Hyderabad Bomb Blast Investigations
By Adv. Irfan Engineer
31 May, 2007
in Malegaon and now in Hyderabad, the blame for the recent bomb blasts
is being laid on the doorstep of "Islamic terrorists" like
Jaish-E-Mohammed. One ends up asking the question, what could be the
aim of the "Islamic terrorists" in carrying out bomb blasts
in mosques. Would terrorists supposedly inspired by Islam plant bombs
in Mosques which is house of Allah? Do they deserve the label of "Islamic
Terrorists" even if they bomb mosques, even if the persons involved
in the reprehensible act are Muslims? For, media does not use the word
"Hindu terrorists" for LTTE combatants and ULFA and naxalite
cadres carrying out similar acts, just because their religion happens
to be Hinduism.
It is being suggested by
the authorities that are looking into the bombings that the real purpose
of "Islamic Terrorists" is to provoke communal riots. If after
planting bombs in mosques in Malegaon and Hyderabad, the "Islamic
Terrorists" could not provoke communal riots, they must be either
naïve or running out of options to tread the same path again and
again to see yet another failure in achieving their objective of communal
riots. The "Islamic Terrorists" risk demoralizing their cadres
by their consistent failure in creating riots. If provoking communal
riots is the objective of "Islamic Terrorists" then they could
do better by studying Reports of Enquiry Commissions appointed by various
governments like, Raghubar Dayal Commission (Ranchi-Hatia, 1967), Jagmohan
Reddy Commission (Ahmdabad 1969), Madan Commission (Bhiwandi, Jalgaon
and Madad, 1970), Krishna Rao Commission (Hyderabad, 1984), Ramanand
Prasad Commission, (Bhagalpur, 1989) Srikrishna Commission (Mumbai 1992-93),
and scores of other reports which have brought to the fore that those
riots were not accidents but well planned and executed and it required
days, if not months of continuous and sustained provocative and divisive
speeches and publication of communal propaganda and collection of arms
and ammunitions. Then a spark like throwing stone on a religious procession,
hitting a cow, teasing a lady from other community or a secret marriage
between a Muslim boy and a Hindu girl or some such triggering event
can be used. Then rumour mongering like "the milk in the city is
poisoned" or "drinking water has been poisoned" or "a
huge mob of the "rival" community is approaching to attack"
or that "women have been raped and murdered by the "rival"
community". These rumours enhance the threat perception of an ordinary
citizen and mobilizes him / her and even leads them to attack "rivals".
With India having "experience" of scores of communal riots
in which thousands have been killed, the "Islamic Terrorists"
might be fools not to learn how to spark a communal riots or to try
a different path which is proving futile.
Reality is that the politicians
who blame the blasts in mosques on "Islamic Terrorists" sound
less convincing. If use of RDX or improvised explosive devices are available
to Jaish-e-Mohammed or organizations of their ilk, why should it not
be available to anybody else having sufficient purchasing power? No
weapon is monopoly of only one terrorist organization. The politicians
even before visiting the site of the bomb blast have their statement
of allegation on this or that organization ready. They may be advertently
or inadvertently narrowing down options for the investigation agencies
and may be allowing the real culprit to not only escape but also feel
A fact finding team of reputed
and credible organizations in Hyderabad visited the site of the blast
two days after the blast and talked to scores of victims and their relatives
in the hospitals. The team members included Bojja Tharakam (State President,
Republican Party Of India), Lateef Mohd Khan G. Secreatery, Civil Liberties
Monitoring Committee, Varvara Rao, Revolutionary Writer's Association,
D. Suresh Kumar Secretary, APCLC, and others. According to the team,
the medical officer of Asra Hospital who treated the injured found some
nails, door hinges, and briefcase handle from the bodies of the injured.
This establishes that the bomb used in the blast was a crude one that
does not require much expertise. The injuries received during the blast
and the foreign objects recovered from the bodies of the injured do
not establish any connection with either RDX or TNT. The naming of the
two Islamic organizations as responsible for the blast without much
evidence reveals the mind of the investigating agency either to mislead
the public by identifying the probable accused and the organizations
without sufficient evidence shows the attempt of the police to close
all other areas of suspicion. The fact finding team was of the opinion
that the bomb blast at Mecca Masjid while the Friday prayers were going
on were aimed at terrorizing Muslims. According to the Team, five, not
eleven died in the bomb blast.
In the police firing that
followed one hour after the blast on the people who had come to find
out about their loved ones, nine people died. Firing to kill people
who have come to find out about their loved one is shocking brutality
by police. More people died in the police firing than in the bomb blasts!!
If the objective of the blast was to terrorize Muslims, that seems to
have been achieved better by police firing!! The Team concludes that
the firing was unprovoked and on people who were helping the victims.
There was no warning or use of rubber bullets. Why the Muslims needed
to be terrorized? Was it to silence them over the co-operation extended
by the Andhra Police to the Gujarat Police in apprehending Sohrabuddin
who was later killed by Vanzara and his team claiming him to be Jaish-e-Mohammed
terrorist? Is calling Sohrabuddin a Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist before
killing him and laying the responsibility of the bomb blast on the same
Jaish-e-Mohammed a mere coincidence? These questions will be answered
in times to come. But for the truth to be unraveled, there needs to
be a thorough and impartial CBI Inquiry which examines all possible
theories and marshals thorough evidence to prove the guilt of the accused.
For we must know the truth to be able to stop bomb blasts.
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