations for the night said that “key differences” remained between the different countries
The Commonwealth Of Nations -
The Squalor In Some Member Countries
By George Venturini
This third and last part was originally titled ‘The poverty of countries’. It was clearly too broad and unspecific; broad in that what follows relates mainly to two Commonwealth countries, with some consideration about the United States because from there came that greedy, testosterone driven, male dominated, recent episode of American-born corporate criminality which is euphemistically called ‘the global financial crisis’; unspecific because the word ‘poverty’ is variously defined but does not include consideration of filth and misery, which seem to be the two constituent elements of squalor - even of an immaterial kind."
A Journey To The End Of Empire
By Phil Rockstroh
A Journey To The End Of Empire: It is always darkest right before it goes completely black
A Response To "Angry About Inequality?
Don't Blame The Rich"
By Paul Buchheit
Not an angry response, though. 'Amused' is probably more accurate, since a little research shows that James Q. Wilson's article "Angry About Inequality? Don't Blame The Rich" is filled with the tired old defense mechanisms of people eager to justify a 30-year transfer of wealth to the rich
Anti-Semitism And Israel’s
Inherent Contradictions
By Ramzy Baroud
How could anti-racist endeavors themselves become the subject of accusation by Halili and others like him
No Matter Who Wins, Americans Lose
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Why am I so sick of all the media attention to the Republican presidential primaries and all the blabbering about President Obama’s advantages and disadvantages for the coming election? I just cannot get excited. My answer may also be yours: No matter who wins, our nation loses
The Italian Movement For Boycott, Divestment
And Sanctions (BDS) Against Israel Gains Strength
By Stephanie Westbrook
Over the weekend of January 21-22, the third national meeting of the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel was held in Bologna, Italy. Roughly 80 activists from over 20 Italian cities representing groups, associations and political parties throughout Italy participated
The Importance Of Being Leader Of
The Opposition To Obiang Nguema
By Agustin Velloso
A trivial comedy for serious politicians set in Equatorial Guinea
Tea Labourers Dying Of Hunger In Assam
By Barak Human Rights Protection Committee
Barak Human Rights Protection Committee (BHRPC) has learnt about 11 recent deaths due to starvation, malnutrition and lack of medical care in Bhuvan Valley Tea Estate, a privately owned tea garden, in the district of Cachar in North-East Indian state ofAssam. The conditions of at least 5 others are so bad that it would be hard for them to survive a month without urgent medical and nutritional intervention
FDI In Retail: Danger Signal
For The Indian Economy
By Sachin Kumar Jain
Indian society is at the mercy of the market today. Multinational companies are being given ownership rights to our resources and the people are being viewed as nothing better than captive consumers. That’s the hidden implications of the policy reforms we are witnessing today
On Course Correction: Why BJP Secretly Hates
OBC Reservation
By Samar
The writing is on the wall. You can delay this process of course correction but you cannot stop it. No one can, not even those who started it in the first place. The people are on the rise and they cannot be tricked anymore
Joint Statement On Brutal Corporate Attack
On Peaceful Protesters In Odisha
By Concerned Citizens
We are extremely shocked and distressed over the barbaric inhuman violence on peaceful protesters especially woman by the security guards and hired goons of Jindal steel plant in Angul, Odisha
Where Did All Of These Go?
By Gagan Rism
Gabbar's ‘Aak-thoo' is thing of past. And so is Om Prakash's whiny ‘aa haaan haaaan…' before delivering a dialogue and Utpal Dutt's ‘eeeeshhhh……'. Neither are seen anymore the miserly, cunning old Sahukars in our pastoral romances, nor the picnic-songs in the picturesque valley of Kashmir . At times, it leaves one wonder – where did all of these go?
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